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hi everyone and welcome to today's video today as you can see from the title I'm going over my how to conceal dark circles routine I figured it was time to post a new like updated version of this because the last time that I posted something like this was two years ago so it's been a while the way that I do things has changed and so yeah I figured that instead of answering questions individually because I do get a lot of questions as far as what tools do I use a what concealers do I recommend setting powders all that good stuff correctors um instead of doing that and answering every one individually that I could put it all in one video and that way everybody has the updated information all in one spot so let's get started now the one thing that has definitely changed from a couple of years ago is that I've added eye masks to my skincare routine so I don't use them every day but I use eye masks like at least two to three times a week I also have been rotating through different eye serums and different eye creams which is why I'm not really including them in this video since they're constantly changing but if you want information on what I'm currently using like what is in my skincare routine as of right now I will list that in the description box below in case you're curious I feel like it has made a difference focusing more so on the skincare portion and not so much I mean still focusing on the makeup portion but focusing on skincare as well which is not something that I was really 100% doing before um so I've started doing that I feel like it has made a difference it's made a difference in diminishing lines also brightening up the either the under-eye area a little bit I have noticed that as well I've been trying my best to keep you all updated as far as what I'm using on my skin over on instagram so if you haven't followed me over there already make sure that you do because I just find it a lot easier to keep you all up to date like on a regular basis as my products are changing I do it through insta stories so if you haven't followed me make sure that you do and then that way if you have any questions as far as what my current skincare routine is at the moment in the future I can get back to you as through there so we're going to start off with a corrector if you have dark circles like me then chances are that you are going to need a corrector underneath your concealer in order to get the most out of your concealer because if you don't use a corrector then you're probably going to have to use multiple layers of whatever concealer you prefer and that is going to not only appear cakey like it's going to definitely settle into fine lines and move around on you perhaps it's just better less is more is what I've learned over the years is that less is more for me personally I still really love my Becca corrector I'm also using this other corrector from Bobbi Brown this is in the shade of peach they kind of looked the same they're pretty similar that's what this one looks like this Becca corrector here the shade that I love to use is medium to deep I was using the light to medium option but that's because they didn't have the medium to deep yet so I was using this one right here but it's just too light it wasn't correcting as much as I would have liked so once they launched the medium to deep shade this is the one that I've been using since then like I said I also use this one this one's really good as well I just recently discovered the arm hue sticks from live attented this is what they look like right here I like to use the shade at perk this is really really natural very very light on the skin so whenever you are correcting you don't even really notice that you have much on however out of all the corrupters I still prefer my Becca on your eye out brightening corrector I'm just pretty dry underneath the eyes and I feel like this does the best job at keeping the under eye hydrated without making it appear like too heavy or without moving my concealer around so it does a really good job of staying put correcting and hydrating so I usually apply a little bit of this with my ring finger and right away you can already see how much it's cancelling out the darkness underneath my eyes and I just use a light layer of corrector I don't go too heavy with this because it is a thick formula if I go too heavy we'll settle into my fine lines which I don't want so just applying a nice light thin layer so now that the color corrector is down is time for foundation I get asked whether or not I apply foundation underneath my eyes personally no I don't I try my best to just kind of go around it sometimes I will get foundation here along like the outer part of the under eye area darkness which is fine but I try to lessen the layers of a product that I apply underneath the eyes it just helps keep things to a minimum and it helps it helps keep things from looking like too much looking cakey settling into fine lines that kind of thing so I'm just gonna apply foundation to the entire face and I'll be right back alright so now that foundation is on it is time for concealer now if you're looking to completely conceal the under eye area of any darkness then you're gonna want to choose a shade that is closest to your actual complexion like closest to your foundation shade because if you choose a shade that is too light for you I know that a lot of people like to use lighter concealers underneath the eyes in order to highlight it just kind of bring that part of the part of the face forward which is great I love the look of that on a lot of different people a lot of different faces like it looks beautiful however if you're trying to conceal the under eye darkness you don't want to choose concealers like that because all that's gonna do is give you this gray cast underneath the eyes and it's gonna do the opposite of what you wanted to do so you're wanting till I can seal hide the darkness it's only gonna make it more obvious than it look gray it's not gonna look pretty so that's one thing that I've learned over the years is to choose a concealer shade that's just closest to my complexion personally right now I am in love with this Pat McGrath concealer it's one of the best concealers I've ever ever tried ever tried and I'm 34 so I've tried a lot of concealers this is such a beautiful concealer the finish just the amount of coverage that it delivers with such little amount of product as you'll see another concealer that's really good is this one right here this one's from hourglass concealer this one's in the shade at beach which is the only the shade is the only reason why I don't reach for this one as much as this one this shade is a little bit more neutral than this one that's a little bit more peachy yellow so as you can see here this one right here this one's the hourglass shade in Beach and this one here is the Pat McGrath shade and LM 11 I prefer that over this under my under-eye area just because it does have that peachy undertone and it helps with the under eye darkness so that's why I prefer this shade underneath my eyes so what I do with this concealer is like I said you don't need a lot and that's what I love about it so I just apply one dot here to the inner corner that's one thing that I wasn't doing before is concealing the inner corner of my eye that part does get dark especially for us gals who have dark circles it is dark you do want to brighten it up it's going to lessen the darkness overall underneath the eyes then I apply another dot right here another one right here and then one out here the darkness underneath my eyes is more concentrated here along the inner corner then out here so that's why I do the majority of the product right here and then just one dot out here alright next comes up blending and now I used to use a Beauty Blender in order to blend out my concealer underneath the eyes but now I use this little tool right here this is the deluxe a crease brush from Real Techniques it's an eye duo it comes in like a set of two instead of using it for the eyes I use it underneath the eyes it has made such a difference I don't use as much product because I am using this nice light fluffy brush that spreads around the product quite evenly and it is very dense so it's not gonna absorb a lot of the product and therefore you won't have to use as much so just start by stippling the concealer and I start out and work my way up I try to avoid putting too much concealer right along where my fine lines are because then the product will collect in those fine lines but you don't really need the concealer to go all the way to the bottom of the under eye area that's what I was having to do or that's what I was doing before it's just taking the concealer and swiping it to where it would be right underneath my lash line when we don't really need to do that because we need to concentrate the product where the darkness is which is right here along it like the outer parts I also feel like I have more control with this little brush than i did with my makeup sponges which is why i prefer it now all right so now that the concealer is on and i blended it out it is time to set it in place because you don't want it to move around in any way you want to lock everything where it is now I have two different powders that I use this one right here this is the RC amino color powder I really like it I've been using it for a really really long time but what I've been using lately is the Pat McGrath labs the blurring under-eye powder I use this with pretty much every single concealer that I used right now because for one I have it and for two I actually really like it this one's in the shade at medium I really like it because it does lock everything in place without making it look dry that's the number one thing that I'm looking for whenever I am at choosing setting powders especially for the under eye area so I just grab a little bit of this with my tapered highlighter a brush this is the f-35 I find it to be the perfect shape for the under eye area so just grab a little bit of this I don't swirl the brush around it's not what I'm trying to do I'm not trying to pack the powder underneath the eye but I am trying to grab just a little bit I just tap it in order to leave me with a nice thin layer and then I use that and press it press it I don't drag it back and forth I press it on it to the under-eye area so that we don't disturb well we've just blended out underneath grab a little more and press it so now that I'm all done with the under eye area I'm going to zoom you in so that you all can see exactly what this looks like up close because even though certain things look really nice from far away once you have them in your face you're like it's not the same right so I want to show you guys exactly what this looks like up close and personal all right so here it is as you can see everything is concealed nothing looks heavy nothing looks excessively dry I really really like the way it looks alright so that completes it that is how I have been concealing at the under eye area and I feel like this definitely works for me and concealing the under eye darkness I really hope that you all were able to take some of the things that I mentioned today some of the products that I listed some of the things that I had to say I really hope that that helps you and incorporating those things into your makeup routine so that perhaps it helps you with your under-eye darkness thank you all so much for watching I truly hope that you enjoyed this video and that you found it helpful don't forget to subscribe to my channel so that you don't miss out on future videos and also don't forget to follow me on Instagram where I absolutely love to interact with you all as always that take care and I will see you all in my next video nu-uh right [Music]
Channel: All Beauty By Sarah
Views: 280,967
Rating: 4.9114652 out of 5
Keywords: how to conceal, how to conceal dark circles, conceal dark circles, how to conceal under eye darkness, how to conceal dark circles under eyes, completely conceal dark circles, completely conceal, hispanic, beauty blogger, Mexican
Id: AAz03Mketp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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