Explanation of the Beautiful Names Of Allah - (Part 3) "Ar Rahman - Ar Raheem" by Muhammad Tim

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you bismillah r-rahman r-rahim al-hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen most fodder - wa sallam ala ad-din he wore a Sulha nabi'ina muhammad in wada early he was like me and mine and my back so I'd like to start by welcoming all of you to another in our series of the beautiful names of Allah and as you know or maybe as most of you know perhaps some of you are coming new to this series in each week we are covering some of the names of Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala at the beginning perhaps it will be a little bit slower than normal because we are covering in more detail and then as we get forward perhaps you'll cover more names in the week and so in this bi-monthly class happens twice a month on the first and the third week of every month we cover some of the names of allah and their meanings and how to implement them in our lives and today is an amazing topic for us to deal with and an amazing two names from the names of allah subhana wa ta'ala that we need to address and we need to understand and that is the two names ar-rahman and ar-rahim and really these are two of the greatest names of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala and the most oft-repeated names in the Quran and they are among the names that are repeated many many many times in the Quran from this is the statement of Allah so agile man or either out she Stella the most merciful ar-rahman has risen over the throne and the statement of Allah so agile semester our our than our shirahama then he rolls over the throne of roschmann and the statement of allah so agile in me our car for a year moussaka either boom Meena Rahman indeed I fear that you will be affected by a punishment from ar-rahman from the most merciful and the steamin of a light shower gel or obese MRRT well a new AMA being a home of Rahman Lord of the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them of Rahman and the statement of allah azza wajal ar-rahman and lemon quran as for the name of rahim and we're gonna cover the meanings in a very short while but as for this name r-rahim then mostly it comes in one of two different ways either it is restricted to a particular meaning that it is mentioned with regard to a specific group or category of people such as the statement of Allah Azza WA JAL who can be removed meaning or AHIMA and he is ever towards the believers merciful or it comes attached to the name ar-rahman like in surah - 30 ha unlike in the best mother unlike when it comes attached to other names such as the statement of Alliance origin Aziza Rahim while her for Rahim Alvaro Rahim or tell web Rahim and I want to add to this principle that I haven't told you about yet but I'd alluded to it in our very first lesson and I just want to really emphasize it to you do you remember in our very first lesson one of the principles we covered is we said all of the names of Allah at the pinnacle of perfection they are the best of the best like they say by LaVon Marylhurst knee higher - they have reached the pinnacle of perfection and beauty that's why we call them the beautiful names of Allah the perfect names of Allah that's true for each individual name so ar-rahman in itself is the peak of beauty and perfection in mercy and our Rahim is the peak and beauty of perfection in mercy in a different ways we're going to cover analyses is the peak and mercy of perfection is the peak of perfection and the pinnacle of perfection and the height of beauty in Asia in his might and his strength and his power and his honor an alpha 4 is the peak and the top the best of perfection in all mafia in forgiveness and Alvaro and likewise Hector well but there is another kind of perfection with regard to the names of Allah that we haven't yet covered and that is what we call affection when two names are joined together so when these two names are joined together each individual name is perfect and then there is a perfection on top of the perfection that comes from the individual names like a larger said Northern Allen or light upon light perfection upon perfection there is perfection in each name is perfect and the joining of those two names together is perfect and I will give you an example so that I can illustrate this principle allah subhanho wa taala very frequently in the quran mentions that he is a large cheese and hacking we haven't covered those two names and will cover them in another session in sha allah but let's just understand the principle allah aziz comes from eliza comes from might and comes from strength and power now if you think about this relating to a human being well healer in metal Allah to Allah belongs the highest example if you think about is relating to a human being you think of a king you think of you know someone of great status and power and might and you even maybe think of them as being a bit tyrannical a bit kind of you know like a bull in a china shop and you know this strength and power they ruin people and they crush people and they destroy people and then you think about al Hakim as it relates to a human being wise what do you think of a wise human being an old man probably with a white beard very weak very you know unable to defend himself but he has a lot of wisdom Allah Azza WA JAL Lisa chemically he she there is nothing like him I will allow he'll methylone Allah - Allah belongs the best example but understand this when Allah mentions al-aziz will hug him he is sending you a message the message he's sending you is not only is his ASA his might absolutely perfect not only is his hikmah absolutely perfect his wisdom perfect but his might is used with wisdom and his wisdom is backed up with might unlike a human being when you think of them having might you think of them behaving like a tyrant and when you think of them having wisdom you think of them being very soft and very weak and very frail but Allah Azza WA JAL is perfect in his wisdom and perfect in his might he exercises his might with wisdom and he powers his for he backs up his wisdom with might and that is the benefit of joining these two names together so I want you guys to think whenever we come across any of the names of Allah that come together don't just think about each name all right man all right but why did Allah Azza WA JAL include ar-rahman and ar-rahim in the same joining phrase in the same ayah or the same sentence the same point together why did allah azzawajal include those two in the same place there is a benefit in both each individual name has a study and the benefit of joining the names together has passed early and just to give you the significance of these two names ar-rahman ar-rahim it's enough for you to realize that Allah so agile began every single surah of the Quran with the exception of surah tauba tauba with the words bismillahi r-rahman r-rahim mentioning three names of Allah Allah alright man alright and we should understand what the bar means when we say bismillah so we understand what the meaning here is the scholars of FC they say the bar here is barrel is the ARMA it is the bell of seeking help so you are saying oh Allah I seek your help oh Allah oh man Oh r-rahim in what I am doing and there is Ferran Mikado there is a verb that is understood from the sentence that is whatever you are about to do for example bismillahi r-rahmani r-rahim a true al Quran in the name of Allah the most merciful the Pistor of mercy I recite the Quran and the reason this verb is not mentioned at the end of the sentence is to make the best male universal for every need so you don't have to memorize bismillah a true bismillah Alka bismillah he occur with Allah aramis Malaya or Sully basement you don't have to memorize all of these things it is automatically filled in for you that whatever you are about to begin when you say bismillahi r-rahmani r-rahim you are seeking the help of allah ar-rahman ar-rahim to fulfil your task and your aim we should also note we are talking about the best manner even though this is on a side topic but it's worth noting that there are times when you should say bismillah there are times when you should say bismillah r-rahman r-rahim bismillahi r-rahmani r-rahim is primarily when you are reciting the Quran as for elsewhere and it's not Universal but as for generally elsewhere then you restrict yourself to be similar for example eating we sometimes see some brothers when they eat they say bismillah ar-rahman ar-rahim and this is not the best rail is not correct the correct way of doing things they should say bismillah they should suffice themselves with the Sunnah but in any case here in and we begin every single chapter of the Quran and every recitation of the Quran with the exception of Surat al bara so - Toba with bismillahi r-rahmani r-rahim and bismillahi r-rahmani r-rahim is a part of the ayat of the Quran and there is no disagreement in this because of the statement in who min sulayman wa innahu bismillahi r-rahmani r-rahim this came from sulayman and indeed it came to us written at the beginning in the name of Allah the most merciful with historic mercy and the scholars differed over whether bismillahi r-rahmani r-rahim is the first ayah in surat al fatiha or whether it is an introduction to the surah and as you guys know in the most half of house on our sim it is the first ayah of surah fatiha and in some of the other clear art in the autumn Asahi's it is an introduction to the surah and they split the last ayah into two in any case this is part of the importance of bismillah r-rahman r-rahim when jibreel would descend to the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom with revelation he would descend beginning bismillahirrahmanirrahim and generally when we begin our recital of the Quran we begin with bismillah ar-rahman ar-rahim and there is some fairness that I'm not going to go into what if you start in the middle of the surah or what if you resume your recitation but in general we begin our recitation with bismillah ar-rahman ar-rahim and this is just some of the points of importance with regard to just how important these two names are and how frequently they are mentioned in the Quran so I want to come now to the principles we've covered every name is backed up by an ox buuuut so what is the attribute that comes or that is related to a rock man and the attribute related to ar-rahim they both come from the attribute of a Rama mercy but clearly there is a difference between the two because there are no synonyms I mean it's not like it's not like Allah says ar-rahman ar-rahim on he says ar-rahman ar-rahim so there is a difference between ar-rahman and there is a difference between our hang but the origin the attribute of origin is mercy but one is speaking about mercy in a particular way and one is speaking about mercy in another way and the scholars differed over the difference between the two and I'm gonna give you two opinions and I'll tell you which one is the stronger of the two the first opinion is that our Rahman refers to the general mercy that Allah has for all of his creation and that al Rahim refers to the special mercy that Allah reserves for the believers on the day of judgement so everyone understand this ar-rahman according to this first opinion refers to the general mercy of Allah that has mercy act cool a shape that has encompassed everything and ar-rahim the special mercy which Allah Azza WA JAL has reserved for the believers Yama Yama and in this regard there is a Hadees an important Hadees that Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala says or an important hadith in which the Prophet SAW seldom says about Allah indeed Allah has 100 mercies or 100 parts of his mercy and he has sent down to this dunya only one piece of that only one hundreds of that mercy between the jinn and the men the animals and the beasts I mean this 100th of the mercy of Allah has been sent down to this dunya for everyone it's not a hundredth to the gene and a hundredth to the men and a hundredths to the animal a hundredth between all of us between all of Allah's creation on this earth because of this mercy they have mercy on one another or because of this mercy there is kindness between them and because of this mercy they have mercy on one another and because of this the horned animal or not the whole animal dot the hoofed animal lifts its foot from its child mark so it does not trample it the animal lifts its foot permits its child its offspring so that it does not trampling and Allah has kept aside 99 mercies by which he will have mercy upon his slaves on the day of judgement and this hadith smote upon a lathe Delma Hari a Muslim so some of the scholars took this hadith to be the explanation of the difference between Rahman and aright so they said that this hadith is the difference between the two meaning ar-rahman refers to this the one who has sent down this one hundredth of mercy by which it is general for everything that his mercy warahmatu were see at Kulish a his mercy has was the last one at your circular shape my mercy has encompassed every single thing and that ar-rahim refers to this 99 parts of mercy which have been reserved for the believers European but this opinion is more adieu it's not the correct opinion and the reason is that it doesn't match all of the ayat of the Quran it matches some of the ayat of the Quran but it doesn't match all of the ayat of the Quran for example the statement of allies origin in Surat al-baqarah that Allah is true the people in now kana been nasi or towards the people in NASA NASA lara olefin Benassi lara olefin rahim that allah is towards the people and us and here it doesn't say the believers towards the people raul phone rahim kind and merciful which brings us to the second opinion and this opinion has two strong points to it the first is it matches all of the ayat and the second is it matches the language of the meaning of Rahman upon the pattern Thielen and rahim upon the pattern side and that is that rocman rockman refers to the attribute of mercy which is with allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala and which encompasses every single thing and that ar-rahim refers to the giving of that mercy or the bestowing of that mercy to whomsoever Allah Azza WA JAL wills whether they are in this dunya or in the are Hara whether it is temporary or permanent whether it is small or big that ar-rahman refers to see fertilize a'mma a permanent attribute of mercy that is within allah the mercy that encompasses everything the fact that he is the most merciful and that ar-rahim refers to the giving of that mercy and the bestowing of that mercy and that is because the patterns are a land like Rahman indicates this indicates a a description which is describing the one who you are speaking of and fairy-like Rahim indicates the action of carrying out what that attribute indicates so I believe the best translation for ar-rahman ar-raheem is to say that power of man is the most merciful and that ar-rahim is the beast or of mercy meaning that ar-rahman refers to the mercy that allah has an hour rahim refers to the fact that he gives out that mercy now he has given out one hundredth of that mercy in this dunya and ninety-nine out of a hundred he has kept to give to the believers in the afterlife but both the dunya and akhira he is giving this mercy to people and withholding it from people he is sending it upon people and in greater and smaller amounts according to his wisdom and this is the meaning of our rahim the one who bestows mercy the one who gives out mercy to whoever he works and that's why our sheikh jihad rose up laberd have it all out Allah he said in his book for a man and lady your AMA to my letter I've met who was for who a lady arachnid who was for our rock man is the one who arrived is his attribute and the most merciful and he said war rahim allah himalaya birdie he the meaning of rahim is the one who has mercy upon his slaves so this is an attribute that is with Allah that Allah is the most merciful but it is not an attribute which is restricted or limited to allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala in the sense that it doesn't it doesn't reach us our rahim indicates that it is an attribute that it reaches us and we see it in our lives Allah subhana allah is ar-rahman ar-rahim and the evidence for this what kind of a woman in or AHIMA he is towards the believers rahim and a larger statement in ruby him were often right indeed he is towards them kind and merciful and in no place in the Quran does Allah say why man on the a body he that he is rahman towards his slaves he says he is rahim towards his slaves but that he himself is a rahman and that's why also you don't see al rahim and about and you see R Rahman and he is a Rahman who taught the Quran and he is true his nibs right so we understand the Rahman is the CIPA the description or the attribute of Allah the one who Aurasma is his attribute and our rahim refers to the action of being merciful towards his slaves and we affirm these actions for allah subhanho wa taala from our a Peter from our belief is that we affirm the actions that our lives our Gela firms for himself and he does them whenever he wishes subhanahu wa'ta'ala in a way that befits his infinite majesty and perfection so we are from those people who affirmed that Allah bestows mercy we do not say that Allah does not bestow mercy how can Allah bestow mercy no Allah bestows mercy but he bestowed it whenever he wills and to whoever he wills just like he speaks to whoever he wills and he does not speak to whoever he wills and he punishes whoever he wills and he does not punish whoever he wills likewise he bestows mercy upon whoever he wills and he withholds that mercy from whoever he wills either partially or completely according to a wisdom that is with him subhana wa ta'ala and he does it in a way that is befitting to his majesty and his supremacy and his perfection Subhanahu WA time so these two names indicate for us the perfection of the mercy of Allah and the vastness of the mercy of Allah so the entire world both the heaven and the earth and every benefit that they receive and every good that happens to them and every evil that is kept away from them happens for no other reason than the mercy of Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala all of this is from surah Rahman tinda from the effects of the mercy of Allah so it because nobody brings benefit except for him and nobody removes harm except for him so all of the benefits that you see in this dunya and all of the good that you experience happens to you because of the mercy of Allah an every bad thing that is kept away from you happens to you because of the mercy of Allah so again not because we are so pious and so excellent and so beloved to align his olia that we deserve it known as Allah so Allah said fatherland mean Allah Here I am it is a grace from Allah and a blessing guidance from Allah the the good things that we have the rain that falls the crops that grow this is from the effects of the mercy of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala and allah is sour jelly told us through the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom that his mercy has preceded his anger and we affirmed both of these for our lives our channel we're going to talk about the anger of allah in another another session insha'Allah but we affirm the anger of Allah we affirm that Allah becomes angry in a way that is befitting to his majesty and his perfection but at the same time his mercy has been given precedence over his anger and this is a part of the perfection of allah subhanaw taala and i always remember whenever I speak to a Christian they always struggle with this issue they say that God is love he only loves so he loves the murderer and the killer and the child abductor and you know just the same as he loves you because he is just love we say no this is not true rather Allah Azza WA JAL bestows mercy and he also sends punishment and he shows his anger and he shows his love Subhanahu WA Ta'ala in a way that befits his majesty but his mercy has been given precedence his anger meaning that you can't have a 50/50 you know because this is not protection but the perfection is that Allah has both of those attributes mercy and anger because at the end of the day there has to be a balance otherwise it's imperfect but still despite that balance his mercy has been given precedence over his anger so kind of you were done and it's not like you can deny the mercy of Allah so jet you know when you look around you the mercy of Allah is in everything that you see it can't be denied it has filled everything between the heavens and leaders even and many people maybe don't quite see this angle of the mercy of Allah as it relates to his legislation even his punishment is a rajma evila even his punishment is a rama in terms of the reason that it is legislated well a convict I saw see higher two year or another you have in retribution life meaning in the fact that we are commanded to take a life for a life there is life what life is there there is the protection of people from doing the sin in the first place there is the mercy of not allowing the society to be corrupted by killing there is the mercy of protecting the life of the victims and the victims families so even the punishments of allah azza wajal the hodor of allah subhanaw taala our rajma our mercy from allah soldier because they have been sent and even his punishment in this dunya has an element of his mercy because if allah azzawajal wanted to punish you with a lie verbal akbar the major punishment you would not be left afterwards to tell the tale like elias Orajel told us and we make them tastes mineral either bill a dinner from the small punishment instead of the large punishment allowable a kebab in the hope that they will return in the hope they will repent they will come back to Allah subhana WA Ta'ala so even when Allah Azza WA JAL gives you some based on a trial or a test or a punishment in this life it is a mercy from him subhana WA Ta'ala to wake you up before a day comes when you might find yourself outside of the special mercy that our lives our general reserves for the believers and none of us want to find us outside of our specialness so Allah Azza WA JAL gives you a taste of some of the minor punishment so that you may return to Him and this is a mercy and elias Orajel commands that the person who kills another person without right is killed as a mercy and Allah Azza WA JAL commands he's freed all his punishments and his rules and regulations as a mercy the whole of the Sharia of Islam is a mercy and the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sent as a mercy and perhaps he is one of the greatest signs of the mercy of allah one of the greatest signs of the mercy of allah and when you think how merciful he was and then you think that his mercy compares nothing to the mercy of allah then you imagine how great the mercy of allies when the prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa salem returned from of Taif and his people had thrown him out and they had thrown stones upon him and they had taken him away from par if and none of them had accepted his message Allah Azza WA JAL sent the angel of the mountains and the angel of the mountains made an offer to the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam allah has given you the opportunity the freedom to choose that if you wish I will crush your people between these two mountains or I will crush the mountain upon the people and your people will be finished like the people ignore like the people of the people of the past the people of loot who came and allah azzawajal destroyed them in one single punishment if you wish I have been given authority by Allah to crush the mountains upon your people and the Prophet SAW I Salim said no because perhaps Allah will bring out from their loins of people who will say la ilaha illallah look at the mercy of the prophets listen could you do that to anybody that you have just been stoned you've been thrown with pelted with stones you've been rejected by your people you've been called every name you've been left alone and then you get an option if you want revenge is yours there is no lettuce leave a lake there is no gonna be no account for you if you want rarer avenges yours just say the word and I will give the full revenge they are gone and he says no perhaps Allah will bring out from their offspring are people who will worship Allah alone or people will say liar - and then you think that then mercy that he showed is nothing in comparison to the mercy of our lives in fact in this regard I mean we have many ayat we have the ayats the iron which Eliezer said where our mighty was the article mache my mercy has encompassed everything but in this regard we have another hadith that came to mind to mention to you regarding a woman and this woman in some of the narrations it mentions that she would look for her a child or her child and whenever she would find that child she would lift the child up to feed the child to give the child milk she was so sensitive and caring for this child and while this was going on the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said do you see what do you think that this woman would ever throw her child into the Hellfire now this is a woman who is every time the child opens his mouth she's speaking the child up to feed the child she's so caring and I am compassionate for this child and the prophets eyes and I'm said to the companions do you think this woman would through her own child into the Hellfire the companion said Lala no by Allah as long as she was able not to throw him the eye as long as there was nothing to force her to do a shoe it never as long as she had the power she would never throw that child into the Hellfire the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Allah our ham will be very badiy he mean happy he be well ad her Allah is more merciful to his servants than this woman would be merciful to her child and a mercy that is shown by this woman to her child Allah will be more merciful to you as I recall it was Sophia as solely rahim allahu allah but I might be wrong about that who was asked if you had a choice on the day of judgment between your father judging you and Allah judging you your father is never going to throw you into the Hellfire who would you choose and he said I would choose Allah because Allah would be more merciful to me than him that is the mercy of allah subhanaw taala it's and mercy that we we can't describe we can't find words to to bring to you just how merciful allah azzawajal is analyze our hammer Guaje mean and some of the scholars affirm this as a name of Allah by the way some of the scholars affirmed another name of Allah our hammer bra he mean the most merciful of those who show mercy and some of them said it's an attribute of Allah but Allah is our hamara hai mean his mercy has encompassed every single thing but his mercy is not given to everybody equally and this is where it comes to our action we start talking about what can I do how can I get this mercy I want it I want to be one of those people that gets that ninety-nine out of a hundred parts of mercy ano McKean and i want to get it in this dunya how can I get it we have to realize that the mercy of Allah is not given equally to everyone the more you increase in obedience the more you come near to Allah the more deserving you will be of this mercy as allah azza wajal told us in the Quran Mahad akita Bonanza now move our comfortable who who what Taku na alejandro hammer allah azzawajal said this is a book we have sent it down blessed so follow it and have taqwa of allah and obey allah and avoid serving allah so that you may gain His mercy which mercy the mercy that is reserved the VIP the special mercy that a large shower gel gives to his believing and allies sergeant said without team of solder wire to Sir Walter gyro rasoolallah and welcome to hammer Eliza I just said perform the prayer and gives us a car and obey the messenger that you might achieve mercy so we realized that the more we fear Allah the more mercy we will gain the more we follow the Quran the more mercy we were game the more we established the prayer and perfected the more mercy we were game the more we give the zakah and the voluntary charity the more mercy we will gain and the more we obey the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the more mercy logging and a larger said in our mythology of curry he born men and were singing indeed the mercy of Allah is near to the marceline who otherwise annoy the people of ass and the people who do more than the basic requirement more than just doing the halal and avoiding the Haram doing the hua ji Bart praying five times a day they are not the micing one the my see known are the people who go above that and they pray their voluntary prayers and they give voluntary charity and they do voluntary fasting in nourishment Allah akari 1 min and Mycenae the mercy of allies near to those people and Alliance Orajel as we said is more merciful than we are between us even more merciful than the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was to us an alliance origin described the prophets I seldom as being merciful he said about this messenger that came to us I seized an iron here and it how are you son alaikum bima me Nina Raul phone right so Elias our gen described the prophets I sell my season I lay him and - it's hard for him when he sees you in difficulty he feels hard even he really doesn't you know it's hard for him to see you in difficulty hurry Tsunade come he's so keen to see you successful being meaning our oven Rahim and he's kind and merciful towards the believers and this brings us to another subtopic the use of ar-rahman or rahman and rahim for human beings Icefall Rockman it is not permissible to use this name for a person whether with Al or without earth so it is not permissible to say he is our man nor is it permissible for him to say he is Rahman why because al Rahman means the one who is the most merciful obviously this is a lot and Rahman means someone whose mercy encompasses every single thing and this is also Allah and therefore we can't use this as for Rahim we can't use it with Al and we can use it without so we can see my name is Rahim but you can't say my name is al Rahim with Adam and this is like this is the names of Allah there are the names of a line this regard can be divided into three categories names that cannot be given to anyone else with or without like ar-rahman or summit and other names that even when you take the al away you still can't give them to anyone else because the meaning is inappropriate for anyone other than Allah and then there are names that if you have al it means for Allah and if you take the al away you can use it for someone else because for someone else it just means merciful and for allied means the one who bestows mercy for example ar-rahim so the Prophet is is given the name Raheem and Alliance Orajel is ar-rahim with Al and then there are some names that you can use them with al but the AL doesn't mean the same as the al when it relates to Allah for example if I say Joe will Malik Jaya al Malik the King has come oh I see Allah al Manac the Al and I'll don't mean the same thing miel with regard to the human being means the king that I'm talking about that I mentioned in the previous sentence he just came and the AL with relates to out relates to Allah means the supreme perfect king so we have three categories of names one you can't use it for a human being with or without if you have al or you don't have a you can't use it from them ar-rahman and a summit and some of the other names because even when you take al away the meaning is impossible to be true for any human being you can only be for Allah I saw the second group of names if you keep al it is for Allah and if you remove al then you can use it for someone else so someone can take the name ar-rahim but they can take the name right as a lie so I'll describe the prophets I seldom film or meaning or hour for mine and the third category are those where you can use al but the AL doesn't mean the same thing the al doesn't mean the same as it does for Allah for Allah means the most or the best or the most perfect and for the other person it just means that what I was talking about before and so we will understand the names like this so for example a name you can't give to anyone else we said Allah and Allah you can't call somebody Allah even without al because Allah means our God and al Allah means the God so you can't some pull someone their God and you can't call someone a God you can't call someone Rahman or ar Rahman al Raheem yes a person can be merciful but not a Rahim Abraham is only Allah subhana WA Ta'ala and then we have to understand that the mercy of Allah Azza WA JAL is of two types and we've alluded to this but it's good for us to understand and clarify it Ramadan armored battle Gaza there is a general mercy and a specific mercy as for the generic mercy then this is the one that allows Hannah what other attaches to knowledge when he says Rob bana was here to kulish a in rahmatan wherein man our Lord you have encompassed everything in your mercy and your knowledge does that mean that everything including the character has the same mercy as the believer no it's a general mercy like the knowledge of Allah Sultana so everything that that is within the knowledge of Allah which is everything is within the general mercy of allah subhanho wa taala meaning that the mercy of allah has reached them there is nothing that has never experienced the mercy of allah just like there is nothing that is outside of the knowledge of allah there is nothing that has never experienced the mercy of allah but this is the general mercy and the reason we know this is because Allah so Jill mentions it with his knowledge rush matin wiring man mercy and knowledge we know the knowledge has encompassed everything and nothing escapes it so the mercy has also encompassed everything and nothing escapes it but as for the specific mercy and a unique mercy then this is the one that allah azzawajal blesses the believers with in this dunya and in dark ramadan email tinea dunya we are oh yeah it's a mercy that is a mania the mercy of Iman the mercy of faith the mercy of the the benefits of the dunya the mercy of the benefits of the arkarow this mercy of allah azza wajal that will be truly experienced yama yama because you will experience a part of it in this dunya but you will not experience it in its absolute form except the Omaha maybe even in the in Tirana this is the mercy awed at Tel feel and the mercy of a star the mercy of our lives are gel giving you the success to be a believer and the mercy of you being given a success to obey Allah because don't think you obey Allah because you're such a good Muslim you are bear Allah because Allah has showered you with his mercy and allowed you to obey Him and that is something we all have to understand and the taisiya making things easy for us do you see how easy this religion of Islam is for the Muslims how a light shower gel is made everything easy from wiping over the hoof to shortening the prayer to the issues of you know not having to pray 50 prayers a day only five Allah Azza WA JAL has made this religion so easy you read Allah will be who will yourself while are you read or become Allah so Allah wants is for you and he doesn't want difficulty for you this is from the special mercy that Allah wants only for the believers he doesn't want this man this is for the disbelievers he wants it only for the believers and this that upward tortoise beats this being strong on Iman and guidance to the sirat al-mustaqim and allah subhanho wa taala saving us and entering us into Jannah and saving us from the Hellfire this is nothing other than the mercy of Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala so we'll conclude and ask ourself okay we have understood this what is the action for us well I think that the action is of two types particularly that I want to focus on and maybe I will think of some more but do I want to really focus on the first one is found in the statement r-rahimin ya arhamu more asthma and the statement men like our han lie or han the merciful people will gain the mercy of our rahman and the one who does not show mercy will not be shown mercy so one of the actions we take from these two names is that we should be merciful to others we should be merciful toward everyone and that includes our non-muslim neighbors and people we know we come across and colleagues we should be merciful towards the whole of the people because Allah sunnah and the muslims in general alison are specifically are the most knowledgeable of the people about allah and the most merciful of the people towards the people and if you ever feel this mercy slipping away from your dealings you know that you have not implemented this statement or this in these two names in your life they should make you merciful because if you recognize how merciful allah has been to you what do you want to do to other people be merciful to them if you recognize how merciful allies or jealous been to you despite your disobedience of him despite your turning away and not listening to him despite you doing what he not giving great gratitude to him he still was merciful to you and if somebody doesn't show gratitude to you isn't it more deserving that you will be merciful to them if someone doesn't listen to you isn't it more deserving that you be merciful to them in an appropriate way I mean mercy has again as we're going to listen everything has a balance so it's not the case that you know so is I don't know stabbing you with a knife and you'll be merciful to them at the end of the deal it has to have a fill and understanding but our first position and our first attempt is immersed towards everyone we are merciful to others because we want Allah to be merciful to us and the second and the greater of the two this is the greater point of the two but it's gonna take me a while to explain is it whenever you hear these two names how can you hear these two names I never lose hope in Allah after you heard these two names after you heard that it is more likely that a mother would throw her baby into Gehenna then you then Allah would put you then how is it after that you could ever ever lose hope in Allah and you could ever say I don't think Allah will forgive me I don't think Allah will have mercy on me I am heading for Allah's punishment that doesn't mean you get tricked and fooled that doesn't mean you fool yourself and you see I'm free I will never be tried I will never be tested no it's a balance again but how is it that anyone can ever despair of the mercy of Allah after you hymns in a holy assumer oh hell nobody despairs of the help of allah except for the disbelieving people they'll calm on caffeine they are the people who dis despair that Allah will ever have mercy on them as for a Muslim you never ever feel that you have reached such a level that it is impossible but allah azzawajal would have mercy on you and you never ever say about someone else Allah will never have mercy on them because of the narration that when you say this perhaps our lives our jail would say regarding the forgiveness that if you say Allah will never forgive this person perhaps Allah will say as it has been narrated that who is it among my slaves who says I will not forgive so-and-so I have forgiven him and I have ruined you never say that someone will you know Allah will never have mercy except those which their mercy has been proven that they will not have less but the reality is there's a balance there is a fill and I want you to understand this balance so you don't make a mistake you know you don't go around and say well maybe you know this evil person who is attacking the Muslims Allah will have mercy on them there is an understanding there is a thing but you don't rush to take the mercy or to take someone away from the mercy of Allah so each other especially not yourself you always feel that there is a chance for you and there is a hope for you and that doesn't mean that you're this really pious wali otherwise Orajel it just means that Allah is mercy is so great that you can never sink that low you can never go that low it doesn't mean that we are really high but we can never go low enough that we would escape the opportunity for that mercy but that doesn't mean the mercy is guaranteed it money it doesn't mean that that mercy is guaranteed in such a way that there is you know you have a guarantee here's your ticket to Jenna just exchange it at the door doesn't work like that you are always within arm's reach of the mercy of Allah you're always within the ability to have that mercy bestowed upon you but if you don't seek it and you don't work for it there will be people who lose it and there will be people who don't get that special mercy and they restrict themselves to the general mercy alone and that's why we always have to remember that balance between fear and hope and we'll talk about that when we talk about a day and Malachy Almondine and I'm Alec and I'm Alec we'll talk about that fear but I fear has to be balanced the hope and fear so if you find yourself lazy you find yourself you're not praying you're not doing anything and you can't be bothered and you're just like oh Allah Karim Allah will have mercy on me then at this time you increase your fear you remember the people that Elias origin what can mean careers in Alec now how many villages we just destroyed them how many people our lives our jail destroyed them in one single destruction but when you feel yourself feeling like I feel maybe I feel despair I feel sad I feel like Allah I am far away from Allah's mercy you remember nobody there is nobody who is far away from Erasmus you have the opportunity there but you have to go and you have to do the actions that will earn you that mercy in terms of your obedience as we said your taqwa your following of the Quran and the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam your praying the prayer your giving this a car these are the things that bring you near to the mercy of Allah saw each other in our mental I carry one male Mycenae the mercy of Allah is near to those people who do good so if you want to get near to it and you find yourself far away from me you need to do the actions that are gonna bring you near to that mercy of allah so Hannah Montana so this is know these are the two names ar-rahman and ar-rahim and some of an explanation about them a very long topic and how we should act upon them as we said primarily we got who came I think with three things in the end number one is that we should be merciful to others number two should never despair of the mercy of Allah or feel that we are it's impossible for us to ever do enough to get there and thirdly that we gain the mercy of Allah through good deeds through taqwa through obedience to the prophets I celeb through following the Quran through giving the zakah and performing Messala and finally I just want you to reflect upon a person who doesn't gain this mercy of Allah someone who llamo qiyamah does not gain the special mercy to imagine a person who was so close to the mercy of Allah but didn't get it you know that's like the person who was dying and just needed one sip of you know one breath of oxygen but deafened it was just the mask was just a millimeter beyond their finger you know you imagine that you is surrounded by the mercy of Allah how could a person come Yama Yama and not get it that would have to be the true loss valleca who else Islamic movie this is the absolute loss for a person to be so close to that mercy that you're never you know you you're never outside of it it's always around you and then for that person to miss out on it this is absolute loss this is a person who truly lost and you can't get it and that's a lie shower gel gives you the tell field and the hidayah the guidance and the success for you together and that just shows that you can be like the person who came within one millimeter of survival but just missed out by a millimeter you can be standing right next to the course for your mercy how many people today were like how many people stood outside this Masjid solitude Asia they are less than ten meters away from the mercy of Allah but they didn't come for the Salah and instead they went out and they went to these places and they sat and they ate and they played and they they joked and digested and they were only ten meters or a hundred meters of fifty meters away from the mercy of Allah but they couldn't take those few steps that's you and me unless Allah has mercy on us we will be those people outside who can't take those steps in to the mercy of Allah religion unless Allah subhana Allah has mercy on us so we asked a loss of Hannah Dada Rahman al Rahim to have mercy on us to showering us with his mercy in this world and in our urine to make us from those people who are who gain his special mercy in this dunya and in the ARCA and to make us from those people who show mercy to others so that mercy can to be shown to us belong to Baba kama Tala
Channel: KALEMAH
Views: 19,287
Rating: 4.89644 out of 5
Keywords: most merciful, Allah's mercy, kalemah, muhammad tim, perfection, Allah's perfection, mercy, Ar Rahman, Ar Raheem
Id: Nskkha--h9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 51sec (3651 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 03 2016
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