"The Signs of the Hour - Part II" | Muhammad Tim Humble | FNR

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bismillahi r-rahmani r-rahim al-hamdu lillahi rabbil al-ameen or salat wa salam ala abdullah he wore a suit he nabina muhammad wa ala aalihi wa sahbihi ajma'in aloha aluminum I am gonna want an edema and antenna was it in Inman pure material hamara he mean and madad so in sha Allah Allah we're continuing this Friday night reflections with this miniseries we are doing on the ash reduce the signs of the hour and I aim for this miniseries to be maybe three or four like Fridays long before we finish it because I don't want to rush through the book when the book has so much benefit in it and so many pieces of information about the signs of the hour we're doing this book which is called a short a sir the signs of the hour which we mentioned last time by use of abdullah al Wahby so inshallah Radha we were talking about the fittin the trials and the tribulations and we reached a particular trial that we didn't speak about last time this is where we stopped which is the following of the previous nations in other words that the Muslims will begin following and imitating the previous nations the prophet sallallaahu re wa sallam said la rocca Musa hat Hoda on mati be octal Karuna kabbalah ha shiburin be shivering the I am bidhya Valyria rasoolallah Kothari sim war room Furcal a woman in a sea illa Allah woman in Nassau Allah Allah Rahul Bihari well theory Wyatt in an emissary tenaris Oh lolli hood or nasarah color famine the prophets I seldom said the hour will not come until my owner takes that which the earlier generations took hand spun by a hand span and forearm by forum it was said o Messenger of Allah do you mean Persia and a room a room are Yanni is what I mean we translated as Rome but it doesn't really mean wrong Rome it's more like the the European see Annie that's the word that the Arabs used to call a room everyone from Europe they used to call them our room any the the the Romans or the and some of them translated as the Byzantines but these I need the people who came from from Europe whether the Greeks the Byzantines the Romans any all of them the Arabs column our room they said o Messenger of Allah like Persia like the persians and the romans he said who are the people accept them and in the wording of Buhari and muslim the jews and the christians he said who else so this hadith indicates to us as le monde and no we I think was an imam and no you're a him Allah Allah Ya Allah mama no your I'm allowed to Allah who said the meaning of Han span by hand span and forearm by forum and in another wording it's mentioned shiburin Bishop ranveer ax am busier hoc Tello dejalo her java bin Jaber to MU whom it's mentioned Han span by hand span and forearm by forearm even if they entered into the lizards hole you would follow them now to explain that a little bit more the lizards hole the meaning of it is it's generally a place where you find the scorpion the Scorpions like they bury themselves around the lizards hole so generally if you put your hand into the lizards hole you're gonna get stung quite badly and this is kind of likely mama no we said it is he said at em feel be that anamorphic Elohim it's an example of how strongly you will try to imitate them that even when you see them put their hands into the lizards hole and they bring their hands out and they've been stung by how many scorpion stings you put your hand into the same hole again any after them because of how much you are following them and how much you're imitating them and there's no doubt that in this time the Muslims have become and this is one of the signs like if we classified the signs this is one of the signs that has happened and is increasing because as we said there are some of the minus signs that have happened and finished and some of the minus signs that have not yet happened until now and there are some of the minus signs that have happened and they're just getting worse and this is one of the situations - ah boy bilko far Sharky Noel gotta be in the eastern dispel averse and the Western disbelievers and you see that we are in a state now where many Muslims believe the only way that we can achieve progress in our countries and in our civilizations is to be as close to those people as possible and to copy as many of their things as possible and to generally abandon not maybe they don't maybe say to abandon Islam but they say to abandon anything from Islam which contradicts what those people have and that is the essence in essence abandoning Islam but that is the the call it's not like people will say you know leave Islam and become Christian but they'll say leave everything from Islam which would get in the way of your progress in your country and your civilization and those people who know the reality of Islam know that the progress and and success that comes from Allah Azza WA JAL this is what the Muslims are in need of and in the first place trying to compete with the kuffar in their domain is not something the Muslims have been given the ability to do in the first place that doesn't mean we can't be scientifically you know amazing and and you know we can't be amazing doctors and engineers and whatever but trying to get everything that is in the dunya is not what Allah Azza WA JAL has put us on this earth for in the first place we have a concern which is much much greater than that and much more important than that and that is to achieve Jenna and that is to take from this world whatever we need to get us to Jenna that's the purpose of the dunya and how many times have we said that the dunya should be your servant not your master whatever we as Muslims need out of the forms of knowledge and the sciences and technology to be able to help us to get to Jenna that's what we need and whatever it doesn't help us to get to Jenna although we have no Hodja for it we have no need for it and our comparator and our competing with the non-muslims in this issue all I will not you will not beat them in their domain this is their domain the dunya the I'll a moon of our harem min and higher to dunya they know something which is apparent from the dunya this is their Jenna this is their place this is not your place and so constantly running behind them and trying to achieve what they have this is from the signs of the hour this is from the signs of the hour from the minus signs of the hour and it's from Al fittin Andy the author put it in the category of alpha turn from the minus signs of the hour and it's not a it's not minor as in insignificant chance a very serious sign is the appearance of those people who will claim prophethood they are approximately 30 in some of the narrations it's mentioned 30 in some of the narrations it's mentioned almost 30 and there are many of them that are known but it's very important that the meaning of 30 people who claimed prophethood is not everyone who claims prophethood because the people who claimed prophethood are too many to even count the meaning of 30 are 30 who will claim prophethood and who will be given a big following among the people I mean how many people have said that they are a prophet but they are just like insane people or they have like just one follower or two followers but we mean by these 30 people who will have a large group behind them who will become famous and the prophets are seldom said as narrated by abu huraira in Bukhari and Muslim logicoma sarah.hatton Barth Roediger única their bone curry bomb in Sarah Dean Kula who Miyazawa 'innahu Rasulullah the hour will not come until there are sent dead jae-hoon I need that John the plural of the judge and the meaning of the jail is an extreme liar cat the boon Liars nearly 30 in number some of the KU scholar said the meaning of nearly 30 this is the accurate number and 30 is said from the point of view of approximation like when the prophets item said 30 he was approximating and when he said nearly 30 this is the any the the the the precise number all of them believe that they are the Messenger of Allah and so man narrated from the Prophet SAW Salem that he said the hour will not come until the hour will not come until certain tribes from my Ummah join the mushrikeen until they worship idols and there will be in my Ummah 30 liars everyone believes that he is a prophet and I am the seal of the prophets there is no prophet after me this actually gives us two signs of the hour but the author will come back this which is the sign of the hour that people from the OMA will join the mushrikeen and this is a very strong very very strong refutation very very strong refutation of those people who say that will not exist in the Ummah of Muhammad or the ship does not exist in norm of Muhammad SAW Allah rather as we're going to hear the Prophet solemn said the hour will not come until the and if the rear ends of the women of DOS make the noise walking around Valhalla Yanni in other words that the people of those will go back to worshiping the Yemeni Kaaba that they used to worship before and this happened and this happened more than once those people went back to worshiping their Janna the idol that they used to worship they used to call it a Kaaba Elia mania the Yemeni Kaaba and it had an idol in it called Valhalla saw and the prophets I seldom told that the OMA will go back the people of those will go back the women of those will go back to walking or making circles around this Idol like they do of the Kaaba and in this hadith lat Akuma sarah.hatton acaba l/min unmatchable mushrikeen were hacked a a boodle out on the hour will not come until some tribes from among my ummah will join the mushrikeen and they will worship idols and there will be among my Ummah thirty Liars everyone believes that he is a probably one of them believes he is a prophet but I am the last of the prophets and there is no prophet after me from those people who we know about is no doubt Mosul Amma I'll have that mo salem al kitab claimed to be a prophet at the end of the time of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam and the prophets item is the one who gave him his name al-kitab the liar Musa Lama the liar and he was killed in the time of our Bakr Siddiq rhodiola and in the Battle of aliamanu and it's well known that this is one of the times that worker made SuJu the sugar when he got the news of the death of masala ma al-kitab because ma say Lama caused a huge fitna for the Muslims a big big problem for the Muslims and likewise alas what a Nana see in Yemen and he was also killed before the death of the Prophet Solomon and there was a woman known as I think it's say judge or said judge but I think it said judge without a shed she claimed to be a prophet I don't even know what the female version of Prophet what if there is a prophetess or something she came to be a prophet and she married masala man and when he was killed she returned to Islam and she became she became a Muslim and likewise tolay her even Hawaii later s ad then he returned to Islam and like to alla Marcia husana Islam he became a good Muslim after that and al Mokhtar even a be obeyed a Sukkah fee and he was one of the people who claimed to love a little bait and he claimed to want revenge for the death of her sane rhodiola man and he had many many followers until he overtook Kufa in the time of Ibanez zubayr in the time of evenness zubayr rhodiola man then he became he claimed that he was a prophet and that gibreel came to him any debris used to come to him that's what he is used to claim an ibrahim and now he said that he said to obey de as sell money do you think that al Mokhtar is one of the Dajjal that jae-hoon the prophet saw solemn spoke about he said am in whom in a ruse he's from the heads of them so he was one of them many and from the missile high resale kazab who appeared in a free life of abdul malik even Marwan was killed and a group of them in the time of bani the Halawa or the Khilafah of Boerne a bus and no doubt the famous one in recent times this Willem Mirza Ahmed Qadiani who came in India and claimed to be a prophet and had many many many followers still does have many followers and from the ulema the Messiah who and he challenged him and was able to refute him is Lama son Eli he over here rahimullah tada and all of you and if you have the ability to read his books that he wrote in refutation of the Qadiani I don't know of any book that was written about the Qadiani are better than the books that she sang like ever he wrote rahim allah wa ala likewise his books about the shia are amazing and also and he has excellent books about the kadhi unease about the shia and others and he very very beneficial and you learn a lot about what what the groups believe and the share he had a major role in Annie in combating that until he was killed Rahim Allahu Allah Annie as those who any look at his biography will know and from them as it's narrated in the hadith that the Prophet SAW Selim said film mati kept the buna dead jae-hoon serotonin wash room in my Ummah there will be liars and dead girls that reach 27 from them are for women from them are for women so we know that we heard of one of them that was a woman that married Musa llama el keV AB and likewise the prophets eyes I'm told that among them would be four women who would claim to be prophets from the signs from the - science of the Day of Judgment is the appearance or the spread of safety and the ability of people to move from place to place safely this is something really strange because for us we don't really think that much of the able to move from one place to another place safely I mean it's kind of like pretty much considered to be the norm for us generally I mean with some exceptions in different countries but generally you know we don't like find it to go from Dubai to Abu Dhabi that there's any big danger on the road or that you're scared that the bandits are gonna come and kidnap you but if you think about what the situation was like only in the short time any even if you look at what the situation was like before the foundation of the of the UAE as a united country or you look at what the situation was like before for example the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and people going to Hajj that it was fun I mean to to be able to travel a distance safely was something unheard of and to be able to travel a considerable distance safely was something just and he almost unheard of and in fact any you are as long as you as soon as you went out of your city or your little area you were in danger they were danger of bandits they were danger of you know being attacked by rival tribes there were danger of one city attacking the other city and all of this many of these things that happened this is something that very recently I mean within certainly within the last hundred years it was known to people only that you couldn't safely travel long distances now we're in a situation where this is another sign which has happened and is increasing and to the point where you see that people are able to travel all around the world without fear without any fear that they will be attacked or without any fear that they will be robbed or something like that as for the hadith then from Abu Hurairah or the allama and the messenger of allah so i Selim's said the hour will not come until a traveller will go from iraq to makkah he will only fear losing his way on the road the only thing that he will fear is losing his way on the road they said that this happened during the time of the photo hat and during the time of the of the elan whom when the nation's became bigger and bigger and the muslim empire took over iraq then people were able to travel from iraq to makkah the only thing they were scared of is losing the the road and losing the way getting lost they were not scared of mandates they were not scared so this is how it started but this is another one that is increasing and increasing and in some of the hadith in the hadith of ID which we covered when the prophets I seldom said to - I'd even hurt him but along and yeah ID or ID have you seen el Hara he said I have not seen it but I've been told about it the Prophet SAW I seldom said if you live a long time you will see a very nur a Verena is I don't know why I keep talking about it and I don't know if anyone knows what I mean sometimes we call el held edge like a tent that's put on top of a camel for women to ride in so it's like the woman sits in it and it's like a box and then they it has like it has like covers that come over the side so that nobody can see her then the men lift it up and they strap it to the camel and there are pictures on any Google images if you type in how did and you can see like I don't know what they call it in English and I don't even know if they have a word for in English but it's like a box tent that goes on top of the camel and the woman travels in it he said if you live a long time you will see this I need the woman traveling in her tent she travels from her hailer until she makes tawaf of the ka'bah and the only thing she's scared of his allah and he's the only thing she's scared of his allah and that was something in the time of the Sahaba of the Aloha and whom that they couldn't have imagined during the time of the Prophet saws island that someone can go from the Levant from the very very north any of that you know area from Syria from those places and to be able to travel to Makkah and the only thing they're scared of is Allah subhanAllah Eleanor here over being robbed or being attacked or something like that and this hadith by the way and it's important that we and we understand this hadith also that this hadith doesn't provide a proof for travelling without a Muharram and he some people took this hadith to mean that this hadith it means to travel without a Muharram yani it will be permissible for the woman to travel without a Muharram first of all there is no mention of the Muharram in the hadith there is no mention of whether she has a man with her she doesn't have a man with her the issue is that when she travels she will not be scared and secondly this hadith is ambiguous it's not clear for certain whether the meaning what the meaning is so it's not permissible to reject a clear hadith in which the Prophet SAW salem said it's not allowed for a woman who believe who believes in allah and the last day to travel except with a Muharram it's not allowed for us to negate this hadith based on something that is a sign of the hour that may and may have happened at any one time it's not possible for us to negate the Shariah based on I need based on on this particular issue and from the signs the minus signs of the hour is the Great Fire of El Hodges from the hadith of Ahura audio law and the prophets is Elam said the hour will not come until a fire comes out from the land of Hijaz we know hey jazz hey jazz is maka Medina and Jed damn wife and he this Peninsula this area which starts from Medina and like sort of the Makkah Medina region this is called hedges the hour will not come until a fire will come from the land of Hejaz that will light the necks of the camels in Basra that will light the necks of the camels in Basra Basra is a well known city in sham in the Levant which is also known as how run and it's near to Damascus and so there will be a fire that will come from the land of hedges that will be so bright that the necks of the camels in near to Damascus will be lit up with it and it will be will be able to see the necks of the camels from the light of this fire and this has happened this is one that has happened and finished it happened in the seventh century after the Hegira in the year 654 and from those who spoke about it was Ali mama Noah we Rahim allow to Allah he said during our time a fire happened in Medina in the year 654 and it was a it was a vast fire it it came from the side of the the the eastern side of Medina beyond the Hara the Hara is the volcanic rock the hard black rock if you go to Medina Medina has hard black rock on both sides and Hara sharpie and a hammer gar BIA so this came from the east and Hara and the Romano we said the knowledge of this fire became widespread in the and all of the cities and he said and I was told about some of the people who witnessed it from the people of Medina and even Cathy R also narrates regarding it he said a number of dead ones who were in the town of Basra or in the area on the mountains of Basra they saw the necks of their camels lit up from this fire that came from the land of Medina or the land of Hejaz and Alcor to be mentioned it l have a divan Hajj are mentioned it but it's important that we understand that this fire is not the fire that will come in the major science so this is not the fire that will gather the people to their resting place the last of the the last of the major science this fire was a minus sign which the prophets I'm told about and it happened during the six hundreds after the hijra so we come to yet another sign and that sign is the fighting of a torque a torque is a general now it's difficult to find the right term for a torque it doesn't refer to Turks that's the first thing so that's like the word a torque the closest thing I can find are the turk men or the turk man people but it's a generic term used for people who come from the area of for example mongolia Turkmenistan and you know some of those areas of the world and they called a torque it seems they are a tribe and as a tribe they split up into different countries but they have very recognizable facial features which the prophets I seldom described and until today they have very recognizable facial features so an imam muslim narrated from abu hurairah body and that he said the hour will not come until the Muslims fight a torque a people whose faces are like hammered shields they wear wool and they walk in any day it's and they walk in world meaning they they have woolen shoes they have woolen shoes and woolen clothes and the meaning of their faces are like Hamid shields and if you if you see people who have you genetically from that region and by the way there are some very good Muslims who came from that region and this is not like anything that these are bad people or whatever and they're from among them like some of those the author said among them were some of the greatest of the Muslims and from those who became Muslim later on but one of their physical features is they have a very wide wide faces and their faces look very chiseled like as though they are and that's the only way you can describe it they have very chiseled very hard features and small eyes and the prophets I seldom described this in in other hadith he said the hour will not come until you fight against the people whose sandals are made of wool and until you fight against the tork people with small eyes and red faces and then he mentioned with regard to their noses it's difficult to describe as though their faces are hammered shields now the fighting of these people began during the time of the Sahaba of the al-amin it's mentioned that they were fought during the time of MOR alia rhodiola and during the khalifa of mahalia nabi sufyan radi allahu taala and Huma and that was the beginning and it's mentioned also that and in other hadith it's mentioned that the talk would defeat the Muslims and he in certain battles and certainly more area was not in favor of fighting with them and he became very angry when he heard that his commander had engaged them in battle he said after I heard what I heard from the prophets I said I'm about fighting them I wanted that you don't engage them in battle until they engage us because there is a hadith do not fight the tork until they fight you but the most any the other interesting issue is when we come to the Tatar and the Tatar is in incredibly any war lies it's an amazing period of history and any one of the I mean there are there like I don't know it I mean I obviously the books I can be dire when me higher and stuff like that but one thing that I heard that I found very good there is a podcast by a non Muslim guy called Dan Collins called hardcore history and he has one particular any one particular segment on the on the Tatar and what happened with the Tatar the Mongols and it's really interesting if you get chance to listen to it any I didn't see alhamdulillah if you forward the first like 20 seconds there's no music or anything there's no and just one guy speaking bear in mind he's a non Muslim but at the end of the day from a historical point of view when they tell you about Genghis Khan and about the Mongols and about what they did these people literally and he what like the people many of the scholars believed that they were you're a Georgian Matt George and I think it's reasonable to say that they are from the same hustle as yeah Georgian ma'juj any they're from the same like tribal origins or they share a tribal origin with you're a Georgian ma'juj these people literally destroyed the dunya everything that was in it they came and and they they they were yeah they were tribesmen who lived in the plains and they have quite a large area from Mongolia all the way like from the borders of China through to like what is now areas of I don't know what's now areas of Turkey and Hungary and they have these like this flat land and they were amazing horsemen they actually started riding horses when they're like two years old or three years old or something like that and they were very rare in the way they fought they used to fight by attacking you know at that time you have to understand people attacked it people fought in rows you know armies of like ten thousand men came and stood in rows and they fought each other these people used to come on horseback ride very fast they could shoot arrows on horseback kill a whole bunch of people and just ride off and then they wouldn't be seen for days then they would just turn up and kill a whole bunch of the rest of the army and then ride off and they slaughtered literally hundreds of thousands of Muslims in fact hundreds of thousands of people and they slaughtered it's mentioned when they attacked China one of the things that's mentioned about them is when they attack China the people rode and they there was a historian and he was writing the accounts yet we wrote until we approached a white mountain and when we came close to the mountain we realized the mountain was a pile of skulls and bones from the people the Mongols had killed in that city and it reached the point where they even got to the level where the any the people would commit suicide when they heard that the Mongols were coming the women would jump from there and the women would jump from the top of the towers and kill themselves just because they heard the Mongols were coming that was the fear that these people struck into the heart of their enemy of course some of them became Muslim quite a portion of them became Muslim and in the end they were they were they they fought among themselves Allah subhana Allah made their and either the the end of their situation that they fought against themselves and they broke up but they were able to be united behind jenga's khan and it is really a something that I think every Muslim should be aware of because there are so many lessons in it for the Muslims lessons about what happens when you leave your religion and what happens when a lost panel Tulagi your enemies control over you and then how the Muslims got out of that and how they were able to fight and obviously you have major events in that like the ransacking of Baghdad and the loss of so many Islamic books and manuscripts that were lost and so many of the scholars that were killed at this time now my point in this is that the scholars differ but in general we can from the description of the Mongols their description matches the description of the torque that the prophets ilm said so there are two ways we can see this there are other a hadith in which the prophets I seldom said you will fight the foreigners whose shoes are made of wool and they closed a made of wool and this is gonna come in the next sign of the hour that the author mention from the hadith Abu Huraira the tower will not come until you fight a people called house and Kira man from the foreigners with red faces small eyes as though their faces are battered shields so some of the scholar said the torque that were fought in the time of morale yeah they were the ones the prophets item spoke about the tork and the ones from the foreigners that you will kill later Yanni that you will kill later on they were from the NE or day with that you will fight later on they were from the Mongols and another says that the Mongols are from the originally they are they are from that tribe of people that the Arabs call a Turk they are from that tribe of that tribe of people in any case any we know that the Muslims several times fought against people who this was their description who they wore clothes of wool and shoes of wool and they had those very chiseled wide faces and small eyes and very chiseled features and I need the Muslims fought against them and probably the most significant of all of those battles was the the battle against the Mongols and the Tatar which happened over a huge period of history and of course you have you can read more about that in for example and in Alba die or any higher and likewise and in the biographies of people like Chekov Aslam potamia Rahim allowed to either okay moving on to the next sign the loss of knowledge and the appearance of ignorance in the sign from a naseeban malli karate Allah and the prophets I seldom said from the signs of the hour is that knowledge will be taken away an ignorant will take hold and Albahari narrates from shakyck i think is a christmas ulema that he said that I was with Abdullah and Abu Musa and they said that the Prophet SAW I seldom said before the hour will come there will be days in which ignorance will be will descend and knowledge will be raised up and in the narration of Muslim from above or I or the Allah and the messenger of allah sallallahu wasallam said time will become yet a caribou salmon that time will become close together and that's gonna come later on that's another sign we're gonna talk about later on some of the scholars said it means a loss of Baraka in your time some of them said that it means that and many other things we're gonna come to it inshallah while your kebab will elam and knowledge will be taken away what of how will fit in and the trials will become prevalent why you look I sure and sting genus and and you know loving for things for yourself and not caring about other people will be thrown into the hearts of the people why actor al Hajj and killing will become prevalent and we talk about each one of those as a separate sign in the time when it comes and we know the hadith the very famous hadith of abdullah bin amer aben alas radi allahu anhu man that he said I heard the Messenger of Allah so I seldom say indeed Allah does not take away knowledge by snatching it from the hearts of his servants but he takes away knowledge by taking away the scholars and he by causing the death of the scholars until when there is no scholar left the people take rose and Joe Holland any they take ignorant figureheads in another narration row I saw Joe Hollen ignorant leaders or figures of leadership so they asked them meaning they asked him about the Sharia so they give them a fatwa without knowledge for da lua a dilute and they misguide themselves and they misguide others this hadith has many benefits we just cover a few of them but from the main thing that we want to understand is that how Allah Azza WA JAL takes away knowledge Allah doesn't make you wake up one day you don't remember any what you don't remember what's halal and what's Haram but Allah Azza WA JAL causes the death of the scholars and as you can see when those scholars die the replacements are not coming any there are not the same caliber the same standard of replacements are not available that as those scholars who passed away and this is true of every time but it's getting worse it's getting worse and the time goes on and on and on and on now that doesn't mean there are no scholars in the world because the prophets are seldom said lattice iota if item in enmity al Adha cleaver hurry they will always remember they will always remain a group of my Ummah manifestly upon the truth so that doesn't mean that they will there will be no scholars in the world but it means that these scholars will be like how can you how can I give an example like a drop in the ocean and because there like a drop in the ocean it's as if they don't exist because there's so much ignorance and so much janna misguidance these people upon the truth are so few they're like a drop drop little drops in the ocean they're like little specks you can't see them and this is what more than one of the shore are the people who explain the hadith mentioned that the meaning is not that there will be no scholar left in the world but that in Jonnie as far as the people are concerned the most people will be taking ignorant people as their source of Islamic knowledge I just want to read you what I remember the heavyset and Miss Annie you know this is a theme in the Asha AUTOSAR that comes again and again it's a theme that just keeps coming again and again is that there were people in the early generations who believed that this had happened in their time an imam of the hobby said he said 100 2 min and in Mielec a leader he said they have only been given a little bit of knowledge he said as for today then there is only a little bit of that little bit of knowledge any hobbies I presume is commenting on the ayah or who's commenting on he's at least referring to the Iowa or T terminal ami in la colina you've only been given a little bit of knowledge he said as for today the only knowledge that is left is a tiny bit of that little bit among a tiny few number of people who were few to begin with him and how few are those people who act upon this tiny little bit of knowledge that they have the husband Allah who a near Milwaukee this is le mammoth the happy this is Eddie mammoth they're happy who lived in a golden age of Islamic knowledge he said we were only given by Allah mankind were only given a tiny bit of knowledge and out of that tiny bit of knowledge there is only a tiny bit of knowledge left and the people who know that tiny bit of knowledge that is left are a tiny group of people and the people who act upon what they know are the tiniest group of all that is that a mammoth a hobby what would any mammoth their happy say today this is any something that you see again and again in the signs of the hour you see people from the terrain saying that this is our time people from the Tiberian telling you that the neurons are spread in our time this is our time and yet we look at that time as being the time of the irelia and and the scholars of Islam subhanAllah but you just see the situation and it gives truth to what the prophets ilm said there will could not come a time except at the time that will come after it will be worse how come a colossal Allah Allah said and that doesn't mean that every day will be worse than the previous day but the general trend and he mammoths there happy is complaining that there are no scholars left in his time and we are complaining that we wish we were in the time valley mammoths a hobby and maybe in a hundred years the people will say I wish we could be in our time because of all the knowledge they had access to at that time subhanAllah and from the most a jeep any of and the most strange of circumstances is that we live in a time where information has never been more readily available and knowledge has never been fewer and any smaller we live in a time of malumat information but we don't live in a time of end we don't live in a time of knowledge and there's for the one who Ponder's on that there is a lot of benefit there is a big difference between information and knowledge as for knowledge we live in a time of jail we live in a time of ignorance as for information we probably have more information our fingertips than any people have ever had in the history of mankind in terms of information but that information is nothing without the knowledge to be able to filter it and understand it and implement it and act upon it and this will continue to get worse it will continue to get so bad that we will reach what her they for all the along and said The Messenger of Allah I sell em said Islam will be forgotten or will be lost and then later on in the hadith he said until it will not be known what fasting is and it will not be known what prayer is and it will not be known what Hagin umbra are and it will not be known what charity is and the Book of Allah will be taken away in a single night so that not even a single ayah remains of it on the earth and there will remain groups of people a share whole career an old man and I Jews an old woman who will say we found our father saying these words la ilaha illallah so we say them and he that is the point to which it will reach at the end of time it will reach a point where people will not know what is salah and what is fasting it will reach a time when people will not know what is la ilaha illa allah in some of the narrations it's mentioned it will reach a time when no one on the earth will say allah allah and that is the level of ignorance that it will reach it will reach a time when there is not a single person on the earth who says Allah Allah it's mentioned that them and some of the scholars have different interpretations of that some of them said the meaning of no one on the earth will say Allah Allah is no one will tell people to do good or forbid people from doing evil because any no one will say for Allah for Allah do this and you fear a liar he fear Allah stop doing it's Haram and he no one will distinguish between the halal and the harem and some of them said no it's upon the happy any nobody will will even say the words Allah Allah no one will make liquor anymore and wallah here any if you want to see how our time has become it's enough to see that I mean I remember wanting to ask the scholars because you know when you are you're studying the means of how people ne for example the things that take a person outside of Islam one of the things that take a person outside of Islam is a topic called in car my or Adamo minute Dini Bottari rejecting what is known by necessity in the religion any rejecting then is like rejecting something that everyone knows is a part of Islam like the scholars say like saying there is no prayer for Muslims Muslims don't have to pray this person who says this is kafir why because they rejected something that is known by necessity it's not like just you have to be a student or a scholar to know it like everybody knows that there is a prayer in Islam wallahi it's got to the point now where we have started to ask the scholars is there an excuse in this because we are finding huge numbers of Muslims rejecting things that are known by their inner religion by necessity people say where is the rule of segregation in Islam people say where is the hijab in the Quran there is no hijab in the Quran have we reached a point where it's not difficult to imagine that we will reach a point where the people will say the Muslims have to pray because we've already reached a point where large numbers of Muslims say is there such a thing as the hijab in Islam a question that never would have been asked even a hundred years ago nobody on the face of the earth no Muslim on the face of the earth would have said is there such a thing as the hijab in Islam any everyone knew that Muslim women have to wear the hijab and this was just something that was known by necessity by everybody now genuinely people are coming and saying I don't find the hijab in the Koran I don't find segregation in the Koran I don't see why we have to do this where is the evidence that we have to do is people saying I don't find five daily prayers in the Quran this is the state we've reached now so how about where we're gonna reach in a hundred years or 200 years or what Allah is our judge knows best however long this dunya will last where are we going to to reach when we've reached this point already we've reached the point where I doubt about any like when someone comes to me with one of these things like 50 years ago the scholar would have said kafir and put the hokum of rigde upon them these days we say subhanAllah let's educate these people because well I this is the level of ignorance to which it has reached people reject any the most fundamental wall irony it's not it's not Mustafa Rab it's not strange to hear somebody rejecting the meaning of la ilaha ilallah people saying is it necessary for us to worship Allah alone what is left of Islam if people come to you and say is it necessary for us to worship Allah alone what is necessary if that is not necessary subhanAllah we have reached such a level of ignorance but still that level of ignorance is increasing and increasing and increasing and it will continue to increase until Allah Azza WA JAL takes away the Quran from the earth and this will happen at the very end of time it's one of the minus signs that will happen any after the major signs that there will come a time when the Quran is taken up the most half is taken up not a single ayah will remain written and not a single ayah will remain memorized by anyone and if the Quran will be taken out of the hearts and taken out of the pages and the people who will be left are just the only people who will be left with even a semblance of Islam or the old man and the old woman who say I remember my ancestors saying la ilaha illallah and I don't know what it means but I just say it anyway and other than that we know that the hour will only come upon the worst of creation like the Prophet SAW said I'm told us the hour will only come upon Cheryl Hulk the worst of creation it will be the people who the hour will come and in the hour will come upon and from the signs of the coming of the hour are short and the supporters of oppression assure that the meaning of here and in the word shorter like it means I mean of course we use it in colloquial language to mean the police but that's not what it means here when you read the hadith it means I don't know how we can explain it like a squad like you have like these death squads and you know people who are going around like as a squad of people and they are like supporting volum and attacking the Muslims and you know like beating them with whips and and so on and so forth any this is like the the meaning of it I don't know if there's a good translation for that because I don't think it's right to translate it as you know like a police force because that gives you the wrong idea like you might limit it to things that are official and you might also put people in it who are not from it but in reality what it means is like a group of people who are assigned to like basically torture the Muslims and make problems for them and any like cause any issues for them as it will become clear in the hadith the Prophet SAW I Salim said they will come in this Ummah at the end of time men or he said men will come from this Ummah at the end of time that have whips with them like the tails of cows they will go out in the morning in the anger of Allah and they will return in the anger of Allah or he said they will return in the curse of Allah and he said they will come at the end of time these groups of people who will go out in the anger of Allah and they will come back in the anger of Allah so may a yani be careful of being from their supporters or being from among them and the prophets I am said to people from the groups or to groups from the people of the Hellfire I have not seen them a group of people who walk around with whips like the tails of cows they beat the people with them and there are many narrations like this any many innovations like this so what these are are these are groups of people either officially appointed or not officially appointed who go around beating and torturing the Muslims and this is from the signs of D and E the signs of the hour and it's something's upon Allah that we have not only seen in the past but also have seen in various different countries around the world that the Muslims were you know from among the non-muslims and from among the Muslims but the apparent wording of this is that these are from the Muslims this is the apparent wording of the hadith because the Prophet SAW I seldom said be careful from being among them so it would appear that the meaning of this is that these people are not from the non-muslims these are people from among the Muslims who go around any like you can say like torturing or only attacking Muslims and helping up the oppressive people so this is something that has any Allahu Alem happened and seems to get you know to be getting worse that there are times in certain you know in some sadly in some Muslim countries and we're you know we're very blessed to be in a country where we have safety and security and we're able to practice our religion but that's not the case as you guys know in many Muslim countries there are people who claim to be Muslim and they go around any attacking the Muslim stopping them from going to the prayer attacking the people who go to the Masjid arresting the people who go to the Masjid and so on and so forth this has happened in countries that we have seen that are not far from yeah and you're not far from here and you have seen this around the Muslim world in certain places at certain times and these like squads of people who go around looking for the Muslims and torturing them and attacking them this is something that has happened and this is all from the point of view of helping the oppressive people and this is one of the signs of the hour and in the helping of the oppressive people and from the signs of the hour is the spread of a xena the spread of fornication and adultery so in the sahi hain from the hadith of an authority Allah and The Messenger of Allah I seldom said indeed from the signs of the hour and then he mentioned some of them and he said while Rosina and zina will become prevalent and from the hadith of Abu Hurairah all of the Allah and that he mentioned at the end of it what'she Rafi halfa isha immorality will become common and from this are those people who will declare zina to be halal and this is again one of the signs that has happened and is getting worse but it will only reach its completion at the very end of time because the prophets I seldom mentioned that the hour will come upon the worst of the people he said why abkhazia onest the worst of the people will remain they will commit fornication like animals yummy on the street and upon them the hour will come any the hour will come upon these people and it's narrated in some of the narrations from abu huraira that the prophets i am said by the one my hand by the one whose hand my soul is in this ummah will not end until a man goes to a woman and he commits fornication with her in the middle of the road he said and the best of them in that day will be the one who will say perhaps I should say have taken her behind the wall and he the best of the people on that day will be the one who has any so little shyness that he said it would have been better if I did this behind the wall where nobody can see that's how prevalent fornication will become and that will happen at the end of time but we can see now that this issue of fornication has reached such a level in even in in good societies it's reached such a level so how about how it's getting worse every time and you can see what then on how the non-muslims behavior for them now marriage is a rarity and fornication is the normal any fornication is the norm for them and marriage is something that is like a Jeep for them they did like for them marriage is something strange especially in the West and when you find the people getting married it's like really strange for them subhanAllah and yet we see this is getting worse and worse all the time and it will continue to get worse until the hour comes upon these people and from the science and the minus signs of the Day of Judgment is the spreading of a river and will lie any this is something that again when you read about the scholars who said that this happened in their time you think if only they could see what happened in our time I'm from this is the hadith of even immerse root from the prophets I seldom that he said before the hour comes RIBA will become widespread and in Sahay from ABI Herrera the Prophet SAW Elam said there will come a time where the person will not care where he gets his wealth from is it halal or is it Haram and actually the way the author links this is very nice he says that this is the bit not caring where you get your wealth from is the beginning of the spread of river-like it begins with people not caring where they earn their wealth from they don't care whether their wealth is halal or whether it's Haram and then from there the society falls into river because once they don't care where they get their wealth from river becomes an easy alternative and now look at it there is no country in the world that isn't completely drowning in river that I know of any there is no country in the world that isn't completely drowning in river that isn't engaged in RIBA and conducting River and practicing RIBA and trading in RIBA and there you know like their their transactions are based upon a and their economy is based upon it even the best of countries we still see them many they are heavily heavily involved in river subhana Allah and this is from the signs of the hour and it will only increase because this is another sign that has happened and it's getting worse and worse and worse until when the hour comes you will barely find any a transaction that is not based upon River and even now we struggle ourselves to even even the Muslim wants to keep away from RIBA struggles for to find a way to keep away from RIBA and from the minus signs of the hour is the appearance of musical instruments and musicians and people declaring them to be halal from the hadith of Sahib inside brother Allah and The Messenger of Allah so I seldom said there will be at the end of time Hassan were called foon wah mask there will be Haas and there will be the the the holes that open up in the earth and people get swallowed up into the earth like chasms that open up or sinkholes that open up and swallow the people in the earth were carven and cut the the scholars differed over what the meaning is any the throwing of stones in one mass and transformation of people from one thing to another they said when will this happen or Messenger of Allah he said when musical instruments and singers become widespread when musical instruments and singers become widespread and in sahih al-bukhari that the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said from the hadith of abou Malik al-ashari the Prophet SAW Selim said there will be a people from my Ummah who will declare silk I'm various different types of silk and alcohol and musical instruments to be hala look at what the prophets eyes and put music with he put it with silk and alcohol and he like he did not put it like in that or there will be some people who will fall into a bit of music anything there will be some people who will declare silk a wearing of silk and alcohol and music to be hala and that leads us to the next sign which is the drinking of alcohol and the people who believe that drinking alcohol is halal so the profits I seldom mentioned that from the signs of the hour and he mentioned some of them and he said why you sharable Hummer and alcohol will be drunk any among the Muslims will be people who will drink alcohol and this is again something that has happened and is getting worse so it's from the category of those signs that have happened on our and are getting worse each time and it's mentioned that some of them will change the name of alcohol as the Prophet SAW Shalem said there will be a group of my Ummah who will make alcohol halal by giving it a name that they will name it and this hadith is in musnad al imam ahmed and Sonnen eben majeure and this has happened already that there have been people who call alcohol spiritually any uplift uplifting drink mash Ruben guru Hey yeah it's like a drink to lift your spirits and drink tit to give you I need to lift your spirits and so on and from this is this important principle that changing the name of something doesn't change the reality of that thing this is really important because well I you know with Reba it's become the number one way that river is fed and given to the Muslims is by changing the name so they take that a leaf out of RIBA and they make it a hat and they call it a rib a prophet and they say I mean we we know we don't charge urea by but we charge you 2.5 percent profit I mean this is just taking an elephant making ha any taking RIBA and making repair and if you can't you change the name of something does not change the reality of something but this changing of the names is from the signs of the hour that the people will make these things music halal what do they call it a Nasheed Islamiyah many islamic Nasheed's and they are not to say that all Nasheed's are musical but any you can see now like you have you have pop groups and you have a group of any young guys who have concerts who have any voice coach training who sing who dance who you know make music videos and they call themself islamic artists me I'm an Islamic artist or an Islamic rapper or an Islamic any whatever an alarm star look at what has happened all these things are through the same means taking the name and changing the name to make something else and then telling the people it's okay because I change the name of it the name of something doesn't change the ruling of something what changes something is the reality of it so we said that people look at the haqiqa look at the reality if the reality of it is it's alcohol doesn't matter what you call it it's still alcohol if the reality of it is that it's music it's music even if you call it in a sheet or you call it any something else and likewise the the reality of of RIBA is that it Arriba even if you call it profit or Farida or benefit or something like that it's riba at the end of the day so changing the name of something doesn't change the reality of that particular thing we do a couple more inch'allah just so that we can get through because I'm conscious we want to get through as many of the minus signs as possible not doing a great job of getting through them very quickly but do our best from the signs and this is one when I read it it really yeah it really it really brave some of them really bring it home and I think this one did and that is the decorating of the masajid and competing and boasting with people about the masajid from the signs of the hour the Prophet SAW Selim said in the hadith of Anna's rhodiola and the hour will not happen until the people compete with each other regarding the masajid any they compete to boast with each other that my masjid is bigger than your Masjid and I've built a Masjid in my name and that must year is the biggest Masjid in there area or something like that and in a wording that the prophets I seldom said from the signs of the hour is that the people will compete with each other in the building of the masajid and likewise even Abbas said you will decorate your message it's like the Jews and the Christians decorated their messages or decorated their places of worship and the prophets I Salaam also forbade this now if you want to understand to the level this was taken on our rowdy a llama and when he was extending the Masjid or never we he forbade them to use any red color or any yellow color and he forbade them from even putting a color in the Masjid any arm are used to consider that putting any color in the Masjid is decorating the Masjid and now we see massage it will lie any the decoration that is done for them it's just something else in Allah who knows time and that doesn't mean that we shouldn't build high quality massage it the message should be built with the highest quality it should be the best building but it shouldn't be decorated and you know what decoration is decoration is something that doesn't serve a purpose like writing the IATA along the top of the wall what purpose does this serve well that's a tuxedo IRT la whose oohwa don't take the ayat of Allah as a joke they're not decoration they don't artwork the ayat of Allah are not there for art the ayat of Allah used to be read to a people before you who used to fall down on the ground out of fear of Allah so again and now we think let me decorate my house and let me decorate the Masjid by putting the ayat of Allah isogen all of you know putting golden pillars and any all of these decorations and these like you know domes even dorms on top of the Masjid what benefit does the dome have when did any of the Sahaba make a Masjid with a dome wala there is no dome in the massage it this is something that the people invented after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and it serves no benefit at all I remember sheikh abdul marcel a bad used to criticize it so much used to say you lou you lose the benefit of the roof the roof was a place of benefit you could put a like a small like accommodation on there for them or at then or for someone you could use the roofers extra prayer space you could use the the roof for storage and then you put this big dome that has no fat whatsoever and it doesn't benefit anybody in any way whatsoever and all it does is any alarm stan any it just wastes an immense amount of money and the chandeliers and some of the chandeliers all Ayhan if you took that chandelier the value of it you could feed how many thousands of misaki how many thousands of poor people with this chandelier any why can't have ordinary lights in the masjid why have a big chandelier that is like the size of any alarm style so this decorating of the masjid is one of the signs which is haram and in other words we say that the decorating of the masjid is Haram any excessive decoration of the masjid and once again we repeat that doesn't mean not having the message the message should be low quality or it should be bare but the message should be there for the vicar of a lot that's what decorates the masjid the vicar of allah azzawajal and allah most on any you you see so much of this so building a good quality building that will last a long time this is a good thing building good quality facilities that people can use this is a good thing but the decoration and putting things in there that doesn't benefit the people or using excessive amounts of money that could be used for other things this is Haram analyzer which Allah knows best and it's from the signs of the hour that the people will decorate the massage it and the people will compete with each other in it so you see that the massage it any I'm not gonna say it's it's yeah I'm not gonna say that it's Haram for for us to name a Masjid after a person that's not the issue any I'm not we don't make this like and this is something I'm not gonna say and you can name a Masjid after a person but this issue of competing with each other about the massage it like this issue of you know like that every person with a bit of money and you wants to have a Masjid that's bigger than the other guys Masjid and he saw that he can say my Masjid is bigger than your mess today and these masajid alhamdulillah in this country there's a lot of good but it will live even I'm very critical in the UK especially that while I see of the massage it being places which are dead like it's just a big prayer hole they spend like 1 million like 6 million dirhams like 1 million pounds 6 million 5 million 6 million dirhams to build a message and it's just a giant prayer hole they don't give any thought about what the people are gonna do in it about the activities about having you know Koran lessons about having places for lessons for new Muslims it's just you know let me just make a very big prayer hole where people can come and pray and then the next guy wants to make a prayer hole bigger than the other guys prayer hole but why it's just moderate masala it's just a masala it's not even a like it has no it's it's like they're not alive they have no they're not like Centers for the community it's just like a prayer hole Gary Long's time and the last one we mentioned today which is number 20 on the list is the building of tall buildings and the building of tall buildings we've mentioned in the hadith of gibreel that this is not from the signs which are Haram and it's not Haram to build a tall building and it's not Haram to live in a tall building however from the signs of the hour is that the people will Yanni will compete with each other in the building of tall buildings and this is something which is any clear and in the narration of Muslim voluntarily fertile errata a la rioja yatta para una phil bunion in the narration of ebony Abbas in the mustard every man I've met it's mentioned that they said o Messenger of Allah who are the people who are the shepherds who are barefooted and hungry and poor because we know that the hadith of gibreel says that you will see the barefooted naked poor shepherds competing in the building of tall buildings in the hadith of near bus they asked the Prophet sighs Allah who are the shepherds who will have bare feet and be hungry and poor he said they are the Arabs so the the meaning of this is that the Arabs will compete with each other in the building of tall buildings and if you just look at the history of the the Gulf countries and let's say like two hundred years ago where they were well many people were fishermen shepherds like you know they had a few camels they had a few sheep they had maybe a fishing boat there were simple people and he subhanAllah they were not rich people and today those same people on skyscrapers and huge buildings and this is from the signs of the hour and that's not blameworthy for them if they did it in a halal way there's nothing blameworthy for them that's not blameworthy but the meaning of the bev that the barefooted Shepherds is the Arabs I mean that the Arabs will be the people who will go from being shepherds to owning tall buildings and this is from the signs of the hour that you see in front of you today you'd only have to drive down chef Zayed Road to see how men of these twelve skyscraper buildings and all of these buildings the owners of them many of them if you look at their grandfathers and their great-grandfather's many of them were shepherds simple people and he who just haven't had some small sheep and some cows or some camels or some and a small fishing boat there were simple people and within a few generations they own you know their own skyscrapers and they own like huge buildings and like we said this is not Haram rather this is just from any the signs of the hour you need the things that we see there sure that the hour is getting close okay that's all we have time for in this segment I still probably need one more lesson to finish the minus signs so we're still going but inshallah the major signs I'm planning just to summarize them in one in one lesson even though in the book he gives half of the book to the minus signs and half of the book to the major signs but I think the major signs are quite well known by people so what we'll do we'll summarize the major signs probably in one lesson because I think a lot of people know them and a lot of people have heard classes on them before but maybe a lot of the minus signs we haven't heard and we've about finished almost half but insha'Allah like one more lesson we can and we can zoom through and finish the rest of them insha'Allah because I think it's it's something that we should recognize because the more of them you see you realize how close the hour is and what's the benefit of realizing how close the hour is the benefit is for you to change your actions to change what you're doing to realize that where am I going the hour is coming look at the river look at the Xena look at the buildings outside look at the decoration of the masajid look at the way that people treat their parents look at all of these things and then say how close the hour must be I need to act and I remind everyone that your hour comes when your hour comes in reality when you die that's the reality of it okay the day of judgment doesn't happen until the day of judgement happens but you as an individual going to your grave and you either get the blessings of the grave or the punishments of the grave the moment you die all along are you drink maybe they're your hour will be tomorrow maybe your hour will be tonight maybe my hour will be tonight so we shouldn't we don't have time at 1:00 we don't have time to to plan and like some of the companions said that I laugh at the one who makes a plan for his life when death is looking for him in me I laugh at the person who says in the next five years I'm gonna do this and this and this and he doesn't know the death is coming to him tomorrow Subhan Allah this is a wake-up call for us it's supposed to wake you up and make you feel two things I think first of all to feel the need to quickly act upon on your islamic knowledge and practice and secondly to feel the boost of iman in knowing the truth of what the prophets i Salim said Andy how is it conceivable that one of these signs the prophets lysozyme could have known about one of these signs let alone any I think the the author here mentions 55 or 60 - signs you know it's inconceivable for even one of these to be right without the knowledge of prophethood so how about to get 50 60 of them right that you can see in front of your eyes they should only increase you in knowledge that what the prophets I seldom said was true and the fact that you can see them with your own eyes make them a lasting miracle that you can see from the miracles of the Prophet SAW ISIL and that you can see with your own eyes that he said this will happen and you see it happening in front of you and insha'Allah Allah we will continue with the series in the next Friday night reflections be even in light Allah I just answer this question because I got this question okay so this question I think was delivered from the sister site and the sister says I study taps here at an institute where the teacher says we can't recite the Quran from the mobile during menses and when asked she said this is her opinion walleye we've said the correct opinion is that a sister can recite the Quran during menses and the opinion that she cannot recite the Quran during menses is a weak opinion with no Dalila and the Delisle of the scholars who said it is clear Sal juniper the only Delisle they have is chaos upon the one in a state of janaba and we reply to this with two things first of all the hadith regarding the one in the state of janaba are not strong in the first place to even begin with forbidding them from reciting the Quran and secondly this is clear smile fairy this is class with a difference because the janaab is able to remove janaba whenever he wants just needs to go in the shower and he can remove janaba whenever he wants he just needs to take a shower as for the woman in menses she can't remove her menses whenever she wants but there is a big difference between this and the harm in her not reading the Quran for seven days or eight days or 10 days is a significant harm however she shouldn't read from the must have to follow the safer opinion actually a sheikh al albani or him allowed to odda and if you O Muhammad L javadi has written a summary of sheryl Albanese opinion on this in a little book on the ruling of menses it's a very very good summary Auslan the Shahada albani takes the opinion that there is no any there is no deal in this issue from beginning to end and there isn't there is no there is no evidence for what they say from the beginning to the end but what we say is to be safer and to be safe she can recite the Quran but not from the Arabic Mustafa this is safer this is safe irony even though I will lie I think this opinion of Sheryl Albania is Cowie it's a strong money that there is no evidence that the Jew nope cannot touch the must happen there is no evidence that the one in menses cannot touch the most - and in their evidence for this is very weak but in any case any like and likewise going to the Masjid but out of any an abundance of caution we say the safest opinion is she can read the Quran but she can read it from her mobile or she can read it from whatever now the problem the sister has is her teacher takes a different opinion in this case I think that you have to respect your teacher in this regard you personally can read the Quran at home you can read the Quran any from the mobile or whatever you want at home but in front of your teacher you shouldn't disrespect your teacher by when when your teacher gives you an opinion that you you know like you just ignore it and you come in and read Quran in front of her it's better that you respect your teacher in front of her and then ya need the other time and if you think you can convince her give her this book this mohammad al Jabar is small summary of the ruling of mensis it's a very good book and it clarifies very well the fact that there is no issue in this regard but in any case I mean I think you should respect your teacher in that regard lots of the tips here isn't from even kaffir lots of the tips here isn't from even kaffir wallahi eben kaffir is not the only source of Tufts here and I wouldn't want to comment any more on this issue without knowing what she teaches and she mentioned who her teacher was and stuff like that I don't really want to kind of announce that in class and start talking about names and these teachers like this maybe the sister can email me my email is Tim at calema org and maybe we could talk about it but I mean personally I wouldn't want to comment on what the sister is teaching without knowing examples of it so if you send me like for example what she taught about this ayah and you were not confident about it then you can send it to me and I can have a look if what she taught is a valid tips here or it's not a relative's here because there's no doubt that that FC R is more than even a theory not all of the Tefft not all of the valid types of tafseer of found inhibin caffeine so I think the best way of dealing with the tafseer issue is that the sister should send examples of the ayat that she felt uncomfortable with like she felt uncomfortable with this ayah or this ayah and she gave me one example from surah kahf but it wasn't like enough for me to make a and to make a any a judgment on but if you send me a few examples of the tips here that made you unhappy or or feel uncomfortable then inshallah I'll try and comment on whether I think it shows that your teacher is you know is doing something very wrong or whether it's just you know the teacher can make a mistake everyone makes mistakes and Allah knows best with regard to the brothers in sha Allah if anyone has any questions they could just catch me as they go out in sha allah we just guys guys will just catch me as we go out so we don't delay everyone and show barakallahu we come Salaam alaikum
Channel: KALEMAH
Views: 17,493
Rating: 4.8857141 out of 5
Keywords: muhammad tim, tim humble, kalemah, fnr, friday night reflections, signs of the hour
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 49sec (5149 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 30 2018
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