Complete training in #formative assessment #quizizz

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hi this is russell cena from i'm afraid i'm not in my familiar studio at the moment i'm working abroad and i've rented an apartment today i'm going to do a set of videos about quizzes now quizzes is great if you want to create a bit more interaction in your live online sessions or in the class students can use their mobiles or their computers and you can set up quiz games with them where they can answer on their mobiles and it's great for formative assessment but also great as a fun activity at the end of the lesson or as a warmer so if you're looking for a perhaps an alternative to working with carhoot or working with socratif and there are some different functions available on quizzes then you're really going to like this tool particularly if you're teaching online and you're looking for something to liven up your lessons or you're looking for a formative assessment as always if you like the video please like it please share it please comment on it don't forget to come over to if you want more free videos and sign up to my newsletter let's get into the video now so quizzes is very similar to tools like socrative and carhoot it allows you to create kind of quiz activities that your students can either answer on their telephones or on their ipads or even on a computer so it's ideal for using for example if you're teaching online but also great in the classroom because the students can answer the questions via their telephones and they can either work individually or in groups and as always i think the best way to start is by showing you an example so i've been building up a few activities now and i've got a few here that i've created and i'm going to work with this one here because it's just got four questions in it and i'm just going to show you what a quiz looks like how it would work and then i'll show you how to build one and then i'll go through some of the trickiest settings that you might not be aware of so i've got a simple example here i'm going to click on it so we're going to use this one here a visit to london and we're going to choose a live quiz so we're going to do this as if the students were either in the classroom with me or uh also perhaps working through zoom or microsoft teams so i click on start live quiz and we've got two views and today the one i'm going to do is the instructure instructor paste one so i'm going to click on this one here and there are a couple of settings and one or two that i would definitely suggest that you think about using the first one is it's quite nice to have the leaderboard at the end of each question so that the students and you can see who's winning um i'm not going to shuffle the questions in this one the music is quite good so you might want to leave the music on it's not too irritating but of course you can turn it off i'm going to let my students log in with a name i'm going to click on continue and it's that easy to start a game now all the students need to do is to go to and then put that code in so what i'm going to do to help us is now i'm going to now log in on another browser as a student so that you'll be able to look at both the teacher view and the student view so let's say you're doing it from a computer um easiest thing to do is just to write join quiz but with double zed okay right join quiz just search for that in google and uh if you search for that then this page will this link will come up on the first page and all you do is add the code into the students would simply add the code once they've come to the page and then they can start the game so let's quickly remember what the code was so the code that the students need to add in is eight five four nine six seven so if we jump back again and come back to that page to log in as a student so we just write that code in here so i write that code in i click on join and i will come straight into the quiz the first thing that you need to do is to add your name so i'm just going to click on add name and then that is it that's all the students need to do they put in the code and they add their name and bang the game will start now what will happen is that it says waiting for players to join so we'll have to wait now and see as players begin to join the game now we're back in the game and we can see that there are now two people that have joined the game we can delete anyone out of the game if we need to do that and it's always a useful thing but now i'm going to start the game because i know everyone is in their activity so i click on start and it's going to tell me that the first question is coming onto the screen okay and obviously i'm waiting now for the students to give their answers let's see what the students can see so this is what the student sees he sees the question on the screen and he's got to click on the correct answer so i'm going to click on this one and as soon as the student clicks then it's going to give them some kind of feedback and once the activities once everyone else is putting in their answers it's given the feedback so this student got that answer correct if we jump back to the teacher's view once the students have done an activity at the end it kind of summarizes who got the question right and who answered the question and then we can click on the next button and move on to the next question okay so the teachers are seeing something different from what the students are seeing and if we quickly jump back to the student's view we can see that in the students view the student always sees the questions whereas the teacher really just sees a summary of the answers notice also that there's a time limit on the game so for each question in this particular game i set a limit of 30 seconds okay so jumping back again to the teacher view we can see uh now that uh who's answered that question we've got something called the leaderboard that kind of gives us information as well at the end of each question on who answered and who got the questions wrong and then it flashes up this quick graph and then we click again on next question so this is what we call a teacher controlled game now the advantage of this particular mode of working is that you don't need to screen share anything for the students to play this game the students can clearly see that the questions that they need to ask so here we're back in the teachers in the students view and we can clearly see that the t the student can just see the question and then choose the answer though so it's different to kahoot in that way because in cahoot we need to screen share the answers let's quickly jump back to the teacher view and interestingly you'll notice that it does show you this leaderboard and it shows you who's winning so tom's got russell's got 1 330 and tom's got 1 300. then it flashes up this screen and then we click on the next button okay and we've come to the end of the quiz it only had four questions in it so every time the students complete a question a leaderboard flashes up for about three seconds and then we get this summary diagram that you can see on the screen now and then the ability to click on the next question so very nice interface easy to use i like the um the pace of the game this one was an activity that was teacher controlled so i was the one that clicked on the next button we can do exactly the same game but doing it student pace so the students simply do their question then they do another question then they do another question and they come to the end of the quiz i was showing you this what we call the teacher paste mode one of the things i particularly like about working with quizzes is this detail that it gives you at the end so it gives you a breakdown of what answers the students got completely wrong which ones they got 100 on and in this case these two where they only got 50 percent uh correct so it can really give you some information about what perhaps you need to revise and work on again so obviously we don't need to focus on this question but we do perhaps need to focus on these three questions where in fact this one here all of the students got it wrong and we've even got a breakdown by question if we want and we'll actually go through and see um what was uh how many people got our question correct etcetera so that is also really informative useful and in fact there's even a little bit more information that we'll look at a bit later so you've seen a little bit now of just a basic quiz and i will come back and show you some more but let's now look at how you actually create one so what i'm going to do is i'm going to create a really simple quiz i'm going to click on create okay and then i'm going to use this one create a quiz we're not going to look at lessons we're going to look at the quizzes button so we click on here and it opens up a and we're just going to call this quiz about london so i'm going to show you more that's what i just did a moment ago and then i'm going to call this number two because i've already done one quiz on london i'm going to click click on the area we're going to use it for english and maybe for social studies as well and then we're going to click on next and we've got a few things here to keep in mind okay first of all when we do quiz questions we've actually got a variety of different quiz types that we can use now i'm going to focus today on the multiple choice because that was the one that i did so let's start by kind of doing the questions and then we'll just look at a few settings that are really important so i'm going to click here on multiple choice so i click on that and i simply write my first question in here and i write my answers in here now to save time i'm just going to click on the button and do that for you so my first question is what is big ben and the actual answer is it's a bell it's not the tower it's actually the bell now what i can do that's really nice is if i click here i can actually add an image and if i've just got the url of an image i can just paste that in and then it will use that image when it generates the question now i'm going to show you a lovely trick here so if i click for example on this image and then i right click over the image and all i need to click on is save what we want here is copy image link okay or save image link or limit sometimes it can be called link address you just want the actual link to that image okay and if we come back now to the quiz we can just add in that there just paste it in okay and that will actually mean that that image will now appear in the question when i click on done you'll see now that there will actually be an image here at the top along with the question okay so if i save that you can see it here in the in the example okay so that's what it's going to look like and i'm going to click on save now so we've done the first image make sure of course that you click to decide on the correct answer and the other thing is the time now i'm going to always give the first question about 30 seconds but then after a few questions you might want to make it a little bit faster so once we've done our first question click on save and you can start adding another question now and to do that you just simply click up here again so let's just go through the process a few times so again click on new question now i'm going to keep it simple so i'm going to keep it consistent so i'm going to use multiple choice all the time we can use check boxes fill in the gaps polls but i'm just going to click on this one again i won't waste time i'm going to just ask a second question here write the four answers in and then choose the correct answer now it is possible to even use pictures for the answers that's quite time consuming to do but i am going to do it for this example so i'll be linking to pictures for each answer here okay so you can see i've written in the question which picture is westminster bridge so the students have got to click on the right correct picture and i've done the first three so i've put in three pictures and i'm just going to show you how i would add the last one so you don't need to write anything and you just simply click on image and all you do is paste in again the link to an image now i'm going to show you again how you do that so to grab an image all i need to do is click on an image wait until it comes up here on the right hand side of the screen right click and then what you're looking for is copy image link or copy image address all right click on that let's jump back to the question there we are and we just paste that link in and now we've got a nice quiz question that's actually got four images in it so that looks really nice but it does take a little while so i tend to use the images at the top of the screen because of course that means you only need to one add one more image i'll make this one 30 seconds i'm happy with that i've got to say which is the correct answer which is this one here the second one is a picture of uh westminster bridge and then i'm going to click on save and i'm just going to add one more question so we've got two questions now okay i'm just going to add one final question so i'm going to click on new question again i'll do multiple choice and again i'm going to stop the video while i fill in all the information so we've got the question here what statue is this and what i'm going to do is i'm going to add a picture so i'm going to click on image and again all i need to do is paste i've already copied the links i'm just going to click that as the statue of richard the first and again we've just added that in click on done so now we've got a picture there at the top and then the students have to click on the correct answer so i'm going to click on save okay so we've i've got to remember to tell the system what the correct answer is so it's richard the first okay so that was a mistake there click on save and we've now got a total of three questions now there's a couple of things that we can do to improve the image sorry to improve the quiz and that is we can come over to here and there are a couple of settings that can be quite useful we can add grades we can add at least four questions so at the moment this quiz has only got three questions and they recommend the four questions as a minimum and i think in fact even to be honest with you four questions is very few so i'm going to quickly add another question in a minute but just before i do just want to point out a couple of things you may like to have an image at the top of your quiz uh that's just like a header and the students will see that when the quiz is uploaded at the beginning and if you want to do that you can just click here and you can do it in exactly the same way you can just paste the link to something so i've got loads of images of london here i'll use this one so click on that right click copy image link i'm gonna jump back to the uh where we're creating the questions i'm just gonna paste in that link okay so we've now got a nice picture at the top which is kind of the opening i can decide what level this is gonna be for so i'm gonna say that this one is for kind of from 10th to 12th grade obviously that just depends entirely on what you're producing and then i'll click on save and it will update that now as you said it's not happy as i mentioned before it's not happy because i didn't actually do a minimum of four questions so i'm going to quickly add a further question okay so i quickly added a fourth question we've now got four questions everyone's happy i've got all my things here it's giving me a rating of 10 which is quite handy and i can click on done and we're finished and now we've got a new quiz and if we go to our library we'll see that that quiz is available there it is quiz 2. i'm going to click on it and now i've got various ways of playing with that quiz and i'm going to now go through that quiz now we've actually got quite a few options when we play these games and i just want to go through a couple of them for example we can click on assign for homework and we can set when we want this done by so we can leave that as a default okay and then we can assign the game now we don't have to assign to a class we can click on this assign button here and what this allows us to do is two things the students can log in by simply going to and writing in that code and then doing that activity okay or you have a share link that you can give to the students and you can share that link with them and they can also join the activity that way as well so that would be one possibility okay that's if you want to do the activity for not as a homework activity but rather as a sorry not as a live activity but rather as a homework activity that the students do at home and notice that it will also update and give you all information as the students complete the activity you will be informed of their scores etc so if the students do the activity for homework all they do is paste in that link or as i said they can go in on their telephone so you can share the link with them they just click on it and they can just start the activity okay and they just click on this button here and off it goes the questions come up on the screen and the students answer them but of course they do that in their own time so you've got that uh option here so that would be the answer to that would be there again you get immediate score um okay then we can go into the next one this is just an automatic feedback thing that comes up on the screen next question comes up uh what is big ben it's a bell so click on there again correct um a little bit of feedback fun feedback there and um just answering these questions really quickly just to show you how it works so this is when the students will be doing the activity at home at their own pace okay and let's get one wrong okay so in fact the correct answer was that and so uh he gets a final score so that's one way but let's now look at doing it live again okay remember we can either set this for homework or do it live in a class or in a zoom session now interestingly if we come back then as the teacher and look let's say a day later and we can see oh right tom's done it good tom's already done the homework and i can see his score as well uh 80 75 accuracy etc so obviously as more students do the activity for homework then that information would uh all come up on the screen and you actually have a few other options here you can download a report etc there's obviously more to look into in terms of quizzes but i'm trying to give you a good idea of how it all works let's end that assignment for homework all right so we're ending it now so no one else can do it we're closing that assignment and we're going to come back again look go to our library we're going to come back to our quizzes at london we're going to do a live one but this time we're going to do classic we're not a couple of things i need to explain to you when you use the classic mode so i'm going to click on classic mode now and the first thing is you want to choose this one here in the middle but there are a couple of really important things that you need to be aware of i made a couple of mistakes when i first started using this tool when i was using it in classic mode and the first mistake i made is that i thought well i don't want my students to be able to keep doing the exercise again again and again but actually you can only limit them if you uh get them to sign in so the best thing is to actually leave that as unlimited and then show answers during activity i would turn off show out answers at the end of the activity i would turn on okay and then come up to the bottom here come to the bottom here um these settings as you'll notice you can't actually control these anyway so you don't need to worry about that and then click on continue so now this activity is student controlled and what that means is that the student will just log in and just work through the exercise so as opposed to previously where the teacher was clicking on the button to say right next question next question next question when we start this activity now students will log in and they will just play the game so what i'm going to do is going to show you that now i'm going to click on start and i'm going to log in as a student now i've just clicked on start of course no one's logged in so i've got to log in first before we can start the game but let's at least log one student in and i'm going to show you what the students view is and how the game is played you'll notice that the student can just immediately go through all of the art questions uh they don't have to wait for the teacher to set up the next question okay but we're back in the student view now we're going to write in that number which is 4 6 two eight seven four that is to join this quiz okay remember you always have to put your name in so i use the name tom again i click on start now the actual game we do have to wait until the teacher starts the game but as soon as the teacher starts the game tom will be able to work through all of the questions without waiting for the teacher to move on to the next question so i'm back in teacher view i can see that tom's logged in let's imagine there aren't any more students i click on start and this comes up onto the screen okay for me as the teacher so i can be tracking the students as they do the quiz okay and you'll have everyone's name here and i'll be able to see what questions they're doing as far as tom's concerned if we log over to cop tom tom can see the quiz starting and off he goes and he can just work for it and the first question comes up which picture which picture is westminster bridge and i'm going to say this one okay and then the next question comes up see i don't have to wait for the teacher this time i'm just working through the questions on my own okay um so i just working through the questions notice as well that there's no feedback i leave the feedback until the end okay and at the end of the quiz the quizzes ended i get my feedback i got uh um so it just tells me there uh two correct too incorrect okay so i get immediate feedback now let's just quickly jump back to the teacher and this is something i really like the teacher gets an immediate summary of what tom's doing and of course if you had more students then they would all be there once we finish the game click on the exit button so we've almost looked now at every single option in terms of the way that you can use this and again i want to repeat use it for homework use it in a live session using zoom or using google me or microsoft teams or use it in the classroom which is uh how i actually discovered this game because a teacher of mine used it in my polish lesson the other day okay really hope that was useful please come over to uh sign up to the newsletter that way you keep up with all the latest videos with all the latest blogs and webinars and the online courses i run a great section for you to look at would be the mobile section uh if you want to learn about other tools similar to quizzes uh like socrative and carhoot and if you want to follow me on my youtube channel or just click up here i think there's around 50 000 subscribers now so it's pretty busy and finally if you do want to contact me about doing online training with your organization then you can contact me from the website and thank you very much you
Channel: Russell Stannard (Teacher Training Videos)
Views: 13,796
Rating: 4.9480519 out of 5
Keywords: Quizizz, remote learning, quizizz tutorial, online teaching, google classroom for teachers, quizizz tutorial for teachers, how to use quizizz, quizizz tutorial for students, quizizz tutorial 2020, quizizz tutorial youtube, remote learning tips, quizizz tutorial for teachers tagalog, quizizz tutorial for teachers pdf, remote learning tips for students, remote learning experience, formative assessment, formative assessment online tool, formative assessment in the classroom
Id: RiIR4d25mY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 41sec (1421 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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