Complete training in Padlet online & in-class #Padlet #onlineteaching

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hi this is russell steiner from padlet's become very popular over the last year with uh coving and lots of teaching online i've got a couple of videos on padlet that are very popular i've been using padlet since it was called wall wisher more than 10 years ago and i'm a big fan of the technology i've made a set of videos that take you through everything how to make padlets how to set up the security how to get people to comment on them and rate the different padlets the different styles of padlets that you can use also how you can archive your padlets if you run out of free ones to use or how you can save them as images this course goes for everything it also shows you how to combine padlet with zoom or you google me or microsoft teams and of course it also talks about using padlet in the classroom so this is a complete training course in padlet from someone who's been using it for more than 10 years really hope it's useful and as always please like the video please share the video with other teachers leave any comments in the section below and of course come and join me on follow my work by signing up to the newsletter that way you get updated with everything all the videos and the blogs and the online courses and the webinars i run right let's get started okay we're going to take a look at padlet a padlet is like an electronic cork board where people can kind of add all their ideas up onto the screen um and i'm going to give you an example of what a padlet looks like so basically the idea is that you create a padlet and then people can with a link can access the padlet and add their ideas onto the screen so it's and they're all kind of arranged on the screen like stickies so if we looked at a quick example um if i clicked on this one this is really quite an interesting example because it's huge uh in fact a lot of students didn't get to finish i had quite several hundred people in the session but people were just putting out what they were gonna do once the lockdown was over because it was at the period of the lockdown and you can see i just collected everybody's ideas together on the screen now we're not limited when we add a padlet to just writing on the screen we can also add video and audio and i will look at that at the end but the basic idea is that it's electronic cork board but there are actually quite a variety of different cork boards so before we actually look at the process of creating one because it's very easy let's just take a quick look at some examples way to get an idea of what padlet can do is to have a quick look at the gallery and it's worth spending a bit of time here because you really see some nice examples um i can show you this one here this is just a poll where people have put up different answers they've included pictures and then people have voted on uh the best one what would be the theme of a senior prom to be so they would be choosing a theme come up with different ideas and then people voted on it okay so that's another thing that you'll notice that people can respond to content that's been added to a padlet we can also do timelines with padlets and here what we've got is the songs of the year since 2010 from the grammys and you can see that each year a different song has been added this could be writing this could be video well it is video in this case actually or this could be for example images so you can or even audio files so you can do timelines obviously with dates uh the whole idea of timeline is is something that's obviously over a period of time whether it be something from history or in this case obviously the song so timeline can work really really well and then obviously a lot of work can be built around the timeline afterwards this is a nice one it's complete ideas are lots of ideas lots of suggestions from different people about what you need to do if you're preparing for a half marathon and people have put up video they've put up pictures and they've obviously written text in so don't forget all of these are where people have made their individual contributions remember that we can just create a padlet share it with our students and then our students can come on and add their content into the padlet we've been working in groups and writing about memorial days around the world so again nice kind of idea and again something that could easily be done collaboratively be worth looking at um the gallery to get some ideas let's create a padlet and to create a padlet we need to click on make a padlet once we click there you'll notice that there's all different layouts okay and again this can really add a nice element there's a back channel so each uh one comes underneath okay you've got like a grid which is the one that i often use because it lays them out in a kind of grid form you've got a kind of random one here a canvas idea you've got the timeline you've got a very interesting one here as well which is um where you've got a map and um you can kind of mark different places on the map this really works well this one's a shelf so this can be nice if you put an idea at the top and then you put under contributions connected to that idea underneath then another idea here contributions underneath another idea contributions underneath that can work really well so all these are worth learning because they can all be used for different things i'm just going to do the simplest one which probably one of the most simplest grid they all work exactly the same way i'm just going to click on here and what i'm going to do to begin with is just do a super simple question and that question is going to be how are you finding teaching online so let's imagine i want to ask this question to a group of teachers which is something i've done very often i click on next and i'm ready and i can just start posting and all i need to do now is share that link with my students now obviously that could be via email that could be added into edmodo or into moodle or into blackboard or of course i could just directly share that link into zoom so i'm going to demonstrate that so i'll just copy that okay so copy and then i would come back to my zoom now i've minimized my zoom i'm just going to maximize it again okay so just to explain what i normally do if i'm in a session in zoom i will minimize the zoom do the padlet and then come back to the zoom by maximizing and then i simply open up the chat window and paste the link in and then press the button so that now all the students can just click on that link and go to the padlet and engage with me so that's how i use it if i'm using it in an online class obviously sometimes i'm just asking the students to do the padlet in the evening time for homework so i might put it into edmodo or into moodle or into blackboard or of course you could even share it via an email simply you need to get that link to the students need to do is double click on the screen and especially if they're writing what i normally get them to do is write their name at the top and then they can add their comments by just clicking and writing underneath it's as simple as that okay you do need to click to you know to kind of focus on that area and then you can start writing on the screen now you're not limited to only adding up text you could you can in theory add all sorts of things including if i wanted to and i'm just going to demonstrate it uploading a picture uh that you may have uh in your padlets for example so if i wanted to put i've got a picture here of me i could i could add that okay i can turn that off i think i can get rid of that yes but then you've got other options as well you can link to some content if you want to recommend a website or something so for example if i quickly jumped over to my website and i was to link copy and then come back and add that in so it would also work and and and you get again a little image when you do that and another really nice thing you can do with that link is add a youtube video now when you add a youtube video the best thing to do is to go to the video click on share and copy the link okay then again i'm going to jump back now to padlet click here and paste in that link and then click on save okay and the same thing happens when you add a video up onto padlet you'll see in a minute it will visualize onto the screen as well and also provide the button now in fact padlet can do even more and we're going to look at that in a minute the next thing i'm going to point out to you i wouldn't recommend doing this in an online session because the students have already got their microphones connected to zoom in an online session but especially for homework it is also possible and again i'm going to double click on the screen write my name okay but this time i'm going to click down here and i'm going to choose the option of voice and that again i can just check now that i've got the correct microphone set so i'm going to actually change it because i'm obviously using one microphone to do this recording but what i can do is just change it to my webcam okay so i'm using a different microphone and i'm gonna click on the button here testing testing one two three testing testing one two three testing one two three and click on the pause button and i can then discard and restart or play back and save which is what i'm going to do so let's see if that's worked testing testing one two three testing testing absolutely perfectly i'm gonna put a title in russell's ideas and then i'm gonna click on save and now that is gonna be added on to the padlet so padlets are really really powerful in this way because we can put all sorts of things onto a padlet including video links text pictures and of course audio now if we looked at a padlet again by double clicking again i'm just going to put my name in one more time and then i'm going to click again here and then look at these options okay and there are several other ones including taking an immediate snapshot of yourself if you're sitting in front of a webcam and look at all these options here now in all honesty the one i've ever used really is is is voice okay i've not really played around with any of these other ones there's a draw one i do believe and i think that you can sort of draw onto the screen okay and then once you've drawn onto the screen again you can save that and that can become a contribution so it's worth looking at these but the most interesting one for me certainly is the option to do a speaking activity one of the most powerful things about padlet is that we can get our students to respond to the content that other people have put up so we can have like a first activity where the students add content onto the screen and then the second activity where they can respond and in this example we can see that students have responded by leaving comments on what they think of the different ideas but there are other ways of doing this and let me just show you a couple of examples so for example in this one people have been grading the pictures that other people have put up onto the screen i think this was after a visit to china so you can see loads of different activities that we can do but then we can get the students to kind of engage with the content that they've created and this is really important and it's something i talk about a lot in the training sessions that i run responding to student generated content don't just leave it and it's one of the basic reasons why students begin to lose interest in doing online activities if they see that the teacher is sort of asking them to do something and then nothing is done with that particular content read what other students have done and add your comments onto the screen and if you notice i ain't have even more options because i can click on reactions and i have the chance if i want to allow them to like their favorite post or to vote on their favorite post or to star their favorite post or even to grade their favorite post now i haven't used this grade button that often but i did use it very recently when i got a series of students to write introductory um introductory sections to their essays and to put them up onto padlet and then people to grade those based on a criteria so again lots of possibilities but the point i'm trying to make here is that we can actually limit our students to first of all doing an activity and putting up their content but then releasing the comments button so that students can add comments associated with other pieces of work that other students have added onto the screen you're working with students who are younger and you're maybe worried about what they're going to put onto the screen another useful button when you create a padlet is to simply click here and to come down and choose require approval and what that does is it basically means that nothing will be added don't forget to click on save nothing will be added onto the padlet until you have approved it and i'm going to quickly demonstrate this idea and i can do that by copying the link i'm going to log in as a student so i'm logged in as a student now and i'm going to click on the screen and try to add some content and as you can see it says russ i'm going to put my name and i'm going to write something but you'll notice it actually says have to click on the screen it actually says requires approval and now even though i think that's been added onto the screen if we go back and see what the teacher sees now you can see that the teacher can decide whether to delete or to approve if he approves that will then or she approves that will appear on the screen and in this case i'm going to delete it and then that actually just is wiped away so that approved button can be really useful account if you have a free account you're always limited to three but there's quite a few things you can do to keep a record of your previous padlets the first one is to come up to the share button and to simply choose save as image now if you save that as an image and it does take a few seconds for this to work you've then got an image of the padlet and of course then you can delete that padlet from your collection so now i've got an image of my padlet and of course what i can do now is just simply save that particular image and to do that i could just right click and click on save image as you'll see that that image is now a ping file png file pretty standard file and you could save that onto your computer i'm going to add this for example into my google sites so i'm on my google sites i'm just giving you an example you could obviously embed this in many places i'm going to create a new page on my google site so i'm going to call it padlet okay and then click on done and then just double click on the screen i'm going to go to the embed code i'm going to choose embed and then i just paste that code in click on next and that is now inserted into my google sites now that could be anywhere that could be in moodle that could be an ed model that could be you know on a website or on anywhere basically where you want to embed a copy of the padlet that you've created maximum and when that happens you'll click on make a padlet and you'll realize that you can't create one now what can you do about that well one obvious thing to do is that you can archive your padlet so if i click here it is possible for me to take a padlet and archive it and then it will be added to my archived and i can click down here and i can see that i've got three padlets archived at the moment so that's one way of reducing the number of padlets the obvious thing to do though is if you simply click on the padlet so let's just go back to one and then we can simply click up here and turn that sorry click on the wrong button there click on the share button save the image of the padlet so you've saved the image and i've already showed you how to do that and then of course you can actually delete this padlet and then you that will again free up space so if i was now just to close this one let's imagine that i've saved it as an image okay and then i'm just going to come back to my padlets and then what i can do is i can actually delete that padlet now to delete a padlet all that you need to do is click and then you just click on delete padlet and you have to put in a code and then click on delete and that padlet is deleted i really hope that video was useful please come over to loads more videos there's a special section on teaching online and a special section on zoom you can sign up to the newsletter if you'd like to keep up with all my latest videos my latest blogs my online courses my webinars you can sign up to the newsletter here and you can also subscribe to my youtube channel don't forget to click on the bell to get updated with all the latest videos and finally if you want me to do some training for you then please contact me on the website doing lots of work these days around camtasia and zoom and moodle both in groups and in one-to-one sessions and thank you very much you
Channel: Russell Stannard (Teacher Training Videos)
Views: 7,137
Rating: 4.9589744 out of 5
Keywords: Padlet training, how to use padlet in the classroom, padlet tutorial for teachers, learn padlet, online teaching, padlet in the classroom, introduction to padlet, what is padlet, getting started with padlet, setting up padlet, padlet for beginners, padlet tips and tricks, how to use padlet, online learning, padlet tutorial 2020, teach remotely, education technology, use padlet in classroom, padlet for online teaching, russell stannard padlet, hybrid teaching
Id: i12LoGuXbn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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