Using Kahoot in a fully online lesson #kahoot #teachonline

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Hi this is Russell stannard from I'm not in my little   studio in London today unfortunately i'm in a  hotel room but i'm gonna make a video about using   kahoot if you're teaching online so if you're  working with zoom or microsoft teams or even   google meet any of those tools and you want to use  a kahoot with your students fully online how can   you do it. I'll take you right through the whole  process from the student view and from the teacher   view. Really hope you like the video and as if  you do please like it please share it with other   teachers if you can please leave any comments  below and if you want to follow my work come   over to loads of free  videos and you can also sign up to the newsletter.   Let's get started. Now the best way to do a kahoot  if you're doing it online is to get the students   to answer the questions using a telephone  so get them to connect to Kahoot from their   telephones. I'll show you how to do that in a  minute but actually if you place the questions   on your screen and then share screen the question  so that the students can see the questions   on the screen so you've got to divide it up into  two parts. The students answer the questions   using their telephones but they actually see the  questions on the screen because you screen share   the questions so it's almost like when you project  the questions. When you're doing a lesson in the   class but this time you're screen sharing them so  everyone can see your questions and then answer   the questions using their telephones that's  the most effective way to do a kahoot when the   students are working at home and i'm going to take  you through that process now. Now i'm not going to   kind of show you all the details of kahoot. I'm  presuming you've got an account and what we're   going to do is focus on the kind of dynamics of  how we set up and run an online kahoot session.   So I'm logged on and i'm going to create a Kahoot  just to quickly remind you how to create one so   click on the create button and the first thing  you're going to be asked is the type of kahoot   that you're going to do and i'm simply going  to click on create this standard new kahoot   okay so i'm just using this one here and all  i need to do now is to add in the questions   there are a few interesting things that you  can set and at the beginning i'm not really   going to change any of these that is each  question will give you a thousand points and   for the first question you've got 20 seconds  to answer so all i need to do now is to type   in my question here at the top and then put in  my four possible answers here on the screen.   So i've chosen my four options i've got to tell  it which the correct answer is the correct answer   click here notice i could add a picture if i  wanted i can also add a picture into the question   we'll have a look at some of these settings  in a minute good idea to make sure i put a   question mark on there i'm happy with that as my  first question okay now i'm going to add a second   question so i click here. So I'm going to carry  on with the format of using the quiz so my second   question now first question is done and what i'm  going to do for this second question is i'm going   to make it a little bit faster so i'm not going  to give students 30 seconds i'm only going to give   them 10 seconds to answer the question and this  is something i actually do normally not so quickly   but after say three or four questions i start to  make the activities slightly quicker. So I've now   written a second question ''What is the biggest  city in France?'' Leon, Marseille, Strasbourg   or Paris. Again I have to tell the system what the  correct answer is i could use images along with   the answers if i wanted to that would be quite  time consuming i could also use an image in the   question itself or even a video i really don't  like to do that myself i like to keep it very   simple um i know we have these options sometimes  an image library can be real or an image can be   really good because you can relate it to the  question that you want the students to answer   so youtube videos obviously take time they  make the actual doing the quiz slightly more   complicated so i generally avoid doing those  we've now added two questions we're going to   add one more so we're going to add one more  question so we click on add question again   we're going to choose a quiz question and again  i'm gonna reduce this one down to 10 seconds   i'm not going to change the number of points you  get i'm now going to type in the third question.   Okay so we've added a third question really  simple questions i'm just trying to keep this   really simple. I'm gonna point out here how you  could upload an image okay you've got these three   options but to upload an image you simply click  here and then you can connect to an image that   is on your computer that could be associated with  the question. Now if i put a picture of Washington   in I guess it's going to give give it away so it  really does kind of depend really on the question   you're asking whether an image is appropriate  but just to highlight how it would work  What i'm going to do is just come over to my  pictures come over to my save pictures and i do   believe i've got an american flag so that seems  appropriate so i'm going to put that in so that   question has got a flag included simply because  it connects to the question and that is one of   the ways you could work but of course you could  ask the question actually about the image now that   image will appear along with the question when we  play the game and the same would be the case if   we decided to use video now there are a couple  of things to think about here if you click on   settings okay good idea to give it a title  so i'm going to call this quiz about cities   okay not particularly interesting  quiz i'm just going to put a quick   description in here i'm going to save it to my  carhoots there's no video or anything like that   and i'm going to allow everyone to to make  use of this kahoot in other words if another   teacher wants to make a copy of it and use it  for themselves i'm going to say that that's fine   because i've often used kahoots that other people  have made i'm going to click on done that's all   finished and now i'd simply need to click on  the done button here and we're ready to go now   it's very interesting because we can actually  test our kahoot and i'm going to do that now   now you've got three options there but let's  actually look into the planning now we'll play   it in a minute but to actually test it if we  click here the reason this is really good is   that what kahoot does is it actually divides the  screen up into two parts this here is what the   teacher should be screen sharing and this here is  the students accessing the game on their computer   now i've turned off the the audio  otherwise that music can get a little   bit annoying if the students log in with their  telephones and they need to go to   carhoot.iit okay they simply write in the  number so it's going to be five four two three   five three nine okay they put in that number so  all the students will do that we click on enter   then they need to add a name so i'm going to  imagine here i'm just going to write tom okay   so i'm just going to put tom in and click ok go  and you'll see that tom appears on the screen   so remember this is the part that you are going  to be screen sharing this is what your screen   share and this is what the students would do they  will simply log in using their phones now slowly   all the students will log in and you will see the  number of students because it will tell you here   when you're ready to start you click on the  start button the first question will appear   on the screen which you will be screen sharing  so the students will be able to see the question   okay so they can clearly see the question what  is the capital of spain and then they have to   choose the correct answer they got 13 seconds  the time's passing i'm going to click on there   now when all the students have answered the game  or that question will immediately stop otherwise   it will only stop once the time is finished  now the teacher then will click on the next   button remember this is what the students see it  shows all the top scores so imagine you've got   20 students in the in the room it will show you  all the top scores i think it shows you about the   first five and then the teacher will click on the  next button so the teacher's controlling the pace   of the quiz clicks on the next button the second  question now appears on the screen which the   teacher is screen sharing and the students  look here and they have to put the answer now   i'm going to put the wrong answer so i'm going to  click on that one there okay and actually we get   feedback that the answer is correct again because  everyone in the in the quiz is now finished it   moves straight on to show the results otherwise  it would wait 10 seconds remember the second   and third question we only gave the students 10  seconds 10 seconds actually is not a lot of time   because sometimes the telephones are a  little bit bit slow to pick up the questions   so it's probably a good idea to have uh only to  have about 20 seconds then you click on next and   we get a quick summary of how the students are  coming on next again to come to the third question   immediately we screen share the question so  the students can see on their computer what   the question is notice this time suddenly there is  a picture at the top and the student clicks on the   correct answer they just about had time there they  nearly finished the time it gives them immediate   feedback the game is over remember if the game  will end or that each question will end only when   the time has run out or when everybody in the game  has answered the question we click on next and we   actually get a summary of uh the winners to second  place in the third place and in this particular   case obviously there's only one winner because it  was only one person so that is exactly how kahoot   works when we work online but i'm going to show  you now exactly what to do with your students now let's go back to cahoots so we're  going to stop playing the game and come   back to the actual original carhoot so  i'll just click here to close that down   i'm going to leave that page for now come  back to carhoot and if we come back to our   cahoots by just clicking here on the right  hand side we should see now that we've got   uh all our cahoots we just click here to see a  list of all our car hoots and we can actually   play that game in sirius now so what we're  going to do is we're going to click on play   and we're going to um we've got two possibilities  here for self-paced learning or for virtual   classrooms i'm going to do this one here okay  so we're kind of using it for um assessment um   this could be set up easy for the students to  do at home for homework for example but we're   concentrating on if you're doing a live session so  i'm going to click on teach okay now when it comes   to the mode i always choose classic and the reason  i do that is because when students are doing this   core game online it's you're probably going to  get them to do it individually for obviously   from their homes so you don't want the team you  don't want them working in teams you're going to   work and working in classic mode so my general  advice is to choose classic you don't need to   change any of these actually if you want to you  can but i'm going to simply click on classic and   now the game is going to start now of course the  students then will now need to go to   so the students need to go to and  they will put that code in two four two four two   so the students go to on their  telephones so you need to be screen sharing   this window okay this is the window  that you need to be screen sharing   so if so the students go to their telephones  and they go to kahoot.iit the easiest thing   for them to do is just to go straight to  google and write kahoot.rt it will come up   and then they are going to add here the code now  let's just quickly remember what the code was   so the code the students have to put in is  in this case 2 4 2 4 9 nine so remember this   is the student's view this isn't the teacher  doesn't need to worry about this this is what   the student's doing on their telephones and then  they're gonna put in their name and then they'll   be waiting for the first question to appear on the  screen now if we jump back to the teachers view   so remember the teacher will be screen sharing  this so that students will be able to look on   their computers and see this screen once  everyone's logged in and they'll be able   to see their names on the screen so they know  they're logged in the teacher will start the game   and the first question will appear on the  screen just like before okay so the first   question comes up onto the screen the students  can see the question on the screen and what they   will see on their telephones is this and they  will choose the answer and that is exactly how   you can use carhoot in a live session in other  words the students are answering the questions   on their telephone but you are screen sharing  your screen sharing the questions so that they   can clearly see what the questions are and  a lot of teachers have contacted me saying   russell i didn't understand how i could do the  carhoot online so hopefully now i've made that   clear okay really hoped you liked that video loads  more free videos here on   there's a special section on mobiles and including  a video about how to use socrative in an online   context if you want to do that if you want to keep  up with my work please sign up to the newsletter   that way you get updated with all the latest  videos the latest blogs uh the latest webinars   the uh sometimes i do online courses um and also  you can follow me on my youtube channel and that   way you get updated with all the latest youtube  videos don't forget to click on the bell to get   the updates if you're interested in knowing about  how i make all my videos then there's information   here about all the products i use including  camtasia the microphone i use which is the blue   yeti and just to mention that i do get a small  percentage of the sale price if you decide to buy   any of those products products and finally if  you do want me to do some training with you   doing lots of online training these days with  lots of different organizations particularly   around zoom and using camtasia then please  contact me on my website and thank you very much you
Channel: Russell Stannard (Teacher Training Videos)
Views: 4,342
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Kahoot, kahoot tutorial, game based learning, kahoot online live, kahoot online quiz @ rajkot gurukul, kahoot online chat, kahoot online remote, kahoot online exam, kahoot online survey, kahoot online multiplayer, kahoot online hack, online teaching games ideas, online teaching games zoom, kahoot tutorial for parents, kahoot tutorial for teachers, how to engage learners online, distance learning tips, russell stannard zoom, russell stannard, distance learning setup
Id: oxCenpXE2AQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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