Complete training in Mentimeter #mentimeter #student engagement

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hi this is russell stanley from got a great technology for you today if you're looking to build more kind of interaction with your audience either in a live session or when you're teaching online using something like zoom it's a free tool or we can obviously use it as a free tool there is a paid version as well it's called mentee meter and the one of the reasons i've chosen is that you get so many activity types what i'm going to do in this presentation is show you some examples take you through exactly how i build them and to make it more interesting i'm going to give you both the teacher's view and the students view so this is complete training really in the free menu meter tool really hot you like the videos as always if you do please like it please share it please comment on it in the section below if you want to and if you really want to follow my work come over to sign up to the newsletter you'll get updated with all the latest videos and information and blogs and courses etc right let's get started start by looking at the free tool and so i'm logged into i'm going to click on my presentations you can see that i've done quite a few and the great thing about menteemeter is that it can actually be used in lots of different ways so we can create multiple choice questions we can collect together opinions in some sort of discussion uh we can kind of do a whole variety of things if i click on new presentation just to give you an example and i'm just going to call this test presentation and then i click on create presentation you'll see straight away just all of the options you've got multiple choice word cloud open-ended scale ranking q a select an answer type an answer so loads of different questions so what you can do when you're working with mentimeter is you might be in a perhaps a presentation or perhaps presenting a few slides and you want to check the students understanding you can add in questions and see uh what the reaction is of the students so let's have a quick look at some examples of things that i've done with mentimeter nice example i just wrote a question i shared the link the students clicked on it and they were just sharing their ideas about how they might work with a technology like screencast technology so i was just asking the question what would you do if you worked with snagit or screencast technology and immediately i can get back the answers of the students and the lovely thing is as their answers appear on the screen it begins to scroll so i can collect together all their answers on a particular uh topic very very quickly it works a little bit like padlet here text-based but the nice thing is that you can write quite a lot and um all the content is obviously organized very quickly onto the screen and then of course everyone can look at the answers and then discuss them now it's literally just a word cloud so the same technology can be used for word clouds and people just had to put together uh we were looking at buildings around the around the world using google earth and i just collected together people's ideas about what their favorite building was this final example was a multiple choice was doing a presentation and then someone commented on my accent so i just quickly produced the question so which country do you think i'm from and i got people to vote on it and 75 percent of the people said that i wasn't from england and they were correct so you can see how useful this now with the free tool you can actually have three questions you're not limited to one now you don't have to uh do presentations i often do it where i just simply make a question so you can see i've made the question here i just simply click on the share button and i just share that link i actually find that the quickest way for the students to answer now if they got their mobile phones another way to answer is for them simply to go to the website and put in that code but when you're teaching on zoom or microsoft teams and obviously the easiest things to do is simply share that link in and the students click on it and write their answer and bang you've got your answers it's great for kind of getting um informal feedback you know informal assessment formats what we call formative assessment during a lesson do they understand me are they following me etc so let's have a look then at how you create uh some of these menti meters and it couldn't be easier it really is very quick so let's create a new presentation so we're going to call this one teacher training videos okay i'm going to click on create presentation just going to show you how quick and easy to do and for this one we're going to do a word cloud so people just share their ideas i'm going to click on there and i'm going to say a simple question i write the question here and i'm going to say what is the hardest thing sorry about teaching online look how quick i can do this i just literally write the question i'm going to allow people to put in three answers i can't even increase that if i want allow them to put in more so i'm let's increase it to four and then i want the students to start answering this question straight away so i'm going to click on share and i'm going to share this link so i'm going to copy here now the great thing is i can jump over and log in now as a student and show you what this is going to look like so here we are let's imagine i'm a student i've clicked on that link this is where i'm going to go it's going to allow me i can see the question at the top top and i can write in four possible words so i'm gonna write stressful um inspiring because sometimes it is inspiring and you learn new things um engaging because sometimes it can be engaging teaching online but i'm also going to say that it's frustrating i think it's a kind of a bit of everything at the moment i think a lot of teachers are beginning to get on top of it and beginning to kind of pick pick up techniques and stuff but it is a very tough um world to be working in i'm going to click on submit so that's one student has answered the question now let's jump back and see what the teacher is seeing so coming back into the teacher account already those four words are already up on the screen and we've even got a special presentation mode now just to show you how interesting it is let's add a few more answers let's log in as another student so i'm logged in now as a different student and i'm just going to add some more answers so i'm back now as a teacher and you can see now there are new words up on the screen so as different students answer all of those answers are collected together in the screen on the screen and of course it's really nice because you can play the presentation mode great in the zoom session screen share or great in a live session project it on the screen let's just go back and do another one so we're going to click on your presentations okay we're going to click on new presentation and we're going to call this um answer choice all right so what we're going to do in this second one is actually give the students a choice so we're doing it like a multiple choice again don't forget you can have up to three questions in this example let's try a different question type and we'll do select answer so we're going to click on this option select answer we right they answer the question in what which one of these is a virtual learning environment okay and we're going to put down here moodle which is the correct answer and then we're going to choose for example um google sites which is really for web development and blogger which is obviously a blogging tool and then what i need to do when i do this is i need to say which one is correct so i'm going to click on that one now and i can even set a time so i'm going to give people 25 seconds to answer the question okay so really really simple again super quick that's what i love and what i love is again how easy it is to do this so click on a theme sorry not click on theme apologies click on share and share that link as i've said before another way is if students have got for example a mobile phone in front of them they go to mentee meeter yeah mentee meant not meant to meet sorry and simply add in that digit code and then answer the question so that's another way of accessing we're going to do it this way let's log in again as as a student and see exactly what happens for the student now because this is a time one you actually have to start it so you just click on present and then click on enter countdown and from the moment that you enter onto the press enter to start the countdown you've then got 25 seconds i'm going to jump over to the students view and quickly now enter into that um mentee meter connecting i've got to choose my answer i've only got 25 seconds or whatever i set i'm going to click on the answer and then it's going to tell you in a minute if you got it wrong or right don't forget in this particular case you do need to kind of start the quiz because you've got a specific time frame for um doing the quiz so you do actually have to click on present and click on enter to start the quiz and then from that moment the students have got 25 seconds so keep that in mind uh because of course um they'll probably need a few seconds to actually log into the site you can see how easy this technology is now if i jump back into the teacher view i can see that one person's voted and i can see their answer and i can see that they got it correct so a brilliant way and also obviously i can visualize this of getting the students to put you know to just check that they understand something and to get immediate feedback which you can project onto the screen or project onto your classroom whiteboard if you're in a lesson super handy um aspect of working with mentimeter is that if you want to kind of clean the screen to start again just click on this button here and then you can reset it so for this slide or for all slides if you perhaps have a few slides with maybe two questions then you can reset the slides and start again so that button is really useful which is quite a few settings here that can be some of them are quite nice first of all you can add additional answers you're not always limited to three remember if you're going to do a question like this make sure you choose the correct answer so that can be handy if you come up here you've got these themes which you can use if you kind of want to make it look a little bit different some of them are really nice they work really well for example if you're projecting it onto a screen perhaps if your presentation that you're using has got a certain color and you want it all to blend in before you can have up to three questions so i've added what three different questions to this one presentation so they've got three different questions for the students to answer a word cloud and a couple of questions that are one that's got a specific answer one that's a word cloud and one that's a voting one so where students just vote okay now if i wanted to add another clark uh slide into this presentation you'll notice it says that you've reached the maximum so you are limited to just three questions but that's not bad at all for a free tool i mentioned before you can import a slide so you could have say a few presentation slides and then a question then a few more presentation slides now you'll notice that to actually use that facility you have to pay if you want to come back to your presentations always click down here on the left hand side you can access your presentations here remember you can always just open up an old presentation edit it and then use it again really really easy you can also organize your presentations into folders i haven't got that many yet and i need to do that you might be interested in upgrading if you want to upgrade then look here that gives you a bit more information of all the things you get in the paid tool that is a pretty good overview of menti meter free technology uh there are a couple of other things that you can look into but the basics of it and obviously one thing to look at is just the number of uh variety we have which we haven't obviously focused on just simply because there are too many but there is a real variety of questions and it's well worth looking into those questions and trying them out and seeing how they work and the great thing is if you open up another browser so for example i've got google chrome open on my computer and microsoft edge you can log in on another browser as a student and see exactly how the technology works okay really hope that video was useful please come to loads and loads more free videos there's a great section here at the top with some really popular sections in it like the ones on teaching online the ones on zoom etc so just choose any of those all the videos are free if you want to keep up with my work the best thing to do is to sign up to the newsletter that way you keep update with all the online courses the webinars the blog posts i write and of course the new videos that i produce you can also of course subscribe to my youtube channel and i think there's nearly 50 000 subscribers and finally if you were looking to kind of contact me to do an online course with you either one-to-one or perhaps one with a group of people doing lots of work around moodle at the moment and camtasia and of course zoom and adobe connect and various tools then you can contact me from the website and thank you very much you
Channel: Russell Stannard (Teacher Training Videos)
Views: 30,734
Rating: 4.9859896 out of 5
Keywords: Mentimeter, students engaged in learning, student focus zoom sessions, student engagement, keeping students engaged on zoom, keeping students engaged in class, getting students engaged online, formative assessment, students focus learning, mentimeter tutorial, mentimeter tutorial for teachers, mentimeter quiz, mentimeter powerpoint, mentimeter presentation example, mentimeter example, mentimeter and zoom, formative assessment in the classroom, russell stannard zoom
Id: Eyd0G122dNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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