Poll Everywhere tutorial

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hi everybody today we're gonna take a look at poll everywhere this is a fantastic software that you can use it's free it has some pay options as well this is great for making interactive presentations and your Google slides presentations whatever it is so we're gonna get started here go ahead and go to log or I go to poll everywhere and go ahead and select the log in option and just sign in with Google which you should be able to do with your au account I'm gonna sign in with my personal gmail account but you go ahead and sign in with your au account now once you're inside you will see you can download presentation software to start the download of this for your computer now you can also go to the Chrome extension Store and download it directly on to your browser or to simply select the Google slides image here the link here and that will allow you to download it to be able to use in Google slides now for the sake of time I've already downloaded it into my slides so I'm going to show you what it looks like once you have done that and added the Chrome extension for polleverywhere you'll see there will be an option here on your menu bar for poll everywhere and this will allow you to put an insert slides into your PowerPoint or Google slides for instance so for here for poll everywhere you can either insert a new activity or you can insert an activity which you have already created on your personal polleverywhere account now I'm gonna go back here for a second just into poll everywhere now that I'm signed in so you can see what it looks like on the inside so when you create right here when you create a poll it will pop up underneath here one at a time as they appear below you now when you create the question you can edit the question you can duplicate the question in order for the question to be eligible to be answered or responded to by your students you have to click the icon here and notice that it's got a green hue to it that will demonstrate to you or tell you that that is in fact ready to be shown to your students and active for them to respond now here in poll everywhere as I mentioned you can go ahead and create different polls so when you go to create you'll see different options will pop up so the multiple choice option is very simple what's got what color is the sky for instance and you jump into your answers ABC we'll go ahead and do that actually what color is the sky and then we throw in our options here blue red add an option for green and add option for orange and then we want to make sure that we highlight which one of our options is correct and once we have done that we scroll down here to the bottom and we simply select the create option now again you can add in images if you would like that can be an answer response instead of for instance text you hit create and then this will allow you to go in and edit the question this is what it will show you here how to activate it where your students will go you can see my URL here's where students will go to activate this account or activate it where they go to respond and to do that you just simply would select the activate option and now notice it tells the students how to respond it gives them the option to respond via the website itself or they can text to this number texture name and code to this number here and then they can select that on their phone or even on a computer for instance again make sure your question is activated and make sure you are not showing the correct answer on the screen make sure you have that closed off you can select how people respond the audience restrictions I would just leave it wide open to everybody you can test it before you send it and then also the present option here allows you to go ahead and just how you going to present it etc once you have that done you can go ahead and hit edit and then save and you should be good to go with your pulse now we back out here we go to the polls you'll notice what color is the sky and is now active other options for you if you want to create something for instance a word cloud a question-and-answer or clickable image is great for instance I do I taught social studies so I would pull up here on the map different options of what you can do now I'm going to go ahead what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you which state is Ohio when I go to edit I've actually already done this question you can see I've been able to identify which state is Ohio and now I just simply draw dragged in my placeholders here to allow for my answer options to do that all you do is double-click on any spot on the map and you can sighs that and then you see right here another option pops up I'm just gonna call this option II but again I have to make sure my option a for Ohio is correct I hit save and now that question is good to go with the map I can also activate that but notice it's only going to allow me to activate one pole at a time so that's important to remember when you're doing this because it can be very challenging if you have multiple of them in a row to have to go back and activate them so you can do that actually in the present Google slides presentation or a PowerPoint presentation I'm gonna go ahead I'm gonna show you how to do that right now so here we are back in a Google slides presentation and I'm gonna show you how to insert a polleverywhere item directly into your slides presentation so notice up here on the polleverywhere option we're gonna go ahead and select poll everywhere insert activity now you're gonna notice it's gonna pull up all your questions just like you have here in your account for poll everywhere the Google slides presentation when you select the poll everywhere option will give you all the different activities that you have here so if I want to put in for instance the which color is the sky option I go ahead I hit insert activity and now this will automatically put it into your slides presentation now when it comes up you're going to notice this doesn't really do anything for you but you'll see in the four corners here think of this almost as like thumbtacks this is essentially a placeholder for your question it's not active yet so if you have your students trying to answer this question they're not going to go to find anything the only way to activate and do this is have your presentation on full-screen mode as you see you have to go to present mode give it a second and these options will come up I'll you see here this is already active because I made it active in my account but notice in here you can choose to activate or not activate right here in your slides presentation that specific poll here again is the information for your students how to access it if you want to go to visual settings you can manipulate the layout so instead of it being a bar chart here to the left you can have the information display on a column chart from the bottom a donut chart if you would like you can mess around with the settings in terms of how it looks you can go to the dark look you can go to the classic look whatever it is that you would like that's up to you purely up to you however you want to do that and just always make sure that I'm go ahead and say recoilless when I hit escape again notice I've gone back and nothing is being recorded there so it works out really really well for you related to that the second option again is if you want you can view the insert activity I'm gonna go ahead and do that again just real quick I'm just gonna insert my map which state is Ohio I'm going to insert that activity or if you don't want to insert or maybe you're on the fly and in the class and you want to do something right on the spot or you want to conduct for instance an opinion poll pull everywhere new activity this will give you the same exact menu option as you had inside a poll everywhere so right here I'll just simply do what is a use mascot I'll go eagle turtle whatever devil and of course now I can't think of one Tigers there we go and of course we all know the mascot is an eagle so I hit the insert option and now this will insert the slide directly right into my presentation again when I have to go to fullscreen mode to activate the questions when I'm in here give it a second it'll pop up just be patient activate if I want so now once I have that responses I can go ahead and move over to my next question notice it's active as already for you which is really really nice so when the students for instance in here they can click here and it will tell you if it's right or wrong now this is not what's gonna look like for them on the screen so I'm gonna show you here in a second what it looks like from the student perspective this is just your perspective as the teacher and again here you go you can respond right here on this website here or the texting option here so now that you've seen what this looks like from the student I'm sorry from your perspective I'm gonna show you what it looks like from the student perspective and then what it looks like here inside of Google slides when the students have actually gone ahead and answered we have seen what it looks like from the student perspective we're gonna go outside from the presentation perspective we're gonna go ahead and go see what it looks like from the professor or the student perspective when they're actually in here doing this so now you're going to go in and you'll notice is I have what color is the sky which is just simply a question that I have here which we inserted into our Google slides presentation right here question one so now notice this is what it looks like for the students so they would just simply select when they want to respond to this which color is the sky we'll say blue so now you have a response from a student so now once you have this open remember you can leave this open on the screen in full-time hours to me in presentation mode for your students notice the results for the question will appear to the students and to you here in front of the class in real time so as the students are answering this screen here will populate with the specific answers and then you go ahead and show the correct answer to demonstrate that the question was correct if we move to our next slide which state is Ohio notice this poll automatically becomes active so now when I go back to my student view notice it has changed for the students exactly which one it is so it has now automatically update its another student is viewing the second question which state is Ohio I'm gonna go ahead and select here okay well that's not good right is it I don't know well he'll get we'll go ahead and put here now again going back scoot me go back to your slides we'll open up the presentation and now we can see exactly where these pins are being dropped so it's really pretty cool because what it does is it allows you come on it allows you to there we go so as you give it a second because sometimes it can lag so you'll see here was with a pin that I dropped was located so as your students begin to populate on the map where it was located you're good to go it's really a pretty nice feature for that so now that you've seen what the polleverywhere slides look like from the teacher perspective now you've seen what it looks like on the students computer screen right here now how to determine if things are right or wrong as students enter their name and to register for your specific activity or activity poll question whatever it is you want to call it you'll see in here all the questions that you've created all the polls I should say that you've created all appear in here when there's a response you can just simply see right here it'll tell you one response you can go ahead and click on it and did the student get the correct answer or not so you could actually go ahead and and grade these and make it some sort of formative assessment or maybe even a summative assessment that's up to you so what it's really really nice because it allows you to go in and see what students are getting it wrong or which students are getting it right so maybe you don't always grade it or maybe you do it randomly just to hold students accountable but it's very very nice as you can see what color is the sky again I go into this and I can see the correct answers to this student get it correct or not now unfortunately with the free version of poll everywhere you are not going to be able to necessarily create a whole bunch of these at one time so it's gonna kind of potentially maybe limit what you want to do in terms of that and how you want to grade so just think about that how many you would like to in terms of assessments used and that's really it once you have done that you've played around with it they can really be inserted into any one of your slides presentations or PowerPoint presentations it's up to you how you want to use it but this is a fantastic tool polleverywhere is to create an interactive environment where your students aren't just sitting there passively while you're doing a presentation on information they can actively engage and answer questions along the way this can be used for a pop quiz this can be used for opinion polls to gather information or maybe about controversial topics or social justice issues things of that nature you can throw in here engage student opinion and have them go back and forth users you again use images what does this image represent to you for instance and you give them options adjectives that they choose from whatever it is but polleverywhere is really great it's free there's additional software you can purchase with it go a little bit more in depth but for what we want to do especially for this course this free version is fantastic and how they recommend that you use this so you can use either this option there's also another program called pear deck or you can use the interactive flashcards which is a tutorial for you as well for this hypermedia project and the presentation software project so if you have any questions let me know but hopefully you're able to dabble in and use poll ever we're in your teaching
Channel: Erik Kormos
Views: 3,772
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: HN8xjxeaz-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 19 2020
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