COMPLETE HEALER GUIDE! Best Builds For EVERY Healer (with Abyss Showcase) | Genshin Impact

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hey what's up guys today we're going to talk about healers and how to play them efficiently the reason i have to do this is because the new abyss especially floor 11 introduced a new sort of mechanic that makes you consistently lose a ton of hp which means that we actually need healers that are properly built for once there's effectively a new type of difficulty to where it's not just a dps check it's not just trying to clear the content as fast as possible but we're actually trying to survive since survival is the goal having healers that are properly built is essential especially because we can't rely on shields or just spamming you know iframes dodging to save ourselves and i also want to specify that in this video i will be covering how to build every specific healer individually how to gear them artifact sets artifact stats and all that also while i was initially going to wait for kokomi before making this video i feel like it's a time sensitive one since a lot of people are struggling with the new abyss right now so i want to get it out as soon as possible and for kokomi i will mention what's suspected to be good on her uh later in the video but i'll also update the pin comment and released a full kokomi guide when she does come out so just be sure to check that and while i have mentioned the abyss a lot in the intro this isn't just an abyss video it'll also be catered to building your healers in general for most content in the game but before i do that i want you guys to know that i stream most likes on twitch link in the description if you're interested be sure to sub if you're new and let's go first of all regarding this new floor 11 if you don't know what it is it introduces this new corrosion status when you're inside this floor your characters will gain corrosion status every time you defeat an opponent this gets applied to all party members and it can continuously stack up lasting for 10 seconds each and basically it just deals a ton of damage as you can see characters being corroded will lose a fraction of their hp every second active characters can be killed by this but non-active characters can only go up to uh or lose all the way down to 15 hp because of that your team's gonna be consistently taking an insane amount of damage making it very hard to survive if you're not healing properly or have you know good well-built healers also and honestly most importantly for this video and for healers in general you guys should know that there are multiple different ways to build them basically what i mean by this is you can go on a build that completely maximizes healing right where generally speaking you're building uh whatever they scale off of so usually attack or hp on their sans and goblet with a healing bonus circulate where you're getting just the maximum amount of healing possible for a lot of players for co-op for floor 11 stuff like that can be what you want to build but generally speaking what you're trying to do is heal just enough for whatever you're doing build good enough artifacts to where you heal enough and then after that everything else you can invest in damage or more offensive stats the reason for that is for example my gene with a four piece verdessen vendor will not only give me a ton of damage by reducing the opponent's elemental resistance and deal mass amounts of damage on her abilities with my crit circlit and my nemo goblet but even without going full healing she'll still heal more than enough to make this abyss easy she can still fully heal all my characters instantly to where i don't need to go overkill on healing that being said i will cover how to get the absolute maximum amount of healing in this video if that's what you want to build and i'll also be covering more quote-unquote optimal or generalist build sets the last thing i want to mention before i begin is that the maiden's beloved set is generally the set that will give you the most healing but is rarely optimal the reason for that is because running more offensive sets like verdes and vanner for gene or no bless oblige for general supports will provide your team with a significant amount of more damage or attack percent in this case to where you're clearing a lot faster meaning you need less healing and if you do need more healing it's generally preferable to stack it on your artifacts go for like a healing bonus circlet over losing out on this damage that you provide your whole team and going with the maiden set however and i want to make it clear it can be very good if you don't have enough healing and it can be good for casual players and if you just get a good set of this passively while farming for verdes and veneer and so i just wanted to cover the set right now it is the most healing you can get because it gives you 15 healing effectiveness and then when you use your skill or your burst all your party members will receive 20 more healing for 10 seconds which is actually a lot for some characters like diana if you really want her burst to heal more a set like this can be considered but is very rarely optimal unless you need more in which case you can go for the set and so what i want to do now is show you guys that my gene who's not running a super invested healer build just has a strong attack sands is a decent level right level 80 with a level 8 talent on her burst but not maxed out on healing so she's not running like a healing bonus circlet not running an attack goblet she's really just on an attack sands for healing and on a four piece verdessen vendor which will give you a lot less healing than maidens can still heal more than enough for the floor 11 to where i don't need to just invest in healing i can still give her a lot of damage to make my life a lot easier in this floor alright so i just cleared like about two waves of enemies without really healing i'm gonna let all my uh all my characters get down to pretty low hp here as you can see so most of them are in the red zone right and as you can see all i'm gonna do is use my jeans burst and then suddenly all my character's hv is basically full i can swap into my shower heel inside of this range and just passively i'm gonna go back to full hp the corruption may have worn off but you can basically just do that on cooldown since it's not that hard to get jeans burst back on cooldown especially if you run you know a decent amount of energy recharge or an energy recharge weapon to where basically while you're just passively killing all the enemies you can heal back up to full hp with your gene even in content like the floor 11. now this doesn't mean you can't run more healing if you want to heal a lot more you can but i just want to basically point out that the amount of healing you need is oftentimes overestimated to where even this amount which is honestly pretty low is more than enough to keep all my characters very healthy but yeah so my point overall was just that you can usually get away with offensive stats especially on a character like gene and still heal enough and with other characters who might heal slower you can go for more healing but you still usually can run an offensive stat and just maximize your healing on your pieces with something like a healing bonus circlet and then whatever your scaling is on your goblet and stance okay so now with all of that out of the way i don't want to get into specific character builds how to build every single healer not only for the most healing we're going to cover that but also the more optimal builds for every piece of content where you're healing enough but also dealing damage and providing more utility to your team so with the gene who i already covered somewhat briefly i'm going to go in a bit more detail basically for more damage you're going to want to run the four piece ferrets and fender especially if you're running an elemental carry in your team her healing does scale off of attack as you can see which is why attack percent is what you're going to be building for more healing because of that you want to attack sans on gene generally speaking and to maximize your healing you can go attack on your goblet as well with a healing bonus circlet but generally speaking you don't need that much healing as i showed earlier to where you can min max your gene by going for a crit circulate crit rate or crit damage with an anemo damage bonus goblet as long as your talent is high enough level and you have an attack percent sans with a high level weapon you can usually heal more than enough since your burst is so good jean is one of the best healers in the game and probably the best healer for floor 11 because she gives a burst of healing to your entire team leaves a field on the ground that will heal over time deals a lot of damage and is in a nemo unit which means she can make use of the verdes and veneer set weapon wise i usually run her on a skyward blade but there's a ton of really good options for her energy recharge swords are great to spam your burst on cooldown and it makes it to where you don't need an energy recharge sense you can go attack percent and get more healing but there's also more offensive weapons uh something like a crit sub stat can be nice and even attack percent weapons something like the flute is better on jean than on other characters because it will not only give her some damage but also amplify her healing making attack present weapons actually pretty good so there are many options and even some good free to play ones like festering desire or the new blacksmith one now the next character i want to talk about is actually bennett one of the strongest characters in the game by far if not the strongest amazing amazing healer gives you attack percent can dps as well gives you a ton of particles just a great unit overall the way you want to build him to maximize his healing is by giving him hp because that is what his healing scales off of his attack bonus though does scale off of his base attack which means you usually want to give him some hp so that he heals on something like his goblet with a healing bonus circulate to maximize his healing but also give him a high base attack weapon so something like aquila favonia alley flash if you have it or just any weapon that has a high base tack and or energy recharge honestly energy recharge is also super important for bennett usually what you try to do is give him enough energy recharge to spam his burst on cooldown with a high base stack weapon that means that weapons that have energy recharge are typically good but weapons with a high base attack are generally very good as well if not better the reason for that and a crucial thing to understand with bennett is that you can build energy recharge on your artifacts if you need more but you can't build base attack off your artifacts your attack buff only scales off your weapon and your character's level to where having a high base attack on your weapon is very important because of that i tend to recommend an energy recharge weapon for the early mid game and honestly most of the game but when you're mid-maxing when you have enough energy recharge you can swap over to a high base attack weapon and then build energy recharge on your artifacts to make up for it personally i'm running him on aquila favonia with energy recharge on my sand so i can spend my burst on cooldown and then an hp goblet healing bonus circlet to give me more than enough healing even for floor 11. the max healing on bennetto would be going full hp with the healing bonus circlet and obviously like maiden's beloved but you typically don't need that much if your artifacts are leveled to where i do recommend in a blessed lodge with an energy recharge sands to spam your burst on cooldown now next up i want to talk about diona dion is a character who has an amazing shield that can basically save you from a lot of hits you don't have to dodge as much very comfy shield gives you a lot of particles and her burst also heals you the problem with dionna is that she's usually good for most content and one of the strongest four-star healers because of her powerful shield but in a place like floor 11 where shields don't matter as much she's one of the few characters that actually needs a lot of healing invested into her to be able to keep up with floor 11 or you have to run her with another healer what that means is that for most content i really like diona poor piece no bless oblige with either energy recharge or hp on the sands then hp on every other piece to maximize your shield is usually what i recommend but for the new floor 11 you might want to actually max your healing more in case you don't know everything about her does scale off of hp her shield and her burst both like the healing and the strength of the shield will scale off of your hp because of that leveling your diode is very important and also giving her hp and healing bonus on the circlet for more healing or hp on the circulate for a stronger shield i can see the argument for this abyss to run something like maiden's beloved or even like two-piece tenacity of milith with two piece maidens two give you once again more healing and more hp with the two-piece milliliter overall though if you have enough healing and you don't need these healing sets no bless oblige is still what i recommend four more attack present to make your burst sort of like a mini bennett burst just basically buffing your team a little bit more now i'm gonna show you how much my diona can heal what i'm gonna do is run her on triple hp which is a shield build not a you know quote on quote healer build on no bless oblige as the only level 70 diona and once again obviously your hp goes up uh very significantly when you level her okay so i cleared two waves of enemies here uh basically my hp starting to get low i'm going to swap to my diana who once again isn't on like healing bonus use her burst get a shield so i don't take damage swap to my shower and then like i will passively heal up while i'm fighting but down his rate of healing honestly isn't that high um although this build is still good enough as you can see my characters are getting healed up they're both back to almost full hp and then i can swap the dionna use my skill uh and i'll get my burst back in two seconds or you know maybe i need a bit more energy recharge but basically like you can keep your team alive on dionna even if you're not stacking the most healing but it is harder than with other characters um like you know even bennett jean barbara anyone like that to where you can want to run more healing and so to sum this section up and not make it too confusing basically for a shield build stack hp but if you want to give her more healing go healing bonus on the circlet and you can consider changing your artifact set to something that gives you more healing like potentially maidens and tenacity also for diana's weapons it's usually a debate between sacrificial bow and fevonius i went into more detail in my diona guide but basically what you need to know is that both are very good sagbo will give you more cryo particles and let you use your shield twice so if your shield's breaking or if you just want a second one you can go for sakbo it's also better if you run a cryo dps or another cryo unit that wants those cryo particles whereas favoni's bow is the more general option especially if you have enough crit rate to proc the effect constantly the reason for that is because fevonia's warbo will give you more energy recharge whereas sacbo gives you more base attack and fibonacci warble also gives you white particles which generate more energy for your whole team whereas sacbo gives you cryoparticles by letting you use your skill another time overall they're both good they depend on preference i tend to recommend favoni's warble late game when you have enough crit rate and sacrificial bow if not for a more comfy play style and more cryo particles and it is what i personally tend to use also i wanted to mention that elegy at the end is pretty good but not many people have it but you can use it if you do next up i want to talk about chichi she is a character who actually got a lot more useful this abyss rotation because all she does is just give you a ton of healing chi-chi's healing is insanely high it's actually so high that you'll usually overheal to where you don't really need to invest that much into her healing case you're wondering her healing does scale off of attack percent or attack as you can see which is why that's what you want to build on her for more healing however as i mentioned she mainly just gives you healing sure her burst deals a lot of damage but it does have a very high energy cost and chichi doesn't generate any particles for some reason because of that you usually want to build stuff like you know sacrificial sword energy recharge and you can even give her some damage or artifact sets that will give your team more damage to basically make her more than just a pure healer in the early game for co-op or for floor 11 having a character who just heals is pretty good though which is why chi-chi's a lot better this abyss but i will show you that even when you're not max invested into your chichi she will heal more than enough because of how much healing she gives you one thing i want to mention though is that i basically always always always recommend a tenacity of the millet set for chichi this is an artifact set that gives her a bigger use than just a heal bot because it will give your party members 20 attack every time her elemental skill hits an opponent and as you know chichi's skill spins around her for a long time from off field that means that even when you're on other characters dpsing on you know anyone else you will be gaining this attack percent bonus so in terms of her artifacts to maximize her healing as i mentioned attack percent is what you want to go for and you can consider a healing bonus circlet but it is usually overkill to show you what i mean i'm going to run her on an attack sands i'm going to remove my goblet just because i don't want to give her that much healing she is on a crit circlet attacks hands and you know flower feather so with no goblet uh a sacrificial sword a level 60 chichi which again is low level and only a level six burst level five uh skill i'm going to show you that she can effectively keep my team up and healthy okay so now all my characters are like on life support they're all about to die so uh let me just swap the chi-chi here i'm gonna use her burst and as you see first of all um you know there's gonna be a mark on this enemy which means i can swap to any character start attacking them and just by attacking them all of my hp is going to be restored very quickly and this is with a chichi who's very underinvested you can also attack on your chichi to heal like all your party members but generally speaking just attacking on the individual characters using your skill that gives you some healing passively will be more than enough now you might be thinking oh but some of my characters are low hp uh but honestly like it's very easy to maintain it because chi-chi's mark that you apply off your passive and your uh burst as long as you use your burst relatively frequently on cooldown or whatever you can easily keep up with all the enemies um with all the corruption stacks that are afflicted to you the one thing i want to point out as you can see my hp is back to full is that this chi chi as i mentioned is on very low investment so i'm just doing this to prove that chi-chi's inherent healing is very high which is why i tend to recommend not building maidens on her going for milith and then after that your artifact main stats can honestly depend your sense can be attack percent or energy recharge your goblet can be attack percent for damage and healing or even cryogoblet if you want uh chichi's damage isn't that high though especially if you're not super investing into your chichi which usually you shouldn't be but it is a viable option if you can spam your burst on cooldown and then her circlic can be crit for more damage or attack percent something to keep in mind though is that in floor 11 there's a lot of enemies which means you will be gaining particles just from that uh but if you can't spend your bursts on cooldown energy recharge sands and or a sacrificial sword which is her best weapon because of the long elemental skill cooldown that she has but attack percent weapons can give her more healing and damage something like the flute is okay a favonia sword will give her er and generate particles for your whole team when you're critting and honestly just energy recharge swords as a whole are pretty nice with sacrificial sword being the best by far now next up i want to talk about barbara and barbara's honestly one of the most underrated characters just consistently like yeah she's not the best character in the game but she provides a lot of utility and things that people tend to forget not only does she give you enough hydra application even from off-field with her elemental skill but she also can provide you with thrilling tales of dragon slayers which is definitely her best weapon giving 48 attack to whoever you switch into on top of that her healing is honestly pretty good as long as you level her talents uh yes her skill can be annoying and can freeze you if you're fighting like cryo slimes or whatever but in general uh it does heal you passively and your burst will heal your whole team a significant amount her healing does scale off of her hp so when you're building her that is what you want to stack on your pieces you can go for hp on the sands goblet and then healing bonus on the circle for the most healing possible although energy recharge is also viable on your pieces the one thing i want to say for artifact sets is barbara is one of the few characters where something like maidens or going for more healing can actually be viable the reason for that is because while i run her on noblesse nobles doesn't have the greatest uptime not only does her burst cost a lot of energy but you don't really want to spam it on cooldown you more so want to use it when you need the healing so running for a bless on her while it can still be the best if you already have enough healing like i do which is why i run it uh if you need more healing the uptime of the effect won't be that good to where i can recommend also running healing sets like two-piece maidens beloved with uh two-piece tenacity of the melody or even four-piece maidens beloved if you just wanna max your healing and do nothing else also while this won't concern too many players if you are running a reaction team and your barbara does manage to trigger reactions instructor can be pretty good but do keep in mind this is a four-star artifact set so you'll get a lot less stats also regarding kokomi while i said in the intro that i'll make a separate video for her when she comes out it's suspected that she'll have a similar build to barbara i know she might want like damage or whatever but as a healer it looks like she will be scaling off of hp and healing bonus but i could be wrong so just be sure to check the pin comment when kokomi comes out and watch my guide on her if you are wondering about kokomi next up one of the healers that actually has a lot of nuance uh to her kit is sayu sai is a character who scales off of many different things her healing for the most part does scale off her attack especially when you look at her burst as you can see the skill activation healing and the daruma healing both scale with her attack because of that building attack on her usually gives her more healing but as you guys can also see her swirls will heal your characters based off her elemental mastery that means that she heals both with attack and with elemental mastery on top of that at her sixth constellation if you do have it she basically gains a ton more healing and damage with elemental mastery so that is definitely what you're going to want to be building if you are c6 however for most saiyus anyone that doesn't have her at the sixth constellation it can be sort of confusing as to okay should i build attack or should i build elemental mastery on my siu the one thing i want to say is that generally if you build elemental mastery on sawyu and then put it on a healing bonus circlet you will be dealing a lot of damage with your swirls but also healing enough because of your circlet however if you just want pure healing attack resent will give you more than elemental mastery so obviously for just raw healing attack percent sands goblet and healing bonus is the way to go now if you want a nice hybrid build between healing and damage as i said elemental mastery on your goblet and then going killing bonus on your circlet will give you more damage and still a lot of healing however something you'll also notice with saiyu is that it might be hard to get your burst up on cooldown that's why a lot of people tend to run and recommend in energy recharge stands for sawyu while that is good and you can definitely go er sans for saiyu you can also just go for a energy recharge weapon like a fuvonius or a sacrificial greatsword which gives you energy recharge and then has a really good effect and you can look for some energy recharge on your substance to allow you to run a different sense however it does really depend on your rotation basically the exact amount of energy recharge saw you needs highly depends on you the content you're clearing and your rotation you can need somewhere from 160 to 200 energy recharge which is a big amount and why a lot of people can go for an energy recharge stands on her regarding your artifact sets there are a few that work but with the nemo healers i always recommend verdes inventor as long as you're running at least one elemental carry or strong elemental support in your team like maybe official or anyone whose damage would like to be bought if you do need more healing though obviously something like maiden's beloved can work and even no bless oblige as a replacement to verdes and veneer to give your team that uh 20 attack buff can be viable regarding your weapons while i mentioned that energy recharge swords are great and what i usually use like favonius or sacrificial and the new free-to-play claim are also having energy recharge so that's something you can keep in mind there are other viable options like rain slasher that gives elemental mastery uh same thing with blood tainted if you just want em or even some attack percent claymores like wolf's gravestone if you have it usually being amazing because of the insane effect that buffs your whole team and will give you an insane amount of healing because of how much attack percent it gives you for most players though i do tend to recommend energy recharge claymores unless you do have like the wolf's gravestone lastly regarding noelle i don't really want to cover her in this video because i don't think she's a good enough healer for floor 11. i know you can clear it with noel i don't want to see a bunch of people being like oh i nine starred with noel why are you say i know okay but her healing's so much lower than everyone else i mentioned it doesn't even have 100 chance of healing there's a triggering chance and so while she can be a good dps and like a c6 noel can do a solid amount of damage while healing herself as a healer i really don't recommend it but if you do want to run it her healing does scale off of defense so you can go for defense percent with a healing bonus circlit although again i would much rather just run barbara diona gene anyone else you could have and overall i want to say that there's a lot of really good healers in this game and since floor 11 the new one at least is one of the reasons why i'm making this video it's not the only reason and i want this video to be universal that people can watch when they just want to build a healer i do want to say that you can pick the healer that's right for you for your team whichever one provides you with the most utility what i mean is some characters will give you more raw healing than others whereas others give you more utility like for example down his shield or bennett's damage the insane amount of attack that he gives your whole team can be what you need and so overall the best dealer for you really depends on that but basically every single healer can get you through floor 11 as long as you build them properly and so i tried to cover that in this video how to build every healer both for maximum healing and in a more optimal way where you also give them a good offensive set more damage or just whatever the character needs but yeah that's about it i hope this video helped you build your healers properly and hopefully you can clear the abyss without a problem if you have any questions or concerns be sure to leave them in the comments down below because i do read most of them feel free to follow me on twitch join the discord subscribe if you're new all that stuff and with that being said i'll catch you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Zy0x
Views: 395,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact healer, genshin impact healer guide, genshin impact healing, healers, floor 11, abyss 11, genshin impact floor 11, genshin impact abyss 11, genshin impact abyss guide, support, jean build, qiqi build, sayu build, kokomi build, barbara build, kokomi, bennett build, noelle, qiqi, best healer genshin impact, new abyss, genshin impact 2.1, genshin, Weapons, showcase, spiral abyss, maiden's, artifacts, zyox, zy0x, healing
Id: txE_53DixT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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