Flexible 4★ SUPPORT! Updated DIONA GUIDE Best Build & Gameplay Tips | Genshin Impact 2.2

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hey everyone it's sevy with diana being on the current hutau banner i thought it's once again time for an updated character guide this diona guide will cover her talents utilities constellations best weapons and artifacts and team comps as always this guide is going to be low ar friendly as well especially since diona is such a good character for new players there's a lot to cover with this adorable but feisty feline so let's get started let's begin with diona's kit she mainly does three things shield heal and buff your team diana shield utility is built into her skill upon using her skill you fire these icy paws which upon landing will create this cute cat-shaped shield around your character you actually don't need to hit an enemy to create the shield it can just hit anything or land anywhere the shield damage absorption scales on her max hp this skill comes in two forms first is the press version which fires only two icy paws for a maximum of 4.8 seconds on talent level 7 onwards and this has a short cooldown of 6 seconds the hold form is a much better version holding her skill fires 5 icy paws for a maximum of 12 second duration shield on talent level 7 onwards the shield gains a 75 damage absorption bonus so that it can take more damage before breaking for example you have a base shield health of 5 000 and then you multiply that by 1.75 from the damage absorption bonus and that gives you a total shield health of 8750. so when should you use one over the other i almost always recommend using the hold e version since it lasts longer and takes more damage i would prioritize the press e version if an enemy is charging a large damage attack so that i can greatly reduce its damage then the six second cooldown should make it ready for using the hold version right after the risk of using a hold version to absorb a one hit large damage is it breaks right away and you have a longer cooldown to wait for while you're unprotected this is also how you can generate energy particles with diona and of course the old version generates more particles aside from absorbing damage the shield also helps cleanse your character of elemental auras since it briefly applies cryo on you so if you cause for example melt here then it reduces the time you're affected by the element it seems the only exception is when you're affected by hydro it doesn't freeze you but it also doesn't help get rid of the hydro aura weird but that's how it works next diana heals with her burst and it's a very simple mechanic you just stay within the field she creates and it gives your active character healing that also scales from diona's max hp i think one thing to keep in mind is that the healing ticks are every two seconds if you're coming from bennett and you feel like her heels are a bit slower that's why it's also why in my opinion comping diona with hutao is a bit more usable in contrast to bennett and his faster healing lastly dionna buffs you and debuffs your enemies with the following talents her first ascension passive increases your movement speed and decreases stamina consumption which gives you a bit more mobility in battle and is very useful for stamina management if your characters rely on charged attacks or if you dash around a lot and then her passive from fourth ascension debuffs enemies by reducing their attack when they're in the burst field so you want to try fighting them while they're also within it you can add more buffing utility through artifacts which i'll get to later for support she does so much which is what makes her such a versatile all-around character so now let's see what her constellations add to an already solid c0 kit first there's c1 her first constellation is useful to help with her burst uptime by refunding 15 energy after the burst field ends it practically makes her burst cost only 65 energy unless you're fighting against enemies or conditions that can reduce your energy c2 buffs your skill damage and shield damage absorption by a bit but the real value of this is in co-op of course if you're a co-op player then having this is quite a boost for your support diana's usefulness and your teammates will have more to thank you for rather than just her healing field c3 increases her burst talent by three levels so increased healing and burst damage c4 this constellation which decreases her charged shot time when within her burst field is probably the odd one out for her support utility i imagine this can be useful if you want to target ruin enemy weak points maybe if you want to quickly break shields or freeze enemies but that's such a rare use for diona actually or if for some reason you build a dbs sniper diona i don't know overall probably her least important constellation c5 simply increases her skill to give better shield damage absorption c6 finally is a big one this constellation is what makes diana become a god to your support for one it makes her a more effective healer by increasing the healing if the active character in the field is at 50 or lower hp but then an active character with more than half their hp will get a whopping 200 elemental mastery bonus so aside from protecting and healing your team diona can now provide a significant damage boost to reaction damage now let's move on to diona's artifacts diana is very easy to build as a support for the best shields just slap your hp artifacts on her and the sub stats you'll want to have are just hp er and maybe some crit rate if you're using a fuvonius warbo on her if you want to lean more towards her being a healer using a healing bonus circlet will increase her healing more than an hp circulate but personally i think an hp circulate is the superior choice since it increases both shield and healing for early ar players these are what i would recommend first is the exile set the two piece is good for dionys energy needs but the four piece effect which gives your entire team energy when you use her burst is really helpful to give her another support function next is the scholar set same two-piece effect as exile but i'd only recommend the four piece set if your team consists mainly of bow and catalyst users so for more universality the exile set is better than the scholar set finally there's the instructor set but i'm recommending the four piece not the two-piece set and only if you have a reaction team comp as long as you proc a reaction with diona your entire team gets 120 em which is a lot and that helps your main and sub dps's reaction damage now if you can start farming five star artifacts these are what i'd recommend the easiest is a combination of the following two-piece tenacity for more hp two-piece maidens beloved for better healing and two-piece emblem for energy recharge my personal choice is two-piece tenacity and two-piece maidens if you want more offensive support use from her a four piece noblesse is also a good option to give your team an attack bonus while healing them with your burst if you want to supercharge her healing then a four piece maidens is the obvious choice although i think she heals enough already even without the 4-piece effect so this is a bit too much it's an option though not one i would fully recommend do not make the mistake of putting two-piece retracing bolide on her since it won't help with shield strengths unless she's the active character now for weapons for a 3 star bow the top choice is a recurve bow since it has a really high hp substat for better shields and healing you can actually stick with this even at high ar levels as long as you have good er substance from artifacts for four stars you have basically two picks and one of them you get for free first is the fuvonius warbo and its passive makes diona a much more useful battery so that means he'll want a bit of crit rate on dionna to be able to proc it reliably you actually get a copy for free from defeating duvall in the first time but refine it as much as possible for bigger battery function the second is the sacrificial bow which is better used at higher refinements with this you can reset diana's skill cooldown which helps eliminate her shield downtime since her skill cooldown is quite long at 15 seconds it has a lower energy recharge substat but higher base attack versus the fuvonius warbo so which to pick between the two i think it boils down to if you want more shield reliability and uptime then use sacrificial bow but if you want diona to battery your team better than favonia swarbo but you can't go wrong with both finally for 5 star unless you're trying to build diana as a dps the only option is the elegy for the end it just takes a while to proxy both effects since dionne's skill and burst take some time to hit enemies and even though diona releases multiple icy paws the bow has an internal cooldown of 0.2 seconds which doesn't work with icy paws since they are more or less hit at the same time finally for team comps i think diona is relatively easy to slot in her utility alone makes her an easy choice for your abyss team shielder and healer being a cryo character she can be paired up with another cryo for the resonance which gives extra crit rate on enemies affected by cryo the most famous team comp that diona is part of is the morgana teen comp this is like a meta-certified comp that has been used in spiral abyss time and time again diana's role here is mainly to offer cryo resonance and energy particles for ganyu since the comp relies on ganyu's burst but since diana is the all-around shielder healer buffer support she's basically the sole babysitter of the otherwise squishy team in this team she works great with a 4 piece noblest set her cryo battery utility also comes in handy for characters like yula and ayaka who both use energy heavy bursts and you conveniently get cryo resonance with them already dayona could also help in superconduct teams like with razer physical caching physical fiscal by applying cryo with either her skill or burst lastly c6 diana becomes much more useful for reaction teams you can always build sucrose for em sharing and the vv resistance reduction but if you're more comfortable with dionys shielding and healing then she'll do the job regardless at c6 she also becomes more viable with a hotel reaction team since even if you overheal hutao she at least gets 200 em for her charged attack rotations but yes dayona is generally very easy to fit into team comps if you need to fill in a shielder healer role so everyone that's going to be it for this updated diona guide if you pull this little bartender i hope she helps keep you safe and healed while she serves her best signature mix diana is definitely one of the best 4 star supports because of how much she can do so don't sleep on her but what about you how's your experience with dionypin if this video helped you out don't forget to leave a like subscribe to my channel for more guides and info and turn on that bell button to know what i upload and when i will see you soon take care
Channel: SevyPlays
Views: 137,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: philippines, filipina gamer, gamer girl, gaming, gaming video, filipino gamer, pinoy gamer, game streamer, female streamer, genshin, impact, diona, updated, guide, full, support, best, healer, shielder, artifacts, weapons, talents, constellations, kit, passives, team, comps, strongest, morgana, new, low, AR, high, f2p, spender, mid, advanced, beginner, gameplay, tips, pro, easy, buffer, hu tao, 2.2, cryo, resonance, hu, tao, sayu, thoma, comparison, pull, worth, summon, how to, sacrificial, bow, favonius, elegy for the end
Id: MBbD7L2pG-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 09 2021
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