Watch Me Flat Iron My Natural Hair @3 AM + I Trimmed My Ends

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oh my gosh girl i'm over here feeling like rapunzel my hair is so freaking long no way what's up guys it's your girl java and i'm back at it again what another youtube video what's up if you read about today's title then you already know what's going on and i know you read today's title duh that's why you clicked on it okay that's why you clicked on my video so you guys see what i'm gonna do tonight well this morning it is 3am right now i'm recording on my phone both my batteries to my camera are dead like i don't know how both of them are dead i guess i plugged up the camera battery to outlet that don't work so i didn't charge it i don't know but the camera is dead so i'm recording on my phone and it's 3 21 a.m and i'm going to flatter out my hair and actually it is around the year anniversary of when my sister flat iron right here i let my little sister daisy flat iron my hair in a youtube video if you haven't checked that out i'm gonna put that link down below in the description box y'all let daisy flat iron my hair and i might let her flat iron my hair again because she actually did a really bomb job it was like kind of a silk press kind of look she did good so i might let her do it again but in the meantime i want to try flat iron my own hair because i have a flat iron my whole head in like two years i'm gonna link down below that video when i fly under my whole head whenever i flat iron my hair or get it flat iron i record so you guys can see and it's been over a year it's like a year in a month now i have a lot of products in my hair right now i got suffered uh anti-dandruff hair scalp conditioner i got 100 pure shea butter in my hair conditioner i got a lot of stuff in my hair because i keep it moisturized and my scalp moisturized under these braids you know i keep them more stressed so yeah so my hair could stay moisturized while it's in this little style but before we get started i want to tell you guys the stuff i'm going to be using so just in case you guys asked i'm using the infiniti pro blow dryer by con air and they got different combs to go with it you could also use a generic cone from sally's if you lose the comb to come with it and then i got this this nice little flat iron from layla air layla air really cute brand new i think it's from sally's that's from sally's i think this is from sally's we finna get into if i'm gonna get in the shower and rinse what's in my hair out first because i want to make sure this is 100 out before i flat iron my hair i'm gonna rinse this out i'm gonna put on a different shirt though just in case like all this skin girl i ain't trying to get burnt i don't want my skin to get burnt because i ain't flat ironing my hair in so long so i'm not i'm kind of new to this at this point but before we get started in this video before i waste my hair out let's get into this this little pajama set i got on or whatever i got this pajama set from my own business that i i have last year when i did my flat iron video i have a business okay but i got one this year so y'all go check it out at avaj decor that's my business use a coupon code pj and you get 25 off all your orders whatever you order i got a lot of stuff on my website so you should go check it out and yeah this is what i'm wearing this is a matching set i don't got the pants on clearly i just hopped out the bed it's three in the morning okay i ain't got my shorts on don't matter but y'all that's how they look and then they tie up it's just these velvet pajamas like these are my favorite pink is actually i think sold out right now so yeah but i got other colors in it like black and red pink finna be in stock though if it being stopped but it's out of stock or i might got like one left and one size i don't know but yeah these are my pajamas at abode decor y'all go check it out i'll go support and all of that and i gave you guys an exclusive coupon codes all right y'all so i'm back y'all don't mind the tan line this tan line is from my lace front from two freaking weeks ago like okay don't wear a lace front in the sun don't do that i did it and i knew i was gonna do this but i didn't care cuz like why would i care but i'm just saying it's light up there and that's why because my little lace front or whatever yeah but this is my hair um super freaking greasy like super greasy i might have to really wash it and stuff but this is my hair i know how to wash my hair for short ski because like this is so greasy but y'all it's it's gotta be cute like i know it's gonna be cute i'm gonna get a shirt wash my hair let me try what i'm washing my hair with y'all so this is what i'm going to wash my hair with um this suffereth shampoo i used to suffer a um what is it called that stuff i showed you earlier in the video but i'm about to use this now i've used this a few times i like it like it really cleaned the freak out your hair like when i say it cleans y'all this right here it cleans it do what it supposed to do and it helps restore the scalp's natural ph balance so you know that's that's good so yeah i'm gonna use this on my hair okay y'all fresh out the shower i dry my hair off a little bit of course i ain't just want it dripping everywhere but this is how i was looking y'all my hair is so light i don't know if i can see it on camera but my hair is so brown it's really so light but anyway y'all look at these back here let's see what this looking like okay stretching that's crazy how my hair can draw up like i just washed my hair the other day before i put my braids in and i promised y'all it was like this short i let it um dry for like air dry for a couple of hours it was like this short it went right here i'm gonna go ahead and turn the air on because baby it gets so hot up in here when i blow dry come on when this blow dry come on i can't do it so i'm gonna go ahead and put the air on i'll be back y'all this is the heat protectant i'm using it's beyond the zone turn up the heat i use this in the video from last year and i use this in a video from two years ago i swear by this stuff you can get it at sally's how much would this be i don't even know but this work with um like helping your curls stay in because i know after you fly down your hair for a long time you get heat damage i know some people out there that can flat iron their hair a lot and don't get no heat damage okay y'all so look the hair drying up air is drying yeah what is this i look like a freaking spider i know it's not as much as my hair so i need to get to working before this be super difficult and i say never mind okay because it'd be like that sometimes oh y'all like my shirt i made this shirt like back in i think 2018 2019 or whatever only a few people got these shirts but should i start selling these shirts we don't like them which i think i like them i probably will update the pictures because like i said these are like 2018 this is definitely 2018 2019 pictures so i'm gonna update the pictures but i like this little shirt it's cute or whatever oh finna watch a video that i'm not going to be able to hear because that blow dryer but at least i could see stuff it'd be like that sometimes [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] this is what it look like blown out this is where you're sitting um like it's crazy because i remember my hair blown out being on collarbone but it's a little past the collarbone like two three inches maybe it's more grown [Music] yeah so this is how it looks um it's giving oh wow oh i knew that was coming garage i seen it i seen right through it um but yuri i see what's going wrong don't hate me cause i'm beautiful don't hate me cause i'm beautiful oh yeah yeah now that i got hair like i even shocked myself sometimes i'd be like whoa because i'm telling y'all i don't be seeing it i decide i don't mind i'm being like whoa so now i'm gonna do something to this part put it in the bandsaw nut i don't know why the front to put away i gotta put the phone away the back is staying out but the front it's just gonna be in the way in the back if that makes sense probably don't make no sense but whatever okay put into the back then we'll be done i'm sweating so i just know it's gonna get back drawn up but whatever okay so we're gonna do the back now i'm gonna get back to y'all when it's time to actually do the fly let me see my side or my flower hi let me just do one p real quick like i'm so y'all see i'm geeking like i'm excited whoa hold on and that's just a random little piece it's giving what it's supposed to give oh my gosh my hair is so freaking long no way no way let me see what my splitting is there okay split ends okay it's about this much split ends right here about this much like this much y'all see that can't see that but that's where it started getting a little raggedy i ain't gonna lie it iggy raggedy right huh that's about an inch or split ends but the rest of it the rest of it like y'all see this what is this whoa my hair is wrong like y'all y'all y'all know how i feel this is a personal feeling okay i'm excited i really want to share with you guys how i grow my hair out like how i grow my hair out because bruh i gotta facetime my sister i gotta call daisy i gotta call daisy and daisy be having faith in my hair she'll be like drop your hair so long your hair is that long i'm like girl barely hold up we got an active group chat not they having a group chat and didn't ring me [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] girl i'm over here feeling like rapunzel okay a rapunzel lay down your hair like girl when did i get cut like this when did my hair get cut like this huh oh okay i don't know i don't know when it got like this guy like this is some excitement this is pure excitement what in the world this is crazy and this one piece right here and i need i need flat iron the roots wait till i get to roots wait do i get to the roots girl but i'm going to go through with the blow dryer one more again just to make sure that we can get the full length yeah i'm excited can y'all tell i'm excited like when i do my hair anything in my hair it's a whole different energy like i love i love when i get to see my hair out whenever i get to see it all i love it so i'm gonna go through one more time and i promise y'all it's gonna be overweight oh yeah that really just made me break a sweat like i'm i'm over it at this point but i'm gonna flat iron it because i ain't just blow my hair out for nothing okay uh i'm back i just received the order it gave me a notification i had to go see what was ordered yeah i get so excited when i get orders for my business i don't make no sense yo my ear is freaking red look at that yo my ears is tiny yeah i got toddler ears okay so look we finna oh that dirt is not blow out man it is maybe that's just how it is i don't know whatever i'm trying and like i could tell i did this in a minute because i'm scared i'm running for myself i'm over like hold up nah don't come too close what you doing you do the most like i'm over here like running for myself back in the day when i fly down my hair girl grabbing it all stopping all i care hair used to be bone straight every day every day showed it but like now i'm scared or like i feel like a child like i'm scared to flat out my hair and i never would be scared but i'm scared i feel like i'm gonna burn my scalp yeah so i'm gonna speed this up and i'll come back with like more hair flutter [Music] but i'm struggling on this side because like i'm left-handed and struggling y'all comment down below if you're a lefty like me and you struggle sometime with doing certain stuff because you were just left-handed and certain stuff just just kind of be hard to do am i the only left-handed person to smear the ink when i write with a pen or is it just me because it's mirrors every time you write it like that but i'm gonna put the phone on the charger okay for real i'm gonna put the phone on the charger and i'll get back to y'all on my phone charge don't have a period yeah all right y'all so i'm back a third of my hair is flat out i wouldn't say half because it's not half it's like a third and so it was looking really good if i do say so myself [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] foreign i was there that's why we're here today [Music] [Music] little [Music] is [Music] okay y'all so the shine is there the length is is long i actually bumped it at the end inwards a little bit so yeah but i'm so shocked right now i'm in i made i'm shocked like this is crazy [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] so [Music] yo so this is the finished product like i'm so happy i feel so pretty right now like my hair is long like look at this i just feel cute having my hair straight i just feel really cute this tan is really bothering me now that my hair down okay i put my phone lower so i have to get a little lower view i just laid my edges right here and then laid it right there yeah lay my edges and stuff and this is how it looks i just did all of this and it's going to puff up by like two days it's gonna be all puffy and stuff but get into it find a little life check let me get it on my back yeah i'm so excited happy i went ahead and flat ironed it because why not the year anniversary was like a couple of weeks ago actually let me check when was my year in the first room and when i flattered me hair let me see oh look guys i'm gonna get out of exactly it's the most popular video on my channel so it's easy to go all right oh wow yeah it was just the anniversary april 21st is when i posted the video so i'm pretty sure it was april 20th you know but yeah so it's been a four years since he has touched my hair i had no heat damage because i know he'd been touching it but yeah i really like the way it came out i'm in love i'm gonna enjoy it for a little bit time it lasts and then i'm gonna do some more natural hairstyles or something because my hair will be more tameable y'all i'm just so excited and i thought my hair would have a lot of breakage in the front from getting frontals but there's actually no breakage in the front and i do still got my edges so i'm surprised but i'm still great i'm grateful cause honey i was prepared to have no edges and that's just the truth about it okay but yeah y'all i'm so excited and happy if y'all want a full video how i grew my hair out how i keep it healthy how i repair my ends y'all just comment down below and i'm gonna i'm gonna get out of the t hopefully you guys enjoyed this video it took me a long time to film it but i was like i gotta film it for you guys i this is like a thing on my channel now i filmed this video every time around the same time of the year so every year you know i fly around my hair and i get to see the growth and how it looks and stuff but this time i'm going to end up doing another video if y'all want that telling you how i grew my hair y'all just comment down below if y'all want that make sure you give this video a big thumbs up okay for the effort i put into my hurry i'll give me a thumbs up if you're not subscribed and you brand new girl what you doing subscribe to my channel be a part of the squad because every weekly oh here i do lip vlogs and other good stuff so y'all tune in to my channel and subscribe if you're new and yeah comment down below which i think about these shirts if y'all think this is like cute merch but like i said i do got a business called a bosch decor is basically my name backwards decor yeah so y'all go check that out it'll be the first link in the description and stuff like that next link will be my boyfriend's channel and then someone and so on so yeah but that's in today's video you already know the deal stay blessed and you gotta stay positive adios amigos you
Channel: ItsJava
Views: 54,343
Rating: 4.9746366 out of 5
Id: EaOq_0O0RaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 43sec (1783 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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