Nail Art πŸ’… Storytime Tik tok Compilation

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there's no way home and i have no mercy there's no way i'm still going down so i keep on laughing so you pull me closer when i have no mercy [Music] [Music] noise [Music] this is the time i had a racist uber driver so for my birthday this year we decided to go to cheesecake factory and walk around the mall after we drank it was me my boyfriend and his two friends who are also my friends obviously we couldn't drive there if we were drinking so we called an uber driver the first uber driver was nice he was cool then the uber driver that picked us up from the cheesecake factory different story right off the bat he looked like a clown he pulls up in what looks like a white 1998 honda odyssey minivan if you're curious just look up what that looks like on google images and he had all these stickers on it taxi stickers obviously the uber sticker lift sticker trump stickers and when we get in the minivan he's wearing a legit top hat like when you see a chauffeur wear top hat in the movies and a striped white and black outfit he had an alexa plugged into his car and he put post-it notes up that say in quotes say alexa play so that my friend was like hey alexa play pop smoke i'm sorry i really needed to give you this backstory but like for part two this is the time i had a racist uber driver part two so we were all bumped into pop smoke and we were all teed so we decided to mess with him we started asking him random questions like oh how do you like driving as an uber driver or what's your craziest experience with uber so we get to chit chatting and then my friend mike decides to like pretend that he was a drug dealer he starts bragging that he bought a brand new 2020 audi with his dealer money which he didn't he's not a dealer and the guy's like yeah i've definitely had my fair share of drug dealers and we were like how did you know like what happened and he was like i've picked up my fair share of black people and i was like excuse me sir what what did he say but not for real was tight i was like um excuse me what and i was like so like what how and mind you i was like tee'd and when i'm teed i kinda just say what's on my mind and i was like so you think every black person is a drug dealer and he was like pretty much so when he goes to drop us off i poured out my leftover fettuccine alfredo in his car and screamed he was a racist piece of [ __ ] this is the reason why everybody thought i dropped out of high school over the four years of high school i was probably in school a total of 100 times altogether and this wasn't because i was lazy i mean partially but it was mostly because i have really bad stomach problems so i always had these doctors appointments i was always missing school because my stomach hurt so then my junior year since my attendance was really really bad they decided to put me on home instruction this means that teachers will come to my house for about two hours a day three days a week and my teachers had to bring with them these time slips for example saying that they saw me from 9 00 am to 11 am and when i was a minor my dad had to sign it and when they hand in those time slips those are the hours they're getting paid for so i had this one teacher she was my history teacher but we would literally just gossip the entire time she was mad chill sometimes though she would cancel on me and sometimes i would cancel on her but this was my senior year so i was 18. so i was able to sign the time slips so i saw her once a month when i was supposed to see her four times a month so every time she came i signed four time slips i got the credit she got the check this is my tattoo horror story so this was for my 19th birthday i believe i really really wanted like a tiny little crown tattoo on the back of my neck i saw it on pinterest and i was like i need this tattoo i need it right now so i messaged my normal tattoo guy and he was already booked for like the next few days and like i said i wanted it right then and there which was a very big mistake looking back at it and it was a sunday so not many tattoo shops were even open in the first place except for one i wish i could just out this place it is literally the most horrible place run by the most horrible people but anyway i go in he told me that he could do it but it has to be bigger because he can't do something that small which i've seen tattoo artists do tiny tiny little tattoos so that was the first red flag but i was being impulsive and stubborn and i really wanted that tattoo right then and there so i said okay he put the stencil on me and it looked small it looked good after having him tattoo my neck for over an hour and a half i started to get worried part two of my tattoo horror story so i was in a tattoo shop for about two and a half hours this wasn't because he was tattooing me for two hours but because he kept on taking short breaks he kept on telling me that he had to take a smoke break and i was like okay that's fine do what you gotta do it was only him and another guy working there nobody else and every time he would take a smoke break him and his co-worker would go outside starting like the third smoke break that they had i had to pee so i went to the bathroom and when you're coming out of the bathroom you're able to see outside like through the window so i noticed that the guy that was giving me my tattoo had a pill bottle in his hand i kind of figured it was like tylenol or something but he was pouring it into his coworker's hand and he looked mad sauce so i go back and i wait in the room sitting in the chair mind you my friend was with me and they took another 10-15 minutes to come back and the way that i was sitting my head was kind of like leaning down so every time he would come back the door was behind me so i didn't really have to look at his face and keep in mind that this was the longest break that he took the whole time so after we left my friend told me that that time that he came back he had white powder all in his nose and he was trying to wipe it off and my tattoo got infected story of the time i almost got in a fight over road rage i know you probably are thinking because of my road rage but no sweetie because of some stupid little girls road rage so i was driving on this main road in my area and it's basically the road that leads to like everything like the mall different food places just basically everything and if you're from jersey then you know that people suck at driving so the speed limit on this road is about 50. but there's always traffic because everybody goes on that road and the drivers over here love to cut in front of people so somebody that was two or three cars ahead of me decides to weave in front of somebody right before a stop light so the first person slams on the brakes then the second person stands on the brakes and then i slam on my brakes because i wasn't about to hit somebody and little miss driving a 2001 mercedes-benz decides to honk her horn at me as if it was my fault and pulls up next to me with her windows down and i'm like [ __ ] like you really think that it would be my fault if you slammed in the back of me if anything it's the two cars ahead of me fall not my fault so we're at the stop light next to each other she starts screaming story of the time that i almost got in a fight with a girl over road rage part two so she pulls up next to me i obviously assumed it was because she wanted some type of confrontation so i pulled down my window and i'm sorry to this girl if you're watching this i guess you were just like uninformed and you didn't realize that like that whole situation would have been my fault if you did rear end me it would be like the two cars ahead of me you know that like slammed on their brakes in the first place but it's fine you live you learn so she starts talking about learn how to drive you don't know how to drive why don't you go back to driving school you obviously don't deserve your license blah blah blah and i was like well sis and you're the one that's gonna have to go back to driving school when you get those two points on your license for renting me you realize that this accident if there was an accident would have been your fault by law and the stoplight that we were at of course had to be the one stop light that literally you have to wait like 45 seconds to like go green again we're sitting there just going at it back and forth and she's like what's up then what's up then what's up then so trashy but then the light turned green story of the time my family thought i was hungover when i wasn't so it was christmas eve and my family doesn't celebrate christmas so in the past i've gone to friends houses or boyfriend's houses that i've dated to basically celebrate with their families but even though we didn't celebrate christmas the traditional way we would always go to the movie theaters on christmas day so it was christmas eve and i went to my best friend's house at the time and i had went with her to midnight mass so we were out pretty late that night and then when we got back to her house i'm pretty sure we did each other's makeup or she did my makeup or something and we were just hanging out watching movies doing nothing that we weren't supposed to so the next morning i woke up with really bad period cramps and when i was a teenager i was always really scared to like ask my friends or like ask my friend's parents for medicine or water even so i called my mom and told her she could pick me up and asked her to bring me a tylenol and two water bottles because i was really thirsty so my mom comes i get in the car and the first thing my sister says to me is oh you're dehydrated you need tylenol why's that part two is posted already go check it out link in bio story of the time my family thought i was hungover when i wasn't part two so my family comes to pick me up and my mom had brought me two water bottles and tylenol and right when i get in the car my sister's like oh what do you need two water bottles for why are you dehydrated you need tylenol you have a headache what's going on and i was like yeah i do have a headache only because i was 15 at the time and talking about my period in front of my dad was just not an ideal situation then she was like oh yeah you were at midnight mass imagine my quotation figures by the way and i was like yeah i actually was at midnight mass and she starts like quizzing me like oh like what what did you learn about what was the the preacher preaching about like how long were you there and i was like you really think that i was trying to pay attention like i was just there to support my friend because she had to go so then the entire car ride we keep going back and forth screaming at each other and now that i'm telling this story it wasn't really my family that thought i was hungover it was kind of just my sister trying to convince my parents that i was which is literally so annoying i was so beyond pissed off i was like you know what i'm just gonna wait in the car until the movie's over but my mom just ended up taking me home story of the time that me and my friends jumped off a bridge and no i do not advise you to jump off a bridge so don't do that this is something that i did when i was 14 and stupid so i had this one friend and he was always that kid who was doing front flips and back flips and just like always being so active and crazy so me him and a group of our friends all went to the beach one day and he was telling us about this bridge that he would always come to in the summer to like jump off of it into the water and none of us were planning on jumping off this bridge except for the kid so we get to the bridge and it's not like too high up but like it's still like scary like if you were to like be leaning over the edge of it you'd be scared i mean at least for me so the second that we get to the bridge he decides to jump off of it and do a front flip and one of my girlfriends who was there as well jumped off the bridge too and then another person then another person and everybody except for me jumped off the bridge until they somehow convinced me to want to by the way this didn't end pretty like for part two story of the time me and my friends jumped off a bridge part two so they eventually convinced me to jump off this bridge so i stood up on this railing type thing it was like a ledge and i jump into the water and it wasn't like one two three like easy just jump in i was literally like so scared not gonna lie it kind of felt good while i was doing it i was like dang i'm not gonna do it again but that was cool and mind you like i didn't even think about it at the time but we were literally trespassing you're not supposed to jump off a bridge then once i'm in the water i'm like wait a minute how am i gonna get out because like i said my friend who would always like do these crazy stunts he was very like active like he was able to like climb a tree no problem do a backflip on a thin wire no problem he was just really good with like things like that so at that point he already jumped off the bridge and climbed back up like five times and he made it look really easy so then i start climbing up this wall where there's literally coral scratching up my toes and my hands and he was at the top trying to like pull me up and help me and once i got to the top i was literally gushing blood [Music] [Music] okay [Music] thing i learned is when cops show up to a party do not hesitate to run there was a group of kids that stayed hiding in the basement they hid in a closet they hid in just like under the couch and rooms and [ __ ] and then there was another group of kids who ran out the back door me and my buddy were a part of that group so we're all running like a free-for-all and this kid's backyard is just straight wilderness me and my buddy end up getting separated and i'm [ __ ] because my phone is dead we got to be at least like a quarter mile into the [ __ ] forest by now so i'm freaking out i need to find my buddy we need to meet up and do what his dad told us to do so i'm standing all alone in the woods and i just start screaming gary a few seconds goes by i hear my buddy scream from a distance so we keep screaming like that until we eventually find each other and my buddy was just with two random girls that we like didn't even know they were staying by him because they were scared and they didn't know where to go so now it's time to execute the plan his dad told us to do if [ __ ] went wrong my buddy picks up story of the time miley cyrus went to my elementary school so i was in first grade and all the cool kids sat at the round table during lunch and one of the cool kids was absent one day so i ended up sitting there i sat next to this girl named riley and over the school year me and riley became really close friends one day at the lunch table she told me she had a really really big secret that she could only share with me and that i can't tell anybody else she told me that she was hannah montana and at first i was a little bit confused because i saw hannah montana on tv and she didn't really look like her that much but then she had told me that her hair was just a wig because her hair was blonde and her actual hair is brown and her family told her that she had to tell everybody her name was riley but in reality her name was miley she invited me over her house to see her walk-in closet and to also show me herself without her wig little first grade me was so hyped about joining the cool table but not only that now i was friends with hannah montana so i went to her house and then soon realized she wasn't hannah montana when my daughter was born she had dark skin and looked like her parents could be of african descent my husband was furious and accused me of cheating and left right then and there he told everyone on both sides of the family what happened and wanted a divorce then his friends and families all called me to say how upset they were and called me really nasty names my mother was by my side the entire time as i kept professing my innocence he refused to pick me up from the hospital threw myself out on the lawn and changed the locks when my sister called to get the baby stuff he texted her a picture of a bear nursery room and said he got rid of everything he even destroyed my art studio eventually he agreed to do a paternity test and he was 100 the father no one could believe this so he did it again and he was the dad one of his cousins did the ancestry thing and found out there was 30 percent of african in their family this made jim's paternal great-grandmother admit to having an affair on the same time jim's grandfather was born and because he could pass as hers she just assumed her husband was the father since then he's been reaching out and everyone has come to apologize i told him i needed time and he asked to see the baby and i let him but i'm too afraid to physically hand her to him i've never treated and have been 100 innocent all this time am i the [ __ ] for not wanting to give him a second chance story time about one of the most embarrassing things that has ever happened to me in high school so a little background information i was in my freshman year of high school well spring break was coming up well the whole year my friend and i hadn't been to one single party so we decided that we wanted to try and go to a party every single day of spring break which was about to be super difficult because we had to worry about my strict ass parents and my neighbors a little background info on my neighbor my neighbor is this girl who's in my same grade and she literally hates my guts i don't know why but literally anything that i do she'll go and she'll tell her mom and then her mom will tell my mom because my mom and her mom are best friends but before we know it saturday comes around and we go back to school on monday we did not make it to one single party well later that night we found out that one of our friends was throwing one so around 11 o'clock everybody's sleeping and i walk out my back door hop over my fence i start heading towards the road where my friend was gonna be parked do you know who do i see [ __ ] sitting outside on their porch reading a [ __ ] book my [ __ ] neighbor like for part two or two about the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to me in high school so like i said the [ __ ] that i hate is sitting out on her porch reading a [ __ ] book at 11 o'clock at night so i crouched down so she couldn't see me i run to the car and my friend and i finally go to the party oh we get to that party and it's really boring so we decided to go to a different one and the party that we were about to go through was being thrown by the kid that i really liked so i start hanging out with him when we get there i'm drinking a lot having so much fun and i really have to go to the bathroom and i didn't know where anything was at all so i grabbed my friend and we're looking around everywhere for the bathroom because when i asked him he was super drunk and really couldn't explain to me where the bathroom was so we were pretty much left to fend for ourselves we ended up not being able to find a bathroom and this is where i had to improvise so my friend and i go to the laundry room and we see the litter box in there for the cat well at this point i was desperate so i just went in the litter box well 30 minutes later the cops show up to the party and everybody had to hurry up and leave because we did not want to get under ages like for part three or three about the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to me in high school so like i said i went in the litter box and then the cop showed up we all ran because we didn't want to get under ages i was able to sneak back into my house without anybody knowing but when i get to school on monday everybody's talking about the party and apparently the kid that i liked who threw the party his parents didn't know that he threw one at all this was like during first period so i went to text him and asked him if he was grounded because we were supposed to hang out the next day and i realized that i am blocked so i'm thinking what the [ __ ] why does he have me blocked so i told my friend that he blocked me and she goes it's probably because he saw what you did in the laundry room and i'm sitting there and i'm like there's no [ __ ] way that he knows because there was a door that led to the outside in the laundry room there were cameras in there so everybody saw this video of me people were posting it on their fence does posting it on their snapchat stories it was so [ __ ] embarrassing not to mention the [ __ ] that i hate who lives next door showed my parents the [ __ ] video and i was grounded [Music] [Music] [Music] kidnapping raiden detroit is so high a woman can't even go to the store alone anymore i went to myers and i bumped into a guy in an aisle he was really really tall with long hair and i was like oh my bad excuse me he looked down at me he was like oh no you good you good next thing i know every aisle that i went to after that he somehow ended up in the same oh so i tested the dude out to see if he was really following me or maybe i was going crazy you know so i went to the tampon aisle over by the makeup and all the women's products why he end up in that all too so then i started taking my sweet ass time trying to see if this man would leave which he never did so i went to self check out and deliberately check the product wrong when assistants came i told them hey look it seems like this dude's been following me all this time because somebody walked me out to my car they sent one of the guys that wrangle up the cars to walk with so i finished my checkout and me and the myers employee walked out together and he and i both noticed this man following me to the car and then he walked four the man walked four lanes over to his car got in there and waited for me to finish packing up my car mind you i had two children with me a three-year-old and a two-year-old at that point the myers employee told me he was about to go get security i hopped in my car because i didn't feel safe anymore i was by myself and i started to drive off the man followed me out onto 12 mile and at that point i called the police the police told me to drive straight to the police station which i did two miles down the road this guy was still behind me and i kind of think he figured out what was going on so he turned off on the side street i have not seen him since that day this is why you should think twice about making your friend your surrogate i always knew i wanted to have a few kids i've dreamt of being a mom for as long as i can remember however due to a medical condition carrying a baby isn't an option for me i wasn't going to let this stop me so i started looking into surrogacy this process was really expensive and a lot harder than i thought after months of searching my best friend ashley volunteered to be my surrogate for me and my fiance she knew how much we wanted to start a family i was so excited and extremely grateful ashley and i had been friends for eight years and i couldn't think of anyone better to be our circuit my fiance and i decided to ask ashley to move in with us so that we could all be there for each other throughout the pregnancy everything was going great until it wasn't ashley started making a few comments to my fiance that made me really uncomfortable one night she asked him to give her a back massage when he hesitated she said to him i'm carrying your child you should do whatever i ask you to i let this comment go even though it didn't sit right with me another night she referred to herself as his baby mama which made me furious i told her she was overstepping and she laughed and told me she was just kidding it only got worse from here part two why you should think twice about making your friend your surrogate ashley continued to overstep throughout the surrogacy process one night she told me she didn't like the name that i picked out for my baby and started giving me recommendations on what she thought the name should be as they got closer to the due date ashley told me that she had thoughts about moving in permanently and raising the baby with my fiance and i which was never part of the plan when i shut that down she seemed bitter i could tell she had developed feelings for my fiance which made it even more awkward i knew i made a terrible mistake picking her as my surrogate after my daughter was born ashley stayed with us for a little while longer even though it wasn't part of our initial agreement she wanted to spend every second holding our new baby girl and i could tell that she was getting overly attached we decided to tell ashley our observations and told her that she had to move out before things got worse she didn't take this well and when she left she told us that she didn't want to hear from us anymore a couple years later ashley reached out to us and asked if she could come over and see us when she came over she told my daughter right in front of me that she was her real mom and that she'd find out when she was older i couldn't believe it and immediately asked her to leave luckily i literally want to cry so if you didn't know i have a sister and her name's ashley and we both have boyfriends and every night we both fall asleep on the phone with our boyfriends so one day we're all hanging out and we're like just talking and my sister's boyfriend looks at me and he's like you need to stop going into your sister's room in the middle of the night and i look at him and i'm like what are you talking about i don't have a reason to go under her room like i don't go into her room especially in the middle of the night then my boyfriend hops in the conversation and he's like no no no no he's like no i hear ashley go into kayla's room every night and stare at her so me and my sister both look at each other and we're like we don't go into each other's rooms do we and we agreed that we do not and they said this has been going on for months so for months somebody or something has been going into me and my sister's room for about 15 minutes every night and watching us sleep but it only gets worse this is why you need to watch out for the shy ones i'm european and when i was 16 i attended a catholic high school in the states all of it was new to me and i felt like i was in a teen movie sometimes another new thing to me was having to change classes every hour where i'm from you sit five hours at the same desk with the same people nearby and just the professors alternate every hour i sat next to this guy named mark in my english class he was nice and friendly despite being introverted it amazed me that whenever i talked to him he never looked me in the eye he would always look around or at the ground often moving his eyes quickly i assumed it was a way to combat his shyness one morning i sit next to mark as usual and start talking i asked him if i could copy his homework as i didn't finish the last part of mine and he kindly accepted the next day i noticed that mark is absent a few days ago by and rumors started circulating in the hallways at poor mark on his way home found his mother dead two weeks passed and the rumors started getting out of hand things like how his mother's head was in the oven or that she was robbed then one day mark came back to school and he seemed extremely sad i put my arm around him in class and told him i'm sorry this is when for the first time ever he looked me straight in the eye and thanked me however something about this was off part two of why you should watch out for the shy ones when mark looked me in the eyes something was different there was a darkness in his eyes that gave me the goosebumps he was deeply sad but it wasn't sadness it was almost like despair i thought to myself that he's just grieving and if i were in a situation i don't think i'd ever recover so i respectfully left it at that the next day mark was absent again this is when a man starts hanging around the cafeteria during lunch time when i ask who he is they tell me it's the counselor's husband the rumors around the school kept getting worse and they were making me angry another week goes by and the atmosphere at the school literally turned to ice the principal called all seniors to the gym for an announcement this is when i see that same man that's been hanging around and he tells us the shocking news mark killed his mother by choking her i felt the blood in my veins freeze this man continues to tell us that he's actually a detective and was conducting investigations at the school apparently one morning mark had asked his mother for the car keys she refused to give them to him because she needed them that's when he jumped on her and strangled her then he came to school sat next to me and gave me his english homework as if that was the main problem of the day he then went home and called the police later that day every now and then i think about mark's mti staring back at me [Music] [Applause] i work as an assistant for a really big fashion company i had a defective wedding dress and my boss asked if i knew anyone we could give it to my best friend recently got engaged so it was perfect when she posted on instagram to thank me and my boss my family caught wind of it and that's when the influx of calls came i do not have a good relationship with my family my parents kicked me out when i was 16 after i came out to them and my sister wasn't much better they demanded to know why i gave the dress to my friend and not to my sister i didn't even know she was engaged they suggested i try to take it back from my friend as family should always come first my sister even tried to call my boss to complain i just got off the phone with my mom and this is how the conversation went she says my sister is very upset about the dress and i told her she needs to get over it my mom says i can make it up to them by giving her another dress i posted one last night on my instagram it's a 12 000 dress and that's the one my sister wants and i told her you expect me to give you a 12 000 dress when you kicked me out when i was 16. my mom says that was a long time ago and we're talking about your sister not me when i refuse to give the dress my mom says the least i can do is help her buy one at this point i hang up and i've been avoiding them since then this is a story of the time that i got followed home from work so i was a waitress and my shift was from 12 in the afternoon until like 2 a.m and that was pretty typical on a friday or saturday so i was really busy throughout my entire shift i was running back and forth but i did notice this guy sitting at the bar and the reason why i noticed him is because the section that my boss put me at to take tables was literally right next to where he was sitting at the bar not to mention that he was literally staring at me up and down and i wasn't really that worried because that would happen kind of a lot like people go to the bar they get drunk they stare at you they try to talk to you it's kind of like a usual thing at a restaurant at least in my working experience i don't know but anyway by the time my shift was over he was still there so i was walking out to my car and i had my boyfriend on speakerphone and all i hear is excuse me miss like excuse me and i turn around and it's the guy from the bar holding his receipt and a pen and he was like i couldn't help but notice you but i thought you were so beautiful i was wondering if i can get your number and you hear my boyfriend on speakerphone like who is that not enough time like for parts this is part two of being followed home from work i want to give you guys an image of what this guy looks like because based off his looks i was not expecting him to be a creep he looked like he could have been in his mid-20s maybe even early 30s he was over six feet tall covered in tattoos and overall a pretty attractive guy so that's why i really wasn't expecting this to happen so after he asked me for my number i was like no i have a boyfriend i'm actually on the phone with him right now and he was like oh okay that's right and gave me like a really weird awkward side hug i pulled away because i obviously wasn't expecting that from a complete stranger so then i go in my car and i kind of look through my rearview mirror to see where he was like walking to and he walked into his car and i sat in my car for about 15 minutes i didn't really think anything of it once i saw him get in his car because i figured he was going to leave right away then when i was about to leave i look in my rear view mirror again and there he was sitting in his car so i started backing out of my parking spot and the second i did he did too and i was like oh hell no so then i went back in my parking spot and he went to like the first stop sign before you leave the restaurant and then he waited for me to get behind him to go on the main road like for part three this is part three of the time i got followed home from work so he waited for me to pull out of my spot to leave the parking lot and when he finally left the parking lot i waited at that first stop sign for a while because i was like that was kind of weird i wonder if he's like waiting for me by the main road so i gave it like a few minutes just to see if he really was waiting for me and he was so then i get on the main road and i was going probably like 25 miles an hour in a 55 because i was not trying to have him get behind me and follow me so basically the slower he was going the slower i was going because i did not want him getting behind me so finally he hits a u-turn so i figured he was going to go on the opposite way of the highway aka the opposite direction that i was going so then i started to speed up but instead of going left to go on the opposite side of the highway he turns right so that he can get behind me and so at this point i call my boyfriend again and i start freaking out and i'm like you need to get in your car and follow me right now because i'm terrified so then i wait for my boyfriend in a plaza and the guy follows me in the plaza but then sees my boyfriend and leaves story time about why my mom kicked me out when i was 16. so a little background information this had all started as soon as my dad left my mom and i i was like 13 around the time well ever since then my mom would have different guys in and out of the house all the time like we were lucky if a month went by and she was still with the same dude which i mean i kind of get it because my dad did leave us for a woman that he had started another family with but at the same time it was just a whole mess anyway so she got with this new guy and we're gonna call him tyler by the way the dudes that she would date they would literally live in our house anyway so a week after he moved in i started getting really close to him which usually never happens usually i would try to keep my distance because i knew how wrong it was of her having all these different guys in the house when i'm only 16. anyways every time that my mom would go to work he would invite me to go see a movie and he would just be really flirty with me and he was only six years older than me and my mom was 32. you do the math anyways like for part two part two about why my mom kicked me out when i was 16. so like i said the guy was being super flirty with me inviting me to the movies when my mom wasn't home and all that stuff well then it led to more than just that by the way this guy did not have a job so he was home with me 24 7. and i was doing online school so we were in the house by ourselves 12 hours a day five days a week anyways like i said it led to more and we started doing the nasty and stuff ew just yeah well the one day after we got done doing the nasty in my mom's room we had fell asleep and yes we did not have clothes on well at two in the morning i hear someone pounding on the bedroom door and my mom worked night shifts so we get up he hurries up and gets dressed and tells me to hide under the bed and he opens the door and it's my mom's sister my sister literally lived in the apartment next door and she was like oh yeah neither of you were answering the phone so she wanted me to check on you guys like where's elena and i'm still under the bed naked like for part three or three about when my mom kicked me out when i was 16. so like i said i'm laying under the bed no clothes on she asked where i am and he's like oh she should be in her room so he goes looking for me everywhere with her and he's like oh well maybe she's outside on the patio and i don't know why the hell my mom's sister had a key to our apartment anyways but she's still looking for me in the apartment and she looks under the [ __ ] bed and at first she's like oh my god what did he do to you and i'm trying to tell her nothing like i made that decision on my own so she calls my mom right away my mom comes home she's screaming at me and she kicks me out so i go to my grandma's house and i told my grandma what happened and my grandma calls her and she's like it's not her fault that you gave her daddy issues and i'm like bruh what the [ __ ] ciao anyways so then she goes on facebook and starts posting about how i'm a [ __ ] and a [ __ ] and how like it isn't her boyfriend's fault at all so now i live with my grandma [Music] [Music] crazy story time about how my sister and i found out that we were hooking up with the same guy so i was a freshman my sister was a sophomore and there was this really cute guy in her grade that i liked but i could never find a way to talk to him because we weren't in the same grade and had none of the same classes and my sister and i were not close at all like we didn't tell each other [ __ ] we didn't really talk to each other or anything so by that being said we never told each other about the boys that we liked we just didn't have that bond well track season came around so they called all the people down who wanted to do track and i saw him walk past my classroom window so i decided to go too so i signed up for track and him and i started to talk a little bit we exchanged numbers and he was popular i wasn't so he didn't want to be seen with me so after attendance we would go to this graveyard right by the track and hook up well the next day we had a meet in our school so him and i went to the graveyard hooked up and that's when it started getting crazy late for part two part two so on our way back from doing our thing we had saw a group of kids that were behind this bush and they were chiefing and we didn't think that they saw us because we were like oh they're just smoking like whatever so i go back to the meet everything is good until the end of the meet one of my best friends sends me this picture that i guess somebody posted on their story and it was a picture of me and the kid hooking up and next thing i know my sister is blowing up my phone and like i said my sister and i didn't have a good bond so i didn't give a [ __ ] what she had to say because i didn't know so then i got home and as soon as i walked into my room my sister was literally waiting there for me and she's like what the [ __ ] is wrong with you like him and i are in a relationship and i'm like [ __ ] what the [ __ ] and she was like well it's on the download but we're in a relationship what the [ __ ] is wrong with you you're a [ __ ] so then she decides to drive both of us over to his house so we all decided to just stay away from each other but then they got back together so i just figured that wasn't fair and i'm still hooking up with him while they're together so when i was 21 and right after i moved out to california i got my first job interview and i was very excited but i was trying to look professional and my nails were hideous so i needed to get them done desperately day before the interview okay so i find this random nail salon by my house and i didn't have like a go-to salon at the time but i was like yeah like let me just go there i don't need anything crazy so i go in and talk to the guy at the front i was like yeah i just want some short acrylics with the neutral nail polish you know no big deal and he's like yeah okay i'll help you out so i follow him to the chair and he starts laying the acrylic in the beads you know but guess what he didn't do um he did not smooth him out against the nail y'all so i'm watching the acrylic dry in chunky lumps and i'm like you know what no no he's he's gonna fix it like he's gonna fix it with a drill or something you know he could just leave it like that guess what he left it like that and even had acrylic dry underneath and while i'm staring at this man in anger in disbelief at the end you know what he says to me i'm so sorry i don't i don't actually work here um i'm just helping out today y'all story time about how i almost died when i was four years old so my mom was at work and my dad and i were at home and my dad was watching tv while i was trying to do headstands i don't know guys i thought i was an acrobat at the time so anyways i had a penny in my mouth i know it's super dirty don't come at me i was four i didn't know and my dad didn't know and every time that i would do these headstands i would roll over onto my back well i rolled over and i started choking and my dad looks over and i'm laying on the floor literally like freaking dying he's freaking the hell out so he calls 9-1-1 and i got rushed to the hospital in an ambulance and the penny was sticking straight up at the time so nobody was really worried about getting it out right then and there and my throat was like holding that penny in place so no my dad couldn't do the heimlich or whatever the heck it's called well the penny flipped and i stopped breathing and everybody was freaking out and they had to hurry up and get it out before i died if you are watching this video you are incredibly lucky you are meant to see this if you don't believe me there's no caption no hashtags and i'm the first one to use this sound there's a new full moon approaching and something incredible is going to happen to you over the next five days many blessings are on their way to you to claim this message like this video share with a friend and comment something loving and kind below to share good vibes and energy the universe gives to those who give to the [Music] universe [Music] do [Music] story time about how i found out that my mom was sleeping with my history teacher to get me better grades so it was my junior year of high school and everybody knows that your junior year is the most important year of high school if you didn't well now you know my brother was in his senior year of high school and when he was a junior he had the same teacher so he knew how hard the class was so he would stay up with me every night helping me to pass my history class well the one day i'm at school and i'm taking a test and i literally did not know anything on the test and i studied the night before for literally four hours straight so i decided to copy off the girl next to me well a few days later we get our test back and i'm looking at mine and i got a 97 percent and then i look over to the girl next to me she got a 33 and then i started going through the tests none of the essay questions look like my handwriting but i didn't say anything because i wanted that a well the one night i'm sitting down with my family having dinner and i told them that i copied off the girl next to me and how i got a 97 and she got a 33 and my brother flips out like for part two or two of my mom sleeping with my history teacher to get me better grades so like i said i told my parents that i got a 97 she got a 33. and i was telling them how the handwriting didn't even look like mine and everything and then my brother starts flipping out in front of my dad too he goes mom are you [ __ ] serious you couldn't let her try and do this on her own and i was super confused like i thought that maybe he was talking about my mom paid off the teacher but then he said dad if you didn't know mom's been [ __ ] our history teacher to get us better grades and then he goes mom you're such a [ __ ] [ __ ] my mom's sitting there not even phased she just took a drink of her wine and said get the [ __ ] upstairs now before my brother leaves the table he goes maybe you can [ __ ] dad's boss too maybe he'll get a raise and then i realized what was happening and it's around 6 30 p.m so after that a lot of stuff happened my dad obviously wanted to get a divorce at that point so my dad took my brother and i to our grandparents and we stayed with them for like two weeks but then everybody at school found out and we got made fun of a lot and then after that we moved schools story time of how i found out my boyfriend was cheating on me with my cousin boyfriend and i had been together for two and a half years his family loved me and my family loved him and they expected us to get married well last year when coveted started we were actually in different countries so we didn't see each other for three months during those three months we facetimed four times a day and we were always texting he happened to be quarantining in our hometown so both of our families were in the same place i was quarantined in a different country one day my cousin calls me and tells me that she met a really nice guy on a dating website i was so happy for her because she had had bad luck with guys every single week her and i would catch up on the phone and she would tell me how much he liked this guy and how amazing their dates were and how amazing he was in bed how sweet and considerate he was i couldn't be happier for her well when i finally get back home my boyfriend is super distant and cold so naturally i called my cousin and complained she told me to give him space she said i should just leave him alone and so like an idiot i did leave him alone one day my cousin calls me and tells me to come over for dinner when i got there my boyfriend's car was parked in her garage i thought it was just her nice way of trying to get us to talk i walk in and catch them doing the dirty on the couch come back for part two so i walk in on my cousin and my boyfriend doing the dirty on her couch they quickly get up from the couch and get dressed of course by that time i'm in hysterics i'm crying and yelling my boyfriend instantly got on his knees and begged me for forgiveness i went up to my cousin and i punched her right in the face she wasn't expecting that and i said well this is the guy that you've been dating isn't it she said yes and that she was just trying to find the best way to tell me and so she just thought the best way to tell me was to get me to walk in on her and him doing the dirty i punched her again my boyfriend came to her rescue though instantly went into hero mode which made me even angrier so i punched him too i stormed out of her house and went back to my house well i told my parents everything and my dad went over to my uncle's house my cousin's dad and he told him everything she was about to turn 19 so he took away her phone and her car and i get a phone call part three so my lying cheating ex calls me and explains to me why he actually slept with my cousin he said that he was so lonely and that he didn't know what to do and that the closest thing to me he could find was my cousin right as if that was any comfort to me he said i should be grateful that i didn't cheat with someone else i told him he had totally betrayed my trust and that i could never ever trust him again and then he confessed that she was pregnant and that his parents wanted them to get married he said he just wanted to give me a heads up then he said that we could still be together but just not tell anyone so basically he wanted me to be his side piece i couldn't believe the words that were coming out of his mouth it was like i didn't know this man guess what i did i recorded the entire conversation so i went straight to my cousin and i let her listen to it she was so shocked she couldn't believe that he would offer to have me as a side chick well i also let my uncle listen to it he went to my ex's house and beat him up honestly that made me sad but he deserved it they now have a baby and he's gained 50 pounds your instincts girl can always record your conversations also how cute are my nails imagine how absolutely embarrassing it would be to go to a frat party or first semester of college wearing a onesie because you thought it was a pajama party turns out it wasn't a pajama party at all but you decide to stay and drink a little bit end up drinking a little too much blacking out on some random frat guys couch waking up in the middle of the night because you have a dream that you think you're peeing but that couldn't be true right well turns out you were pain you wake up in a puddle of your own pee then realize it's a wednesday at 8am and you have an exam at nine because who the [ __ ] decides to go on tuesday except for your dumb ass you realize that your phone is dead the front house is empty you're wearing a onesie and you have an exam so you decide to walk all the way across campus back to your dorm in your soiled onesie with no time to change you end up missing your exam and feeling the class couldn't be me story time on how my password got leaked onto roblox this one day i was on roblox i was moving around the age seven eight i was in those really catchy games um called like escape mcdonald's or escape whoever you know i was i was in all those like games i always joined a server with three noobs not noobs as in bacon hair noobs as in yellow green blue skin i didn't think much about it until this one day i was in one of those catchy games as i was in it i was i made it to this one part of the stage where i saw three of the noobs like huddled together like together in a circle i was kind of confused like what's happening so i was just walking around and like investigating or something i saw them chatting things i was like really really nervous you will not believe what they chatted like for part two and thank you so much for the support part two on how my password got leaked onto roblox as i was investigating the noobs i noticed i was typing something that i didn't feel comfortable about they kept on typing my password not as in typing like they said once and then they move on they typed in like five or six maybe even more times as they were typing it people in the chat were going question mark question mark they were on a different level so i couldn't really see them saying it but i saw it in the chat so i kind of felt uncomfortable i just thought maybe they were talking about something else it doesn't have to be my password so i just kept on finishing dobby then i made it to this other point maybe like five stages later i saw the three exact same noobs and they were just sitting by each other like a line i was wondering do they have admin to this game or something but now that i think of it they were hackers so of course they did as they were sitting down they were leaking my password again but as they were leaking my password it came with a little story time about how i got my ex-boyfriend back for cheating on me so a lot of background information my ex and i were together for almost two years and throughout our whole entire relationship he had been cheating on me i'm not surprised though but what i am surprised about is that he was cheating on me with my best friend well my ex best friend now before my ex and i got together my best friend had a crush on him for like a week right and then she got a boyfriend and i had asked her is it okay if i get with him like him and i have been talking he said that he really likes me and she said yeah of course that's perfectly fine i don't care i don't like him anymore so i was like okay we're all good to go so a month later him and i start dating well i found out that he was cheating on me when i went through his phone and saw all these nude pictures of my best friends and videos of them doing the nasty so i decided i had to get him back and my best friend of course my best friend was still with her boyfriend but her boyfriend was my ex-boyfriend's best friend like for part two part two about how i got my ex-boyfriend back for cheating on me so i'm just gonna throw this in here real quick i'm pretty sure the only reason why my best friend did all that stuff with my ex was because she was pissed off at me for actually dating him because from what i had heard through other people who knew that she was doing that with my boyfriend they said that she didn't talk to him or anything anymore and that she really actually loved her boyfriend that she was with a little tmi throughout my boyfriend and i's whole relationship he would beg me to be open-minded while being intimate and he would want to do things that i really just did not want to do there was a long list of things that he wanted me to do so a week later i told her boyfriend but i told her boyfriend not to tell her because of my plan and that whole week my boyfriend was apologizing to me saying he was so sorry and that he wants me back blah blah blah blah and my best friend thought that her boyfriend was loyal as [ __ ] not anymore so i told him about my plan which was to do everything that my boyfriend begged me to do during our whole relationship with him and for him it would just be enough to send it to her because she thought he was loyal like for part three part three about how i got my ex-boyfriend back for cheating on me so like i said i told her boyfriend my plan and everything like that and he was on board right away so he came over to my house we did all that good [ __ ] oh and i forgot to tell you guys my ex best friend had begged me not to tell her boyfriend she was like you don't get it like i really love him like i really don't want to lose him and i told her that i wouldn't tell him but i don't really know what her boyfriend did all i know is that i sent the video to my boyfriend oh and also my boyfriend begged me not to tell her boyfriend because they were best friends but i did it anyways and like i said i sent it to him and i sent him a long paragraph and then he sent me oh how could you do this to me blah blah blah you just ruined everything for me things will never be the same between us and i was like yeah okay good i don't care you're a piece of garbage anyways but however my ex-best friend she took her boyfriend back and now the relationship is toxic as [ __ ] and he cheats on her all the time and they've been together now for like three years karma is a story of the time a cop went in my car without my permission so for a while i was going to people's houses to do their nails and i would do this in the summer so a lot of my clients set up a table outside so that the smell didn't smell at their house too bad i always feel rude to park in the person's driveway so i usually park outside of their house on the side of the road and this time in particular i did just that and we did her nails outside as well at the time my car had templates on it because i had just recently got it and also my car is a bmw two-door with all tinted windows so you cannot see inside of it even if you tried so i could understand why it looks a little bit suspicious luckily for me my now client's dog ended up running out of the fence into the front yard right near my car so i go with her to chase him and i see the police officer opening up my car door and i wasn't parked illegally or anything and my templates weren't expired either so he had no right to be opening up my car doors so i ran over to my car and i was like what's going on why are you searching my car and he was like this is your car part two to a cop searching my car without my permission so i see this police officer opening up my car door and putting his head inside my car so i'm like excuse me officer is there an issue why are you searching my car and he was like oh like is this is your car and i was like yes do you have a warrant and then he said do you live here and i was like no but do you have a warrant and then he said no actually the neighbor called me because he was concerned and i actually lived down the street and the car was unfamiliar so i felt the need to search it i can't see inside of your car because of the tents so i didn't know if somebody was in there like maybe sleeping in their car or something i don't really remember what he said but i was like okay but i think you need a warrant to search the car please close my door and honestly he was pretty nice about it i'm not gonna lie i was just really annoyed because in my head i'm thinking like why like i'm not doing anything wrong i'm always getting caught up for doing nothing story of the time that me and my friends rented out our own house and then got the cops called on us and then also got banned from airbnb so there was a car show in ocean city maryland that we go to every single year and we always get an airbnb all together and the whole weekend we turn up walk up and down the street look at nice cars it's really fun but one night we got a little too turned and one of our friends ended up climbing onto the roof of the airbnb and then the neighbors called the cops and they also told the owners of the airbnb and then one of my other friends was to turn and ended up backing into one of the windows and it cracked so my boyfriend was the one that rented the airbnb and he had gotten an email that we were gonna be fined two thousand dollars for damage and on top of that be banned from renting from airbnb ever again and let me tell you guys i'm gonna start a new trend matching my clothing items with my nails i got these dope custom sneakers from this brand called accessorize i'm gonna tag them down below so you guys can go check them out because if i do say so myself these shoes are fire and my nails came out fire story of the time when this woman hit my parked car while i was sitting in it fun fact this story happened four hours ago i went to shoprite to find more of these little jars they didn't have them and there are no other stores near me so i was too lazy to drive more than 10 minutes away so after i walk out of shoprite i sit in my car for a little bit i was on my phone watching tick tocks and all of a sudden my car jerked back and it made me jump because i was so confused so i look up and it's this elderly woman and we made eye contact while her car was still touching my car but then i looked away because i felt really awkward then she went in reverse got out of her car and started walking towards the shopping carts and i started freaking out and calling all my friends and all my friends were telling me to call the police but first confront this lady and i don't know why but i was literally so nervous to just confront this lady so then i confront her and i'm like hey um you hit my car and it left a scuff and she was like i thought i felt something and i was like hahaha so i called the police and while we were waiting for the officer to come we had a really great combo [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's no [Music] when i have no mercy [Music] [Music] and trying to be [Music] [Music] you
Channel: GTV
Views: 1,957,729
Rating: 4.8898177 out of 5
Keywords: Nail Art Storytime Tiktok, Nail art compilation tiktok, Nail art storytime compilation, Nail art storytime tiktok, Nail art tiktok, Nail story time, Nail storytime compilation, Nail storytime tiktok, Storytime nails tiktok, makeup storytime tiktok, nail art story compilation, nail art storytime, nail art storytime tiktok, nail art storytime tiktok compilation, nail story time compilation, nail story time tik tok, nail storytime
Id: PuoAXawc8bY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 36sec (3396 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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