Effortless Backup for Unraid: EasyBackup Step-by-step Tutorial

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what would you do if all your unraid Docker containers and VMS failed tomorrow how much time do you have into getting everything set up just the way you like it would you want to recreate all that effort if it failed stick around and I'll show you how easy it is to back up your Docker containers and your VMS with easy backup let's jump into it all right first thing you got to do go to the apps tab in the search box type in Easy backup select it from the list and click install then click done simple as that now click over to settings at the very bottom you'll find easy backup click on that and there you go it's set up kind of in order for easy backup to run you must have Dockers and the VM manager both enabled to check that go to Docker and make sure enable Docker is set to yes if it is not just select it and then hit apply back to settings and then VM manager once again same thing we have to make sure that they are enabled so make sure yes is selected and then hit apply after that you can go down to easy backup and it should be up and running and there it is since this is my demo machine I don't have any Dockers or VMS loaded right now so we'll jump over to my production machine and look take a look at it there clicking on easy backup the VM backups here under the dashboard it shows you home assistant I've got 12.54 gigs used 9593 for uh Mac and a box and then over here Windows 10 VM has 227 gigs used on the other side you've got your container backups and each one is listed in that pie chart up to snapshot manager if you're about to make a configuration change to your running VM it's a good idea to make a snapshot ahead of time that way if something goes wrong you can always roll it back to do that you just click on create SN snapshot and there you go snapshot's created and it only takes a few seconds go up to backup VMS here it shows you a list of which VMS you have on your machine by default they're all enabled you can disable it from the backups by selecting the check boox in front of it if you want to do a full backup right now you just click on backup now over to container here you'll see a list of all your Docker containers on your machine to run a manual backup simply click backup now and here you'll notice that I have several that have been disabled that is because the location that the data is in is a part of the array for me it makes no sense to back up that information because I'm using rsync as another backup therefore with easy backup I'm just backing up the VMS themselves and the configuration information for the docker containers scrolling down a little bit you'll see other warnings listed such as this bind is not writable are you sure a backup is necessary these I have also disabled once you have your selections of what you want backed up go ahead and scroll all the way to the bottom and then click save scroll back to the top the next tab over is settings go into that one once again you'll see the same yellow box that we had in the beginning we'll get to scheduling the backup soon in settings here you can configure several different options under VMS you can enable or disable the backups I'm going to leave it enabled on mine same thing goes for containers you can change the location of your backups to wherever suits your needs you can enable or disable the flash drive backup I have it disabled as it's already being backed up compression I would enable this just to save space in your drives there are a couple different options you can do zip which is obviously recommended or you can do the gz backup under backups you can Define the max weekly backups the max monthly backups and the max year backups to keep these are the default settings which are fine for me under recycle bin you can choose to enable or disable the recycle bin I have chose to disable mine the gotify notification is below and under log you can configure that to whatever suits your needs once done hit save so now you've got your first backups done you should probably verify it to make sure that they're actually there and functioning if you go under shares in there you should find a share called backup uncore internal and you'll notice that under backup internal there is no SMB share so you cannot browse to it here we are in my production server and as you can tell it's not listed there to resolve that click on backup internal and under bottom option SMB security settings the export option change that to yes you can have it hidden if you'd like but for this case I'm just going to go with yes click apply and then if you go back to the share refresh the window and you see it's now listed go ahead and go into that and then you can see the app data folder here and inside of that you'll see all the docker containers that are being backed up to check one go ahead and double click onto it and you'll see the different zip files and the dates and times of when they were backed up going back to to the backup internal we can go to the domains which are where the VMS are at and if you open one up you'll see the backup of those as well restoring a VM or a Docker container is quite easy to do that I'm going to go back to my app data folder in this case we're going to choose bhex Prowler double click into that find the restore file that you'd like you can double click on it I use szip so for me I would click on the bhex prowler folder and then click extract it's going to ask me where I want to copy it to there are two ways you can handle this you can copy it directly back to the app data folder and to do that you would just remove the backup SL internal in here like such and that'll put it right back to where it was originally the other option is copy it straight to your desktop that way you're not overwriting the wrong folder by accident I have no issues with mine right now so I'm just going to cancel out of this all right the last thing we need to do is to set up a user script so it'll run on an automated schedule to do that I'm going to go back to My Demo server and if you go under settings you'll see that I do not have user scripts installed if you already have user scripts then you can just skip this part here but if you do not go up to apps go up to the search box and type in user scripts click install and then click done now go back up to settings and now you'll see user scripts listed under user utilities go ahead and click on that these scripts come default in there what we're going to do is to create a new script but before we do that we should copy the command listed under easy backup to get back there click on settings easy backup and then right down at the bottom here it says example for user scripts you want to copy all that information and then go back to settings user scripts add new script we're going to call this easy backup daily go ahead and hit okay and then you'll find easy backup daily listed in the list of scripts click on the gear icon and click edit script in here just click on line two and then paste that same information in and you'll notice that line one and line two are duplicates so you can just get rid of line two you might as well get rid of these Extra Spaces too so we'll clean that up and there you go you click save changes and the script's enabled now you need to set a schedule to do that find the easy backup daily again go all the way to the right and click on schedule disabled and then you can change it to hourly daily weekly monthly whatever you wouldd like so since we named this daily I'm going to choose scheduled daily after you've selected scheduled daily go ahead and hit apply and then you click run and background and there you go the script is running press done press done in the user scripts and you are all set it should start backing up and running on a daily schedule there you have it your unraid VMS and Docker containers are now protected with easy backup if you found this video helpful let me know in the comments and be sure to subscribe so you don't miss an episode I'll see you in the next one
Channel: AlienTech42
Views: 7,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unraid easybackup setup, Unraid easybackup docker installation, Unraid easybackup plugin tutorial, Easybackup docker on Unraid, Unraid easybackup setup guide, Setting up easybackup on Unraid, Unraid easybackup docker tips, Easybackup docker for Unraid beginners, Unraid easybackup walkthrough, Easybackup docker configuration on Unraid, Unraid, EasyBackup, Backup, Docker, Setup, Guide, Installation, Tutorial, Plugin, VMs, Container
Id: FLxxhJ2dHaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2023
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