LoRA in Stable DIFFUSION -something you MUST LEARN- (fooocus)

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hey how's it going today hope everybody had a good Christmas um on this channel we talk a lot about you know tips and tricks and and how to make things easier and get things the way you want them to look um if you've been around and been using stable diffusion for a while you're probably familiar with luras um if you're if you're new to it you may be wondering what one is and they're incredibly useful for you know narrowing down the style that you're looking for Aura to put it simply the Aura training model makes it easier to train stable diffusion on different concepts such as uh certain types of characters or specific style so what we're going to work on today is we're going to we're going to go and download Aura and we're going to put it into our fucus program and I'm going to show you how this can save you a lot of time and and prompting um and it'll fine-tune a model and give you styles that you're looking for this is a really cool thing and if if you're new to this um this will make a big difference in the models that you're putting out in stable diffusion so let's get started so a a really great place to find um you know luras base models checkpoints all kinds of of stuff that you can use in your stable diffusion is a website called civii I think that's how it's pronounced but it this is the link right up here and I'll post this down in my uh description for you but you can go over here and on the right hand side here that we got a drop down and we're going to be looking right now just for Laura's um in other videos we'll cover checkpoints and different things but today we're just talking about Laura so we've got that checked um and one thing that you'll find out on this page and you know a whole bunch of other pages is that it's going to be a lot show a lot of anime and a lot of adult content so I apologize for that but you kind of have to filter your way through that um but these lauras are all specifically designed to achieve a certain result um I went and searched out some earlier before I started this video and I found one that I really liked it was a uh a Jim Lee comic style I like Jim Lee's Art style he uh works for DC Comics and he has a style that you know when you see his work you know it's his so um I like to work with a lot of comic stuff when I'm messing with stable diffusion so this Laura right here fits right in let's go ahead and click on it and when it opens up it brings you to their page and you can scroll through and see some of the images that are you know these are example images and if you uh click on one of these images they'll give you the prompt that they used to get this image and then the negative prompting as well so you know if you want to experiment you can start off with one of their prompts and then you know adjust it to your character or you can make your own prompt completely but at least it gives you something to work with here so what we're we're going to do here is we're going to download this we're going to be on their their main page here and this little drop- down arrow uh downloads the model and we're going to save that and we're going to install it into fucus so now that we have that uh Laura downloaded we're going to go to our main folder where fucus is installed and once we open that up we're going to click on fucus here and it gives us a set of subfolders uh we going to look down here until we find the folder that's called models and we're going to open that up and inside of models this is where all your different types of models are going to be ups scalers luras and such uh diffusers we're going to look for the luras folder here and once we got the loras folder open we're going to open up our downloads folder or wherever you opened it up or wherever you saved that Laura 2 and I'm going to just simply cut that one out my downloads file and I'm going to paste it into my Laura's folder here so now we're going to go ahead and open up fucus and that Laura will now be installed and we're going to run a couple of test images here so once we're on the main page here for fucus let's go and click the advaned tab here um I'm going to start with just a kind of a 9 by6 shot here um go over to the tab that says model and this first Laura is the uh default that it loads up we're going to just leave that one on there for now because that that's your basic setup that gives you your you know your overall clear pictures and everything this is a good overall Lura you can turn it off later and put a different one in this place but for now we're just going to leave that on we're going to drop down to the second slot here to the Laura and we're going to look for that Laura that we just downloaded and here it is right here the gym offset so we're going to click on that now I'm going to back the weight down to you know in the 50 to 60 range on that um you can go up higher but the higher you go sometimes you it'll overpower what you're looking for and you know it's better to start lower and work your way up so let's just start with a simple basic prompt here um let's say superhero um standing in a desert just something really simple and generic now we're going to put in here Jim Lee art style and that'll be a trigger that'll set this Lura off there are certain words that will actually turn the Lura on so let's just hit a a generate on that and see what we get so this first run just gave us a a basic superhero obviously Superman um but it doesn't doesn't look real cartoony it it looks kind of uh just actually really not that good well what we want to do is go over to our style section and make sure that we have our uh comic tabs selected I I go ahead when I'm doing them and I run comic and Anime both um unless you specifically you know tell it down here that you want an anime character it usually just gives you more of a comic character so let's go ahead and run that now and see if it makes any difference so now we got a really good comic book image and um I don't know what how we ended up with like a super Batman here but uh we were very generic in our our prompt down here we were basically just you know doing a simple prompt to show how this Laura works um you know if you go a little bit more detailed in your prompt down here you can get whatever character you're looking for or even you know the one that you might have designed yourself but what you can see here is this Laura gave us a really good really good comic book image and uh that's what we were looking for you're going to find some of these luras give you uh high quality photography like I I found a couple of luras on there that when I'm trying to do realistic portraits and such it it really makes the skin look real so um it's kind of fun um just take the time and go on in there and explore on that that web page that I showed you that civetti and look around at the different luras and stuff um you're going to find some stuff that you know might be exactly what you're looking for and if if uh you're not finding what you're looking for there is a search across the top here and you know you can search for the certain types of waras like if you were just wanting Comics if you type in you know in the search bar it's going to pull up everything related to Comic but we see there's a lur here that's Comics here's an anime Laura here it tells you in the upper leftand corner whether it's a checkpoint or a Laura um but there's some really good ones here like this would be a good one if you were doing the old like uh Scooby-Doo comics and stuff like that um this is one that's more for your modern like dark horse or some of the comics like that so anyway it's fun to experiment with and uh I hope this helps you out a little bit and maybe help you understand Laura's and like I said in a later video we'll talk about checkpoints and and things like that that gets a little bit more complicated so uh just wanted to pop out a quick video here after Christmas hope this helps you out and we'll see you in the next one thanks a lot
Channel: Stable Diffusion Tips - With Fooocus
Views: 5,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LoRA, using loras, using lora stable diffusion, Ai art, stable diffussion, fooocus, jedi, art, ai art hack, leonardo, firefly, DALLĀ·E 2, DALLE2, tutorial
Id: ylLSI0m-nlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 26 2023
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