Try Not To Eat Challenge - Pokemon Food | People Vs. Food

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- Oh, I remember this game! - I've always wanted to try the stew. - Dude, these smell bomb. ♪ (accordion intro) ♪ - Are you looking for a Laugh Challenge? - They're on the Try Not To Channel now. - (Mary) But to help promote, we're still doing Try Not To Eats right here on REACT, so watch Try Not To Eat Pokemon food, and then... - Head over and subscribe, hit that notification bell, and make sure to laugh. - Bye! - (FBE) How do you feel about Pokemon? - Fine, okay, I'm already excited, what are we doing? - Dude, are you serious? - Aw, I love Pokemon, I've spent way too many hours on that. - Are we eating Pokemon? - (FBE) Today we're gonna have you watch some scenes from Pokemon movies, games and shows, then we'll present you with a professional chef's gourmet take on the meal you just saw on screen. - Oh, okay. - Okay. - Anime food always looks so fricking good. - Is this a Try Not To Eat? - (FBE) It is! - No! - Oh, I told-- - (FBE) So you'll have to take a bite of punishment food for every dish you try. If you can get through all four dishes without trying anything, we'll present you with a final winning dish for you to enjoy. - Mmm. - I don't know if you realize how rough this is gonna be for me. - Yeah, I feel like this is gonna be harder for you than me. - Because Brock knew how to cook. - What if I just put it in my Meowth? (both laugh) - He should lose on that. - Come on! - (Misty) Mmm. - (Pikachu) Mmm. - Yes, I knew it! That was my first though. - Oh my God, no way! - Yes, this is the first thing I thought of! This is the first thing. - (Misty) You look kind of down, Ash. - (Ash) Huh? - (Misty) Have a donut! - (gasps) Jelly donuts! - That's a little rice, they are not donuts! - (Pikachu) Pika Pika! - (Brock) These donuts are great! Jelly-filled are my favorite! - (laughs) What? - (Brock) Nothing beats a jelly-filled donut. - That's not a donut! - I love rice donuts. - (FBE) Well first up, we have one of Brock's most famous dishes, jelly donuts, and if you're thinking that these jelly donuts look a little like onigiri, you are right, because the 4Kids English dub of the Pokemon anime series famously swapped out Brock's traditional Japanese rice balls with the American favorite jelly donuts in an attempt to westernize the series. - Hmm. - (FBE) So these are made the Japanese way, with kelp and pickled plums. - Awesome, okay, I was about to be mad if there's actually like just squeeze donut jelly in there. - What, like where, what is this? - Plum. - I kinda thought you were just gonna put rice on a jelly donut. I don't want it as much now. - I feel like I know what it tastes like. - I've never had this. I'm not very cultured. I didn't grow up where I have like anything cool in my life. So I feel like these are the times to try cool things. - Yeah, but like... - But is it worth it? - I'm good. - I'm gonna pass too. If he can hold out, I can hold out too. - Alright. - Staying strong on this one. - Pass. - But I do like the aesthetic. I just wanna like hold it. - It looks pretty. - And like look at it. - It looks like I just, I just wanna like punch it, you know? (both laugh) - I'm okay on this one. - I'm gonna hold out for now, just 'cause I feel like, just because of how well I know Pokemon, I feel like there's something back here that I'm just totally not seeing. - (Jesse) Customer with ticket number 10! - Oh, this is newer. - (both) Thank you and please come again. - I don't know what this is. - Oh, I think I know what this dessert is. - (both) Thank you and please come again. - Ooh! - (James) Finally, no customers. - Oh, there they are. - Team Rocket's disguised again. - (James) Finally, no customers left. (Mikaela laughs) - (Jesse) That was some long line. - Mood. Customer service mood. - (Meowth) Of course it was! - We're gonna eat Wobbuffet? - Wobbuffet! - (Meowth) Donuts in Alola? - Donuts, another donut? - (Wobbuffet) Wobba! - Wobba! - There he is. - It's another donut! - Mm-hmm. This one looks like a real donut. - The pastries always look the best, though. I just don't wanna see them in real life. How do you not eat it? - (FBE) Just in case you were disappointed by the lack of fried dough and fruity filling in the previous dish, we've got some big malasadas from Alola to satisfy your sweet tooth. - (both) Ooh! - (FBE) These donut-like treats are a favorite of Pokemon and people alike, and were made by our gourmet chef here in house. - And it's the Alola version. - Dude, these smell bomb. - I have a really bad sweet tooth. - It smells good, yo. (laughs) It smells pretty good. - It does. - Ooh, smell it Jeannie. - Powdered sugar. - Smell it. (whispers) It smells so good. - Oh my God, I love, this looks like a beignet. - What are you doing, what are you doing? - I don't know, what are you doing? - See, this is my weakness, this, like, any time, anything's sweet, I'm like, I'm here for it. - Well, I mean, we can cut it right, to look at it? - Yeah, we can cut it. - Alright, we're gonna cut it. - Let's just cut one. (laughs) - (both) Ooh! - (whispers) Look at the jelly. Ooh, look at that goodness. - I'm just... - I'm so tempted, so tempted. - You guys have the worst punishments sometimes. (laughs) I just don't know! - Go for it. - Okay. - Just go for it. (buzzer rings) - Mmm. - Did you get filling? - Yeah. - Did you get some filling? - I'm not as tempted. - I am! - Like I was way more tempted... - I am! - With the rice and pickled plums. (buzzer rings) - That's good, that is good. - I don't like jelly-filled donuts. - You don't like jelly? That's the best part! - I could easily eat around it. I'm very aware. (laughs) But because of that reason, I'm out. - [Bleep], I don't know, man. I'm gonna leave it, I don't want it. - I'm trying to be strong, I'm trying to be strong. - Can we have a couple more? - There's a difference between just getting jelly a donut, and then it's in the back of my mind that a chef made these. That it's freshly made. - I think I'm good. I think I'm good on this one. - (Narrator) Today, Ash, Brock, and Misty are taking a short break... - No way. - (Narrator) From their Pokemon adventures. As always... - Look at him. - (laughs) This is the scene I was describing, from Pokemon: The First Movie. - Now's your chance! - I love, (gasps). - (Narrator) As always. (both laugh) - I love, the stew! - Togepi! - Brock's stew! - (Ash) Hungry, need food. - I think whiny is my favorite version of Ash. - (Misty) You haven't done a thing all day! - (Ash) I'm too weak to work, Misty. - Yes, Misty, get that boy up! - (Ash) I haven't eaten since breakfast. - I've always wanted to try this stew. - (Brock) It's my Lazy Boy No Chew Stew. - Lazy Boy No Chew Stew. - It's just gonna slide right down. - Lazy Boy No Chew Stew. - Oh, so a smoothie. - (FBE) So another of Brock's famous dishes, Lazy Boy No Chew Stew is a creamy soup packed full of carrots, chicken, broccoli, cheese, and other veggies. - That does look really good. - Yo, this looks fire. - (both) That looks good! - Yo wait. - Okay. - I'm gonna break on this one, I think. - Can we talk about this little bowl, and how cute it is? - I kinda want some. - Dude, I want this one too. - That smells really good. - This smells so good. Okay. - Fudge! - I'm freaking out over the punishment. Is it worth it? - Girl, you wanted to try this. - I did want to try it, okay, okay. I'm gonna try it. - And also, we'll be doing the punishment together. - Okay. - So we're already doing it, you know what I mean? - Okay, okay, I'm not alone! - Yeah, you won't be alone. (buzzer rings) Oh good, she had some. Phew. - Wow! This is better than I thought it'd be. You know, like... - How dare she? - I like how this was a no-brainer. It's the smell. The smells are what get you. - It smells so good. (buzzer rings) Yo! This is fire. - Is it a Fire type? (rimshot echoes) (canned audience laughs) - Come on. - You want a spoon? - No, I wanted it, no this is okay. (Mikaela laughs) (buzzer rings) - Is that your hopes and dreams? Everything your childhood dreamed of? - I mean yeah, honestly. (Mikaela laughs) - I'm good. - You're good? Alright. - I wanna win one of these for once. - I'm gonna match ya. I'm gonna match ya. - Interesting. I'll call. (Jeannie gasps) - Oh my God! - Oh! - Cute Pikachu! (Eric laughs) - Dude, what? - I'm a fan. - The poffin, or no, weren't they called puffins, poffins? Okay, good. - You gotta feed it your cake. - Oh my God, what game is this, and how come I've never played this? - What are you gonna make out of it? (Dragonite roars) - Yay, Dragonite happy! - Yeah. I remember this was a game in Gen 3, you can go to like the Pokemon like contest centers, and you can make these. - This was lost in my childhood. - That was adorable. - That was the best game ever. It reminds me of like Nintendogs, but like Pokemon. - Oh, totally! - (FBE) So perhaps the prettiest food that you can feed your Pocket Monsters Poke Puffs come in five different delicious flavors, sweet, mint, citrus, mocha and spice. We made our own gourmet cream puffs fit for humans inspired by these Pokemon treats. - Yo. Yo that looks so good. - Stop! - Cute. - They're so cute! - They're adorable. - And pretty, I love colors. - But aren't you supposed to like, rub my belly while feeding me this? - I feel like if you can't give him that, like, he shouldn't really be eating it. - It's not the authentic Pokemon experience. - Cream puffs as a kid were my weakness. - Oh, this is a cream puff? I've never had a cream puff. - You never had a cream puff? - No. - Yo! - I'm diving right in, I'm not even gonna pretend like I'm not gonna eat it. - I feel like it's the black one that's the spice one. (buzzer rings) But I'm pretty sure they're all gonna be sweet. - Mmm, mmm, mm, mm, mmm, mmm! (buzzer rings) That had it all for me, I love cream puffs. I love frosting. This is fantastic! - I'll try it. (buzzer rings) - That is really sweet. (laughs) - The only way I can resist this is the frosting on top. Not a big frosting fan. - Really? - So I think like, that's the only thing that would keep me from eating this. - I'm not a big sweets guy, to be honest. - Yeah, I'm gonna let this one go. - I wanna punch it so bad. - (laughs) You better go to the gym. (Jeannie laughs) I'm resisting this one. What about you, Jeannie? - I'm resisting as well. - Okay. - To punch and to eat. - You should always be resisting to punch! (laughs) - (FBE) It is time for our winning dish. Chelsea, congratulations, you're going to eat this. - Oh, we're done? Wait, wait really, we're done? Oh my gosh! I thought there was more, and I was like gonna have to sit through more food. This is exciting. - Oh, is it the curry? (Danny gasps) - I love this game! - It's another, spicy sausage curry. - Ah, this isn't fair. - Spicy sausage curry. Fried food curry. This looks so good. - Oh, that's a lot of curry. - Look at Pikachu's face. - (Pikachu) Pika! Pikachu! - Pikachu! - Aw! If Pikachu likes it, I'll like it. I'm so excited! - (FBE) So, since you are winners today, this dish is all for the two of you to enjoy. We have a trio of superb curries. - Oh! - Hoo! - (FBE) So these are all from Pokemon Sword and Shield. Spicy sausage curry, fried food curry, and mushroom medley. And yes, they are all Charizard class. - Oh my. - These are giant. - This is so much food. - That is a lot of food. - Holy crackerjacks. - I don't know how you're gonna eat that much food. - It smells so good. - Those actually smell really good. - Wow. I'm a little bummed, not gonna lie. - I was expecting like small bowls. - I'm going in right now dude. - Mmm! - That's really good. Oh my gosh. - I can imagine. - This smells really good, but also that stew though is really good. - She's loving that stew. - That stew was great! - See, I'm content, 'cause I got my Pokemon: The First Movie food, so we good fam. - He's good, he's chillin'. - We chillin'. - (FBE) Well, it's not over yet. We've got a punishment food for you guys. - Ugh. - Great. ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ - Oh, I remember this game! This Pokemon game was so much fun on N64! - Oh yes, I used to love this game! - Wait, it's so funny. - Bloop, bloop, bloop. - Eh. (Chelsea laughs) - (man) Here, fresh Moomoo milk. - Moomoo milk, wait. - Oh no, is it like sushi and milk put together? - Sushi and milk? - Oh my God, no! - (Ash) Ah, all set, time to run again! - What? None of that seemed particularly bad, I'm so confused. - (FBE) Alright, so inspired by Lickitung and his sushi-go-round mini-game in Pokemon Stadium, we've got some deathly spicy sushi that just might make you turn green, made with hot sauce, habaneros, Tajin, and of course, some very spicy peppers. Luckily, we've also got some Moomoo milk for you to wash it all down. - Oh damn. They gave us milk, because it's gonna be that bad. - It's okay. (laughs) - You okay, you good? - Yes. - Don't worry, you got milk. - I know I'm gonna puke, and I'm gonna cry. - Oh, little kick. (Chelsea laughs) - You good? - Yeah, let's go. - I'm like shivering, from just... Okay, that wasn't the worst punishment. - You're not done. No no no. - (sighs) Finished it. Oh, oh! - (laughs) You're handling this very well. - I'm sweating a little bit. (coughs) - (FBE) So you are winners today, which means you didn't have to eat the punishment food, however, Eric, if you had gotten this punishment food we made a deathly spicy sushi. - Oh no to both of those words. - (FBE) Jack bet me that today, you'd be eating the two things you hate most, but he was wrong. - Oh buddy. - (FBE) Jack, come on in. - Yeah this [bleep] bull[bleep]. I'll tell you guys what. - Do tell. - I wasn't supposed to eat this. You were supposed to eat this! - You bet against me! - Was there a bet? - I was supposed to be a jerk and bring it out, and be like "oh too bad, you gotta eat it." But now I have to do it, and it's all to promote the new Try Not To Channel. If you haven't subscribed, you're an idiot, like me, who has to eat this thing. I've done worse! Uh, subscribe to the Try Not To Channel, please. - Also, send us more curry. You want some chicken? - No, ugh! - Okay, you don't deserve it. Can I just say, this is a way better reward. - Thanks for watching us Try Not To Eat Pokemon Food. - On the REACT Channel. - If you liked this episode... - Then hit that like button. - For even more Try Not To episodes... - Subscribe to the Try Not To Channel. - Hey guys, React Producer Mary here. Thank you so much for watching us Try Not To Eat Pokemon Foods, here on the REACT Channel. Be sure to subscribe to the Try Not To Channel for even more crazier Try Not Tos. Thanks for watching, bye!
Channel: REPLAY
Views: 3,051,802
Rating: 4.9348059 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon foods, charizard class curry, pokemon curry, big malasadas, moo moo milk, pokepuffs, poke puffs, pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon the movie, nintendo, try not to eat, recreating food, recreation, try not to, try not to challenge, famous food, food challenge, reaction, react, fbe, react channel, EAT2003, Try Not To Eat Challenge - Pokemon Food | People Vs. Food
Id: yWP3uHslmBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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