Try Not To Eat Challenge - Pixar Foods | People vs. Food

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- Like an Onward sword fight. Huzzah! - Huzzah, huzzah! ♪ (upbeat swing intro) ♪ - (PvF) We asked you to come hungry today, because we have a mouthwatering Try Not To Eat Challenge. - I'm food fans. - Yeah! - I am a food fan. - Why, why do you do this? - (PvF) What makes this challenge extra special is that all of the foods are going to be from Pixar movies. (Jeannie gasps) - Oh, how fun! - What? - Oh, so cute! - The Incredibles! Sorry. - (PvF) You must muster every ounce of self control to not eat what we put in front of you, or suffer the consequences. - I've lost before, it's not great. The punishment is not great. Nope. - Animated food always looks so good, and you always wanna eat it, and this is just gonna be brutal. - (PvF) If you succeed, you'll be awarded with a delicious prize. But if you're the one who eats the most, then you must eat something disgusting but completely safe and edible. Here we go with challenge one. - Stop, I love this movie. - Oh, I have a dimple. (laughs) - That is my grandma too. - Aww. - She just wants me to eat so much food. - You're a twig, Miho. - That's something my grandma would do. - Mmm. - (PvF) Let's bring out a Coco tamale, and see if you can resist eating it. - Ooh! - Tamales! - I do like tamales. - Some authentic tamales? That sounds so good! - OMG, see now you're bringing in stuff that is, you know, tasty. - Tasty! - Thank you. - Nice! - Yeah, it smells bomb. - It does smell bomb. - I'm into this color, it looks like a nice verde sauce on the inside of this. - Ooh, verde. Yes, that green. (laughs) - Green! - Mmm. It smells good. - I know! I wanna eat this really bad. - Just go for it? - I feel like if I open it, that's gonna actually just tempt me... - (Anna) Wait girl, open the... - I know, I was like should I cut it? - Open the door! (laughs) - I was like should I cut it? - Yeah yeah yeah, there you go. - Oh my gosh. - I've never had tamales before. - Oh. - (laughs) Literally never, and it blows people's mind. - That makes me so angry. (both laugh) - This isn't Try Not To Get Angry, right? Every time I tell people, it's just like (blows raspberry)! They're like what the hell have you been doing? You live in Los Angeles! - I haven't had a green filling one ever before. - See, like this isn't that tempting for me, because I've never had one. - See, it's usually a sweet corn on the outside, which is very delicious, but I've never had one with it like that, and that does not tempt me at all, thank goodness, so... - Okay, if she's not gonna eat it, then I'm not gonna eat it. Just like the competitor is like climbing. I know I'm gonna regret this. I'm gonna be like why did you not eat the tamale, like? - I love tamales. I ate 'em last week, that's why I'm not eating 'em. - I've had a tamale before, I love them, this is a challenge, I really want that super yummy prize at the end. So yeah, I think I'm gonna pass on this one. - Yeah, gonna have to agree with you. It's no go for me, but if I'm ever in Mexico, or I have this opportunity again, it's going to be, you know, in my second intestine, so. (Jeannie laughs) - (PvF) Okay, let's move on to our next temptation. - Ooh, look at those orange fingers, they even got that detail down. Just gotta have them orange fingers. - Oh yeah, I remember what happens. - I don't remember! - I remember what happens, cast a spell. Expansion spell. - Float on the cheese puff. - (Barley) Use what you've got. Magnora Gantuan! - Oh, I was just joking. I didn't know he had magic powers! - (PvF) Let's see if the Onward cheese puff will be too good to resist. - Dun dun dun! - We'll see, we'll see. - Okay, that's still a big... - Unbelievable! - That's still a huge, huge cheese puff. - Do they actually sell anything like this, or these are made special? - (PvF) We made these special. - They made them special for us. - Woo! - Oh. - Alright. - What are you thinking, this radiating color. - This is a special cheese puff. - For sure. Y'all did something. (laughs) - (Jeannie) What? - Now this is my kinda size of cheese puff. - This is insane! - Ladies and gentlemen, present this to me, and I'll marry you. Abso... oof. It's very cheesy. - The smell's very potent. - You smell the cheese powder. - Yeah, it's righteously cheesy, that's for sure. - Can I like break it open? - (Anna) Yeah. - (PvF) Oh yeah. - (Anna) Yeah no, I'm eating this. - You are? - Absolutely. Dude, what, why is this so heavy? - (Anahita) I can't, it's... - This is a brick! I could boom! (laughs) - Bro, I cannot... - Anahita, I could take you out with this. - I could probably, I'm about to take myself out with it. It will not open! - (laughs) I'm pretty sure this is a cheese puff. - How are you gonna eat it? (buzzer rings) Is it worth? - It's like a Rice Krispie Treat now. - Do you regret it? - No, but why'd you all put marshmallow and cheese together? I'm kinda pissed. (group laughs) This is major catfish vibes. - I got it. (both laugh) Yeah, have fun with that one. (PvF laughs) - Baby girl left me in the dust. No bravery. - Take the L! I will not be... - I'm an adventurous soul. - This is like if I ate so many cheese puffs that they had to cut this out of me. - (Rhoda) Oh my gosh. - That this just formed in my body over time. - (Rhoda) Yeah. - Like, I don't like, this is an organ. - Very easy to say no to. - Yeah, this is just too much. - It's like a baby is what it is, it's like a baby. - It is, it is, it's like a not fully deformed child. A cheesy child. - How can you eat this? How can anyone eat this? - Wait, we could probably have like a sword fight with them. - No way, you, look at that. - Ready? Like an Onward sword fight. Huzzah! - Huzzah, huzzah! - So good. - We can't eat this. (laughs) - Or like a boomerang. - Is this edible? - I'm gonna pass on this one, for sure. I'm just gonna go out and say it now. - Yeah, I'm just gonna go, yes, I agree with George. I'm probably passing on this. - Onward! - (PvF) This Disneyland essential is gonna be found in Disney California Adventure park. - See you already lose here, 'cause you told me that I can get it in Cars Land, so I'll just go eat it there later. (Rhoda laughs) - (PvF) ...essential in itself whether you're a Cars fan or not. - Lightning McQueen! - (PvF) ...details in this land worth checking out. - Ka-chow! - (PvF) Make sure to stop at the Cozy Cone Motel where you're gonna find five different cones that each serve a different... - Disney foods slap. - A guy after my heart, it's food. - Maybe $16, but slaps. (laughs) - (PvF) And my favorite, cone queso. - Oh, cone queso. (laughs) - Oh! - I like the naming. - (PvF) Which is a creamy mac and cheese filled with roasted bacon, and served... - A bread cone, okay. - (PvF) Our bacon mac and cheese cone is a delicious pairing of crispy bacon and gooey mac and cheese in a buttery edible cone. This one's gonna be really tough. Let's bring out the bacon mac and cheese cones! - So cute, wait what, no way! - Ooh! - (Jeannie) Wow. - Did somebody go to Disneyland for this? - Aw, y'all did mini cones, or is it actually? This looks so good. - I know. - Dare you! (laughs) - Oh, it's even got the little... Ooh! - Ew, greasy. - It smells like bacon. Definitely smells like bacon, 'cause you see all this crispy bacon up top? She doesn't like bacon, so it's gonna an easy no for her. - Well, I used to love bacon, but this whole mixture... - Oh, just not eating it now? - The cone looks like a croissant type thing, the cone looks crispy, and delicious. I might enjoy the cone by itself. - Yes, I will say that. I will forgo this. - Cheers! - It definitely smells good. Cheers, yeah! Smells good for sure though. - Yeah, I'm not gonna eat it. - Yeah. Like, it smells, I think I'm just satisfied like smelling it. - Are you gonna have some though? - Why, if I don't have it, are you not gonna have it? - No, I'm gonna have it either way. - Yeah, I'm gonna have it too. (buzzer rings) - Mmm! I really like this method, this carrier. - Me too, me too. - This holder. Makes me feel safe. - Gives it a good taste too. And it kinda looks like... - Very carb heavy though. - (hums) You know, like a trumpet? - Mmm! - The cone tastes so good. - Am I sad? No, I ate it. - No, I'm happy right now. This is worth the L. - Oh, the bacon. - I was disappointed when this is not what college was like. - Yeah. - I needed someone in a lizard costume giving me cupcakes. (Anna laughs) - Oh, cupcake, cupcake? Aw, aw, aw. - (PvF) Alright, let's bring out our Monsters University cupcake. - I was obsessed with cupcakes in like seventh grade. I used to bake them every weekend and bring them to class. - What does it say? - I love that, I saw that it was saying something. - Bemy Pal? Be My Pal. (laughs) - Bemy Pal! (laughs) - I thought it said Bemy Pal! - Can I just take one? - (PvF) Absolutely. - So this is our prize, right? - (PvF) No, we're still playing. - Oh! - I love cupcakes. I did just stuff a whole [censored] cupcake in my mouth though. - They're very much giving me like Ralph's adjacent. - Ralph's adjacent. (laughs) - I'm gonna stick it out, because I can make cupcakes. - I mean, you kinda already lost, so you should just take the L and keep it going. - Um, peer pressure! - I know I have a lot of friends who watch REACT, and they hate when you say the word moist, their hairs stand on end, and they cringe so hard. So moist! (record scratches) - It's got such a good smell to it. - Oh yeah, that's, this is a, this is a moist cupcake. - Oh, moist! (Ed laughs) And coconut, it looks like in the icing. - I just love feeling like the squish of a cupcake, 'cause they're so soft and fluffy. - See, why this is easy for me is 'cause I'm not huge on chocolate. (Rhoda laughs) I like eating vanilla or red velvet, like when I get my cupcakes, so this isn't too hard for me, 'cause I'm not big on chocolate. - Me either, I'm not a cupcake person, I'm more of a custard person. - Hmm, custard. - Okay. - Oh, it's a P. - I want the prize. I'm passing. - Not a B. Well, I mean, I've been playing with the cupcakes the entire time so clearly I'm not gonna be eating these. - I need to just lick this. - Is the frosting whipped cream frosting? (buzzer rings) 'Cause I'm a sucker for whipped cream frosting. - Mmm! I'm not mad. - Good, good good. I finally win. - At least I wanted the sweet after the mac and cheese. - Yeah. I feel like you gotta get a little bit of both, for sure. - Really good cupcake. - (PvF) Alright, now it's time to accept your prize or punishment. Dig it! - (22) It's so good! - Aw, Soul! - I love Soul. - Aw! - (Joe) Good, you can eat on the way, let's go! - Yo, I've been, oh. This better happen in my head. I mean, that's usually what happens when I eat pizza. - (22) I don't feel so angry anymore. - (PvF) Here you go, from Soul, a perfect slice of New York pizza. - We are winners! (George sings) This is our winner meal! Champions! (George sings) Cheers! Pizza always hits! It always slaps. - Always slaps, just slaps you in the face. - Oh, it's good. - So good. I feel like he did in the movie. Mmm, it's so good, oh. - (PvF) Out of everyone, you are the least able to resist our delicious Pixar food, so now you must face the consequences. Let's take a look. - I don't remember what they ate though. Am I eating something off the ground? - I don't remember what they ate either. I thought that was just a... Is it a grape? - Oh, I thought she was picking up a bug. Y'all scared me. - (Disgust) Whoa, no way! We are not eating that. - (Joy) Disgust, it's fine, it passed the five second rule. - Yeah, it is a grape. - Would you eat something off the ground? Depends what ground though. - I don't think it's off the ground. - My friend dropped her ice cream on the sidewalk and picked it up. (laughs) - (Disgust) Stray dogs, toenail clippings, roadkill, hippies, dung beetles! - (Joy) Stop it! - (Fear) Shouldn't we do something? - (Anger) (laughs) No. - (Joy) It's a grape! It's not like we're eating broccoli! - Disgust. - (Disgust) Don't even go there. - (Joy) Or boogers! - (Disgust) (gulps) You're evil. - (Joy) Or dog food. - (Disgust) Shut your mouth! - A dirty grape? - A grape? - (PvF) And for your punishment, from Inside Out, these are some of Disgust's least favorite things, broccoli, boogers, and dog food. - Definitely creative. What's in the mush? - I don't know! And there's only one way to find out. - (Anahita) You got this, though. - But it smells so weird. I'll eat the broccoli for certain. - Mmm, I'm happy I won. - Feeling green. - I'm feeling green! (laughs) The smell of your broccoli is like ruining the pizza for me though. - (both) Thanks for watching this episode of People vs. Food. - If you liked this episode, be sure to hit that Like button and subscribe. - We're gonna show you how to make some of these amazing recipes, so stay tuned. - Let us know what you'd like us to do next in the comments below. - Bye! - Bye guys! - Bye guys! Mmm. - Bye guys. - (gasps) George! - We're rolling out! - We're rolling away! (laughs)
Channel: People Vs Food
Views: 3,187,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #PeopleVsFood, #cooking, #recipes, try not to eat, try not to eat challenge, try not to eat disney food, try not to eat pixar, try not to eat react, people vs food, try not to laugh, react, Disney, Disney+, Pixar, Coco, Tamales, Soul, Pizza, Inside Out, Disgust, Broccoli, Try Not To, Eat, Monsters Inc, Cheese Puff, Giant, Giant Food, Giant Cheeto, Onward, recreating food, recreation, try not to, try not to challenge, famous food, food challenge, reaction, fbe, react channel
Id: BU6jhQ0hXqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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