Communion Celebration | Drive in Service

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you foreign you you [Music] come on and lift him up come on and magnify him come on and adore him i was glad when they said unto me come let us go to the house of the lord because when i think about the goodness of jesus and all that he has done for me i can't help but put a hallelujah in the atmosphere do you love jesus on tonight do you need him tonight when i think about him i have to thank him when i think about him i have to thank him come on and lift up your voice put a praise in the evidence for the king of kings of the lord of lords come on and magnify him come on in adore him he's been that good he's that kind of god come on and magnify him hallelujah hallelujah god is good god is great and he is worthy i said he's worthy from the rising of the sun to the going down of the sea my god is worthy he's worthy he's worthy of all of the praise i thank god that he is not restricted by atmosphere he can meet us anywhere we are in the parking lot in a supermarket inside the building he's everywhere he is a present help in the time of trouble and we never go anywhere by ourselves welcome once again to our outdoor community service i hope you enjoyed the services today and thank you so much for all you all of you that came out for pastor appreciation yesterday and today come on let's pray father we thank you father we love you father we adore you we acknowledge that you are our breath we can do nothing without you we need you every minute of the day god i thank you that you never leave us by ourselves that you are present help in the time of trouble i thank you god though no matter what time of the day we can come boldly to the throne of grace and find help in the time of need i thank you father that you love us with prodigal love no matter what we've done or where we've been you're always standing there with open arms to love on us so god we thank you for this day we thank you for all that you have done we thank you for communion service god we thank you for dying for us we thank you for shedding your blood with for us we don't know where we would be without your blood because there's power in the blood there's transformation power in the blood of jesus so we acknowledge that your love for us is so great that sometimes we can't even understand it what it when we consider the heavens and the stars what is man that you are mindful of us so god we appreciate your love towards us we appreciate your unconditional love we appreciate the fact that you forgive us over and over and over again we appreciate the fact that even though you convict us of our sins you never condemn us so god we acknowledge that we have sinned and word thought motive attitude and deed and we say we're sorry we don't want anything to stand between us and your presence so god i pray that you move on this parking lot that you move in the cars that you give us a word and season that you give us a rhema word that would explain the situation we are facing right now god we pray that you give us faith for the season that we are in father we acknowledge that we believe but help our unbelief guys sometimes we don't understand your ways sometimes we don't see how you're going to work it out but god we know that you are not a man that you should lie and if you said it you shall do it so god we praise you for being a god who is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all we can ask or think according to the power that works in us so god we appreciate you we adore you we love you we need you we magnify you we can do nothing without you so god i pray that you bless this service you bless this world god help us to meditate on the word that we are going to hear tonight so that it will bear season and that it would bear fruit in due season so god thank you for all that you have done thank you for who you are in our lives thank you for never leaving us alone in the midnight hour you are yet there thank you god for bottling up every tear that we ever cry and you are right there to wipe the tears away and give us peace that passes all understanding god you said you would keep our minds in perfect peace as we keep our mind stay on you so i pray right now that no matter what we're going through you have us to shift our focus because whatever we focus on grows we want to focus on the power of god the authority of god in the word of god [Music] so god i thank you for this day i thank you for this season i thank you for what you're going to do i thank you for the word that's going to come forth with power authority and conviction in jesus name we pray amen amen and amen who want to put your hands together for minister felt monroe come on let's make some noise in this place come on let me hear your horns over here come on let me hear your horns over here as we get ready to worship him you know this song is very simple yeah come on [Music] this is the song it says lord i lift your name on high lord i'd love to sing your praises i'm so glad you're in my life i'm so glad you came to save us lord i leave your name on high lord i love to sing your prayers i'm so glad you're in my life i'm so glad you came to save it and you came from heaven to earth to show [Music] [Music] lord i lift your name on i love to see your praises i'm so glad you're in my life i'm so glad you came to save us [Music] [Music] come on let me hear your horns out there if you lift your name on high [Music] hey you came from [Music] [Music] your [Music] yes [Music] on [Music] [Music] come on let me hear your horse hallelujah [Music] praise the lord [Music] it's good to see everybody out there good that was a good version man that was good that was good your name on high school [Laughter] praise the lord [Music] your name your name your name your name lord i lift your name on your [Applause] [Music] praise the lord god is good yes he is there is no other name yeah under the heavens by which men and women can be saved no higher name somebody shout hunt jesus hallelujah i don't know if the lord has revealed it to you tonight but there's a healing anointing all in this service supernatural move of god afoot miracles are available just reach up and grab them by faith watch the lord move there's a healing anointing available tonight if you need it someone you know needs it it's available tonight all we've got to do is teach this word [Music] and the power to heal will be present in his name through faith in his name men and women will be made whole tonight yeah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah well let's get started all right um you're gonna need your thinking caps on tonight we're gonna do a deep dive and uh just take our time this is a continuation of what we uh started last month if you uh uh when able to watch last month's communion go back and watch it so you can really tie it all in together we believe god's going to move this evening and we're not going to see coming to church the same way again praise you let's go to first corinthians chapter 11 we're going to look at verse 20 and then jump down to 28 through 30. first corinthians 11 verse 20 then we're going to jump down to 28 and 30. okay he says when you come together that we're together ecclesia when you gather when you assemble the same word for church therefore into one place he's correcting them this is not to eat the lord's supper my mind they think they are but they're doing it wrong go down in verse 28 it says but let a man examine himself and so let him eat of that bread and drink of that cup for he that eateth and drinketh unworthily eateth and drinketh damnation to himself not discerning the lord's body my mind for this cause many are weak and sickly among you and many sleep now let's jump to first corinthians 10 verse 17. just want to read this so we can get into everybody's spirit first corinthians 10 17 for we being many are one bread yes sir and one body yeah why for we are all partakers yes sir of that one yeah bread so the church yeah is the ecclesia right the greek the ecclesia the gathering or the assembling of god's people right so when the people of god come together god calls that the church the ecclesia right now when you look at this word ecclesia the purpose for the gathering yeah is more important than the location my mind so the why is more important than the where okay so whether we worship in the building when the pandemic is over here or rather out here in the parking lot it's not about where we have church it's why it's why yeah so so yeah so some people may say we want to get back in the building just like everybody else yeah we sure do but when god gives us an opportunity on saturdays for driving service we do it outside if we're supposed to come together as a church and assemble because the location is not as important as the why [Music] let's go to matthew 14 matthew 14. this is just a quick review then we'll move forward matthew 14. matthew 14 okay and let's look at verse 13 and 14. matthew 14 13 and 14. says when jesus heard of it he departed thence by ship into a desert place this is after john the baptist was beheaded his cousin his cousin was murdered he goes away by ship into a desert place and when the people heard thereof they followed him on foot out of the cities and jesus went forth and saw a great multitude and was moved with compassion toward them and he healed their sick watch this jesus goes to a location the people want to assemble where jesus is absolute and when the multitude come to jesus yeah they didn't ask for healing all they did was show up to see jesus and when they showed up to see jesus he was moved with compassion and healed the sick yes sir [Music] yes sir when the people of god come together focused on jesus yes sir god starts healing people in the crowd yeah [Music] they didn't ask jesus to heal them they just sought him and he just start moving yeah because the why is more important than the location yes sir so could you imagine if all of us come together focused on seeking jesus yes sir every time we get together what he would do [Music] i'm sorry i'm talking a lot just come on man come on so god is trying to hone our focus on searching after jesus watch this out we've heard it said before we said it before when you seek his face he gives you what's in his hands that's right so our job is to seek jesus not the things because when you get jesus you get the thing yeah the kingdom comes with the kingdom comes with yeah and healings in his hands healings in his hands yes sir so so right now since we came together jesus is moved with compassion yes sir and it's going to start healing folk whatever they need whatever they need yeah because why they came and assembled yes sir to see you see him let's see him yes sir so so what am i trying to tell you the church and we talked about this last month the church is a sign yeah so the coming together is a sign yes sir which means if it's a sign it's sacramental yes sir all right if it's a sign it's sacramental the church and the meal are supposed to go [Music] my my you can't have one without the other out the other yeah let's go to john chapter six so you can't have jesus without the church hey good god oh my god oh god here we go john chapter 6 good god almighty verse 53 john 6 53 we're going to read down in verse 58 what says then jesus said unto them verily for i say unto you except you eat of the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood you have no life in you who so eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood hath eternal life and i will raise him up at the last day for my flesh is meat indeed and my blood is drink indeed yeah he that eateth my flesh drinketh my blood dwelleth in me and i in him that makes sense as the living father has sent me and i live by the father so he that eateth me even he shall live by me wow this is the bridge yes sir which came down from heaven not as your fathers did eat manna and are dead he that eateth of this bread shall live forever so jesus is telling us you cannot have my life if you don't eat my bread and drink my blood [Music] so you really can't be a christian if you don't take communion [Music] but we just read that we're the body and we're the bread yes it makes sense because jesus is known as the bread and we're his body so that makes us the bread cut god oh we're going to get to the consumer that he blesses and then he breaks it so we can multiply good god almighty man this is good so the church and the meal the eucharist the communion yeah watch this go together so you have the historical jesus yes sir right that walk the earth for 33 years you have the jesus in the middle and you have the ecclesial jesus which is the church yeah the historical jesus is no longer walking the earth no sir but but he left us two visible things yes sir to represent him on the earth yes sir [Music] so when i see the meal i see jesus yes sir when i see the church i see jesus yes sir he said this is my body yes sir and we are here yes sir [Music] oh my god this is beautiful so when i want to see jesus yeah i look at the church the physical body of christ absolutely and i see it in the bread and the cup at communion yes sir and your car shout sacramental boys yes got to get a hold of this [Music] we have to get a hold of this so sacraments watch this sacraments here's the key to the whole thing and we talked about this for the past two communions sacraments sacraments are signs that accomplish what it signifies so sacraments are signs that accomplish what it signifies so every sign signifies or showing us something right signs promise us signs promises something yes sir so baptism is a sign yes sir baptism is a sacrament yes sir so when we baptize you you're not just going into water it's a sign that's symbolizing what god is actually doing absolutely in the spirit in the spirit yes sir so when you go down god cleans you when he brings you up yeah so you're not just going into some water you're being cleansed spiritually because god is moving in this time yes sir romans romans tells us baptized we're buried with him in baptism the only way it happens is by the spirit yes sir so god is doing what the sign represents yes sir so jesus says this is my body so when you eat the bread you're taking in christ yeah the bread is not his physical flesh that's right but god is moving in yes to do what the sign represents there's healing in this place there's healing in the meal yeah because whatever jesus gets in he starts transforming that's right that's right you are what you eat my my my can we take it a little bit further come on okay all right so so so watch this y'all a sacrament is a symbol of a sacred reality you better say that again a sacrament is red and wine red wine yeah reality a sacred reality yes it's real the sacred israel these are symbols of what's sacred watch this a visible form of invisible grace lord have mercy a visible form got slowed down on this part no come on a visible form of visible so so so there's something happening spiritually that you can't see yes sir but god is doing it even though you can't see it in the end you participate [Music] so god moves in the visible in unseen ways if you can say it like that so you're not saying that every time we come to communion we are stepping into a supernatural dimension where the full benefit of god is available to the people absolutely absolute forget not all his benefits [Music] so we getting the whole jesus right now right now [Music] oh so so so so the meal and the church are visible yes sir right because again the historical jesus is no longer walking the earth right so he gave us visible presence in the meal and the visible church yes sir so when we participate in the visible yes sir we experience an invisible god and his grace [Music] so the meal and the church are both physical and divine yeah we experience the divine when we interact [Music] yes sir let's look at an example go to john 14. let's look at verse 9. john 14. y'all getting this john 14 verse nine man he says and philip verse eight philip asked show us the father verse nine jesus saith unto him have i been so long time with you and yet this has not known me phillip he that has seen me the visible yeah has seen the father invisible yes sir how are you saying show us the phone i've already shown him i've already showed him yeah man jesus is the sacrament of the father he is the visible that represents the invisible he's the sign he's the son of the father of the father god almighty so when you interact with jesus you get a taste of the father that's why no man can come to the father but by him [Music] because the visible allows us to interact with the invisible yes sir so when we eat don't do it good good great so the church is the representation of the invisible jesus yes so we interact with the church we're interacting with jesus we're going there we're good with jesus come on come on come on oh are y'all getting this [Music] this is beautiful so watch this when we eat the physical meal we're supposed to experience the divine this is my body it's so plain so you're not just eating a cracker yeah i'm consuming jesus yeah getting him on the inside getting them on the yes sir because if i eat him i get life yeah so the visible sign of the church is the institution and the fellowship of the believer yes sir so you see the building the institution yes sir and then we see each other the fellowship of the believer yeah so i see the physical church and the physical church yeah so when we interact with the church uh oh y'all here come we experience the divine yes sir we are the body of christ that congregate in a location yes sir [Music] so yeah if i'm not coming to church i'm not interacting with [Music] my mind so when we open back up again yes sir yeah we're online uh-oh go ahead yeah we're online but we come together to interact with each other yeah i ain't getting many horns on that can't get many horns give me horns on that one they didn't catch it say it again say it again so let's take it current so when we have driving service on saturday yeah it's not about where but why we come together yeah so we still come together whether we're outside and then when we open up we still come to the house yeah to interact with the visible so i can interact with the divine [Music] and that means a reason for watching online has to be to experience jesus yes but at the same time it's allowing us to gather together from wherever we are absolutely could god almighty but when we open up again yes sir we won't be outside we'll be inside but right now we're gathering for jesus yes sir wow good god almighty so watch this y'all fellowship is a physical interaction yes sir that's supposed to have divine results you better say that again fellowship is a physical interaction that's supposed to have divine results so you're saying if we come together for the right reasons some supernatural event is supposed to happen absolutely every time we gather together together [Music] so watch this y'all you ask god to show you his love he'll send you a person to show you love yeah but if i don't like people i'll miss what god is doing yeah oh lord lord he go if i don't like fellowshipping with people yeah i miss what god is doing because god uses people community community yes sir as you always say favor comes on two feet [Music] in my mind so to forsake communion in the church is to forsake the divine my mind so your tradition has relegated this service to an optional status almost some believers don't believe you have to do this but what we're really doing when we decide that is that we've reasoned our way out of a supernatural occurrence in our lives time when god wants us to show him that we believe that if we gather he'll move in our midst absolutely absolutely so you're trying to say we miss the move of god when we miss communion yes [Music] and we're giving your bible too so yeah it's all bibles it's all about it so you're a part of the kingdom because we're the bible body and the body participates with the head the head of the body so you're part of the kingdom when you're in the church yes and partake of the meal if you don't eat jesus you have no part in him that's what he says and as one of the early church fathers says you can't have god as your father if the church is not your mother wow [Music] if the church is not your mother god cannot know your father how can you love the husband but hate the bride yeah somebody i know said that somebody said that yes sir can't hate his woman and love him can't do it if you love him you're gonna love his bride so god acts through his sacraments yes sir if we don't participate in the sacraments we miss how god is moving amen so the meal watch this y'all is the sacramental presence of christ yes right oh the church sick is the sacramental union oh with christ as the head oh man what do i mean by that you just said it this is the sacramental presence of christ yeah the church shows the union with christ as our head and we are his body yeah so when you look at communion and you look up the church the two combined give you a complete picture of jesus yes sir that's why you can't have one without the other my mind cause if you want all of jesus you gotta be in the church and you got to take communion yeah [Music] so church attendance is important communion is important it's not optional not optional no sir because why god works through his creation if you're part of the church you partake of the meal when you're shaking the meal you're part of the church you can't have one without the other yeah now here we go let's start coming around let's go when we commune with the sacramental body of christ yeah we commune with the resurrected christ and the church which is the body of christ absolutely so when we commune in other words together we're communing with jesus yeah and each other yes sir let's go to acts chapter nine let me show you something real quick let's show you something real quick acts 9 just in case some people may uh not get if you think this is good to conquer your home and old man and we're rocking and rolling up in here tonight we rocking and rolling rumble jesus rumble rumble jesus we're about to show you why fellowship is divine and sacramental acts chapter 9 verse 1. read it man and saul yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the lord went unto the high priest and desired of him letters to damascus to the synagogues that if he found any of this way where the men or women he might bring them bound unto jerusalem and as he journey came near to the mess and suddenly the shine wrought about him a light from heaven and he fell to the earth and heard a voice saying unto him saul saul why persecutest thou me saul is imprisoning christians yes sir beating christians yeah killing christians and jesus comes to him and he doesn't say why are you messing with them he says why are you messing with me because if you mess with them you're messing with [Music] so how i treat the people of god god sees that as how we treat him yes sir so we have to be careful how we treat people [Music] because bishop i think if we understood that personal interaction is not just me interacting with another human being right but the jesus in the human being absolutely we would treat each other differently yeah cause fellowship is sacramental [Music] you wouldn't be implying that if you call yourself not speaking to me you're actually not talking to him yeah because he being our intercessor does not separate himself from us yes because we are the body of christ lord have mercy and when you mess with his body he takes the message because you're messing with me oh my be careful how you treat people in the body [Music] and how you treat the stranger because matthew 25 tells us yeah how you treat the poor the hungry the naked if you've done it unto them you've done it unto me [Music] so you got it the church watch this is a sign of the union with god and others so salvation y'all watch this salvation is reconciliation to god and each other [Music] jesus died to re-establish our relationship with god and each other [Music] so salvation in union with god does not exist apart with unity with humanity [Music] so let's let's go back when adam and eve fell in the garden yeah not only were they separated from god they were also separated from each other sir put fig leaves on yeah start blame blame shifted yeah and when jesus came when you look at the levitical offerings yeah those offerings were meant to reconcile us to god and make things right with each other so jesus died to connect us to god and each other as his body so he's restoring not only us but he's restoring community community wow because jesus didn't die for an individual he died for a community [Music] kingdom is about relationships relationships yes sir which means again i can't have a strong relationship with god and be disunited constantly with humanity my my mind oh boy because why if we treat each other wrong we're not discerning the lord i gotta start seeing jesus in the person whether we like them or not we gotta see jesus in them [Music] so the way you respect and honor those you don't like is don't do it for them do it as unto the lord [Music] paul says in first corinthians 11 28-30 we're actually showing y'all how to get healed by fellowship with each other and communion my mind that communion and right relationship brings healing that's right the corinthian church in first corinthians 11 were treating each other wrong while participating in the meal my mind and paul says if we take communion and treat each other wrong some get sick some are weak yeah and some sleep aka they died but when we take communion and treat each other right the opposite happens healing strength life forgiveness deliverance breakthrough power [Applause] because when we interact with each other we're interacting with the jesus in the person sir [Music] so when we take communion we're consuming jesus and when we're fellowshipping with each other we're fellowshipping with jesus and when these things happen god begins to move my my mind this is communion it is communion so god has called us together it says don't forsake the assembly and don't forsake the meal yeah because why god is moving in both of these sacraments yes sir and when we came tonight god is moving in the fellowship yes sir we may be in our own individual cars but god is moving because we assembled yeah and when we take communion fellowship and the meal god starts bringing healing deliverance breakthrough power authority these things happen when we participate yeah so coming to church taking the meal beautiful our sacramento just beautiful sacramental the church as sacrament the body as sacrament we come together to celebrate his body yeah and when we take communion we are literally taking in the presence of jesus yes sir yes sir and where his presence is there's fullness of joy yeah there's healing there's deliverance there's salvation there's forgiveness there's strength oh there's overcoming yeah the bible says that god gives us triumph he causes us to triumph always yes sir in [Music] yes amazing work yeah amazing work yeah it's here amazing it's here it's here there's an anointing healing it's here right yeah the bible says when jesus taught yep healing was present yes the power to heal is present yes sir it's here right now that matthew scripture the people focused on jesus and he just started moving [Music] and you wanna do it now i believe okay as we take in this bread and this cup healing will begin to happen yeah all over this campus yes sir [Music] i believe yes sir i believe yes sir yes i believe yes sir my faith my faith is here where he is sickness can't dwell where he is poverty can't dwell where he is depression can't stay where he is that broken heart has to be fixed where he is he heals the coming together you know that matthew scripture gets cut he thinks they show up and he just starts moving yeah we're believing that god's going to do the same thing tonight because he's compassionate he's compassionate yes he's having compassion right now that word compassion in the greek means his heart is broken yeah it breaks his heart to see you that way and he comes and does he moves in your life just because you came to see him worship him right now yeah worship him right now worship him right now come to see his face don't seek the things seek him don't seek the healing seek the healers yeah don't seek the deliverance seek the deliverable seek him focus on him hey and watch god begin to move in your life hallelujah yes lord hallelujah hallelujah glory to god come on nick worship right where you are come on hallelujah come on now worship him right where you are he's here hallelujah hallelujah right now hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] yes lord bless hello hallelujah the rest of the lord hallelujah bless the lord [Music] when you yeah have a spiritual understanding of what we're about to do yeah [Music] i believe when you take this bread and this wine healing will begin yes lord hallelujah hallelujah faith [Music] is not bound by time according to the bible faith is about now yes lord god's not getting ready yes lord god is doing right now [Music] god's not about to yeah he's doing right now the power to heal is present right now right now hallelujah we're going to take communion we're going to ask for those who need to get saved to come to the lord we're going to pray and give our way out but let's take this meal now so we can uh worship god [Music] [Music] jesus said this is my body when we focus on it this is my body he said when you eat of this bread you eat life prostate cancer is about to go yeah epilepsy is about to go parkinson's being healed yes lord in the name of jesus yes lord in the name of jesus nerve issues yes lord healed in jesus name [Music] that healing begins as soon as you take in his brain go ahead break it need all of it [Music] this is the cup the blood when we taking his blood we have life we are washed and made clean the holy spirit is on the meal drink all of it and receive your cleansing and if you believe it and receive it shout out i believe and praise god shout out i believe receive your healing receive your healing receive your healing hey shout out i believe receive your healing hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come on you can do better than that worship him receive your healing worship him it happens in the worship it happens in the worship come on holy ghost come on holy ghost hallelujah hallelujah [Music] just in case those of you who are watching us online or hear that you don't know the lord for yourself the greatest miracle god can ever give you is salvation his life life eternal life more abundantly give the lord your life if you're here on the campus jesus is here he died for your sins rose from the dead and what a great night as we celebrate communion and salvation his death his broken body that makes us whole his broken bread that makes us one bread one loaf one body you can be a part of this body salvation is a community thing give your give the your life to the lord this evening yeah very simple thing it's a journey of walking with him confessing and believing that he's lord that he died and beginning your journey to walk with jesus don't leave yet y'all beginning your journey to walk with jesus come give the lord your life this evening make that connection if you're online there should be a link there or put your name in the comments section if you're on the campus stop one of our deacons around they will connect you get with you lead you to the lord you need to rededicate your life you walked away from god you got away from this fellowship of the believers and god there's a trick of the enemy to think that you can do salvation by yourself you cannot do it by yourself you can disconnect and you disconnect from god and his people god has called us to a community work and if you walked away from god in this church it's time to come back home we dedicate your life to the lord this wonderful evening recommit you walked away walk back if you need a church home you need to connect to this church if you need to connect to this place bethany church a transformation church of new jersey the love review part of this church if you're on the campus see one of our deacons if you're online put your name in the comments section if you're distant and you want to connect to this church we have a virtual church called our connections church come on make that connection come now give the lords your life for the first time rededicate your life connect to this church again if you're on the campus see one of our deacons if you're online put your name in the comments section someone will connect with you we're believing god for you tonight can be a night that radically changes your life come to jesus now of course we always give during this time those who are on campus we shouldn't have to talk about too much about giving because with a move of god like this it should just be customary automatically natural just to sow into this atmosphere and into this environment amen if you can do 50 do 50 if you can't do the best that you can god is moving a jubilee offering a time of celebration a time of freedom celebration deliverance from bondage deliverance that god has already done [Music] if you're on your way out if you're on the campus give on your way out if you're watching online the information's on the screen so into this atmosphere as you're on your way out the deacons will be there to take care of you again if you're online sow that now so as a sign of thanksgiving for what he's doing god is moving we're so glad you joined us speeding anything you want to share i love you jesus come on fellaini come on just want to tell you lord i love you more than anything [Music] i just want to tell you lord i love you more than anything just one lord i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you jesus [Music] [Applause] hey i just wanna i wanna tell you lord i love you more than anything hey hey anything anything i [Music] hey lord i love you [Music] i love you more than anything [Music] healing has come your deliverance has come your breakthrough has come because faith is now faith is now faith is now faith is how god allows us to reach the supernatural and pull out what he has deposited for us so you go tonight in your healing go tonight in your deliverance go tonight walking in your breakthrough no matter what it looks like keep working on that word because god honors his word and he guards his word to make sure it comes to pass hallelujah have a great night have a great night i love you jesus [Music] i just wanna tell you lord [Music] i just want i just want i just want to tell you more you
Channel: Bishop David G. Evans
Views: 99
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 31sec (3691 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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