How To Speed Up Your Manifestation | Part One

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this program has been made possible by the friends and partners of dufresne [Music] ministries turn with me if you would this morning to colossians chapter three colossians in chapter three and uh we're going to see some things this morning dad hagin made a statement he said since i've learned to pray he said i have never had one prayer unanswered now think of that since i've learned to pray i've never had one prayer unanswered what's he mean i get results every time he released his faith he expected a result we have to get to the point to where when we release our faith that we're not just okay with it if if the answer doesn't show up and oh well we're on to the next thing but bible faith is is that you don't let go of it until you see the manifestation there was a man by the name of george mueller if you haven't read anything after him you need to get online or get some of his books and read after him he started an orphanage over in england had several orphanages and by the time of his death he had over 2000 orphans he was taken care of and uh he had an amazing testimony but he was a man that he had a a prayer list and he would put a particular need down the prayer list or a person he'd be praying for and he did not let them come off his list till he saw the answer to that thing and he said there were times for years he would call out certain things before god not praying the cert the same thing once he released his faith every day he would say thank you father you're working in that situation because i've already talked to you about that thank you father so every day the prayer was the prayer of praise and thanksgiving it wasn't just the prayer of request the prayer of faith or the prayer of supplication once he prayed and released his faith he would just thank god now you understand some prayers you have to you have to continually supplicate over but some things you just release your your faith through praise and worship and so there was one man in particular that they said that in the city he was like the worst fella in town that you could never get this man his his life turned around and and uh george mueller when he heard that that this man was too hard to reach he put him on his list now that means if if you have a list and you don't let go till that thing gets fulfilled you're gonna be real slow about what you put on your list you're not just gonna with half a thought or half regard write something down when you mean to see it through to completion you're going to stick with it aren't you you're going to be very sober about what you release your faith for because too many times people just half-heartedly and casually just release their faith for something and we have to get to the point to where uh it is on purpose and at a specific point in time we released our faith and george mueller did that for this man and for 50 years that man was on his prayer list believing god for this man's salvation he died not seeing that answered but the man came to his funeral and got born again at his funeral because the man of god didn't let go and god honored the man's faith even after the man left his faith was still working amen why because uh faith is a living thing amen and so what i'm talking to you about is we need to be sober about what we release our faith on and not just haphazard not half-hearted and and if somebody were to say uh have you prayed about that oh yeah yeah i did and it not be much more of a thought than oh yeah i think i prayed about that or or we can't even tell when we release our faith uh did i pray about that now see there's something wrong with that because if we approach every request every need every circumstances though i'm getting the answer i'm i'm walking away with the victory over this thing then we're going to be very purposeful in what we're believing for and that that's how you we end up with this testimony like dad hagen that says once i learned how to pray he said i never had one prayer unanswered now he said there were times i was not getting the answer and therefore i knew i had to change my approach i had to change either what i was believing what i was saying or how i was what i was what i was requesting i had to maybe change something but he said i never had one prayer unanswered how about how about we say that's what faith is meant to do in our lives every answer received every victory every blessing laid hold of amen and not be okay with oh well that didn't work i'll try better next time there's a reason let's be students of our past and go why did that not work and we're going to we're going to learn to cooperate better with god amen now um i want to say this because i think this is so this is this uh statement ought to be of interest to all of us uh we can either speed up or hinder the manifestation of our answer we can either speed it up i don't know about you i want manifestation if i'm believing for something i want the answer we can either speed it up or slow it down or fail to receive it at all and uh what we're going to have to realize is something that how we treat the word is going to determine whether the manifestation comes more quickly whether it's slowed down or doesn't even manifest at all it's not on god's side it's on our side i want to read something to you that dad hagen wrote he said realize that getting the answer to prayer or to what you're believing for may depend on you the manifestation listen to this word can come faster i'm all for that you all for that it can come faster if the word of god is strongly rooted in you the word the more strongly rooted in us the word is that's going to dictate uh how fast something can come into manifestation for us he goes on to say to quote he says the bible says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god in other words your faith is stronger if you have a lot of the word in you so if your faith is stronger there's a lot of the word in you what does it mean if there's not much of the word in you your faith is weaker so he's letting us know that our manifestation is going to be dependent upon the strength of our faith that if our faith is stronger a manifestation can come sooner if our faith is weaker it will take longer for something to show up so if something is long and showing up we couldn't we we are not to say god why are you taking so long we have to remedy that what is the remedy strengthen our faith how do we strengthen our faith one way by the word dad hagen went on to say that's the reason i don't even pray about some things for several days until i have examined the word carefully first on the subject now you understand if something is an emergency and calls for you to do something you need to take that you need to take that step and use your faith immediately but if something that you say you know i'm going to be believing for this and something that's not an emergency take time to spend time in the word he said keep examining the word keep meditating on the word now how do you meditate on the word speaking it to yourself meditating and feeding on the word does not necessarily mean taking in chapters and chapters and chapters as quick as you can it means finding scriptures that seem to stand out to you look to the holy ghost of scriptures that he would direct you toward and if he directs you toward a scripture don't you get off of it don't decide i read it once so i'm getting off of it or i quoted it once if he directs you to it it's because he wants you to camp on it amen and so you you state that scripture and i mean there may just be one scripture that for days or even weeks you feed on and that thing you're just getting bigger and bigger and bigger now you remember dad hagen was on his deathbed as a young man and he found mark 11 23 and 24 right for 16 and a half months he stayed on those two verses amen because there was so much in it the holy ghost is telling your answer is there your help is there he stayed right there now see the mind will tell you well you should be reading something different you should stay with what the holy ghost says that's what you should do don't let the reasonings dismiss you from the leading of the spirit amen so dad hagin said keep examining the word keep meditating on it and if i say this don't just randomly pick something of the word to meditate on as you're feeding on the word if a certain verse seems to thrill your spirit stand up on the inside of you i mean something it comes alive to you stop right there stay on that verse stay on that verse or if when you wake up or throughout the day there's a certain verse that comes up from your heart to you that is the holy ghost directing your meditations so that you're not meditating wastefully you don't need to be meditating on you know on the book of revelation when you need to get healed it doesn't matter about rapture stuff when you need healing and seriously some of these things you would think are common sense but people have to be taught don't just start don't just think i'm just going to get me a lot of faith by reading a lot of words you're going to get a lot of faith by following the holy ghost into the word that he's teaching you that he's leading you in and dad hagan went on and he said sometimes i have gone for days meditating on just one scripture one passage after three or four days i have found that faith was so strong in me i could not doubt if i wanted to because the word had built something into me see the word built into you it comes by meditating on the word not just being acquainted with it not just being able to quote it but it has to come alive to you meditation is such a vital key to the faith life because meditation is how you how you get that word in you and how you get yourself in that word to where nothing can pull you off of it you think about it you talk about it you speak it to yourself over and over and over it's not about quantity of the word you get in you it's about revelation of of a scripture you get in you amen for example let me demonstrate what a meditation would be we we we quote every service that scripture in philippians 4 19 my god shall supply all my needs according to his riches and glory by christ jesus so meditation on the word on that passage would be my god shall supply my god he's my god father i thank you that you're my god you made yourself my possession you belong to me i belong to you you're not just my pastors god you're not just brother copeland's god or you're not just brother hagin's god you're not just moses is god you're my god you're mine you take every word of a passage and you feed that to yourself you chew that thing the bible says taste and see that the lord is good how do you taste it you eat it you chew it you know have you ever had in in your family maybe a family get together and somebody in the family brings the best desserts i didn't say the best vegetables the best desserts in our household because there were so many little kids running around when my family would get together my one brother had five daughters my other brother had two my other sister had my sister had three and then i had two so with all the little kids running around uh they would gather around the desserts just like us and one of my brothers is so great he stood up says no you don't no you don't no you don't these are homemade you are too little to appreciate that go get the box of cookies out of the cabinet you don't get this that's a waste on a three-year-old you go get those little crackers or those cookies that you don't even know the difference of you know they'll just take something that took a long time to make and so good and they'll just swallow it down without even chewing you didn't even chew that you didn't even chew that you just put it down you don't even you don't even appreciate you you got to i mean you gotta you gotta take a bite and then you gotta um you got to you gotta give grunts you know you gotta make noise i mean you just eat it and don't even think about it carry on no no no this is the conversation the food that you're eating we talk about that we're not talking about you know what your child did when we're eating this right that's the same thing with the word we're not half-heartedly just applying and eating the word we are delighting over every bite of that thing amen we are feasting amen what does it say in psalm 23 verse verse 5 thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies yes the enemies are present but oh my my what's on that table oh my goodness what's on that table i mean it is so worth you in every bit my mother makes homemade yeast donuts baby baby baby i'm talking it is so fine it is so fine and then she fries those up and then she puts the icing over oh my gosh you take a bite of that and it just ooze you know it's just it's like let's not talk about the kids right now let's because this is so delightful it takes full focus full attention and i mean people people in town when she know when they know she's making those i mean she'll you know tell her friends or something they come over and i mean they're pounding we are pounding the donuts and so when we would grow up she would make those and i mean we delighted over every morsel there was no such thing as goblin you just chewed and you made sure that it was fully enjoyed and don't talk to me about your problem i'm i'm eating full focus on what was delightful my god my god full focus my god taking each word and chewing it amen that's called meditating my god my god not my job not my spouse my god go to the next word you emphasize that my god not my wallet not the economy amen my god then the next word move to the next word my god shall my god shall my not no ifs ands or buts about it no question about it i'm not wondering i'm not worrying because he shall he shall he shall my god shall and you start talking that way when you're paying your bills you start talking that way when you're driving down the down the road in your car and you start having church baby you start having church my god shall supply not withhold not punish not teach me a lesson because i missed it so now i have to be taught a lesson by hardship my god shall supply then you go to the next door my god shall supply oh not part not part all of it every need you face already has a supply every circumstance that arises already has a supply don't just limit this to money every symptom already has a supply every disease already has a supply a supply of healing my god shall supply all my mine not just the pastors not just those who have done it right for 30 he shall supply all my oh my see this is called meditating on the word this is called eating the word this is how your faith becomes strong this is how you speed up the answers in your life this is how you speed up the the the uh solutions this is how you speed up the manifestations into your need amen praise the lord so again dad hagin said sometimes i have gone for days meditating on just one scripture remember what i said let the holy ghost guide your meditations so that you're not randomly picking out a verse that is not his direction for you in that situation when i was going through one particular test that lasted a period of time every day i would get up and the holy ghost would either bring a scripture to me he would make a statement to me and all day long i would stay on that one thing whatever he said i stayed with it i didn't just get off of it because the day was passing i carried what he said with me all day long i would write it down the next day i would get up and if i went to go back and meditate on what i did meditate on yesterday it didn't seem alive to me the same way it didn't seem to carry the same unction with it because he was going to give me something else for that day sometimes he'll give you something every day to get you through that difficulty to get you through that test sometimes he only gives you one thing if he only gives you one thing don't get off of it till he gives you something else that's called following the holy ghost that's called following the leading of the spirit he won't just follow you he you don't he won't just lead you in what house to buy or what job to take or what person to marry or what what city to live in he'll lead you in what to meditate on he'll lead you on where your attention should be what portion of the word because the word is vast and the word will tell one person one thing based on their need but god will spotlight something else for you and it's all still the word but it's prescribed by the great teacher the holy ghost amen so this is what dad hagen was saying that we can speed up the manifestation if we understand these things sometimes he said i have gone for days meditating on just one scripture after three or four days i found that faith was so strong in me i could not doubt if i wanted to because the word had built something into me then he quoted this jesus said in john 15 verse 7 if you abide in me look at this and my words abide in you my words abide in you my word the word abide means live in it's not enough that we're alive in him his word has to be alive in us it has to be a living thing how does the word become a living thing by meditating on it not just thumbing through and reading the bible as quickly as we can so we can check off that we read our chapters listen it's good to read the bible i'm not saying it's not but i'm saying this don't overlook the value of meditation amen if you abide in me if you're born again you do abide in jesus you understand that that is you you don't have to do anything else if you're born again that part is fulfilled but here's the clincher and if my words abide in you that's going to take time to get the word in you that's going to take meditation to get the word in you after that if my words abide in you and and if you abide in me and my words about in you the next thing you shall ask you shall ask you'll start asking some things when something comes alive to you of the word you will ask you won't have to say did i ask about that no it'll be so alive in you you'll start asking and laying hold of some things you shall ask what you will and it shall be done it shall be done that me how how sure is that how firm is that how certain is that that it will come to pass amen so we see this we can speed up our manifestation by how we treat the word we have to understand this the word is the voice of god speaking to us it is his voice talking to us if you had a loved one let's say that a young man was courting a girl they were dating and they were planning on getting married but for some reason they had to be separated they someone was traveling somewhere and they were separated for a time if he would write her and she would write him i guarantee you they wouldn't look at that letter like they're reading a bill just opening it half-heartedly casual i mean that's the first thing they open when they see the mail they don't open all the bills and then lay that aside for the last because they're not that interested that's the first thing they open when we're faced with something the word needs to be the first thing we open why because it is a letter from our father it is him talking to us and when you would read that letter from that one that you were so in love with you wouldn't just read it once you'd read it twice especially they told you how wonderful you were and how good looking you were you would read over that again and again and then you'd show that look what look what she said look what he said about me you'll be glad to share that and you would lay in bed at night and pull that thing out while you're laying on your pill and go to sleep with that thing and then you'd tie it up in some nice way and put it aside because i'm keeping that and then next week you'd pull it out and read it or the next day or the next morning whatever your case may be because to them that letter is them that's the only part of them present with you at that time that letter represents their presence with you in your life his word is that to us the word is the voice of god we read it passionately we read it hungrily we read it with great interest we read it with great love because it is my father talking to me amen and just know this to spend time in the word is just like having a talk with jesus personally amen god said something to me years ago he said talk to me about my word what does he mean don't just read through it and then close the book but what you read talk to him about what you read amen if that loved one said you know i need to talk to you about this or that and they follow up the paragraph you're going to be reading that and you're going to answer them back in your letter based on what they requested of you talk with god about his word get it in you because that will determine how quickly the manifestation comes amen hallelujah 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Channel: Dufresne Ministries
Views: 10,570
Rating: 4.9233227 out of 5
Keywords: #dufresneministries, #nancydufresne, #jesusthehealer, #whbtc, #dufresne
Id: 5BvDHfSkL5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 27sec (1647 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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