Commentated Twilight Princess any% speedrun

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[Music] hello i am bewilde beast and this is twilight princess any percent this run starts off pretty quickly so i'll go into talking about the category more generally and outlining the run in a few minutes but first we get to start off the run with back in time which will take a little bit of explanation in a casual play through the player would be expected to get a pona bring her to oregon village and do a few tasks on what we call ordin day one like herding goats getting the fishing pole getting the sling shot and so forth but by clipping through this gate using a rock we can skip all of that stuff and go on to what we call orton day two this also allows us to void which is very important for the trick called back in time the way this works is i'm going to jump off the side of the bridge and void and reset the console at the same time on the exact same frame it is a frame perfect trick and when link voids the game tries to respawn him when you reset the console the game tries to load the title screen so it does both at the same time and loads link on the title screen with the player still in control from there i'm voiding once to get rid of the splash screen and making a save and on the save file i'll have all the things that link has on the title screen he'll be wearing hero's clothes he'll have a sword kind of we'll get into that a little bit more later and most importantly something that's a little more subtle is that the flag will be set for like having tamed pona and that's something that's not supposed to have happened until a lot farther into the story and it'll allow us to get the iron boots early all right that was a lot right at the very beginning but this next section goes a little bit more the way the developers intended we're going to talk to koro to get the lantern our first item and we're going to use it to navigate to save tallow which again is something that would normally happen on orton day 2 after having gotten the orton sword from link's house but we skipped all of that so i think now would be a good time to talk a little bit more about the category in general this is a true 80 percent category there are no restrictions unlike say majora's mask or ocarina of time twilight princess doesn't have any extremely game-breaking glitches that we know of yet there are quite a few sequence breaks both major and minor and although twilight princess speedruns have kind of a reputation for not changing very much over time just because so many big sequence breaks were found pretty much as soon as the game came out the speedrun is in fact always developing as all speed runs are and this run does include some things that are new to any percent or weren't seen very much in any percent before such as stallard skip and norco looking at the goals for this run obviously the end goal is to defeat the final boss gannon and to get into hyrule castle we at the time of recording theoretically have a barrier skip now using actor unloading but it's only theoretical no one's done it on console yet and won't be a part of this run so to get to hyrule castle we'll need to beat palace of twilight and to get there we'll need to beat arbiter's grounds and get the final mirror shard from city in the sky to get to arbiter's grounds we're going to need to beat lake bed temple and to do that we're going to need to be some twilights and get some equipment so for anyone keeping track this early game is all in an effort to beat lake bed temple i'd also like to talk a little bit about movement in the game here as i'm rolling through ferran to save tallow rolling is our fastest movement option as human in twilight princess and in most cases chaining rolls frame perfectly is optimal so i'll be trying to do that most of the time if you really want to keep track of whether i'm doing that or not you can look at the hud in the top right corner where the lantern is equipped and if the lantern flashes a brighter color that means i did not chain rolls frame perfectly but if it stays dim then i did saving tallow both requires breaking the cage that tallow and the monkey are in and killing the tuba koblins that are guarding the cage and in this category this is fairly straightforward i have a sword so i'm just going to roll up here kill the bokoblins and slash the cage to break it i took this for granted until i ran hundred percent where we don't have a sword at this point so we need the mccobelands to break the cage and luring them over there is a real pain fortunately in hundred percent we have a slingshot to kill the bokoblins afterwards but in another of our categories any percent no saving quit you wouldn't have a sword or a slingshot there so what one would need to do is use the bokoblins to break the cage then push them all the way across the map to trill the birds selling lantern oil who would then kill them so i'd say we had a pretty easy time of that now as i said before saving tallow is our ticket to orton day two and on day two we have a scripted event that is hurting 20 goats this unfortunately has a pretty major rng component although the goats always start off in the same locations and facing the same directions the way that they react to link is just rng so i've got a path i'm going to go on here hopefully it'll work out and i'll hurt the goats in under 20 seconds that is ideal my best goats time ever is a low 16. but other people have gotten 15s before and the task can get a 14. 1750 is pretty good [Music] after hurting these goats in a casual play through one would head to the sewers to become a wolf and continue the story that way but we've got a pit stop to make along the way at beau's house i mentioned before that back in time was going to allow us to get the iron boots early and again the way it does that is by setting the flag for opponent being tamed in a casual play through this would happen after completing the elden twilight and when getting ready to go to goron mines and afterwards minda would direct link to go back to oregon village to figure out how to beat the gorons and get into the mines the way to do that is the iron boots and since we have that flag set we can now wrestle bow for the iron boots this means that we won't need to return to orton village at any point in the rest of the run one kind of glitchy side effect of this is that we still need to advance through all of beau's text that he would have in the cutscene before wrestling him for the iron boots but instead of the cutscene playing the camera moving and the text coming up automatically we have to initiate all of it [Music] wrestling bow is another rng component of the run it's essentially a game of weighted rock paper scissors and if i'm lucky bo will let me slap him and then i'll be able to mash a quickly enough to one cycle m to push him off of the ring without having to slap or get pushed by him again that was the one cycle and that requires mashing a over around 12 times per second let's go again now we receive the second item of the run the iron boots one interesting thing about the item wheel which we'll be equipping items to the x and y buttons off of in this game is that the top item on it is always going to be the item that link is supposed to have received most recently in the game's progression since in a casual playthrough one would get the boomerang before getting the iron boots the iron boots are going to stay at the top of the item wheel even after we get the boomerang i did just save my game there and it's not because i'm worried about dying it's because i'm going to need a save file in this state of warden village for a trick later on now as i mentioned before we will head to the sewers and become a wolf spoilers [Music] i'll note as i get a rupee in this upcoming tunnel that the only thing rupees are used for in this entire run is paying fire to fix the sky cannon to get the city in the sky and we'll need 300 rupees for that which conveniently is our maximum capacity for the default wallet we don't need to get any wallet upgrades but does mean that we'll need to route in some rupees over the course of the run we now reach probably the least important trick in the entire run box break i'm going to attempt to break that box in the corner by timing a combo to coincide with the cutscene beginning and i failed it oh no getting that box break saves a few frames next is the sewer sequence where we learn how to be wolf link and learn how to do midnight jumps from place to place which of course will be used in the rest of the run i spoke before about the basics of movement as human link and now a few notes about movement as wolf link in most cases dashing is the fastest form of movement as wolf just pressing a and moving there are some exceptions which we'll get to a little bit later one nuance of dashing as wolf link is that every time he dashes a timer is set and wolfling won't be able to dash again until that timer runs out that means that if a dash gets interrupted by getting hit or jumping over something then it's possible that wolflink won't be able to dash again immediately which is very slow so one thing i'll be paying attention to anytime i'm wolf link in this run is something called dash cancelling it turns out that an exception to what i just said is that if wolflank's dash gets interrupted within 10 frames of being initiated then there is no wait time for him to be able to dash again so to get off this ledge for example i'm going to initiate a dash but then press b immediately afterwards to do an attack off of the ledge then i can dash again as soon as i get on the floor in this section the tower climb there are a few minor time savers i'll be going for first i will try to talk to midna here outside of her cutscene range which will save a little bit of time over just running into the cutscene as normal then here i'm going to jump just to the left of this platform and fall oh i missed it well the game requires you to fall there once and then come back around to do the jump and if i had jumped a little bit farther to the left and not landed in the water then i would have avoided the text box the next very small time saver is when i go for the mid to jump after this one there will be some text from midna immediately preceding the jump and there is one frame this game loves one framers there is one frame between the text box and the animation of midna flying away where i can get the jump early i got it on the last one actually before i had a chance to point it out let's see if i get it on this one oh jeez okay i did get it there we didn't see the animation in the flying away and that's uh really nice because the keys were gonna get me otherwise here oh this text box is skippable too that's another one frame input i had to press start and then a on the very next frame and i timed that and i usually get it but didn't get it there there's a third animation skip here and i didn't get it so you see i had to wait a little bit after midna talked to link uh to get the jump who could this mysterious cloaked figure be i hope i didn't need to watch that cutscene to find out if the game seems to be making no sense right now it's just because i'm skipping all the cutscenes which is a very nice feature of this game for speed runs we're now coming up on the next big trick in the run this is called sword and shield skip and the name alone raises some questions why do we need to skip the sword in the shield we already have a sword and shield you can see them plainly on link's back well because we got the sword in the shield using that back in time save at the very beginning of the run the game doesn't actually know that we have them if i were to open up the pause screen right now and look at the equips you wouldn't see the sword or the shield as far as the game is concerned we don't have them now this isn't a problem for actually using the sword of the shield but it does mean that before we can enter the next area of the game farron we still have this text trigger from midna that tells us hey you don't have the sword and the shield yet you'd better go back to orton and get those before you progress at this point we're actually locked out of getting the sword in the shield the normal way so what we're going to have to do instead is jump over that text trigger that's on the ground and hit the air trigger that's above and a little bit beyond it to enter farron to do that we're going to need the assistance of this friendly bulban which the community has named hugo what i need to do is push him into a very specific spot and then do some attacks on him in a very specific way doing so gave link a very large jump and allowed him to completely bypass the midnatex trigger i will say in case anyone watching this is wanting to speedrun this game at some point that that trick sword and shield skip is pretty tough and it's pretty early on in the run so if you're learning to run try not to get discouraged by that i always recommend that new runners make a save after getting the trick for the first time so that they can keep moving on with learning the game rather than just trying to work on that trick at first since we skipped the ordon warp portal this is our first shadow beast fight all of the shadow beast fights we'll see in this run aside from the ones in palace of twilight which are a little bit different include three to five shadow beasts and they're essentially just puzzles the trick is that you can never leave one of them standing or else it'll roar and call the other ones back to life so this is a scripted loss i can't kill all of them at once yet but as soon as i talk to midna here i'll learn how to do the midnight charge attack and using that i will be able to kill the last two at once it is also possible to complete these fights using the sword as human but i can't transform back into human yet and in any case i did need to learn the mid to charge attack for some things i'll do later in a casual play through or in a speed run of a different category of this game one would now talk to farron to get the fern vessel and kill the bugs along the way but we're not going to do that in this category we're actually going to be able to escape baron without completing the twilight or completing forest temple to do that we're going to need the boomerang so we're kind of on our way to get that now but on our way we're going to have to make an important stop one thing i like about this game is how it reuses areas in different contexts so while in the beginning of my run i had to roll through this tunnel as human i can now dig across the bulk of it as wolf and that short animation you just saw of midna falling on the wolf link's back is skippable yet another one framer if i had pressed a on the correct frame digging out of that hole then i could have skipped that short animation speaking of which i didn't get that quick jump either that's unfortunate i personally mash for all of these one frame animation skips there are one frame tricks later on in the run that i will not mash for that i will time because they're far more important [Music] [Music] i mentioned before we'd be taking a quick detour on our way to the boomerang that quick detour is to get the master sword which in a casual playthrough one would only be able to get after beating lake bed temple we've only been playing the game for 15 minutes or so but we're already near the area where you can get the master sword and if i can just get out of bounds with a super jump off of this shadow beast then i can run a little bit out of bounds and then jump all the way to the sacred grove where i'll be able to get the master sword now this is a huge sequence break and is good for the speed run because there are a lot of benefits to having the master sword which i'll go over a little bit later [Music] how long the stone initiates the skull kid chase sequence we'll have to find skull kid at three different locations throughout the grove and then do a final fight with him fortunately although the grove is very convoluted skull kid always appears at the same places so exactly where he is ahead of time [Music] as a note about rupee collection you saw that i just got two green rupees from grass but ignored them and ran on green rupees in general are not worth spending any time getting in this run because we have plenty of rupees later on that we can get we do want to get at least 40 rupees before we get to arbiter's grounds but if we can get up to 60 rupees by then then we can skip one of the rupees we would get in that dungeon skipping that rupee only saves a few seconds so going out of our way to get green rupees is just not worthwhile [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] uh me [Music] and now i'll enter this arena to have the final fight with skull kid all need to do is again hit skull kid three times around the arena while doing this i will attempt to get some rupees without wasting any time i will also need to kill at least one of the puppets on each round in order to get skull kid to progress to the next round and i'll try to kill exactly one of them per round because as you can see anytime i hit an enemy there's this kind of hit stun effect where the whole game lags for a few frames and if i were to hit more than one enemy then the game would do that multiple times and cost me some time [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] lastly before we can get the master sword we'll need to complete this puzzle which again thankfully i already know the solution to this puzzle is kind of a doozy if you don't already know the solution [Music] um [Music] [Music] and now just over 21 minutes into the run i'm obtaining the master sword i mentioned before that there are a number of benefits to having the master sword early and to name a few it'll allow us to transform between human and wolf link at will it will allow us to use our warp portals whenever we want to it will be good for combat as it is stronger than the orton sword deals more damage and will allow us to get into lake bed temple early because when link has the master sword the game assumes he's already beaten lake bed and will allow a save warp from the underwater portion of the first room of the dungeon to bring link to land and the first remove the dungeon which is very convenient as it allows us to skip getting the zora armor completely though we will have to find some other means for breathing underwater for the morphial fight and phase of the zamfight you [Music] this is unfortunately one of the longest unskippable cutscenes in the run but it does give us a chance to admire midna's tiny nose she's also showing us this crystal that was embedded by xanthe into link's forehead after he beat lakebed temple which won't happen for at least another hour in the run it's a bit of sequence breaking there hmm [Music] now we're really off to get the boomerang which is in the forest temple and unfortunately to get there we're going to have to warp back to south pharyn even though north fern is closer we had to leave the shadow beasts alive in north feren because we used one of them to get to the master sword early so we're going to make our way back there first get the war portal and then enter the forest temple i mentioned before that i appreciate the reuse of some areas of the game as this area looked totally different before when humanlink was rolling through it at the very beginning of the run but it does get to be a little bit confusing around this area of the run i've already come through this area once now i've got to come through it again but instead of going to get the master sword i'm going to go to the forest temple and then later i'm going to be coming through this area two more times doing the trick known as fahren escape i'd be lying if i said i had never tried to go do ferran escape without having gotten the boomerang before it happens sometimes earlier to cross this area we used a series of mid jumps but now because we can transform it'll be a little bit faster to transform into human here and use our lantern to dispel the purple mist so we can roll through it in a casual play through a monkey would have stolen link's lantern and guided him through the purple nest but because we haven't completed the twilight yet the monkey isn't there so we've just got to do it ourselves now we're back in the arena where we did the early master sword trick however this time we're just going to complete the shadow beast fight as i mentioned before we can do this as human uh oh no sometimes the shadow beasts like to inspect the walls and make sure they're still there good work shadow beast you may notice that i still have the lantern out at this point and the only reason for that is that it would have taken me a split second to put it away and because we don't need the lantern for very much in this run we have plenty of oil it doesn't really matter that i have it out right now upon entering forest temple we'll see this runs second and final use of back in time however this time we'll be using it for a pretty different purpose the trick will start off the same as earlier i'm going to void and reset the console on the same frame to do that here i'm going to need to jump attack out of bounds from a pretty specific spot and i'm saving now so that i can come back to the forest temple after all this is done now i'm voiding and resetting the console on the same frame which will allow link to spawn on the title screen but this time as i void on the title screen i'm going to open the file select screen and load a file and this will give us a wrong warp into the king boltline one fight sequence from there i'm going to reset the console again and skip the cutscene at the same time and that will conclude this trick now what just happened was by entering the king bulblin fight and skipping the cutscene i set a flag in the game related to boss fights and that flag also controls how many monkeys we have in the forest temple seeing a casual play through one would be expected to go around and save all the monkeys in order to proceed through the dungeon but with that flag set to a high enough value the game will simply give me the monkeys i need to go fight the mini boss and get the boomerang early now getting into the dungeon this room is a little bit awkward because i don't have the slingshot having skipped jordan day one so as a result i'm going to be killing the deku babas in the room and throwing the nuts that they drop at the spiders to get up the wall if i'm lucky no i won't go for it with this if i get lucky then that spider that's remaining on the wall will be facing a direction such that i can just maneuver past it without it noticing me and skip killing the second vava but it didn't work out this time [Music] and you may have noticed as soon as i got to the top of the vines and start walking and after this door i'm going to do a little bit of a sidewalk before i start rolling i mentioned earlier that chaining rolls frame perfectly is in many cases the optimal way to move but if chaining rolls from a standstill link won't actually reach his full roll speed until the third roll so incorporating some walking is useful and now i've got four monkeys somehow the power of back in time the flag i set to give myself the monkeys does have effects on other bosses as long as it's still active and entering most boss or mini boss fights will clear the flag but conveniently getting the monkeys here will still leave the flag set to a high enough value that will be able to use it for deku toad later on in the lake bed temple now we finally reached the boomerang to get it we're going to need to defeat ook the mini boss of the forest temple ook hops a random number of times around the arena before throwing the boomerang at link once he is finished hopping we'll knock him off the pillar and conveniently because we have the master sword we can defeat within one cycle in a casual play through one would merely have the orton sword here and it would take two cycles to defeat ook this is also present in twilight princess hd speedruns as they do not have the early master sword trick while one cycling hook is fast and definitely good for the speedrun it is a little unfortunate that we only get to hear the music for a few seconds as the ook music is unique to this mini boss fight we will at least get to hear a remix of it later on in the zan fight though the standard template for dungeons in this game and in zelda games in general is that link must find and fight a mini boss in order to obtain the dungeon item then use it to solve some puzzles to make his way to the final boss while we do need the boomerang for a lot of tricks that are coming up we don't actually need to beat this dungeon to beat the game so as soon as i get the boomerang i'll be safe warping to get back to the beginning of the dungeon and then leaving it's common in some other games to see death warps where the player would die intentionally in order to be teleported back to the beginning of a dungeon or some other advantageous position however in twilight princess dying in a dungeon simply reloads the room that link was in when he died and that's not terribly useful so in this run there are actually no intentional deaths as for why we don't need to beat this dungeon well in this part of the story link is supposed to be collecting the three fused shadows that are in the forest temple the goron mines and lake bed temple conveniently for speedrunners though the game only checks for the final fused shadow of the set so if we beat lakebed temple which houses the third fused shadow then we can progress in the game as though we had beaten all three of the first dungeons this will also happen in the second half of the game where we only get the final mirror shard instead of getting all of them so we can get by without beating the forest temple but one problem that arises as a result is that midna tries not to let link leave farren without both beating the forest temple and competing on twilight we haven't done either of those two things in the run but what we can do instead is jump over the trigger we won't need an enemy to do it this time like we did for sword and shield skip we'll just use the boomerang i will need to get in a pretty precise position here to do this right up against the trigger and then i'm just going to throw the boomerang and do a jump attack while targeting the boomerang so that link jumps very far this is a piece of attack called the long jump attack or lja and it's most of the reason that we just got the boomerang when link is targeting an enemy or object that is over a void or overground higher than next feet and he does a jump attack the speed of his jump attack will be greater than the speed of a normal jump attack this seems to be an intended mechanic of the game for use with enemies but we can exploit the fact that link is automatically targeting the boomerang when he throws it to get the same effect with a boomerang throw and in this way use the long jump attack to cross gaps that we're not really supposed to be able to cross another example is coming up right here on my way to eldon the postman is supposed to stop and deliver some mail to me but if i stand right up against the postman's trigger and do a long jump attack using the boomerang out of bounds on the wall i can jump right over it and skip the postman here we'll be entering the third main region of the game which is elden with the goal of getting to kakariko to start and then complete the elden twilight however we are going to run into a problem getting to kakariko another side effect of not beating the forest temple or fair and twilight earlier is that we won't be able to warp the bridge from farren to the gorge that would normally be used to cross it and get to kakariko so instead we will be doing some interesting acrobatics our first order of business is going to be to defeat the shadow beasts that are in front of the gorge we'll never actually be using this warp portal but this shadow beast fight in particular is very important because almost immediately after the fight ends midna will grant like the ability to warp with the map later on in the run we'll need to do this in order to warp the sky cannon the awkward thing is that midna also forces us to warp away after this fight and warping away at this point would be very detrimental to our route it would force us to do a lot of backtracking luckily there is one frame between the portal forming and the midtext coming up to warp us away where we can input a jump attack to void into the gorge and skip that text trigger again we will need map warping later so we will be coming back to hit that text trigger but it's better for us to not work away now and now for the acrobatics i mentioned earlier we want to get across the gorge to get to kakariko but we don't have a bridge so we'll take advantage of the fact that high-valued rupees give link a text box telling him what they are so we'll do a boomerang lja with a rupee in the boomerang to get up on top of a fence and get that text preventing link from falling off immediately this will then allow us to roll over to the other side of the fence and carefully make our way over to the gorge from here we can do a longer range and much more spectacular long jump attack to make it all the way over the gorge and get to kakarika there's one more obstacle in our way just past this fence there's a large load zone for the same king bulban fight that we wrong warped into earlier and we don't want to hit that now there's no reason to do that fight but conveniently the load zone does not actually extend all the way to the edges of the area so we can simply run around it the shadow beast fight opens the kakariko warp portal and that means that we can come back here anytime we want we still do need to go back to the gorge though at some point to hit that midna text trigger and get map warping so we'll do that now as it turns out to be a little bit faster to do it now than to do it after elden twilight on our way out of kakariko we will still need to avoid the king bubble in one load zone by running around it and i took that unfortunately slowly i was trying to be careful but that was kind of overkill very fortunately for us that min attacks trigger exists on this side of the gorge as well so we simply have to run back to it as far as i know there is no reverse rupee roll where we could get back to the other side of the gorge easily since we're now being forced to wear back to ferren as midna expects us to bring the bridge that we can't access at this point back to the gorge we're going to make the most of it and head over to the nero next [Applause] i will need to escape farron again with another lja the main difficulty with this trick is that we need to be right up against the trigger and it's hard to develop a good visual cue for it since there are just smudges on the ground and it is unfortunate that we need to do it twice in the run but on the flip side if i were to fail to gorge void the single frame jump attack into the gorge earlier then i would have ended up needing to do fahren escape a third time at this point in the run and in some other points later on i'm just going to be running forwards for a while and i'll pan the camera down towards the ground to reduce lag a little bit [Music] it isn't intended for the player to be able to reach the laner region this early in the story in a casual play through one would need to be foreign mines and get a bomb bag in order to blow up some rocks and get there but it turns out with some careful alignment and by bonking a gate wolf link can simply side hop through the gate that prevents axos we will eventually also need to beat the lenairu twilight but we're not ready for that yet in order to start that we're going to have to beat the elden twilight but this will help us prepare for that and we'll be making a pit stop for another important item the claw shot the claw shot is the dungeon item for lake bed temple and normally getting to lake bed temple requires not only getting the bomb bag but also getting water bombs to fill it and obtaining the zora armor which will allow link to breathe underwater we don't have either of these things yet so we'll have to enter the dungeon in a very special way called pillar club we're going to use a pillar that is near the entrance to the dungeon to clip link out of bounds and then use the iron boots to swim over to the entrance loading zone link has just enough air on his air meter for this to work [Music] it is invisible but the loading zone i'm aiming for is a cylinder surrounding the visible tunnel and with very little air to spare we have entered lake bed temple i mentioned when we got the master sword earlier that that was important for entering like that temple as you can see as soon as i got into the dungeon i was in a long underwater passageway and i actually would have drowned before reaching the end of it however because i have the master sword save warping brings me to the end of that tunnel and puts me on land if i didn't have the master sword i would be stuck there in this first room of lake bed temple we get to say hi to purple friend purple friend jumped for joy at our greeting see you later purple friend the intended way to get through the second room of the dungeon is to shoot bomb arrows at the stalactites causing them to fall and create platforms for link but we don't have the bow or bombs so we're going to use some ljas instead to get across the room unfortunately i targeted that helmesaur otherwise i would have jumped attacked straight onto this platform i mentioned earlier that because we're not getting the zora armor we do need to find an alternative way to breathe underwater and that is going to come in the form of bombs but we don't have those yet so we can't actually beat the dungeon right now as fighting more fuel does require at least some way of breathing underwater what we're going to do instead is completely prepare the dungeon for beating warfield and then use ooku to warp out of the dungeon and come back later i'm now running up the stairs to get uku from a pot and in order to skip turning the staircase some more i'll get to do a neat jump onto one of the lower floors awnings [Music] [Music] that done we'll now make our way to the mini boss room to get the dungeon item the claw shot and to get there we're just going to skip a substantial portion of the dungeon with ljas i think in a way it's unfortunate that we get to skip so much of this dungeon because there's a lot to it and really it feels just like a boss key skip but at least we have some other dungeons in the run that will feel more complete i noted earlier that the flag we set to get monkeys early in forest temple could be used for other mini bosses and bosses as well and i haven't done anything since then to clear that flag so although the deku toad fight is supposed to only start if link enters from the bottom of the room we can instead enter from this easily accessible side of the room and start the fight anyway very similarly to the oop fight the deku toad fight is supposed to have multiple cycles but because we have the master sword early and it deals extra damage we will be able to one cycle this fight this one is a little more tricky though as deku toad only stays on the ground for a little while and we need to fit ten slashes into that time without completing a combo so i was carefully timing my slashes there to fit them all in very similarly to the forest temple now that we've obtained the dungeon item we'll be save warping and leaving the dungeon we will need to beat lake bed temple later but again we need some bombs first [Music] foreign warping out of lake bed temple with oogoo brings us to the lenairus spring and from here it'll be convenient to take the scripted cargo rock flight up to zora's domain unlocking that warp portal for use later in an ill-fated attempt to show us the baublin we must now fight the camera will now show us an extreme close-up of some grass there is a quick way of completing this fight attacking the cargo rock twice and then killing the baldwin rider after it falls off but because i already have the master sword it's a little bit faster due to the fight in a different way which is to lure the cargo rock into diving underwater which kills the baldwin rider on top of it so i'm going to wait for the cargo rock to come around sink into the water with the iron boots and drown the bulb and rider this is a somewhat risky strat as if done incorrectly link will get grabbed by the cargo rock the game will try to play two cutscenes at once and the game will crash and as you can see the cargo rock had to get pretty close to link for that to work because we ended that sequence as human instead of wolf you can see wolflink is not in the cargurox talons right now so we'll transform right away interestingly human link was spawned on this map on a high out of bounds ledge and moving him before transforming can be disastrous as he'll fall off off camera now here i'm going to use one face of this rock wall to clip me through another face and get out of bounds as you can see on the mini-map this path takes a significant jog about two-thirds of the way through and getting out of bounds allows us to take a much straighter path to the exit [Music] [Music] here is yet another single frame small time saver i'm going to attempt to skip the cutscene and press a to jump attack on the very next frame and now i can head to zora's domain to open up the portal yes i mentioned in the sewers that when midnight gives link a text box before allowing him to do a series of jumps there is one frame where he can skip the animation of minda flying away this is the one exception to that for some reason on that text box there was not a frame for input it is unfortunately not possible to make it past these falling stalactites without pausing and waiting for them [Music] and with that i've obtained the zoro's domain warp portal which sets us up for quite a few things later on in the run now i can finally warp back to kakariko and get on with the elden twilight [Music] [Music] uh the twilights in twilight princess are designed to be introductions to new areas in the game so we'll mosey around the map killing 16 bugs to get tears of light to fill the vessel that just appeared on the right side of the screen the first bug will kill is in the graveyard but we're actually not going to collect the tear right away because the bug takes a moment to explode and the tier takes a moment to become collectible so in the meantime we're going to transform into human and clip down into the sanctuary basement with a simple side hop the collision for that cover is only designed for wolf link as one is not supposed to be able to transform into a human at this point in the game careful setups like the one i just used for those bugs are important for not letting the bugs start to scurry around the movement is rng so in a lot of cases if we don't approach them in very controlled ways then they'll start getting away and we'll lose a lot of time now on the way out i will collect the tear from the first bug that we already killed and head back to kakariko proper [Music] there's a setup for this bug as well i'm going to bonk into the left wall and target it from down here which will cause it to run straight to length instead of length needing to climb up to get it after lighting the fireplace in this room i'll stand to the left of it so that the bug leaps down to the floor instead of landing on one of the platforms and after killing it i'm going to intentionally bonk on the counter out here which will dislodge the bug on the upper floor as we saw when i used a rupee to cross the gorge getting high value rubies does give like a text box but if he side hops over it and reaches the rupee before the apex of the side hop then the text is skipped and to get out of here quickly i'll do a couple of jumps rather than climbing the ledges [Music] here's another one frame animation skip and i got it coming up next is a trick called bomb house skip after exiting the building that i'm currently entering there will be a trigger at the top of the stairs that will cause a bug to run away and enter the bomb house forcing link to enter the bomb house afterwards and do a whole sequence where the bomb house explodes normally it's impossible to catch up to this bug before it enters the bomb house but by doing a very careful jump over the railing we will be able to get ahead of it and kill it this is possible both as wolflink and as human using an lja but wolflink is a little bit faster now having killed this bug the game will update the bomb house to look as though it has already exploded though its collision is not updated yet this bug unfortunately is impossible to kill until it leaves the corner a charge attack would just go right through so i needed to wait yes and now we enter death mountain trail which leads us to the reason that we needed to complete this twilight in the first place which is the giant volcanic rock that falls in death mountain after completing elden twilight that'll allow us to access linear twilight snow peak and a bomb back on this next ledge i'll be going for a quick climb you'll see that link instantaneously gets up to the top that happens because the climbing animation puts link out of bounds and the game doesn't like that so it just forces him back and bounds and skips it all together there are just a few ledges in the run where this is known to be possible [Applause] this is our first shadow beast fight featuring more than three shadow beasts we've got four this time makes it a little bit trickier but not too tricky [Applause] nice [Music] this final bug is in an area infested with enemies so instead of using the mid to charge attack to kill it i'm just going to use some neutral b attacks this prevents me from accidentally targeting the other enemies and flying around the arena without actually hitting the bug this last tier completes our vessel and brings eldon out of the twilight state normally link isn't allowed to be a wolf around human npcs without getting some kind of reaction but this is an exception as a result of skipping the king bulb in one fight earlier here is the giant volcanic rock we need to open up and we're forced to just wait for it to fall but in the meantime we can transform into human in preparation for a cutscene skip in the next area [Music] oh after i skip this cutscene there is a one framer for skipping some mini text this one is somehow just the most difficult one yeah i didn't get it it feels like it's half a frame or something of course that can't be the case and now using the iron boots i'll swim out of this area which doesn't look like much but in fact does skip a long cutscene with rutella who is a fish ghost a fun ramification of the game expecting us to only be wolflink here is that as link exits this area he will howl despite being human this is the same linear spring that we warped to with ooku when we left lake bed temple but now that we've melted the ice it is time to actually get the vessel and start the linear twilight [Music] foreign this twilight functions in essentially the same way that eldon twilight did we'll be going across the map to get 16 bugs however this one does last a little bit longer as this region is pretty large and ends in a boss bug fight rather than just having 16 normal bugs [Music] oh no good recovery these upcoming platforms are another clear example of dash cancelling after a jump i'm going to use a b attack to get right near the edge of the platform that way i can dash again and have my dash canceled by the jump so i can dash again right after [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] similarly to rutela cutscene skip earlier i'm going to swim out of this area with the iron boots but this time it's for a different purpose to skip a long series of midnight jumps in zora's domain i'm going to attempt to side hop off of this waterfall to get to an upper area there is a three frame window for inputting that side off to land here [Music] as i mentioned before i've been approaching all of the bugs in very controlled ways so that i can manipulate their rng to allow me to kill them quickly but these lily pad bugs are not exactly manipulable in that same way the low pads are also apparently very hard to climb onto that wasn't too bad with some good luck the bugs will line up so you can kill both of them with one attack it's very quick i'm rich i'm ignoring that last rupee because i know at this point that i can't get up to 60 rupees and as i pointed out before it won't make a difference whether i get one more rupee or not at this point since i already have over 40. hey despite what i said earlier i am going to instinctively check these boxes for movies it didn't matter though and now we come to what is admittedly the least exciting part of the run where i run straight for a little while still running straight yes siri making a turn and then running straight some more and now that we've gotten to this next area i will continue to run straight yep [Music] all right we made it to the shadow beast fight this one is particularly tricky as if you're not careful the layout of the fence will cause link to bonk between killing the last two shadow beasts which will cause the fight to restart castletown does feature some unusual movement in certain areas of the game wolf link's speed is capped at a very low value and in this particular area the fastest way to move is by dash cancelling constantly so i'm dashing and then immediately pressing b to cancel the dash so i can do it again here i can cut this corner and jump over to the ledge the bug is on i can also bonk in a particular place to manipulate the bug to fall off the ledge quickly instead of taking its sweet time note here that i'm waiting for link to turn blue before warping away the game only considers link to have obtained the tier when he turns blue and warping away too early from this tier would incur minutes of time loss just backtracking to it [Music] uh [Music] there are four bugs along the river in this cargo rock flight and to take a quicker path i'm actually going to skip the first one for now i'm gonna fly right by it kill the second one first and wait for the first one to catch up to me optimally one would dash with the cargo rock for the entire iteration of this flight however i am going to delay some dashes to get within range of targeting the bugs while it is possible to kill the bugs without targeting them targeting them makes the cargo rock automatically fly towards them and kill them and missing the bugs can incur a lot of time loss it's a little bit hard to tell where they are too because these bugs are larger than the normal ones and the sense of scale is a little off having now gotten all four tears from these bugs i actually want to return to lake hylia so i intentionally vomit there and i'm going to tell midna no i don't want to try the cargo rock flight again yes now we approach the boss bug fight this is a unique bug fight in the game uh the boss bug is very distinctive in that it is much much larger than all the other ones and there are some time savers throughout the fight that i'll be going for on the first cycle the bug will attack link and link will attack the bug and there you have it on the cycles after this though the bug will be charging at length from across the lake and by standing in a good place and manipulating the bug to come from a certain direction i'll be able to hit the bug right as it turns vulnerable after finishing its attack and that'll allow me to finish the cycle without waiting for the bug to fly away and then attack again so finishing the fight requires using a charge attack on the bug's legs but we really don't need to hit all of them just one so i intentionally bonked after hitting the first leg in the charge attack to reduce the length of the animation and with this 16th tier we complete the vessel finishing the neighbor twilight having completed these twilights we have a lot more freedom to move throughout the overworld and we can now move on to getting the items we need to get and completing the dungeons we need to complete to finish the game the first task on our list is not exactly obvious it's not an item to get a reduction to complete but rather a hidden skill there are seven sword techniques called hidden skills throughout twilight princess and although for the most part they're not necessary and can be skipped the first one ending blow is required to finish the game as it's the only way to strike the final blow on ganon in the final boss fight hilariously enough you can actually make it all the way to the final boss fight without ending blow and find yourself unable to finish the game shout outs to skyrion and venic now we're going to be getting ending blow in a pretty different way from how one would get it casually in a casual play through a golden wolf would appear outside the forest temple after completing fairing twilight and teach link ending blow without him howling at a stone beforehand of course as i've pointed out already this run did not complete fair and twilight so that golden wolf never spawned thankfully we don't actually need to talk to that golden wolf to get ending blow we just need to talk to one of them as the hidden skills will always be taught to link in the same order regardless of which wolves he sees first so we're going to howl at this stone which conveniently will place a golden wolf on the map next to castletown right where will spawn after beating midna's desperate hour after lake bed temple we have passed two other howling stones in the run so far one outside the sacred grove and one in death mountain trail during elden twilight that we could have howled at to spawn a different golden wolf but those golden wolves would have spawned at less convenient locations on the other side of castletown [Music] here the map will automatically pop up there is one frame in which i can input a side hop very nice before the map comes up that saves very little time [Music] next is another shadow beast fight for the warp portal at upper zoro's river we'll never actually warp to this portal but we need to do this in order to talk to iza to get our first bomb back in a casual play through one would buy their first bomb bag from barnes after beating goron mines and then could get another bomb bag from iza and another bomb bag from the goron that's underwater in zoro's domain since this run doesn't beat core on mines but does need bombs in order to breathe underwater which again i'll get into later we're going to have to get a bomb bag through some nefarious means after the shadowbeast fight iza is going to lend us her bomb bag so that we can blow up the rocks that are blocking the river but instead of helping her out we're going to steal her bomb back by warping away the game normally doesn't allow link to warp in front of npcs as i mentioned earlier but this dialogue with iza is automatically going to open the item wheel and if i talk to her by pressing a at the same time i press d-pad right to open up the map then that automatic item wheel pole will get interrupted by my map pole and allow me to warp away without checking whether iza can see me or not this is phase one of getting bombs but the tricks not over yet this bomb bag from isa is special in that it's the lent bomb bag she is supposed to take this bomb back back after completing her mini-game and the game tries to prevent this bomb back from being stolen by deleting it from link's inventory if the player saves and quits we are going to be saving and quitting to save time later in the run so i'll need to get this bomb bag from the underwater goron by blowing up his rock using one of the bombs i just got from iza it's not as easy as it sounds though i'm now going to side hop and frame perfectly pull a bomb so that as you can see it was lit underwater i timed that side hop and bomb pole to coincide with the cutscene of this chest appearing so that the bomb could sink low enough in the water during the cutscene that it would actually reach the goron at the bottom this trick is called nor gore and is unfortunately very risky trick as it can only be attempted once and failing it requires a pretty major reroute not all runners go for this trick but with recent developments in the trick it saves a lot more time now than it used to and i chose to go for it here now that i've got my permanent bomb bag i'll still need to fill it with water bombs in order to do the breathing underwater trick that will come up later by default the bomb bag is full of normal bombs so i will now begin emptying the bomb bag over the course of this overworld movement and the coming dungeon dropping all of these bombs will look rather silly but at least to me it adds an engaging element to some otherwise unremarkable overworld movement this upcoming dive for instance anyway we're still working towards beating lake bed temple but since we're already here it's going to be convenient to go to snow peak ruins first the dungeon item in snow peak runes the ball and chain is required for beating the game there is one required use in the xanthe boss fight and to get there i'm going to do this trick with my map which looks like normal warping away but then i don't warp away what i did there is kind of similar to what i did talking to isa and warping away earlier i pressed the map button on the same frame that i pressed the z button to call midna on the map i selected a portal to warp to but then the midnight interrupted the warp and this results in what we call a map glitch when a warp begins load zones and void planes are deactivated and although the warp was interrupted the load zones and void planes in this area are deactivated so while normally i wouldn't be able to run through this fog without first obtaining the reek fish scent i can simply run through with map glitch if i were to need the reek fish scent then i would have needed to get the zora armor gotten the coral earring and fished for a reek fish which would have taken a lot of time here are some more quick climbs on these ledges ah that is not a quick climb uh okay i got i got them both eventually you may be wondering how am i going to get out of this area if load zones and void planes are deactivated well very conveniently we still can activate the howling stone that's at the top of snow peak we won't need the golden wolf and the hidden skill associated with it so we don't need to howl a second time to spawn the golden wolf on the map we'll just howl once to get ourselves out of this area deactivate map glitch and then come back [Music] interestingly because load zones are deactivated if i had tried to dig into the cave that i'm about to dig into without deactivating map glitch first then i would have softlocked link would have been forever digging through the hole let me oh no that was almost a smooth cave now that we're at the top of snow peak we'll need to snowboard down to get to the dungeon but beforehand there is a messenger fight for a warp portal however we have no need to get this portal we never need to warp here so we'll simply do an lja in this direction and that'll take us far enough that the game is convinced that we must have passed the shadowbeast fight already and will respawn beyond it unfortunately we won't be going on a spiritual journey with yeto it takes very slightly longer to do so [Music] the thick snowy fog pervading this area doesn't persist after the shadow beast fight it clears but because we skipped the shadowbeast fight altogether this area will stay foggy and that means that snowboarding down to the dungeon won't have great visibility as you can see yellow is completely obscured by the fog during most of that cutscene it also unfortunately means that the rupees that are usually along the snowboarding path don't spawn so we can't use them in our rookie route during this snowboarding section i'll be staying airborne as much as i reasonably can as link speed is highest when he's in the air during this section of course this adds an additional challenge as we can't turn while airborne [Applause] let's see how many quick spins i can do on this big jump one two three four five only five i can sometimes squeeze a sixth in there now i'll be taking the slightly risky shortcut just to go fast i'm using a mountain in the distance as a visual cue to guide me to this ramp [Music] [Music] and now we can enter snow peak ruins in a casual playthrough this would be the fifth dungeon that the player would encounter but for us it'll be the third dungeon that we've entered and we haven't completed any dungeons yet as i mentioned before we also won't be completing this dungeon all we really need to do here is get the ball and chain we'll only need to make our way across a few rooms to get to the dungeon's mini boss dark hammer that guards the ball and chain we'll start with a pretty big sequence break by ljaing across this large gap this will allow us to flawshot up to the second floor through this bombable floor with no collision on the bottom in this room and the next one we'll just be dropping some bombs as we make our way closer to dark hammer note that the game limits us to having three bombs out at a time which is why i'm sometimes not dropping bombs oh no dropping all these bombs while moving usually means pulling the bomb and then pressing b as soon as the bomb is fully out to drop it with the sword and not interrupt link's movement i accidentally pressed b twice there and got a jump slash a huge wall of ice ostensibly blocks our progress in this room but by transforming into a wolf in a specific spot i missed it and then turning we can get that lower ledge on the floor to push us causing us to click through the ice and unfortunately the locations of those mini freezers are just rng this series of rooms was our fastest way to access this half of the outdoor courtyard from here we'll skip the puzzle of lugging a bunch of cannonballs around the dungeon by using the freezer that guards darkhammer's door to clip out of bounds through the door you can see here that even though i've gotten out of bounds i haven't hit the load zone for darkhammer's room and that is because with a few exceptions load zones are tied to doors in this game so simply making it past a door is not enough we still have to be able to open it and that's why there's only one boss key skip that we can do in the dark hammer fight we'll simply drop a bomb behind the mini boss and wait for it to explode while avoiding the ball and chain i will get rid of a few extra bombs along the way that bomb will do most of the damage that dark hammer can take and then a jump slash and quickspin will finish him off as a side note you heard me correctly before this bright and shiny boss wielding a ball and chain is called dark hammer go figure as i mentioned before all we strictly need in this dungeon is the ball and chain but since we're here we might as well get some convenient rupees there is an orange roofie worth 100 rupees in a bubble that hides in this suit of armor and i'll now save warp to get back to the dungeon entrance where there's another suit of armor containing a bubble with an orange rupee in it [Music] i will stand in a very specific place when using the ball and chain to break the suit of armor as standing in the wrong place and doing it can result in the bubble landing out of bounds and the ruby becoming unobtainable without reloading the save with all of that done we will finally use ooku which we got in lakewood temple to return to that dungeon so we can finish it i unfortunately failed to fully empty my bomb bag before save warping after getting the ball and chain so i'll need to re-equip the bomb back here to drop the last bomb before opening this chest to fill my bag with water bombs [Music] i'll now make my way through the first couple of rooms of the dungeon in much the same way as i did earlier when i came here for the claw shot i mentioned during snow peak a few minutes ago that there were just a few exceptions to the rule of lone zones being tied to doors in this game and one big exception is the load zone for the boss room in lake bed temple instead of the door leading directly to the fight the door leads to a small chamber where there is a hole containing the load zone as such we won't need to get the boss key instead we can just get onto this railing to clip out of bounds then use a position set up so that we can successfully get into that chamber without avoiding and finally enter the boss fight this slow drop from the load zone to the trigger that starts the fight is a thread that holds this route together as you'll see that link has just enough air to reach the bottom and starting the fight will very conveniently refill his air meter in this first phase of the fight all i need to do is claw shot the eye out of the tentacle and do enough damage to it that we won't see the second cycle of this we'll just move straight on to phase two we can do this very easily with the master sword as the game still doesn't expect us to have it by this point and now we see what this bomb business was all about link is only able to pull out water bombs underwater when he's wearing the iron boots and standing on the ground however it's possible to take off the iron boots by equipping something over them on the x or y button while link is pulling out the bomb and if player does that then link will be swimming with the water bomb if the player then releases the water bomb while swimming with it then link's air meter will be refilled allowing us to very carefully make our way through the entire game without the zora armor we don't know exactly why this works but it does it takes three cycles of clawing onto more field to kill her and the standard motion fight uses two bombs to do this with very good rng it's possible to do this with only one bomb using a regrab that we'll see in just a moment but i wasn't comfortably able to go for it this run and it risks drowning which is a four or five minute time loss the way that i'm going to be able to use only two bombs to finish the three cycles on more field is by force on equipping my iron boots while riding her which launches link off of her in such a way that he can re-grab onto her without sinking all the way to the ground in the one bomb version of this fight we would have needed to latch onto more fuel for the first time with enough air that we could do two of those regrabs in a row without running out twilight princess speedrunners often hear the question where does all the water go as it exits more fields arena the answer is i'm drinking it i'm very well hydrated [Music] our reward for killing more feel is a heart container and the third fused shadow or at least what's intended to be the third fused shadow because we didn't beat forest temple or gore on mines this is actually the only fused shadow that we have but because it's the third of the set of three the game assumes that we've gotten the other two and we can progress as though we've gotten all three [Music] [Music] cutting this heart container is far from required but this run is from when stallard skip was still pretty newly being implemented in runs and i was very new at it myself so i got the heart container for safety for that trick i mentioned during the master sword cutscene an hour ago that the crystal we were seeing midna hold up was implanted into link's forehead during the cutscene we skip after lake bed temple we just skipped that cutscene following lake bed temple we enter a section of the game called midnight's desperate hour where we need to save midna by bringing her to zelda this involves quite a bit of running straight like we did when they were twilight so i'll be quiet and let you enjoy the music uh [Music] come oh [Music] [Music] let's hurry up [Music] the sequence requires entering telma's bar getting kicked out and talking to louise the cat and i will be going for a very small time saver known as louise glitch by b attacking at the very top of the steps here i can prevent the camera from reacting the way it's supposed to to the cutscene trigger and we'll get to see link teleport as the camera is supposed to be facing away the teleporting is irrelevant but the camera not panning during the cutscene does actually save us a little bit under two seconds [Music] [Music] this section of the run doesn't feature any big tricks but there is one very difficult part of it and that is navigating the ropes in thomas bar and the sewers the ropes are treacherous and every twilight princess runner has had an experience of trying to get on the ropes and jumping to their doom i'll be very careful around them [Music] one of the many side quests that we skip in any percent is collecting the 60 pose around hyrule however we do need to kill this one and a few more in arbiter's grounds just to make it through the story [Applause] foreign [Music] nice bunk on the second of the two upcoming ledges there is another possible quick climb see if i get it very nice and we'll transform the human to use the lantern on this web before transforming back to wolf to continue on through the sewers the reason we didn't transform to use the lantern on the first of the two webs is that human link's movement is incredibly slow in this area you can see that even wolf link isn't moving very fast so we would have needed to transform back into a wolf and that would have cost too much time [Music] unfortunately at the bottom of the staircase i will need to kill this boblin archer because unless you're a tas it is otherwise impossible to get to the top of the room without getting hit by him [Music] after this rope are some shorter ropes and i'll be able to jump across the gaps to skip the ropes in this outdoor rooftops area there is a wind cycle and that wind cycle controls the position of a bridge near the end with good movement i'll be able to make an early cycle on that bridge and not need to stop and wait for it it's tight enough that it always looks a little bit risky but the real risk is that the bridge's collision is not very good and sometimes wolf link falls straight through it thankfully the bridge was nice to me there now we conclude menda's desperate hour by meeting zelda and healing midna i mentioned earlier that we howled at a particular stone to spawn a wolf in a convenient location for learning ending blow this is that convenient location we spawn here after midas desperate hour and the wolf is very close [Music] by uh [Music] first we'll take a scripted loss and get knocked down by the hero's shade one extremely minor but somewhat interesting thing to note here is that link's starting position relative to the hero's shade is different depending on which golden wolf he's gone to if we had got an ending blow from the golden wolf that the game intends us to then link would have spawned a little bit farther away from the hero's shade meaning that in the first phase of the fight we would have been too far away to stab the hero's shade we would have had to do a jump attack or move forward a little bit first [Music] and with that we will be able to finish the game eventually interestingly one element of this hidden skill learning sequence that is controlled by where link would normally learn ending blow is where he spawns after getting the hidden skill we just spawned in farron woods where the golden wolf that we skipped was this kind of wrong warp can be accessed with other golden wolves and hidden skills in the game but it works out to never be useful for the speedrun because the wrong warps are always backtracking rather than moving forward to a new area i said earlier that everything in early game was leading up to the goal of beating lakebed temple and now that we've done that and completed midna's desperate hour we have access to the desert which will in turn grant us access to the mirror chamber and the rest of the game [Music] boy that was a long ladder i just climbed hope i don't need to climb any more of those oh no hey [Music] [Music] for anyone interested i did just climb that ladder for 18 seconds but it was for a good reason i need to talk to aru up here to get his memo and then give it to fire to launch to the desert it is thankfully a little quicker getting down in many cases we avoid transforming unnecessarily to cross short distances and all of this distance may seem kind of short wolf link is so much faster in this area than human link and can jump these larger gaps making wolf link well you theoretically jump those larger gaps making it worthwhile to transform into wolf link interestingly in categories that get the zoro armor it's faster to jump straight from aru's tower into the water and swim over as zora armor increases link's swimming speed we now enter the desert which is the only other part of the run where we'll just be running straight for a while so enjoy the music [Music] me uh [Music] it is unfortunate that with this route we end up getting to the desert in the daytime as this cutscene of the goldman sentinel and the boer riders would not activate if it were nighttime in a casual playthrough one would be expected to knock a rider off of its boar steal the boar and ride it through these wooden barricades but fortunately for us since we've already been to snow peak we can use the ball and chain to break this tower and then clip past the next fence there is a way to do that clip as wolf which can be faster than doing this human but it's a bit finicky in this upcoming area we'll see a use of map glitch again in snow peak we used it to get past voiding out in the fog here we'll use the same mechanic for a slightly different purpose we wanted to feed king baldwin in the center of the camp as quickly as possible and to skip getting the small key from a build one on the far side of the camp we'll be using an lja to get out of bounds and then jump attacking below the void plane of the area to hit the king bulb and fight trigger underground although there appears to be a solid ground in this out of bounds area there really is not you can see on the minimap that link is traveling towards the center of the camp and we have now hit the fight trigger [Music] king goldblum now performs his dance for us what a nice dance boom [Music] although we skipped an action-packed war riding sequence earlier we will get one now as we open the path to arbiter's grounds here is where it starts to feel like we've begun the second half of the run while the first half of the run kind of focused on big sequence breaking tricks the second half of the run is mostly dungeons and there are quite a few difficult things that we'll be doing in the dungeons but it feels a little different that said the biggest sequence break of all in this run is coming up after this dungeon there are surprisingly many ways to cross this first room i prefer to claw shot and then roll across the platforms some people roll to the first platform rather than claw shotting in some categories we'd be a wolf here so we'd b attack across the room as wolf and if you watch a task you'll either see link doing lja across the first half of the room or across the entire room with a brake slide which is a piece of movement tack that i will be using later on in the dungeon [Music] this upcoming room doesn't look like anything special but it is interestingly one of the only required uses of the lantern in the entire run that said if we somehow found a way to get through the entire run without using the lantern we probably still would as it's pretty fast and now we enter the central room of the dungeon we'll be coming through this room a lot of times the intended format of this dungeon is that link must collect the souls from the four pose that are currently traveling through this big door in order to open the door and progress to the rest of the dungeon where he'll get the dungeon item the boss key and finally fight the boss kind of similarly to how the game treats the fused shadows and the mirror shards it doesn't actually check that link has gotten all four post holes in this case it checks for the second third and fourth ones in a casual play through link would obtain the po cent from the first po and that would allow him to progress to the second one however we'll be able to make our way to another po to get the scent and completely skip the first po see ya this room is pretty clearly not meant to be crossed from this side but with an lj we can make it most of the way across the sand and then clip up using this pillar to jump to this ledge from there we can lja across the remaining cap and cross the room entirely [Music] you'll notice in this room and others that i try to avoid walking in the sand as you saw between the ljas in the previous room link walks very slowly in the sand this is the issue that breaks sliding the technique i mentioned earlier is going to help us with but again we're not quite there yet [Music] having done that sequence breaking in the dungeon this first poe that we're going to fight is actually the intended fourth poke and as such its fight sequence is a little bit special it will spawn three copies of itself and we need to choose the right one to attack unfortunately these pose spin around link for a time that is determined by rng but we do have an rng manipulation for the second cycle that will prevent the pose from spinning slowly around us because the poke appeared below link i'll do a b attack in the sand and the pose will start circling quickly again there is a way of doing that second cycle of the fight in a way that will consistently cause the po to land near the exit door of the room i unfortunately wasn't feeling very comfortable with it when i did this run now before we leave the room i'll be sniffing the po to again get the post scent that we were meant to get from poe 1. ostensibly this just allows us to see the po-cent trails that guide us to the pose but in fact the game will not allow link to dig up a pull chain to get to the second po if he doesn't have the scent already in preparation for getting to the third pole later i'm going to push this block four times if i push it fewer times than that then it won't stay pushed when i come back to the room i mentioned a while ago that we were going to need to get 300 rupees over the course of the run in order to pay fire to fix the cannon and arbiter's grounds has some convenient red rupees worth 20. if i had gotten more rng rupees earlier on in the run then i could have skipped that chest as it's a bit slow hi po one here's the pull chain that the game would not let us dig up if we had not gotten the post end i'll need to use the central column to turn this room in order to get up to po 2 but while i'm down here i'll also get a small key for use later and while i'm at it i can also get the red ruby that the skipper drops [Music] the po2 fight sequence will be a bit simpler than the po 4 fight sequence was one thing to note though is that i'll attack the po here before it becomes vulnerable that skipped a short animation of the po noticing link as we've seen in quite a few other places in this run there will be one frame for input between the post sole text box and the cut scene afterwards on that one frame i was able to input a neutral b attack which gets linked a little bit closer to the door in a task of this room the bubbles would be manipulated to push link nearly all the way to the door during the cutscene in this next room i'll be going for a trick called speed rat where we manipulate a rat at the bottom of the room to attack link right as the game considers him to have started pushing this turnkey since the turning sequence has been initiated it will continue even though wolflink is no longer there allowing us to run straight to the door interestingly in a casual playthrough opening that door before the turning animation has finished would cause a soft lock as the orientation of that room affects the orientation of the room above it however in the speedrun's case that's not an issue as we'll be approaching our final po from an unintended direction the game intends for us to approach the final po from the opposite side of the dungeon but since we did our sequence break earlier and push that box nice bunk we are able to climb up to the upper floor of the dungeon this way and we won't see it but we will hear that we are using our small key on the upcoming door as there is a lock on the other side since we'll be going through the upcoming room backwards the enemies won't all notice us in the normal way this will allow me to carefully prepare a midnight charge attack in order to kill this gibdo from behind before i notice and to ignore the other gibdo altogether this red rupee that give their drop fills my wallet to 300 and now i have enough to fix the sky cannon if my movement in this room looks at all peculiar it's because i'm being very careful so that i can target the post sole once the poe is knocked down with so many enemies in the room it's unfortunately common to knock the poe down but then only be able to target the stalking the small skeleton enemies and have the po get back up [Music] yes now we've done our po fights as you can see from these torches we've collected four posos well maybe not but the door is going to open anyway this grants us access to the second half of the dungeon which is one of the hardest sections of the run there's a lot to do the biggest sequence break in this dungeon comes up now where we get the boss key early by simply be attacking across the sand pit it's possible to do this without even clipping out of bounds though i did just there because of that sequence break we'll be traveling through some rooms backwards now for a long time runners would transform into wolf length across these rooms but it turns out that we can do some parkour instead to cross the rooms faster as human and save ourselves to transforms now we'll finally see an example of the brake sliding i mentioned earlier if link has an initial speed and we hold target and a control stick direction opposite his speed but just outside the control stick's dead zone then link will enter a strange animation that allows him to slide through sand very quickly we'll now use some well-placed bombs to kill these stalfos and make our way to the door that killing the stalfos opens while we wait out the bomb timers now we enter the dungeon mini boss room this mini boss is death sword and that's regards to the spinner we will need the spinner but to get it we actually won't be fighting death sword we will need to get through phase one of the fight where we transform into wolf see death sword with our senses and cause it to go flying around the room but in a speed run we ideally don't want to finish the fight as finishing the fight causes a long cutscene to play where the room gets brighter instead i'm going to tag death sword with the claw shot so that it starts chasing link around the room and then lure it to a very specific position near the gate that leads us to the spinner conveniently over top of this gate there is a large gap through which link is meant to exit this room once he's gotten the spinner but by luring death sword to this corner walk into a very specific place and releasing a minute charge attack we can use a super jump to land up on that ledge and skip the rest of the fight this trick is quite hard and really only saves about 15 seconds over an optimal fight it was found quite a while ago but only somewhat recently started becoming commonplace in runs [Music] although i have the spinner death sword is still alive and i'm still locked into this room so i'm going to save warp to get back to the entrance to the dungeon from there we'll approach stallard the boss [Music] having save warped i will be backtracking through several rooms of the dungeon now to get through the po door again as an aside there is a way to get through the po door without opening it which would mean not needing the three post holes that we got and skipping a lot of things in the first half of the dungeon the reason that i didn't do that in this run is that it takes about 10 hours because it involves a technique known as pickup sliding anytime humanlink picks up an object and presents it to the camera he's actually moving backwards very very slowly and ignoring collision checks if you'd like to see this pickup slide through the power door check out a twilight princess low percent run in the current low percent record by link 1183 the pickup slide begins around 5 hours into the run and ends over 14 hours into it i mentioned that this half of the dungeon is one of the toughest sections of the run it had some fancy parkour it had death sword skit and now we're coming up on a trick that was only very recently decided to be rta viable in runs called stallard skip just like the lake bed boss key door was an exception in that the door led to a room with a loading zone separate from the door which allowed for our bosque skip stallard's room is different from all of the other boss rooms in the game in that there is a loading zone for the exit that's present through the entire fight rather than exiting being tied to touching the portal that only appears once the fight has been completed that means that if we're somehow able to get out of bounds we can access that loading zone early and skip the fight entirely doing this requires a series of very precise steps and i'm going to start explaining it now because there will be a lot going on first i'm going to use a setup to get in a very specific spot along the spinner rail surrounding stallard after that i can use a technique called clawshot actor displacement to move one of the stall troops in the arena over towards the gate i want to get past with flawshot after displacement i'll be clawshotting the stall troop but interrupting that claw shot by making link fall off of a ledge with an l slide after that i'll be able to use another l slide while claw shotting the stall troop this time frame perfect to clip into one wall and then use a bomb boost to interrupt yet another claw shot on the stall troop to boost out of bounds to where we can access the loading zone here is my position setup there is a very small range of vertical angles i can use to close out this stall tree here is my claw shot actor displacement and now i will attempt to flip into the wall with the stall troop i got a little scared there because stallard's flame was very close by but it didn't hit me as this part is frame perfect it's unfortunately easy to fail but luckily this part of the trick doesn't take too long to retry [Music] now i've flipped into the wall and i'll throw the boomerang installer to stun him on top of this trick being difficult because of how many elements of it are very precise we also have stalar trying to attack us during the entire trick now i'll do my bomb boost and i use a metronome to time this i've successfully gotten out of bounds and can roll straight to the load zone an optimal rta stallard skip saves about a minute and a half which is huge for this run's level of optimization this trick was found years ago but was considered to be tas only until a few people decided that it was time to make a setup for it and we just got good this year now the purpose of going through arbitrage grounds in the first place was to grant us access to the mirror chamber which will be our passageway to the palace of twilight later so we're going to do the shadow beast fight to open the warp portal and this fight is the first we've seen with five shadow beasts oh no i know this looks like it was just bad rng the shadow piece didn't notice me but that was actually my fault i stayed too close to the center at the beginning and made those two shadow beasts separate too much it's funny but it's remarkable that this warp i'm doing right now is a normal warp in a casual playthrough or most speed runs up to now midna would try to prevent link from warping away once he's gotten to the mirror chamber but hasn't raised the mirror yet in speedruns you would see us get around this by doing some zooming shenanigans with the map before warping but that midnight text just doesn't come up if you've done stallard skip so that saves a little bit of extra time [Music] i mentioned earlier that the biggest sequence break in the entire run was still coming up in the second half after finishing arbiter's grounds the player is expected to go to snow peak ruins temple of time and then do the sky book quest in order to get access to city in the sky but the only thing blocking us is this owl statue that we can conveniently clip through by transforming in a very specific spot this saves the better part of an hour and cuts out quite a bit of side questing funnily enough twilight princess hundred percent does require repowering the dominion rod but doesn't require filling all of the characters in the sky book that means that we end up going through a lot of the side questing to remove that owl statue but then just clip through it anyway what now we finally get to spend those 300 rupees we've collected over the course of the entire run to pay fire to fix the sky cannon over the course of a few days with the cunning use of a hammer hmm [Music] [Music] hey [Music] with that we enter city in the sky this section is rather cutscene heavy oh [Music] [Music] eek [Music] and now the gameplay will begin this is one of my favorite dungeons to speedrun right off the bat we have an rng based wind cycle and it looks like i got the bad rng and i'm having to roll against the wind not a big deal in preparation for some lj's in the next room i'll pull out the boomerang as i'm opening this door save me a few frames these ljas will skip having to pick up the yuka and fly across the room slowly i'm now going to transform into a wolf before opening this door as there's a trigger right outside this door to turn on a fan in the next room and the game doesn't consider link to have hit the trigger if his back paws are behind it skipping turning on this fan is a major sequence break in the dungeon and skips a good chunk of the second half that you would see in 100 run [Music] i love bonking into that load zone as a side note that load zone like most in the game is a ground trigger but it's possible with just a side hop to get all the way over it and fall into the void out of bounds if i wait until the bridge is almost fully extended i'll be able to get off of the spinner and roll away early i can now use an lj to cross this gap slightly faster than i could clawshot over and now we'll head over to this room to get a small key to use on the other side of the dungeon this small key is one of the few things that a task can skip but that a human has never successfully skipped before it's a pretty crazy trick involving several claw shot actor displacements bomb boosts and extremely precise claw shot aiming it also doesn't save very much time so anytime lost in creating a theoretical rta viable setup would probably make the trick not worth it anymore [Music] [Music] on the way back to the central area across this bridge there is a trigger for a cut scene in which argerock would come and destroy the bridge but by jumping on the railing on the side of the steps we can skip the cutscene entirely this will have the odd side effect of changing our spawn location after save warping once we've gotten the double claw shots [Music] from here we'll be making our way to the opposite side of the dungeon where the double claw shots are located in the casual playthrough the boss key would be locked behind the double claw shots but because we didn't turn on the fans earlier we actually could get it now we won't though as it's a bit better to get later contrary to what the flashing a button at the bottom of the screen might have you believe you actually don't need to press a very quickly here for the bridge to extend at full speed once again i'll get off the spinner early and do one roll before the bridge is extended completely [Music] here's where we use the small key that we didn't skip earlier [Music] in this room we will completely bypass the puzzle using an lja to the door i noticed there that i threw the boomerang a little bit too far to the right so i just stopped it through it again [Music] i will also use some lj's in this room to get through it quickly in this room we have two terrifying enemies to face before we can progress this battle will be long and fought viciously [Music] never mind as if that fight wasn't fast enough it's actually possible to do it a little bit faster using only the claw shot if link shoots the claw shot at the back wall from the right place and at the right time then both den alphas will raise their shields as if to defend themselves and in that animation step back and fall off the ledges [Music] i'll now wait for a second or so before jumping with this uka not because i've forgotten the route but because i needed to wait on this fan cycle in this room the player is meant to pull a switch to turn on a fan much like the last room but we'll be able to skip it using a somewhat precise angled jump since i have the iron boots equipped anyway i'll put them on midair to fall to the ground a little bit faster as link's ground speed is greater than his air speed our goal in this room is simply to make it to the bottom to enter the mini boss fight and while in this category we still do it pretty quickly by syncing with this uka in 100 we just free fall with the iron boots and do a jump slash at the end the reason we do this slightly slower in any percent is that that free fall costs us two hearts and any percent usually doesn't have very much health here there's one framer in this room that i don't go for as it's a bit risky but if writer's link begins dangling from this switch the player unequips the iron boots then link will fall through this spinning fan during the cutscene it looks very funny and does save a little bit of time but failing it by being too early costs quite a bit more time now we enter the mini boss fight with the air alphos the chest with the double claw shots is behind a gate and by doing a position setup i'll be able to use a very poorly thought out claw shot target to bypass the gate and the fight entirely similarly to after we skipped death sword and arbiter's grounds we don't have a good way out of here having gotten the dungeon item so we'll save warp i mentioned earlier that skipping the argarock bridge cutscene would affect our save warp location and here we'll see that unlike most save warps instead of spawning at the beginning of the dungeon we'll spawn at the small key chest that we opened earlier the game assumes that since we never hit that cutscene we save warped before leaving this area and it doesn't want us to accidentally miss the cutscene aside from the time saved from not watching the cutscene earlier we also don't need to worry about hitting the fan trigger that we skipped near the beginning of the dungeon the save warp is also extremely useful for 100 because the second half of the dungeon that 100 completes starts in that room and that save for reduces the back tracking significantly at this point the cutscene trigger is no longer there so we can simply roll through where it used to be here's where we take advantage of not having turned on that fan at the beginning of the dungeon instead of having to go through a long series of rooms to turn off the fan from above we can simply claw shot up from this room [Music] very slippery vines oh my we'll need to go up one more story to get to the boss key but we can skip most of the intended path for this room with a somewhat precise claw shot from here we can use an upper awning to lja to the door to the room with the boss cannon this door is the laggiest door in the entire game [Music] huh [Music] i unfortunately screwed up my movement there a little bit ideally i would have jumped off of the fan blade to land on the stairs rather than before the stairs and that way i wouldn't have taken fall damage one would normally cross this outdoor area by turning on these fans causing them to spin and waiting for some cycles to claw shot across however we have the power of ljas and don't need to do that the upcoming double lja was one of the most memorable parts of this speedrun after i had seen it for the first time that bunk will also be one of the most memorable bunks now that i've seen it this room is the fan tower where we'll make our way to the boss key door the object is to ascend it as quickly as possible of course and to do so we'll try to make some somewhat tight fan cycles thankfully we can just ignore the two enemies right at the beginning as they won't attack link unless he's on the ground one subtle thing that i'll be doing this room is trying to get in control of link's claw shot as soon as possible after claw shotting onto a new fan and to do that i'll just be tapping the target button as soon as link reaches the fan [Music] i'll now in my claw shot at a specific line on the wall as claw shotting onto one small part of this final target will allow link to remain facing the door instead of turning around [Music] the final thing we need to do before beginning the boss fight is claw shot our way up the vines the vine wall itself is very easily accessible but link climbs so slowly that it's worth trying to claw shot all the way at the top of the vines which is somewhat precise now we enter the arc rock fight like almost every boss fight in this game this fight has two phases to it the first phase unfortunately starts off with some waiting so i'll just have to find a way to pass the time i waited in that area of the arena because it ensures that when argraft comes back it won't do its claw attack now i can claw shot onto argorock's tail while wearing the iron boots to drag it to the ground phase one is meant to include two cycles of this but thankfully claw shot on quickly onto one of the columns after this cutscene allows us to do the two cycles back to back without any more waiting [Music] incidentally there is a fun soft lock known as cool game that can be accessed in this fight if during the first cycle of phase one just now when arc rock finished flying around the arena i'd claw shot it onto its tail on the first possible frame the game would not have pulled argorock down as it's supposed to and arc rock would continue flying around the arena with link attached to its tail it's a very funny soft lock but unfortunately costs something like 5 minutes so you won't see it often in pb attempts [Music] so after this cutscene ends to start off phase two we'll do what any normal person would do upon seeing a giant fire breathing dragon and run away we void at the beginning of this phase to avoid having to wait again for aggroc to fly around the arena this phase of the fight will consist of three cycles that are all pretty similar i'll clash out onto the top of these columns wait for argorock to roar and then flash out onto one of the p-hats surrounding the arena however instead of doing a casual strat of clawshotting around the entire arena i will sink low enough on the sp hat that argrock thinks that i've fallen to the ground this causes argoroc to stop spewing its flame early allowing me to get onto its back very quickly [Music] cycle two of this fight will be identical to cycle one so i will point out here that i don't shoot the claw shot immediately to get onto the pillar because it is possible and in fact pretty easy to accidentally get up too quickly and cause argorat to start shooting the flame too early for the flame cancel to work [Music] cycle 3 will be a little bit different from the other two in that while shooting flame arc rock is going to turn 180 degrees to counter that we'll clash out part of the way around the arena but then do our flame skip once our garak turns around [Music] that is the rock fight [Music] our rewards for beating argorock are this heart container and the final mirror shard which completes the mirror of twilight allowing us to access palace of twilight just like with the fused shadows in the first half of the game the game does not actually check whether we have all of the mirror shards it only checks for the final piece this is why we were able to skip temple of time entirely and to leave snowpeak ruins without beating the boss although it's not technically required this category does get this heart container as we took a heart of damage voiding during the fight and will take two more hearts of damage falling to a bridge leaving city in the sky if i had gotten up to full health during phase one of the fight when hearts were freely available then that would leave me at one heart entering palace of twilight which is not a great idea considering that it's easy to take damage there by accident and we intentionally take some damage in some parts of the dungeon before getting into the sky cannon to return to lake kylia i'll be putting on the iron boots normally the sky cannon would launch link into the water but if we have the iron boots on and do a jump slash then we can land on the bridge and that'll allow us to warp to the mirror chamber sooner [Music] because we have all of the mirror shards now we can enter vowels of twilight without having raised the mirror even though the cutscene is automatically transforming me into a human it will be faster to transform back into a wolf before entering the dungeon this is not just because wolflink moves faster than humanlink but because midna wants to tell us some stuff as we enter this dungeon and having her own wolfling's back skips the animation of her popping out of link's shadow [Music] this second set of text boxes is technically skippable with an lja but it's exceptionally precise and only done in passes palace of twilight is by far the least broken dungeon in the run we're essentially just going to do a fast casual playthrough of it we're going to enter every room in the dungeon and get every key that doesn't mean however that there isn't something to pay attention to in every room in this room for example i'll want to attack the zen head in a particular way so that i can hit it twice in one attack killing it faster than i normally could [Music] [Music] oh [Music] unfortunately i can't do the same kind of double hit on the zen head in this room as it doesn't rise high enough off the ground but while i'm waiting for the head to explode i can try to get as close to the chest spawn as possible [Music] [Music] [Music] during the phantoms and fights i'll be doing very specific amounts of damage to phantom's ant on each cycle in order to prevent him from starting to rapidly warp around the room on each cycle i will do one normal b attack followed by two quick spins and on the final cycle i'll add a third quick spin to end the fight you can almost always tell during the phantom zam fight whether the runner is wearing headphones or not by how they react to phantoms and spawning the goal of the first half of the dungeon is to bring the souls that are in the hands in the phantoms and rooms back to the outdoor area to obtain the light sword this involves quite a bit of claw shotting and thus quite a few l slides by throwing the soul into the socket right as this hand cut scene begins we can cause this cutscene to overlap with the cutscene of the stairs rising [Music] [Music] in this room i'll want to get the sole into the socket in the center of the room while link is standing where the stairs will rise to their highest point to do that i use an angle setup as it costs quite a bit of time to miss the throw as usual i'll do an l slide while claw shotting the soul here but there's more than meets the eye to this one as there are supposed to be four of the twilight vermin enemies which i have dubbed squibbles that spawn there but l sliding there prevents them from spawning and i have no idea why in this room i can simply run past all of the enemies and around the gang of squiggles at the end [Music] [Music] [Music] huh that is one soul down one to go i want to give a shout out here to a really cool but unfortunately completely useless glitch in twilight princess if you clash out a soul in just the right way as it's rolling into its socket then link will pick up the soul and have a ridiculous amount of speed as though the speed of the soul in the claw shot was transferred to link himself we unfortunately haven't been able to do it with any other clawshottable item in the game and it doesn't really work out to save any time in palace but it is a thing that is possible this is a room speedrunners have affectionately or not so affectionately dubbed stupid room as it is quite stupid any small mistake in this room can yield a humongous time loss [Music] this next room features some well choreographed combat i'll first throw the boomerang in order to stun the first two shadow beasts which will cause them to follow link over to the third shadowbeast where they can all be killed together next i'll kill the zan head in such a way that i am launched towards the center of the room where the next three zan heads will spawn and i'll be able to tag them quickly with the charge attack next if i'm quick enough i can claw shut up to one of the targets on the wall before the cutscene of the chest spawning begins [Music] okay that wasn't even close it's possible to claw shot onto that target before even going into first person mode which looks very cool it doesn't save very much time but i usually go for it as i got quite a bit of practice on it when i was doing palace individual level speed runs which for anyone who doesn't know are speedruns that begin at the entrance of palace of twilight and end when you complete the dungeon just a short dungeon speed run that feels nice to optimize [Music] the plan for this second phantom ant fight is identical to the plan for the first [Music] this time though i will grab the soul a little bit differently in the other room if i took too long a midnight would have popped up with some text but in this room what i want to avoid is grabbing the soul from too far away if i were to do that then this hand cut scene would begin while the soul was still in the claw shot and the soul will be dropped with a carefully timed soul drop and roll i can get onto these stairs before they begin to rise [Music] this next room is quite complicated but i will attempt to give a detailed description as we go first i'll run straight yep that's that room [Music] thankfully traversing stupid room on the way back is not nearly as harrowing an experience as it was on the way to the soul that said you'll notice i only jumped one platform there it is possible to jump to the second platform before waiting but it is risky enough that i don't go for it in any percent runs it's not too common for the keys to be a nuisance while riding this platform but just in case i'm gonna get them into boomerang so they can't bother me [Music] between this door animation and the cutscene of the twilight being affected by the soul there's one frame where i can throw the soul no i didn't get it so instead i'm just going to drop it with the sword and claw shot it from pretty far away [Music] while the soul is rolling towards its socket we have a brief skydiving interlude [Music] in place of a dungeon item in palace of twilight the master sword is upgraded to the light sword the light sword kills all twilight enemies in one hit which is very convenient for the second half of the dungeon as it means we won't be transforming back and forth between human and wolf glitch hunters in the past have considered how it might be possible to skip getting the light sword in this dungeon as we can see the door we're approaching to the north wing from beyond this twilight waterfall it turns out that it is actually possible to get past this waterfall without the light sword but there are uses activating souls later on that we don't know how to bypass i'll be completing this next room in pretty much the intended way but i do want to give a shout out to a very cool strat key super jump that can be done in this room if i were to get to the other side of the room target one of the keys in the boomerang and make a few other well-placed targets so that i could transform into a wolf and tag the keys with a midnight charge attack then i could use the keys to launch myself up to the second floor it looks very cool but unfortunately saves a maximum of about two seconds oh no i missed the throw i forgot about that anyway the key super jump looks very cool but it doesn't save a lot of time over doing this room well which i didn't just now and also relies on the rng based movement of both the squibbles in the room and the keys [Music] i can speed up this part of the room just a little bit by using lja to get across the gap faster than the light platform would take me i can also activate this trio of souls right now so that the light platform is waiting for me after i get the small key [Music] finally i can do another lja from this platform to the end of the room for lj's like this one that rely on the boomerang going out of bounds between two points on a flat or nearly flat surface i always buffer the lja by pulling the item wheel to see whether the boomerang is actually out of bounds because sometimes it just doesn't go out of bounds and falling at that point in the room would have cost me the better part of a minute in this area we can get the boss key and i could go and get it now but it's a little bit faster to get it after getting this pharzan head because of the way that the xan head cycles line up [Music] after taking care of some cargo rocks i'll shimmy to the right side of the platform so that these ant head spawns as early as possible and now i'll use an lja to get over to the platform a little bit faster than the light platform would take me that one i didn't need to buffer as the boomerang's path is reliable i'll now void out as soon as the zan head explodes to get back to the main area without another long light platform ride after respawning these zan heads are present but the cycle doesn't allow for killing them all in one go straight away so i'm going to go get the boss key first and if i do it right then once i have it they'll be in a part of their cycle where i can kill all of them at once [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] unlike the room i described earlier where i ran straight this room actually is a bit complex in that i have zan head cycles and platform cycles to worry about until recently i did what many runners do which is to call midna right here which doesn't delay the shadow beasts falling but does pause the light platform at the top of the room making the platform cycle easier to make however because of the sand head cycles that ends up costing about half a second to still make that platform cycle i will be doing an lja here and i will need to claw shot up to the next two platforms pretty much as early as possible here i will terrifyingly roll to the edge of this platform to grab the ledge so i can get all the way in the corner [Music] now that i've killed that sand head the cycle for the others ant head has begun and i've made my platform cycle unfortunately because of this cycle i will still need to wait for that zen head to respawn if i had delayed killing the first zan head as late as possible while still being able to make the platform cycle then it actually would have been possible for me to kill the second zan head without waiting but this is extremely difficult as it's so tight on time and so far although people have done it before no one has done it in a run of any kind here i'll do one last lja to skip a platform ride [Music] and now we enter one of the least stressful rooms in the dungeon where i just have to kill a few shadow beasts uh [Applause] this room is a pretty reliable source of health though i didn't get much this time health going into this ant fight matters quite a bit more in 100 runs and ils as those have great spin which is a powerful sword technique that requires full health to use now we enter the zan fight which is a very fun boss fight it's almost in the style of the boss rush as it calls back to mini boss and boss fights that came earlier in the game that said there will be phases based on the dangoro and blizzeta fights which any percent does not do his aunt what do you think of that chocolate chip cookie you just ate yeah i enjoyed mine too [Music] damage works in an interesting way in this ant fight in most phases what will matter is that we land the final attack of two combos on zant with the other parts of the combos not mattering and normally powerful attacks like the quick spin and the jump attack not doing anything special here i'll start a combo early to try to get the last part of the combo out as soon as zan lands on the ground both this phase and the next phase have one cycle variance the one for this phase is frame perfect and doesn't save very much time so i don't go for it but the one for this next phase has a two frame window and saves a bit more time so i will be going for it to set up for it as soon as i can catch up to zamp i will do a jump attack plus quick spin and then part of a combo trying to time the remainder of the combo to land on zan just when he tries to warp away and unfortunately i held the middle of the combo for a little bit too long so i failed one cycle there and you can see why you want to go for the one cycle on this one this third phase is why our bomb routing earlier in the run was so complicated we needed to get the permanent bomb bag so that we would still have bombs by this point fortunately though unlike in the morpheal fight everything in this fight is completely under our control there is no risk of drowning from any rng components i will be tight on air after completing this combo on zand so i will be sure to use the fastest combo which is done by holding right then left then up then down while swinging the sword once again i've refilled my air by pulling a water bomb and force unequipping the iron boots then dropping the water bomb to last through the remainder of the fight i will need to do that just one more time and i'm hanging out on this side of the arena to prompt design to spawn on the opposite side as he always spawns in the head that is farthest away from link unfortunately although i'm trying to do that fast combo a second time the camera was oriented in a strange way and i accidentally got some other moves out [Music] the ball and chain will be very convenient to use in this phase of the fight as we can use it to easily knock his ant off of the center totem but in fact the reason that we needed to get the ball and chain at all in this run is this upcoming phase as far as we know there is no way to make zane vulnerable during this phase without throwing the ball and chain at his foot nothing else works if it weren't for this then any percentage would skip going to snow peak ruins altogether [Music] as you can see one challenge of this fight is that there are ice physics involved [Music] in a casual play through this final phase of the zan fight gets very hectic and chaotic but zant's spawns can be controlled with the correct approach [Applause] [Music] thus concludes the zan fight hey zan can you remind me what it was like riding that roller coaster last week [Music] oh now i remember [Music] huh [Music] for the same reasons i transformed into a wolf entering the dungeon i'm going to transform into a wolf again here as it'll save a little bit of time despite not having much distance to cover [Music] completing palace of twilight is what will allow us to break the barrier and finally enter hyrule castle to finish the game [Music] before we get to hyrule castle though there are two things in our way first is the postman who really wants to deliver some mail to us his intentions are good but receiving mail is rather slow so will lja over the trigger instead [Music] the remaining obstacle is this guy [Music] i mentioned near the beginning of the run that the master sword cutscene is one of the longest unskippable cutscenes in the game this is another of the longest unskippable cutscenes in the game wherein midna shows us her cool hat and then turns into a squid if you need to get some water go to the bathroom grab a snack or bake a potato now's your time not [Music] [Music] um [Music] now we're on to the final dungeon in the game hyrule castle this dungeon is less linear than some of the other dungeons and there's quite a bit that's skippable without any glitches for example we won't be seeing the east side of the dungeon at all here we encounter the first of several barriers that we'll see in the dungeon a crowd of bokoblins will attack link and he will pull a bomb to kill all of them [Applause] in this next area is another barrier but we'll be able to bypass it by running into it skipping the cutscene before it fully forms and then running back out of it this saves quite a bit of time in this area we encounter king baldwin for the last time in the run i'll need to be at least a little bit careful as one hit from him would kill me [Music] and as a reward he will give us that shiny small key on his belt [Music] after this cut scene of king bolman riding away i'll be safe warping to get back to the start of the dungeon like we've seen in many places so far there will be one frame between this cutscene and some midnight text where i can input a backflip and save warp early but unfortunately i didn't get it [Music] [Music] as i mentioned before there is quite a bit more to this dungeon off to the right but it's not required and this is any percent so we'll just head straight into the castle this upcoming room will feature a barrier skip similar to the one that we just saw on the way to king boblin when link hits the trigger for the barrier and it starts to form you will automatically start walking into it but if we hit the trigger while he's mid-air then he can't start walking into it and if we skip the cutscene sufficiently quickly we can just walk right by it interestingly failing to skip the barrier and getting second side is faster to back up with a save warp than with killing the enemies inside the barrier as they take a while to spawn and then the cutscene of the chest spawning afterwards is extremely laggy we fight quite a few dark nights over the course of a hundred percent run but in this run this is the only one we'll just need to find its vulnerable spots so that we can land 11 blows for the first phase sometimes its shield is unrealistically good then with a couple of slashes and some careful positioning i can kill the second phase very quickly after the chest spawns i'll want to use the boomerang to blow out a torch so i'm going to aim ahead of time so that i can just throw the boomerang as soon as this cutscene is over [Music] [Music] is another room that requires us to have the lantern you'll just have to complete a puzzle that is the same every time [Music] similarly to the pair of dinolfos in city in the sky these two dinolfos can be killed by one attack in the center of them this time with the bomb uh i don't think that's close enough yeah i messed that up fortunately i have a spare bomb and know the backup [Music] in the upcoming our alphas fight i will need to throw the boomerang at it to make it targetable shoot the claw shot at it to bring it down to link's level and then i'll use the ball and chain to get a quick kill and i threw the ball in chain that was not what i meant see if i can still get it in one cycle yeah well what i meant to do there was to hit the air outpost with the ball and chain four times before throwing it then finish it off with one stab maybe next time [Music] the small key i just got is the final small key of the run i'll need it to open the door to get up to zelda but first i need to get the boss key there's the boss key but it's guarded by some fearsome enemies i don't know if link is gonna be able to handle this on his own yep that's it he's doomed behold the exploding hawk here to save link from certain do and who's that that the hawk has brought along four friends two of whom we've seen in this run and two of whom are total strangers this is the resistance who are supposed to have been helping the player along through the story we did meet russell back at the very beginning of the run before we herded goats and we met aru when he gave us the memo to get to the desert but we didn't see the other two in their respective locations on the map ashay in the entrance to snow peak and shad in the basement of the sanctuary as we went to those places without doing the things we would have needed to do to spawn the characters this is the final tower climb before the final boss sequence there's an intended path for the player to take through this first room that is revealed with wolf senses but by being quick enough and taking some jumps on corners we can ignore it completely next i will try to kill these two liz alphos at the same time and there's a minor skip in this hallway i will skip claw shot onto a close grate in favor of a farther one that is a bit more precise by moving in a particular way i'll be able to kill these two lizalfos at the same time a little bit faster than i kill the other ones [Music] in the next room we're coming up on a final barrier skip which is the simplest of all all we need to do is stand outside the barriers forming trigger and claw shot past it bye dark nut [Music] [Music] the final boss sequence has four parts puppet zelda beast ganon horseback and the final fight with ganondorf i'm going to be using the ball and chain during the beast cannon fight so i'm going to equip it now i will have plenty of free and safe time during the zelda fight but there is one frame at the beginning of the zelda fight where pressing the d-pad and opening the item wheel will crash the game so i habitually do that equip before entering the fight just in case [Music] the zelda fight is an element of pure rng right at the end of the run which can be a bit frustrating zelda has three attacks the light ball attack that you see now a lunge attack and an attack where she spawns a triangle of light on the ground it'll take three of those light ball attacks bounced back at her to end the fight so ideally we get three of those as quickly as possible as quickly as possible is not three cycles however after the first ball of light zelda is guaranteed to give a different attack for the next cycle and after the second ball of light zelda is guaranteed to give a different attack for the next three cycles meaning that the lowest possible number of cycles is seven in addition to this the amount of time that zelda takes to begin her next attack is rng thus even with a seven cycle fight we can still lose time to just waiting speaking of just waiting during this down time when i can't be attacking zelda regardless of what i do i'm building a pot fort [Music] zelda how could you you broke my pot fort i'll get you for this [Music] the animations for the lunge attack and the ball of light beginning are very similar so i was optimistically getting ready for a light ball attack there and if you stand in a specific place you can get a lunge attack to just zoom around link in circles which unfortunately does waste time next is the beast cannon fight and straight away i'm going to throw the ball and chain to knock beast cannon down i'm then going to perform a combo dealing a specific amount of damage to get beast ganon into the phase that he wanted to be in this fight in all dungeons and 100 runs is a lot less clumsy because we have the bow and arrow but since we skipped goron lines entirely the ball and chain will have to do [Music] i'll do the same combo on the second cycle and with that amount of damage the beast cannon fight will be one wolf attack from being over so i'll transform into a wolf and wait for ganon thankfully at this amount of damage he will also spawn with just one portal appearing rather than warping around the room several times [Music] [Music] the next phase of the final fight is horseback in the horseback phase zelda very conveniently has a bow even though we never got one i'll start off the fight by writing towards ganondorf so that he swings his sword at me and becomes vulnerable now all i need to do is follow him around and aim zelda's light arrows at him to make him vulnerable hey ganondorf how many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh 10 tickles oh you like that one did you okay fine there were quite a few difficult things that i did in this run but the final phase of the final fight is not one of them all i'll need to do is get behind ganondorf and attack him three times so i'll go ahead and sign off here i hope you enjoyed the video and maybe learned something this should serve as a pretty good representation of twilight princess any percent as of mid-2022 toodles
Channel: bewildebeest
Views: 148,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3Yg68uXLmCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 172min 4sec (10324 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 11 2022
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