Can You Beat The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time With Only Adult Link?

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The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time is the classic tale of deja vu last year I released a video where I tried playing through the entire game using only young Link and never turning into Adult Link after I released that video I got several comments wondering if it would be possible to do the opposite and play through the entire game as Adult Link after skipping the young Link section at first I didn't think this would be very interesting after all you're supposed to play most of the game as Adult Link I even responded to these comments at the time explaining why I thought it was possible but the more I thought about it the more I started to wonder although it's true that most of the game is supposed to be played as Adult Link they still expect you to have gotten a bunch of items and things as young Link before you become Adult Link like Zelda's lullabi bombs the Ocarina itself and more and I also got some comments from other people who said they tried it themselves and didn't think it was possible so I decided to find out for myself and try beating acarina of time using only Adult Link here are the rules I used first the game obviously starts you as young Link but I'm not allowed to make any actual progress with him I have to somehow turn into an adult without obtaining any items I allowed myself to get stuff like deu sticks to make doing this easier as long as I get rid of them all before turning into an adult second once I am an adult I need to make it into every dungeon defeat the boss at the end of each and collect the stone or Medallion from each those are the only two rules as long as I'm using Adult Link everything's fair game so let's get started after giving my character the Canon name he woke up at home in Kiri Forest normally you're supposed to gather money to buy a shield from the shop and find the sword stor elsewhere in the forest but instead I just gathered five Rupees to buy one deu stick from the shop once I had it I went to the Lost Woods and navigated through it until I reached the pool that leads to zor's River normally you can use this as a shortcut to and from zoro's River once you get the silver scale so you can dive but by positioning link here waiting for Navi to have something to tell me then mashing the button for the deu stick to make link slash with it twice and then pressing the button for Navi link will fall off the ledge and navi's text being on screen will make link fall through the water to the B bottom press a to get rid of the text box then hold in the direction of the warp and Link was out of the forest with nothing the river itself gives you rupees if you swim in it so I walked to Hyrule Field from there I walked to Hyrule Castle Town broke my deu stick and made it into town with absolutely no items to my name I headed to the Temple of Time my objective now was to get past the door of time so I could turn into Adult Link but without the spiritual stones or the song of time I couldn't open the door so instead I went into this corner lined up like this then exited first person mode and held Z to Target I held down very lightly on the stick then pressed a which made link roll and then I held down on the stick all the way and mashed a which made him side hop I started pausing repeatedly after the side hop started you can pause repeatedly to do something called pause buffering which basically allows you to advance the game a single frame at a time which lets you pull off tricks that are frame perfect or require tricky timing I released all of my inputs and buffered to this first frame where link was no longer visible then held down Z again a few frames later I held left on the stick and Link did did a weird outof bounds jump and ended up behind the door which let me get past it without opening it and just like that I'd made it to the master sword with absolutely nothing on me I pulled the master sword turned into Adult Link and got the light Medallion which meant the adventure was truly underway after the cut scenes I was met by my first obstacle since I didn't actually open the door of time it was still closed which meant I was locked inside the master sword room luckily by just saving and resetting the game I get put in the main room of the temple also interestingly despite the door of time being closed the game put the spiritual stones on the pedestal even though I didn't have them other weird things I noticed were that on adult Link's equipment screen there was a hover boots icon on the left where passive equipment like Quivers and gauntlets usually go and he was equipped with a stack of zero bombs on a c button even though I didn't even have bombs to equip my first objective was to gather some items I headed to Kiri Forest first where I was very pleased to find that by entering the forest and then going back out I was able to get the fok arena from Seria who was supposed to be inside the Forest Temple it's still looks like the Ocarina of Time When Adult Link holds it but I got to keep the fairy Ocarina in my inventory which was pretty cool also I tried to equip the Ocarina over the fake stack of bombs and it moved the bombs to another C button and highlighted the empty bomb slot in the item screen even though I couldn't actually move my cursor to it very weird since I didn't have a shield I had no way to defend against the monsters so I was taking quite a bit of damage I decided to see if the great deu Tre would be closed even though I never did the dungeon as a kid and sure enough it was but I wasn't ready to take on that dungeon yet anyway so I left the forest and headed for kakar Rico luckily the gate to Death Mountain was not locked even though I'd never opened it as a kid I decided to check out the mountain trail and I was surprised to find that dango's Cavern was also open despite me never blowing up the bould or blocking the entrance I went to the kakaro graveyard and got the hen Shield then went to dpe's grave to get the hook shot after getting the hook shot I went into the exit of the grave but since I didn't have the song of time I got completely locked in there so I saved and reset again to escape and then headed back to dango's Cavern bombs are useful for many glitches and tricks in this game so I wanted to get them as soon as possible but when I arrived at the dungeon I was surprised to find that Adult Link couldn't pick up the bombs normally you get the Goron bracelets that he can pick these up as a kid but then he doesn't need it as an adult and doesn't wear it but apparently he just concealed it all this time because he's just as weak as he is as a kid this actually posed a much bigger problem than you might think to break open this entrance you have only four options a bomb a bomb chew the Megaton hammer or apparently blue fire in a bottle unfortunately most of these options were out of the picture I would need way more items to get to the hammer in the fire temple the only bottle you can get as an adult requires you to already have at least one from the child section and the entire point of coming to this dungeon was to get bombs in the first place so the only option I had was to use bomb chews unfortunately those aren't easy to come by either the easiest way to get them at this point which still wasn't very easy at all would be to buy a set of 10 bomb chews for 200 rupees from the seller in the haunted Wasteland land which would require me to cross the bridge to gudo Valley without the long shot or aona but before any of that I had to First expand my wallet so it could even hold 200 Rupees to do that I had to get 10 scula tokens since the number you can get with so few items is pretty limited I got a few using some tricks and glitches for example on Death Mountain Trail I clipped the hook shot inside of this rock to get one without having to break the Rock and at Lake hilia I positioned link here then fired the hook shot at this point on the tree which made him stand on top of of a rout that normally makes you slide off this gave me enough height to hook shot the top of the tree and then by mashing B I was able to jump slash and reach the top for another scula also there were some in the sacred Forest Meadow but since I never got Seria song I couldn't get maido out of my way to get there but by standing next to him pulling out the hook shot aiming around here then holding Z and back flipping I was able to just jump over him to get to the meadow I got a scula there and then headed to the very first room of the Forest Temple for another which was my 10th Sheik also taught me the song to war back to the Forest Temple which meant that when I decided to complete it later on I could warp back instead of having to skip Mido again I headed back to kakaro and cashed in the tokens for the wallet upgrade then farmed for rupees until I was up to 200 and then I could finally head to gudo Valley my first goal was to get across the bridge this is supposed to be impossible without either a pona or the long shot but with a particular setup it's actually possible with a regular hook shot too I got into this spot by this post then did three side hops to the right I held Target rolled forward released released Target and turned right held Target again to Center the camera then released it again and held Shield I held up while shielding then briefly released the shield while still holding up which inched link forward a tiny bit at a time I did this three times then pulled out the hook shot the hook shot still can't reach the other side from here but by holding up pressing a to cancel the hook shot and then immediately pulling out the hook shot again your range will actually be extended just barely enough to reach the other side and with that I headed into the Fortress a guard blocked the gate to the haunted way land and I didn't have any way of knocking her out so I went through the Fortress and rescued the Carpenters which got me the membership card letting me move through the Fortress without the guard stopping me from there I headed into the haunted Wasteland my first obstacle was this quicksand but I was able to just back walk over it near this side and then there he was the carpet Merchant at long last I jumped off the bridge and jump slashed to make it up to him without the hover boots and at long last I bought my bomb shoes remember everything I had been doing for the past while getting skulas making it to the valley doing the Fortress all of it was to get my hands on a single set of these but since I was already here I decided to go the rest of the way to the spirit Temple you can make it through the desert without the lens of truth if you know the route so I did that and Sheik taught me the song so I could warp back there when I actually wanted to do the temple later on then I saved and reset to get back to the Temple of Time and finally headed back to dango's Cavern since I'd saved the Carpenters the bridge to gudo Valley was fixed so I could now get back there without needing to line up like I did before but I actually forgot about that as I was playing playing so I wanted to conserve my bomb chews as much as possible since I only had 10 inside of dango's Cavern I used a bomb chew to finally open the path Adult Link actually trivializes a huge portion of this dungeon because he's tall enough to hop to this switch that normally requires a ton of travel to get to from there I went to the room with the bombs surrounding the staircase and used a bomb chew to explode them I headed upstairs and soon reached this room from here I just jumped to the left and Link was tall enough to grab the ledge and from there I hopped over to the Bomb Bag chest regular bombs are much easier to restock than bomb chews are so I was glad to finally have them since I was already here I decided to finish this dungeon as the first one from the chest I left the room and bombed the eyes to open the way to the end of the dungeon and adult Link's height once again trivialized this section because I was able to just jump up to the block skipping the entire last section of the dungeon King Dongo was no different than normal so I took him down quickly and considering how much I had to do just to gain access to the dungeon it was quite satisfying to just destroy the entire thing in minutes speaking of destroyed the cut scene that followed was also destroyed by all the glitches I had done to get to it darunia miraculously returned from being a sage and smashed his hand through Link's head then link was taller than the developers expected so when he gets knocked down he's actually still visible which makes the scene a lot funnier he's just knocked out on the ground while darunia does his speech and then when darunia gave me the Ruby him and Link both held their arms up like usual but the Ruby itself actually didn't appear and then this grown adult ran away in fear from the gorons all in all an amazing cinematic experience next I headed back to Kiri forest and farmed more rupees so I could buy the maximum of 10 deu sticks that might seem pointless considering Adult Link can't use them but you'll see soon enough why I wanted these one thing I wasn't super pleased about was that you can only get Bomb Bag upgrades as a kid that meant I could only hold a maximum of 20 bombs for the entire game the maximum for bomb chews is always 50 so I could hold a maximum of 70 explosives at once but I'd have to farm for hundreds of rupees buy one set of 10 from the vendor in the desert and repeat every time wanted more in any case though I was going to need to use quite a few of them now I started by activating the infinite sword glitch when you slash with your sword and interrupt it with certain other actions like reading a sign or grabbing a bomb then you'll be permanently attacking with your sword until you do certain other actions like slashing the sword again yourself this glitch has some other effects if you back flip into an explosion while shielding you'll float in midair so using this trick you can gain height infinitely at least until you run out of explosives after activating the glitch I walked up to the top of this route on this house then hover up to the wall surrounding the village the infinite sword glitch prevents you from falling off Ledges so even though the Collision up here isn't perfect I was able to walk around without jumping off into the abyss I ran West until around this point then slashed my sword to cancel the infinite sword glitch then I rolled off of this point and jump slash towards the end of my jump to make it back in bounds on the trail to the deu tree since I hadn't gotten here the normal way the deu tree area hadn't actually been loaded properly it was invisible but the basic geometry was still there so I was able to walk in it the deu tree's mouth also also wasn't loaded but the loading zone into the dungeon behind it was what this meant is that I was able to just run forward to where the decco tree was supposed to be to enter the dungeon now when I first entered the dungeon I actually expected to take it on mostly like normal I got the slingshot for fun even though I couldn't use it saved and reset to get back to the entrance since I couldn't knock down the ladder then went to the basement adult Link's height once again allowed me to trivialize this section but the problem came after this once I got to the spider web that led to the end of the dungeon I used a simple glitch called equip swap to equip the deu sticks onto Adult Link I thought this would work but it turns out that the game really does not like it when you do that this was on the Nintendo switch online app I did some reading in the Ocarina of Time speedrunning Discord later on and apparently if you load Pokemon Stadium 2 before Ocarina of Time then this actually works I have no idea why that would be but in any case I didn't find that out until much later so I had to find another way to get down to the boss fortunately there was another solution I headed back up to the top of the dungeon and entered the room with the three Rising platforms normally your goal is to use these to get through the room before they fall but instead I did the complete opposite I stepped on the switch to make the platforms rise and then immediately ran for the wall beside the switch targeted to make link face it then turned around and held Target again then without releasing Target at all during the coming steps I side hoop to the right all the way through the room until I hit the wall did a slash with the sword a back flip a side hop top and then held up lightly on the stick and Link grabbed onto the platform in a specific position when the platforms fell link was put through the floor then I pressed a to let go and immediately pressed B to jump slash since I never let go of Target link had kept his diagonal angle so he recoiled off of the platform and fell right down into the loading zone for the boss room [Music] the fight itself was very easy one mechanic worth pointing out are Crouch stabs Crouch stabs are glitched in this game and always take the power of the last attack you did so by jump slashing and then Crouch stabbing repeatedly every Crouch stab had the power of a jump slash letting me defeat GMA very quickly I got the heart container but I decided not to get the kir emerald for now was a precaution if you saw my last video on this game then you might know why but if not avoiding that cut scene just gave me the option to do a certain glitch later on though as a slight spoiler I did end up just getting the kiri's emerald later on so I went back to the entrance farmed rupes for a bit and then headed to Zora's River now since I never got Zelda's Lullaby I couldn't get rid of the waterfall blocking the entrance to Zora's domain so instead I went to the ladder around halfway up the river I climbed up it turned around back flipped rolled performed a slash then turned left and side ho to the right this clipped link through the platform he grabbed onto the ledge but since the ladder was there he grabbed on to the inside of the platform then I let go of the platform and he fell through the ground and out of bounds the water in this game extends downwards infinitely so I was able to pull link into the river's water down here and from there I navigated using the mini map I swam until he was around the bridge then let him surface now he was back in bounds but similar to the decu tree the way I got here prevented the game from loading this section of the area properly the waterfall was gone but the actual geometry and loading zones were still there so I just awkwardly navigated around until I reached the loading zone and got inside but that was just the first of many obstacles King Zoro was still frozen and since I had never moved him as a kid he's Frozen in front of the entrance to Zora's Fountain first of all I wanted to unfreeze him this isn't actually necessary but I just wanted to get the Zora tunic for fun I went up to the throne room to load King Zora then kept the camera aimed that way and walked back down the stairs until he was unloaded I aimed the camera at the wall and went up the stairs until I got back up to the throne room then inched link left until he could read the sign after he did I walked back down the stairs until the King was unloaded again walked back up and just like that he's unfrozen which made him give me the tunic he was still in my way though so next I got into this corner I lined up like this in first person mode then jump slashed at the wall and clipped right through I walked into the wall a bit further then jumped out of bounds once I was falling I held Link in the direction of the water behind King Zora like I mentioned before water extends downwards infinitely and even though the place is frozen over the water still exists under the ice so once I was in the water I just let link surface and then walked outside like normal now unlike the deu tree in dango's Cavern jabu jabu isn't here at all when you're an adult but the loading zone to get inside him actually is still here to get inside I activated the infinite sword glitch then got into this corner and aligned with this fence I did two back flips then pressed a to roll and released Target during the roll then I pressed Target again did a side hop to the left then pressed a to roll and released Target during the roll again finally I held Target again side hopped right then pressed a to roll again but didn't release Target during it this time and then I ran forward until link was at the edge since the infinite sword glitch was active he didn't jump off now I pulled out a bomb chew and PAW buffered until it flashed red for a ninth time when it did I side hopped right while shielding and Link was now hovering in this little Gap here slightly submerged in the water then I held up right in the control stick if you hold upright while in this position link will do this kind of straf looking walk but as you bring the control stick from upright closer to straight up he changes to walking diagonally I kept moving the stick up until he started the diagonal walk and then went a tiny bit further beyond that then I pulled out another bomb chew using pause buffering again I waited until it flashed red eight times and as soon as it went blue after the eighth red flash I paused again held shield and right on the stick then continued pause buffering this made link drop the bomb chew I continued pause buffering until link leaned to the right on this Frame when I unpaused I pressed a and Link performed a roll then I pause buffered one more time until I saw this Frame of the bomb chew's explosion and then I side hopped to the left while shielding doing all of this clip link into the loading zone for jabu jabu letting me get inside the first section of the dungeon wasn't too different from a regular playthrough obviously adult Link's height made it easier to get around but I went through the rooms mostly like you're supposed to the hook shot was able to activate the switches so not being able to use the slingshot wasn't much of an issue soon enough I got the boomerang and although it appears invisible in adult Link's hand when you throw it it becomes visible and functions identically to how it does for young Link this was all I really needed from the dungeon and skipping the rest of the dungeon would only require a very simple bomb hover but since the trick to get in here was so precise and it taken me so long to do I wanted to spend more time in here so I decided to play the whole thing it wasn't that different from normal until the room with the big octo where the Zora Sapphire was weird and small and didn't seem to move as Princess rudo interacted with it the weird tiny Sapphire also stayed there for the entire fight and even made the spiritual Stone sound the entire [Music] time the rest of the dungeon was no different than normal and then I took on the boss who was also no different than normal with the boomerang equipped I got the heart container got the sapphire and then warped to the Forest Temple I was initially expecting this to be fairly similar to a regular playthrough but I quickly found several issues for example there's a block that requires you to play the song of time to remove it and I couldn't push the blocks in this room since link didn't have the Goron bracelet or any other strength upgrades fortunately I was able to do some glitches to get through the ground jump glitch let me climb onto some of them and at the top of the room I was able to hover up to the exit and from there I only had to go a little further to do the fight that got me the bow and with that I was ready to get this place finished I saved the game and reset to return to the temple entrance and then I headed back to the main room I headed for the north side of the room and got into this corner I targeted the wall to face it then rolled into this corner then I went into first person mode and lined up so that the letter T in the word return was to the right of the pillar in front of me I back flipped went into first person mode and lined up again but this time lining up the letter r with the right side of the pillar then I back flipped again and Link hopped over the wall and grabbed onto the ledge of the platform I was on I climbed up and he was now kind of within the railing then I lined up again in first person mode so that the letter r in return was aligned with the side of the dark entryway in the distance and walked slowly forward until I reached the end of the platform finally I went into first person mode again and aligned the letter r with this lighter colored pillar here then I walked slowly forward and Link fell inside the platform and grabbed a ledge inside it I let go and he fell inside from here getting to the boss was fairly simple I walked inside the platform to get link close to the stairs turned around to the north then ran forward and jumped into the abyss and followed it with a jump slash this gave link enough distance to fall into the loading zone for the boss room once inside the boss itself was essentially the same as ever with that I got the heart container and got my first proper Medallion after that I went outside and replenished my bombs this is also the point where I remembered that the bridge to Garuda Valley would be fixed so I decided to stock up on bomb chews as well it took quite a bit of time but I eventually managed to cap them out next I headed for the Death Mountain crater to get to the fire temple entrance I did a mega flip to do it you put down a bomb then back away until the a button says attack instead of grab then just before it explodes you roll into it and then immediately back flip if you get the timing right link gets sent flying backwards there wasn't actually a need to do this I just thought it would be fun to get the fire temple warp song and then go into Goron Village from the crater to get the Goron tunic doing things in kind of a reverse order it just seemed like fun going into the temple my game plan was basically the same as what I did for the Forest Temple I was planning to go through it normally until I got the hammer and then skip to the boss this was mainly because there were obstacles like song of time blocks and heavy blocks that I couldn't push for the most part since I had already gotten a lot of items like bombs arrows and the hook shot the dungeon went mostly the same as normal other than this room where since I couldn't push the heavy block I had to hover up on top of it and then climb from there to the platforms above when I eventually got my hands on the hammer I was already so close to the end of the dungeon that I ended up just doing it normally I got the heart container and got the next Medallion next up was the water temple I didn't have all the items I needed to get into the temple so I walked up to the Lakeside laboratory I walked into this corner and until Link's top half started to clip inside turned around then back flipped to end up inside it once inside I jumped into this Gap in the ground like I explained in zoro's domain earlier water extends downwards infinitely so I was able to swim out of it to fall and then pull link back in to re-enter the water from lower down once I was pretty far down I swam for the water temple entrance and made it inside without needing any items at all inside the temple I was faced with a bit of a roadblock to change the water levels and get through the dungeon You're supposed to play Zelda's lullabi next to these Tri course plaques on the walls since I didn't have Zelda's lullabi I couldn't do that but the item you get from this dungeon is the long shot which I didn't really feel like I needed since I could hover so I decided to just skip the entire dungeon in the first room there's a Target you're supposed to hit with the long shot to reach the boss but I just hovered over to the platform once I was across I went through the door behind the target walked up the ramp and approached the boss door I didn't have the boss key but fortunately just like in the Forest Temple I can skip it I started by doing two bomb hovers into the air Then I Dropped a bomb and pulled out the sword just as it exploded pulling out the sword cancels the infinite sword glitch and sends link back down to the ground and the bomb's explosion Clips him through the door and with that I got the heart container got the next Medallion and headed off next I went and replenished my bomb shoes then I headed back to kakaro Sheik taught me the nocturn of Shadow which would let me warp to the Shadow Temple but there was a problem to open up the temple entrance you need to use either DS fire or fire arrows to light the Torches however both both of those require the use of magic which I couldn't get because I didn't have Zelda's lullabi which is required to activate the fairy fountain that gives you the magic meter so I needed to find an alternate way into the temple I headed to the graveyard then got up on top of dampe's house I activated the infinite sword glitch and then hovered until I made it on top of the wall surrounding the graveyard the infinite sword glitch prevented me from falling off so I made my way along the wall until I got to the Eastern end of the map I walked to this spot so I was above the stairs leading down to the temple then turned to the side and side hopped this gave me enough distance to make it down to the torch room but like with The Deco Tree in Zora's River the way I got here made it so the area down here didn't load properly so I was able to just walk into the loading zone for the entrance and get inside I played through the first section of the temple like normal which let me get my hands on the hover boots now if you're familiar with this game then you'll know that later on in the dungeon you have to ride a boat that you activate with Zelda's lullabi since I couldn't do that I had to skip it and I was going to do that from this very room I went up to this side of the chest then held Target to line up with it I side hopped to the left back flipped and pulled out the sword then I released Target and pressed right on the control stick very lightly twice to make link performed two very tiny turns to the right then I held Target again held left on the control stick and pressed B three times to perform three horizontal slashes on the third slash I started paw buffering until this Frame where Link's sword hand was covered by his head on this Frame I equipped the hover boots then I Advanced three more frames until it looked like this and then without releasing in Target I pressed the button for the hook shot and that series of actions I just took made link clip through the wall after staying in the air for a moment because of the hover boots he fell all the way down to the room that has the boss key door in it however as has happened a number of times in this video so far because I didn't get here normally the room was only partially loaded and was invisible so I had to navigate my way to the boss door but since this room is full of holes you're supposed to get across using the hover boots that wasn't as easy as it had been for those previous areas so to do it I held down Shield then held down on the control stick and briefly released shield and then held it again so that link turned around like this then I did a side hop to the left and released Target during the roll and then held it again then started holding up and mashing a to roll across the platforms from here I watched the glow of the hover boots around Link's feet the glow disappears instantly when you walk onto a platform and appears when you're hovering in midair when it disappeared for a second time I knew I had made it to the second platform so I brought link back so he was standing on that platform and then went upright to reach the platform with the boss key door unfortunately even though the other areas I loaded weirdly like this had removed obstacles that were in my way this wasn't one of those cases and despite being invisible the boss key door was still there you can skip the boss key door in this dungeon but it's not nearly as simple as the other ones and I also had to do it with the added challenge of the room being invisible I moved around the platform until I figured out which side the door was on it's the only side you can't walk off of Once I found it I got up against it so Link's left side was touching it she shielded then held left on the stick and stabbed Twice The Recoil put link into this position then I back walked off the ledge and climbed back up without moving I pulled out a bomb chew and let it flash red three times when it started to dim after the third red flash I pause buffered until the frame where it was at its darkest then back walked off the ledge again which sent the bomb chew running I immediately climbed back up and then held left I started pause buffering again and did so until this Frame where I pressed a to make link roll then I pause buffered again again until the very first frame were link grabbed onto the ledge and then pressed Target the positioning and timing of all of this caused the bomb chew's explosion to clip link through the boss door which led him touch the loading zone to get into the boss room I got the heart container and collected the second last Medallion after that I headed back to kakar Rico Village I already had the warp song to the spirit temple from earlier so I could head there right this second if I wanted but there were two things I wanted to take care of before I did that first I talked to this lady and got the pocket egg this thing will hatch into a pocket CUO later why is this important it isn't at all this accomplishes nothing I just wanted to bring this little friend with me for the rest of the adventure and the other thing I wanted to do was replenish my bombs with that done I warped to the spirit Temple I was met with my first road block almost immediately to get to The Adult Link section of the dungeon You're supposed to push this block using the silver gauntlets which you get from the young Link section of this dungeon since I didn't have any strength upgrades I couldn't push it so instead I got onto this railing lined up around here in first person mode then jumped off and got up onto this statue then I put on the hover boots and ran off the statue turning and running in the direction of the block once I got close so I could grab onto it link grabbed it and like in the Forest Temple when he climbed up he went through the roof which allowed me to walk on top of the block out of bounds and jump off in the direction I wanted to go from there I went through the dungeon normally for one room yeah I only wanted to get a small key from this section because I thought it might make it easier to get through my actual destination a lot of this dungeon wants you to use things like the silver gauntlets in Zelda's lullabi which meant traveling through it without them would be tricky so instead I decided to eliminate most of the traveling I headed back outside of the dungeon the silver gauntlets and the mirror Shield are actually both placed outside of the dungeon and you access them by traveling through the inside of it so that meant that all I had to do to get access to both of them was to just get up to them from out here I think you can see where I'm going with this I activated the infinite sword glitch and then I walked up against this wall around here I held Target to align with it and then I back flipped then I pressed a to roll and released Target during the roll this gave me the angle I wanted I walked into the corner between the pillar and the wall in front of me then pressed a to roll until Link stopped moving when I did then I side hopped to the left twice briefly shielded without releasing Target then did one more roll by pressing a from here I pulled out a bomb ran backwards until I was at the bottom of the stairs dropped the bomb ran back up the stairs and back flipped into the explosion while shielding to start my hover I put on the hover boots and did five more hovers backwards using bomb chews for one of them however I had to make sure to tap Z in the brief moment the bomb chew is out of Link's hands when you're in a hover the camera acts as if you're holding down Z to Target even if you're not but if you actually Target something with Z you can release it to exit the targeting mode so while holding down on the control stick I tapped R and A to Shield the bomb chew and back flip and tapped Z quickly while while doing that to Target the bomb Che in the brief moment it was out of my hands this let me get out of targeting mode I held up left slightly then briefly released the stick and then immediately tap down at Z to lock the camera end links angle this way instead this allowed me to continue my hover but in the direction of the temple itself I did five more of these at which point I switched back to the Kiri boots and did two back flips which put link on this little bit he could stand on and from there I just walked up the seam pulled out the hook shot and used it to pull myself up to the chest which finally got me the silver gauntlets now I wanted to get the mirror Shield the mirror Shield was on the statue's other hand across the wide Gap to get to it I aimed link towards the corridor that led back into the temple then I held Target pulled out a bomb shielded to drop it rolled forward once then back flipped and held shield from this position I waited until the bomb was just about to explode and then I mashed a with good timing this made link shoot backwards with Incredible speed I paused immediately and equipped the hover boots then unpaused and kept holding shield for a few moments then I released it and pressed B and Link performed a jump slash that gave him just enough extra height to reach the other side I walked into the corridor to make the chest spawn and the mirror Shield was mine since I'd skipped all the way to the mirror Shield I actually ended up working my way backwards through the dungeon fighting the iron knuckle to open the way back rather than forward however the boss key here is behind a door that requires Zelda's lullabi to open so once I got to the boss door I had to clip into the boss room fortunately this one isn't hard at all it's very similar to the one I used in the water temple I got into this corner then did the exact same setup the timing for this one seems a little bit more precise than the water temple one so when I dro the bomb to the ground I pause buffered until the frame where the bomb turns red and is bigger just before the bomb explodes and pressed B on that frame to fall back down and clip through the door and with that I'd skipped the entirety of the child section of the dungeon and the vast majority of the adult section and with that I got the heart container and collected the final Medallion after that I headed back to the Temple of Time where Zelda gave me the light arrows before promptly getting crystaled now there was an obvious problem here the way to ganon's Castle was open which meant I was free to head in and once I was inside I was able to easily skip past the trials by doing a simple trick I headed into the spirit Temple room pulled the closest statue over to this spot then jump slashed into the gap between the statue and the door to clip through this let me get back into the unloaded main room and from there I could just navigate in the dark until I made it to the loading zone for the tower I can fight my way up the tower and make it to to gondorf just fine but this is where that problem comes into play without magic even though I had the light arrows I couldn't actually use them which meant I couldn't beat the fight this was actually the biggest roadblock I had faced in the entire playthrough I didn't have Zelda's lullabi so I couldn't use fairy fountains which meant I couldn't get magic I couldn't get any bottles as Adult Link which meant I couldn't do the crazy glitches that allow you to modify your inventory and status and I couldn't get my hands in any cut scene items that would allow me to do a wrong warp to Ganon from the deu tree which meant I had no to skip past the ganador fight and because things like stale reference manipulation require setups that are dependent on a ton of factors including the platform you're playing on that was out of the picture as well so I only had two options here I either had to find some way to get a bottle as Adult Link or I had to find some way to learn Zelda's lpy after all there was no other way to complete the game so I spent a few days researching tricks and glitches I had never heard of and find they weren't possible for one reason or another many setups I found required bottles and if I had those I wouldn't have had a problem in the first place but after a lot of digging I eventually stumbled onto a video from a channel called Aki that held the key to solving this problem special thank you to toxic oxygen from the Ocarina of Time speedrunning Discord for helping explain part of this trick that I was confused about and get ready because this might be the weirdest trick of the entire playthrough I headed for lawn laan Ranch I went over to this wall and hovered over it this is the wall you normally jump over with a pona to escape the ranch with her even though I never got a pona song by hovering over this wall the game assumed I got over at the normal way and I can actually get a pona out of the ranch I can't call her with the song but she's perfectly usable once I had a pona I went to Lake halia and went to this spot across from the lab I walked forward into the gossip Stone and then immediately stopped and jumped off a pona and got into the water before the text box went away this allowed me to remove the sword from the B button why is that important well if you don't have an item on B the game allows you to use items from the C buttons while riding a pona so for example you can use the Ocarina to basically fall through aona and then she'll be running around separately from link and you'll kind of be controlling both of them if you press a link warps back over to aona this might seem like just a fun little Oddity but this mechanic was actually incredibly crucial to beating the game I headed back to lawn laon Ranch now that I had technically done the aona escape the ranch was in the state that comes after that where Milan is now standing by the field instead of Ingo and you can talk to her to play A Min game I ran for the jumpable wall on the Eastern side of the map on aona and just before she jumped over I used to the Ocarina and Link fell off of her when I put the Ocarina away aona jumped over the wall but link didn't go with her which meant I didn't load into hyu field I pulled out the hook shot then used the Ocarina again and then put it away the camera was locked on aona so I used the mini map to navigate North West of where I was which eventually snapped the camera back over to link once the camera was following link again I oriented myself so that Malon was right in front of me and then I turned towards the screen and back walked towards her because of the weird State the game was in the camera didn't Center her behind link when I held Z so I back walked by holding up on the stick instead once I got close to Malon I pressed a to talk to her and then mashed B to get through her text and accept the mini game at a certain point during this conversation the camera suddenly snaps back over to aona and Link teleports over to her shortly after this happens this puts him over the wall with her which means you load into hyru field if you close the text box during the sequence of events but do it too late then the same thing happens close the text box too early and you'll load into malan's miname before that happens but if you close the text box on the exact right [Music] frame you warp straight to Hyrule Castle right outside of Zelda's Courtyard I had to in talk to Zelda watched the cut scenes with their amazing camera angles and then talk to impa to finally finally get Zelda's Lullaby with it I headed up Death Mountain played it at the fairy fountain and after an entire playthrough without it finally got my hands on Magic I now had everything I needed to beat the game but since I'd gone to so much effort to get Zelda's lullabi I wanted to profit from it as much as I could so I went into the Death Mountain crater and went to the Fountain there to double the size of my magic meter then I went back to the outside of ganon's Castle and clipped flipped into the fairy fountain there to get the double defense upgrade without the golden gauntlets using a very similar trick to the Shadow Temple and finally although it had nothing to do with getting Zelda's lullabi I finally went back to the deu tree and got the kiri's emerald from the boss room getting the reward from the first dungeon last and with that it was time for the final battle since I had already been to the tower earlier to get the clip of me fighting Ganondorf without magic it was a simple battlef free climb and when I got to Ganondorf after he made me do all that crazy stuff just to get Zelda's lullabi I wanted to exact my revenge so I defeated him in a single cycle and then beat Ganon without taking damage I'd say that's a suitable punishment for what I had to go through to get to this point and with that the adventure was over you can indeed beat the Legend of Zelda fairy Ocarina using only Adult Link it's kind of funny when I initially got those comments a few months ago suggesting I do this I thought at first that it wouldn't be very difficult or interesting but in the end I'd say this was even more crazy than doing it as young Link at some points some of the tricks I had to do to get around using things I didn't have were nuts and even though I could have done the glitch to get Zelda's lullabi much earlier I didn't know about that trick until I used it and I think things ended up being a lot more interesting without it if you want to try this yourself this entire playthrough was done on the Nintendo switch version so I don't think you'd have any issues doing anything I did here on any version of the game you happen to own I hope you enjoyed and thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: MandatoryPixel
Views: 114,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the legend of zelda ocarina of time, ocarina of time, oot, can you beat, challenge, without young link, only adult link, adult link, link, zelda, nintendo, gaming
Id: TlzxWzBKMcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 7sec (2347 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2024
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