The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time Iceberg: A Deeper Look

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/beach2 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2022 🗫︎ replies
the legend of zelda ocarina of time needs no introduction on this channel while i have done a zelda iceberg that covered both ocarina of time and majora's mask there were many things left out specifically in ocarina of time that i really wanted to talk about that's when i stumbled across this iceberg from the website it has loads of interesting points some i didn't even have a chance to discuss yet and of course some that i inevitably have already discussed however i'm going to assume you haven't seen my other video and talk about it as if it's new as well as correct some mistakes i may have made in certain repeat entries also i'll do my best to fix my lesson stellar pronunciations of certain words like ocarina i figured now would be a fantastic time to do an episode entirely dedicated to ocarina of time as my good friend sunflower made an iceberg video dedicated entirely to majora's mask we coordinated our video uploads today to deliver a double serving of iceberg goodness just in time for the holiday season so after this video go check out sunflower's channel for a new majora's mask iceberg video as well as much more no long introduction for this one no backstory or nostalgia trip but i'll do my best to still add in the usual personal commentary anecdotes and stories that i may have for each point when necessary so grab a snack get comfy this is gonna be a long video let's get started bottle tennis in both the phantom ganon and ganondorf fights you can use a bottle to hit back the projectile energy ball back towards your opponent as a kid i recall learning of this little fact but personally i always felt like it took longer for the ball to actually hit ganon when using the bottle but maybe it just felt that way though i don't know along with that i also felt like hitting the ball back with the big goron sword hid it back faster than even the master sword and again as a kid thought the speed of which the orb was hit back had something to do with the strength of the hit but i'm sure that's not the case in any way apparently the swing radius and duration of the bottle as opposed to using the master sword or the big goron sword is wider and longer making hitting the orb easier but again i always felt like it was much more difficult i don't know ganondorf's blood the earliest versions of ocarina of time that being 1.0 as well as the first revised version 1.1 which has many changes ganondorf's blood remains red both when you first defeat him as ganondorf and he coughs up red blood and lastly when you defeat ganon and the cutscene plays of link finishing him off each slash sending out a spray of red blood that blood in every subsequent release of the game from 1.2 cartridges on the nintendo 64 to the gamecube version and every virtual console release since has changed that blood color to green this was rumored to have been changed in order to ensure the game kept an esrb e rating which i guess could be true but i've only ever heard of a game getting their esrb ratings changed when previously hidden content was discovered kind of like san andreas or elder scrolls oblivion this scene however plays during a pivotal point in the main story so i don't really know if i believe that but who knows milking cows if you play a pona song for cows throughout the game they'll respond and ask if you'd like to fill an empty bottle with milk as a kid i actually never figured this out and like most of you i'm sure you heard the moves and possibly even stumbled across that cow that's like up on death mountain in the cave i just never understood it why why is there a cow there like i get it you can get milk here and that's useful but in the context of the game there's just a poor cow that somehow fell down this hole and has been stuck here for who knows how long luckily it appears to have water and some grass so maybe it's fine with where it's at and it's not even the only one in a hole over near the entrance to garuda valley there's another hole with a cow in it and this one doesn't appear to have a source of food or water oh well zora's river invisible rupees there are many invisible rupees in the water that flows through zoro's river if you start at the top near the entrance to zora's domain and make your way through the water back out to hyrule field you can obtain around 30 rupees one red rupee granting 20 and the remaining being single green rupees plenty of other invisible rupees exist throughout the game like the ones in the moat of hyrule castle and we'll get into those soon enough so um coco attack starting back in a link to the past on the super nintendo and appearing in nearly all zelda games since if you attack cuckoos multiple times the cuckoo will eventually call for help and an endless swarm of cuckoos will continuously attack link until you either enter a different area or go into a building this has since of course become an incredibly popular feature in the zelda series also just a quick side note i'm doing my best to look up pronunciations of certain words from zelda and i came across this poll with over twelve hundred votes on how to pronounce coco and cucco has forty percent of the votes and kako has thirty four percent and cuckoo has 25 so with words like this i'm just i'm just gonna go with the most popular one that's cuco so i used to say cuckoo but i'm going to go with cuco just letting you guys know back to the video kakariko village music variations i actually never really noticed this as a kid i mean i think i did i always recalled songs sort of changing but i wasn't sure if i was just hearing different parts of them or what the real cause was but upon researching this iceberg it appears that kakariko village has different music whether you're kid link or adult link those differences being an acoustic rendition of the song for kidlink and an orchestral version for adult link [Music] [Music] now hang on for a second because i think i'm losing my mind here i vividly remember always hearing two different songs when link pulls the master sword from its pedestal not in the same game but in different versions i remember being at a friend's house or something and every now and then i assumed based on the version of the game their song was different i've been doing research on it though since coming across this point and now i can't find anything on this my only guess is that either of course i was wrong this whole time despite my memory or maybe everybody on youtube who's playing the game is using a rom of a specific version which is entirely common since most people get their roms from the same source and generally always go for 1.0 over any other version i really have no idea what this is all about it could just be a mandela effect thing but i just remember it so clearly hearing two different versions of the song every now and then and just thinking it was strange but anyway we got a lot of iceberg left to cover so let's carry on stealing the fisherman's hat if you aim your fishing rod at the fisherman who runs the fishing game and cast just right you can catch his hat on your hook he'll ask for you to give it back which you can either accept or refuse refusing will keep the hat on the hook and you can cast out into the pond and eventually the hat will fall off and sink to the bottom upon doing this the fishermen will get upset and demand you pay a 50 rupee fine which you can't opt out of nor does the game even give you a menu to select yes or no it just automatically deducts the funds from your rupees i wanted to see what would happen if you caught the hat and didn't have enough rupees to cover it but unfortunately my save file was already like both of them already had the hat gone so if anybody can find out what happens there comment below because i am curious draw bridge rupees anytime you need to rack up some quick rupees you can climb the metal chains of the drawbridge outside hyrule castle marketplace and get up to three red rupees valued at 20 rupees each two of the rupees reside at the top of each chain and the third is in the middle which can be reached either by jumping from the chain towards the center of the bridge or by waiting till night when the drawbridge goes up and simply walking across the top of the bridge if you enter any other area in return these rupees respawn making this an incredibly efficient money making method mario portraits in zelda's courtyard from zelda's courtyard there are windows on each side that each have something special facing zelda to the left is a hallway in which if you shoot the window with your slingshot a guard will yell at you and throw a bomb at you if you peer into the window to the right you can see portraits of mario luigi yoshi peach and bowser shooting this window with a slingshot will reward you with a red rupee talon and ingo are the mario brothers yet another mario reference talon and ingo are considered by many to be a nod to the mario brothers talon being the larger and shorter of the two and wearing red resembling mario and ingo being slender and tall while wearing green resembling luigi though the similarities don't really go much beyond that given that ingo really doesn't seem to like talon then again maybe it's like a meta joke about how ingo is the representation of luigi's frustration for his place in his brother's shadow 1.0 fire temple music one of the most popular mysteries of ocarina of time has to be the fire temple chanting present in the 1.0 and 1.1 cartridges of ocarina of time many sources state that the game was pulled from shelves early on after its initial release when concerned members of the islamic community noticed chanting in the fire temple that reportedly sounded like a specific prayer from the quran though after digging and research conducted by many different parties it seems this isn't the case at all but it's easy to see why people would think it's true games like little big planet had similar controversies that did result in the games being edited due to such backlash i highly recommend checking out the game trailers pop fiction episode regarding the topic as they go much more in depth but to summarize it appears that all versions of ocarina of time from version 1.0 to 1.2 were all completed prior to the release date of the game in any territory which is incredibly interesting [Music] [Music] nintendo clearly felt the need to change the music among other things but then why didn't they just not send the earlier versions to stores if they thought it was such an issue maybe they just had too many copies ready to ship at the time and the cost of reflashing the roms would have not been worth it but who knows interestingly the chanting comes from a sampling cd called voice spectral and features many samples that were quite heavily used in other ocarina of time tracks furthermore the chanting was also used in the nintendo 64 port of cruise and world in the cairo cruisin stage music [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] as well as in an xbox game called kakuto trojan back alley brutal ironically kakuto trojan was pulled from shelves due to this and was never re-released again [Music] lakeside laboratory shark in the lakeside laboratory of lake hylia there is an incredibly deep pool if you use the iron boots and sink to the bottom you'll see a metal grate with a shark on the other side on a nintendo 64 version of the game as well as every version that is using this version such as gamecube iq and the virtual console releases the shark is a texture and it's pretty realistic looking funnily enough despite being a flat texture in the 3ds version it's modeled and it still looks quite realistic the shark of course has no purpose and there's no way to interact with it it's really just there for decoration but it does bring up some interesting questions this shark is openly present in the game no easter egg no special steps required to see it it's simply there so that makes it canon in the zelda universe there are real sharks that resemble real life sharks in our world it's just kind of weird to think about rocket gossip stones gossip stones are interesting by hitting them with your sword they'll bounce around a little bit and tell you what time it is within the game a bit of information that isn't necessarily useful in ocarina of time as it is in majora's mask if you hit the stone with the megaton hammer you'll smash it flat for a few seconds only for it to spring back to its original shape if you shoot it with a fire arrow or it's hit by dens fire the gossip stone will spin rapidly stretch tall then once again reclaim its original shape if you hit it with a regular arrow or your hook shot the stone will just bounce around a tiny bit using a bomb or a bomb shoe on the gossip stone will trigger a countdown where the gossip stone will flash blue a few times and lastly red before rocketing up into the sky leaving the area and returning will bring the gossip stone back if you manage to hit the gossip stone with your sword during any moment that it is either blue or red the stone will stay this way until you trigger another countdown the only other fun thing about gossip stones is their namesake in that if you wear the mask of truth they will tell you a fun fact about characters the land lore and much more so i always thought that was pretty fascinating 1.0 mirror shield texture so similarly to the 1.0 fire temple music this entry on the iceberg is technically incorrect from what research i've done every version of the nintendo 64 cartridges of ocarina of time from 1.0 to 1.2 feature the original mirror shield texture which has the crescent moon and star on it as well as the gerudo blocks the updated mirror shield texture was only included in subsequent releases for the gamecube virtual console iq and so on so unless i'm missing something that's unique to the 1.0 mirror shield texture and this point isn't simply in regards to the symbol that's the best explanation i've got so if somehow my research is incorrect about the n64 cartridges and you have one that doesn't have that texture please tell me because i checked multiple cartridges to see and every single one had the crescent moon star link's tree drawing simply put outside link's house in kokori forest there are a few pictures that look to have been drawn on the base of the tree presumably by link and his friends one of these pictures depicts a small figure fighting a large looking beast foreshadowing link's final fight with ganon sinking lure the sinking lure is an item found in the fishing pond in both the kid and adult time the sinking lure can't be obtained in the child timeline until kid link first acquires the heart piece for catching a large fish after which it becomes available likewise the sinking lure can't be obtained as adult link until the player has obtained the golden scale the sinking lure is not legal to use for registering caught fish and saving them for your record but the fisherman will let you use it to play around with but besides that it doesn't really have much use except making it a little easier to catch fish and the hylian loach differing targeting sounds when locking onto a target with z targeting the sound effect will be unique depending on whether you're locking onto an enemy an object or an mpc this sound effect is also unique whether or not you're in the overworld or in a dungeon the sound is also unique whether or not you're hitting z target to actually lock on to something or just doing it with no target hello [Music] power crouch stab crouch stabbing is an attack that can be performed by holding the shield button and attacking while in the crouched position only as kid link due to some programming oversight developers didn't provide a value to the damage this attack deals therefore the crouch dab assigns its damage value based on the last attack you did if your last attack was a standard slash for example the crouch dab would do that amount of damage if your last attack was a jump slash which of course deals two points of damage the crouch stab would do the same now where this trick really comes into use is when it's used in conjunction with the deku sticks deku stix in ocarina of time are interesting and incredibly powerful for some reason as a matter of fact the styx attacks are all capable of dealing the same damage output as the master sword with this in mind if you jump slash with the master sword which would generally do four points worth of damage doing this with the deku stick would translate to that damage being dealt by the crouch dab of the kokori sword which is incredibly useful during the early game and the late stage moments when you need to play as kid link again like during the spirit temple or the bottom of the well sunsong freezes re-deads playing the sun song within proximity of redeads as well as gibdos will instantly freeze them in a layer of ice for a short time there isn't really much else to this point and i never really found any point in the game where it's necessarily useful i guess maybe in the composer brother's tomb in the room with the acid it may be easier to navigate when you don't have to worry about three deads but besides that it's just an interesting note as a side note as a kid i noticed that after the frozen effect would wear off a damaged sound effect would play so i once thought that you could possibly kill the re-deads if you play the song a few times and i spent longer than i like to admit playing the song repeatedly in the marketplace trying to kill them too no avail just a quick note before we start on this layer there are many facts that while i'd love to really dive deep into them they just don't have a whole lot behind them so on this layer while it's dense with a lot of facts many of the facts themselves will be very short and with that let's continue the dive adaptive hyrule field music the music that plays while link is in hyrule field is iconic whether fighting enemies exploring or just enjoying the sights the music always seemed to fit the mood just perfectly and well that's because it did hyrule field's music was made to adapt to what the player was doing and change accordingly based off three states link could be in when fighting the music would become thrilling when running around the music would become normal and adventurous and when standing or walking or just moving slowly in general the music would be much more peaceful and calming as a kid i actually noticed that the music would always play a certain part whenever enemies were around but i never really knew why or that this was the cause i even thought it may have just been a coincidence that the music reached that point every time i just happened to notice it during a fight until i realized i never heard it unless enemies were around and that's pretty awesome that they put that in the game [Music] oh [Music] uh [Applause] [Music] [Music] big fairies if you take out your ocarina in front of gossip stones and play either the sun song or the song of storms you'll trigger a big fairy to spawn these fairies heal 8 hearts of health and also entirely refill your magic meter butterfly fairies as kidlink it's possible to turn butterflies into fairies if you walk near them with a deku stick this was actually a trick that i never got to work as a kid for some reason and i have no idea why i knew that you could do it and it's not like it's that hard to do but i swear as a kid i could never get this trick to work dark link mirrors your health dark link the mini boss in the water temple who's arguably more annoying than 95 of the bosses in the game unless you know how to cheese him has an interesting mechanic where the amount of health he has is equal to the amount of health link has when you enter his chamber not much really more to say about this one though moving on deep alcove in zora's domain in zora's domain there's an incredibly deep point beneath the water that has what looks like a cave entrance in it i actually never noticed this until i did research on this iceberg despite all my messing around with game sharks and whatnot i never bothered exploring under the water in zora's domain either in the child or adult timeline apparently when digging through beta files map data was found for a cave that many speculate was where this cave was meant to originally lead but that's still a mystery to this day fixing broken signs if you are to slash at a sign or break in any way you can repair it by playing zelda's lullaby and that's really it for this one definitely the shortest century by far ganondorf uses fishing sounds the sounds that ganondorf makes as he flies around is the same sound made when using the fishing rod while casting out your line as the phantom ganon fight is basically a copy of the initial ganondorf fight phantom ganon 2 uses the same sounds as he flies around the field giant lever in the desert colossus levers will spawn as you run throughout the desert if you continuously fight them eventually a much larger blue one will spawn unfortunately killing it and continuing to kill levers won't make an even larger one spawn like the stall childs do it's just a set sized large lever that's blue but still cool though kakariko death mountain trail gate guard abuses power during the mask salesman quest the very first step is to find someone who would like to buy the ketone mask while on your journey you eventually find that the guard outside the gate to death mountain trail is interested in the mask and will ask if he can purchase it from you if you say no he'll actually close the gate and refuse you entry until you agree to sell him the mask thus abusing his power as a public servant by denying entry until he gets what he wants locked out of dampe's heart piece during dampe's gravedigging minigame you have the chance for him to dig up a heart piece the way this heart piece works in game is once dampee has dug it up one time it will remain on the floor until link picks it up however if you were to leave the area enter dampe's hut or in any way caused the location to shift despawning the heart piece it would then become unobtainable for the rest of the game as the game would register that dampe had already dug up the heart piece and assume you got it orange rupee so this is a bit of a strange one now the entries on have this little thing where if you hover over them with your mouse cursor a little window will pop up with more information which is quite helpful in the research for these topics however with this entry i'm a little bit confused it claims that by killing skull kids there's a chance that they will drop an orange rupee which is valued at 200 rupees which is all fine and good except on the only rupees that it lists as present in ocarina of time are green rupees blue rupees red rupees purple rupees silver rupees and gold which of course you know the gold rupee is valued at 200 not orange also it goes without saying that the texture used when obtaining a rupee from a mini game or a chest as opposed to finding it on the ground very drastically in color and appearance so i actually think that this is meant to just be a gold rupee and it's colored in such a way that it appears orange otherwise why would it have the same value as a gold giant ruby skull mask repels keys as a kid i always thought the mask quest was kind of pointless as it didn't seem as if any of the masks actually had any real valuable use other than the mask of truth which i mean even with its ability to read gossip stones which is really just kind of fun and nothing more really doesn't do anything but upon researching the points on this iceberg it is indeed true that if you're wearing the skull mask keys will not attack you this is actually a bit useful in dungeons like the dongos cavern or any of the crypts in kakariko village graveyard where there are plenty of keys it's funny that one of the masks you sell has an effect and none of the four masks you earn after completing the quest actually do something but regardless it's a pretty cool bonus unloading haunted wasteland sandstorm definitely a very interesting little glitch if you can call it that if you're in the haunted wasteland and die at any point then select to continue your game when you start back at the entrance of the haunted wasteland the sandstorm effect will be gone making visibility much more clear adult windmill cuckoo as adult link in kakariko village there's a post that you can hook shot to in the windmill that leads to some stairs and up on the stairs is a cuckoo and really that's it i'm not really sure what the significance is if any maybe to reach some of the roofs that require the long shot to reach you only need the hook shot to reach this spot and some roofs do require the long shot so maybe it's that i really can't think of any other explanation for this cuckoo and even the one i came up with is a bit of a stretch so its purpose there is a mystery to me at least bribe the castle gate guard so this one took a little bit for me to figure out before i finally understood how it worked when you first arrive at hyrule castle you have to go find a way in to meet princess zelda the first guard you come across will be guarding a gate and will simply welcome you to the castle if you get caught sneaking in more than twice he'll change what he says to link basically that the princess will never accept an audience with the likes of him you can get tossed out as many times as you want and the bribe message won't appear only working after you retrieve the egg from malin then if you get tossed out he'll offer to open the gate if you pay 10 rupees and will tell you keep it a secret from everybody which may of course be a reference to the moblin quote from the original legend of zelda who says it's a secret to everybody carpenter's son becomes stealthos the story during the big goron sword quest is very vague with interesting dialogue that hints at a story that we don't really get the full details of but i enjoy that aspect of it very much throughout the game you may have seen the carpenter as well as his son in kakariko village and it appears as if the sun is estranged from the rest of the family but you don't really get much more information than that early on in the big goron sword quest link acquires kojiro the blue cuckoo from well i always called her anju but of course anju is a different character in majora's mask but in this game she's just referred to as the cucao lady anyway you take kojiro to the lost woods to come across her brother and show kujiro to him he'll be surprised that his personal cuckoo has taken a liking to link and believes that to mean link must be a nice guy he tells link to take a mushroom to the potion shop in kakariko and to return quickly with the medicine the lady will make with it upon the potion lady completing the potion she then says to hurry and give it to him however the potion will not work on a monster i'm not sure if this is implying that the old lady knew of the curse of the lost woods or what but even so it's evident that the brother went into the lost woods for that mushroom at least i believe he must have so maybe this desire for the medicine was for some other purpose regardless upon link's return to the spot in the lost woods where he once was fada will be there instead and tell you about the curse and that the brother's gone and all that wander into the forest will become stalfos implying the fate of the brother and she'll give you the poacher's saw that was left behind darunia's chamber shaft in darunia's chamber in goron city there's a perfect square hole that goes up quite a ways with no real explanation or use and really that's about it my guess is that it was probably originally going to be used as maybe an alternate teleportation spot for the fight with kingdodongo as opposed to teleporting right outside the dungeon entrance as there's really nothing above this point logistically speaking the inner volcano is through the secret passageway right behind arunia so it doesn't make sense to actually have it lead from anywhere so maybe that was the original purpose and it was scrapped in development dogs extinct as adult while there are many dogs in ocarina of time i never noticed that these pups only appear in the child time and there are zero dogs during the adult time this leads to a theory that dogs have gone extinct during the seven year time skip but really all the dogs we ever saw in the game were in hyrule marketplace so it's kinda hard to say as of course the town is destroyed in the future and despite some residents moving to kakariko village no dogs are present so that very well may be the case floating bow chest when the chest to the fairy bow spawns in the forest temple it spawns ever so slightly levitated off the floor generally every large chest you can backflip onto but this one with its slight height off the floor makes doing so impossible nothing really more to this point besides the fact that it's just a strange anomaly so on to the next gerudo leader's outfit matches yours the gerudo leader confronts you after freeing the carpenter brothers an interesting bug appears where based off whatever tunic link is wearing her outfit will change colors to match it even if you're in the same room as her which is kind of funny because you could just keep changing your tunic and her clothes will change i actually never noticed this as a kid because i basically always wore the red tunic throughout my entire playthrough unless i had to change it so whenever i saw her wearing red it just matched so well and i figured it was just her outfit but honestly wearing green or blue just don't fit her at all like it's it's like her wearing red was like the color she should have worn and i'm willing to bet that if i had worn any other color during that part i definitely would have noticed giant stall child infinitely growing stall children among all of the giant versions of enemies that can spawn the stall child is the most interesting because it has a strange mechanic tied to it that no other growing enemy has if you keep killing stall childs a large one will spawn that much is still consistent with the others however if you keep going beyond that the next one of spawn will be even larger and larger as you keep going now you can only make them get so large before the inevitable sunrise and the growth resets the following night however with game shark you can make the night never end and make the stall child grow to absurdly large sizes the funny thing is even when doing this the damage it takes to beat him and the damage he deals doesn't change so he's incredibly weak and just really large so it's kind of funny killing skull kids skull kids are fascinating creatures in the world of zelda when examined by navi she says is this what happens to kids who wander into the forest it looks like he doesn't like grown-ups which is true since if you approach any skull kids as adult link they'll immediately attack you killing them however often rewards you with a bunch of money often in the form of one of those orange or as i believe gold rupees as mentioned earlier if you approach the skull kids as kid link and get too close they'll disappear but you can jump on the stump across from them and bring out your ocarina doing so for the lone skull kid and playing zarya's song will get you a piece of heart and doing so in the area with the two skull kids will start a mini game where you have to follow their song which if done correctly will also reward you with yet another heart piece malin and talon's bowser emblem another incredibly short entry simply put malin and talon both have a bowser emblem on their clothing there's really nothing more to it than that really just yet another mario reference real zelda players use hold z targeting as established the gossip stones throughout the game tell you lots of interesting things when you have the mask of truth equipped if you examine the one in king zora's chamber it reads they say that players who select the hold option for z targeting are the real zelda players i find this really funny because it's the very first game to feature z targeting which would remain a mainstay of future 3d zelda titles since so the fact that there's already an established way you're meant to be using it is kind of funny to me to be honest the only thing i find easier about select targeting is that by hitting the lock on button again it selects another target if you're trying to target something specifically but man i guess i need to start playing with hold targeting or else i'm just not a real zelda player oh well statue nipple hook shot collision the giant statue inside the spirit temple has a very interesting feature if you shoot your hook shot at either of the breasts where the nipple would be the hook shot will grab on to it and pulling towards it oddly enough this spot can also deal damage to link as well probably just a blue easter egg from the developers this hook shot collision is still present in ocarina of time 3d though i can't seem to get it to damage link the same way so maybe that was fixed but either way it is still there white bubbles missing in master quest okay i was initially very confused when researching this segment of the iceberg because what i thought the iceberg was referring to was the bubbles you know like the ones in jabu-jabu the entry literally says bubbles but hey i i guess i can't expect anything to be called by literal name since you know bats are called keys but anyway now i know that the bubbles are those floating skulls that zoom around and to my recollection exist only in the spirit temple in a single room and nowhere else in the game and on top of that they're removed entirely from master quest very interesting they aren't a particularly challenging enemy as they don't even attempt to target link at all and they die pretty easily so yeah not much really more about this one alternate temple order generally the order in which navi points you in to do the temples is forest fire water shadow and spirit but this order is really only recommended and certain temples can be done earlier if you so choose even if some spots of the temple may require the item from a previous temple there's nothing stopping you from getting that item and just leaving and going out of order really the only temple that's locked behind progression would be the shadow temple which needs both the fire and water temples completed in order to trigger the cut scene in kakariko village on recent playthroughs of the game i've tried my best to mix up the order by usually going fire temple first and so on as best i can just because i'm so used to playing the game as it was originally intended bunnyhood prevents stall children much like how the skull mask repels keys the bunny hood will straight up prevent any stall children from spawning in hyrule field for as long as you wear it while this is kind of a cool effect it's ultimately not very useful wouldn't it be cool if we got the bunnyhood from majora's mask with the enhanced speed and jumping that would be incredible and so much fun i mean everybody would use it but oh well composer brothers grave and desert colossus this one is just an interesting case of using an object for another purpose simply put one of the large rocks sticking out of the sand in desert colossus is actually just a composer brother's grave from kakariko graveyard wedged into the sand and sticking out to appear as if it's just a nondescript rock pretty clever if you ask me death mountain trail secret climbable wall upon entering death mountain trail you'll come across a bombable wall to the right hand side that houses a gold skeletal the strange thing is you can actually climb the wall in the back of the small cave as if a ladder is attached to it but there isn't my personal assumption is the developers put the skeletal up high despite the player most likely being at a point where they wouldn't have a way to obtain it which in kidling's case would be the boomerang leading me to believe that they probably intended for the player to kill the skeletal sometime during the dodongo's cavern portion of the playthrough notice the skeleton is too high and maybe find out for themselves if they can reach it and possibly discover the climbable wall another interesting note is that not even the lens of truth will reveal any sort of climbable surface or anything so i really don't understand the purpose of it but it is an interesting little note nonetheless dying guard in back alley one of the most famous often missed things in ocarina of time is the dying town guard nowadays this is much more known especially with all the youtube videos covering it but i definitely never knew about it as a kid and no one ever mentioned it from my recollection upon collecting the zora sapphire and making your way back to hyrule castle zelda and impa flee on horseback with gandorf chasing after them after the confrontation continue into hyrule marketplace and go around to the back alley and there you'll find a guard on the ground against a wall speaking to him will trigger a short discussion where he tells link that zelda needs him to go to the temple of time before he takes his final breath and dies attempting to speak to him further returns the text box he's not moving anymore which i always thought was navi saying that but i don't know i guess it could just be an observation internally floating kakariko window yet again another simple and quick one one of the windows to a house in kakariko village wasn't textured properly along the wall of the home and thus appears to be floating on a separate layer above the wall texture i actually did notice this one as a kid giant gray much like the levers in desert colossus if you continuously kill the grays in the same area you can eventually spawn a larger version of it this one too however does not continuously grow like the stall childs but it's still a cool little bonus hidden heart alcove in dodongo's cavern lizolfo's rome in the first floral zolfos room in dodongo's cavern if you jump into a certain lava fall you'll find an alcove that holds a recovery heart it's not even slightly hinted at that you can even do this so it's entirely a leap of faith and i do wonder if anyone found this by complete luck because i mean i i guess jumping into a lava fall would be something i would do i just never did so i guess i can imagine somebody figuring that out but either way it's still funny l is real 2401 the famous plaque featured in super mario 64 makes its way into ocarina of time found in dodongo's cavern and just like in that game it really doesn't mean anything here it's just uses a sign giving a hint to throw bombs in the giant odongo's head to open up the next pathway morning re-deads just a small curiosity if you kill a re-dead while others are around they may wander over to the corpse of the deceased and kneel down beside it some people take this to mean they're consuming the dead others think they're mourning regardless it's definitely intentional and a very strange little thing to throw in there for the redeads zarya's fairy color alright so this one is pretty interesting the point's additional information states that sorry zarya's fairy color changes from save file to save file while other people have claimed that it changes every single time you leave the area zarya's in and return though on the wiki it just states that zarya has a fairy with a pinkish color generally from what i've seen going through countless let's plays on youtube more often than not the fairy is indeed pink though i've also seen yellow green and blue as well so something's definitely up in regards to her fairy color changing but what determines it is beyond me unloading boulder hitboxes if a boulder is a certain distance away their hitbox will not be loaded into the game allowing link to shoot arrows through it or even the long shot if you have the distance right and long shot through the boulder to a grabbable target link will be pulled through the boulder as if it's not there passing right through it without taking any damage you don't have to play if you don't want to if you start any of the shooting gallery minigames and don't fire a single shot after the game the owner of the shop will say you don't have to play if you don't want to if you continue trying to talk to him he will keep repeating this until you leave the building in return furthermore when you initially enter the building the shopkeeper's head will always track you but if you don't do anything during the mini-game and let this you don't have to play line trigger his head tracking will actually look at to the opposite of where link is as if he's deliberately ignoring you which i find to be pretty hilarious bottom of the well and shadow temple are one whole dungeon simply put this point of the iceberg simply states that the bottom of the well is part of the shadow temple as a whole and yeah sure why not it's underground much like the shadow temple it has the same music similar enemies and aesthetic the lens of truth is the item obtained as a kid similar to how the silver gauntlets are obtained as a kid in spirit temple's kid portion so yeah to consider it half of the shadow temple wouldn't really be wrong i mean the shadow temple is so short anyway i think it makes sense to consider the bottom of the well at least half of it dampe stole the hook shot if you enter dampe's hut and read his journal you read about a day that he found an interesting treasure that he claims stretches and shrinks which of course is referring to the hook shot dampe says he dug it up and found it but i guess incriminating himself by saying he found it within someone's grave and he took it for himself probably isn't a good idea so who knows whether he stole it or legitimately just found it while digging a grave really who can say for sure misaligned hyrule offense on the eastern portion of hyrule field there's a fence stretching from the outer boundary to the edge of lawn lawn ranch with a small middle section missing making a gap in the fence the funny thing though is that the gap is not in the location of the dirt road that is located just a little ways down further meaning the fence blocks off the road no idea who did this or why but it's kind of funny spooky mask true purpose the spooky mask has a couple of interesting interactions with certain characters if for whatever reason you wear it and talk to the professor at the lakeside laboratory he'll tell you that the wood used to make the mask came from a coffin just a side note the wiki states that the mask glows at night and while it's not significant it does glow a tiny bit just an interesting little fact about this mask as it seems many of them seem to have insignificant but interesting abilities wearing the mask in front of dampe prompts him to ask you if you know what the mask is and if you do why are you still wearing it which i mean hints at something kind of potentially creepy there cursed rich family stronger than ganon this is absolutely ridiculous but to put it simply when the cursed rich family are in their skeletal form you can attack them as much as you'd like and they'll never take an ounce of damage which is more than you can say for ganondorf the king of evil who cries at the first slashier blade so yeah their invincibility to even your most powerful weapons would make them at least more durable than ganondorf himself ingo raised ganondorf's horse after the seven year time skip upon entering lawn lawn ranch link finds that its ownership has been granted to ingo by ganondorf and once you win a pona you learn that ingo was going to give opponent to ganondorf before losing her to link now this point states that ingo raised ganondorf's horse and obviously ganondorf has had his horse while link is a child so that would assume that ganondorf possibly had gone to london ranch and had done business with them in the past and the biggest clue to this theory being correct is simply that ganondorf went out of his way to appoint ingo as the new owner of the ranch possibly in the past ingo was already on ganondorf's good side and provided him with a horse ingo is also a bit of a jerk anyway so i guess it's kind of fitting that he'd be on ganondorf's side while not entirely poking a hole in this theory one of the gossip stones states that gandorf's horse is a gerudo stallion and none of the horses in lonan ranch ever resemble ganondorf's horse that has a very unique design even without its armor but i mean who knows that could just be nitpicking or maybe they simply don't have that breed anymore but once did we can assume ganondorf probably had his horse for quite some time at this point raaru is kippura gabora to start this point off there is a gossip stone that tells link they say the owl named kapoor gabora is the reincarnation of an ancient sage furthermore kapoor gabora really only appears to link when he's a child as once link has become an adult he now resides in the sacred realm as raru and lastly well hyrule historia released in 2011 quite literally confirms that they're indeed the same person so there you go not really much more to go into on this one since it's completely confirmed by nintendo talon's wife is a gerudo if you speak to talon while wearing the gerudo mask he'll state that it reminds him of his wife but then quickly retracts that statement which is kind of bizarre does it not look like her then why would he say that strange still he'll say the exact same thing when you wear the goron mask like what i really don't get this mask interaction but malin does have red hair as the gerudo do so i can see the connection at least in that regard other than that we don't really know anything else about talon's wife cursed rich man ruins hyrule economy so this is kind of a joke around the whole gold skulltula thing once you kill all 100 gold skulltulas and break the curse on the entire family the final member of the family will grant link with unlimited giant rupees valued at 200 rupees apiece every time you talk to him with this seemingly unlimited source of money for link that would mean the value of the rupee would crash and render the primary currency of hyrule useless the more free money link takes link's mother within the game the only information we get in regards to link's mother is what the deku sprout tells link after completing the forest temple that being a mother while fling from the hyrulean civil war wandered into the forest and entrusted the deku tree with her son before her death that's all fine and good but of course we can go one step further in a german club nintendo comic there's a prequel story of link's mother who while looking for safety for her and her son come across kapoor gabora who tells her to entrust the child to the great deku tree however if she is to enter to do so she will become a plant as any mortal who may enter is doomed to do so why this doesn't affect link is probably because he's the hero of time or something they don't really go into it so who knows anyway she successfully gives her son up to the deku tree and shortly after dies and becomes a tree within kokori forest this of course isn't really canon though so what we get in the game is really all we truly know we'll get more into the strange things germany added to ocarina of time in a bit so um song of storm's bootstrap paradox this is the ever so fun paradox regarding the song of storms and how it was learned exactly so upon entering the windmill as a child the song of storms is already playing here but we can assume it's just location music and not something that the man is playing on his instrument thing we can assume it's just some other song i guess that he's playing as at this point he makes no mention of the song of storms so whatever he makes no mention of anything as a kid it's all good fast forward to when you're an adult if you show the man the ocarina he gets very upset and tells you about how seven years ago some punk kid used a similar instrument and played a song that wrecked the windmill and teaches adult link this song with that knowledge you then go back in time and play the song for the man wrecking the windmill as he said you did seven years before now yes this can be considered a paradox unless you believe in time being a linear path and that everything you're going to do every choice you make every little thing you decide despite your free will is already predetermined basically the man said you did something in the past despite not doing it yet but if you want to progress the game unless you glitch it of course you have to play the song of storms for him to progress just because you hadn't done it yet in the kid timeline doesn't mean it won't happen while that is true you can obviously poke holes in it by asking such questions as if everything kid link would have done in the past already was finished in the future at least in affecting the world why aren't all the bean sprouts planted already just because i hadn't done it yet doesn't mean it'll never happen they should already be there because i'm going to do it assuming you're going for 100 completion and yeah i guess you can really talk about this for hours i mean we can assume that time isn't linear in which case the man taught adult link who went back in time and taught it to the man so that he can teach link as an adult who can repeat the cycle it's really a whole thing but i dig it either way it's just fun to talk about zora's hold sacrificial rituals this is something that's only present in master quest and something that i never even knew as i've personally never actually played master quest but honestly i probably should while inside jabu jabu there are many cows sticking out within the walls of his body which is kinda creepy and weird but the implications are even more bizarre to enter jabu-jabu link must offer up a fish in which jabu-jabu you know sucks it up to eat along with link what if the zora's take cows and offer them to job uh as a sort of sacrifice or at the very least just to feed him i mean he's a massive fish he must need quite a bit to eat while he's just beast there doing nothing and it's not like the developers of master quest put the cows in there for no reason i think it is truly put there to show that jabu-jabu eats cow's hole pretty cool little detail that i like very much 37th heart piece throughout the game there are 36 heart pieces that link can collect to max out his health counter there is however a 37th heart piece that is unobtainable through normal gameplay and is located in gerudo's fortress what's wrong with that well the chest that holds this piece of heart is only present when you're playing as kid link and one you can't even reach gerudo's fortress as a kid and two even if you could there's absolutely no way to reach the platform that the heart piece chest is located on so you'd be out of luck regardless thus leaving the heart piece completely unobtainable without glitches or cheats alternate scene startups early on in ocarina of times development cut scenes were originally going to use pre-recorded clips in order to play out however as the game's development went on and environments characters or other things changed this would of course mean that the pre-recorded cut scenes no longer reflected the location accurately that was being portrayed to get around this cut-scene director takumi kawago switched over to using a real-time camera that moves on a predetermined path around the characters and objects in the world this is why all of link's equipment is simply what he has equipped upon entering any given scene such as tunic and shield and all of that nowadays with access to the debug rom and even with the help of game shark codes some of these old alternate scenes startups can be found today within the game's files bazaar owner missing legs the bizarre owner is missing his legs that's right if you manipulate the camera to see behind the counter you'll see that he has no legs and um gerudo mask lights wasteland poles so this one's pretty strange if you glitch the game to allow you to wear the gerudo mask as an adult the poles in the haunted wasteland will lightly glow in a greenish color what's strange though is that if you come here as kid link and wear the mask nothing happens at all very strange like i get you're not supposed to come here as kid link anyway but regardless it's strange that there's an effect if you're adult link when you can't even wear that mask whether or not the gerudo mask doing this is just a coincidence or not i have no idea you know given that you're in the desert you know and that's where the gerudo are but this is a very strange and little known anomaly map screen inaccuracies so there are a few things missing from the map of hyrule that you can view in the pause screen to list a few the little island where you obtain the fire arrows is missing as is the fishing pond mini-game building and area the desert-esque entrance to gerudo valley from hyrule field is missing many of the features of the haunted wasteland aren't present some of the fences are missing in hyrule field and a very minor point job ujab who's missing from zorro's domain but i mean jabu jabu is a living creature it'd be kind of weird to have him on a map even if he is technically a location within the game there are a few other minor points i'm sure i'm not seeing but that's what i was able to make out from taking a look ocarina pedestal within the game's files is a small pedestal with an ocarina symbol on it that sort of resembles the teleport circles for each of the temples in terms of design they're of course not present in the final game but i feel as if they were probably meant to be used in areas where using the ocarina isn't 100 obvious until they realized putting these plaques in places where you need to play the ocarina made it a little too obvious and they stuck out like a sore thumb unmilkable cows this goes back to those cows that are located in jabu-jabu in masters quest basically this point just states that despite being able to generally milk every cow in the game by playing a pona song of course these cows will not react yeah that's probably because you know they're dead 38th heart piece in an alternate scene setup for the graveyard instead of loading the wooden box that would normally contain the heart piece the game instead loads a treasure chest if you glitch this version of the graveyard to load you can open the chest and obtain the 38th art piece anti-piracy checks ocarina of time has some very bizarre anti-piracy checks one of them affects the fishing game which like i mean you don't even have to do the fishing game so who cares anyway if the chip detects that the game is a pirated version fish will always let go after 51 frames making it impossible to ever catch one again not like fishing is mandatory to complete the game anyway but the next anti-piracy measure certainly does during the final encounter of the game while escaping ganondorf's collapsing castle with zelda if the chip detects any piracy it'll make it so that when zelda uses her magic to lift the gates the gate won't go up leaving link trapped as zelda phases through it and leaves you behind this one's hilarious because you've come so far only to now be unable to complete the game but honestly they should have done something much more frustrating like the ocarina randomly playing wrong notes as you try playing songs or something like that the last way the game will mess up if it detects piracy is during any cutscene with adult zelda such as when chic reveals herself to be zelda her hair will be in a very interesting style yeah on to the next debug reset code i'm not sure why this is called a debug reset code as it doesn't require going to the debug menu or anything like that but if you plug your controller into the player 3 port on your nintendo 64 then using the d-pad hit up down left right start b c down l c left a c up r z you'll wipe the game of all saved data kind of like a factory reset for any of the curious nerds out there you have a 16 frame timer between button presses to enter the reset code correctly so be quick i love you zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero there is a little trick with ocarina of time called the crooked cartridge trick that you can use to access the debug menu as far as i know there isn't a whole lot you can do with the debug menu but it does tell you the game's version number and the date and time your specific cartridge was created among the few screens you can view one of them has a little message that says i love you zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero what this message is for or rather who it's for is unknown but it's probably just one of those inside jokes from developers market bitter faces in hyrule marketplace there's a crowd gathered at a vendor's booth all facing away from the camera's direction since the camera in this area can't be controlled outside glitching the developers assumed it best to not bother using any standard textures on the faces of these characters as you'd never really see them and aren't meant to anyway so the textures used here are incredibly low resolution and honestly kind of creepy looking also for whatever reason some have no faces and if they do have a face it's only half and it's kind of spooky if you ask me way creepier than the lynx statue from majora's mask if you ask me odd mushroom chest in gerudo fortress alright so this one is really weird so if you go to gerudo's fortress as kid link and get to the chest that gives adult link a piece of heart it'll instead give kid link the strange mushroom that's used in the big goron sword quest the message upon receiving it still tells you that the item will spoil quickly however upon opening the inventory you'll see that the mushroom is gray which of course it is because it's an adult item keep in mind the file i'm playing on has completed the big goron sword quest and has the weapon available so these items have already been used now going to the temple of time and turning to adult link the mushroom is still present and there was no visible timer until suddenly upon leaving the temple of time the mushroom vanished and i was now left with kojiro the blue cuckoo i took kojiro to the lost woods and he crowed as he does when you enter that area during the quest unfortunately however the carpenter's son was not at the tree stump again so that leaves this trail at a dead end if only i was able to get to the potion shop with the mushroom i'm curious what would have happened but it doesn't seem like you can as the timer seems to somehow be active or something even if it's not visible if anybody else wants to test this further feel free but i'm not really sure if it's possible to like obtain a second big goron sword or something i don't know x marks the treasure chest shop i really hope i'm getting this one right because i'm not 100 sure i understand it but i think i do in ocarina of time many of the backgrounds such as in the marketplace are pre-rendered images placed to look as if a building or object is there creating the location you're in if you remove the interactable objects such as doors by using a cheat device to show only the layer of the pre-rendered background the spot where the door to the treasure chest shop is located is marked with an x thus x marks the spot 39th heart piece in yet another alternate scene setup inside jabu jabu by performing some very specific glitches you can make your way to a room that has a chest that contains a piece of heart thus granting you the 39th heart piece r wings the r wing is the signature ship used by fox mccloud and the star fox team in the nintendo franchise star fox using a game shark it's possible to spawn an arrowing into the game that will fly around certain locations and shoot lasers at link you can destroy the arwing as well resulting in a fiery explosion in an old iwata asks interview character and graphic designer satoru takazawa stated that the arrowing was used to model the movements and flight patterns of volvagia the boss of the fire temple deku shield in intro cut scene for whatever bizarre reason during the opening cut scene when navi is flying to link's house there's a deku shield on top of one of the house's roofs i have no idea why it's there at all and i'm not sure if anyone else knows as googling really doesn't answer the question as to why so yeah it's just there invisible twin rover this is a pretty cool glitch so basically if you time the boss battle correctly and ensure that the mirror shield is firing either fire or ice as you deal the final hit to twin rova her death cutscene will start playing while the beam is firing which causes a massive frame drop for whatever reason doing this triggers an interesting side effect if you wait around for about eight minutes after the fight an invisible twin rova will start attacking from nowhere without warning no boss music playing and nothing killing her this time will be a bit more difficult because she's invisible of course however she still will only require one hit to kill so if you continue killing her as the shield shoots as it did the first time you can keep repeating this glitch and rack up as many heart containers as you want however whether or not you can get past the 20 maximum hearts that the game expects i'm not sure if someone wants to test that comment below and let us know that'd be cool master glitch i wish i knew why this point was called master glitch but anyway in certain areas you can write a pona into rooms or buildings that she's not meant to enter upon entering link will be alone however the game will still believe you're on epona allowing for some interesting glitches and soft locks another example i saw turned link completely invisible and enemies though they would still target link wouldn't be able to hit him at all even though he was still able to interact with the environment like pulling gravestones back and more very interesting stuff but entirely over my head title screen file apparently the video that plays on the title screen of the game that features adult link writing opponent around hyrule field is actually a saved file within the game's memory that it pulls up and has link run on a set path as he does throughout the video so really it's less of a video and more so that you're watching gameplay of link following a predetermined path and this file is loaded up every time you start the game of course it's apparently possible to access this file if you want to call it that and link will have every base item not upgraded so silver scale giant's knife the chicken egg etc i'm curious if it's possible to delete this save or give link the gold gauntlets or something and if saving has any effect comment below if you have any idea or have any ability to try this out because i am curious zolgo timer by using a game shark if you set the in-game timer for events such as the few parts of the big goron sword quest or any of the minigames that bring up a timer and edit the time to be either extremely high or extremely low the game will display the timer in zalgo text which is that weird glitchy like text that people like to use for creepypastas and whatever bottle's most powerful item this is partially a joke but basically the bottles in the game function very strangely and can be used in a number of ways via glitches from playing one as an ocarina to duplicating them and replacing every other item in your inventory with bottles to of course the infamous bottle tennis while i wouldn't really call a bottle powerful even with all these abilities it's still fun and a well-known glitch in the community fishing is a boss fight kazuaki morita was a boss enemy programmer for ocarina of time and was also the one who programmed the fishing mini game which makes it on an equivalent level to a boss fight furthermore the music used when a fish grabs the lure is the standard fighting enemy music where i think it should have been the boss music to make it more closely resemble the boss fight that it's supposed to be dev's intended stale reference manipulation i'd be lying if i said i even slightly understood what stale reference manipulation was i've watched a few videos on it and i still don't entirely get it so if you really want a good description there's a video by a youtuber named fig who has a video called an overview of srm ace and more check that out anyway in the most simple of terms i believe srm has to do with manipulating the game's ram in order to influence link's position or items that link is interacting with this stuff gets absolutely wild to the point where you can influence the ram to even change the items you can get from treasure chests and such it's incredibly complex and something that despite watching a few videos on is something that i'm sure takes a lot of skill and smarts to master if you want more info or really any info on it i'm sure my description was insufficient again go check out fig's video as he explains the process in a way i simply cannot lever armor this is referencing an old video from 2007 made by youtube user ackwright titled akright lever armor in which they perform a series of glitches and manipulate srm in order to make link lift up a lever which then glitches a bit and collides with link's model making it look like the lever is part of link's body thus the title lever armor epona hopping offense a pona hopping a fence is an incredibly in-depth tutorial video on youtube by user julian 1000 where he demonstrates with one hand how to hop a fence with epona this is an incredible feat and something that he claims he did without the goron mask or damage boosting which i mean i've never done it without those things this man is a true legend in the community and has changed the way ocarina of time has been played since it was first uploaded back in 2005 64 dd 1996 build the initial build of the legend of zelda 64 started as a nintendo 64 dd game before dropping that concept and switching to cartridge i do to this day wonder if had ocarina of time as influential and popular as it was been released on the dd would the dd had caught on in north america or been more successful in any way who knows many images exist of this version and you can see certain features that would eventually be changed for example it appears as if items were mapped to the a and b buttons sort of like how they were in some of the early zelda games this version also famously uses some of those building textures that would be found in the town area of the world wet dry world in super mario 64. dark link is a torch for whatever bizarre reason the file name for dark link within the game is referred to as torch 2. i unfortunately don't really have much to say about this as that's basically it but here's an interesting dark link fact i came across while researching this video that i never noticed when you enter dark link's room and run towards the tree link's reflection will be shown in the water however upon passing the tree the reflection will vanish as it has become dark link maybe everyone noticed this and i'm the only one who didn't but i i thought it was pretty cool farting cabbages so the iceberg states that the french script calls bomb flowers farting cabbages when translated literally however i found a comment from youtuber unknown comet who made a comment on another video covering this iceberg who states the following it's true in french the verb peter which i don't know if i'm pronouncing that right in french so pardon me means fart but we also use this verb instead of explode so in this case it's actually explosive cabbage either way it's still pretty funny on the iceberg plus you get a little lesson in french today so at least we learned something january 2021 leak 0.9 on january 19 2021 a pre-release build of ocarina of time was released online by twitter user forest of illusion that has since been dubbed 0.9 it's basically the same as 1.0 but there are a handful of strange differences for example the jars outside of darkling's room don't have magic jars like they do in the final game drinking a blue potion without the magic meter unlocked will give you access to magic with an invisible meter and quite a few more things but all are either bugs or minor quality fixes in the final game mido was supposed to be impa furthermore in regards to the january 2021 leak a bit of text in japanese that reads mido's seal was found within the files interestingly this was found alongside seals for the other sages in the game but one was missing the seal for impa sage of the shadow temple of course does this imply that mido was originally going to be the sage of the shadow temple i highly doubt it but it's definitely strange unicorn fountain the unicorn fountain was a location meant to appear in the nintendo 64 ded exclusive ura zelda which was eventually scrapped back when images of the unicorn fountain were first made public many rumors respond that this is supposed to be where you were to obtain sword beams as well as the triforce itself for whatever reason the location most people give for this location appearing in ocarina of time is in that underwater false tunnel that's in zora's domain that i mentioned earlier but of course this leads nowhere even in the adult time if you use cheats to go through the ice the opening is still sealed gigaleague the gigaleak was a mass leak of nintendo development data spanning many years of gaming through digging through all of these files and through data mining and other methods many lost or scrapped ideas for old nintendo games were discovered such as luigi and super mario 64 as well as many scrapped ocarina of time concepts enemies and more the leak was spread across a span of a few years and more is possibly still on its way starting in may of 2018 the most prominent leak was in july of 2020 when a three gigabyte leak was uploaded which earned this leak the name gigaleak beta zelda 64 assets furthermore in regards to the gigaleak many beta assets for ocarina of time have been found and re-implemented into the game by modders such as enemies that were cut from the final game as well as some maps and in some cases altered areas such as a larger unused version of cokery forest and more elemental arrows continuing with the gigaleague another feature that appears to have been cut from the game was elemental arrows corresponding with each of the six medallions we have fire ice and light arrows of course which represent the fire water and light medallions but we would have also had wind arrows for the forest temple spirit arrows for the spirit temple and shadow arrows for the shadow temple how spirit and shadow arrows would have worked is anyone's guess medallion spells and once again again continuing with the giggle leak files found within indicated that the medallions for each temple were once meant to have some sort of spell to activate with that medallion and that three of these spells were taken and turned into dens fire farors wind and nehru's love which represent the fire medallion forest medallion and spirit medallion respectively what the remaining three spells would have been are a mystery of course but imagine a tidal wave spell or something or a snowstorm that freezes everything for the water medallion that would have been cool german script so this one's a bit strange somehow the people behind the german translation for this game took some interesting liberties and changed some strange things for reasons i can't even begin to guess to start upon obtaining the odd mushroom as part of the big goron sword quest the description refers to it as similar to something seen in a nightclub which i would think goes against nintendo's drug policy also the gossip stone behind the deku tree that in english says they say that the cokery are always followed by small fairies instead reads something cool will happen if you press the oval button on your console which of course is the reset button another interesting translation is for twin rova which as the two kume and kotake have the name killer grandmas no i'm not joking and in their combined form have the name sexy thermo hexy yeah i don't even know what to say about that i i'm meta loss [Music] link drinks mirinda mirinda is an orange soda manufactured by pepsi and originally produced in spain for those interested in the united states this beverage is sold as tropicana twister why am i telling you this well because miranda once had a commercial where a gamer is playing ocarina of time only to have link come across some delicious morinda and become so captivated by the drink and its refreshing qualities that he just can't bring himself to do anything but down that soda while the gamer tries in vain to make link move or do anything the controller is completely useless though this is a fantastic commercial and totally a product of the 90s check it out if you haven't seen it before it's great and reminds me very much of the super mario 64 got milk commercial sad life all right this is another weird one so a speedrunner named crimtons got in contact with a developer for the wii virtual console nicknamed homebodystevens and asked him questions in regards to the emulator the topic of virtual console crashes came up and steven said if the virtual console runs out of memory and is unable to pull any from the wii's global memory the game will crash and stevens refers to this type of crash as a sad life i i really don't get it i don't know if it's supposed to be a joke or a reference to something but there you go ura zelda after ocarina of time was scrapped for being a nintendo 64 dd exclusive that didn't stop nintendo from considering other ways to utilize the dd to expand upon the massive world of ocarina of time considering the technology the possibilities were practically limitless two of these ideas took the shape in urazalda as well as zelda gaiden which isn't on the iceberg so i'll give a small history about that here as well ura zelda would incorporate alternate versions of ocarina of times dungeons add new enemies new locations such as the infamous unicorn family and so on while this idea was eventually scrapped it is said that urozelda became master quest but many fans are skeptical of this being true as assets such as the unicorn fountain said to have been created for use in master quest aren't present and that nintendo simply said this so fans wouldn't be upset over the idea of lost zelda content whether or not this is true is entirely up in the air of course zelda gaiden on the other hand was going to create an entirely new adventure with an entirely new environment to explore basically making it an entirely new zelda game just using the ocarina of time engine sound familiar well that's because zelda gaiden is rumored to have become majora's mask english spanish translation booklet ocarina of time was never originally released with a spanish translation to allow spanish-speaking players a way to play through the game and understand the story the game came with a translation booklet that had the english script and spanish script side by side therefore if you needed a line of dialogue translated you'd simply find the english part and next to it would be the translation in spanish sounds like quite a pain but honestly i'd considered doing that back in the day for some japanese only games before knowing that people do translation hacks anyway i'll be discussing this a little bit more later so um 1995 tech demo this tech demo for the legend of zelda is the earliest hint at a 3d zelda title ever shown and features link who looks very much like his design from the nes days fighting presumably dark link who's given a very metallic looking texture very reminiscent of the metal mario texture though only 11 seconds long for 1995 this must have been absolutely awesome and a complete thrill to anyone excited to see what the future of not only the zelda franchise but 3d gaming had to offer i bet it offered the same level of excitement as seeing the spaceworld 2000 zelda gamecube tech demo that blew the world away when that was first shown i mean that clip is still awesome to this day conan the barbarian music in the infamous wilsth thou suck trailer for ocarina of time that we'll be discussing shortly music from the 1982 arnold schwarzenegger film conan the barbarian is used the track is called riddle of steel writers of doom and was composed by basil polodorus pardon me if i pronounce that name wrong [Music] whist thou suck as i mentioned in the trailer that used the kiln on the barbarian music this trailer also features the infamous line a dark time is approaching wilt thou run or fly wills thou sink or swim wills thou finish or die trying and in the end will thou soar or will style suck which i mean come on that's just hilarious and so 90s not much really more to say about it but i really do love that trailer what's really awesome is that nintendo officially remade this trailer with the release of ocarina of time 3d complete with the will that was suck line gotta say i i love it bean guy is damp a sun i personally don't really see this at all i mean look at them side by side is there really any defining feature to hint without a doubt that this guy is dampi's son i mean i guess the carpenter's son looks nothing like him so you know what you know yeah confirmed fact 100 i just spoke with ocarina of times character designer yoshiaki koizumi i know his personal phone number i just spoke to him he said yes this is 100 in fact his son case closed forest temple was the wind temple it's rumored that during development the original plan was for the forest temple to actually feature more of a wind theme evidence that supports this lies in a few hints one being forward's wind the spell that was originally going to coincide with the forest temple's medallion as i had previously mentioned in the point about medallion spells another being the medallion having a design that resembles a gust or cyclone of wind and third the forest temple portion of ganon's castle putting heavy emphasis on its wind puzzle ice temple as mentioned previously ocarina of time was originally going to be on the nintendo 64 dd which would have allowed for much more room for content than a standard nintendo 64 cartridge could possibly allow the change to cartridge meant sacrificing quite a bit of content including what could have possibly been an ice temple sort of like what happened with the wind temple aspects of this can still be seen around the game such as the ice cavern and the water temple portion of ganon's castle focusing entirely on ice puzzles which is funny because there's absolutely zero ice anywhere in the water temple graveyard kid runs po-shop a popular point of speculation in the zelda community is the identity of the poe collector who runs the poe shop during the adult time a lot of people seem to think that the kid from the graveyard during the child time grew up to become the po collector but honestly i believe that the guard who once inhabited that building during the child time simply stayed there and became the po collector as i mean this guard seems kinda off i mean to start off the po collector states that he is enjoying the destruction ganon has brought to the world and that he only hopes that it continues to get worse now let's compare that to the guard who says things like things would sure be more interesting if there were more troubles in the world and at night says i wish some ghosts would come out or something hinting at his fascination with ghosts which leads me to believe he's the poe collector not the graveyard kid but that does leave the mystery of what happened to the graveyard kid as he is younger than link so who knows lotzo potzigard runs poe shop oh i mean we just talked about this in the last point so yes yeah of course he does it's definitely the guard based on everything he says as a guard and the things he says as the po collector it's just come on case closed zelda 64 beta assets in wet dry world as i mentioned previously on the iceberg in super mario 64 within the world called wet dry world there is a section that resembles a little town or a village over the years as screenshots and old beta assets have been found for ocarina of time's development it's evident that the buildings used here heavily resemble the buildings seen in these old beta images which makes sense as ocarina of time originally started development using the same engine as super mario 64. beat the running man the infamous running man of ocarina of time the unbeatable challenge right it is unbeatable is it not when gamers first reached this point in the game where you can challenge the running man to a race and notice the timer come up they would repeatedly try only for him to always say he beat you by one second there had to be something wrong here since the message was always the same maybe you needed an item maybe you needed a certain route to go there has to be something there's a timer the game is actively tracking this event therefore there must be a way to complete it for decades online forums have hosted heated discussions in regards to beating the running man people have given false guides doctored screenshots and more as proof of victory but with the advancement of technology and the ability to evaluate entire game roms there's nothing coated in the game to indicate a victory being possible even with modifying the in-game timer upon reaching the entrance to kokori forest which is the end of the race the running man is always programmed to say he beat you by one second that's it it's quite funny that nintendo put this in the game considering how many other challenges in the game feature a timer and can be completed jabu jabu location as adult link where is jabu-jabu in the adult timeline did he die the strangest thing to me is that in game there are very few places that you can go as kid link that you can't access as adult link like the bottom of the well and javi jabu is one of these places as well simply because he's just gone the difference between jabu jabu and the bottom of the well though is that at least the entrance to the bottom of the well is still technically there but the entrance to jabu jabu is just gone entirely like there's no access to it the entryway is simply gone it's very strange and it makes me wonder if there's somehow a way to still enter a job uh as an adult i mean i'm positive that there's some way to do it via hacking but outside that i have no idea where he could have gone it's hard to say but we're going to be coming up on a point shortly that discusses this further so um more on that later forest temple is the first hyrule castle simply a fan theory but one that i very much like the idea of this theory is that the original hyrule castle was in fact the forest temple and that long ago it was abandoned i can see this being the case or at the very least the temple being a fortress belonging to the royal family as it very much has features that castle or fortress would aesthetically have you know outside the things that just make sense for game design in the courtyard looking areas of the temple the perimeter walls feature crenellations which are you know those teeth-like designs that you see famously on castles or fortresses especially in a medieval setting most interestingly to me is the boss room while it doesn't strike me as a throne room per se the fact that it features a triforce in the center i think it's easy to imagine that without phantom ganon's haunted paintings maybe instead some nice stained glass or something this could have potentially been a place of worship but again that's all just going down the road of fan speculation grezzo patched pokey's run grezzo is the name of the japanese development studio that was responsible for contributing to ocarina of time 3d while it's been stated in interviews that they didn't want to remove all glitches from the game as they thought that's what made the game unique and fun to some people fans speculate that developers at grezzo may had used a speedrun by pokey as a guide to patch out certain glitches and tricks poki's run for instance uses the infinite sword glitch as well as bottom of the well early which are two very popular tricks in speedrunning attempting to do these glitches as performed the way pokey did them for their run however is not possible in ocarina of time 3d leading many to believe that this video was purposely used by grezow and patched as there are other ways to perform these glitches that do still work light temple sky temple these temples were very prominent rumors in the zelda fan community back in the early days of the internet let's start with the sky temple this temple stems back to the whole obtainable triforce thing and the rumor was that the sky temple was where you'd obtain the relic the method to enter the sky temple is by killing an ungodly number of stall children and hyrule field as you all know by now doing this will cause a larger stall child to appear and continuously grow larger and larger this process however is lost upon the break of dawn and once knight comes again and you start killing soul children the size of the large style child is reset so the guide for accessing the temple straight out says to cheat to make it stay night by using a game shark that alone should signal that it's simply not possible nintendo's not going to put access to a temple behind a cheating device or using cheats or glitches of any kind but sure let's assume it's like cut content like maybe there was originally going to be a way to make the game stay night forever after obtaining i don't know a song or an item or something that would explain why the saw children grow in the first place but even so kill them all you want you'll eventually find that sooner or later the game will crash with no sky temple to be found to be fair it is fun to do though now about the light temple the funny thing is that the light temple or rather the temple of light is a location in the game already it's where the chamber of sages is located but that's not what you want to hear you want to hear about a temple that you were supposed to have completed in order for raru to awaken as a sage well it is rumored that there was to be a light temple back in the old dd days you know similar to the ice temple or wind temple but it was scrapped i mean isn't it kind of interesting that ganon's castle features a room for the light medallion i mean it's the worst puzzle in the entire castle as it's simply you know walking through a false wall seriously who designed that what were they thinking each medallion room has a decently thought out puzzle but the light room not even slightly maybe it's kind of like a joke like how the light medallion is just handed to you as is the challenge for the lightroom oh well some fans speculate that the spirit temple and its use of the mirror shield to reflect light in many puzzles may have been ideas from puzzles originally meant for the light temple in the early development stages but again it's all speculation and to this day no hints to a light temple seem to exist in any game files even with what's been provided through the giggle leak unfreeze zora's domain this was an incredibly popular myth back in the early days of ocarina of time's release all the way up to the mid-2000s back in the day i recall a website called that i really don't know what the deal was with them but their content was unregulated or something for example the section for super smash bros had endless entries explaining on how to unlock anyone from goku to sonic for the original nintendo 64 game with some of the most ridiculous requirements and all of course being false ocarina of time was of course the same way whether it be beating the running man or releasing the shark in the lakeside laboratory to yes unfreezing zoro's domain there was always methods and guides saying you need to do a bunch of impossible tasks or acquire items that you can't actually get and it's just a wild goose chase so no unfortunately there is no way to unfreeze zora's domain obtainable triforce just like the previous entry this was another massive rumor that was passed around endlessly back in the day early screenshots of the game did feature link holding up the triforce as if obtaining it so i can at least understand a little bit how people could imagine it possibly still being in the final game at least back in the late 90s it didn't help that many people online spread rumors stating that obtaining the triforce would grant many tantalizing abilities to link and the world such as unlocking sword beams giving you unlimited diving depth when swimming and yes unfreezing zorro's domain but of course none of this is at all true don't forget though link does have a third of the triforce so at least you get that bizarre owner is a ghost so it turns out that if you manage to get the camera in a spot where you can see the bizarre owner's full body it turns out that he has no legs yeah look at that furthermore his body kind of just ends in a little point that floats above the ground leading many who have seen this rare sight to conclude that he is actually a ghost dead body in fishing pond initially reported by someone going by the username macrope and soon after that photographed by another user named natalia has died there is apparently an incredibly rare chance that you can come across a dead body floating in the fishing pond the picture shows the upper part of the fisherman sticking out of the ground underwater his face is clearly visible now this is something that is apparently incredibly rare maybe even only in certain copies of the game more on that later hyrule castle door as kid link while on your mission to sneak inside hyrule castle to speak to zelda you'll reach a point where you must wake up talon in order to complete a puzzle by moving boxes this area features a door that seemingly has no uses you can't interact with it you can't even really touch it by cheating you can see that there's nothing on the other side of the door the only real purpose it seems to serve is if you get caught by the guards while inside the castle itself this door is seemingly where they throw you out at but this door doesn't seem to line up physically with any interior of the castle surprisingly there aren't any crazy theories about the store at least none that i was able to find map icon dungeon layout this is a pretty interesting point the giggle leak brought about many high resolution images of many of the items in the game including the dungeon map icon if you look closely enough you can see markings on the map indicating that there is a layout but until the gigaleak it was a bit difficult to make out but now we have the full crisp high resolution images of it and it doesn't represent any dungeon layout within the game some fans speculate that it may possibly be a room layout from the cut wind ice or sky temples but to this day the mystery remains honestly it's probably just a random map drawn about to symbolize well a map not representing any location within the game but really you never know psy marth puzzle true location twitter user symarth once uploaded a puzzle that featured a screenshot they took in-game challenging others to guess the location of this image this was back in 2018 and to this day no one knows the location on one of the comments someone guesses somewhere in ganon's castle in the stairs somewhere this prompted cymoth to reply stairs could you be more specific or give a pick from a bit further out lending some to believe that this may be a decent indicator of the location of the image to make hunting easier though they may have just said this to throw people off and it could be nowhere near ganon's castle dudong's cavern is real so i already mentioned that i don't know much about the inner workings of speedrunning techniques but this point is a reference to a youtube video uploaded by deathmasta kawaii titled ocarina of time dudong's cavern 5 32 minutes in which the player completes de dongo's cavern in well five minutes and 32 seconds oh and with an awesome lincoln park soundtrack by the way this run has been called fake by many as the levitating performed looks very similar to the famous press l to levitate game shark cheat not to mention his tunic color is modified so i don't even know i don't have the technical knowledge to weigh in on the matter so this is all over my head great soundtrack though check out the run and see for yourself blue diamond glitch furthermore in regards to the previous point the doodong's cavern video features a glitch called the blue diamond glitch that allows the player to hover at will to this day no other speedrunners have been able to replicate the trick and this video remains the only footage of it being performed which again lends me to believe that they're using the l to levitate sheet but again i'm not a speedrunner i don't even know how to do the door of time skip despite my best efforts to learn how jabu jabu is the ice i seriously don't get this one basically this point of the iceberg states that jabu-jabu himself turned into the ice of zoro's domain or at the very least the ice in his pond and maybe it spread but i mean i don't know maybe he's truly powerful and cursed zora's domain after not getting his fill of cows morpho was just a cover up sheik did say that the ice curse of zoro's domain would be lifted after morpha's defeat but zoro's domain never becomes unfrozen i'm willing to bet it's because jabu jabu was upset at the short supply of cows and wanted to punish the zoras for disrespecting him obtainable mirinda okay so this one's really weird and i'm now just starting to realize how often i'm saying that but seriously ocarina of time is a weird game it lends itself to this so i'm sorry what can i say on my previous video and earlier on this iceberg i discussed the mirinda commercial that featured ocarina of time but this point this point takes things a little bit further this point claims that the cartridges used for the commercial were a modified version of the game in which the chest in front of the tree in kakariko village that holds the marinda exists and link can indeed obtain the mirinda and drink it kind of like lawn lawn milk reportedly drinking the mirinda restores five hearts the question of where these carts are today is why it's on the iceberg as somewhere out there there are versions of ocarina of time in which link can obtain and drink this delicious beverage and the supply is seemingly infinite so i mean that's kind of cool right the internal plexus of jabu-jabu similarly to super mario 64's iceberg having a point called the internal plexus of the castle ocarina of time features a similar issue with javi jabu now jabu jabu is indeed a large fish and there's no doubt that link could be eaten by him however it's quite obvious that when you enter jabujabu the space within is simply way too massive the thing i find most funny about the size of jabu-jabu is that upon entry to the second room as well as the third there are pits that go down quite a ways yet jabu jabu is laying flat from end to end so i'd go as far to say that the internal plexus of jabu-jabu is far more inconsistent than even peach's castle because even peach's castle while the size is inconsistent at least with the shape you can give a place for each location even if the size isn't necessarily accurate jabu jabu makes no sense in any way bongo bongo is an executed prisoner along with the bottom of the well the shadow temple is without a doubt one of the creepiest and most disturbing areas in well i was going to say the entire game but really it'd be more appropriate to say the entire zelda franchise there's really nothing like it and its backstory doubles down on that creepy factor in the game's lore the shadow temple was used by the sheikah to interrogate and torture enemies of the royal family of hyrule and this is evident by the different devices found within the temple as well as the many blood stains and evidence of remains of the victims with all this in mind it's theorized that bongo bongo himself was once a prisoner and that his body was hung upside down deep within the temple both his head and hands cut off and i mean well look at the art for him you can clearly see the spinal area of the back the arms the shoulders it's all there so i personally definitely agree with this theory and feel that it lends even more of a creepy factor to the shadow temple forest temple gravity the forest temple features a few corridors that twist and rotate meaning that the rooms on the other side are indeed upside down to the original orientation of the dungeon until you flip the arrow switch turning them right side up of course whether or not this is due to magic the dungeon itself or what isn't exactly known link maintains his position on the floor as if gravity is still pushing downward on him or upward in the case when he's upside down so again it's unknown what's going on here but i believe it to be magic left behind from whoever used this temple long ago also it's very similar to the opening of majora's mask when link goes down the winding tunnel into termina it always just kind of reminded me of that lakeside laboratory shark origins this is simply a spot for all of the theories of where exactly the shark in the lakeside laboratory even came from lake hylia is presumably a freshwater lake though sharks have been known in real life to sometimes survive in fresh water such as bull sharks but the shark in the lab appears to be a great white which cannot survive in fresh water but either way we can give that a pass i mean it's a video game set in a fantasy world i think arguing about fresh or salt water isn't even really the point and besides it's not like we know that lake hylia isn't salt water it's not like we can taste it and know for sure and even so maybe the diving pool salt water and the shark was once brought here long ago from some distant ocean honestly it's probably just the scientists pet or you know just put there by the developers unreleased spanish translated copies originally ocarina of time was going to be released with a spanish version however this was eventually scrapped due to time restraints and a proper spanish translated version was never available instead nintendo released the game with a translation textbook that basically had the english dialogue for the game and you'd have to find the english words and below that would have the spanish translation of each line what a complete pain apparently a spanish version was in development and was completed but this is only according to rumor and along with that these carts have yet to be found by anyone so whether or not this is true is entirely up in the air but until nintendo confirms they were never complete or someone finds a copy this will continue to be a mystery personalized ocarina of time copies before we get into this point if you don't have any idea of what personalization ai is in games like super mario 64 this may all go a bit over your head but anyway much like copies of super mario 64 being personalized it's rumored that that personalization ai found its way into copies of ocarina of time remember how wet dry world in super mario 64 used assets from the beta version of ocarina of time you know in its village area that's because ocarina of time started development on the same engine and eventually was changed so much it became entirely unique but the base is still the same and it's rumored that the ai found its way into copies of ocarina of time changing the game to fit the player's personal playstyles desires and more so anyone who says they've beaten the running man they just may have had a personalized copy everything from obtaining the triforce to sword beams and breaking the shark out of the lab or even the unicorn fountain all of these things may possibly exist in someone's personalized copy and until we see otherwise who are we to say and that concludes our deep dive on this ocarina of time iceberg this channel as it stands is now officially one year old and with the close of this year i hope to continue making content that all of you can enjoy what started as a fun project launched something that has become much greater and with all of you supporting the content i have no words it's beyond anything i could piece together so all i can really do is give a personal thanks to you especially for putting up with my horrible pronunciations and bad jokes hopefully you can hear a big improvement in my audio quality as i've since gotten a better microphone and learned how to edit my audio a bit better i would still like to branch out into other types of videos sort of like i did with my video discussing the history and releases of the pokemon wizards of the coast promo cards as i find long-form videos discussing topics simply fun to do in terms of both research and all that goes along with it so if that's your thing iceberg or not you have a lot to look forward to i'd also like to give another shout out to sunflower sunflower's iceberg videos were a massive influence on me starting my channel and it may not even exist without him to be honest we've since become good friends he invited me on as a guest on his smg4 iceberg video and we coordinated the release of this video and his majora's mask iceberg video at the same time to deliver a nice double iceberg holiday gift to all of you so to everyone stay comfy check out that majora's mask iceberg video and i hope you all have a swell day
Channel: NEScRETRO
Views: 1,018,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mnAf2ADH3gc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 21sec (7221 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 19 2021
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