TAS - With Commentary - Crash Bandicoot 1 100% in 56:30 (52:15 RTA Timing) by The8bitbeast

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this is the 8-Bit beast and welcome to the crash 100 Taz this run aims to complete the game 100 as fast as possible which means beating all the levels and getting all the gems to get a gem you need to break all the boxes in a level so we'll be seeing a lot of Destruction today getting all the gems unlocks a secret ending through the Great Hall meaning the beating cortex actually is not required in this run this is the first game in the trilogy but the last to receive 100 Taz if you're interested in seeing the other games I have 105 Tas of Crash 3 and Super Boom fan has 100 Tas of Crash too I've been working on this task for a bit over six months now using many of the skills I gained from tasing crash 3. I'm very excited to see it complete and hope you enjoyed this explanation of everything we're about to watch okay so we're going to head straight into level one and the first thing that you'll notice is that I'm going to be jumping a lot I'll barely ever be touching the round the reason for that is something called zigzagging now to explain zigzagging we need to understand how our diagonal movement Works in this game if you're moving diagonally like holding forward and right that's going to apply both your forward and right speed at the same time which pretty much makes a right angle triangle and if we know a bit about Pythagoras a squared plus b squared equals c squared you're going to get about root 2 times the speed you would normally have or that's moving about 1.4 times as fast as you normally would so zigzagging sort of takes that diagonal movement speed and pushes it straight forward because crash in the air can't turn around very fast if you alternate left and right very quickly the game thinks you're moving diagonally but crash is still facing forward so you get about a 1.4 times speed boost that way the other thing that makes you go a little bit faster is spinning so normally you'd move about 24 units per frame but spinning lets you move up to 28 units per frame however we only have 5 spins when we start the level and each spin we use takes one second to recharge so we don't see it used as often as we could so you'll notice that in the first level I got a gem by Breaking All the Boxes am I going to do exactly the same thing in this level the only problem is this level has a secret path with boxes on it that only opens up when you have a colored gem from a later level but we do have a way around that and this is seen in normal speed runs as well you can do some clever jumping up to get to those boxes without having the colored gem that we need usually speedruns would use invincibility but we can get away without using that with some precise spinning and it's a bit quicker not to get the invincibility since that takes time there's the boxes up there and we've broken them successfully and that skips having to revisit this level which would obviously take a lot of time the other thing I should talk about in this level is Cycles so you'll notice these Boulders rolling back and forth and they're on something called a global cycle which means they start when the PlayStation is powered on and then they just keep rolling so if you get to the boulders at a specific spot there's pretty much nothing you can do to change where they are it's always going to be in the same spot at the same time so I really want to avoid the boulders because I would take damage and I can usually get around them by turning my Cycles well but if the bottles are in the way then I would have to wait so you can only save or lose time in big chunks in this game because there are a lot of global Cycles you can get around it though by managing your spins carefully and managing your mask that you're taking damage on to either time it before or after the Cycles so it's not as black and white as something like a frame rule because you can sort of work around it so I'm going to talk about some movement Tech called box boosting when crash jumps on a box he can get ejected out of it and if you jump towards the back of the box you'll get ejected forward just like this box here every time you do that it saves about a frame or 1 30th of a second so pretty much every box we see we're going to save a frame this also works on objects such as monkeys and turtles and plants and spikes but the Spikes have a much bigger effect which says about 5 frames it's important to note that those spikes also are on a global cycle so this level is very dependent on cycles and you often have to wait for spikes because if they come down you're not getting past until they come back up we have another gem skip coming up here just jumping over that end goal post there and that's possible in RTA as well there's also an alternate method where you jump over the top of the spikes but it is slower for this Taz so now we're in this area that we should only need a colored gem to get in but we obviously don't have that color gem yet and we want to break all the boxes in here these little green things here are slippery slopes and they can make you move faster and I have to run down those slopes but you don't get to zigzag when you're on the ground so it actually doesn't speed crash up that much compared to zigzagging the app we're just jumping through this back section here to break the box and then we're heading back out here and you can see me managing my spins there I'm trying to hit spins on those spikes because each spin there says five frames rather than one frame which has been usually saves and this is the point where it's worth talking about spin management more in general uh so with spins they'll generally save a frame roughly of movement and they'll speed you up to 28 units per frame rather than 24 units per frame that being said they do take about two frames to speed up to full speed so if you can it's actually better to change spins together if you do multiple spins in a row they can push you for 29 units rather than just 24 units saving a little bit of time there so you'll see at the start of levels I tend to use spins in groups where I can unless I need spin to managing particular sections of levels so here if I'm doing a box boost for example I'll use a spin to line up my coordinates with that box boost because boxes only push you forward to a particular position rather than a particular distance so you need to be very careful of that this level's always fun because you can outrun the boulder there with some zigzagging and it gets to the point where you can barely see it on screen at all the other thing I should mention here is something that I call Z optimization which basically means crash goes along the z-axis for majority of levels so your left right movement you want to minimize as much as possible with zigzagging inherently there's always a little bit of Left Right Movement so you can use that wiggle to move your left and right where you can but if you have tighter Corners you have to take tighter turns which obviously slows crash down spinning is most effective when moving straight forward or at straight diagonals so you'll often see me spinning on straightaways or if I'm moving really diagonally and that's just part of managing the spins as well of course you don't want to use up all your spins if you're going to have to wait for a global cycle anyway so they'll be managed according to that as well so now we're in upstream and this is the perfect time to talk about how jumping Works in this game you can usually only jump when crashes on the ground but spins can mess with this sometimes so if you spin and walk off a ledge then when you end that spin it'll think crashes on the ground for a very short amount of time so what you can do is spin off a ledge and then jump out of that in the air there's a different version of this called a double jump which we're seeing there and there and pretty soon we're going to see a regular sub jump so yeah sub jumps are a bit easier to understand just like that spin off and then jump out of the spin but a double jump is really the same concept you kind of clip into the leaf and then you spin and it thinks crashes on the ground and then you can get another jump out of the air we're also using the wall physics there to do yet another gem Skip and that saves a revisit at this level so you'll be seeing a lot of double jumps just like that one there and they're pretty useful all over the game so it sort of involves having crash clip into the ground and having I think he's in a grounded State while still doing a jump often you'll see it paired with a spin but that spin is really to help clip into the leaf he can get double jumps without spins but they're really useful over the whole tasm we're going to be seeing them quite a lot in this run and it's just important to note as well that double jumps only work when jumping off of objects that are also platforms so it's pretty Limited in its use cases you can't just do it off of any piece of ground so we're in our first boss fight puppy puppy and this is probably the point you'll notice that I'm playing on the Japanese version and I want to talk about some key differences here puppy puppy has more Health on the Japanese version which does make this fight slower than the English version but there are some differences in the gem mechanics in the Japanese version the gems are all reordered so the key thing with the Japanese version is we avoid a revisit to Road to Nowhere because we get that gem before Road to Nowhere the gems are all in different orders in the Japanese version the other thing that makes Japanese faster is the Box cutscenes at the end of levels boxes will drop on crash's head when he misses one and only one box drops on him in the Japanese version whereas the US version drops the number of boxes that you missed on his head obviously that takes a long time if you miss them another key difference is with the Japanese version if you die you can still get the box gym or as if in the US version you have to do the level in one clean run that doesn't really come into play here in the test but it's worth noting and the other thing is that the level the high road is actually shorter in the jack Chinese version so overall 100 ends up being much faster on the Japanese version than the English version and that's why I've chosen this one for the Taz now speaking of box cut scenes at the end of levels this will be the first level that we don't get the Gem meaning we're gonna have to come back and revisit this level that's the blue gem there that would appear as a platform but we don't have that blue gem yet uh what that means is that we're gonna come back and revisit and we're going to get a different cutscene at the end of this level weird thing about this cutscene is it's actually kind of RNG dependent you'll see the box drop on crash's head just once it's a Japanese version and then he'll tilt left and then right and that was pretty quick compared to some speedruns the reason is I've manipulated the RNG to achieve that that kind of depends on when you jump on the end of level portal and where you jump on the end of level portal that wasn't known when the only percent Taz was made so it wasn't included in that but in this test I've made sure every time I don't get the Gemini level and get that cut scene I get the optimal RNG so I get it as quick as possible when you do get a gem from a level the cutscene is consistent so you don't have to manipulate that which is majority of levels in this test so in this level Hog Wild we're pretty much just going to be riding to the end and collecting all the boxes it is essentially an auto scroller so no matter how much I've tried to speed this up it's pretty much the same speed every time you do it I occasionally have lost or gained a couple of frames presumably due to lag but yeah it's basically an auto scroller one interesting thing to note about this level is you do get the green gem from it on the Japanese version and that green German can be used to skip Castle Machinery so that would be an advantage of using the Japanese version for any percent on this game the other thing to note about this level is it does take away all of your masks so when I come into the next level I have no masks and I'll have to build those up again that means that I really needed to use up all my mask in the previous level otherwise they would go to waste when they got taken away here so we're on our way into native Fortress which is going to be another one of those really big climbing levels but unfortunately I'm in a really bad spot of the global cycle right now if I just went full speed up to the crusher I would get blocked for about a second or two so what I'm going to do with that time at the start of this level is actually slow down and grab a mask and then that mask won't lose any time to grab even though it looks really slow like this it actually won't lose any time because I'm waiting for that Global cycle anyway so given that I'll have the mask after that Global cycle I'm going to save a bit of time later on with it and that was a Crusher right there that I had to wait on and you can see it was a pretty tight fit through it you'll notice that I'm not breaking all the boxes here and that's because this again is another level that we have to revisit the gem is pretty high up in the air so unfortunately we can't get it on our first trip in here so we'll see here the crusher is about to crush me pretty soon and I'm actually going to be jumping over a Crusher and out of bounds a bit so that'll be coming up in just a moment so it's this section just here over the crusher we take some damage and that was the use of that mask that I grabbed earlier and now we're just going to go up to the climbing section obviously that saves a bit of time because I don't have to wait for the cycle and the crusher coming back up so the other thing I should mention is like a tribesman boost it's one of the strategies in these levels so the green tribesmen people if you spin them you'll get a little boost and you'll hit about a speed of 10 rather than the speed of seven so you can actually retain that speed by spinning through the air and it's pretty good for maintaining a speed over a bit of distance with a box boost that only speeds you up for a frame but with a tribesman boost that does it for a bit longer now we've got a big climbing section to finish off this level you really need to maintain your spins for those climbing sections because it's quite easy to run out of spins so you basically need to come in with five spins many miss out on all those opportunities before to hit those Crusher boosts and uh green slime boosts and everything like that okay so that's pretty much all of Island one done in this game but we will be coming back for a few revisits so we couldn't get the gems in those levels before we're up to up the creek now which is another water level and we'll see lots of double jumps and everything again and I'm going to grab this mask here we'll see why in just one moment I'll double jump off this leaf and then damage boost off this fish that lets us cross that Gap a lot easier it is possible to do that one without damage but it is a bit slower because you have to use some more geometry again you can see these double jumps are really helping out when I can't quite make the leaf Cycles obviously it would be a bit better to make the leaf Cycles because double jumps are a tad slow but it is uh nice to have that option available we're climbing up the wall here and this is going to be a fairly lengthy one you'll notice that there's no boxes on the path here and that's where climbing up the wall is really useful uh the reason I climb up the wall there is so it can skip a couple Cycles it is actually slower to climb the wall um because you have to slow down while you're climbing but it's really good if you're going to have to wait for Cycles anyway to use the wall instead a bit of backtracking there to get all the book is in the level and I have to make sure I don't go too far ahead of that TNT before it explodes so again we'll be using the wall climbing there because that leaf Gap is a little bit too big to jump over but it's only a pretty short trip into the wall there and the other thing I should mention about these levels is just when you're climbing those Mossy logs you can go on the left or the right hand side there and not lose as much speed while climbing up you have to be pretty precise with it though sometimes spinning helps you climb out there a bit quicker as well okay we're coming up to our next boss here which is ripperoo and the idea of this is you want to explode TNTs on him hit him three times and then you've won uh the intended method is that you jump on the TNTs and set off the timer on the TNTs they'll then blow up on him but you'll see I'll be able to spin those TNTs and actually hit him with that blast radius from spinning it now you might be wondering how do I spin the TNTs and remain safe and the reason is the blast radius just gradually expands out so if you're able to run away from the TNTs quick enough you can spin a TNT and not take any damage it's kind of a cool little thing similar to a Nitro jump or something like that I die right at the end of Ripper room it's a bit weird it doesn't save or lose any time it's just a cool thing that you can do at the end rather than watching the intended cutscene I thought originally maybe it would mess with the global Cycles because when you die it does reset the global Cycles but unfortunately it didn't have any impact on that all right next up is the lost city and this level is going to have a really interesting piece of tech called Lizard boosting and you'll see what it is here so what the lizard does is when you spin against it it up to speed by a significant amount and you can retain quite a bit of that speed by continuing to jump and spin we're gonna see another lizard boost coming up pretty soon but it'll allow us to do a bit more of an extra Skip With It so with these crushes you can get above them and kind of get stuck in the wall and you can jump up uh so we're going to see here jump up above it get stuck in the wall and jump up here that says a bit of backtracking around this section now this section will have a few double jumps so here and uh here and then we jump up these platforms here you'll notice I'm jumping on some of the platforms when they're in the wall and you can't actually achieve that by facing crash into the wall and sort of holding forward into the wall so you have to maintain your jumping angle to face crash into the wall which is a tad slow but it does save a lot of time because you don't have to wait for those platform Cycles obviously a lot of these uh outning crushes are on the global Cycles so you've got to be really careful in this level but conveniently you can jump around them if you need to it just loses a tiny bit of time so I'm able to get boost off most of these lizards where I can um but some of them I do need to jump up and access boxes so I won't be able to do that there and we got every box there so we won't need a revisit to this level all right so in these gem cut scenes you'll probably notice my percentages and climbing that quickly and you might be wondering why I'm not doing any of the bonus levels uh turns out that actually doesn't really matter for any of this game 100 it'll hit 100 when we get all the gems but we'll see that later it's actually pretty funny how much it jumps by all right now we've got Temple runes you'll see me get the akuaku at the start of this level uh reason being usually the mask takes a while to drop because I had to break the other boxes there anyway I could get the mask without really waiting that much for it got a bit of a TNT boost there and then we're going to be hitting some potential Club Cycles so these doors open and close and they are in global cycles and you can see I had to wait for that one a bit there it's pretty inconvenient but there's not much we can do about it uh those doors are probably one of the most significant Cycles in this game so the other thing I should mention is box braking these levels have quite a few boxes in them and very big Stacks uh you would anticipate that you just Spin and break boxes can't get more complicated than that it actually does so uh holding spin allows you to break boxes for a bit longer so when you do an initial spin your spin here box comes out and you break some boxes uh but when you hold it for longer that hitbox remains for longer so if you're ever trying to break boxes in this game you want to hold spin for a longer time we can also see these flame things here uh I can't avoid damage by just jumping on the edge of it there but you have to be really careful uh more often than not I actually can't avoid damage on those things so I have to either take the hit or do some weird very slow geometry jumping around it you can avoid flame damage if you're grounded and spinning through Flames which is a weird thing that I found out but it's pretty rare that you're in that situation the other thing I should mention is just the bats at the end of that level and uh sometimes if they're coming past you have to spin through them and waste a spin essentially all right so next level coming up is Road to Nowhere and this is one of those Bridge levels that's fairly linear notorious for being quite difficult especially in the remakes and also well known for the trick where you can jump on the handrails I won't be doing that too much but I will be doing it occasionally uh so these Bridge pieces break off uh you can get boosts off little things like that and the little ice bits there and really importantly this level is very different on the Japanese version because this doesn't require a revisit because we already have the geminated for this level uh we can ride that here and get all the boxes whereas if you're playing on the English version you would have to do a revisit to this level 100 one of the many reasons why Japanese is faster for this category here so I can do a few uh box breaks here and a couple TNT spins uh normally you'd wait for those TNT timers but with Tas Precision we can avoid those explosions pretty well you're just going to be really careful about jumping off these gems as soon as possible because obviously you don't want to waste time there you saw at a cheeky sub jump off the gym to get back a bit sooner as well so again just doing box boosting and grouping spins together as much as possible general movement Tech in this game it's all small stuff that saves a frame or two here and there but it's really important to do you'll also see me spinning forward off those ice blocks there and that's because with slippery slopes spinning off them can sometimes help you get a boost but it really depends on the timing gonna be careful with that now we're going to jump over here and get a few secret boxes there those Bridge pieces that I'm jumping on they're not just the ones I chose to jump on they're pretty much the only pieces that are actually there so yeah it's pretty treacherous part of the level this one you'll notice as well these gem cut scenes getting slightly longer every time there's not a whole lot we can do about that but they do get ridiculously long towards the end all right now next level is boulder dash so another Boulder Chase level one thing to note about these levels is that they're actually pretty laggy uh so when I originally did this Taz I was trying to match the 80 tabs through all the violin one just so I got good at movement and knew that I wasn't missing anything but these levels caused a big issue for me because of all the lag really they're pretty hard to optimize um and you've got to do your turns early so you'll notice me already like kind of taking a weird angle here and that's so that I can hit the edge of this cave and kind of get around these pillars well in advance so you do get a little bit of free movement with uh your zigzagging you do move left to right naturally so you don't want to take sharp turns you just want to take light turns now all these platforms as well that are moving they're objects so I can get boost off them you can sometimes get boost off the little brown fences and you can get boost off the boxes but box boosting on these levels is really hard because all the boxes are under low roofs which you often Bonk on you'll notice me jumping on the end of those platforms there and that's because I want to get boosts off them as much as I can this is yet another level that requires a revisit as well you'll see a gem at the end so we'll come back and this will be one of the very last levels we do in the game but with revisits I do manipulate the RNG so you'll notice that I jumped a little bit more forward on that platform than I probably needed to it's not a mistake it's to manipulate RNG for these screens you can actually lose very significant amounts of time on those screens if you don't manipulate the orange either all right next up we have Sunset Vista uh just kidding it's actually slippery climb so that might be a surprise to you if you've played this game before but in the Japanese and English versions they've swapped the location of slippery climb and Sunset Vista just a little strange change you'll see a lot of uh sub jumps in this level so you might know soon a little sub jump out of here just to get under that platform there of course the level is pretty reliant on global Cycles when you do the climb on the left hand side but we don't have too much trouble with that here there is a little bit of waiting around there these stairs are actually a very big pain I was able to get some jumps off them but it was really inconsistent I can occasionally get two jumps off but yeah that one there was a really really hard one to get luckily I didn't have to optimize them too much because I'm really waiting on the global cycles of these platforms coming up here but if I'd had to optimize them anymore it would have been an absolute nightmare you'd see a few uh double jumps off these platforms but realistically there's is not a whole lot I can do to speed these up you'll notice the spikes that are kind of around the place I can avoid taking damage on those by spinning just like that and then I get the bird there but yeah there'll be a double jump coming up off this platform so I can make that jump there and it all depends on Cycles so as you can see in this game it's very Global cycle dependent but realistically there are clever ways to get around quite a few of the global Cycles obviously spin management is a huge factor in this level because there's a lot of boxes to break but also a lot of spikes that I don't want to take damage on so this would be Island 2 pretty much done and coming up next we have Koala Kong uh keep your ear out the music is a little bit different than an English version and this boss is kind of interesting because it depends on RNG so koalakong will throw a few Boulders throughout the fight and then the last bowl he throws you can spin back and hit him with it but before he throws that very last Boulder he's going to kind of walk out and the distance that he walks is dependent on luck so we have a bit of manipulation to do in this fight here but realistically once you've manipulated out the like it's pretty much just an auto scroller so not a whole lot to say that being said this is the perfect opportunity to talk about something called zip zagging which I don't use in this Taz now if you've seen some crashed houses before you might be familiar with zipzacking it looks absolutely Bonkers so what happens is Crash will jump and you kind of Wiggle the analog stick or d-pad back and forth along the diagonals what happens with that is he builds up a lot of negative speed and then he can face crash away from where you want to go and just zoom off in whatever Direction you want and crash gains an absolutely huge amount of speed and can zip through levels in like 10 20 seconds there is a limit to how fast you can zip through levels because if you start out running the camera the Collision doesn't load and you fall through the ground and die but you can get through the levels very quickly um the reason I haven't used zigzagging is because realistically it makes all the levels look the same and it kind of gets less interesting after you see a few levels like that but if you are interested in seeing some zigzagging I have done a crash one any percent low optimization demonstration or low Tad which is basically a Taz just without a whole bunch of optimal put into it and I've also done a few full-on crash 3 houses that incorporate zigzagging so it's pretty cool the first time you see it but I think it's more interesting to have a Taz which the movement looks a bit more traditional and it's not completely broken zipsag is kind of similar to uh like super swimming in the Wind Waker if you've ever seen it and it kind of looks like a blj in Mario 64 Once you pull it off so this level is heavy machinery and it brings in a very common theme in this game of camera stuff so the camera is kind of weird in this level it's going to follow you and you'll see I'll jump down here kind of early and then zip off to the left I should have gone more to the right before I jumped down but I didn't actually need to because the camera still followed me now if I had turned left too early the camera wouldn't have followed me at all and I would have been able to go a bit further but then I would have fallen through the ground because the Collision hadn't loaded just like what I said with zipsagging before the Collision sometimes doesn't load if you're off screen so this level has a lot of very careful balancing of the camera making sure that we don't go too far off screen but have the camera follow us that box stack right there was horrible to figure out how to break it was uh yeah took me a very long time now I got a little damage boost there and it jumped up to get to this section we're going to do big Auto scroller skips here I'm gonna do a little camera work down to jump here and jump up on these zippers so when you spin on these you get an instant bounce so that's why I can jump up those really quick now I'm doing something called like 3D jumping around there because normally have to like avoid the walls but you can just come out into 3D into the camera and then that avoids all the Wolves void so coming up next is the level cortex power and it's definitely the most non-linear level in this game it does have a gem path that we'd normally have to unlock and do a revisit but we will have a skip for that as we'll see later on in the level there's a lot of branching past but this part that I'm going to take is fairly standard through it um these little bolts of electricity can be pretty frustrating to do with but luckily they don't cause me too much trouble foreign box I did break it hoping to come back and be able to NAB The Mask but unfortunately it was gone by the time I came back I like to have as many masks as I can just for damage boost reasons but uh yeah this wasn't an option here the reason it takes so long to get a mask is because when you break the Box you have to wait for it to fly all the way up and then down again which just takes far too long and it's often not worth it so I hit the enemy into the box up there and I'm gonna to head straight back and then we're going to do the gem skip so there's a wall coming up here that we can actually get hooked on jump up and over and then come down and hit this box here and now we're on the secret gem path so we really shouldn't be here yet I'm gonna use the TNTs to break all those boxes and then we're going to come out of the gem path we're going to do another little wool jump out here so yeah walls are kind of weird in this game uh sometimes you can just get hooked on them and jump through it I'm not exactly sure how it works but they're pretty consistent uh they can get that wool jump in RTA so we have a consistent setup for it which I hope to find uh quite a few years ago but yeah that's cortex power it looks pretty much the same as RTA just with some speediest skips in there all right so next level coming up is generator room and it's going to look pretty different to an RTA speedrun there's a lot of scenery around the level and we can often jump on that to cut Corners really really well but we're actually going to see invincibility in this level for the first time invincibility is really good in RTA but not as good in Taz so when you're walking on the ground with invincibility it goes about as fast as if it was zigzagging in the air now given that tascon perfectly zigzag invincibility doesn't really save much time but in RTA since a human can't perfectly zigzag invincibility is pretty fast I hit the mask there and come back and hit the Box okay I gotta wait for the mask to come down anyway you'll see me cut some really big Corners with this invincibility like there and here coming up invincibility helps to break big box taxes so that's the other reason why it's pretty fast and it's going to run out just here as I'm hitting the auto scroller but I have just enough help to make it through here without waiting for the platform that is really tight and it's one of the big reasons why I get invincibility otherwise we'd have to go through that really slow auto scroll which I wouldn't want to do so that path looks pretty much the same as the any percent Taz just with breaking a lot more boxes along the way all right coming up next is the level toxic waste uh there's not much to say about this level apart from that it's pretty clearly inspired by a particular arcade game uh but it's very linear you just go straight to win uh you'll notice I skipped the mask there reason being is in the Japanese version when you collect a mask you get a little text box that takes a frame to clear so I don't want to get masks if I don't actually need masks you would think I quite often need masks but there's a boss level coming up next and that's going to take away the mask anyway break the top box here get a boost off the bottom box that's always useful and then we're going to be box boosting through here as much as we realistically can I'm gonna try and use the enemies to break boxes where I can but obviously not boxes that I can boost stuff like this TNT thank you dodging the barrels is quite difficult and it kind of depends what cycle you're on but you can often just jump to the side and make it through so the next level coming up is a boss and it's pinstripe pinstripe basically just shoots a crash and then occasionally becomes vulnerable and then you can hit him when he's honorable uh the interesting thing about pinstripe is there's been an improvement found on this fight since the 80 Taz was published essentially if you delay one of the hits on pinstripe then the whole fight ends up being quicker so this will look pretty similar to an RTA speed run but it'll be quicker than the only percent has of course this wasn't known when the 80 house was published though again for whatever reason the Japanese music is different to the US music foreign in this boss I try and stand on his head quite a bit I always like to try and do some play around where I can it's actually pretty difficult to stay on there if you spin you'll fall down and then if you move slightly you'll fall down but there we go so next level coming up is the high road and this is another key difference between the Japanese and English versions this level's actually cut in half for some reason on the Japanese version like it just stops and then there's the end of the level and in fact you can actually just keep going past the end of the level and the camera keeps going that's the interesting thing about this game is the camera data sometimes hints at what was in development so the camera keeps going at the end of this level because well the US version keeps going and in some other levels like I think Sunset Vista the camera keeps going past the end of that level and the beta version ended up going further when they made the final version of sunset is so they cut it shorter so that's the interesting thing about this game you can see the leftovers in the camera work this is pretty much the same as what we saw before we're going to be boosting off of those icy slopes and then boosting off of turtles while we can and that's the end of the level quite a short one indeed and we won't need to revisit this all right now speaking of Sunset Vista that's going to be the level coming up next so in the English version we normally see slippery climb here but that's not the case in the Japanese version this level is really really long and it's got a lot of Cycles in it we can see that flame cycle straight away I've just lost the mask to it that's fine that's all the master for there for damage boosting but I'm going to be carefully managing my spins with the lizards and the bats here got a few lizard boosts here and I actually had to wait for that lizard boost because if I did it too soon I would hit the um cycle with The Pusher sorry a little sub jump there to get in front of The Pusher and another lizard boost here to zip past everything now again we're going to be seeing a lot of pushing crash towards the wall to skip waiting for these platforms to come out and when we hit these Cycles here are a lot of double jumps to kind of climb a bit quicker foreign obviously was in a terrible spot but luckily with Towers we can usually beat these Cycles I had to take damage there because the Flames are actually really hard to avoid and another damage there just to damage boost up off the flame now I'm going to get a mask here which is going to look really slow but I'm actually waiting for this cycle to come back in as you can see I barely just came at it as this uh as The Pusher was going back in to the wall around the cortex token there we're going to get all three here a couple box boosts and another bad cycle there I had some pretty bad luck went housing this with the global Cycles okay so we got our third cortex token and we're actually going to go to a bonus level this time these levels give you Keys which open up other levels in the game that you can't normally get to you don't actually need to get all the boxes here so I'm just going to get to the end as fast as possible now normally you grab the key and go into this little exit portal but if you jump away from him quick enough you can die and that actually brings you back to the level with the key so you're actually grabbing the key there and jumping off the edge I found it really difficult to get in the test so I'm actually pretty impressed that people pull that off in real time speedruns foreign that Sunset Vista done one of definitely the longest levels in this game all right so coming up next is the level lights out and the gimmick of this level is that the akuaku masks are your light source so when you get them it lights up the room and if you take damage the room goes dark again and this level actually requires a revisit because we need a gem to get up to a high up area in the level so I'm going to be going through the level normally and I'm not going to grab any akuaku masks and that's partially for Speed because I don't want the text box of grabbing them and also it's just a bit fun to do the entire level in the dark uh what you can't see is that I'm managing some platform cycles that move back and forth so I'm jumping off the edges of the levels and trying to make those Cycles I want to be jumping on the platforms as they're moving forward through the level because then crash can walk along them and sort of use some of that platform forward moving speed to boost a bit forward through the level I had to jump on this akawaki mask because it was in a very tight doorway and I couldn't get through very easily without breaking the Box keep in mind that although I do get a text box and that loses some time with the nakuaku mask I still do get a box boost by jumping on the box so that also saves a bit of time generally it's slower to grab the masks but realistically it doesn't lose as much time as you might expect and there we go see me zipping to the left on that end of level portal and jumping a bit further than I needed to that again is to manipulate this screen to make sure I don't lose any time on it if you do lose time what it looks like is Crash looks back and forth a few times all right next up is Jaws of darkness which is another absolutely huge level you can see me getting the akuaku mask and that's primarily due to a lot of these uh flames in this level I'll often need to take damage on them like that to get across but also I want to get invincibility a bit later on in this level so with those spikes you can spin through them they're not as much of a threat as you might think and same thing goes for these bats here but again I'm plagued by the global Cycles in this level so that's the other thing about grabbing those masks that actually didn't lose any time to grab those masks before because I was waiting on the global Cycles anyway and that's part of the key to routing this game I often had to go back and redo levels just to do extra mask management so again here we're using a lot of sub jumps to cut Corners where we can spinning enemies into boxes is always beneficial and now we've got the invincibility the invincibility is going to help us break boxes from a distance like that and like this now we've got an absolutely huge stack of boxes here so I'm going to do a combination of spinning while holding Circle getting underneath boxes to break them on my head and then using invincibility to break those boxes but again here all that optimization is not a waste but it doesn't really matter too much because this door is going to close on me and I gotta wait for it anywhere but part of the thing of managing Global Cycles is when that door closed on me I made sure I had all my spins built up because I don't want to waste spins before the door closes uh if I can have five spins for after the door closes I've got my third cortex token again which means we're going to go to a bonus round and grab a key again same strategy here we're going to jump off at the end and die rather than watching the cutscene to get back so keep your eye out for that one [Music] all right and back across to the main path here so again another unfortunate Global cycle there but I did Squeeze past that last bit of door there all right coming up next is the castle Machinery level and the interesting thing about this level is that you can skip it in any percent if you have the green gem unfortunately skipping it means you wouldn't be breaking any boxes so we're gonna have to do the whole level in 100 but as we come into the level just keep your eye out to the left you'll see a green gem if we wrote that up we'd skip the entire thing you might be thinking with some zigzagging or something I could make that jump across the end level portal there but it doesn't actually work there's an invisible wall there stopping us so one of the really exciting things about this level is there's a very big Global cycle that I managed to make it says about 13.3 seconds so I'll point that out when it happens but everything is very tightly optimized to make it happen these conveyor belts are also a key theme you can see me walking on them now as I said before walking is slow because you can't zigzag but the conveyor belts give you enough of a boost that it's actually worth it in the end you can see me doing a lot of double jumps off these platforms and that just allows me to jump up a bit quicker than waiting for them to rise I'm just going in front of the steam here and that's no longer a threat and trying to jump down and cut Corners with the camera as much as possible I was pretty pleased with those six boxes because I could get through them without really losing too much time and now we're into more convey belt territory this bit coming up is my favorite box break in the Taz you saw a big lag spike in there as well the game actually lagged there and here's a cycle that I saved so up here and then this platform I just barely catch and if I didn't catch that I'd have to wait 13.3 seconds for it to come back down skipping the auto scrolling here with a bit of damage and that is the end of the level right next to the start of the level all right coming up next is the last boss that we're gonna fight in this run and that's nitrous Brio we don't fight cortex because you actually don't need to in 100 it's kind of strange um but the premise of this boss is he's gonna throw some green goo on the ground and we've got to spit uh jump on that and get it into him so there it is but if you get too close to him he puts his arms up and that actually makes him throw the green Guild a bit slower so you'll notice that I'm hanging all the way towards the back of the stage reason for that is I don't want him to put his arms up you'd be surprised how far away you can be and he will still put his arms up um it looked like I spent through some of that goo but I'm technically jumping on it it's a little bit weird how it works you got to sustain your jumps a bit it was pretty hard to figure out but I use the only present house as a guide I saved a couple frames on there um just by not having his arms go up but I think it was only one or two frames that I actually saved [Music] and then yeah those last three hits you've just got to jump on him uh they're pretty much in order like you can jump at embryo and then be jumping on him and not hit him yet you'll only hit him when he's actually vulnerable all right now we're up to the lab which is our last level before we really have to start backtracking uh we've got these lightning bolts to deal with and also these doors they can be a bit tricky often I can get away without using the exclamation mark boxes which close the floors in because I can just jump over the floors I spin that TNT from the back that was actually really hard to line up and then I just jump straight past these lab guys all right so I'm spinning him forward and he actually broke a few boxes back there including like a TNT that's a really big time save for him to do that because he opens the door earlier usually with these doors if you hit the boxes the doors take a while to open like that and you can actually get stuck on the doors so any earlier that you can open the doors always helps and that's really the last level we've got before our backtracking session you'll notice that I get a colored gem from this and that's the last color gem that I'm going to get up here and I'm going to work my way back through the map so now we can deal with those revisits that we weren't able to do before because we should have all the colored gems that we need to get through there all right heading back in our first revisit here is lights out you'll remember that I needed a gem to get up to the top area and now we have that gem so I'm going to be breaking all the boxes along the way here and now you can actually see the level that we were doing before isn't that wonderful oh my God so again these platforms are pretty stationary but we'll see pretty soon lovely ones that move back and forth there's a lot of sub jumps off the right side of the screens and these doors can be an absolute pain to jump under I was pretty lucky with Cycles in this level overall um yeah and I was able to make it pretty well unfortunately with some of the Box layouts getting a box boost jump off of these isn't always possible but sometimes if you jump just behind the box and spin your spin hitbox hits the box and then you get a boost anywhere and that's the yellow gem we need so I'm just going to wait on that you do have to stay standing on it so I can't be jumping around now and they're going to jump as early as possible around here get those last three boxes and beat the level all right next reviews that we have is fumbling in the dark and this is the level that we need the key to open before so you see the map pushed me forward when I finished that level so I had to come back and he's fumbling in the dark this first bit's really nice a lot of cheeky sub jumps there to get those boxes quickly it's one of my uh most favorite parts of this test doing that normally is pretty difficult because you got to make sure you don't die but obviously that's not a risk in the test and this level is pretty much the same as lights out just with the extra risk there of tighter Cycles foreign with these moving platforms I can catch the Cycles when they're moving backwards but it is a lot slower and first of all when they're moving backwards and I jump on them it does kill my speed for a little while it makes me move a bit slow while I'm on them and jumping off of them and the other thing is usually the way that I beat the Cycles is by doing double jumps or sub jumps and that involves spinning while the game thinks you're grounded now it's great that it thinks you're grounded because you get another jump out of it but realistically if it thinks you're grounded then zigzagging doesn't work so on that first half of a double jump like the first to jump so to speak you actually can't zigzag and it does lose a bit of time so you have to be careful double jumps are really useful but they are pretty slow why okay and that marks all the island three levels done and we're gonna go back and do some revisits in Island two and Island one at this point we actually have a bit of flexibility in the order we tackle the levels so I could do Whole Hog first um or I could go all the way back to Ireland one first and the way that that all works out is primarily due to global Cycles but also due to masks I do have a mask right now so I'm not going to do Whole Hog I'm actually going to go all the way back to Island one the reason I want to skip Whole Hog for now is because I would lose my mask if I went in there I want to keep my mask for this level uh if you've watched RTA speedruns you'll notice they do do Whole Hog and that's because they want a mask for um the last Boulder Chase level reason they want the mask is because they have to spin a TNT and they use it to damage boost three with the tabs I can avoid the blast radius so it's not a big issue for me and I can put the bar Master betties here so there's a slight change in level order compared to RTA but it is what it is it's a little bit faster to do it this way of course it all depends on how your Global Cycles line up and as you can see I'm getting some pretty close calls with these Boulders I did have to take a damage to get through that one just before but I managed to avoid the rest of them now that we're at the gym we can come down this path all we need to do is step on it and then walk straight off so you'd normally ride the gym downwards but you don't even need to do that as long as the gems there then the area kind of loads underneath whereas if you try and fall down there without the gym you just die instead [Music] now what I've got coming next is native Fortress revisit you might be wondering do I have many options in terms of level order I talk so much about global cycles and you might think oh well realistically you could change the level order and you can try a whole bunch of stuff until Global Cycles work so unfortunately it's not that simple you do need all the gems before you come back and do your revisit student map movement but also when you beat a level it pushes you one level forward on the map so that's kind of locked in and if I try to do the levels all backwards on my revisits I keep getting pushed forward when I complete levels so that would actually be slower overall but we're coming back into this level using some key strategies such as spinning down Green slopes spinning off spiky things to get boost forward and then saving my spin to the climbing sections with these climbing sections the main bottleneck is actually hitting the little Spinners with your spins not actually climbing up as quickly as you can so I actually climb up sub-optimally so that I can hit the Spinners sooner because if I climb up optimally I'm actually too fast for the Spinners and I actually lose time to waiting for them you'll notice when I land on green slip sometimes I will Spin and that's because I don't want to lose speed while Landing all right A lot of people go in the background here um but I don't really need to it's too valuable having little Spike boosts and green slime boost um if you went in the back you'd be able to move at normal speed through this whole thing and not have any obstacles but it's weird because then it has the obstacles actually speed you up you can see I've now lost both my masks to the flames and that's because I really didn't want to wait for those flame Cycles but it will cause some issues a little bit later on and this is the gem path we couldn't get to before it was too high up to reach it without that red gem I'm going to jump uh down through this box I did have an idea of sub jumping underneath it and bouncing off of it but that didn't pan out here's where I have to kind of wait for the Flames a little bit I have to kind of slow down and bounce over them it's a bit of a shame but it is what it is you can see me bouncing on one of those stacks of floor and it looks kind of sub-optimal the real reason I did that is because I actually ran out of spins climbing those sections is really spin intensive and even if you have five spins coming into it sometimes you don't even have enough to do it optimally all right so at this point I've got two levels left which is the boulder Chase level and Whole Hog I'm gonna do Whole Hog first the reason being that won't push me forward on the map whereas the boulder chasing level will so whole Hog's another Auto scroller which gives me a perfect opportunity to talk about timing in this game so the way that it has timing generally works is it times from power on until your last input so if I did Taz timing the time for this Taz would be about 56 minutes and 41 seconds pretty good uh but realistically in a normal Speed Run you don't time like that you time from where you press start on the title screen until when you lose control and see tauna if I did that this task would be 55 minutes and 56 seconds also pretty decent but in fact when I use the emulator the loading times are slower than on the console on consoles people tend to run on PS2 with something called Fast disk speed and that makes the game load faster this tends to save about five to six seconds every level so that includes alerting times coming out and into the level all that adds up and it loses me a significant amount of time over the run it's just a bit over three minutes in terms of loading times so all things considered if I did RTA timing and if I did have the fast loads this task would clock in at 52 minutes and 15 seconds so it's unfortunate that the emulator doesn't have fast loads like a PS2 does but technically the loads that I've got are closer to what a real PS1 would have so on the any percent test that was done on a different emulator that does have fast loads and console speedruns have fast loads so I guess the most accurate time to label this task would be as a 5215 if you wanted to compare it to something like an RTA Tire not that you should compare Tas runs to RTA runs because they're of course very different things all right last level coming up is bow to Dash and we can actually get the Gem this time so again pretty standard stuff just zigzagging through the level doing spins everything we've learned so far in this Taz I'm going to be out running the boulder quite a bit and you'll barely even see it by the end of it I'm gonna be bouncing on boxes in these corridors as much as I can but the roof can slow me down because I'll Bonk on it quite a bit these platforms also give me the boost on them as well now unfortunately I have to weave around these things quite a bit but luckily it doesn't lose too much time because of uh Zed axis optimization and TNT spin there that's the TNT that the speedrunners want their akuakumask for just in case they take damage doing that and die and that's sort of the main reason why my level order can be different to this when we get to the end of the level and we see the gem uh if you ride that and hit the boulder you can actually die during the cutscene so it's really actually quite important that I outrun the boulder here otherwise I might hit it right now and then I would die these boxes in here are quite tricky to get actually you've got to kind of bounce up and then get the two underneath but I can use the plants to break a lot of these boxes here that's going to be 100 I'd encourage you to watch the percentage counter here and watch it jump straight up to 100 it's pretty funny and the reason being is because right now it's like oh let's count all the bonus levels that you should have done I don't quite know why you don't have to do them but it's pretty nice that we don't have to in this test okay now we're gonna head to the Great Hall so we actually haven't beaten cortex yet we just go straight to the Great Hall and unlock the secret ending and that's 100 we get the secret ending it's all good so there's kind of like a path of gems in the Great Hall and that'll allow us to get through and actually access the end of that level all right so we've got these lovely clear gems making a path you might be wondering is it possible to skip some gems uh the answer is yes if you use zip sagging which we didn't use in this run you can actually get through this entire level without getting any gems and you can see that in the 80 low Tad if you choose to have a look and that is the Run done that's just a reminder in Taz timing that's 56.41 with the equivalent RTA timing that's 55.56 but if we had the fast loads like a console does RTA timing would be a 52 15. this Taz also had 257 921 re-records which basically means that's how many times I went back and redid something to try and make it better we often see taz's as a finished product but it's important to remember that quite often months or sometimes even years of work go into making them optimal so thank you for watching this commentary I hope you found it entertaining and informative if you liked this content then you may enjoy some other videos on my channel I have other commentators like crash 3 and a plethora of other games I also have RTA speedruns Taz tutorials Taz podcasts glitch Discovery videos and explanations along with pretty much anything I find interesting in video games of course if you enjoyed this video a subscription to the channel is always appreciated and if you have any questions feel free to leave them in the comments I would also encourage you to check out the rest of the crash Community this task wouldn't have been possible without the collective knowledge and support from them I've been very lucky that there's still such a large group of people that's so interested in this game that's all from me and thanks for watching just jumping in with a last minute edit here the tabs you just saw had a revisit to Rolling Stones because the blue gem is needed to get all the boxes but about a week after this task was finished lucademus found a way to skip this revisit in fact this was found right as I finished recording this commentary this revisit skip could have saved a little over a minute if it was included and I'll link the original Discovery video in the description so you can see what it looks like while this is an amazing Discovery this was found in a very unfortunate time as it couldn't be included in the Tas if I had included it I would have had to redo everything after Rolling Stones which pretty much means redoing the entire Taz given that it took hundreds of hours to make this task this really wasn't an option for me this is the nature of tasing though in that discoveries are often found during or after it has is completed this kind of thing also happened with the crash 3 Tas Banjo Kazooie hundred percent in Spyro just to name a few examples I might come back and do a version two of this test someday including the trick but that might have to wait as it's only one of many projects that I want to work on in the future foreign foreign
Channel: The8bitbeast
Views: 30,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Crash, Bandicoot, TAS, Speedrun, tool, assisted, Sony, Playstation, Glitch, PS1, platformer, 90s, Crash 1, 100, 100%, Boxes, Gems, Levels, speed, run, glitch, clip, trick, out of bounds, commentary, commentated, explanation, explained, australian, aussie, aus, australia
Id: Fm9T73f6P-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 35sec (3635 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2022
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