The easiest block you will ever make... Crazy Stars!

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hi i'm brianna matskis from the fabric patch in eufrida washington and today's class is crazy stars [Music] my daughter and i have owned and operated a busy quilt shop in washington state for over 20 years we have a retreat center an active youtube channel and a large pattern line featuring our creations my two sons work on machines one daughter-in-law is our videographer and the other is a long-arm quilter we are a family that love each other we laugh together and every once in a while we get some work done we have a crew that are saints for their efforts at keeping us on track thanks for joining us on our wild ride hi so we're gonna do crazy stars today it is very fun very stress-free and you'll get your five points to your star every time so what you're going to need to start with is just a layer cake or 42 10 inch squares the really nice thing about doing crazy stars is if you start with 12 10 inch squares you're going to end up with 12 star blocks to make your quilt so if you are going to use leftover 10 inch strips um leftover layer cake however many you start with is how many blocks you're going to end with so some of the layer cakes you can use today i'm going to do an americana some strips we have linked below some we do what we call fabric patch rolls are they are are 11 11 inch strips of americana so there might be a few of these left this is what i'm making my quilt out of today or go ahead and choose from some of the layer cakes we have in stock we've got spring chicken which is really nice and bright green gray springy very fun there's probably like six pieces that actually have chickens on it um if you're not a chicken fan um sunshine salt very pretty very young um very fun very we've got a christmas collection um called holly holiday this is brand new for our store maryland this one's really nice um creams tans black very neutral very a great quilt to put on the edge of a couch or a friend house wearing gift and then also new um as of last week is smoke and rust very rustic gray a little bit of rust in there black kind of some fun modern textures in here but really nice for a guy or maybe a wedding gift so really fun there so a layer cake will do just fine and then or if you're going to do scraps and stuff from your stash you want to cut everything into 10 inch squares and then you're also going to want to download the free template pattern um this is just our crazy stars template pattern what you're going to want to do is you can print yours directly onto freezer paper like i did you can print off a master copy and trace it onto regular freezer paper and the really nice thing about freezer paper is there's a paper side and there's a shiny side the shiny side will end up pressing onto our squares we'll cut out our pieces and we just tear it right off and it leaves no residue but for every cut we do we need a new template for it so print it onto freezer paper copied onto freezer paper whatever works for you i would suggest that you either print off probably eight or so onto your freezer paper eight and a half by 11 sheets or start with one or two master copies printed from the same time and place so depending on if you're using a printer from work or from your sister's house or from your house alone print it at the same time depending what your settings are in your printer will decide the size of your template so if you cut you print one off today and you're doing your thing and then it just mysteriously goes missing you actually cut it whatever happens and you go back and print another one it could be smaller which will make all of your blocks a little bit different um we are trimming at the very end of all of these blocks before we put it into a quilt so there is a way around that if something a little because something goes away we can always pick that in the end but go ahead and print your templates off and then what we're going to do is i'm going to take my paper scissors here and i'm just kind of going to rough cut around this star you'll notice i have a one and a two that is just to help you um know which lines we're cutting first because we're going to kind of cut out all these pieces but i'm just going to rough cut around my tape template i have printed this off excuse me copied i guess this off onto a freezer paper okay and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to stack some of my fabric up so when you're stacking your layer cake what you want to do is you want to alternate your colors so we're doing um red white and blue if you're doing a different colorway that's totally fine just make sure that no two same pieces are together this is our finished block let me show you and this might help you this is one i've trimmed but this is what our block is going to finish up so we're going to have all of them are going to look a little bit different so we want to make sure that when we stack our colors we've got blue on top and then a red one and then a white one and then a blue one again we just want to make sure they are alternating in colors as we're stacking them you can stack them you have to do at least two blocks at a time but that just it's whatever you're comfortable with i do about 12 at a time which will be 12 blocks that i'm piecing at one time but that is what i'm comfortable cutting with my rotary cutter to create those pieces so i'm just going to go through my stack and i'm gonna do my red one i'm gonna do a dark blue one i can do a light blue one and you're just gonna stack them alternating your colors however you want to if some of your layer cakes are white gray and rust just make sure you do white gray rust and then repeat back white gray rest and that will help you just make sure they're all different in different order you can repeat them as many times as you want but just make sure like when we put this one blue one down we don't want to put this one that would be a big old no no and i probably wouldn't want to put a blue on top because i want to be able to see that star it might look just like a blue block so alternate those pieces red white and blue and so when we shuffle these pieces around to create different different pieces because even like that i feel like if this was a background and this was my star it's a little too too much white so i would not stack those two on top of each other i would dig through here and pick something different maybe this one just so it's definitely a high contrast right there so once you have the number you want again you have to have at least two and you want to have an even number one two three four five six seven eight nine let me do one more let's do another blue one even number at least two alternating your colors and what we're going to do is we're going to take our template again we've copied it down we're going to take our shiny side and we're going to stick it on here however you want however we're going to be able to fit this nicely on there making sure that all of those points are on the fabric so i noticed when i printed mine off i kind of lost that my margins came in but that's okay i can cut that off when i'm there so once i have this where i like it i'm going to take it to my ironing board my whole stack and i'm going to press this freezer paper right on and what it does is it almost i guess you could say melts this shiny stuff onto my fabric to adhere my template to the fabric so as i'm cutting it it is not going to shift it's not going to fall off it's going to stay in one place while i cut the entire stack of fabric that i have so once we have our template fused on here we are going to grab one of our rulers you want a long enough ruler that you can cut one side of your star in one nice cut it's going to be a little difficult to trail your rulers how i say it when you're cutting and then you're moving a ruler cutting some more removing your ruler i feel like that could create a not straight edge that may it might not be a big deal in our end of our trimming all of these but for me one fluid cut through multiple layers of fabric is way easier than trying to manipulate all of that in multiple shifts so you'll notice i've got one here and two here so this is our first cut we're gonna make is along where this one is sitting so i just have my twelve and a half inch ruler here i'm going to line up this edge with this edge and you'll notice my the template was skewed just a little bit when it was printed just make that a straight line don't feel like you have to follow this line and then twist and follow this line we're going to make just a straight cut all the way across from point to point on that first line okay and then we're going to pull that aside noticing that the freezer paper is still connected which is exactly what we want and then we're going to come over and we're going to do line two so here's our two here's that line and again we're gonna do the same thing we're gonna go from point to point and make one nice straight cut now depending on the boldness of that line that is printed out you decide if you're going to cut right on that line the inside the outside it does not matter it is just a guideline to cut out our star so again and again if you have like a 60 millimeter blade one of those bigger ones this might even be easier if you've maybe got both sizes of 45 and a 60 this is the perfect opportunity to use that 60 millimeter rotary cutter you have the 60 millimeter is really nice when you're cutting multiple layers um so keep that if you have one of each and you just don't really know when to use it a 60 millimeter blade is a good time to use it okay so we've done those now we're going to finish cutting the rest of these so we want to move these aside because we don't want to re-cut somewhere weird on these so on here we're going to cut right here and separate this triangle piece from this piece here okay so we've got that then we're going to come to the sky and then we're going to cut this guy out but we're going to cut it in acro we're going to make pieces so instead of just like fussy cutting that triangle out we're going to actually take a rotary cutter and cut it in half there's that we're going to cut the other side there's that so i'm going to scoop these over a little for us we've got this piece a point this piece a triangle this piece and i'm going to do the same thing with this one and when it comes to these pieces it does not matter which one you cut first or second you just have to choose one and cut it straight across i've got one more to cut here and the really nice thing about the freeze paper is it stays intact so as we're moving things around we're not um messing up our template piece whereas if it's just a piece of paper it would just fall off and do its own willy-nilly thing okay so now we have our fun star now comes the crazy part of our crazy star now we're gonna shuffle it so right now of course we have our blue stripe our red stars all in order what we're going to do is we're going to take in these four pieces that create our star we're going to take the first piece so the piece that is fused to a little freezer paper we're going to tuck that and put that at the very bottom take that at the very bottom take the top piece and just the very first top piece and and i'm going to take off these little bits here because we're done cutting and this is now just waste so then this will be our very first crazy star block so now we have to put this all back together again and sewing them so we cut this guy first followed by this guy and then we cut this apart and we have our center so you can find whatever works for you for how you're going to piece these together for me i tend to be an assembly line quilter where i like to make all of these units then all of these units and this then the third unit get all of those ready to go and then sew the four pieces back together again we'll make our first one together one step at a time i'll do one more time with you and then i'm going to let you do it on your own time so what we're going to do is you'll want to make sure you have a new needle in your machine um a when you start a new project a new needle is really nice to do your needle will last about 8 to 12 hours on your project um but i know for me i don't know how long that is i just know i had all fun all day yesterday sewing but was i swinging a lot or was i cutting and playing a lot so i tend my rule of thumb is every time i start a new project i change my needle to get the best results so let's go to the sewing machine and start putting our blocks together all right so we're going to start with these two pieces and again you can decide what works best for you when you're pulling from your your fabric pile um but we're gonna start right here and what i like to do is i just like to take my star piece and flip it right sides together on my essentially my background piece and we're gonna sew this seam right here and when it comes to um janet nesbitt's crazy quilting stars it's you just sew it on there and what we're going to do we're going to trimming it to a nice straight edge to know where our next piece is going to go i like to make sure that there is a little quarter of an inch lip right there so i come up with a nice straight edge if you tend to like oh i just i'm not going to make it you just show however you'd like to when you flip your red piece over to your blue piece and we're going to sew that and we're using a quarter inch seam allowance and i like to keep the smaller piece on top when i'm sewing all right and then we're going to give it a good press i find that this technique and again this technique is um based off of janet nesbitt from one sister designs she's been doing this for a really long time and this is just the technique that how she does her crazy quilt blocks um it's really fun i'll show you at the end some trunks show stuff that you can see that uses her her method that i'm showing you today into making different shapes she has a bunch of books out but it makes it really nice so again um you can assembly stitch all of these so you can go through all 12 of your pieces and sew all of these units together if you'd like to in our case we're going to just keep going so we're going to do is we know our next piece we need to sew on is this one we're going to trim up this so this is a nice straight line so we're just going to come over to this side grab a smaller ruler if you want to this is a little six and a half inch ruler and we're going to just straighten up this edge right here and that's waste and then here we have this unit and then we'll know exactly where to sew this piece onto so again i'm going to line up my edges down there and and with sewing with these guys i find that pressing at each stage is very helpful um you might get a little lost if we're just you know sewing sewing sewing sewing trimming um if you're not pressing every stage you cannot be trimming straight so when we're done with our entire block your block could have a bubble in it it could not be square and in a square sense that we may not be able to actually true that block up to an eight inch eight and a half whatever we end up with um so once that's done there is that unit is made so i like pressing at each stage but that being said if you have your pressing um station right next to you like i do here remember set a timer on your phone for like every 15 minutes to get up stretch your back roll your shoulders stand up go get a cup of water let the dog out make sure otherwise if you're sitting here sewing and it's been three hours you're gonna be sore um your shoulders might hurt um your back might be sore so make sure if you have your station stuff like mine set a timer on your phone um so that every 15 20 minutes you decide what works for you that you get up walk around um stretch out a little bit or do one block at a time and every time every block is finished um you can walk up go show it off to your cat whoever you need to show it to all right so i've got this upper corner done i'm going to come to this bottom one and do it the same way i'm going to take my red star piece right sides together onto my background piece i'm going to give that little triangle there for that quarter inch it's roughly just eyeball that quarter of an inch it's not life or death just for me it's habit that i know when i'm doing a triangle to a straight edge to kind of eyeball that my needle is going to hit here as my quarter inch is coming all the way across and one other tip when you're sewing sew all the way off to the edge so even though we are sewing sewing sewing and really you could probably stop somewhere around there sew all the way off because as we're sewing like these pieces together it's really important that you've take this piece and so all the way off so that you do have a night when we trim our block we have a nice stitch there to be able to trim our block up so all the way off the edge of your fabric that you're sewing it will make the trimming section of this block that much easier and you might notice that i'm not best pressing at each stage i'll best press really well when i have my blog completely finished and before i trip so i've sewed on this piece here this is the next piece i want to sew so i'm going to straighten up this edge you can also if you feel comfortable you can use scissors i like to use my ruler and my rotary cutter so i know that it is straight every time and then give that a good press and then that one's done then we're going to go up to this next corner take our star piece right sides together sew a quarter of an inch [Music] and remembering sew all the way off the edge of your fabric there and then we've got all of our points to our star sewn to our background so now we're going to start doing our assembly so i'm going to sew this piece so you could if you look at this this is where i think some people might get a little distracted so what we're going to do is i'm going to sew this guy to my triangle here which is going to create me this nice long edge here table to sew on this unit that gives me a nice long edge to sew on this unit so we're going to work clockwise to sew our points together and then essentially work counterclockwise to sew our star together so we're going to start with this one if we need to true up this edge right here because we're sewing these two together we can do that for right here i just have a little dog ear right there i'm going to take my scissors and i'm just going to cut that little dog ear off if yours is a little different take it to your cutting mat line up your ruler and then just cut off um whatever funky is happening there and then we're going to right sides together and sew these together [Music] give it a good press again i'm still pressing to the dark so i'm pressing everything to the red on this block and there we have that piece so now we're going to take and sew this piece to this piece because we're going counter clockwise to sew our star back together so we're going to trim up this edge so i'm going to take this over here here's our straight line i'm going to whack off some of this background business put it up here i'm going to do right sides together we're going to start right here and this is where you can decide um a little bit you can either nestle this seam together to create that point or just hold on there for me i do not um in this crazy method i'm not going to worry about nestling any points or anything i'm just going to fold this over and sew it where it lands you can also move it around a little bit if you want to make it a bigger intentional gap if you want to you can bring it in you know i wouldn't bring it in too much because in your start won't create a real five-point star so make sure that you just start with a nice little gap right there right sides together and so a quarter of an inch all the way down [Music] [Music] all right and then i'm gonna press all right and then there is that unit right there so what we're going to do is we're going to sew this piece to this piece so we'll take this one we're going to true up this line i just have a dog here and if you find that you have a lot of truing up to do on these lines don't worry about it that's the beauty of this crazy block technique we're also going to true up this line here and this one i have a little bit more to cut off i have a little bit more than a dog ear and a little bit of the background and that is okay it um it is meant to be crazy but the really nice thing about it is we don't have to dwell on the fact that this point might not match up but we know that all five points of my star at the very end of this block will come out perfectly every time so this will help you get perfect results without being crazed about your points about nestling those seams so we're going to take this guy right sides together and sew him on [Music] all right i'm going to give him one good press and this is my last piece to my star so i'm also going to give this a nice press and then i'm going to give it a little squirt of better and i do this at the end just um because i might not trim my blocks all up at one time i might do a few and then trim it but it makes it a really nice flat block and then there you have your finished star so you'll notice that we have plenty of seam allowance here where all we really need is that nice quarter inch to get our point so we have plenty of room for trimming we have plenty of point space so that every single point of our five-point star will come out every time and you'll notice that our star's a little wonky you know we have got farther longer points that's the beauty about the crazy part crazy quilt star block is it does not matter this is not a certain measurement to this to this to be able to make sure our star is square the crazy part of it is that it makes it super super easy to make so i'm gonna put this one to the side we're gonna make one more together and then we will trim these two blocks and then i'll show you how to arrange them on your design wall so again when we start our new block we are going to go clockwise to piece our pieces together and then we're going to do counter clockwise to actually put our star together so we're going to start here and make this unit right sides together and you'll see just by taking that first piece and taking it to the back it shuffles all of them all together which makes it really cool you have it scrappy without working really hard at it [Music] so foreign [Music] so [Music] um so [Music] so so okay so we've created all of our we've attached all of our points by sewing trimming sewing repeating those steps so now we're going to start constructing our main block so again we're working counter-clockwise to sew our units to our center triangle to create our star so so so so okay and now we have our second block all pieced so it's a really fun technique and again it's just amazing how it doesn't matter how you put it together you don't have to be fussy on how your pieces are laid as long as you press every time true up that straight edge and sew those in the appropriate order and you are good to go so let me make a few more of these get these pressed and then we'll go ahead and we'll trim our blocks up okay so we have our blocks made and again if you start with 12 10 inch squares you're going to finish with 12 star blocks so it's really easy to figure out how you want to make your quilts so for our block in particular um where i have a little 12 and a half inch square block scorpio you can use a 10 inch for this one it's up to you our block we're actually going to trim it to 8 inches now yours at home could be a little bit different depending on seam allowance where you how you got your printer to print your template it could be larger or smaller you can you can decide what fits best for you when you're looking at your block you want to make sure so here's my eight here and my eight here so i have plenty really to trim off now it looks like i have a little bit more top and bottom to trim than i do left and right so i really can only go as big as eight and that just by trims off a hair in most places so if you're uncomfortable with that you can knock it down to seven and a half maybe you're blocking a little bit bigger maybe you're gonna do an eight and a half inch block that is perfectly okay for me it looks like i am going to be doing an eight inch square block the other thing you want to watch for while you are trimming these stars is it's not so important that your blog your star is centered in there because it is crazy um you may not know how you're turning your block you may not know if it's even square anyways looking at it you'll know that it's an eight inch square but when someone's looking at your quilt and admiring it they might not they're not going to notice that you just want to make sure when you're trimming you want to make sure you have plenty of seam allowance so that that point is going to come out every time and you also have your four inch and your four inch that can sometimes you can eyeball that to the center of your star but that sometimes will create a small issue whereas you'll see here i'm not cutting all of that and i'm cutting a whole lot up here so for me i just kind of eyeball and make sure that it looks like i'm going to get everybody he looks pretty centered because i know this is eight and this is eight it is very much a crazy block so don't make yourself crazy when you're trimming it just trim your block and ensuring that you're gonna have five points when you're done so i'm gonna have my back i'm gonna hold down i'm gonna do the right side and then the top and then i'm going to go ahead and close my ruler turn this 90 degrees lay it down and i'm going to put my eight inch here my eighth inch on the bottom so i've got eight eight i'm going to trim the right side and the top and there you have your first trimmed block so we're going to trim a bunch of these and then you'll lay them out and again mine is eight inches yours could be a little bit different whatever works for you is what is going to work for your quote so again for me here's eight here's my eight i'm going to make notice where my points are my points so i've got a good half inch there so i know i don't want to go any bit farther i really want to lose that point i can walk just whack him right off so i'm going to do eight eight see where my points are and i'm going to cut the right side and then the top and twist and again i'm going to line on those clean cut edges i'm going to line up my eight around that cut edge my eight takes here my points are and then do the right side and on the top and there's another perfectly trimmed block and notice this block so i had a white background with a red and then a red background with blue stars you can kind of lose some like this point doesn't even look like he exists so it's funny that maybe i should have been more maybe on a blue back here but this will be really cute anyways don't get stuck on a block that looks like this but keep in mind it is important to have high contrast so that you don't lose your star i think it's supposed to look really cute it's just not as high as contrasted as those two so keep that in mind when you're shuffling this one i may be eerie of making sure that i don't um create this guy again but he's still cute nonetheless he's still going in my quilt okay so once we have our blocks trimmed up um we'll go to the design wall and i'll show you some fun um setting ideas so ideally what you could do is you could take these eight inch blocks and just do all back together again one right after the other however you want to arrange them i think it's really cute this way it makes it look it makes it look really scrappy this way so it's really fun um the other thing you could do is you could put sashing in there if you feel like oh i want to break it up a little bit you can easily do sashing the other thing you can do is go ahead and if you've made you know 20 blocks like oh my gosh i need to get this quilt done and i'm kind of out of time what you can do is then take some solid squares and then just put some solid squares in there if you wanted to and then you wouldn't have to now these are 10 inch scores i'm using to show you this but you of course make them if you've trimmed this to eight inch this of course would be an eight inch square but you could also do solid blocks and they could all be different blocks they could be all of the same they could be t-shirt quilts they could be anything you wanted but solid blocks alternating your star block it would be an also really cute option if you want to have some leftover strips from a jelly roll you could also piece something in here um sew three strips together trim it so it's the correct size and you'd be good to go there so you can kind of set it up any way you like i'm going to keep working on my stars so i can have a full quilt full of just stars hi guys so i was sewing and i have um 26 blocks made i need to make one more to finish out um my block right there so what i decided to do is do it on point um our blocks are being trimmed to eight inches which means they're gonna finish around seven and a half inches so i could do straight setting like we traditionally do but my quilt would be maybe size which is about 40 by 50ish so i feel like i wanted a little bit bigger maybe for wyatt to hang around with maybe robert would you know cover his feet with it it's also something that if i do want to make more blocks it would make it a little bit bigger because remember if we throw our block on set on point it makes our block about one and a half times larger if you have your all-in-one reference toolbook or that little purple one it tells you the math to be able to figure things out um if you have x amount of blocks that are so big what your quilt's gonna finish at or how many you should make to make it desired by the size you want if you know that oh it's gonna go for a dorm twin bed for a grandson or a son that's moving into college so these are a really good block block quilt just reference tool i love mine i have mine all the time just be able to help me figure out some of those indecisive options so i'm gonna set mine on point um that's gonna roughly give me let me just measure this um roughly give me a 46 wide by 52 inch quilt top um i'm going to use the left over ten inch squares that i have i'm going to cut them on the diagonal to create my um corner or excuse me my side setting triangles i think that'd be really cute i'm gonna keep it scrappy i'm just gonna use up my whole 42 squares um you'll only need um let's see six additional blocks to do this so i think it look really really good i think it just be kind of cute and then i can also put a border on it i might do maybe a solid navy blue background or a first border just to kind of create that frame look and then do a really cool border pick one of these or just pick a nice large print to like a five inch border and i would easily get a roughly let's see probably 60 by 70 size quilt which is perfect i'd put minky on the back if i wanted to it'd be big enough to put on the back of the couch during this time of year so it's something festive um so it's really fun the other thing you could do is if you feel like no i'm just going to make the 27 blocks you could also alternate it so it's a star block and then you could trim down um some of your layer cake pieces your ten inch squares and just do a let me pick one that's not in there here you go you can just put a solid square so that your piece blocks will go even longer so that you really could um make your quilt even larger without having to make roblox so you could alternate it still keeping it scrappy and alternating with some just solid blocks so whether that means you need to pick up a couple extra um i would say two-thirds yard cuts that's 24 inches so you'll be able to get eight additional ten inch squares um so you can alternate and then your blocks will last longer you'd be um very close to a large twin or a full size even um after you do everything on point put some borders on it and you're good to go so the crazy star method one of my favorite methods um if you really like it janet nesbitt does have books out at the moment we have these two in stock i think there might be one or two more that i couldn't put my fingers on this morning but we've got absolutely crazy and crazy at the cabin um they're really fun this one has you'll see her stars in here flowers birds and some watering canisters done the same way where she gives you the template in here copy it onto freezer paper trace it onto freezer paper and you do it the same way and then she talks you through it so really fun things if you feel like you really like this method maybe you want to make it again in a bigger size pick up one of her things super cute and she even has one um that's like only when pigs fly or something look how good that one is so if you like this method or maybe you just want to try it again and you want to make it a bigger size just go ahead and blow up the template i gave you and maybe you're going to start with a 14 inch block maybe you're going to start with you know a 16 inch block the bigger it is it's always easier to start with um this book it comes from martingale crazy at the cabin really cute so sail boats now these elbows are done the same exact way it is not paper piecing you gotta cut your template out do some swapping around and you're gonna make it all up again so really cute cute things in here oh look at this mousse at those guys so super cute she also has another that star again she shuffled the center and the backgrounds in there and alternated her blocks on a straight setting so super cute um the quilter at the side um we had it on fabric chat last week but they're just other options so we've got a dog um this still this really cool like compass star she does her method so if you feel like oh some of these blocks you know you have to do a certain way with foundation paper or paper piecing you don't always have to there's always maybe another technique out there and then the really cute heart check out sabrina's quilt story that we did probably about a year ago it's really cute she made it for harper and it has a bunch of hearts in it done janet's way so her crazy method's really fun again trace your template fuse it to your stack of fabric cut it out and sew it together and it comes out perfect every time because you do a little squaring up you do your straightening of your edges it's a lot of fun there was one more quilt i wanted to show you um i did forget it out at the retreat center but maybe i'll get brittany to plug in a picture here for me but it is essentially these blocks but we did a sashing on it a double sashing so that was really fun and then there's this one this was wyatt's crib quilt um four years ago when i brought him home but this one's also funny it's just a bigger crazy star and what i did is i shuffled the background pieces um so i had colors and i had the tans so i just kept all of the tan backgrounds and the dark ones in one quilt and then there's a whole nother quilt that has tan centers and shuffled dark backgrounds so you can really make two quilts at once if you really wanted to so you could really definitely make it light and dark and another quilt is dark and lights if you have twins in your life or just want to make one for you and one for someone special and you can have you know that friendship bracelet that's a quilt so there's lots of options with a crazy technique i hope you try it i hope you love it um again check out janet nesbitt she is one sister um she does um designing for henry glass um you probably know who she is maybe you've seen her but look her up check out some books i hope you try this if you have any questions let us know and we'll see you again next time thank you for watching our video we invite you to leave a comment hit the like button or better yet subscribe to our channel so you never miss an episode you can also visit our instagram twitter facebook or pinterest pages or find all of those things and our online store at
Channel: The Fabric Patch
Views: 14,749
Rating: 4.888 out of 5
Id: ntr33sTnN_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 57sec (2937 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.