How I made the TRIANGLE CUSHION and face my fear - ZIPS!

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hello youtube friends when i was down in the tree house the other day um having that midsummer nap i saw this cushion again and i remembered that i had made these cushions some time ago and i thought they're a really nice shape a bit of a quirky unusual shape uh they're also uh you know they're good to sort of snuggle into your side if you want to you know some support in your back and so i thought i would show you how i made this now i made this one just by stitching up the edge here and i'm going to try today i don't know why because i'm not very good with zips but i'm going to try playing with zips today i'm not really um concentrating on learning about zips but i am going to put a zip in this cushion cover and oh hello and then we are going to alter the cushion pad so that it fits this funky shape so the things you need for this little project are a cushion pad and then whatever size that is we're going to make the cover appropriately now the one i'm using today is a 12 inch cushion pad this one is just made of foam chip chips and it was really easy to do but the one i've got the only one i've got to use today is filled with feathers so i think when we get to that bit that's going to be quite interesting but for now though uh in order to now i'm not offering this as a like a mega tutorial i'm just showing you the steps i'm sure there are hundreds of people watching who are better at zips than i am and i mean hundreds thousands possibly i think you're probably better at zips than i am come say hello all right sit on the on the fabric over there then i've got some upholstery weight fabric this is the same stuff that my curtains are made from through the sitting room so i did think that that might be nice to make one that matches the sitting room and of course now norma's sitting on the mall i've got some of this which was curtains and i've made loads of things out of this over the years it's nice but i've also got this which norm is sitting on so i'll show you the piece that i've already cut out put those there i've got this which is a nice uh purpley thing won't show the dirt too much but because it's going to have a zip on you will be able to take it off and wash it okay so zips then the first thing i'm going to tackle then is putting a zip in and um i've got some short ones i've got someone who doesn't like putting in zips i seem to have rather a lot of them and but i've got these ones here and i'm going to choose the right color to go with this fabric and um it's either going to be this purple or this gray what do you think is there a darker gray nope same color okay so those are my choices all black no those are my choices then so i'm going to decide which one to put in my cushion pad's 12 inches square so i've cut my cushion pieces 13 inches square which is a little bit it'll give me half an inch seam allowance if i need it and i've also cut two pieces of cotton which is uh just an ordinary uh cotton weight for the lining which will help put the zip in okay so i'm going to take you over to the sewing machine now and you're going to see me attempt to put a zip in and you can shout at the screen that's fine i don't mind at all no okay don't do it like that it's a much easier way but we'll pop over to the sewing machine now and we'll do that now before we go any further i'll just tell you that i'm taking most of my zip knowledge from a fantastic tutorial on the missouri style quilt company where she shows you how to make a little zipper pouch the same um things that you'll be doing there i'm going to be doing here so it's there's nothing new under the sun is there and jenny has already invented it all okay then so let's put my tea put me to you down there so as well as the two lots of 14 inches no 13 inches as well as the two lots of 13 inch pieces outside cover inside cover i've cut two pieces from the from the waist fabric in the outside cover that are two inches square and i'm just folding them in like this fold it in fold it in i don't think you need to fold in the the raw edge because you're going to be uh sewing over that anyway and two inches might be a tiny bit too big but i'm folding them in like that and like that and i'm going to sew along there and along there so i'll quickly do that now fold in fold in so that then that measurement is about i don't know it's just over half an inch isn't it so what you've got then is two little sort of these are the pieces that sort of hide the zip at the end keep those to one side kind of doing this in real time this is a little bit uh a little bit scary we just take one of our outside pieces and one of our lining pieces and this is where i can sometimes i'm going to say you but me i can get into a bit of a model and the first time i did one of these uh zipper pouches from jenny my zit was on the inside so you want your outside fabric to have the zip pull just a minute okay outside of the zip pull so what it wants to be like that let's do it from this end it wants to be like that quite a bit of editing i think this video is going to need so it wants to be like that with the zip pull on the outside so that means that that needs to be like so now before i do that though i need to i need to put these two pieces i need to sew them onto the end here so why didn't i sew them onto the end when i did the over sewing what to it got a double row of sewing now okay never mind i have got a double row of sewing it's gonna have to do what's absolutely marvelous about this sewing machine and i've done it on the wrong side okay i going to leave all these glitches in i guess so because i make glitches all the time i'm just going to pull that off and i'm gonna put it on okay there so what you need to do first of all then is stitch this across the end of your zip i think you may never see this video don't look at me do you want to look at what i'm doing down here i've opened it up ever so slightly i'll put the end there it's like a stop for it like that something like that so if you're going to do this don't bother stitching it down first i'll tell you what's marvelous about having a machine like this is that i don't have to worry too much about it sewing over the nylon bit of the zip so now that's doing that and that's stopping it at each end with a little stop like so let's see if that works next thing we need to get the zip and the lining and this is the lining is what holds the zip in place and makes everything neat on the inside so i'll just angle you down again okay so i've got my zip like that i'm going to open it a little bit actually and i'm going to put the zip there and there now sometimes i find that when i'm stitching the zip in it slips a little bit so either use loads and loads of pins all what i've found really helpful is loads of binding clips but because i'm doing another project at the moment all my binding clips are in use so i haven't got any spare ones just a nuisance i mean all of them like 100 binding clips are all in use on a different project which i can't talk about now so in that case i'm going to do loads of pins like a lot of pins okay so i'm gonna with the zip open i'm just gonna do lots of pins all the way along and i'm lining up the edge of the zip with the right sides together of these two fabrics and i'm pinning across the zip i'm not telling you how to do this i'm making this up as i go along okay now this um of course there are zipper foots aren't there on uh zipper feet zipper foots on ordinary sewing machines i guess this um dukey may probably have a zipper foot and if i was ever going to get into playing around with lots of zips then i may invest in one but you know i'm already getting sweaty palms doing this so i think i think me and zips are not good friends all right so i've got lots of pins all the way along there now put another one in there because it doesn't matter how many you put in does it if it's going to hold the thing in place let's try sewing it it's quite an adventurous isn't it okay so as near as i can be the nearest i can get to the zipper teeth is the width of this foot here people who know how to put zips in who've got zip of a zipper foot they're doing a much much better job than me but what we're making we're making a kids cushion let's remember we're making a kid's cushion and not um some sort of fancy ball gown okay now i can feel my zip there now my zip head and so what i'm going to do now and i have tried doing this with the with the foot down and doesn't like it so i'm going to do it with the foot up and then just go right back to where i was um i was before and i'm gonna get the take that one out i'm gonna get the zipper head thing and zip it past where i was so that i'm not going to have a bump when i go past the zip because it was it was there and this would have gone veering around it to get past it now i can feel the teeth of the zip there oh and i've unthreaded my machine by doing that okay bear with me guys i'll be right back i didn't see that i'd done that okay my old machine had a needle threader which was marvelous and someone in the comments suggested that i buy this needle threader i can't make it work so instead i use this needle threader which is perfect except it does need me to have my glasses on and there we go in it goes i definitely couldn't thread this needle without it though okay indigo and gray thread grain needle threader gray everything nope nope lots of editing i think there we go i'll pull that through and that just sits up there for when i need it next lovely okay there we are we're back on track and i can feel where the teeth are and i can see that and so it should be just about right now if you're if you're worried about the zip slipping tack it tack it in place yeah clips would have been brilliant somebody in the comments asked what this little piece of fabric is that i use to stitch off on the end what's its purpose and its purpose is so that um i don't have to pull thread out i don't have long tails of thread and they're all caught up in this little thread catcher it just makes sewing easier neater and then you end up with all these cool little bits of art and it just slips off like that i save it for the next time i need it over here okay let's see if um how well that worked so the zips on the proper side like that it's pretty straight and neat i'm happy with that and the lining as well yeah it's pretty straight and neat so now we need to pin the other side in exactly the same way not the wrong way around you can tell i've done that once can't you okay here's the next two pieces let's just have you over there so that you can see what i'm doing okay okay are you gonna help no so we'll just have a break for a word from our sponsor norma and a cup of tea so i'm sure there are expert tutorials all over youtube i'm not that person i like doing things i like having an experiment i like trying to see if um if i can make something work i do find it's useful to look at a website like a a youtube like missouri star quilt company i've got some really really great tutorials so we can't hesitate any long any longer normal we have to get you off the piece of work and so the second side why would you move her though she's so contented so this cat's 20 this year she's in pretty good nick i get some really special food which means that the other two get really special food as well that's all right though everyone looks great i think your food probably costs more than mine i'm going to have to move you though so i want to get on and put the second part of this sip in ages and ages ago i made some beads i'll leave a link to the beads and someone said they were pink and green and someone said why don't you make some the same colors as agnes quilts so i did and i was getting dressed this morning and i thought oh i've worn those for a while so put them on and now she started purring which makes it harder to move her look i'll tell you what i'll do i'll move that baby onion out of there and i'll put you in there some nice soft fabric in there how's that what do you think of that it's quick before she gets comes back again okay then so we've got our first piece beautifully done and now we need to do the second piece and not get it wrong i'll angle you down i don't think why should i get it wrong there's no reason i should get it wrong so this one then goes right sides down do it that way so you can see towards the zip like that uh no to yes towards yes towards the zip like that and then this one goes right sides towards it here and i do all the pinning and and placing and all the cleverness again okay so place that one there like so the lining like that and then we bring in the pins and i can feel the zip right under my fingers has anybody been watching um the great british sewing bee which just finished recently and i thought the right person won although i did like the guy raph i thought he was lovely that's some really good ideas and they do these sewing challenges and joe license there bouncing up and down being being funny and then he says so is you have 10 minutes left and that's when they decide to put in an invisible zip what these people are more practice than i am now i'm going to um just double check that that's correct looks pretty good to me and i'm going to open the zip where's it gone oh no i can't because i've just pinned it in place okay i'll open it when i get to it okay i think i'd like the transformation challenges on that program you know when they give them um a parachute or when they give them um a load of blankets or bling and they've got to make a something or other those would be the things that i'd enjoy i wouldn't like the pattern challenge because that's you know the invisible zip in 10 minutes and i don't know whether i'd like the maid to measure i'd do maybe i'd make a quilt out of that pattern challenge out of the um out of the the you know the fun one the whatever it's called inspiration one i think i just get all the pieces and make a patchwork quilt in in 40 minutes anyway i'm just putting off the inevitable moment when i have to sew this sip in let's do it okay is your heart in your mouth mine is there it is okay make sure everything's lined up okay it is slipping a little it's a cushion for a child don't even worry about it kate that's okay it's just this bit that's slipping now i've got the zip here so what i'm going to do is unzip it and lift the foot up put the foot back down again a little like a quarter of an inch behind where i was make sure everything's lined up okay let's see so i've got my i mean that gray doesn't look too good does it it's gonna have to do the purple look worse i've got my two lining pieces i've got my two outside pieces and now i'm going to make the funky triangular shape and the way that you do that and if you only remember one thing undo the zip that is really really important to undo the zip so what i'm going to do now then is take both the outer parts and get them right sides together and line up where this zip comes here and i'm just going to actually i'm going to put a pin in there i'm just going to fold those together so they line up perfectly put a pin in there lots of layers there but that's why this machine's so great i think i might have said that once or twice hi norma my constant companion isn't she and then on the other side the same i'm going to fold the zip in half so that that little keeping thing that i did is the bit that i'm going to sew really close to yeah perfect and now remember the only important thing you need to know keep the zip open it's going to be vital for later when we're turning this the right way round okay then so remember i cut it 13 inches and i need it 12 that's so i can give myself a half inch so i'm not going to do my quarter inch i'm going to do a half inch seam now when i get to this bit here i'm not going to worry because i have good machine oh it didn't even notice it half an inch all the way around i'm going to do one long side i'm going to do the other long side don't go round the top because we're going to do something fancy with the top okay so far it's just like any other cushion cover but now instead of sewing along the bottom we're going to open this out and line up these two seams and because i like nesting seams i'm just going to make one go one way and one go the other that actually doesn't matter but just to distribute the the bulk there i'm a fan of nesting seams i'm gonna put a little pin in there and then pull that either side now you can pin all the way if you like but i think that's gonna be fine i'm just gonna hold that and do my half inch seam here now if this was a single cushion cover i might um use a zigzag stitch or an overlocker on that but it's going to be lined so it's all right and now we get the the lining and we're going to do the same thing open it out and line these two seams together front and back there i will pin that but we do have to leave a gap there big enough to get your hand in for turning it the right way around so now i'm a half inch so i'm gonna leave a gap of four inches maybe and because i'm going to get my hand in and do some manhandling i'm going to go backwards and forwards and then make sure my needle's up there we go let's do it all the way around oh silly there's a few things i miss on this machine my old machine which i still would use from time to time but it has a needle up position so it stops in the needle up position whereas with this one i've got to make it do it i mean what hardship is that eh and now i'm going to just needle up another thing that was a worry a worry something that i was concerned about with this machine was that i couldn't reach the knee pedal to lift the foot with my knee because i'm so short but i've now got a different sort of chair it's an office type chair and um it makes me a bit higher up so my knees in the right place okay the moment of truth so you don't need that pin in there the moment of truth i'm going to turn this the right way around now and this is when all of you forgotten to leave your zip open are all now having to unpick one of the seams so i haven't made that quite big enough there we go and i'm going to go down oh i've got a hand cramp i'm going to go down to the bottom and because i'm i'm not going to be able to do it later i'm going to pinch that seam in and press it really so that i'm pressing that corner out now while i've got the chance there we go i'll do the same with this one i could clip the edge off there should i no my hand's in here now i can't do it okay and then we just get hold of that and pull it through and on by the same token i'm going to do exactly the same thing here where i'm going to just poke that end out there like that and then because you're not going to see this ever the inside and the bottom what i'm going to do with that now is just pull it like that and tuck those edges in like so and then just i'm going to machine stitch along the top of there just for those four inches that i left open on the other side now the moment of truth i'm going to push the lining inside the cushion when you need glasses for close work but you don't need them for distance they're on and off all the time which is why they're often here and i have got very vocals can't get away with them don't like them at all okay so push those edges into there like that and now we're going to work out to see how well or badly our cushion zip worked out it's not the best cushion zip in the world what happened there it's not bad that one's a better that one's better i'll show you that end because that one's a bit better look that's kind of neatened it off i think at this end i just caught it too i caught it too near but hey ho it's all good like i say about most of my things it won't win prizes and so the zip zips up like so and all we need to do now is make the cushion pad the same size to fit this and if you thought that was tricky you ain't seen nothing yet now we get to the point where we have to consider the cushion pad so we've made our triangular cushion for our cover but our cushion pad is like this so do this when you're not going to get distracted or have anything else to do because what we're going to do is on the because this is stitched up along here in order for it to get the label put in and it's just a single line of stitching so we're going to get the filling as far down as we can i have lots of pins on hand and then i'm going to unpick the stitches along the sewn up end now of course that means that whatever's in the stuffing inside your your pillow and this one is a duck feather now we don't want to end up with a load of duck feathers all over the all over the house it's not a good idea so that's why i say do this when you you've got a little bit of time and you're not going to be called away or have to leave the job half finished so we're going gonna just i can see the feathers now it's really well sewn up which is a good thing for the cushion but it's not it's a bad thing for us because it's gonna take some patience to unpick this oh there we go that's good now no feathers on the outside and pick it all the way to the end which is probably reinforced so we'll take some careful ripping first feather out not good yeah so the end is reinforced nicely made cushion wherever i got this from but not for our purposes i'm just gonna carefully undo all their good work there we go i started in the middle so i've got the other side to do as well oh five feathers six feathers six feathers i can pop those back inside again just be careful have a real care doing this and you have to take it right to the end because of what we're going to do next you think i'm crazy norma she says well so long as i get some nice food at the end of it i'll be fine yes oops daisy seven eight nine feathers just push them back in again do it gently carefully and as soon as you've got the end completely open well i guess i'll tell you what i'm going to do i'm going to pin that back together while i do the other half yeah that makes perfect sense doesn't it it does know it makes perfect sense and then as i started in the middle i'm just going to go the other way i started in the middle so that i could get my unpicker underneath the label i'll do the other half now well it could be some time you don't need to put the label back on again if this is for you i mean if you're going to give it away then maybe whoever's going to receive it might like to see the label but i'm not going to bother putting the label back on and a good stitch ripper will make this job easier nearly there don't breathe and of course they've reinforced this end as well so i'm just going to pin those back together again oh this is hot in your mouth stuff this but it is worth it for a nice funky pillow for a child's bedroom or there's another couple of things you can do with them as well another feather okay and i'm just going to do the reinforced end now where they've gone backwards and forwards a couple of times which i'll do as well do you know i've just thought of a way you could do this if you were to push as many feathers down into the bottom of the cushion as possible although this is actually really well stuffed and then just pin a couple of inches below you would have far fewer feathers to contend with just thought of that now i'm not going to make another one of these so but if i do i'll use that technique okay now i'm nearly there i have to get this right the way to the end like so so look here i've just got a few feathers on the table not many i'm going to poke those back inside or not leave those there now what we're going to do now now then is re-pin it so that it'll be triangular okay so heart in my mouth i'm going to open the whole thing up like that and shove everything back inside again maybe using a pillow a cushion pad that's made with um man-made stuffing that would have been a darn sight easier wouldn't it but this is the one i had okay so i'm going to get what was the ends of the cushion and bring them together and pin them together i'm going to use a lot of pins i'm going to pin that one together there like that yeah definitely using um a cushion that's not filled with feathers oh we all like a challenge don't we so when the middle's pinned and the middle is just the two outer edges here then i'm going to you can see you can see what i'm doing i'm going to pull on these two edges here just keeping the turn in that the original pillow maker made and then i'm going to pin this together with a lot of pins or these would work these little clips they would be a good idea what a mess yeah if they don't want to stay in take them out and what have i got 20 feathers that don't want to be in there okay lots of pins all the way along at this point if you wanted to put the label back in now would be the time to do that for the care instructions if you wanted to do that yeah binding clips that would have been a much better way of doing it now there's many pins in there as is going to hold it together i'm going to get it under the machine now and sew it back together and remember go anyway okay oh probably worth re-pinning it with the pins on the outside like there make sure you're getting both sides in but it doesn't take a moment and it's done so when you sure it is done there's one little one that wants to come out and another one there then you can plump it back into shape again and there you have a feather filled triangular cushion pad which was tricky but not impossible so now we'll try it in our cushion cover shall we so all that remains then is to put the cushion pad into the triangular cushion now it's a little bit tricky because it to get it in but once it's in it's in so it needs to be in that way so those two edges need to go in first like so and because i made it it's a 12 inch cushion and because i made the cushion cover using 13 inches of fabric it means it's going to be nice and and um plump and not i don't like loose cushion covers very much this one's not going to be that way and so just before we zip it up we'll just make sure that it's right into the edges into the corners here there you go and there it is a really weird funky triangular cushion this is really helpful now obviously i'm using my phone to film with so i can't show you what you could do with it but uh let's just see what have i got that would look like a phone here we go one of my sizzix die cutter things so you can prop something up a book or your ipad or your phone or whatever and it holds it absolutely beautifully i think that's one of its nice functions but it's also just a nice cozy cushion in a weird shape now and you think you might have a try at making those i'm going to make hundreds of them in virtual pink and send them all down the lime green sofa for you let me know with the hashtag on instagram lhlds i'll leave that in the description below and if you make these make them with you know patchwork or whatever you like really and if you make them and if you manage the zip let me know over there on instagram leave us a comment below give us a thumbs up and a like and a share and subscribe because that really does help the channel to grow thanks so much for tagging along with me today while i made this cushion i'll see you next time bye
Channel: The Last Homely House
Views: 32,585
Rating: 4.9741354 out of 5
Id: ksNM_eRwlTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 28sec (2848 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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