Mossberg 930 SPX

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I didn't take long to empty did it it's almost like a semi-automatic dare I say it yes he cocked 45 here with you can see the Mossberg 930 SPX I guess this is their tactical version but it doesn't have the pistol grip - maybe it's not really tactical can you be tactical without a pistol grip the eternal question the only all answer that personally I don't like this the grips a lot but kind of like this shotgun a little bit it's much I've been shooting it it's done pretty well got it from Bud's gun shop calm and we appreciate their help because you all have been requesting this for a long time give our opinions on the Mossberg 930 and I finally got around to it and got one from from butts on unload of course goes back to the ego and our auction so we appreciate their help check them out at their website it's nice to be able to just you know call up or write and request something like this because I don't have one they did so we'll send it back to them yeah and of course we're going to shoot a variety of ammo of shoulder crushing ammo now when I was firing or it was just some gold medal stuff fish filled loads the birdshot whatever seven and a half you can see what that was there was very light on the shoulders like firing a 38 special okay but we've got some Magnum rifles slugs maximum rifle slug oh those are supposed to be in different yeah these are a double up book of your 3 inch 15 pellets these are killers boy they hurt your show they really do I don't like to shoot these new you've seen all of our videos you know oh man in a pump shotgun or a you know anything it's not semi-automatic which absorbs a little bit of the recoil these are that can be painful they really can okay on both ends right it's good ammo all right so we'll fire some of that in reason I have that out and some of the maximum slugs instead of some of the riffle recoil is not a lot of difference is some of this I hesitate to shoot and you know because it's not as much fun but with a semi-automatic it's good if I use this because it does absorb a little bit of the recoil okay and for go any further don't forget to check our link in the description to the NRA if you're not a member please join okay we need we need to boost that membership up as high as we can get it and then you want to join other organizations of course do that I hope you will hope you'll you'll do whatever you can afford to do with all the gun rights organizations they never give up a lot of the battles and individual states now they never give up as you know okay so let's continue that fight however you think best so the 930 I've never had one I've seen a lot of talk about them and you know I'm still I don't have a strong strong strong opinion I can't conclusively say that give me a pump I hate the semiautomatic shotguns or give me a semi-automatic I hate the palms right you know I could live with one of these and now I got an m4 or this one or maybe another one if I just I don't know if I just work with it a lot I could probably grow to trust it and and manipulate it and feel like I'd be okay under pressure but I don't know I still always default back to a pump pump shotgun even though this one seems to be reliable so I can see why a lot of people like it and actually watch them many of you you don't want to get our opinions on it and you know shoot it here at the compound right because it seems to be a nice shotgun it's Mossberg I think it MSRP is eight something but you can find them for 650 anywhere between six and seven hundred dollars that's not a lot more than a 598 one really you know a nice pump shotgun so you know for that money for a semi-automatic you know it's definitely worthy of consideration if you think you want to send me on a mag shotgun and you don't want to pay a thousand or two thousand you know for a Benelli or some other brand so anyway you got your as you see you get your LP a sights megan italy they're those that give you a good side picture the ghost ring there's the adjustable windage elevation and i have adjusted it some I think I've got it pretty much on obviously for shot it's not as critical but for for slugs it kind of is you know if you're shooting at some of the distances I'd like to sling them so your front and rear sights are or the LPA and they seem like good sights sticks up pretty far but you know the way it's contoured is to sign not to hang on things you know so you know hopefully the Dozen that'd be one Cruces that's a big old tall sight but it does okay okay that's your big charging handle I like that bolt released you know you've worked kind of like a Benelli you got your carrier and your round in the carrier and it goes up into the chamber so it's kind of similar reminds me of my super 90 and of course one thing I do like about this is you've got your thumb ambidextrous safety how can you say that safety is not ambidextrous because it will work with your left thumb just like that pretty cool got a little cocking indicator so you can tell right there it's cocked and a little chrome plated thing there if I see it's still cocked by pull the trigger yeah sneaks back up into the trigger guard okay so let's take a couple shots why don't we go ahead and shoot some bruisers you want to and as I'm loading it it holds I think six three inch shells and it holds seven inch of three quarter shells supposedly yeah and I say that because shotgun shells vary a little bit I noticed with these that I head in there these are two and three quarters but there can be just a little bit of variation you know in two and three quarter shells and I mean it fills up that magazine with seven of these it's just that last one just just barely fits but it does fit so on three inches I don't know if I've weighed them or checked it out yet for sure alright and I've noticed with the magazine you need to make sure they click in there okay you want to hear that clicks are you going to stick your thumb up in there far enough it's three it's like that both John and I have had a little issue we let that last one I think it was the last round with those those shorter rounds evident or one and three quarter rounds inch rounds that last one didn't get clicked in and it ended up out here in the carrier and two rounds and they had to have really put the pocket knife in there and then clear it you know so anyway that that might just been our ignorance I don't know but we we both had that happen to us once and and that's the thing it kind of scared you I think me a little bit about a semi-automatic shotgun shotgun shells aren't famous for being uniform and I think it's quite a challenge to get a shotgun that's 100 percent reliable with like all the shot shells you might want to put in it but I know they work and I and this one I think the first time I loaded it was with the field load light loads I had one kind of hang-up you know was just wasn't strong enough to work it but that was the very first time I loaded it and fired it since then I've not had any trouble even with with these so that's part of the claim to fame that's got that auto regulating gas system and so it's supposed to be able to operate with light loads medium loads really hot load three-inch students recorders and whatever and y'all heard that about the Benelli m4 but I've yet a fire too recently Benelli enforced hey I don't cycle this stuff okay at all hardly and so this does this kind of interesting so it's not a big crime if maybe you know it does hang out I think it just needs maybe that little bit of break-in and we'll see it may do it today but it is kind of a defensive shotgun so it's a I see it as a convenience if it will function with like field loads you know birdshot and that kind of thing it's kind of nice because you just you know have fun with it she loved around sheep more cheaply but it is a defensive shotgun you know this kind of stuff is all kinds of double-aught and number four buck and you know that's the kind of thing you want it to be a hundred percent reliable with it's not a hundred percent reliable with this what are you doing out bird hunting anyway yeah with this this defensive shotgun right so I put five in I think that's enough of this at a time oh man oh-ho-ho why don't we go ahead and smoke a pot okay again your Safety's right there like one of those torpedoes then notice your loaded chamber indicator there all right I think I'm about the right distance to really smoke that thing all right now these kick a little bit with any shotgun that's what I thought that's why I wanted to shoot that with one of those loads it's just by the time that shot got there it was just engulfing that pot I'm sure why don't we shoot the tombstone just to see the spread on down there at I have a low with that 15 yards whoo you wouldn't want to be that that the piece of steel let's hit the cowboy see how it swings it those are heavy pieces of steel yeah man those things set you back even further defensive use I personally I prefer something a little bit less energetic you know but on in this gun they don't hurt you like like they do some other firearms other shotguns the the fact that your semi-automatic for those who don't know for new shooters it does absorb it's a gas system and and it does absorb some of the recoil whereas if you put those same rounds in a pump gun or a double barrel you'd get more of a kick okay plenty with this one but more in in those other firearms so but it's neat and so there you saw really the variety you know that boy you talk about two ends of the spectrum this and this so there's the variety and I fired other things try a couple slugs or some of these then again I'm even using the maximum rifled slugs are a little more powerful sixteen hundred ten feet per second one out slugs and you know I'm a yellow slugs so let's put the safety on let's just see how many it'll hold now these are two and three quarters one out the count one over five minute box right back and lock I'm from Kentucky or something there okay and okay we're full to left out all right five in a box that makes ten two left out Alemany quick quick to uncle Ralph he had never figured out he's in Kentucky so I guess eight so there's eight rounds in there seven plus one all right so let's shoot a couple slug I think I have a pretty good idea digested the sights a little bit where this isn't going to be you know my shotgun next ten years you know I I try to get him on pretty close and figure out you know where to hold but not planning to go to marksmanship competition with them of course so but with slugs you know have as much a margin of error you need to get them pretty close you're going to hit anything and I think I did they tell you the truth I've kind of forgotten where to hold what I think kind of six o'clock let's try that RAM over there then load in it yeah that hold up on him a little bit more okay Buffalo rolls them over let's make sure the gong is the weight I don't know if there's anything that's more fun than putting slugs on steel I think that cave needs to go to hold him down I'll try that red plate on the left I think I need to hold up at near the top of it all right papi got another round in there and I'm not sure what that's about hadn't done that yet let's go ahead and put him in the chamber let's go a two-liter with a slug not that one just said of great so what else about it I got a hot I was gonna maybe break it down is it I think I want it a it's kind of it's tedious in a way I did it just before the video maybe we'll do a field strip I want video but you just take this off unscrew it make sure you hold the magazine spring take that off the forearm slides off and and then you've got your pull the barrel out and you've got the gas system attached to their kind of like a Benelli not you don't get the feeling it's quite as maybe quality that kind of thing like the mark 4 but a little bit similar and setup and then after you get that off and pull the ball down and it's it's simple take my word for it if we do a video or we don't there's some online but it does it comes apart without too much trouble alright and that that's that's that's important okay what else about it you got your rail there you could put a red dot of course on that I did read I read several articles on this because I've never owned one and I read or heard two different people had quality control issues with this rail one was that I think that the screws and the holes were reamed out or something they had to have that redone one of them was I think maybe was ten outdoor was nine said something bad his was it was crooked and and you know so there may be some quality control or at least there were so you know just watch for that it is a low end you know price-wise when you're talking about a semi-automatic shotgun I don't think there's many from quality companies that you're going to find for a lesser price you know correct me they're I'm wrong but but you know a Mossberg not to you know be a Mossberg salesman but I think most of us who have fired their shotguns you know trust them the 500 you know how do you argue the 500 or 598 one or whatever I I trust them I've got a couple of the 590 so I don't like them a lot and you know just don't generally have trouble with them so but again they're they're not like $1,000 $2,000 firearms so what else about and gets your bolt release right there it's not like a Benelli yeah it brings it forward the big nice handle kind of like that what do I'm not like I don't know it's okay I kind of like the stock you know I prefer a non pistol grip and a shotgun and I want another thing I do like about it is when you load it it's kind of like that lever action issue when you're loading through the loading gate some of them pinched the heck out of your fingers and you end up blood you know pouring onto your gun whether this is one of those it's really easy to load let me go ahead and load it with something long these it and Safety's on and there's nothing to chamber but you don't you're not worried about cutting your thong or slicing up your thumb and you stick it in there whatever finger you use right there hey they just go all the edges they've been milled out and I love that and they both a that is a feature that I like I've got a lever gun or a shotgun you know you're not gonna see blood coming out of my thumb I don't think they're and I'll say that out loud probably happen and supposed to have about a five pound trigger and it's it's no more than that I have to say it's no more than that and it also works in high heat and humidity like we're having today so that's that's a really strenuous you know test for it right actually it's more of a test for me yep been in Tennessee a long time I'm used to it so let's shoot some of these okay let's uh I don't know yeah again you want to be careful what you shoot with a shotgun with birdshot always be aware like I would not shoot a bowling pin with birdshot it's tough to come back at me that basically anything would hardwood but I will shoot that bucket between the chamber though yeah I shouldn't be hanging it keep them rolling there he goes yeah you got to be careful with the birdshot and really even the idle other buckshot if it's kind of small I just said the only thing with a shotgun I feel comfortable shooting you know like it would or a bowling pin really is a slug you know let's see we got think of that let's shoot Kufner slugs we've got some sluggish targets here how's that they need to be awakened okay safety on I'm go ahead and put one of the chamber very good and put a few of these babies in here major these are fun so we hit the the bought the bolt stayed back or walk back on one of those didn't it keep up with what's happened with it and I kind of took it apart for video and cleaned it so it should be it's not like excessively dirty or anything like that so there's that is you got to be careful okay I got a pool yeah like I say you want to make sure when you put those in there they click in all right because you get one popping back out here the wrong time is okay I've kind of got to start over here somehow all right we've got slugs because we've got a couple of things that need to be slugged like that melon I mean right in the middle oh man that's all peace-loving coming right at my head and there's a little jug of water there he's being exploded there's a gallon jug dogies and about a two liter let's see let's go over there with a heck of a couple more and pop an animal I thought those turkeys down there on that row they're kind of hard to fall sometimes I don't like that yeah they need some discipline occasionally and I know some other animal that needs to be disciplined is that the Buffalo on the far right huh can't tell you how many times John and I shot at that and he just didn't fall so I'm gonna try a slug on him he wants to be hit I guess I'm their City I think it's haunted I think it's haunted okay that's pretty cool yeah a couple more things here we'll think let's just go ahead and load some more of these what did I forget to tell you about so we talked about the price of it and you know they're popular they were I think they were more popular you correct me if I'm wrong on that I think if you know more about them you've had these four years or something I think they were more popular as a hunting shotgun for a number of years safety on and I'm not sure they started out making their defensive tactical models so they have a history you know people have hunted birds within environments and everything else so it's it's kind of a proven design I think odo anymore those are the let's go ahead and put a couple more in so I'm a glutton for punishment appreciate y'all coming out to watch today especially where your shoulder is not getting beat up appreciate your support you uh call club members over there on patreon appreciate y'all helping and everybody coming to watch me get hurt now you know I've kind of be gone just shooting stuff to see how powerful something I can handle it's no fun really like a 500 Magnum with the absolute hottest round that's ever made and that kind of thing and you know break bones in your hand or or actually hurt your shoulder with something I I'm kind of beyond that I don't mind some pretty good recoil you know a little bit of it it would not be fun and for that reason I wouldn't I wouldn't shoot those things all day long now I could shoot stuff that's like two and three quarters almost any power level yeah all day long get a extended pad on it maybe and you know go ahead and have fun I don't mind recoil but when it's extreme its ya need that and limited amount sir alright so we got a bunch of those three-inch magnums let's put one on this target got to get a good stance when you're shooting this dog is that might be enough let's go there's the 2-litre there's another one you can probably see that thing jarring me I know it listen let's shoot uh I'll shoot one was that the gong just to see if any of it gets there I'll aim kind of on top of it I'll put a couple over there maybe I heard it I heard it was that that when I held too low I think but yeah you could hear some of those pellets you know heating at 80 yards a powerful round no doubt about it a real artillery piece a shotgun and again it other than what you saw and then the one that I was telling you about the first time I shot it you know it seems to be reliable you know I would suggest any semi-automatic shotgun especially that you you might have you plan to have for home defense or whatever are you going to battle with it you know what a Ramo you think you're going to be carrying in it and try with a lot of different ammo but then whatever you ammo you like and just you shoot it quite a bit clean it shoot some more and just make sure it's going to be reliable with with that ammo there's nothing finicky about it okay and learn how to clear it clear Jam you know quickly and then all that sort of thing and well if you want to make a semi-automatic shotgun your shotgun you know you know for again for for serious purposes where you're gonna have to rely on it maybe for self-defense for hunting I guess not as big a deal you might you know the lose out on a duck or or something I guess or a deer if your deer hunting okay what do you want me to shoot last what we have left standing oh yeah we've got some bowling smart-aleck bowling pins so you know what that calls for slugs yeah so sure of any slugs in here got a couple there yeah put some slugs in this baby was wrap up with him you're on safe they go Chuck one ounce the lid doesn't get much better than that nope I think I did it yeah I got one in the all right we're okay we're still unsafe didn't mean to get one of the carry yet on it you got to get it all up in here hey that quick like I told you and then I didn't do it the box of slugs here and again these are two and three-quarter one ounce maximum rifled slug hollow-point 16 10 feet per second okay we got appreciate federal furnishing those babies I probably yeah there's a lot of people in the country that that's deer hunt with slugs and ironically I who don't even hunt I probably 50 times more slugs than anybody in the country there we go alright cuz they're just fine nothing like a 70 caliber shimu bore rifle right okay I forgot to shoot those play pigeons I can hit clay pigeons when they're not going through the air when they're still alright bowling pan we're safe to shoot a bowling pin with these things now that one has a nail in the middle of it it may not fall off there to get hit by anyone down there you notice how it hits it with authority touch it so we got oh there's a piece of cinder block down there there was a piece of cinder ball all right let's go let's just put the rest up on the Gong whatever we have empty no it's not Easter I don't know what that was doing so we had a little something there you didn't get all the way into the chamber or something okay that's that's what I say you know I often times I when I tell you what happened before the video in my shooting it I've been shooting for a few days off and on well know what'll happen today and I just like we didn't so we had a couple of bobbles there and you saw it so that's what it is so if you have one of these you have a hunting model or this model or whatever you'll share your experiences with it it's hard to find a lot of negative feedback on makes they seem to work and again this one you know works most of the time we've had a you know a couple of those baubles there so I don't know if maybe they traditionally take a little more break in time or mmm they need to be extremely clean it's pretty clean pretty clean I took it off apart before the video and cleaned it again so anyway I like the fact that so that's not a positive of course I like the way it it feeds you know any any level of ammo and so anyway that's it's pretty neat so there it is looks kind of like a pump from here back then the old classic Mossberg alloy receiver of course just like a the pump shotguns they make and nice sights I like that side set up or you just pick that thing up you know quickly really works pretty well so anyway the 930 Mossberg SPX y'all been wanting to see it and see what that we think about it so what would do it we would actually do it because it doesn't take a lot to talk me into getting a shotgun even if it's a hot day and a sweaty day I can I can shoot these things all day long I love them life is good hi welcome to the end of the video it's good to see you guys here I want to tell you guys about our friends over SDI the Sonoran Desert Institute you can find them at SDI edu they are a fully accredited online distance learning program where you can become certified in gunsmithing or get an associates degree in firearms technology and they also accept GI bill so check them out at SDI edu and while you're on the internet please also check out some of the other stuff we got going on there's a Hickok 45 and son YouTube channel there's the Hickok 45 Facebook there's the real Hickok 45 on Instagram there's Hickok 45 on Twitter I've got John underscore Hickok 45 on Instagram there is a John Hickok Facebook page we have full 30 com there's our website the Hickok 45 com we'll keep it simple for you you can also find our store we sell shirts and stuff like that on the website there's also links on the main channel page and in the description and all that good stuff and please be sure to check the descriptions in the in the videos every now and then because we'll put information in there sometimes that might be useful to you who knows but I appreciate you guys for watching the whole video I hope that you enjoyed what you saw I'm sure that you did and if you didn't we'll probably hear about it but I'll see you guys later and thanks
Channel: hickok45
Views: 2,799,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mossberg, Mossberg 930, 930 SPX, 12 gauge, semi-auto, semiautomatic, semi-auto shotgun, shotgun
Id: ZbXYeBhv2EI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 11sec (1871 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 14 2018
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