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so with the new burst SMG coming out introducing trick shots for your loop [Music] the rules are set for go through five different trickshot stages built by face cast there's these trick shots or it's a week um it's a pretty cool stuff and also yes I got a green screen now yeah Russell asked me for it and I have no clear Russell's gonna do to me like what's that I don't even know what I'm looking at what is that Russell yeah but that's a giant like button so you gotta hit that like button hope you guys enjoy the video all right crane Joe are you ready boy okay mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy are you ready boy gosh dang it okay okay so okay round one simple we both came up with this one simple 720 then shoot with the hunting rifle this map was made by face cast guys go check out face cast you can check out the map it's a little red e boy this first round is for the new SMG or any other SMG if you don't want the new SMG it's right I go first I go first you go down there watch i boy here we go so three two I got to do a 720 and as you die I'm in the face okay jump 720 you know what that's orangey k okay okay okay whatever makes you steep and I plan backwards you got that one lemon flavor you just wait to the later level dude Mike's my two levels I made him dab Lydia okay I made them dab mine definitely to fam so I'm down to blue boy oh here we go here we go here we go I had you send him all dudes everyone whose anymore oh my god blue SMG reappears good that's the best rarity that it has yeah that's alright you're starting off again legendary I guess I get blue where I mean you can get the the legendary combat s and compact SMG if you want it's up to you always it is it okay he's in 722 Josh go we don't need a couch Oh Dossett how did you get lucky orangey yeah how do you get lucky rng guys you think that's so sad hey that's life one clown below hit that like button hey i'm justin good I'm just okay flicks ordered the second one yeah you came up with this one 180 fakie switch gun switch back shoot heavy shotgun okay what do we do you go first you go first 180 fakie switch gun switch bags shoot for shoot the face I don't know what you're saying words to me and I don't know what they mean what are you doing I'm trying to get down here so I can watch and I get it you gotta watch very closely so we got to get the ice right so you get the ice then you do a 180 fakie watching Oh daddy thank you I forgot to switch this is very hard so what did he fake you saw a fakie for you guys I don't know you're facing the target you do a 180 you're like Oh fakie then you go back right and then you switch guns and then go back to your shotgun and then shoot let seemed to it's an awful fakie Blakey yeah so the first ones for SMG this one's gonna be for okay are you ready to see me do it perfectly this is her bra you already have a purple boy okay you ready go hi I'm looking at you fakie switch - gosh bagging this is top band well I do this to myself so you have a blue now boy you're a bond Bob doing it now Hey I was kidding yep yep baby oh gosh are you gonna get a great a con your oldest level this is your own level check it out through you know cam looking at you know I'm not switch gone safe am so if you miss this one sweet shoot oh there you go dude you get a great good job you old newb hey good job on my own nibble a bot no body okay so you can do it big guy I'm looking at your rules 180 fakie switch let's go girls come here so here are the rules 180 fakie switch gun switch back shoot heavy shotgun okay okay yes if you do a first so I'm actually quitting the game right now not pump alright combat shout I hate guys do you think I can hit this first try hey dad why why did I have a stroke when I said that yeah even got one we'll leave a able to do it first all right so I have a load I got write this down before I don't go death I gotta write this down make sure you write down your guns do okay I have a blue sungha and I have a legend you have a grey shout a ye boy yeah I know are you ready hey boys you know what you gotta do I hit it first I got it alright so this level 3 this was mine this is pretty sick dude okay so I guess you can go down there if you want so you can watch so the rules for this one you have to hit this launch pad right and then jump up there yeah you can hit the like button too while you write go ahead hit the like one right now okay so hit your launch pad you'll bump your head on the ceiling after you bump your head on the ceiling you're gonna use the grappler on to the second launch pad do not pop your glider right does that make sense yeah and then I grappler again onto the ceiling after you hit the second launch pad 2 or 360 and then shoot with the scoped revolver this is a lot of instructions for my tiny brain but I think I got it here we go boys you think I can hit this flip that fly in that's good yes we are grown men calling for our mommies in three two why in this woods for the grapple or not the grappler the consumable boy you ready okay hi-yah hit my head my head wait he's bumping his head grappler grappler again 360 we are here boys I flipped that little flight flatten dude I flipped that little fly Clutton it's a scope of all the right yep gotta you do the score all if you get what to do you get what to do yes I got a bump my foot into that Bob my head grappling so that bump my foot grabbling to the ceiling 360 shoe you are really good at listening how did you get so good I don't know mommy taught me wait are you ready yep we're gonna head boy watching okay oh wait grappler oh we hit it 360 I like this one alright keep going keep going ease on you ha this one's for purple hit his head he grappler he jumped he jumped on the ceiling he did a 360 will he hit a shot stupid stupid I'm going now you're on blue boy here we go you see for it 360 go closer go closer and hey bloom is nothing green boy here we go can you get greener and you stuck with Greg consumables bye I'm going watching watching he bounced 360 oh he hits it 360 will he hit this for green Hey mr. green okay my mistake I just I should have grabbed both closer to the balls do this let's do this we go so this was your one I don't let me bring up the rules on aha let's go to the so the man I you scared little buddy the tires I remember reading the tires hold on after launch 360 be four tires 360 switch gun switch back shoot dual pistols yeah I don't know why I did this and I regret it do you want to see me do it what the heck there's a launchpad oh I'd okay I'm gonna get over here to watch so you got to do a double 360 but at the tires and after the tires alright alright and are you ready here he goes here he goes wait why don't we gotta figure out what guns this for mommy yeah let's do long reign actually no it's you know it's your tort you wanted long range long rage yeah let's do long range because I want the boom bow here a little foot-licker okay okay so 360 before the tires 360 after the tires switch guns and shoot him in the face all right it's on you I'm going I'm gonna get a fast five buddy watching okay okay bounce bad yet Oh 360 360 gun no you didn't get that no that was the ugliest thing I've ever seen that was that was a good bad that was a pretty ugly do you do you want to try again for a legendary since it was so ugly yes yes oh yes I will hate not my fault I'm born this way all right I don't you fail this time boy if you get another elderly whining buddy you get another ugly one and oh oh that's good 360 I saw Russell Russell edit that out Russell hey edit that out if you want Russell to edit that out hit that like looks good alright alright you ready you ready you ready me sharp dude dude okay okay okay so I gotta jump backwards and then 360 bounce 360 switch guns and then shoot hi I believe in you but I won't gonna fail 360 bounce 360 360 no no go RNG dude the re G you know what it's your level anyways I don't even flare I don't even flare boy I got it I got I got the rotation down I got the rotation down here we go here we go let me see it again then it let's just make sure I'm doing it correctly make sure I'm doing this correctly after launch pad three sig through four tires 360 switch gun switch back shoot dual pistols get out of the way you fat 360 which gun all right so I get a fleurville long-range flood I got a flexion flurry epic flung frames fun okay final round boy in this one this one is a floozy did you just do a lip smack yeah you want to hear it that was good level 5 are you ready for this boy ready final level what are we gonna do in this one I'm under here I didn't wonder here grab a flip flops plate alright grab an impulse now you got it now here's what we're doing for this one are you ready impetus to watch you alright we gotta make this epic impulse too far pads right there right right right jump through the other pads right there after you hit that other pad 360 fakie so you do a full turn then go back where's not just kidding then go back right it's like a wind-up toy so as seven to 20 nope 360 fakie not a 720 so yep that's 360 fakie and then shoot that guy in the face before you want the ground and these do it with a shotgun that's kind of okay I don't know what I'm gonna fail but I'm okay with it all right boy are you don't you shoot em anymore sorry I just want to make you oh yeah this last one this last one this last one is for your Choice Awards the Kids Choice Awards okay okay I want that in three two one high up okay he's going he's in that one he's in 71 [Music] oh you know what that was kind of ugly though so I probably want to do it again now that was kind of ugly but you know what you know what I get legend tree just like you did right you get legend tree but yeah if I get it this second try I'm beautiful we go here we go it's the first one its first its first kiss the second one all right crazy can you do this for your kids choice awards I really hope I get a legendary kiss Joyce award okay well so what you got to do before you do this the proper way to do this you got to call out for okay okay oh oh oh oh I did it I'm gonna go ahead and say you did it you get a purple Kids Choice Award are you kidding me right meow no not him meow not a cat okay I'm cool I'm doing again all right I I'm watching boy visit for purple oh you gotta hit that launch pad right so now you have blue you are a bot I'm gonna great yep because you're a barge oh he's in he's in can you do this kid got it always got the directory yeah hey so now you're on green dude this is for your Choice Awards okay I saw the fakie there we go there it is boys you got a green all right so that's our loot and check this out there's a bunch of there's bunch more levels on this map if you guys want us to do this again hit the like button and face cast nice map dude you did it good job mommy mommy mommy so this is a loot that I have blue SMG long shotgun epic a long-range okay so let's get epic long-range so I can get epic or below so I think I'm gonna take I mean this gun is just too good sculpt a are is just broken we'll grab that and then blue yeah here's the new SMG you look at this thing I've already used this gun I'll show you what it's like when I fight Craner but I don't know if you guys like this gun let me know how do you use it I have no clue okay so we're gonna use that shotgun oh yeah baby free this legendary combat shotguns 200p okay so I get a legendary your Choice Awards and a legendary consumable hey I want to be all up in craters face right because I want to test out the new SMG so we're definitely getting shock wave grenades now what is my next time I don't know if I want boogie bombs says the SMG is a burst right it shoots four bullets he'll be unban Singh as soon as I shoot him with one bullet so I don't know if that's good heels yep heels there's a 1v1 and we're doing first of five kills heels will be amazing right because like yeah yeah heels yeah let's do it all right boy are you ready your boys think I can win this hit that like button three I'm gonna win two craters are stupid foot-licker one mommy go oh I see you are you already built 90s did you already Harry Potter yourself no I didn't yeah you did I see you oh my gosh you are a bad person yes I have a flint knock I just heard that are you trying to shoot me Out Boy are you drinking yep what are you drinking all day well are you no way oh here we go new SMG time boy what does it sound like okay don't you build on me boy don't you build on me Oh 42 yeah the ping is terrible I'm sorry do you have clingers no what what that's been read why do you have flingers been Ruiz got it and I mean you have a great AK get out here boy get down here boy got about the combat shotgun and the edits Ian what are you doing Oh where's your flelf go where's your flelf go eh lord your filthy Co oh I see you NATO hey you're doing hey hey hey you don't hey you're gonna get fingered boy I'm not come down here Oh mommy oh gosh one all you stopped me in the neck that stuck me in the net like a wart oh you can't build walls while I'm pressing wi3 I love the way this gun sounds though where are you gosh I have no good weapons almost oh yeah I forgot you got trash trying to build on me boy oh no I see you I see you down there daddy here boy I told you boy how did none of those hit coming Oh jeepers oh right Arno great egg okay I'm Harry Potter myself I'm a Harry Potter I'm a hairy flawed er hairy otter wait I'm not an otter oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh Ranger Ranger just give me high ground give me high ground and chill give me high ground chill oh you have clingers Wow oh did I like pulling now nope ow is that a grape flak yeah Wow okay oh you're not that because I'm a mouse I tried to dream out of our game man no no I don't know what do you think about the gun what do you think I like it but also I don't need it oh yeah I don't know I don't know what do you guys think about the gun hit the like button if you like likes I also hate to subscribe button if you like likes hit that little bell if you liked this red mark on the forehead screen like trainer make me disappear in the green screen [Music] thanks again for hanging out watching this video and once again before you go hit the subscribe button for daily videos
Channel: SSundee
Views: 8,654,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fortnite, Fortnite creative, Fortnite trick shots, fortnite kids, kids, fortnite creative loot mods, fortnite rare loot
Id: DFccj78rOUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 58sec (1258 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2019
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