Colin Jost Talks About the Bizarre Rejected SNL Sketch He Wrote for Seth

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-What's up? -What's up, Seth? -Good to see you guys. -Hi. -Hi. -Hi. -You are bundled up, Michael Che. -Yeah, man. I'm not used to this weather. -Really? -I'm from the Island. [ Laughter ] Manhattan Island. -Yeah. -You guys are actually both from the islands. You're from the island of Manhattan. -That's right. -And you're from the island of Staten. -Yeah. -Yeah. [ Laughter ] -Sounds just as tropical, right? -Yeah. Well, they -- Now JetBlue goes direct to Staten Island, so... -JetBlue has ferry service now. I was gonna come out and wear -- I was gonna wear a Hawaiian shirt, but he talked me out of it. -Really? -And say that I was more dressing for the job I wanted. -Oh, gotcha. -Versus this, but then he -- -And the job you wanted is "Magnum P.I." [ Laughter ] -Yeah. Why not? -What job do I want? Panhandler? [ Laughter ] I should be selling batteries on a D train. -I was so -- You guys had a month off, which is unheard of in my 10 years, which is -- -No, we never left. -You had a month off. Did you enjoy yourselves? -Uh, yeah. [ Laughter ] -Okay. You didn't go anywhere. -Yeah, I had to see a lot of family. That wasn't fun. -Really? -Yeah, 'cause, you know, they just tell me who else they think is funny. -Oh, really? I know -- I know what you're talking about. -Yeah, that's not fun to hear. -Yeah. Do you think that happens with athletes, like when -- -"You know who's fast?" and stuff like that. -Yeah. Or like Eli Manning at, like, Thanksgiving dinner, someone's like, "You know who's great? Tom Brady." Like, do you think he -- [ Light laughter ] -100%. -You think 100%. -I mean, based on your own -- don't you think 100%? Based on knowing any family. -I think they must. -You know who says that to him is Peyton Manning. -Peyton does, yeah. [ Laughter ] As a super burn. I had a lovely time. I got to come back and host this year. It was so fun to be back with you guys. -Yeah, it was great. -Got to come back on the "Update" desk, which was for me the highlight. I'm not gonna call it a low light, but it was not -- in the end, did not turn out to be a highlight. You wrote a sketch for me. -[ Laughing ] Yeah. -I should point out, it was not new business. -No, I wrote it probably about 12 years ago. -And you resubmitted it for me, because -- -And I thought, "Only you could do this sketch." -Well, I -- the actor you originally wrote it for is someone that I think a lot of people mistake me for, and so it made sense that you would try it again with me. -Well, originally, it was Taylor Lautner. [ Laughter ] So I was like, "Who else is in sort of the 'Twilight' space?" [ Laughter ] -Yeah. Same fan base. -You read as a classic "Twilight." -And I was there for that, so I knew, "Oh, Jost submitted a Taylor Lautner sketch for me." -Yeah. So, you're welcome. -Do you want to explain the premise of Manny Manimal? -Well, should we -- -Manny Manimal. -Sure. -Manny Manimal. -Manny Manimal. His name was Manny something. He worked at the radioactive lab where, like, Spider-Man had been bitten by a spider. -Yeah, the radioactive spider. -So, this guy, after he was bitten by the radioactive spider, he was also bitten by a radioactive raccoon, a starfish... -Yep. [ Laughter ] -...a pelican... -Yep. -...a couple snakes... -Yep. -I think there were like three squirrels? -And then he died, and a gorilla had sex with his dead body. -Yes. [ Audience groans ] -Then brought him -- -And then he was revived by a radioactive parrot. He was given CPR. -And so, unlike Spider-Man -- -This isn't a real guy. -Yeah. [ Laughter ] Yeah, don't worry. -They're like, "Aww." [ Laughter ] -But anyways, then he is a superhero. He was Manny Manimal, the man of many animals. -Yes. [ Laughter ] And you mentioned Emmy-nominated at the beginning, right? -Yeah, yeah, yeah. -Okay. Great, great. -And also, so his name is Manny Manimal, the man of many animals, but also his first name was Manny. [ Laughter ] Which was unnecessary. -Very unnecessary. -Yeah. -I think I found that late in the writing process. -One of the great costumes of all-time. -Yes. -There you go. -I mean... [ Laughter ] -And I will say, great opening title sequence. -Yeah. -Comes out in this. Audience goes crazy. -Yeah. -And then what would you describe the audience for the rest of the sketch? -Nightmarish? -Yeah. [ Laughter ] -Basically, they were so excited to see a real superhero, and then you basically immediately started coughing up blood, because that was the premise. -Yeah. -That they were all -- -I had too many animal organs in my body. -Yeah, and no one wanted to see 10 animals die. -Yeah. Again, not real. [ Laughter ] But, yeah, it bummed people out. But it was still fun to do, and now Lautner and I -- And we talk about it all the time. -Oh, definitely. -Yeah, 'cause we hang out a lot. -That dress audience talks about it all the time, too.
Channel: Late Night with Seth Meyers
Views: 675,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Late Night, Seth Meyers, Colin Jost, Talks About, Bizarre, Rejected, SNL, Sketch, Wrote, Seth, NBC, NBC TV, television, funny, talk show, comedy, humor, stand-up, parody, snl seth meyers, host, promo, seth, meyers, weekend update, news satire, satire, Saturday Night Live, writers, head writers, month off, snl break
Id: q-NVUiz8eb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 28sec (268 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 22 2019
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