SOLVED ON ACCIDENT: Accident or Murder? (Kareem Tisdale)

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- Day two in Miami, working with Sunshine State Sonar. 37 missing persons cases that we know of and today, on day two, we just found another one we didn't even know about. - Windshield is busted, like there was an impact. Dude, this car, dude the roof is crushed in, Almost like the car rolled on its roof. - We have somebody inside. - Oh my gosh dude. (sirens wailing) - [Jared] We have local PD here, fire department, dive team. We're gonna find some answers in just a little bit. (intense music) Day two, working with Sunshine State Sonar. We got John, we got Mike, and we have Shelly. Shelly's put together a list here in southern Florida of 37 missing persons cases. The particular case that we're working in this town here today by the Sawgrass Mill Shopping Center, I believe is what it is, is Libby Ann Dibenedetto. And she's missing in a Toyota Camry. Now the reason why we're here is because Mike has already done some research and some scanning and over in this corner over here, he's identified a car on sonar. But in addition to that, we also have Yakelin and her two kids, fingers crossed we're gonna find one of them, if not all of them and bring 'em home today. (somber music) - [Reporter] For families who have all but given up on finding their loved ones, this team is a last hope. (gentle music) To a new phenomenon, civilian divers cracking cold cases for free. - [John] You just gotta put your transducer in, if it ain't already. This one's in. - [Mike] Shelly and I were up here looking for Libby Dibenedetto. She was driving a 96 Toyota Camry. Now, we just located a vehicle in this mall about a mile from her home. I called the fire department up who has the dive team that's responsible for removing cars from the water and they said they're not aware of any vehicles in the mall parking lot. So we're gonna dive on this car today, see what it is. So we got sonar going. We're gonna mark it with a magnet and we're gonna see if we can get a diver in the water and find out what we have here today. This particular area is really not known for a dumping ground as well, but I would guess this car's been here since the 1980s, maybe 1990s. So it should be coming up. It's about 25 yards up here. I'm gonna see if we can get it on the live scope. I think it was, if you look at that road over there, see that's the entrance. So it looks like it possibly came in, maybe through the bushes and was driven in right over here. You can see it's 24 feet deep there it is on side skin, so it's about just outside the water column. We're gonna turn around here and we're gonna see if we can hook it. Here it comes, here it comes. Bombs away. Bombs away. Come on baby, come on baby. Getting close. Okay, we're on. So what's the depth here, 24? All right. Get that sucker on. All right, it's a four door 'cause you could see the windows, so I know it's a, I know it's a four door. I'm thinking if I was to guess, I'm gonna take a shot and say it's a Ford LTD. I'm going Ford LTD. Like an old cop-style car. - [Shelly] Nice clean boat. - Yep. - Right there. I got that. So I think the windows are down. You know, sometimes when the windows are up you'll see like, it'll be like solid yellow. You'll see all the like, algae growth in the windows and it reflects on the sonar. When we went, had it a live scope the other day, it looked like the windows were all black, so it almost looked like the windows were down. (gentle music) Hey Joe, when we get out there, can you hand that on the flashlight to me? (water bubbling) - Windshield is busted like was an impact. - All completely busted out or just shattered? - No, like busted off. The roof is crushed in, almost like the car rolled on its roof. (water bubbling) - It's a shoe. Any DNA on that shoe? They were in the car then, their sifting through the car. Mike, we got a shoe. Look at all the stuff coming. - Is that a bone? - Dude, dude, dude, dude, don't say that. Imagine if his foot's still in there. - No, that looks, wait no, that looks like a bone sticking out. - Are you serious? Oh my gosh, dude, that is, how did that come up? - [Officer] Northeast, can I get that case number? If you can bring it back up. - My trainee's gonna get everything from you guys, so just give him a second. He's gonna get the names and everything first. - Yeah. - That's why we do this stuff. - Yeah. - And now family's gonna have closure, man. - Yeah. - After, who knows, maybe 30 years of missing their loved one. - Yeah. - This guy might be a father or who knows man, you know? (intense music) Oh yes. It's not her then. Yeah, it's somebody else. No, no, no, it's not her. Oh, no, no. We're just, so what we're trying to do is we're trying to figure out who was in the car. Like whose car is it? You know, it's been here for almost 30 years, submerged for like 30 years. (sirens wailing) (intense music) - Ready? (saw buzzing) (gentle music) - These people were reported missing in 1994. They're from out of state. That's all we're being told at this time. We don't have have their identities. Obviously, they need to notify next of kin. You know, all we can say at this point is, you know, our thoughts and prayers are with these, with these people's families and you know, hopefully they can get some closure over a long time case. - So we're gonna put all the information that we found out about this case on the screen right now and we'll catch you on the next one, thanks. - We're all looking on Google to see if anybody was missing in an Oldsmobile. We can't find anything, you know, anybody missing in an Oldsmobile. - [Reporter] Sunrise Police say the car was last registered in 2005 and at the time, they were working on a positive ID. - We were shocked. We were shocked that you know, that there was gonna be somebody in that vehicle. We didn't expect it. (somber music)
Channel: Adventures With Purpose
Views: 341,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: missing persons, missing persons cases, solved missing persons cases documentary, missing persons cases solved, scuba diving, river diving, dangerous diving, dangerous scuba, dangerous scuba diving, found car, found car in river, recovered car, recovered car in river, recovered missing person in river, underwater communication, full face dive mask, solved missing persons cases 2024, real story, Kareem Tisdale, kareem tisdale missing, kareem tisdale found
Id: rVdEad1df4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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