FULL TESTIMONY: Rexburg Police Det. Chuck Kunsaitis testifies in Chad Daybell trial - Part 2

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or affirm that the testimony you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth to help you back thank you all right detective contis uh testified previously has been placed under oath again for Testimony today I'll just inquire have you been observing any of the trial testimony since you were here last no have you talked to anyone else about any testimony they've given all right thank you for answering those questions Mr wood if you'd like to inquire onir you may thank you good morning detective morning you were you you've already testified but just for a bit of background again were you involved where do you work I'm a detective with the Rexburg police department and how long have you been there almost 24 years were you involved with the investigation regarding the uh finding Ty Ryan and JJ ballow yes uh and correct me if I'm wrong I believe you testified earlier that you were at Chad de Bell's residence on June 9th and 10th of 2020 correct yes as part of your investigation did you ever review any type of uh satellite imagery of Chad Dell's property yes how did that come about that you did that well in Late July as the case transitioned into a homicide case from the welfare check to the missing children of JJ and tyy if I can interrupt you I'm really sorry July of what year 2020 okay um we continue to monit monitor social media always looking for information uh to generate that could be generated to you know help us with the case and in doing so uh there was a an image of a satellite photo of Mr Dell's property and I followed up on that that image that was presented in the on the social media and what did you learn from following up on that well I learned that the I after reviewing the the story I reached out to Apollo mapping which was the company that that uh generated the the satellite photo and explained them who I was what we were doing and if uh they could assist me in obtaining that particular satellite photo and any others that may help us with this investigation your honor I'm gonna ask that the witness be hand what's been marked as States exhibit 142 I have a copy for Council and a courtesy copy for the court as well in your honor I would note that this is a business records affidavit from Apollo mapping and as such I believe that this uh exhibit 142 and its subp parts comes in by way of stipulation all right okay that's correct thank you Mr prior so exhibit 142 and you said it also has subparts yes and I'll be providing those shortly all right exhibit 142 at this time is admitted detective what did you uh receive from well first off let me ask you about the document you're holding what what is that document this is a uh certificate of authenticity for the high resolution satellite images from apalo mapping all right and I did that certificate provide any of the data regarding the images that were provided to you yes for the F for the four photos that we obtained what were the dates on the four photos that were sent to you so the first photo was for uh August 27th of 2020 and that was for an image that was captured at 1833 hours military time 24-hour universal time um UTC and detective I'm gonna I'm sorry to interrupt if if you can look at um paragraph one and about the third line down it says the specific date could you read that date okay uh 827 of 2019 okay and and then what do what is uh what is in that image uh it's a digital image high resolution image of the Chad DeBell property um from a company satellite owned by French Guana 1833 hours all right and you said 1833 hours yeah Universal Coordinated Time so an adjusted amount Standard time that would be uh 12 33 in the afternoon and what was at what's located on the second image the second image is also from the same satellite company uh of a high uh resolution of a digital image of Chad D Bell's [Music] property um and the third image is on September 9th of 2019 the high high resolution image was taken at 12:32 in the afternoon is there any reason why that date was important to you in your investigation yes on September 9th that date is pertinent to our information because that's the date that investigation we believe that um there was no we believe Ty was U buried on Mr D's property during this time and then the last image was taken October 25th of 2019 at um 1242 in the afternoon your honor I'm going to ask that the witness be handed what's been marked as States exhibit 142a just for identification purposes and I do have a copy for court and counsel as well I believe this is already admitted 142a what and what I should have said is it's submitted by way of the business records affidavit is a subpart your honor okay well it is a separate exhibit and this is this is a picture yes your honor all right any is there any objection to 142a being admitted no judge all right exhibit 142a is admitted detective do you recognize that dis yes what is it it's a flash drive that contains a photos from Apollo mapping and have you personally reviewed that disc I have did you mark it with your initials I did and also dated it for May 9th of this year in your honor if I may publish that you may do you recognize this image this would be the the image uh from August 27th 2019 and I'm going to zoom in do you recognize this property yes this is the property of Chad de Bell located at 202 North 1900 East what date was this picture taken uh August 27th I believe do you recognize this image yes this will be the image uh from September 2nd 2019 and I'm going to zoom in do you recognize this property yes this is an image of Mr Dell's property do you recognize this image yes this will be the image from September 9th 2019 I'm going to zoom in detective consus was there anything on this image that Drew your attention yes if you the pointer yes please okay when looking at the screen uh to orient yourself with Mr Dell's property the main house is here on the the left hand side uh this is the out building the garage and then directly straight out from that you see that little discoloration uh and that is in the immediate area where we U discovered [Music] tyly can you can you point to the discoloration you're talking about right there okay were you able to see that same discoloration on the previous two photos no they're not visible detective consus uh on the days of June 9th and 10th did you personally Aid in removing Tyle Ryan's uh remains from Chad Dell's property yes can you point to the spot on that picture where you removed her her remains we we're in this area right here of this discoloration detective do you recognize this Photograph yes this is an image taken October 25th 2019 of the Dell property is and is this the same property it is your honor I have no further questions at this time all right thank you you'll go ahead and all right cross examination yes judge you go Mr Baylor judge I have exhibits 43 and 44 that are admitted by way of stipulation of the parties okay they're offered by stipulation have they been formally admitted in the record yet not yet judge okay uh has the state reviewed exhibit 43 defense any objection to it being admitted and on 44 as well any objection those are both admitted just needed 44 she she can put a 44 or 43 excuse me and judge I can start until I get those back um okay Officer consit as as part of the uh investigation you were provided a number of images from Apollo is that right uh just the four okay and my understanding when the image was up there you pointed to an area that was close in location to the fire pit as I right it was probably in in in my guesstimation 10 to 15 yards from from the fire pit judge I'm sorry I could just have a minute judge yes go ahead and if you need any technical assistance we might be able to help I think I got it I think so and judge this is part of I believe this is 43a I'd asked permission to publish all right it's admitted so you may publish so 43's got sub exhibits then as well yeah I believe it's 43 through 43 a b CDE e f g judge I believe 43 a through G um then without objection from the state those sub exhibits are all admitted 43a through G if we could just publish 43 AJ okay once you're ready we'll go ahead I'm ready judge there it is so officer I'm we're looking at defense exhibit 43a and this is also part of the Apollo of screen pictures would you get the pointer and point to the White Barn to the White Barn the white barn it's white barn I'm sorry yes white barn I probably didn't say that very clearly that's fine right okay and then if you go to your right there's a small hash brown hash or darker hash mark there right that one what do you know what that is uh if I recall it is a like a a large Hitching Post uh constructed of two large uh posts and um about 8 to 10 inches in diameter okay and there's a a rung that goes straight across it so it appears to have a consist of like a a Hitching Post okay and then again to the right of that again is another right there what is that um I cannot see uh I have my glasses if I could your honor if I could if somebody could retrieve those yes M balea we'll have those delivered up to you thank you thank you okay and then again you were on the second Mark with the pointer this outer yeah that one what is that uh I do not know what that is okay it's a dark spot in any event correct correct and then down below there's a starting again starting at the white barn down below there's a more of a slanted one just below the first one with the red marker there up a little bit right go to the right a little right there this item right here this yes that is a a standalone section of fence I believe it was it's constructed of wood has four or five rungs on them it's probably eight to 10 feet long if I recall okay and then to the right of that is a whitish looking thing what is that this is the fire ring okay and that's directly in relation to the White Barn is that correct uh correct if you were to extend this line out straight you go into the fire pit and then to the right of the fire pit is another Mark of some kind do you know what that is uh I do not recall what that was and all the way to the far right out in the pasture area there's something out there as well yes I was wasn't out on that part of the property I can't speak and then just south of the fire pit Mr prior can you pull the mic up a little I'm sorry judge just south of the fire pit it appears that there's some sort of foliage is that correct correct and it appears that it's at least casting a shadow is that appear to be the case yes okay and judge I'll unpublish this one okay and oops Jud I'm going to ask to publish 40 43d very well and again officer again Apollo video screen from 43d there's a round circle there would you get the marker do you have the red marker yes and would you point to the round circle which is just North of the tree or would be yeah would be North that right there the fire ring you previously identified that as the fire ring is that correct correct and again that's directly adjacent to the White Barn yes and where in your estimation were the remains of uh Ty Ryan found over here by The Hitching Post on this side of the barn okay so north of the white barn on which side of the Hitching Post post it would be on the west side of the Hitching Post where the red light is is that right about where the red light is yes right in this area right here okay all right and judge we can unpublish that and again judge I'm going to ask to publish um 44A okay it can be published and here we're looking at 44A and you've you've identified some of the other uh uh points you're seeing the uh the tree to the South there is that right the large tree out in the pasture yes would you put the pointer on that for me are you talking about this one or this one here one that one right there this one here yeah that's the tree where would the fire pit be in this particular position fire pit would be right in this general area right here okay and then where would Ty's remains have been found right here in front of this Hitching Post would it be to the left or when you say in front of would you mean to the left of that Hitching Post so if you're standing in front of the if you're standing looking in front of the Hitching Post looking at the barn it would be just off at a slight angle okay off at like at a horizont or sliding angle like a 90 degree angle no not a 90° angle I would if you're looking at a clock maybe the one or two o' position so if you if you're able to put a uh pointer on that to the best your ability okay thank you and that's the Hitching Post and again you it's winter time so we're unable to see the fire pit at this point is that right yes okay and and although with the white background we're able to identify the more uh distinct um uh structures that are over in that area is that fair yes okay okay judging we can unpublish this um on exhibit 44 Mr prior does it have sub exhibits as part of it just just the one a judge is all it has I believe okay so is it a single exhibit then 44A or is 44 and 44A different look again just to make sure I apologize your H oh that's fine thank you judge there's a 44A which is or 44 which is a FBI investigation report and then there's 44A which is the actual picture on 44 okay thank you I'll just note on the record then those are both admitted now officer as part of your investigation you were able to determine that um uh by way of an email between um Mr deel and Tammy that there was a discussion about uh burning some some uh tree limbs on that on a that particular morning is that right objection misstates the evidence there's no mention of trees sustained mention of burning some limbs yes okay judge I have nothing else thank you all right Mr wood redirect just briefly and if I can be handed exhibit 142 again yes she may and I apologize I meant 142a and may I publish yes you may and detective just for reference uh what date do you do you recall just talking about this picture yes and what date was this picture taken September 9th 2019 so I'm going to show you the picture before that and what date was this picture taken September 2nd 2019 now Council had you identify a few features do you recognize the feature that the the mouse hand is moving over yes what is that that's the uh a small bush or tree and this feature right here that's the Standalone section of fence and this feature right here the fire ring and this feature right here that's the Hitching Post right and on this image there is some there's some clouds that seem to obscure some of it correct yes do you recognize this spot right here what what feature is in that area The Hitching Post did you see this discoloration in the previous two pictures no okay and just again can you point out where you helped remove Tyler Ryan's remains from Chad Dell's property in this area right here with the the discoloration and what was the date of this photo September 9th 2019 thank you that's all I have your on all right that'll conclude the examination then of detective consus is there any intent to recall the witness from
Channel: East Idaho News
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Id: 8AUmaDfQ4OE
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Length: 29min 10sec (1750 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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