Godzilla Minus One Review!

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happy 2024 everyone I just saw Godzilla minus one holy crap is it [Music] good hi everyone Thanks for tuning in to the Tom pelson Show Happy 2024 yeah Godzilla minus one oh my oh my oh my saw January 1st in immed medium to to full packed theater and I've Loved Godzilla forever this is so good this is so good please go see this if you haven't seen Godzilla minus one please go see it ah but it's got subtitles yeah you won't even notice it you won't even notice it oh my God my history of Godzilla why have I loved Godzilla so much now I'm watching the Monarch television show Monarch Legacy of monsters and I'll do the follow-up review for the rest of that season on how that's going but my love of Godzilla goes back to when I was in elementary school and my brother John and I would watch uh C we watch television in the on Saturday afternoon there would be a 2:00 movie on channel 2 and it was always Godzilla or Abbott and Costello or Laurel and Hardy but mostly Godzilla and King Kong and mighty joou young all of those old Godzilla movies I've seen every single one of them I believe and then my dad for whatever reason uh I'm one of five kids but he took John and I to go see Godzilla versus Megalon at the drive-in movie theater just the two of us and just geeked out on that when he does the tail slide and it's all goofy stupid fun oh great one and I've Loved Godzilla ever since I love this Godzilla this Godzilla this Godzilla this Godzilla and I even love this Godzilla even though it means loving this Godzilla yes that's the 1978 cartoon Godzilla by the way which is which was such a it's such a cartoon thing that they do where the big thing needs to happen at the end how do I put that like if you ever watch Battle of the planets they could never do anything until they go to the fiery Phoenix at the end so the end of every episode they go to the fiery Phoenix and that's how they win same thing with Voltron Voltron they are five separate cat robots that can never do anything or lions whatever you want to call them they could never do anything they always get their ass kicked and until they finally decide maybe we should form into the giant Voltron robot and when they do this save the day the Godzilla 78 cartoon was the same the guy's got a button on his belt that calls Godzilla they've got a phone to Godzilla and Godzilla shows up to th a bank robbery or change a light bulb and those are made up but it's not far off it's not far off but I even love that I love that Godzilla the original Godzilla movie came out 1954 uh from in Japan and he is atomic power and fueled by the hydrogen bomb and this version does Homage to that Godzilla movie and all the other Godzilla movies and they posted at the very beginning they said it's a celebration of 70 years 70 years of Godzilla wow that is such a thing and Godzilla came out just after World War II not even 10 years after the end of World War II did Godzilla come out so this one is set post World War II days days after the end of of the war and I can't give away some important plot points and I'm not going to tell you so much about the characters because this movie is character-driven it's not about Godzilla it's about the people who get to fight Godzilla and uh our hero is really going through it our Melo our melodramatic Hero has life is chewing him up and spitting him out and then to top it all off Godzilla shows up and is trying to wreck the world I mean my goodness yeah the heroes in this film are just they're downtrodden Time After Time After Time again so Godzilla like I said he's Atomic powered we find out uh through the atomic bomb that Godzilla gets regenerated because he grows in size throughout the movie which he does in some other movies as well but there is zero explanation about where Godzilla comes from who he is why he is or anything else that is the American Godzilla movies like what he's doing there what his motivation is in the Japanese version and this one specifically Godzilla is a killing machine he shows up and he eats people well he eats machine he eats he's he's kill he's a killing machine it is a horror movie it is a on seat oh it's a horror movie it's so good it's got everything you want everything you want in a Godzilla movie you want he throws buses planes trains boats submarines a destroyer he blows them all up and the destruction scenes are Pino especially when he's crashing through buildings or he uses his Atomic breath I mean I don't think he eats anybody come to think of it I don't think he eats anyone he's not the T-Rex he's Godzilla he grabs people by their head and tosses them a couple of Miles killing them instantly obviously but I don't think he eats anybody never comes to that the atomic breath the atomic breath is done really neat in this one where they show the spikes on his back begin to Glow in sequential order they go blue blue blue blue blue blue blue and then his breath becomes thing and then he shoots his Atomic breath this is the first one that shows the atomic breath like I think it should an atam bomb explodes and explodes like this the atomic breath Godzilla has explodes in his mouth and then he shoots it so it's literally just laying waste like an atom bomb in One Direction it's terrifying it's wonderful it's really done it's done very well okay the art and the design of this movie is fantastic now when Godzilla first appears he is smaller in size he's a smaller Godzilla he's holding an airplane and the airplane's about this big he's holding a World War II airplane like this so Godzilla is this big which means Godzilla's this big like if that's a person Godzilla's this big and he is creepy and terrifying when he's that size like I don't know how they did the modeling for that and how they did that and by the way lots of modeling in this movie I don't I don't know how much is CGI and how much are models but it looks like a lot of models oh boy it's so good it's so good but he is terrifying then he grows bigger when the hydrogen bomb gets tested they allude to that I think this is pretty much a cautionary tale against uh Atomic Weaponry that's how Godzilla was born I think uh in the mind of uh the those who create who wrote him that it's a cautionary tail against Atomic weapons I'm not quite sure I've never read anything about that but that's that's my guess so when that happens he gets bigger and then he holds a train and the train is this big he's holding a train so now he's getting much much bigger and then he's finally big enough that a a a World War II Destroyer is this big and he is this big I mean the scenes in the water there are scenes in the water where they chase Godzilla I know I'm all over the place on this review I'm so sorry about that uh there are scenes in the water where they're chasing him and when he's chasing them and there's the battle in the water and Godzilla is terrifying in the water and how big he is how he can stand up and how he can swim underneath there's a Jaws likee scene where they're chasing the boat oh oh it is so good it is so good I had such a ball so the acting when I said it was melodramatic it really is it's not quite uh tie the woman to the train track kind of twist the mustache kind of melodrama but it is very melodramatic everything is at a really intense height and it works because it is throughout the entire film it's not that one person is but he's yeah our lead characters are really going through some heavily overly dramatic scenes and it works because you start to care for the character uh a lot the music I was going to clip the music and try and put it in this video but I'm pretty sure it'll get blocked cuz the movie just came out but if you want to I'll I'll put a link to it to Google the theme to Godzilla which is this big [Music] epic and when it first comes out and Godzilla shows up and they play the theme it's it was kind of goofy and the people in the audience giggled and the guy sitting next to me one seat over giggled but he did it exactly the way I did he did this after it happened he he went hell yeah hell yeah like we were so in the audience was so in they applauded at the end the audience applauded at the end of Godzilla minus one uh it was wonderful everything fit the music the melodrama the chase scene in the water the ending the camaraderie there's a love story not love story in there just throw it in there little love story not love story sort of thing epic thing and then of course there's a cliffhanger at the end stay for the Cliffhanger at the end which is not after the credits it's just at the very end of the movie The Audience applauded I applauded I had a ball it is the best Godzilla movie made yet it is the best Godzilla movie I've seen the best Godzilla movie and it's name is Godzilla minus one let's do a quick shout out uh this comes from my tiny epic crimes video and Seth given asks me I'm interested in tiny epic Pirates have you reviewed that I've not reviewed that I do have it though I do have tiny epic pirates with the expansion and Tiny epic Pirates is a fun uh game it comes with these great Little Ships which I painted I painted them so they look the colors of a otherwise they just come this color you know they they come that color and I painted them like this and that tiny epic Pirates is fun and I like it I especially like how it looks on the board I'll I'll do some screenshots of that you can see what it looks like my problem with tiny epic Pirates is it's mostly trading it feels like tiny epic Traders rather than tiny epic Pirates sinking ships doesn't really happen or get you anything and uh yeah it it lacks a little of the pirate Motif for me but because of The Little Ships and traveling around the board I do love it tiny epic Pirates Seth you should get it you should go get it so that'll do it for this week for my review of Godzilla minus one it's the best Godzilla movie ever made please go see that as soon as possible while it's still in the theaters otherwise I'm sure you'll be able to stream it sooner than later cuz that's how most things go let me know what you're talking about let me know what you're geeking out about let me know what you want to see let me know what you're playing let me know what your IP is what intellectual property Star Wars St Trek Marvel Universe Lord of the Rings you name it I'm all in I'm all in on the nerd I'm all in on the nerd stuff and yes if you haven't seen Captain's Log You Don't Own Me please give that a watch it's uh I'm really proud of that and thank you for those that have responded till I see you next time as always peace love live long and prosper and I mean it [Music] he
Channel: The Tom Bottelsen Show
Views: 10,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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