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sure good to have brother sean boffman here tonight brother sean is uh flying with myself and brother barry goodman tomorrow going to texas and so he said you know what i'm nervous about getting a flat tire or something like that and missing out on the plane flights i'm going to drive up early and and just stay up here with y'all tonight i said well come on man amen so while he was on his way i called his wife and found out what all his sins was so i could preach on these sins praise god well what all he needs preaching on you know amen even preachers need preaching praise god i'm just kidding all right i want you to take your bible tonight go to the book of joshua in chapter number three joshua in chapter three and we mentioned this morning where will we be preaching out of and what we'll be dealing with tonight and so we're going to the book of joshua in chapter number three the sixth book of your bible and the first book in your bible that moses doesn't write the book of joshua tonight and chapter number three i want to try and give you what the lord has put on my heart that i believe be a help and a blessing to you this evening we'll begin reading in verse number one and i'd like to read the first four verses of the chapter tonight but don't shut your bible on me we'll be checking out some other verses and passages here in the uh preceding chapters momentarily joshua chapter three verse number one the bible said it and joshua rose early in the morning and they removed from gentlemen and came to jordan he and all the children of israel and lodged there before they passed over and it came to pass after three days that the officers went through the host and they commanded the people saying when you see the ark of the covenant of the lord your god and the priests the levites bearing it then you shall remove from your place and go after it yet there shall be a space between you and it about a thousand cubits by measure come not near unto it this is the reason that you may know the way by which you must go and i'm interested in this last part of the verse for you have not passed this way here too far i want to preach tonight on this subject we have not passed this way before we have not passed this way before here in our text we find that we have reached the end of the 40-year wandering journey of the people of israel you know that because of unbelief and because of their hard heart god didn't let them go into the promised land earlier in the book of numbers because they rejected the word of the lord did not follow the word of the lord did not believe the word of the lord and so god makes them amble around for 40 years until all of those that were above 20 years old except for joshua and caleb finally die off they are now about to get out of what they are familiar with they are about to step out of their comfort zone and they are about to enter into an arena if you will that they have never been to before in their lives you realize most of these people in our text tonight they grew up in the wilderness they walked around in the wilderness for 40 years and if you look at where they walked around that brother skip they literally for 40 years make a circle they just go around and around and around and around for 40 years those people that grew up in that time period they had become very well acquainted with that route they had become very well acquainted with those places they had become very well acquainted and comfortable with the spot where they were at because they saw it on a regular basis it was something that was familiar to them something that was normal to them something that was acceptable to them but now we find god is about to take them places where they've never been before we find that god is about to take them guide them lead them and usher them into an arena and a place that is uncomfortable to them as a matter of fact it must have been so uncomfortable that when he tried to lead many of their fathers up that way they just backed up and said we ain't going no further we don't want to go that way and so god had to kill him all off before he could get him a generation that didn't mind following god wherever he led and to do whatever he said to do tonight here we find in our text that god looks at them and we find that joshua says from the mouth of the lord you have not passed this way here too far you're coming to a place where you have never been to before in your life it is no wonder then that in chapter one two chapters prior to our text god tells joshua three times in the span of about nine verses god tells joshua be strong and of a good courage be strong and of a good courage be strong and very courageous he wants joshua to know you're about to fight battles you've never fought before you're about to go places you've never gone before but i don't want you to be weary i don't want you to be faint-hearted i don't want you to be dismayed or troubled or afraid at the things you're going to see but the same god that was with moses will be the same god that will be with you and the same god that kept you and walked with you for 40 years in the wilderness he'll be the same god that will walk with you into the promised land and though there may be giants up ahead and though there may be cities up ahead great and high and walled up to heaven god is well able to take you through and take you over and take you around all of your obstacles say preacher what are you talking about tonight i began to read this just the other day in my personal bible reading and this jumped out of the page and landed in my heart and i thought to myself brother carl i believe we are in a spot in our country we are in a place as american christians where the things we are about to see in the next few weeks or in the next few months or the next few years we are passing into uncharted territory we are passing into places and areas and battles are upcoming that we have never been to before now i don't know what you've been reading i don't know what you've been looking at there are so many crazy conspiracy theories out there right now that i couldn't even name all of them from from that here in just the next little bit martial law is going to come into play and everything's going to take a weird turn and trump's still going to be the president i don't know i hope to god that happens i'd shout the victory with you if it did man praise god but i don't know what what looks to me like's probably going to happen i hope i'm wrong but in 10 days that wacko and that witch are going gonna stand up yonder on the steps of the cap talk they gonna get sworn in and katie then is gonna borrow the door brother they have the house they have the senate they got the white house and we're about to pass into some places as americans that we've never seen before oh i know what people tell me they say well we we've survived obama and we've survived the clintons with brother i don't know if you've looked at stuff going on now even different than then we're talking about radical agendas that america has never seen before we're talking about unfettered access to the wheels and the levers of power to change things in this country that we have never seen happen before things that i believe that if they come into play in power america will never recover in the way that she once did she will never have the liberties and freedoms of her people like she once had she'll never have the free elections like she enjoyed now or at least up until this past one i believe there are even things and brother you can't help but read your bible and understand the fact that before the church gets out of here there may come persecution even on this church there may come hardship even on this church this evening you say preacher what are we going to do we're passing into a place where we've never gone to before we've lived in our little comfort zone we've passed around and around living in our little rat race and walking in our little rat trails and everything seems like it's been normal in america for american christians preacher we're about to pass into a spot that we've never been to before preacher what are we going to do preacher give us a word preacher give us some hope what are we going to do when we cross into this spot where we've never been to before there are three things that i see that i believe helped encourage the heart of joshua and the followers of joshua to press on in spite of the fact they were at a place where they had never been to before you say preacher what are we to do when we get to a place where we've never been to before let me say number one i believe the first thing we ought to do is follow the promises the first thing we're going to do tonight is we're just going to follow his promises now i know some of you is already let down because you thought i was going to preach an entire sermon and not do anything but just expose a bunch of conspiracy theories and not just do nothing but get up here and preach the trump gospel and all that kind of stuff what you heard just a minute ago that's about all i'm going to do i'm going to give you some bible from here on out because i believe that's what will help us tonight amen i believe we need to follow the promises you say what do you mean follow the promises look at verse 3 of our text chapter 3 verse 3 it said and they commanded the people saying when you see the ark of the covenant of the lord your god and the priest the levites bearing it then you shall remove from your place and go after it he there yet there shall be a space between you and him about 2 000 cubits by measure come not near unto it for this purpose that you may know by which by the way he by which you must go tonight the first thing we're going to do is we're just going to follow the promises you say preacher how is that following the promises here we find they're just following a three foot by two foot box i mean how is that following the promises did you ever read exodus what that box was originally intended for what that box was designed to do when you read exodus you'll find god told moses i want you to build a box and call it an ark and the whole purpose of it is this i want you to put my testimony inside of it in other words i want you to put my words to my people inside of it i want you to put my promises inside of it and what i want that thing to do is everywhere y'all walk i want it to lead you i want the ark to guide you and what i want you to do is just to get up and follow it basically what joshua is saying in the text is this we're just going to get up and follow the word of the lord we're going to get up and follow what god said tonight i believe joshua was saying it's never led us astray it's never let us down our own path it's never led us to a place we are not to be in it's been good enough to lead us up till now and it'll be good enough to lead us into an area we've never been before bless god i'm out here if it's good enough to lead us through the wilderness it's good enough to lead us into the promised land and we're just going to follow the promises of god can i say to your heart tonight bible missionary baptist church if worst comes to worst if everything goes to hell in a hand basket you say what we're going to do preacher we're just going to follow the same thing we've always followed up brother my hope my trust is not in the media i can't trust the media to lead me it's not in the government i can't trust the government to lead me but thank god i have 66 books of holy red that it ain't never steered me wrong it ain't never led me wrong it's led me safe thus far and i'm gonna follow the promises of god this evening i was interested as i was studying this out i found out brother austin what joshua said they were going to follow was the same thing that moses followed see you read back over in the book of exodus and you'll find out what led them around and what moses said they was going to follow was the ark and when joshua takes over he said we're just going to keep following the ark it's led us this far and it was good it was good for that generation and it'll be good for this generation it was good for that generation back out yonder in the wilderness and it'll be good for this generation going into the promised land listen to me it was good for my fathers it was good for my mothers and it's good enough for me and brother if it was good enough for our forefathers and foreign mothers if it was good enough to get them through the uh brother through their persecutions if it was good enough to get them through their valleys and their storms it's still good enough for us today we're just going to follow his promises tonight what light is that shining so brightly for me that gives me the courage the right way to see what hope for my trusting soul ever shall be god's wonderful book divine what hope for the traveler when strength's almost gone what gives him the courage to keep pressing on what sweet consolation from heaven's bride throne god's wonderful book divine and i love the old bible that precious old bible a lie to my pathway to shine it keeps me so happy always so happy god's wonderful book davine if you are wondering of what book i sing it's the only one authorized by the king it's the same ones the old time revival did bring god's wonderful book demon preacher what are we going to do what are we going to do i'll tell you what we're going to do we're going to stand on the book we're going to believe the book we're going to preach the book we're going to read the book we're going to live the book we're going to love the book we're gonna give the book we're just gonna follow the promises tonight that's what we're gonna do i'll tell you what it does look look at look at where the book led them to look at where the promises led them through chapter three and watch what your bible said here in chapter 3 verse 13. watch as they're following this ark they're following these promises that are inside this ark the testimony of god inside this ark god's word they are following chapter 3 verse 13 said it shall come to pass as soon as the souls of the feet of the priests that bear the ark of the lord the lord of all the earth shall rest in the waters of jordan that the waters and jordan should be cut off from the waters that come down from above and they shall stand upon and heap it's going to be a modern day red sea crossing verse 14 it came to pass when the people removed from their tents to pass over jordan the priests bury the ark of the covenant before the people and as they that bear the ark were coming to jordan and the feet of the priests that bear the ark were dipped in the brim of the water for jordan overfloweth all his banks all the time the harvest it's overflowed that the waters which came down from above stood and rose upon a heap very far from the city adam that is beside zeratin and those that came down toward the sea of the plain even the salt sea failed were cut off and the people passed over right against jericho and the preach that bear the ark the covenant of the lord stood firm on dry ground in the midst of the jordan and all the israelites passed over on dry ground until all the people were past clean over do you see where the promises led these people it led them through some deep waters y'all i can't promise you that following the book and living for god ain't gonna lead us through some deep waters i can't say it ain't gonna lead us through some hard times some deep floods but brother listen to what i'm telling you tonight the promises of god is what got them through the deep waters the only way they're going to make it through this flood will make it through the deep waters is if the promise of god goes before them and leads them away through it and the only way we're going to get through tonight is not on my ability it's not on my intellect it's not on your christianity or spirituality it'll be on this blessed book of god tonight we've not passed this way before so what are we going to do we're going to follow the promises secondly i'd say we're going to follow the promises i'll tell you what else we're going to do when we've not passed this way before we're going to find god's presence we're gonna find god's presence look at chapter number five with me watch what happens to joshua just before he goes into battle against jericho he's at a place he's never been to before he's fixing to fight a big old battle he ain't never fought before moses sitting there to hold his hand he don't know what to do so watch what happens in chapter 5 and verse number 13 chapter 5 verse 13 it said and it came to pass when joshua was by jericho that he lifted up his eyes and looked and behold there stood a man over against him with his sword drawn in his hand and joshua went unto him and said unto him are the alpha us for adversaries and he said nay but as captain of the host of the lord am i now come and joshua fell on his face to the earth and did worship and said unto him what saith my lord unto his servant and the captain of the lord's host said unto joshua loose thy shoe from all thy foot for the place where on thou standest is holy and joshua did so do you see what joshua finds he finds god you say that ain't god that's the captain of the lord's host well can i tell you tonight i believe with all my heart the person he finds is jesus christ himself you say what makes you think that because there ain't one other person in the bible that's a captain over the lord's host the bible said he is jesus christ hebrews 2 he is the captain of our salvation tonight joshua obviously looks at this person that's here as deity because joshua falls down and worships him and he doesn't stop joshua from worshiping him obviously this isn't just another angel this is deity that joshua is in the presence of tonight and when joshua gets in his presence he's about to get some direction for not knowing which way to go tonight joshua gets in his presence and he said what are you telling your servant in other words joshua's saying i don't know what to do i don't know where to go so you know the best thing to do you don't know what to do or where to go get in god's presence tonight find where god's at and get where he's at tonight you say preacher where is the lord in 2021 in america he's in the same place where he's always been the bible said in the book of the revelation in chapter one that jesus walked amongst the golden candlesticks you know what them golden candlesticks are a picture of in revelation one it's the churches it's them seven churches over there jesus said i'm walking around in the middle of the churches brother sean i still believe in 2021 that jesus is walking in the midst of the church tonight you want to find the presence of god get to the house of god get around the people of god get in the place to god set apart for his name and meet with the church you can still find him down at the house of god friend oh you see look look look where he found him at look where he finds him man i love this i love where joshua finds his presence at the bible said here in chapter 5 and verse number 13 look at verse 13 said it came to pass joshua was by jericho joshua's standing right next to the battlefield that he's going to be fighting on i mean he's standing right there at jericho brother ken and on this battleground on this place where blood is going to be shed in just a few days the lord shows up you know what i found out you can find the presence of god even in some of the biggest fights of your life and some of the biggest battles of my life that's where i found the sweetest times with the lord had some of the sweetest times with god that helped me wasn't up on my mountain when everything was good it was on the battlefield when i felt like everybody left me in all of hell camped out on my doorstep and somewhere in the middle of that god showed up and come walking in and you can count on this we get to a place we've never been to before you better start looking out that's where the lord will show up and do something that only he gets the credit for tonight find god's presence look where he found him look what he found when he got in the lord's presence look what he got when he got in god's presence you can't get this anywhere else except in his presence verse 14 verse 14 he said nay but as captain of the host of the lord am i now come and joshua fell on his face to the earth and did worship right in the battleground joshua's worshipping y'all realize something about this i love the hound out of this joshua brother mike joshua is on this battlefield jericho's right there the wall is still standing this great high city of jericho the wall is still standing it ain't fail yet it ain't dropped yet and joshua is bless your holy name glory to god hallelujah that ain't that ain't the way most of us are most of us only start worshiping when walls start falling the only time when we can worship god is when everything's going good i'm going to tell you what'll get us through places where i've never been to before if you'll learn if you just learn to worship god when it seems like there ain't no way out when it seems like ain't nothing happening when you don't know what god's gonna do when you don't know how god's gonna deliver and get right smack dab in the middle of it you just lift glad hands and say lord thank you god you've been good to me hard to be in hell with my back broke and here i stand saved by the grace of god heaven's my home god's my father jesus is my savior i'm a part of the church i got a book in my hand hey we can worship god even if everything goes down the tubes tonight friend you know why he's worshipping him he's worshipping him not because of what he's done because at this point he ain't done nothing for joshua he's worshipping him squarely off of who he is he recognizes he is deity captain of the host of the lord and he says you're worthy of my worship you're worthy of my praise whether whether you knock down jericho or not you're worthy of my praise tonight if joe biden does become the president if kamala kamala whatever if she becomes the vice president and then pulls the string to become president jesus will still be worth praising he'll still be worth worshiping he'll still be on the throne you say preacher what you gonna do on the sunday after inauguration day if it don't turn out like you want it to i'm going to tell you what i'm going to do i'm going to walk through them double doors i'm going to stand up here and shout with the choir i'm going to preach a message and i'm going to give god the glory because my joy's not found in this life my joy's found in the one my anchor is thrown up into the third heaven where the savior abides and that's where my hope is tonight yeah we see that he got him some worship when he got in his presence and he didn't just worship but he got a word when he was in his presence look at this word he gets watch this word he gets in chapter 5 verse number 14. he worshipped in verse 14 and said unto him what saith my lord joshua asked this what says my lord unto his servant now in chapter six he's fixing to get the word we'll read that in just a minute but he shows up in this place and when he got in god's presence god gave him his marching orders when you show up at a place where the lord shows up at you know what you get you don't just get worship you end up getting a word how many times you showed up at this place right here needing a word from heaven and about that time through a song or through a testimony or through a message or through a verse of scripture all of a sudden the lord spoke a word into your heart about right where you was and about right what you needed tonight you ain't gonna get that sitting home watching newsmax and fox news and all this jug you gonna get it in a place where jesus is tonight he got a word he got a worship he even got a walk it made his walk different look at verse 15. captain of the lord's host said unto joshua a loose thy shoe from off thy foot similar command is what god gave to joshua's predecessor moses by burning bush loose i shoot them off thy foot for the place where on thou standest is holy and joshua did so old joshua he done he done lost a shoe you don't you don't lose one shoe and walk around still normal you can take off both shoes and walk around normal or you can put both shoes on and walk around normal but how many y'all ever tried to walk around with one shoe on you don't look normal your walks done got a little different oh joshua's walk's done got different why he's done gotten god's presence and when you get in the presence of the lord it's a holy place you know what living holy will make you do it'll make you walk different see this holy ground oh joshua walking different because it's holy great day it's a holy place i mean i'm trying my best to walk around like i got one shoe off i don't know if it's right or not do i look as goofy as i think i look walking around like this you didn't have to say amen right there i'm saying if you get in god's presence it should make a difference in your walk tonight so what we're going to do in a place we've never been to before we're just going to follow the promises we're going to find god's presence and lastly what we're going to do is we're going to fulfill his plan we're just going to fulfill his plan you say what's the plan look at the plan chapter 6 chapter 6 verse 10 chapter 6 verse 10 joshua had commanded the people saying you shall not shout nor make any noise with your voice neither shall any word proceed out of your mouth until the day i bid you shout then shall you shout so the ark of the lord compassed the city going about it once and they came into the camp and lodged in the camp joshua rose early in the morning and the priest took up the ark of the lord seven priests bearing seven trumpets of ram's horns before the ark of the lord went on continually blew with the trumpets and the armed men went before them but the re-reward came after the ark of the lord the police going on and blowing with the trumpets and the second day they compassed the city once returning to the camp so they did six days it came to pass on the seventh day they rose early about the dawning of the day and compassed the city after the same manner seven times only on that day they compassed the city seven times it came to pass at the seventh time when the priest blew the trumpets joshua said unto the people shout for the lord hath given you the city do you see the plan that god has given them to fulfill it is the most mundane boring battle plan i ever heard in my life i love war i love reading about war history battle history i i love it from almost every era and every generation i i love reading about it in medieval times i like reading about in revolutionary times i like reading about it from world war one world war ii korea vietnam uh desert storm all afghanistan i i i just that stuff just appeals to me i appreciate valor courage i like that kind of stuff and and i'll be honest with you i read about a bunch of battle plans brother john none so boring as joshua's battle plan this this is the plan y'all here's the plan joshua's sitting there he's getting his word from the lord he's sitting there what saith my lord unto his servant and the lord said all right josh you ready for this and josh is thinking oh yeah give it to me i'm all ears lord i'm gonna give it to me come on man it's gonna be good if god's got the plan it's gonna be bad two to bone what's it gonna be god what's it gonna be ak-47 shooting and stabbing how many was rpgs tanks and grenades what's it gonna be i mean you know i'm doctoring up in 2021 but you get the picture what's it going to be god batter and ram knocking down the door flaming arrows going over the wall what what boy what's it going to be god the lord said all right josh here it is you're ready for this he said yeah i'm ready i want you to get up tomorrow and get all the blood thirsty killers you got in the camp all and fellas are itching for a fight and i want you to walk around that wall and go on back to camp and lay down all right we can we can do that how about day two day two god we're gonna have some shooting and some stabbing and some killing and some throat cutting day two something's gonna go down right lord said no no not day two that's what i want you to do once you get all them guys up again and i want you to walk around that wall and go on back over and lay down and don't even say nothing while you're doing it keep your mouth shut don't say anything all right i thought it was going to be a little more exciting than this god how about day three day three won't you walk around that wall how about day four day four i want you to walk around that wall all right lord i'm starting to get the picture let me guess day five we're gonna walk around that wall yep day six we're gonna walk around that wall yep i'm starting to get a pattern here lord how about day seven day seven we're gonna walk around that wall that's right but with a special twist on day seven you're gonna walk around it seven times in one day and then then what we're gonna do god then just holler and the wall's gonna fall down we're gonna walk around that wall one time every day for seven days and on the seventh day we're gonna walk around it seven times and then we all just all gonna go and the wall is gonna fall down yep that's what's gonna happen god that don't make a lick of sense you know joshua you're exactly right it don't make a liquid sense but my ways are higher than your ways and it ain't got to make sense to you joshua you just need to do what i tell you to do and it may y'all don't miss this it may seem boring it may seem normal it may seem average it may seem mundane but joshua don't miss this if you'll just be faithful daily faithful doing what i told you to do you'll see some victory you know what joshua did he was just faithful to do what god said say preacher what in the world's that got to do with us what's that got to do with going down the way we've never been before and fulfilling the plan well don't it seem a little boring sometimes that well say what we're going to do we're going to get up on sunday morning we're going to go to sunday school and we're going to hear some preaching and then we're going to come back on sunday night and then we're going to go home and then we're going to go to school on monday and go to work on monday and go to school on tuesdays and go to work on tuesday and go to school on wednesday and go to work on wednesday then we're going to go to school on thursday and go to work on thursday then we're going to come to the house of god thursday night and then we're going to get up and do it all again on friday then we're going to chill out a little bit maybe on saturday if we ain't got to work and then we're going to get back up we're going to go to church on sunday morning sunday school and sunday morning 11 o'clock and sunday night 6 o'clock then we're going to get back up monday morning what are we doing we're just walking around but while we're doing it we're being faithful to what god told us to do and how many of you can testify to the fact that you've been faithful to the plan long enough and you've just fulfilled the plan long enough walking around and around and the world looks at it and says y'all crazy and the devil whispers in you and says you're crazy but i don't walked around in this path long enough that i've watched god make things fall down in my path i've watched god do things nothing else could do and it was simply because i followed the plan that he had set up it don't make sense to me but it ain't gotta it makes sense to him and i'm just following what he said what are we gonna do preacher we're just going to be faithful just going to be faithful what the lord told us we ain't going to quit we ain't going to throw the towel in we're not going to stop we ain't going to back up we're just going to keep going some of you have heard this before but i love this little poem i'll read it to you and i'm going to be through when things go wrong as they sometimes will when the road you're trotting seems all uphill when the funds are low and the debts are high and you want to smile but you have to sigh when care is pressing you down a bit rest if you must but just don't quit life is weird with its twists and turns as every one of us sometimes learns and many a failure turns about when he might have won if he'd just stuck it out don't give up though the pace seems slow you might succeed with one more blow often the struggler has given up when he might have captured the victor's cup and he learned too late when the knight slipped down how close he was to the golden crown success is failure turned inside out the silver tint of clouds of doubt and you can never tell how close you are and maybe near when it seems far so stick to the fight when you are hardest hit it's when things seem worse but you must not quit brother say preacher what are we going to do y'all i don't know what's fixing to happen i've heard all kinds of stuff my wife was sitting in the bed this afternoon with a tinfoil hat on and three guns sitting around her watching all the conspiracy theories going on on the internet i said take that tinfoil hat off your head put them guns back in the safe turn that phone off and go to church woman i meant to get a picture of it she wouldn't let me praise god i don't know what's going to happen i've heard all kinds of stuff i hope y'all y'all y'all that's all maybe seem crazy to y'all listen to me i hope to goodness i really really do i'm praying for as a matter of fact that i mean in the morning the insurrection law has been passed and trump locks up pelosi and schumer and i'll rest him sorry suckers and amen and gets things back on track i'd love to see that i would i would but i'm gonna be honest with you i told my wife this i said you know what i really believe is gonna happen she said what i believe ten days are gonna pass we ain't gonna hear nothing then we're gonna wish we heard something but we ain't gonna hear nothing and after 10 days that wacko's gonna get in the white house that's what i really think's going on i hope it don't i'm preparing for the other but i'm expecting that it ain't gonna happen so you say what we're gonna do preacher we're gonna do everything i just said amen brother tim we're just going to keep on following his promises we followed them this far why give up following them now yo we followed them through some dark territory before looking back in your life and how god's promises has brought you through they saved thus far and if grace got us through this far he's gonna keep leading us on the way friend we're just gonna keep following the promises help me over here esther we're just gonna keep fulfilling the plan we're gonna keep getting in his presence and looking for the lord we're going to try and get so distracted or downcast if things don't happen like i want them to and you want them to god is still on the throne his word is still true he is still coming back to get us and if it don't turn out like i wanted to i'm going to just keep being a christian living for the lord it it won't shake my faith in the bible or the lord even a little bit i'm just going to keep doing what i've been doing yeah we never passed a place like this before never have we but i wonder tonight if you wouldn't say lord at this place in my life and maybe it ain't even got to do with what's going on in our country maybe you're in some places in your life personally spiritually in your life where you've never been to before i wonder tonight if you would hit an order and say lord help me this area in my life where i've never been to spot in my life i've never got to before lord help me just to keep following the promises stick with the plan stay in your presence help me god just to keep being faithful and not quit let's all stand tonight father i pray you'd bless this simple little message that you put on my heart to give to your people tonight thank you so much for them coming back lord such a good number came back for sunday night and i i appreciate that lord they didn't have to um lord i appreciate it god i ask you tonight that you would help us to react and respond to the message that's been preached i pray the word would be mixed with faith and those that have heard it god i pray that you would help us to leave different than we came in lord leave with some hope in our soul this world right now is at an all-time low for hope god when we're seeing what we're seeing the christians should be an all-time high for hope knowing that our salvation is nearer than when we believe help us just to walk with you live for you and serve you as a christian should in a dark dark world in jesus name amen if you need to come tonight you come we've not passed this way before you place your hand on his bible when you swear to tell the truth his name is on our greatest monuments and all our money too and when we pledge allegiance there's no doubt where we stand there's no separation we're one nation under him and god we still trust here in america he's the one we turn to every time the going gets rough he is the source of all our strength the one who watches everest here in america in god we still trust [Music] so i think the biggest test of a person's christianity is not what they do when everything's going good i think the real glowing um testament to a real child of god's testimony is when everything has just gone totally south and they still live for god and they still serve the lord and they still tell people about jesus and they still stay faithful oh anybody can live for god when everything's good but it's in those times when you get in them areas where you've never been to before and everything in your flesh and even the devil says quit turn around you're a fool you are crazy and you tune it out and tune in [Music] and just keep going what we're going to do preacher it's going to keep going like we have been it's going to keep going like we have been thank you for coming to church tonight man it was a blessing to have you in the house of god really really was a good lord's day thank the lord for what he's done in our hearts and you be in prayer tonight for sister april gobble please for what's going on in her family with her mother about to pass away please be in prayer for miss misty hunt in the morning she has surgery they'll prep her and then th this surgery is is invasive it is serious they i mean they're literally going to have to take a part out of her skull in her temple somewhere and go in to her her head to clamp off this aneurysm that she has so so pray about this pray for her family and and i know they would greatly appreciate that we know the great physician we know the bomb of gillian and we are committing her into his capable hands and trust because he can do what nobody else can do so pray about those things we should pray for myself brother sean brother goodman we'll be flying out to texas to preach and meeting out there this week for a few days so ask the lord to keep us safe and watch over us on the airplane pray ask the lord if if praise god if the insurrection acts gonna get passed and martial law does start let us get home for it miss melissa she don't want to be stuck in utah either out there brother randy he probably yeah let it start glory to god lock her down hallelujah but uh tristan said if i don't get home and something like that happens and i'm not here when i do get home she will shoot me so uh i don't know what all that means anyway so all right we're going to close the word of prayer fellas y'all stand in the back back here with them plates if you would if you would like to um give to be a help and blessing to the hunt family um miss misty going to be down and out for several weeks so if you'd like maybe help with that don't forget ladies please meet in the prayer room to talk about helping with some meals if you'd like help with the nursery or with helping with xander see mrs christina and that'll be good all right brother sean boffman it's been a blessing to have you here tonight would you ask the lord to dismiss us in his may we blessings take it uh for granted not helping the public worship and lord i thank you for the message it would help us to continue uh to follow the promises of god we trust you no matter what the days may bring upon you not our own understanding lord for this dear lady that's about to go off into eternity i pray lord that you uh give your grace give your family for this other lady that's going to be happening give them wisdom right lord and understanding and guidance and lord just thank you for jesus [Music] father thank you for this church thank you for the membership and uh lord just keep their hearts unified bless these young preachers lord thanks to this would you encourage them in the ways of god lord give a hunger for the word of god stay on their knees and pray for the power of god and lord thank you for what you do in jesus name amen amen
Channel: Bible Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 1,211
Rating: 4.8571429 out of 5
Id: KiOZx4s6RyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 22sec (2722 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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