Coco Movie Reaction | First Time Watching

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hey guys welcome back to the channel today we're watching [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Coco hey guys welcome back to the channel if you're new to the channel my name is Angela and today I'm watching the movie Coco a movie I thought I had actually watched and when I was having a conversation with someone I was like I love that movie I love marelle's story and they were like ah I think you're talking about Encanto and I felt really dumb not only that because Mexico and Colombia are very far apart from each other but uh I I somehow thought that that was that movie um and then they were like well no it's about the Day of the Dead and I was like oh yeah no I haven't seen anything about the Day of the Dead I don't know what the Day of the Dead is um I don't know if it's a Remembrance Day if it is a Halloween thing because I love like every year when they have like a whole day of the dead I don't know Day celebration um it it the face paint the skeleton faces and all the colors and everything it's like super vibrant uh so I'm really excited to uh kind of see what this is about and get into it and they also told me that it is like a musical like en Kanto so I think I'm going to enjoy that as well I really do love animated movies make me feel stuff uh they they they kind of tap into the child deep deep down and uh they just Delight the hell out of me so uh if you are new to the channel just to warn you I cry a lot I laugh really loud but I also cry so if this has any crying in it I'm your gal all right guys I'm not going to delay it any further let's get into it yeah okay so it is like a remembrance thing already with the candles like I'm pretty sure that that's the thing sometimes I think I'm cursed oh cuz of something that happened before I was even born generational curses a long time ago there was this family the Papa he was a musician but he also had a dream to play for the world that's a great dream and one day he left with his guitar and never returned okay that's heartbreaking and the mama she didn't have time to cry over that walking musician that's right lady you're stronger than that all music from her life she banned music from her life that's a bit extreme you see that woman was my great great grandmother mama Milda she died way before I was was born oh but my family oh she tore her husband's picture out the Day of the Dead and her little girl she's my great grandmother mama Coco oh that's Coco so I tell her pretty much everything she's so cute like this it's just way faster and the winner is [Music] look he put the mask on her no music oh well no music dang no music I think we're the only family in Mexico who hates music a I love music I am not like the rest of my family I like him already oh look at him dancing he loves music it's in his jeans I know I'm not supposed to love music but it's not my fault it's his Ernesto De La Cruz the greatest musician of all time but when he played music he made people fall in love with him oh he looks smooth he live the kind of life you dream [Music] about until [Music] 1942 when he was crushed by a giant Bell holy crap they got brutal wow oh look at how beautiful this is have fun making shoes come on what did the La Cruz always say seiz your moment show me what you got muchacho can you play oh God oh oh ohita what are you doing here Abita [Music] oh wow she wields that shoe like a weapon though my God you know better than to be here in this place you will come home now she needs business wow I'm sorry kiddo don't give me that look the one night of the year our ancestors can come visit us oh put their photos on the ofenda so their Spirits can cross over if we don't put them up they can't come I don't want you sneaking off to who knows where oh they already gone I don't want to see you end up like Mama Coco's Papa never mention that man he's better off forgotten you're the one I was just papa is home mama papa is coming home no Mama it's okay I'm here who are you it makes me think of my grandma and having dementia and just how hard that was what are we going to do with that boy you're right that's just what he needs so if that guy's photo is missing he can't visit them that's rough hopefully somebody else has a picture of him somewhere and knows him get in here come on Dante H up Dante is stinking cute I mean he's got a tongue that don't quit but someone could hear me a I wish that's a cute design other than you oh he made it with nails and wire that is smart what a smart kid [Music] that's how he learned a see next to the other one get under get under Miguel nothing mama papa I Miguel it's time you joined us in the workshop what no more shining shoes you will be making them every day after school yeah and not go to Mariachi Plaza oh oh oh just don't knock over any candles please oh [Music] oh no no no no no oh he had the same Guitar Mama is your papa Ernesto de Cruz papa papa oh it is in his jeans just listen to me play end of argument you want to end up like that man forgotten left off your family's Offa I don't care if I'm on some stupid [Music] ofenda no M oh there oh no guitar no music oh so mean great great grandfather what am I supposed to do sees your moment I don't know what that means in this scenario yeah what was that smile about oh God Miguel what is it is it in there oh God he's not going to steal it from this guy's like tomb or whatever this thing is [Music] called there it is seiz the moment boy I don't know I think taking a a dead man's guitar from where he's laid to rest is not okay um oh God please don't open I don't think they're going to show a dead body but please don't I'm Miguel your great great grandson I need to borrow this it's a family heirloom it should be fine I'm going to play in the plaza just like you [Music] did oh quite the strum you got there all right who's in there I'm sorry it's not what it looks like de CR oh nobody here what just happened it is he like a ghost or a spirit or something oh yeah get out of there here let me help you thanks [Music] I oh okay I thought they were painting their faes look like skeletons that one had a mustache they're actual skeletons oh wow okay they're all here to visit their family because it's Day of the Dead a look how big she's getting it's real see they do get to like eat the food and drink the wine and see the gifts oh I'm sorry I'm sorry Miguel Miguel Miguel how does he know [Music] him oh wow Doria he doesn't seem entirely dead we need mamaa she'll know how to fix this oh is that the Coco's Mom I have a feeling this has something to do with you but if can't come to us then we are going to her come on we it's okay oh this is a very beautiful movie not just visually but like just representing people coming over from the other side D wait how come the dog can go over [Music] oh wow oh that's so pretty I'm right there with the kiddo wow this isn't a dream then you thought we weren't well I don't know I thought it might have been one of those made up things that adults tell kids like that's fair vitamins Miguel vitamins are a real thing well now I'm thinking maybe they could be it's not nice to stare at he's got skin is that a dragon but those are Spirit creatures Spirit creatures welcome back anything to declare some chus from my family how wonderful a they have to declare it that's not nice it's a gift yes it is I FR so we SC I'm well shoot looks like no one put up your photo pretty oh it won't let him a I don't know what I do if no one put up my photo oh come here it's AR does that mean that like no one put it up or someone forgot about it yes H [Music] oh oh this is awesome it's so pretty people are freaking out about the skin job walking around I miss my [Laughter] nose no one put up your photo my family always always put my photo on your friend that devil back tells you nothing but l oh with a shoe oh it's in Melda that makes sense D he sure doesn't look like an Al he just looks like a plain old dog or a sausage someone dropped in a barber shop whatever terribly allergic but Dante doesn't have any hair and I don't have and yet here we are but none of this explains why I couldn't cross over oh oh he has the picture get your family's blessing and everything should go back to normal but by Sunrise what happens at Sunrise your hand oh then he's dead I mean isn't he dead now I give you my blessing oh cool I give you my blessing to go home and to never play music again what nope don't take it back [Music] oh oh I mean is he back back no skeletons looks like it okay cool Maria here I come oh you actually have to go and do it two seconds and you already break your [Laughter] promise I will not let you go down the same path he did the same path he did oh no go ask your great great grandpa I need to visit the restroom be right back and he's gone uh should we tell him there are no restrooms in the Land of the Dead oh well yeah I guess they wouldn't need those fleeing an officer falsifying a uni godal very illegal falsifying a uni bro oh you like the lauz he go way back I can get you frro seats to his Sunrise spectacular show I don't know this guy kind of seems like a fiber he probably doesn't know Del Cruz at all hey yeah go get his help hey you really know theu who wants to you're alive yeah I'm alive he's my great great grandfather he's your what yeah gross you can help me we can help yeah he wants to go back too you can help me again I that's nice oh just his [Laughter] arm jeez people's head's coming off left and right what if you like grabbed the wrong head T is a door knob oh cool this place on memories unless you're me you don't get to cross over no one's ever put up my picture but you can change that this is you oh oh yeah he looks nice hey you said you had FAL tickets that that was a lie come on I not surprised how cuz I happen to know where he's rehearsing do you I don't trust anything that you have to say oh did he just use suspenders to shoot his arm up onto a window ledge oh dope oh I don't know if there's anything to see oh cute okay not so cute now just causing chaos oh the mighty sh gu there of wondering spirit in spirit have you gued it to me I don't think he's a spirit guide uh uhuh the of this world many forms or maybe he's just a dog [Laughter] come where's the real theu Ernesto doesn't do rehearsals he's too busy hosting that fancy party at the top of his Tower oh that's where he is why is he not visiting his family on this night well I guess he could visit anybody because everyone has his pictures up right go on go on ask him how he died I don't want to talk about it he choked on some Cho a didn't choke okay I got foot poisoning which is a big difference it is it is actually so how far is this guitar anyway we're almost there oh that is keep up come on that's brutal he just falls into pieces just puts himself back together again these people are all your family we're all the ones with no photos or friend us no family to go home to nearly forgotten you know so we huh I mean I would imagine if like family Generations like stop or like like if there's a fire like they don't have any pictures of you what do they do then I don't want to see your stupid face Hector come on it's get out of here I would che che I promise we'll bring it right back like the time you promis to bring back my van or my mini fridge or my good napkins my lasso my f my femur where's my femur you oh oh oh what was that play me something no you you know I don't play anymore chich you want it you got to earn it yeah play [Music] boy well everyone knows Juanita Knuckles drag on the floor those aren't the words are children present [Laughter] ah gracias wait what happened he's been he's gone right when there's no one left in the living world who remembers you you disappear from this world hey it happens to everyone eventually come on you got a contest to win but all those people don't have anyone putting their photo out on the ofrenda so that means that like eventually that's going to be their fate right like how long you hat there must be no one left to remember you great great grandpa we used to play music together taught him everything he knows oh really oh it's a busty [Applause] skeleton [Music] oh heck yeah oh oh the nuns okay fun if I can't go out there and play one song how can I call myself a musician what does that matter cuz I don't just want to get the LA Cruz's blessing I need to prove that that I'm worthy of it oh oh that's such a sweet sentiment that's such a bad time for Hector okay now now now you are you dying come on kid oh you're up kiddo here it comes I'm nervous for him he's going to do great I hope you got this kid oh oh man playing to a dead audience what's he doing why isn't he playing just picture him all [Music] naked good job Miguel he's a musician I'm so happy [Music] he's doing so good have you seen a living boy they're not even checking out the music you don't realize that it's [Music] him oh good job please be on the lookout for a living boy ear earlier tonight he ran away from his family they just want to send him back to the land of the living wait wait wait you said the lauz was your only family yeah you lied to me oh you're one to talk look at me I'm being forgotten Miguel I'm not going to miss my one chance to cross that bridge cuz you want to live out some stupid musical fantasy it's not stupid taking you to your family go me stay away from me hey it's sad that he has his photo and like no one else does how does he have his photo in the in this world I I don't know if I should be concentrating on that at all leave me alone you're not a spirit guide you're just a dumb dog get out of here it's him oh Miguel oh Dante didn't deserve [Music] that oh pipita stop oh God her spirit animal is terrifying what music's the only thing that makes me happy you'll never [Music] understand I thought you hated music oh I love it now you must make a choice but I don't want to pick sides why can't you be on my side that's what family is supposed to do support you but you never will oh poor Mel have a good time oh my gosh so extravagant again with the cury skeleton you mind if I [Laughter] it's okay I'm Ernesto's great great grandson a that was a nice try probably knew it wasn't going to work yeah go in with the band oh the competition winners congratulations Jos oh they won it oh good good good thanks for helping our boy in there oh that's cool what a great design this movie is so stunningly [Music] beautiful oh my God you're so close kiddo I mean de Cruz isn't going to know that that's his grandson though right well he should right I don't I get the feeling that De La Cruz isn't his Grand grandfather because his or great great-grandfather because his great great grandmother like hasn't mentioned him by name and I feel like if she really hated him like she'd probably be like De La Cruz but something about the story is not coming together for [Music] me it's like such a little guy Scream little squeaker [Music] okay the fact that he can sing and play and walk downstairs at the same [Music] time oops oh it's going to wash off his makeup shoot oh I saved him I'm you're your great great grandson I have a great great grand hands on I Need Your Blessing how could I not listen a oh I don't know it doesn't seem like it adds [Music] up [Laughter] Hector falsifying a unibo who are you what is the meaning of this Oh frea I thought you could have make it you know this um man he told me he knew you Hector oh he does know you're being forgotten and whose fault is that ector please those were my songs you took my songs that made you famous what if I'm being forgotten is because you never told anyone that I wrote them that's crazy they like Gru wrote all his own songs is that his grandpa great great grandpa Hector heaven and earth like in the movie what that's Theo's toast look I would move Heaven and Earth for you Migo but in the movie Don Dalgo poisons the drink salute that night Ernesto I can't do this without your songs Hector I'm going home ero hate me if you want but my mind is made up oh he was going to go back home if you must go then I'm I'm sending you off with a toast he poisoned him I would move Heaven and Earth for you m Amigo salute perhaps it was that choriso my friend or something I drank I woke up dead security take care of Miguel he'll be extending his stay what oh this guy oh I hate him oh I hate him put lip balm on I'm so upset right now it's okay I told them I didn't care eor She's forgetting me who my daughter she's the reason had to cross the bridge I wish I could tell her that her papa was trying to come home that he loved her so much my goo Coco [Music] where where did you get this that's my Mama C is that you where I was wondering the whole time why this movie was called Coco I was like it can't just be after her but it is it's all about her the moment she's gone from the living world you disappear from this one you'll never get to see her ever again I wrote her a song once we used to sing it every [Music] [Music] night and she probably has Dy hey buddy oh he's such a good dog what a good boy oh and Pita well you knowa ector you look good oh you you mean to tell me that they were that close to each other this entire time and they well I mean she's scary as hell but you're telling me that like they like never talked or anything you knew he was my papa ector the whole time you are a spirit guide who's a good spirit guide oh oh oh are you also turning into a skeleton or spirit guide wow oh look at you I don't know if you should do that yet oh here he [Laughter] is a cute I would like is he dying too is that why he just changed they're not back before Sunrise Dante stays like that dope but like I can't forgive you but I will help you that's good so how do we get to the lacruz fly I might know way oh yeah he's got his big performance drop another Bell on him don't I know you oh yep that's about love of my life who who the she's talking about me I'm the love of your life I don't know I'm still angry at you the photo get it grab it drop a bell on him boot him do something shoes take all your shoes and just pitch them you said love of your life I don't know what I say yep she passionately hates but I bet she passionately loves okay all right go team oh oh uh oh girl hopefully you have something to say when you get up there or sing noise sing yeah [Music] sing Oh her family didn't know [Music] oh look at her getting into it Go Grahams punch him in the snoot or the chin bone he got no cartilage to punch him in the [Applause] nose I forgot what that felt like you still got it mhm please don't tell him to stop music and to never never play music again do never forget how much your family loves you you're going home you're not going anywhere crew somebody drop a bell on him smash a guitar over his head stop oh the boy alone I've worked too hard ector too hard to let him destroy everything J ector's the real musician you're just the guy who murdered him and stole his songs murdered I am the one who's willing to do what it takes to seize My Moment mhm whatever it takes can he die here but the show where's Dante is Dante flying capita somebody AA Yip yep catch him catch him oh God you're not strong enough [Music] Dante thank you Pita my God how are he going to get his photo now remember me though I have to oh oh what a superhero entrance it's a pizza oh I like this even better nice kitty I don't mind this at all oh oh a b poetry just beautiful what did I miss oh the big finish oh God Hector I promise you see go we're both out of time M oh oh no no Hector you have our blessing no [Music] conditions take [Music] it I promise I I won't let Coco forget you did Dante get to come back too what have you oh this woman get out of the way M can you hear me I saw your papa remember Papa please here this is his guitar right he used to play to you player a song Mama [Music] wait [Music] my papa used to sing me that song Love You Mama [Music] COC [Music] a part of the [Music] picture when I was a little girl he and Mama would seen such beautiful beautiful [Music] songs what your fer is he going to be able to cross the bridge oh my God I'm a mess forget you the letters e wrote home for his daughter go contain the lyrics for all of your favorite oh my God remember me oh he's getting all the credit now oh my God I'm a mess oh mama Coco [Music] enjoy [Laughter] [Music] [Music] oh oh Dante didn't get to come back oh he did he did just for [Music] today oh my God oh my God oh this song Gale Garcia that sounds familiar Benjamin brat [Music] okay okay cheich Marin is the only oh John ratzenberger oh deos is a Mexican heritage tradition with roots and Indigenous culture to learn more visit your local library thank you [Music] [Music] that was beautiful well I don't think anyone's surprised that I cried a lot um but I I knew something wasn't quite adding up right just because I was like I'm pretty sure that they would not be proud that oresto DEA Cruz was like in their family but they would be smch him you know what I mean like not just music but him in general and then I was like you know like why was the rest of their family that was already over with the dead like why why were they not like with de Cruz or like why was he not with them and I mean granted Hector wasn't with them either but like something just didn't feel right about it and I was just like no and then soon as they were talking about uh Dela Cruz and Hector having a relationship and and that like he had everything written down and he just wanted to go home I immediately knew but until it was confirmed my God what a beautiful movie I'm so happy I watched this my God not only you know the the the message that you know I don't want to say family is everything but you know the not having a family member support you and something you're passionate about like I can see Miguel's pain and and why you know he's so defiant and why he still wants to play music and because it's in his heart it's in his soul it's like in his genes you know and and I mean it's a generational curse that you know was passed from one generation to the next to the next to the next uh that there's this this music curse and it's all with Elda and you know like her singing and feeling it again and dancing with Hector and you know like like she was like reinvigorated and you know it started off with you have my blessing to you know put the F the photo back and no music and then it was you know you have my blessing to put the photo back and and to be happy and then it was like you have my blessing no conditions and you know that's family like like not that you should love people unconditionally if they hurt you but like the people that have hurt you or had conditions about you know uh not not necessarily love but like like having conditions period you know like like you have to let people Express themselves and and be who they are and that's the thing that every family member should want is for the person to be happy um and I I I I could totally feel Miguel but like I I was kind of like kind of like why why is this movie called Coco like I know Grandma Coco but I'm like I'm like does she die and she goes into like this this spirit world and like you know she helps save Miguel and then like the longer I went on I was like no this is kind of Miguel's story but I was like why why is it called Coco and I didn't realize that Koko was the last person to remember Hector and had his picture the whole time oh God she loved her papa and she never stopped thinking of her Papa and singing his music and reading his poems and his letters okay it's funny because I highly doubt coko was the one that like spread the uh the generational curse of well I don't even know if it's the curse itself of like not wanting music or loving music or having music I I don't see Coco being angry about it and just being like music's banished from this household you know I think Amala like laid down the law and everybody just followed suit but I don't I don't see Coco doing that um I love that like a year later we go back and Elda and Hector are in fact together and he gets to cross over and he has to see everybody and he's not forgotten in the song remember me oh stop crying you you're going to dry out like a raisin oh so beautiful so beautiful the music was wonderful the the the the visually it was stunning so beautiful and it's funny because I just went to Disneyland like a month ago and I kept seeing the The Day of the Dead like ears and I was like those are so cool but I don't know what they're for like duh I like put it together like while I was watching this I was like oh it's for this movie I'm smart uh I I I love this I love at the end how they had everybody's phot photos and that they're remembering them at the very end you know it was really hard in the beginning too that it like made me sad because of Mama Coco not remembering people and saying the wrong name and like if you've had a grandparent that has had dementia and like you know pointed to a picture and said who's that and like you know it's a cousin or you know it's somebody who's you know 20 years old and she doesn't remember and you know it's it's really hard to watch somebody go through the uh I don't want to say going through old age but like the stages of dementia where they remember and then they just forget and it's just gone and it it doesn't come back it's it's really upsetting and they're upset about it too they don't like that they can't remember um it's it's but wow I I never even thought of that either is that I thought Coco was dying but it's the fact that she's forgetting and like Miguel singing the song like if he didn't know how to play and and he didn't know that song Hector would be forgotten he'd be gone oh it's devastating that's so devastating and eventually that might happen if there's like an end of a generation like I said like those candles could top over uh on the uh oh aa uh but they could topple topple over on Thea and set everything on fire and then all your pictures are gone what would you do then maybe you could draw them close enough right very very satisfying to see Del Cruz not only be found out for what he is in the spirit world but then also in the real world and have the book of the poems and the letters and and everything that Hector had sent Koko kind of like uh establish the fact that he is the songwriter and it his music and and that is his Legacy and there'll be more people that remember him way on into the future than Del Cruz I love that for de Cruz I love that for him and I was I was like I wish another Bell would fall on him and I was like oh okay you know what Pita you go ahead and you take care of it and then a bell I was like justice uh yeah uh Dante and the spirit world knowing that Hector was uh his grandfather and like really pulling him I did not like him being mean to Dante but Dante uh a great spirit guide he's a great spirit guide he wasn't even a full-on spirit guide like he he wasn't like all the the fun colors and everything when he was trying to do that and he was still trying to guide Miguel it's a good boy it's a good boy but guys if you want to watch the full link reaction to this it will be available on my patreon uh but in the meantime like subscribe and leave a comment down below one are you surprised if you are a subscriber to my Channel that I cried this hard probably not if you're not a subscriber or you didn't haven't subscribed or you've never seen me before until I watched this movie I also think you're equally not surprised yeah yeah yeah this one is uh o the idea of being forgotten is scary uh in in the idea of knowing somebody knows they're going to be forgotten is heartbreaking and watching somebody already go through it learning a little bit more about Hector and then learning who he is I'm so dehydrated oh it's such a good movie I am so happy that I watch that um but guys uh yeah if do you have any more recommendations of any movies uh Moana popped up at the end of this and I have not watched Moana I feel like I should probably watch that um and like couple other like Ratatouille um I was saying that I have never watched hun Hunchback of notredam or Notre Dame I don't know how we're pronouncing it um because there's like a couple on the the Disney thing I was like I don't even know what that is so if there's any Disney movies that you would like for me to watch or any movies in general just leave that in the comments down below uh but in the meantime guys I am going to go slam some water and rehydrate because that took a lot out of me all right guys I'll see you
Channel: funnylilgalreacts
Views: 139,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reaction, reactions, reactionvideo, firsttimewatching, moviereactions, Trailerreactions
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 34sec (3154 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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