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everyone knows you're the good guy yeah that was not persuasive you have to be willing to do whatever it takes wow my man really deaded up his friend and dashed away his great-grandson all right boom Coco I this is the only version I could like it's either this one or a bonus one so this one so either way if you guys want to see this movie uncut and edited head over to the patre in the description down below and yeah let's go Coco [Music] a skull Disney presents for some reason I just keep wanting to say [ __ ] I don't know why sometimes I think I'm cursed oh and dance encounter blessings okay but he also had a dream did he just walk past his did he just walk past his kid encounter blessings but he also had and his wife yeah he will pass both of them said J don't let kids ruin your dream and never returned damn yeah bro really said don't let kids and your and your wife ruin your dream God oh his girlfriend human she didn't have time to cry over that walk away musician fair enough and she learned to make shoes oh fire Okay Candy fireworks oh right so I'm guessing your dad walked away from you then and you were the I I'm not going to lie I thought she CHS SHO sh oh it's not that's a girl is it she taught her son-in-law son-in-law grand kids got red oh right became a family business so did the business right okay okay but shoes held them all together fair play was my great great grandmother oh she like a she's my great grandmother oh oh name of a movie actually my name is Miguel has trouble I mean she's old bless her so I like [Laughter] this not her dressed up in the eat your food my girl said stop talking M C's daughter oh okay if you would like more tames yeah you can't say no to the grandma oh my God how many are you giving him no music oh no music yo family in Mexico who hates music oh this is Mexican okay be back by launch love you m you like music don't you okay H hey hey oh God damn now that thought look like it needs help good enough God damn I'm not supposed to love music what you do greatest musician of all time so that the Mexican MJ from Santa cilia like me okay he sted movies raw m f all right I see the strings though remember me okay he live the kind of life you drew yeah bro's got men and women all Sovereign over him till [Music] 1942 what did bro go jail for that like that's that's ins that's insane God damn we're connected somehow I got his guitar thereis robbed it maybe someday I could too yeah you're just in a home where they don't even want you to even they don't even want to hear music if it wasn't from F yeah I was going to say I asked for a shoe shine not your life that's crazy I'm a musician deal with it I could never say that could do but my brma get kicked out I only really play for myself what do you play uhuh my family would freak probably dis own him have fun making shoes he got a point though he's got a point though show me what you got much oh okay I'll be your first audience oh I'm not going to lie this guy's a w do you even know to play guitar is that a guitar I don't [Music] know oh no oh damn was just showing me his guitar shame on Yo No he he does from him yeah you can see why he's terrified to play music I can't even lie that is you will come home now yeah you can see my bro is [ __ ] terrified damn but go the guy the guy had a point though that is crawling with Mar so what so wait so because one man left your grandma no left your mom no left yeah left your grandma you your whole family just can't even VI to music anymore that's crazy I mean I I I mean I get it but God damn away you damn damn now go get my shoe okay that's a musician shoes oh my God then no more plasa is she pregnant talent show oh you have to have talent to be in a talent hey yo sh shoes damn you deserve that tonight is about family yeah I kind of feel so for him I can't even lie wants to live his dream our ancestors can come visit us we oh I don't want you sneaking off to who knows where bro was sneaking up like Mama C's Papa he's better off forgotten God damn papa is home oh I'm here who are you but she remembers Papa though Miguel bro's gone what are we going to do with that boy no yeah no she died is it that's her du all okay yeah okay say papa I remember is that dog okay yeah no that dog needs help God damnn yeah got fleas come on that dog tongue is too long oh Ro made a guitar can he actually can you play that I'm going like that's some that's actually that's some dedication I can't even lie to you oh ra man's got a room filled up with a damn life gets me down I play my guitar no yet she can't play okay follow my heart all right lips her off as well oh is that how he's learning he's basically just follow is he following his fingers must that's a way to learn I can't even lie now brother is kind of cold of it you know toe your moment that's a good question no one was going to hand it to me it was up to reach for that dream it's true and make it come true M no it's true that one's going to give you the opportunity and if you do no more hiding D got to seiz my extremely lucky I'm going to playing mariati Plaza if it kills me you might get killed though I'm not going to lie your family actually look like they no no no no no damn oh boy no that dog needs down by the kitchen oh my God to the oh my God wonderful idea what no more shining shoes oh every day after school yeah that sounds dead I can't lie like your papa you have your family here to guide you it's true you do but you don't want to do that a shoe maker through and through see I could see I could imagine it being a blessing being like having a family business cuz then it's like you don't really have to look for a job but then imagine if like that's not what you want to do and you want to pursue your other dream but then how hard is it to tell your family who's done it through generation after generation and let's be honest right they've all probably had their own dreams as well but they still Stu with the family business do you get what I mean like I'm I'm sure this brother probably had a dream and she probably had a dream and maybe even she probably had a dream rather than following her mom's dream you know not following her mom's business plan you know what I'm saying yeah damn I mean when you deep it you're you're already going to disappointed about playing music right so I mean it does it really matter oh no oh [Music] no wait what wait the guar the the guy that died H that is Dea Cruz what the so that's his great oh [ __ ] what are you talking about oh my God musician bro what is all this oh yeah that's that's the picture abandon his family this is no true you said my family would guide me making shoes like that man forgotten left off he's not forgotten if anything he's more known than he's more known than anything I can't even life he's the world's greatest musician or the Mexico's greatest musician damn I don't know what that means okay that's a bit too far no guitar no music yeah then I wouldn't even stay there I can't even lie you feel better after no way don't touch me I don't want to be in this you just just you bro just Mel just destroyed his Katana oh you'll be fine after [ __ ] off what of course you're going to run damn I way to tallent her you got an instrument no oh no he don't got musicians got to bring their own instruments oh and his thing just got destroyed as well do you guys have a sp guitar no uh get out of here kid damn Michael FY smashed up his guitar you know God damn seiz your moment oh what his guitar yeah bro going to go to [ __ ] jail I mean would he go to Joe if he's sing his own family guitar probably not right probably not it's his family oh God God played give the dog some food and just do your thing again I'm still so sh that the car still there no one's robbed it damn what do they call that gra grave Lin is it grave loin grave Robin grave robin sounds well oh boy that is not a heavy pallet of stone then real stone for a second I thought I could hear Footprints and I got scared you're great great grandson great great okay um I know you would have why was that thing oh damn where made a shock wave oh [Music] no oh there's no there's no Escape in this oh no yeah Rosen yeah Rosen Joe what what what the hell thanks I Jee Jesus what the [ __ ] is going on do you mind what the what the f what the I see dead people is crazy is it is it oh my go why can the dog still see him where's the dog going oh damn who's that and you can see us oh damn Rosita see oh so who's that V seem entirely dead he's not dead mama know mamaa twins but how did you by play by touch the guitar oh wow it's okay I mean yeah you might as well do right how can it I guess dogs have hien senses I don't know ra d chat and [ __ ] about the whole um seeing the family and that oh my God yeah I'm going to Li that's cold I'm not going to lie that's cold oh that's bear made up things that adults tell kids it's true vitamins no no that's that's true that's real thinking maybe they could be said he ain't bones what the hell is that those are like pinatas oh if you're experiencing oh so they take back the food and bring it back to them each oh that's actually really nice your photos are in your son have a great Vis oh right okay so if they're not up then you can't travel back oh so I'm guessing the woman that's can't go through is because her picture's broken and she's not she's not she's not up there anymore I'm guessing the mama whatever her name was is is is the woman that's not doesn't have the picture CH there no more looks like no one put up your photo uh that that was a lie Well mine's changing oh ra not try to make a what the hell so you can't even so you generally can't cross the bridge if you don't have a phot up yes a [Laughter] human oh right okay that's actually kind of cold oh the dog made it through as well I miss my nose bless they all look shocked you I about to put up a frenzy in here as well oh bro damn I'm guessing that's yeah devil box that my devil box is crazy it's not though that's her what is going well family oh damn you're cursed wait what you stole from the dead but I wasn't Ste oh we do not speak of that musician yeah she's running he just looks like a plain old dog he does is a plain old dog dropped in a barber shop wait what terribly allergic how you have no you have no organs or I don't have a nose and yeah or organs or lungs or I couldn't cross over because he has your photo should go back to normal how do you get your family's blessing though you're hand oh [ __ ] he turn into a skeleton damn then have you fainting on us bro's dying before he even lived what do you mean your family's here I give you my blessing oh and to never play music again what oh she can add any condition she wants yeah you can't accept that fine then you I don't know you you kind of have to though right but to never play music again is crazy though no he literally can't already break your promise so he literally can't play promise Fury have yours it's true they are not trying to cross her boy I said straight up no go down there same B he did cuz he abandoned you you need to visit the restroom he's going to go find him there are no restrooms in the Land of the Dead cuz technically if he's if he's he's family and he's dead then he should be here right much oh excuse me yeah good bro dipped out played unibrow that's illegal very illegal wait fo and unibrows illegal he and I go way back I can get oh I want to visit my living family oh bless can I at least get my costume back no you're alive yeah and if I want to get back to the land of the living oh look his F that's weirdly specific your what oh my God wait wait wait wait wait wait wait whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa you can help me we can help each other okay you can help me oh no bro how far behind was he what the hell damn damn oh my God that looks fire was that like a tiger B Eagle sort of thing I have no idea just munches everything [Laughter] unless you're me I know no one's ever put up my picture but you can change that who's his picture I put up your photo when I get home okay it doesn't seem like a bad idea someone a bit more accessible no well he needs to go J Cruz yeah you got to have some of the family yeah no well that's yeah I was going to say even if I did it's DEA Cruz so run me up DEA Cruz what are you talking about it's not going to be easy you know you know why it's how you walk no I don't you kind of do to be fair show to Mar the end of the oh then that's where he is then you said you had tickets that that was a lie oh okay happened to know where he's rehearsing okay damn now you're dog this dog just moving everywhere boy damn what the hell oh my god oh brother y oh God gu of wondering spirits that tongue is too long I don't think he's a spirit no definitely not they are as mysterious as they are oh damn oh damn okay that's impressive oh maybe he's just a dog he's just a dog he's chewing his leg daners emerge from the oh but dear what right amount of obvious it's very weird oh and what if everything was on fire um you have the spirit of an artist the monkey slapping it R Us to the stage is that him oh fancy party at the top of his Tower man has a whole Tower you know where he is though fing the celebity you s my the so person celebrities you know how come he didn't invite you he's not friends hey it's damn why did you bu laugh at him ask him how he died how did you die CH damn damn is that like a chip I don't know what T is but I'm not going to lie if you yeah damn I need to get my oh look his hand look his hands I know a guy do you actually know a guy though or do you you just saying you know a guy like do you really know a guy or do you re God damn Rao God damn yeah these These puppers are broken like a monkey for complete strangers yeah but you live got paid for it though you get paid good money yeah he can't do that oh there's a ladder right there to be fair okay we're all the ones with no photos or friend [Music] oh God damn I'm black wait what was it saying I saying I'm black oh good catch not oh damn promise to bring back my van ohid my good napkins oh no not like this [Music] oh oh waa what's going on with him I'm fading eor wait what do you mean fading couldn't even play that thing if I wanted to what you mean by fading you're already you know I don't play anymore anymore only for you Amigo you [Music] play once the do is actually sitting still oh ra broken actually play those are the word children oh what was the what was the actual lyrics then so wait you're a musician as well so why was you saying oh he wants to live that sort of life graas oh oh so what he did he die again where does that go wait what happened yeah I'm a bit I'm a bit forgotten oh you disappear from this world oh when I go back no it doesn't work like that J you need like a photo right they have to be passed down by those who knew us in life right they tell about damn I hope I get red when I die come on you got damn my son put up a picture of me can't even lie that's sad though man you told me you hated musicians yeah one yeah we used to play music together wait really damn how's she got no teas but just still big of the how thin is a waist God damn oh maybe we actually finally get to see him play they are not imp what the he's feeling it oh everybody's going to play it everybody's going to play it oh damn CR of Ling them I've never performed before what yeah it's his first time well self self-imposed musician your life literally depends on your winning I guess so does yours to be fair that I'm worthy of it that's such a bad time yeah cuz does he think he might be forgotten is that why he wants to go oh no even the dog got scared even dog like what the [ __ ] yeah whole crowd is feeling them I can't even lie you can do this grab their attention and M I know now hey is is awkward already what's he doing why isn't he playing he's nervous hey yo come on bro you got to do this you got to do this otherwise you might as well go and take your grand great great [Music] grand oh they're cheering though oh oh oh why is it so kind of cold not bad for a dead oh no they found him he's close find him he's on the stage [Music] taking how's he St Living Boy bro you need to just look on stage that was cold that was cold I can't lie that was cold hey you did good that was really good oh no answers to the name of Miguel oh oh you're one to talk true I'm being forgotten Miguel are you you don't want to help me you only care about yourself it's true it's true sorry come back but I guess he's got to though if he's going to be forgotten then it makes sense that he has to kind of look out for himself bro oh damn you're just a dumb dog damn it's him oh no oh no damn how slow is that train oh my what music the only thing that makes me happy yeah you want to take it away from him you want to take that away yeah you'll never understand that's a cool it's true it's true cuz you're like yeah you can never play music if you just said don't put my phot back you want to cool I could play music but you want to take you want to stop that excuse me and nothing else matters so but you I wanted to put down Roots right like thees she why can't you be on my side that's what family is supposed to do it's true you want it's like you want you want how do I say this you want to support him in something that you want to support him in not what not support him something he wants to do right so when it comes to the shoes and whatever you're like yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we support you like we're here for you when it comes to the music you're like no no no no no no no your family's only there for you when we want to be there for you in something that we want helps us I don't know that does that make sense I don't know it's like 1:00 a.m. but you never will yeah like I get you're trying to save his life but you're also trying to take away the one thing about his life that he loves and it's like you know at that point he might as well just be dead and that cuz if you can't what's the point of live you can't love if you can't enjoy your life you know damn damn seiz your moment that's so sick [Music] invitation man got yeated and the guitar did they they got him in damn is that a damn nice now he played he was cold though I can't lie the polym poly he cold I can't even lie hey hey enjoy the party also why did she not why did the mom not go and see my man if he's here like why did they not meet up maybe they have maybe maybe they have I don't know Rao serving food is crazy oh that is packed boy these movies how do they clap a skeletons never mind it's probably not important oh that's cold you go find a way around or bus through you going to play you going to play a song well you got no amp though how are they going to hear you fair enough there's an [Music] echo hey oh oh I mean you got his attention human the one who came from the land of the living yeah why have you come here cuz Y how could I not listen oh [Applause] bless oh bless him oh my God have you met my great great grandson the human you know no diple diple no diple no dimple okay you know I did all my own stunts is that a stunt are you going to give him his best in the land of the living oh wow but it's just just he needs to go back I've been looking up to you my whole life oh right okay heading off on my own not your wife and kid or your fireworks have begun okay interesting honor do you mean it of course my boy a bro got get get go back I have to get home oh damn it has been an honor that's good though I hope you die very soon um you know what I mean yeah oh Freda I thought you couldn't make it it's not Freda Hector please Miguel put my photo up so he does know him my songs that made you famous wait what I wrote them that's crazy they like he wrote the song you really did play together bro Miguel can put my photo up and I can cross over the bridge we've been performing on the road for months and I packed up my songs okay I would move Heaven and Earth for you m Amigo but I felt a pain in my stomach he poisoned a drink or something I drank he poisoned him what the [ __ ] dead he poisoned him all this time I thought it was just bad luck what the hell and then he took his book you no no I don't blame him I don't blame him what the hell wow murdered e for his songs uh do you no but you did everyone knows you're the good guy yeah that was not persuasive my blessing he's not going to give it to you take care of me oh my God was my best friend wow you have to be willing to do whatever it takes Wow Let's Gove wow ow bro wanted to go home and see his daughter so he went all right cool let me dead you up and take your wow my man really deaded up his friend and dashed away his great grandson is this where he Dash Hector as well so Hector weren even lying about you knew him like bro fully knew him and didn't even get to go and see his daughter so why doesn't his iess his does really known that make sense to be fair bro Hector Hector you were right oh man but I didn't listen yeah no I didn't yeah but but I'm not going to lie who thought de Cruz was a [ __ ] villain like I'm go like what it's okay I told [Music] wow oh no he's being forgotten She's forgetting me oh his daughter my daughter she's the reason you wanted to cuz see his da so right so wait bro dead him up took him away from his da and all bro wants to do is like listen I just want to go home to see my da and he can't even he's even stopping from that probably because he's think he's going to ruin his reputation oh my God tell her that her papa was trying to come home no you really was he loved her so much oh man my Coco Coco wait Coco as in where where did you get this wait Coco as in Coco is that that's we're what the [ __ ] I thought bro was his great great I always hoped I'd see her again and the Reas why she's she's not remembering you she's just [ __ ] dying that's the issue maybe put up my phone she's not not remembering you sorry she's not forgetting you should I say I thought at least one day I'd see her here she's very old though his dog like she she'll be here soon person who remembers me wow you disappear from this one you need to find your family send you back ever but then if he goes back then he'll remember you at the same time what song was it that I wouldn't give to sing it to her bro so you're the remember me was for her un that's your guitar so Santa Cruz's death right was kind of deserved like when he got crushed by the Bell yeah like you kind of deserve that death I can't lie God damn [Music] damn he stole your guitar he stole your songs he stole everything your life everything I didn't WR remember me for the world he for his du did for Co but this this is the all this time when bro was saying seese the moment bro was talking about deading up a man taking his songs and everything about him and seeson what a prick oh my God for a great great grandpa no you're not you're a total upgrade yeah yeah you're not wrong about that I can't even lie and I never knew where it came from bro now I know so it's like all this time that's that's why when when he didn't say um Family he was like I was like oh like you didn't didn't say say anything about your daughter like that's kind of weird like both talk about Village I was like wait what you know what I mean like V da is mad didn't made it cu the [ __ ] guy didn't have one you had oh my wow okay this is top two I can't even know proud to be his family oh bless him ah Shivers but the only problem now is that you're stuck and he's going to get forgotten when KOCO dies or forgets him cuz she's using her memory what the dog doing oh and the Flying Tiger Dragon bird thing no but she don't know the truth though does she this is what I even said it why did she not go to but it's him do you I'm M girl you are no that tongue's Been Everywhere I can't even like oh God wait what is he turning as well what the f oh oh oh oh no oh oh my oh my oh my he even fly is Goofy bro I can't lie can he breath fire as well bless him bless his [ __ ] soul oh my God no please set the hector set please set the hector please set the RO with Hector I beg cuz Hector actually weren't a bad person like he tried to go back and see his daughter just got deaded up like he tried to get back to you rob how many times must I thrown you away no listen to him listen to him listen to him listen to him life not in death listen I spit listen to him please oh God out of a sink listen it's not yeah it wasn't in there because of him exactly listen bro stop yapping anyway let me listen now but he was right yeah he tried to bring you back to you yeah more important than family she be like what you that's rich coming from him left this family he wanted to come back and then thank you that's how he died said I'm just supposed to forgive you but he tried to come back oh no oh no Koko's forgetting I'm running out of time it's Coco she's running out of time She's forgetting you oh I thought she was dying I can't even lie but same same we shouldn't forget it I agree it's like if you saw the flashback we saw it would be different but because you didn't I get it but and I get you had to raise a child but I don't know how long he was gone for but bro was trying to come back like bro was on his way to the station to to come back and just got deaded up do you know what I mean like damn this is my fault not yours yeah you tried to deem your right you will return home no more music ra no more music is crazy I can't forgive you which is understandable so how do we get to the l oh my going I fly your [ __ ] tiger Dragon bro really deaded up his best friend God damn like bro said sees the moment and really sees that moment [ __ ] H oh wow fire she w't lying boy it really is her that's crazy that's more terrifying than don't touch me damn no you damn love my life who who though trying to murder my grandson yeah it's true you're related to yeah Rush him him why' you let him get so far God damn love of your life I don't bro that's why I heard too I can't even oh okay damn all you okay you going got a f get a f get nice man who hand I mean he did that up so go on my boy oh no is she going off on stage oh this is awkward yeah get her off the stage but she can sing though right oh [ __ ] I was going to say she can sing how slow they're walking very slowly she doesn't like oh play the guitar it's your man's yeah yeah W the opposite way hey hey yay yay hey okay oh this could do like a really good act though to like the naked eye don't touch me oh oh no oh no trying to grab the photo no hat you can't let a man pick up your wife like that after hey after he deaded you up oh no [Laughter] I forgot what that felt like bless still got it you got it girl you got it oh wish send him home send him home send him home to put up our photos yeah and to never much your family loves you that's the contract you're not oh no damn no back your whoa we should have banged him Dante yeah play Dante God damn stop oh no oh no I've worked too hard Hector is a threat you oh I am Ernesto De La Cruz he's still a [ __ ] musician of all time he's a [ __ ] guy who murdered him and stole his soul facts who's willing to do what it takes to seize my moment I love how this G recorded no oh my God I'm hoping Dante yeah fact thank you thank you thank you oh oh no the photo oh no oh thank God what about the photo what about the photo what about the photo oh no oh no good good yeah a two a one good good good hey yeah good good good that's how they saw everything youve [ __ ] up your own legacy oh damn oh yeah that's terrifying yeah that's actually terrifying I can't even lie oh my God yeah he deserves all of this God damn oh oh the Bell that killed him in his real life that's jokes what did I miss bro you missed so [ __ ] much oh no go back go back go back go back go back go back go back go back go back but if he if he goes back we he'll still be remembered though right cuz oh no no but if you send him back then he remember him no no no I can't leave you no you can I put your photo up I'm pretty sure you just need to go back both out of time [ __ ] no conditions a please am I am I am I an idiot here like like I know he needs a photo to go back across to the world right but to be remembered you just need someone alive that's alive in the world to remember you so if he goes back alive then he remembers him so therefore he won't oh no no wait no you're right because then they need to remember how he was living not now oh yeah [ __ ] ah sh but I don't think it's Coco forget maybe she's dying that's that's my concern do you know what I mean yeah I won't even his guitar where's Coco stop no we ain't got time for none of that where's Coco Where Have You Been move out the way man what are you doing all no listen please just have a hit with a guitar or sting I don't care Papa please oh no this was his guitar um sing remember me sing remember me Papa God now she's phasing out bro I can't even lie m I'm not don't forget him remember me doing to that poor woman shut up man that's what matters well not all of yeah you apologize to your mom shut up you're Jing I'm a go remember me she's fuming in it hold it in thank thank you she twitching she remembers or she starting to bless her [ __ ] soul oh bless her oh bless her does she remember him now Ela what's wrong with she remember that used to sing me that song he knows he met him I so sorry for Hector man that's so [ __ ] kept his letters oh and a fo put that on the ting now oh but it's not it's not it won't come until next year though right one year later cold cold cold cold cold cold but he won't be able to see them though would he forget you thank God for all of your favorite songs yeah oh I'm so glad I'm so glad and Philipe oh pictures they our family it's her mom gave birth oh she died oh yes sir yes sir a she came back old God damn oh bless oh bless him oh dog just riding yeah t face living a better life here can't even lie oh he comes back oh that's a cat oh I wish they could see them though oh look at [Music] him that was great I can't know that was that was great that touched that touched feelings oh man that that was just top [ __ ] teer movie brother these Disney movies man God damn these [ __ ] Disney movies like some of them are just class you know what I mean like some of them are just generally generally class the flying everyone needs to [ __ ] die oh man that was great that was great that was great anyway if you guys enjoyed the video leave a like subscribe to become com on today I'm going to catch you man in a bit peace
Channel: Don Townsend
Views: 118,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vrEbGXoAUdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 46sec (2686 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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