Why is it so SAD?! Forrest Gump (1994) ♡ MOVIE REACTION - FIRST TIME WATCHING!

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hi everyone welcome or welcome back to my Channel today we are going to not do a patron poll we are not going to do the bucket list challenge today we are going to watch something that I remember my dad loved if you guys are new here hi my name is Camila I decided to make this channel connecting with my father's favorite hobby after he passed away and we have found quite some gems I remember he had a saying where he said that you never know what you're going to get in life and he got it from a movie I found out two days ago well you guys don't even know what day it is but I found out that that movie was Forest Gump and we are going to watch that I'm so excited I have no idea what this is going to be about I know that my mom has seen it she told me that it's mostly about a boy that doesn't stop running what does that even mean anyways if you want to watch my full reaction is over on patreon remember to subscribe to the channel if you haven't already I've also created a new channel which is just Anime if you want to go follow me over there it's here also link down below all social media link down below join us on Discord for watch parties and so on where you guys can watch movies and TV shows together with me in real time yeah thank you so much for being here and let's get into Forest Gump [Music] oh so there he is the legend oh what are you not taking the bus hello my name's forest forest G she's like yes okay good for you do you want a chocolate I could eat about a million and a half of these my mom always said life was like a box of chocolates you never know what you're going to get those must be comfortable shoes I bet you could walk all day in shoes like that and not feel a thing I wish I had shoes like that my feet hurt okay I bet if I think about it real hard I could remember my first parir of Sho she said they was my magic shoes all right Forest open your eyes now oh poor baby let's take a little walk around yeah you his legs are strong as Gum as strong as I've ever seen Max is crooked as a politician okay straighten him right up now what we for forc so sorry she said we was related to him in some way and what he did was he started up this club called the C clucks Clan they'd all dress up in their robes and their bed sheets they'd even put bed sheets on their horses and ride around and anyway that's how how I got my name Forest gun oh Forest sometimes we all do things that just don't make no sense is it this way all right where are y'all staying at haven't you ever seen a little boy with braces on his legs before don't ever let anybody tell you they're better than you for if God intended everybody to be the same he'd given us all braces on our legs M always had a way of explaining things so I could understand them that's so nice though quar mile off Route 17 about half mile from the town of greenbo Alabama that's in the county of greenbo his mom seems like a lovely lady since it was just me and Mama Mama decided to let those rooms out mostly the people passing through mobile Montgomery place like that that's how me and mama got money got money seems like it you're the same as everybody else you are no different your boy's different Miss Gump that's so rude you 75 oh she wanted me to have the finance education so she took me to the greenbo County Central School I met the principal and all now this is normal Forest is right here estate requires a minimum IQ of 80 to attend public school m gum that is so stupid does normal mean anyway he might be a bit on the slow side there must be something can be done we don't want to see anybody left behind is that a Mr Gump m is gone oh shut up he's on vacation that doesn't sound healthy your mama sure does care about your schooling son you don't say much do you clearly not but I'm traumatized finally he had to try vacations when you go somewhere and you don't ever come back anyway I guess you could say me and mama was on our own but we didn't mind our house was never empty so the dad left them sometimes we had so many people staying with us that every room was filled with Travelers you know folks living out of their suitcases and hat cases and Sample cases one time a young man was staying with us and he had him a get talk case Forest I told you not to bother this nice young man oh no that's all right man' I was just showing him a thing or two on the guitar here supper's ready if y'all want to eat yeah that sounds good thank you man see man show me that crazy little walk you just did there you ain't nothing but I like that guitar are you kidding me I started moving around the music swinging my hips oh Elvis is not for children's eyes some years later that handsome young man who they called the king well he sung too many songs had himself a heart attack or something you know it's funny how you remember some things but some things you can't you do your very best now for us I sure will m a i remember the bus ride on the first day of school very well he so going to get bullied mama said not to be taking ride some strangers this is the bus to school I'm forest forest G I'm Dorothy Harris well now we ain't strangers anymore say it's taken okay he didn't want to sit there after all can't sit here you know it's funny what a young man recollect this is so sad I do remember the first time I heard the sweetest voice in the wide world you can sit here if you want I had never seen anything so beautiful in my life she was like an angel are going to sit down aren't you what's wrong with your legs I'm nothing at all thank you my legs are just fine and dandy oh just fine and dandy are you stupid or something M say stupid as a stupid does I'm Jenny I'm for for from that day on we was always together Jenny and me was like peas and carrots she taught me how to climb come on Forest you can do it I showed her how to dangle she helped me learn how to read and I showed her how to Swang sometimes we just sit out wait for the Stars this is so nice just stay a little longer for some reason Jenny didn't ever want to go home okay Jenny I'll stay she was my most special friend you didn't want to go home maybe it's not safe man now my mom always told me that miracles happen every day some people don't think so but they do oh man run for away hurry look outmy here we come get you run forest run can run oh bullies oh no now you wouldn't believe it if I told you but I could run like the wind blows from that day on if I was going somewhere I was running this woman just wants to read a magazine and just getting his whole life story oh wow is still going that boy sure is a running fool well my mom did tell me that he liked to run I told you that Jenny never seemed to want to go home well she lived in a house that was always Alabama her mama had gone up to heaven when she was five oh kind of a farmer uh-oh he was a very loving man he was always kissing and touching her and her sisters and then this one time Jenny wasn't on the bus to go to school Daddy taking a na Kenny come on Kenny where'd you run to you better get back here girl where you at where you at with me for TR with me oh no so I can fly far far far away from here mama always said that God is mysterious oh poor Jenny instead he had the police say Jenny didn't have to stay in that house no more she went to live with her grandma just over on Creekmore Avenue which made me happy cuz she was so close some nights jenny'd sneak out and come on over to my house just cuz she said she was scared I think it was her Grandma's dog he was a mean dog Jenny and me was best friends all the way up through high school oh run for run did you hear me stupid run theu run for run so they kept doing this all the way to high school talk about purpose in life now it used to be I ran to get where I was going I never thought it would take me [Music] anywhere who in the hell is that that's the local idiot and can you believe it I got to go to college too no way he made the team oh look at him go oh he's still going College was very confusing times what's going on Co are trying to get into school well raccoon's trying to get on our back porch mama just Chas him off with the broom and they want to go to school with us spoken about so many times is so today foris I don't think you're supposed to be right there ma'am you dropped your book wasn't that gum sure as hell was a few at the schoolhouse door thought it' be a good idea and ran for president but somebody thought that it wasn't but he didn't die my bus is here it was nice talking to you cuz Jenny went to a college I couldn't go to it was a college Just For Girls a I go visit her every chance I got oh no she's parking with the boy lorine told us not to do this oh what are you doing I'm Sor he doesn't know what he's B you said he was hurting you who save you I'll go back to my college now forest look at you come on come on you said it was hurting he's protecting you you have a dream about who you going to be who I'm going to be ar I going to be me I want to be famous I want to be a singer like John B is I just want to be on an empty stage my guitar my voice just me and I want to reach people on a personal level want to be able to say things just one to one have you ever been with a girl Forest I don't think so you're doing your girl for him them in my home economics class all the time oh you're a lucky boy does even want to look oh oh oh I'm okay sorry he's not ready for this oh I'm dizzy that never happened in home no think I ruin your roommate B oh careful they Haven put me on a thing called The All America team where you get to meet the president of the United States wow Forest now the really good thing about meeting the president of the United States is the food oh yummy since number one I wasn't hungry but thirsty and number two they was free I must have drank me about 15 Peppers congratulations how does it feel to be an All-American oh he needs to go to the bathroom congratulations how do you feel I got to P I believe he said he had to go pee he just went to the bathroom at the White House sometime later for no particular reason somebody shot that nice young president a yeah somebody shot his little brother too only he was in a hotel kitchen must be hard being brothers from King to Brothers after only 5 years of playing football I got a college degree mama was so proud have you given any thought to your future hello I'm forest forest gum nobody gives a hus [ __ ] who you are pball you're not even L like scum get your on the bus you're in the Army now okay take take oh this is first day of school all over again at first it seemed like I made a mistake sit down if you want to I didn't know who I might meet or what they might ask you ever been on a real Shrimp Boat no but I've been on a real big boat I've been working on shrimp boats all my life I started out on my uncle's boat that's my mama's brother when I was about maybe nine oh they're the same my given name is Benjamin Buford blue people call call me bubba oh Bubba can you believe that my name is Forest gun people call me Forest gun nice and easy his mama cooked shrimp and her mama before her cooked shrimp and her mama before her mama cooked shrimp too I know everything they is to know about the shrimp in business what's your sole purpose in this Army to do whatever you tell me drill sergeant you're a goddamn genius that's the most outstanding answer I've ever heard you must have a goddamn IQ of6 you are goddamn gifted private Gump listen up people okay you just make your bed real neat remember to stand up straight and always answer every question with yes drill sergeant is that clear Dr Sergeant what you done drill sergeant why did you put that weapon together so quickly go this is a new company record you are going to be a general someday come now this ass simple your weapon and continue any way like I saying shrimp is the fruit of the SE they um shrimp Keb shrimp Creo shrimp gumbo oh he keeps talking about it pineapple shrimp lemon shrimp coconut shrimp pepper I didn't know that shrimp and potatoes shrimp burger shrimp sandwich that's that's about it we lay there in our bunks and I'd miss my mama and I'd Miss Jenny get a load of the tits on of course turns out Jenny had gotten in into some trouble over some photos of her in her College sweater and she was thrown out of school uhoh cuz a man who owns a theater in Memphis Tennessee saw those photos and offered Jenny a job singing in a show I took the bus up to Memphis to see her perform in that show that am oh I was going to say yay you Jenny but I don't think it's the type of show you wanted let's give a big round of applause to the luscious Bobby [Music] Dylan her dream had come true not in a sense not in that sense oh [Music] no singing a song Here Horus kick his butt me down you can't keep doing this Forest you can't keep trying to rescue me all the time you need help a lot of people try to grab me just I can't help it I love you Forest you don't know what love is you can't say that you remember that time we pray we pray for God to turn me into a bird so I could fly far far away you think I can fly off this bridge don't do that I got to get out of here can I ride where you going I don't care byebye Jenny they sending me to Vietnam this his whole other country just if you're ever in trouble don't try to be brave you just run okay just run away Jenny I write you all the time make me so emotional and just like that she was gone po Forest you come back safe to me do you hear that was so sad Vietnam is good shrimp probably morning sir get your hands down do not salute me goddamn snipers all around this area who love to grease an officer I'm Lieutenant Dan Taylor welcome to Fort Pon what's wrong with your lip was born with big gum sir well you better tuck that in going to get that caught on a trip wire where you boys from in the world Alabama sir you twin no we are not relations sir I think he understood that try and keep your feet dry when we're out humping I want you boys to remember to change your socks whenever we stop me calling the lead of grunts feet right off legs liutenant Dan sure knew his stuff I felt real lucky he was my lieutenant somebody in his family had fought and died in every single American war uhoh that mean he next you boys are hungry we got steak burning right over here two standing orders in this platoon one take good care of your feet two try not to do anything stupid like getting yourself killed okay and we were always looking for this guy named Charlie oh Forest it wasn't always fun Lieutenant D was always getting these funny feelings about a rock or a trail or the road get down shut up hey now I don't know much about anything but I think some of America's best young men served in this war the good thing about Vietnam is there was always someplace to go and there was always something to do one day it started raining and it didn't quit for four what little bit of stting gang rain and big old fat rain rain flew in sideways and sometimes rain even seemed to come straight up from underneath it even rained at night not very lucky no you know why we a good partnership for cuz we be watching out for one another like brothers yeah you guys are so sweet I got a very important question to ask you how would you like to go into the shrimping business with me that would be so nice I'll be the captain we can just work it together split everything right down the middle man I'm telling you 50/50 all the shrimp you can eat you know what I wouldn't mind that I love shrimp if you're not saying yes to that Forest I will I even J and told her all about it I sent her letters not every day but almost a and how I was looking forward to getting a letter from her I'd always let her know that I was okay then I'd sign each letter love Forest Gump seems like she found her people somebody turned off the rain and the sun come out man you always do this when I'm not ready I know we have a collection of playlists on my channel called war movies I'm not sure if this counts as a war movie or does it perhaps it does run godam it ran just like Jenny told me to soon I was all by myself which was a bad thing Bubba yeah where Bubba Bubba was my best good friend I had to make sure he was okay if he's not okay and on my way back to find Bubba well that was this boy laying on the ground oh I couldn't just let him lay there all alone and scared the way he was Bubba where are you and every time I went back looking for Bubba somebody else was saying Help Me Forest help me can't here here where's bu Lieutenant dad's dead I know he's dead My Hope godamn plon his wife di leave me here get away just leave me here oh you are such a brad Dad I said leave me here stop crying let him help you then it felt like something just jumped up and bit me B me yeah probably a bullet dude I told you to leave me there G forget about me get yourself out did you have your platoon in here where the hell you think you're going I got an air strike inbound right right now they're going to name the whole area I got to find Bubba you got to find Bubba we're supposed to make a business he's our best good friend for Bubba okay Force I'm okay now I'm be all here comes the air [Music] strike if I had known this was going to be the last time me and Bubba was going to no don't see that hey bu hey Forest why this happen then Bubba said something I won't ever forget I want to go home Bubba was my best good friend and even I know that ain't something you can find just around the corner bub was going to be a shrimping boat captain but instead he died right there by that River in Vietnam that's all I have to say about that there's a new person a bullet that jumped up and bit you yeah bit me directly in the butt talk they said it was a million dooll wound but the Army must keep that money cuz I still ain't seen a nickel that million dollar the only good thing about being wounded In the Butt Talks is the ice cream they gave me all the ice cream I could eat and guess what a good friend of mine was in the bed right next door a I got you some ice cream that is so rude oh he lost both his legs I'm forth whoa oh everything he wrote now the secret to this game is no matter what happens Never Take Your Eye Off the ball for some reason pingpong came very natural to me any idiot can I played pingpong even when I didn't have anyone to play Pang pong with the hospitals people said it made me look like a duck in water even Lieutenant di would come and watch me play I don't think he's watching I should have died out there with my men but now I'm nothing but a [ __ ] a legless freak do you know what it's like not to be able to use your legs yes I had a destiny I was supposed to to die in the field with honor this wasn't supposed to happen not to me I had a destiny I was Lieutenant Dan Taylor you still Lieutenant Dan He seems so confused yes sir as you were son you've been awarded the Medal of Honor yes sir I was thinking that two weeks later I left Vietnam President Johnson awarded four Medals of Honor to men from each of the armed services America owes you a dead of gratitude son I understand you were wounded where were you hit in the butt talk sir well that must be a sight I'd kind of like to see that don't show it I just told you not to do it why don't you listen Okay follow me come on let's it out you're a good man for doing this good and he liked to say the f word a lot and every time he said the f word people for some reason well they chill I don't think you're supposed to be here you have a speech honey there was only one thing I could say about the war in [Music] Vietnam this goddamn Jesus Christ why they doing this that's all I have to say about that we couldn't hear say it again what's your name man my name is forest forest [Music] gun that is actually so nice it was the happiest moment of my life Jenny and me was just like peas and car who's the baby killer what we are here to offer protection and help for all those who need our help because we the Black Panthers are against the war in Vietnam we are against any War where black soldiers are sent to the front line to die for a country that hates them in their own communities as they sleep in their beds at night yes and Imperial what I was going to say focusing that W is together with Jenny why do you keep finding these men I shouldn't have brought you here I should have KNN it was just going to be some pel sorry I had a fight in the middle of your Black Panther Party he doesn't mean it when he does things like this it doesn't he does I know you wouldn't forced I wanted to be your boyfriend you look handsome minut it I'm glad we were here together in our nation's capital me too poor we walked around all night Jenny and me a anybody want to go to San Francisco I'll go it was a very special night for the two of us I didn't want it to end wish you wouldn't go Jenny things got a little out of hand mhm you know what I think I think you should go home to Greenbow Alabama you tell him Forest we have very different lives you know I want you to have this why would you do that Forest I can't keep no she can't I got it just by doing what you told me to do why are you so good to me you're my girl I I'll always be your girl I think you should give him a chance you always go back to bad men instead of having him is so nice and kind and sweet to you I thought I was going back to Vietnam but instead they decided the best way for me to fight the Communists was play pingpong I was so good that some years later the Army decided that I should be on the All America ping pong team we were the first Americans to visit the land of China in like million years or something like that what H here he is Forest Gump right here that is so wild Forest Gump John Lennon welcome home had quite a trip can you uh tell us what in the land of China people hardly got nothing at all no possessions and in China they never go to church no religion too some years later that nice young man from England was on his way home to see his little boy and was signing some autograph Liv for no particular reason at all no reason Lieutenant D they gave gressional Medal of Honor yes sir well that that's just perfect oh Dan Lieutenant di said he was living in a hotel and because he didn't have no legs he spent most of his time exercising his arms I'm living off the government tip whoa I stayed with Lieutenant Dian and celebrated the holidays have you found Jesus yet you don't I didn't know I was supposed to be looking for him sir have I Found Jesus they even had a priest come and talk to me he said God is listening but I have to help myself I'll get to walk beside him in the Kingdom of Heaven well kiss my crippled ass God is listening what a crck of [ __ ] it's got very personal shrimping boats who gives a [ __ ] about shrimping boats I got to buy me one of them shrimp boats soon as I have some money I made me a promise to Bubba in Vietnam yeah but now that he's dad that means I got to be the captain yes sir I promise is a promise Lieutenant di private C is going to be a shrimp boo Captain the day that you are a shrimp booat Captain I will come and be your first mate that's the day I'm an astronaut this is a cunning Carla and long limbs Lenor don't you just love new year you can start all over everybody gets a second chance a I began to think about Jenny wondering how she was spending her New Year's night out in California oh she's running away so she's still getting beat up had a rough life Jenny even before she's selling herself now oh wow what are you St or something did you lose your pack in the war or something what did you say said is your friend stupid or something don't call him stupid don't shut up get the hell out of here get out of here get out of here she tastes like cigarettes I guess Lieutenant di figur there's some things you just can't change he didn't want to be called crippled just like I didn't want to be called stupid happy New Year Gump why is this movie so sad are we not going to get a single like happy ending only this time they didn't get us rooms in a real fancy hotel yes sir well where are you staying it's called the hotel eot oh no no no no I know of a much nicer Hotel it's brand new very modern you might want to send a maintenance man over to that office across the way the lights are off and they must be looking for a fuse box or something cuz them flashlights they're keeping me awake thank you wait oh no maybe it's not I was thinking of All the President's Men when people were like stealing stuff at noon tomorrow Vice President Ford will be sworn in as president at that hour in this office this is crazy I have your discharge papers does this mean I can't play pingpong no more B the Army it does and just like that my service in the United States Army was over he's like I'm going to keep this so I went home oh Mom I'm home mama I know now when I got home I had no idea but mama had all s visitors everybody wants you to use their ping pong stuff one man even left a check for $25,000 if you'd be agreeable to saying you like using their paddle oh mama I only like using my own paddle I know that but it's $25,000 for us I thought maybe you could hold it for a while see if it grows on you I didn't stay home for long because I'd made a promise to Bubba are you crazy I just playing stupid stupid is stupid does Miss blue I guess and the co course I paid my respect to Bubba himself after a new haircut and a new suit and I took Mom out to real fancy dinner and I bought a bus ticket and three Dr pep that's what's left after me saying when I was in China on All America ping pong team I just love playing pingpong with my flexo light pingpong P everybody knows isn't true but mama said just little white light so it wasn't hurt nobody this is so nice he actually did that buba everyone is calling him dumb stupid or different but the thing is Forest is so loyal in these days loyalty is very difficult to find I only caught five couple of boy you can have yourself a cocktail hey you ever think my neighbor so boat it's bad luck to have a boat without a need I'd never named a boat before but there was only one I could think of the most beautiful name in the wide world where is she uhoh I thought about Jenny all the [Music] time what was oh what about the boat who cares I am a man of my word okay a then I'm going to be calling you sir no sir oh the boat is coming back that's nice never mind that's not nice after all that's where we're going to find those shrimp by that's where we'll find him I don't think you guys are doing it right well maybe you should just pray for shrimp why is he there sometimes Lieutenant Dan came too I think he left the praying up to me where the hell's this God of yours it's funny Lieutenant Dian said that cuz right then God showed up well well not what I expected now me I was scared but Lieutenant Dan he was mad he's insane Dane Carman came through here yesterday destroying nearly everything in its path only one shrimping boat actually survive the storm Lou there Forest after that shrimping was easy since people still needed them shrimps for shrimp cocktails and barbecues and all we were the only boat left standing bubble gum shrimps what they got we got a whole bunch of boats 12 jenes are you telling me you're the owner of the Bubba Gump Shrimp corporation yes sir we got more money than David CR we were sitting next to a millionaire that's him right there and let me tell you something about Lieutenant Dan Forest I never thanked you for saving my life okay Forest has a phone call yeah well you have to tell them to call him back he is indisposed at the moment his mama SI oh no there is never a happy ending fored what's the matter Mama I'm dying Forest come on in sit down over here don't do this why are you dying Mama it's my time don't you be afraid sweetheart death is just a part of life something we're all destined to do but I was destined to be your mama I did the best I could you did so good Mama what's my destiny mom you're going to have to figure that out for yourself life is a box of chocolates Forest you never know what you're going to get mama always had a way of explaining things so I could understand them she had got the cancer and died on a Tuesday I bought her a new hat with little flowers on it though he did take care of my bubba gum money he got me invested in some kind of fruit company and so then I got a call from him saying we don't have to worry about money no more and I said that's good so I gave a whole bunch of it to the four square Gospel Church and I gave a whole bunch to the batry fishing hospital he did so many good things and even though Bubba was dead and Lieutenant di said I was nuts I gave Bubba's Mama Bubba share she didn't have to work in nobody's kitchen no more and cuz I was a gillionaire and I like doing it so much I cut that grass for free but at night time when there was nothing to do and the house was all empty who was missing Jenny I'd always think of Jenny yeah he's here a never mind she was there Jenny came back and stayed with me maybe it was because she had nowhere else to go or maybe it was because she was so tired cuz she went to bed and slept like she hadn't slept in years it was tired and she'd listen about ping ponging and shrimping and Mama making a trip up to heaven Jenny most the times was was real quiet o imagine if he was just decent having a safe home maybe none of her life would have happened I never really knew why she came back but I didn't care it was like olden times we was like peas and cats oh my gosh and she gave me the best Gift Anyone could ever get in the wide world just for running running shoes and she even showed me how to dance we was like family Jenny and me and it was the happiest time of my life will you marry me oh my I can't I'd make a good husband Jenny yeah you would you would Forest but you won't marry me you don't want to marry me but he wants to he can save you he can fix you why don't you love me Jenny that is so sad I'm not a smart man but I know what love is oh like I just watched Back to the Future and there was so much laughing and here I'm just crying all the time Forest I do love you oh my Forest ad a boy I am so ashamed of myself are you running away again oh Jenny well are you running off to I'm not running I really do not understand D you deserve so much better for us on with the running shoes I decided to go for a little run so I ran to the end of the road and when I got there I thought maybe I'd run to the end of town I thought maybe I'd just run across greenbo County he just kept running when I got to another ocean I figured since I'd gone this far I might as well just turn back keep right on going oh wow Forest I win and so you just r yeah Mama you were right he really likes running I'd think a lot about Mama Bubba and Lieutenant D but most of all I thought about Jenny Forest gun The Gardener from Greenbow Alabama is about to cross the Mississippi River again today I'll be Dam sir why are you running why are you running why are you doing this I just felt like running I just felt like run what and after that I got got more company and then even more people joined in what somebody later told me it gave people hope what some of those people asked me if I could help them out Whoa man you just ran through a big pile of dog [ __ ] it happens did come up with a bumper stick to slogan and he made a lot of money off of [Music] it okay nobody likes that color anyway have a nice day well some years later I found out that that man did come up with an idea for a t-shirt he made a lot of money off of B this is so silly quiet quiet he's going to say something I'm pretty tired think I'll go home now now what are we supposed to do and just like that oh what my running days was over lasted three years still five or six gunshots were fired by an unknown W be assassin the president was shot in the chest the world is scary that has happened so many times to like celebrities and presidents now why you don't need to take a bus Henry Street is just five or six blocks down that way it was nice talking to you hey B how you doing you ran away for what Reon got your letter oh I was wondering about that is this your house messy right now I just got off work yes children do you see the drawings I want to apologize for anything that I ever did to you cuz I was messed up for a long time and this is my old friend from Alabama how'd you do um listen next week my schedule changes so I'll be able to but thanks no problem got to go Jen I'm double packed okay bye thanks this is my very good friend Mr Gump here can you say hi to him hello Mr Gump hello what a fine young man you're a mama Jenny I'm a mama his name's Forest like me I named him after his daddy he got a daddy named Forest too you are forest look at me look at me Forest there's nothing you need to do okay you didn't do anything wrong okay isn't he beautiful it's the most beautiful thing I've ever saying he's very smart he's one of the smartest in his class stop it yeah it's okay go talk to him what are you watching this movie is so sad no one told me it was this sad I'm sick what do you have a cough due the cold I have some kind of virus and the doctors don't they don't know what it is and there isn't anything they can do about it uh oh I think I know Jenny you and little Forest can come stay at my house in Greenbow I'll take care of you if you sick would you marry me for we asked you that first for it's time to start tired so they did end up together after all dang oh no I'm going to cry again don't you look handsome then hello Forest titanium alloy it's what they use on the space shuttle this is my fiance Susan hi Forest this is my Jenny do you first Jenny be your wife Jenny your husband hey Forest were you scared in Vietnam yes that was so clear Jenny it looked like there were two Skies one on top of the other yeah I wish I could have been there with you you were in his heart I love you you died on a Saturday morning I had you placed here under our tree and I had that house of your father bulldozed to the ground good guy always said dying was a part of life I sure wish it was little Forest is about to start school again soon I make his breakfast lunch and dinner every day teaching them how to play ping pong he's really good we fish a lot every night we read a book he's so smart Jenny you'd be so proud of him I am here wrote you a a letter and he says I can't read it I'm supposed to so I just leave it here for you I miss you this movie is so sad here's your bus I know this I'm going to Ser that for so and tell because Grandy used to read it to you my favorite book oh the [Music] feather you lost your feather I want to tell you I love you I love you too Daddy I'll be right here when you get back you understand this bus to the school now don't you of course and you dthy here 94 scum there it [Music] is oh wow why is it that all the time I am upset during this movie is it mistaken of me to think that I actually thought they were going to say that Jenny had AIDS or something because it seemed like at some point she was like either selling herself of being like a little all over the place and she was with a lot of different people that were not good and could have been all over the place does that make sense I I was just thinking it could have been that because people didn't know much about it at the time and it could also take people's lives I don't know maybe not I didn't get enough information to know more about that that was just what I thought at the back of my head loved loved love this movie my mom as she said it's about a guy that loves to run well I guess he just felt like running it was heartbroken it was heartbreaking it was devastating it was sad a little bit funny actually some moments were very wholesome I was so happy with seeing him on the boat together with Dan seeing Dan come to the freaking wedding oh are you kidding me all in all I just had a wonderful time watching this and I hope you guys have had a wonderful time watching it to get it with me and if you want to watch the full reaction it's over on patreon this has not been part of any list that I have created this was just something I remembered daddy as I said this was because of something that my dad liked to watch it was a movie that we or had like a reminder of him that I sadly just found out about two days ago it just came up when we were talking about it during dinner but as you know I started my channel because of this to connect with what he loved to do and give more of an insight into the The Cinematic experiences that he enjoyed so I'm very happy that I got to watch this it was so sad I was crying a lot during this but yeah I can't wait to discuss this with you guys even if F in like the comments or at Discord or live I would love that and that reminds me all my social media are linked down below same with my anime channel and my gaming channel my full reaction no on patreon my twitch where you live stream 3 to five days week is over link down below um our Discord where we usually talk anything that is movie TV show anime or gaming related also link down below thank you guys so much for watching I can't wait to see you in my next video very very soon after you subscribed bye everyone head on [Music]
Channel: Centane
Views: 117,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Game, Fun, Enjoy, Like, ThumbsUp, Subscribe, Gamer, Grill, GamerGirl, Movie Reaction, Twitch, Youtube, Live Stream, Content Creator, 100 Thieves, FNATIC, Playstation, Ambassador, Playstation Ambassador, Playstation 5, PS5, Gaming, Reading, Studying, Study with me, Reading vlog, First Time Watching, Movie Reactions, First Reactions, Reaction, First Reaction
Id: nLd2poviF5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 56sec (2936 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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