Horribly Damaged Drywall Repair!!!!

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welcome back to vancouver carpenter so today i'm going to teach you guys how to repair this horrible ceiling damage so as you can see it doesn't even have paper on it anymore and paper is what gives all that crumbly gypsum in there its structure so obviously we can't just go mudding that or you know down the road it can all just crack and fall out so we have a pretty substantial repair to do on that now that's just going to be the first part of the video because this is the third part in the textured wall textured ceiling smoothing it all out videos so i encourage you to stick around after i show you how to fix this and see what else we have going on here today because there's going to be a lot of things that you aren't going to want to miss out on if you want to increase your drywalling skills things that i just simply don't have the time to make into all individual videos when i got a job to do so speaking of that let's get to doing this job the first thing i want to do is fill all these big gaps that i've cut out so this was a cracked joint that i chamfered so i can get a lot of mud in there and make it nice and strong then we have some damage like this i want to pre-fill that and maybe this little bit right here so i'm going to mix up some 20 minutes okay so this is just 20-minute hot mud quick set whatever you want to call it just fill this gap and this is because the stuff we're going to put on to repair this is going to go on a lot better if we pre-fill this stuff we don't want any of this mud drooping down and making the repair harder to cover so that's all i needed to do right there now that this stuff's all flat now i have to wait for this to set actually i've just realized while i have this stuff here why not feather out some of these edges a little bit more to make it easier remember better those edges feather that like button okay while that stuff is setting let's get into what we are going to use to patch this so we are going to use this stuff called fiberfuse which a lot of you guys know about and a lot of you ask me why i never use it so i just prefer paper tape notice i'm wearing gloves this stuff is super itchy makes my fingers itch for the entire day after using it so i'm not actually a fan however in this case it comes in six inch wide rolls and it's going to be perfect for basically recreating like what the paper used to do so it's going to cover the whole surface and that's going to be all held in and reinforced again so that's why we're using fiberfuse and it looks just like a bounce fabric sheet if you've seen that video i made patching a hole in the wall with a balanced fabric sheet so first we just got to get some rough lengths here first one don't touch my face it'll itch just tearing it with my knife there next one probably doesn't have to be that long it can probably be a little closer to right about there now they do also have like three foot wide rolls of this stuff like it's like a hundred feet by three feet or something but um this was 25 bucks and the other ones are like 100 bucks so that's why i got the little roll and i think we probably need just one more here yeah about that long and one little piece for right there and one piece for back here why not all right you guys i got a hustle on this i'm gonna start with the small ones and work my way out so yeah let's just get some of this mud on here about six inches wide and i've mixed it really thin okay i wish i could show you guys some close-ups right now but if i do that then uh i'm not gonna get this done in time i'll show you what it looks like after okay so that one's looking pretty good and then let's start with this long one hope i have enough mud okay right about there i don't do it now the cool thing about this stuff is it's not as subject to blisters as paper tape and you can see where you don't have mud oh i do have mud on my chest already but yeah if you mix your mud too thick with this stuff you won't be able to wipe it out you won't be able to get it to sit really flat and you'll tear it so there's definitely some technique to installing this stuff good i can go over it more in a bit but i can't if i don't get all this stuff up so gotta hustle next one right about there should be good just overlapping it like you know half inch at the most okay last now second the last one all right let's go right mud's thickening up just a little bit but it's not not done yet let's go right here a bit right here a bit okay and i'm gonna again overlapping just a little bit right there happy with that and my knife is nice and worn in and kind of dull so that's helping this stuff it's helping it not tear all right there why not okay so that's that this stuff is in it's looking pretty nice and flat and i'm going to take the leftover mud that i have and just coat it all which isn't much very little here i'm going to coat it all as best i can to just make sure that i don't have any dry spots it's looking really good though all right i'm happy with that let's get an up-close look huh okay we're looking good there happy with that happy with that and i hope i mean if i remember correctly that that last little bit that i got right there is uh not bare drywall i can't remember yeah there's that right there you know what's so annoying this spot is fair drywall right what a mess that's a shame it goes more like this it's right about here damn it yeah that's better there we go that was all just torn paper phew got it done just in time before it kicked okay you guys so that went well and i want to start sanding the ceiling with the new sander but what i need to do is i need to fill some of these really deep fills first so let's take a quick look at this so it's kind of hard to see but there's about a big quarter inch there and you know this baseboard is going to be snaking all around if we don't do something up here what is it yeah big quarter inch same thing so i don't want to use regular mud for that because it'll shrink we're going to use concrete fill first thing i got to do is load it all up hopefully i mixed enough i might not have mixed enough to the whole wall at once i might have to do like bottom four feet top four feet we'll just have to wait and see but yeah this is just to give it a nice head start in um well not shrinking because it won't shrink that's the whole idea so we're gonna just load this stuff on real thick and then screed it off yeah we'll just have to do it four feet at a time let's get you guys up a little closer huh okay almost enough here it's always good just to have extra okay now we're going to take this 2x4 that i cut and we'll see how it does so a little bit empty down there but we can always put a bit of this stuff back on right here and then again a little bit empty right there i might not have enough to actually do this whoops all right let's steal a little from right here and maybe we can steal a little from that edge feather the edge a little more up here okay maybe we don't need to go so wide up here because i still have one more spot i need to fill i don't want to use this all up in one place let's try and get right up here oh i can just reach uh eight foot ceilings i'm six foot two no i'm not that's a lie i think i was closer to six foot two in my late teens early twenties but i have shrunk down to six foot one okay that's better what happens here that's not bad got a little material left over here but hey now let's try something exciting let's see if we can get rid of these lines with the old the new the brand new never used columbia tomahawk let's see oh that is nice oh yeah you guys got to see that i'll bring you up close in a minute okay i gotta get a little bit of material on this blade so i can get right up into the corner yeah this is like having a um this is exactly like having whoa this thing's nice so it doesn't screed the wall that's one thing you have to be aware of but man it smooths it all right one last one last go man that's nice that's nice you guys check that out for our first coat like i don't know if you can actually see how smooth and nice that is just got a little bit of edges to feather looks like i have to move that plastic back a bit and you know up there which is super typical to have some little hollow spots at the very top of something but overall like let's step back and look wow wow those smoothing blades did a good job especially on this bottom so that's a good method to screed it first to get it flat and then one pass with the smoothing blade gets it looking so good i am shocked at how good that is well it's uh time to get the vacuum going the vacuum sander i should say this thing is pretty impressive i still have a few little kinks to work out um one of the craziest things is how actually dust free it is like i'm gonna wear a mask while i sand because you know i'm gonna do it for a while and we'll take a look at the floor and see how it is when i finish but man it's nice except for that one little thing i haven't quite figured out what's going on when i have the suction on super high it tends to start to bog down and almost get stuck to the ceiling and stop spinning so um yeah got to figure that out but uh i've been talking and showing you guys stuff for a while and also once again if i don't just start montaging this little time lapse i'm not going to get this done today so i better jump to it all right you guys um yeah this is like crazy look at me i've sanded the whole ceiling um do i have any dust on me like none look at my arms there's seriously like zero dust that's from some that's mud like i've never sanded a whole ceiling and not had dust on me ever i'm crazy impressed with how dustless this is anyways it's just it's ridiculous like i have you know just the odd crumb that was a little too heavy to make it into the vacuum but let's look at the floor too any actual dust you can see is just for me like mixing drywall mud and bag powder but let's look at the rest of the place like nothing just the occasional crumb that flew out like nothing that's insane this is a first for me i've never had a job look so clean after scraping or vacuuming or sanding or whatever the ceiling now let's look at the ceiling so as you can see there's still some texture but it's not that bad and you know what it's actually going to be a little bit better that we build it out with a couple layers because things like this those double nail holes that you can see right there all that stuff you know it's gonna do better if it has two coats anyways i'm not quite done here yet these walls behind me have so much texture on them and unfortunately it's like a super hard plaster so i'm trying to sand them all i'm going to be able to do is just knock the nibs off this is the best i was able to get from like a minute with the fest tool so all we're going to be doing is just like knocking all the nibs as you can see oh just got the whole site all vacuumed and cleaned up even though there wasn't much to vacuum but it's relatively tidy in here and i can actually think and work first it's time for coffee i think the game plan for today is to skip the ceiling and i'm gonna do all the walls and maybe coat the bathroom but yeah the ceiling not gonna happen i don't have that in me today this well you guys uh it's the end of a long day it's friday um it's not as long as some of you guys work but i don't know youtuber hours anyways um yeah it's like 4 30. i'm ready to go home about to make a bunch of excuses and all this stuff whatever i'm tired making these videos and working is tiring um let's see what we got going on though where'd i get to today so that big uh tomahawk dealie does a pretty nice job you can see the wall there's a huge bow in the wall right here that's why it didn't get as much coverage as the other spots but that looks good didn't even touch the ceiling or the ceiling joints installed these corner beads before i wanted to go left this wall haven't coated it yet i haven't coated that but i coated that wall over there around there and and i did more in the bathroom so i got the bathroom coated ceiling walls so i at least got that finished and i'll need one more coat next week like i said you guys i'm bagged i'm ready to go home ready for a weekend and i'm also looking forward to coding this place on monday i'm gonna get started on this ceiling right there with the tomahawk and see how that goes i think it'll be way better when i start using it on a wide open space interested to see how it feels on the handle anyways i'm done um this is the part of the video where i say the youtubey things you know don't forget to feather that like button and if you haven't yet consider subscribing because you know what it's not gonna hurt ya anyways thanks for watching i'm all done um day three of the textured walls and ceiling makey flat video yeah i'm too tired to say neat things
Channel: Vancouver Carpenter
Views: 64,792
Rating: 4.9740481 out of 5
Keywords: drywall, repair, hole, wall, fix, corner, tape, mud, taping, tools, fast, crack, best, easy, patch, plaster, mudding, joint, compound, joint compound, mesh tape, setting, quickset, DIY, finish, topping, paper tape, gypsum, wallboard, inside, outside, trowel, knife, drywall finishing, plastering, taper, mudder, skim, coat, install, ceiling, corner bead, beed, screw, pop, nail, screw pop, nail pop, angle, taping and mudding, paint, sanding, home repair, painting, beginner, cut, cutting in, how to paint, brush, different, types
Id: rHVLdQ2iFS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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