Coastal Foraging - Scallops, Clams and Cockles - Amazing Shellfish Cookup

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hello welcome back to the fishlocker out on the rocks at night now it has been terrible weather lately it seems every single time i start one of these videos i say it's been terrible weather but we've had really strong winds in the same direction for like four or five days we have got monstrous tides at the moment now the first location i wanted to go to was an area of rocky shore and i wanted to go foraging for crabs and lobsters sadly when i got there tonight the weather was just too bad i couldn't have done any i couldn't do any videoing because the audio would have been terrible and it was quite dangerous so i've come to a second location when we have weather in a certain direction for for a period of time and that coincides with really big tides sometimes you get scallops now they live off in the deeper water in the seabed and then when you get weather in the same direction it sometimes picks them up and brings them closer to shore when you have a really big tide sometimes you can find them on the low tide line fingers crossed we might be able to salvage that people who follow the channel they may have noticed that i had a lucky foraging bucket a purple one sadly i've had to retire that bucket hopefully this is going to be my new lucky foraging bucket this is its first outing so we'll see how lucky it's going to be fingers crossed and i will cover a safety aspect of this before we start i absolutely love that people enjoy the videos and that people want to do what they see us do people want to go out foraging on rocks and finding crabs and lobsters and shellfish and that's fantastic i love that you're taking an interest but you need to be aware of the safety aspects whenever you see me on my own on the rocks i will be wearing a life jacket first and foremost they don't wear anything they don't weigh anything it doesn't get in the way and it can save your life not only that but it's in the middle of the night if i tripped and fell no one would hear me no one would see me my wife and a friend of mine knows exactly where i am even though i've changed locations they still know where i am they know what time i'm getting here and they know what time i'm going to leave if you haven't heard from me by a certain point in time all i'm going to do is when i leave and get back to the van i'll just shot my text if they haven't heard from me by a certain point in time they know to come and look for me just be safe that being said let's go and see what we can find i don't know if you can see that there but that is the siphon of a king cockle there look watch see the size of that clump there a lot of these slip olympics and these little carpet shells and there's more of those slip olympics you see them all on top of each other's backs a little crabbering itself it sounds [Music] an old spider crab shell [Music] there is a native oyster it's a decent-sized eating oyster with a slipper limpet on it as it is i don't like the taste of oysters so i'll leave that guy where he is there's another crab [Music] these here i cuddle fish eggs [Music] this here is a baby dragonite perfect that's exactly what we're looking for [Music] so so oh you see that one there that one there's too small we only want them when they're like that big see the difference that one's too small there is a little baby schooly bus a couple of crabs tucking in on him see this is unusual to find these sticking out the ground this is a razor clam look just have to be gentle with him and work him out because he's got a really strong muscular foot it's under the sand [Music] and if you're too rough with them you can snap it look there see and there is another one look see hold tight and wiggle and soften the sand up around it you need to hold properly tight though otherwise it'll be back under just work it out just a little bit of patience [Music] don't pull on them too hard because you'll break it [Music] [Music] there it is look see that's what it's got stuck under the sand [Music] there is a little peacock worm [Music] but yeah [Music] just sticking with the reds out at sand there's another one look see watch [Music] by wiggling it round you soften the sand up and it just glides out see just like that these here are well kegs it's the egg sacs of a whelk did you see it walking across the ground there look [Music] see that big orange tongue [Music] there's some more of those cuttlefish eggs [Music] one a little queen scholar [Music] there's a welcome now you can eat these but i don't really like them [Music] some areas are a bit of a delicacy apparently [Music] there's another one [Music] as you can see as you can see and you can probably hear the winds change direction and it's really picked up so we'll have to move off here [Music] there's another welk okay you see the siphon also look there there you go there's another one see [Music] now i don't know if you can see but there are hundreds of little tiny clams tiny tiny tiny ones and they've all just been turned out of the sand by the water they're all trying to get back in [Music] see them all [Music] you see it walking well that is a baby one of these [Music] see this one here this one is a bit too small to take but look what happens if you don't get tight hold it look watch see see that welk [Music] ah now you see the siphon there's a little surprise club [Music] that one's a bit too small but there look there is a beautiful little purple clamp [Music] another [Music] there's a big one there and another one [Music] there is a little oyster on the back of all these slip olympics [Music] there's another one you see and there's also one down here there's another big [Music] there is a big one see that tongue [Music] [Music] [Music] and another anybody who knows me and knows my videos knows that i am a strong advocate for sustainable foraging that means only take what you need and treat them treat the natural world with respect and appreciation as you have seen there are thousands of these around these are spiny cockles or king cockles depending on where what we're going to do is we don't need all of these we will take we'll take these razor clams but we don't need all these king cockles so all we'll do is we'll just take the biggest ones just two four six eight ten 11 12. all right there we go so we've left two four six eight ten and all we'll do is we'll just take those and we'll leave these as these are a little bit a little bit smaller out there and when the tide comes in it'll cover those up again [Music] perfect that's a sea sponge [Music] [Music] why it's strong on that one gently does it nearly there [Music] yeah that's that muscular foot on the bottom look there's one [Music] that one's a little bit too small [Music] if it's bigger than the palm of my hand hello too small [Music] another one just a little bit too small [Music] yes exactly what i was looking for on another one oh easy big enough easy big enough bingo and another one excellent look at that perfect little miniature one i see you there's one if you find any if you find any on the beach like i did with this one you see how it's open a little tiny bit give it a tap on top like that and if it closes it means it's still alive which means it's good to eat if it doesn't close if it stays open it means it's dead you don't know how long it's been dead for so you can't eat it that's a beautiful one that one good jackpot in here there's one and there's one that is incredible i've never seen so many scallops before unbelievable right i have had an absolutely amazing night's foraging i have never found so many scallops ever in my life it was it was incredible so many of these these king cockles as well now let me see this is the tongue that they walk around on see pretty freaky but there's loads of meat in these there are thousands of these i must have found at least 50. i've kept 12 razor clams as well loads of fantastic razor clams just sticking out the sand because it was night time i've kept ten must have found forty and scallops i've i've found probably twenty i've kept ten i found probably 20 keepable size i've found probably 30 all together including the little tiny ones and i've kept 10. this will be a fantastic feast for all of us i think that what we'll have to do is we'll have to go to we'll have to speak to jim at spargo's kitchen and see what he can do for us because this is an incredible seafood feast yeah this has been phenomenal oh yeah yeah considering that this was this was the second option for tonight it has been amazing i am over the moon right well we've made it to spago's kitchen and we have the forage of the razor clams cream cockles fantastic scallops and i'm going to pass you over to jim good afternoon and welcome back to the kitchen we're going to do with john's hall some clam chowder i'm also going to stuff make up a little sauce and a herby bread crumby topping and grill the clams and with the scallops i'm just going to make up a warm salad and finish that with some beetroot crisps and some parmesan cheese crisps first things first is to get these blanched off and out of their shells i've actually had these purging in some water i picked them up well in the nighttime foraging and they've been sat in clean sea water purging out so you'll see there isn't any sand hardly in them if you get them fresh off the beach you might find that the insides of these will have a little bit of silt in them in this pan i've got just some onion and celery trimmings a little cold water and we're going to do these a few at a time [Music] sorry whilst we're making a start on the razor clams i'm just going to start chucking these um scallops so i have a very thin flat bladed knife on the flat shell [Music] angle the knife down slightly into the shell and there's the scallop there's the meaty bit frill top thrill bottom thrill there's the stomach parts but we'll take the scallops out in a moment all [Music] right so the branching just separates them from the shoulder that's it just give them a couple of minutes they will go a little just rubbery right i i've given john my oyster opening knife and and i've forgotten it he's forgotten to bring it so these are uh well and truly shut tight so i'm just going to pop them using a bit of heat so this is a hot oven tray i would normally put these onto a hot griddle surface but i'm just going to pop them in the oven for a just for a second and they they will release the shell rather than taking our fingers off struggling with sharp knives i can see them dropping straight over shoulders can't you they just had a couple of minutes [Music] and the stock and any juices we can get out of them we will use for cooking it does smell like the beets didn't it the aroma is terrific they let go not yet just a little bit of heat just just loosen them up [Music] all right we just need to tease the frill the intestinal tract and the stomach parts away from the meat you just kind of rolled that around in your underneath that's just a perfect disc of meat and then there's not a lot of coral on there but it's now like you said you've got your thrill that runs on the outside it's clear to see where its stomach is in it yes yes everything that looks unpleasant don't bother with that there's a little bit of muscle which attacks attaches itself to the shell believe that it is very chewy that bit of muscle it's no pressure it just comes away yeah they've just been blank just exactly the same as you did with the razor club yeah so and we'll get around to those little beauties in a moment all right the clams we have blanched in the same stock as the razor clams just popping these out of the shell and i'll get these on the board and remove the frill and all the stomach parts again anything that looks not nice isn't stained we've cleaned up from the um the cockles and the clams this is the liquor that we blanched them off i just put it through a very fine strainer and now i'm going to start on curvy breadcrumbs for the razor clams and in this pan we're going to make some chowder a little oil and into that pan i've got probably three rashers of smoky bacon which i'm going to fry off first to the bacon i'm going to add i've got two small onions finely chopped and two sticks of celery finely chopped pop the lid on let that sweat down for a couple of minutes keep stirring this is the topping for the um the razor clams john's been out playing with the drone looking down our chimneys uh we fried off very finely diced onion in a little oil and butter when it was soft added finely chopped garlic plain white bread crumbs chopped parsley with some lemon zest some lemon juice going in and also while john's out in out i've been picking over the the razor clams so as you see there's the blanched meat we have the mouth parts and various muscles just kind of nip that off there nice and clean everything else looks a bit dirty and unsavory i'm sure there are people who regard that as a great delicacy but as far as i'm concerned it's going to be drawing some great stir in there it's lovely do you want to start stirring on the other hand is this one have you been promoted we'll um we'll spot that that's just sweating down in there that's the bacon and the onion we just sweat it down nice and soft now i'm just going to add some a little plain flour if you didn't want to use flour we're going to put potato diced potato into this soup later if you didn't want to put any flour into it you could put some extra potato and just give it a little blitz to thicken that potato would act as the thickener where we're going to use flour so i would say about two ounces plain white flour ham is going to stir and then we just need to let the flour cook out for a moment how many times have you hit your head on this to canvas flour's cooked out and hannah is now stirred in a paint and a half of milk and i put in about a pint of the liquor we got from stock off the clumsiness yes that is very salty so all i'm going to add to that is ground white pepper and some double cream you measure things like hannah measures things that's why i can't bake i don't like following rules measuring is for baking that's why i don't cook there i've got about two medium sized potatoes which i peeled finely chopped and i'm gonna add those to the thickening soup as soon as that comes up to us it's getting thicker yeah as soon as as soon as you see it start to simmer just get the heat down on it okay and we'll give it 10 minutes allow the potatoes to cook and then we'll get the fish tomato sauce i made the other day we had a glut end of season glass of tomatoes so i sweated down for about 20 minutes half a kilo of diced onion about two kilos of our squishy and bruised tomatoes and have made the most incredible tomato sauce the flavor is really intense let that warm up and then i shall put the trams in and then you should spoon the mixture into the cleaned uh razor clam shells potatoes had a chowder's hamburger 10 minutes simmering the potatoes are nicely cooked so i'm going to add clams and sorry clams into our tomato sauce and to have here some diced salmon fillet and some undyed naturally smoked haddock sorry that's got into the fish so in this one you've got plums cinnamon salmon and undyed smoked and this one you've got this is the tomato sauce with the clamps just get a spoon that's incredible must have been cooked by an angel right bread crumbs finely diced onions sweat it down with garlic ordinary white bread crumbs lemon zest lemon juice garlic parsley my hands are clean because i've done all the dishes nice hot oven that's it 220 and we'll give those 10 minutes we're going to make some parmesan crisps so it's got a baking sheet parchment paper and this is going to go into a preheated oven for a few minutes it doesn't have to be parma ham any any of the sliced air dried hams you find in the supermarket deli will do but it just adds a nice intensely flavored texture to the scallops there's that ground toasting up beautifully making up the salad to go with the scallops we've had a glass of beetroot of the allotment so there are some small beetroots that i baked yesterday and i peeled them cut them in half and i'm just going to saute those in some olive oil with a splash and finish them with a splash of balsamic vinegar now the scallops have got a pan on warming [Music] there's a dish i put up like an ounce or so of butter and melted it in the oven and i'm just going to turn the scallops in the melted butter [Music] and then i'm going to add them to the hot dry pan they are a perfect little medallion of meat a little bit of some vinegar i do this there's no there's no splatter there's tens you can't do a clock doing a clock is precisely what i do it's pretty good it's literally seconds and go around one two three four five six seven eight a salad of leaves watercress spinach homegrown gland press homegrown tomatoes scallops they'll rest nicely in there with the warm beetroot just going to deglaze this with a little vinegar splash of lemon juice and pour that over as a these are some cheese crisps i just prepped earlier it's grated cheddar and grated parmesan popped onto a baking sheet into a hot oven almost looks like stuff 10 minutes i suppose again it's a nice just a nice crunchy texture we've got soft scallops there's all the butter and the cooking juices and the corals a splash of cider vinegar some lemon juice the smell here is phenomenal smells delicious it's a crispy crusher prosciutto ham parma ham bacon all right to think that this was all collected off the beach these are incredible we've done that did a fantastic job jim thank you very much you like it right well we finished off haven't we yeah finished our fantastic seafood feast from spago's kitchen all of the clams and everything you saw me collecting those from the show right here yeah do you just want to give us a quick recap of what you went over uh yes thank you john that was that was quite delicious i'm positively beaten by it um we made a chowder with with the clams and also filled the razor clam the little tomato sauce i previously made topped off with herby lemony garlicky breadcrumbs and what else do we have oh the scallops which were just sublime uh on a bitter leaf salad with beetroot beetroot crisps parma ham crisps and cheesy crisps it was just a taste sensation we're all absolutely stuffed we can't even manage them we can't even manage the crumble we brought home the apples and uh john flourish foraged the blackberries but it's um we're beaten by all of that delicious seafood uh just tremendous if there's anything particular you'd like to see cooked up in our in our own sort of style then please make some suggestions to john i'm chasing him for some john dory a few nice dishes i'd like to do everyone's chasing him well i think everybody's waiting for me to catch her john that'll be quite delicious yeah we'll definitely uh i hope you've enjoyed the video i hope you've enjoyed joining us on the show and then into spargo's kitchen like jimmy said if you have any questions about anything like that or any suggestions just leave us a comment if you've enjoyed the video give it a like if you enjoyed the channel please subscribe if you think that any of your friends would enjoy the videos please share them on in the meantime all the best and we'll see you later bye you
Channel: The Fish Locker
Views: 638,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shore fishing, shore fishing uk, beach fishing uk, how to cook crab, how to cook scallops, beach cook up, beach foraging, how to cook shellfish, foraging, bush craft, catch clean and cook, coastal foraging, scallop, cook clams, cook scallops, cook mussels, geoduck, wild edibles, solo, fishing tips, crab, bushcraft, log stove, primitive cooking, seaweed, rocket stove, seafood, shellfish, bass, underwater, camping, catch and cook, clean and cook, campfire cooking, clams, chowder, mukbang
Id: cDNbMH3XiOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 10sec (2650 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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