THESE WEIRD CLAMS SQUIRT SO MUCH | Strange But Tasty Clam Tostada | Catch and Cook

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nice all right well we just got here and Jostens already got one horse neck clam and that's what we're going for today we're doing our little clamming again because I haven't been having very much luck fishing you want to work on that we're gonna do a little cladding look at how many clams are squirting right behind me [Music] you [Music] this is insane it's like the Bellagio this is kind of fun to watch to be honest I can watch this all day [Music] you there's some big old clams here big what's this Wow another one Oh who's dumped me in the face I guess it's time to start digging [Applause] [Music] all you need to find these horse net clamps it's a good negative tied in a mudflat so they're Anna Jocelyn and they're mainly found in these estuary kind of areas or Bay's so anyone around there during a negative tide wherever it's like super muddy you'll see them and whenever you see something squirt out of the water it's probably a clam yeah I got this clam right here it's pretty big it's nice here we go there you go that's a decent one thick and they're about a foot down in the mud so they're sticking their siphons about 12 inches up so they got a long siphon right now it's contracted so it just retreats pretty much all the way into its shelf just a little tip hanging out with Jocelyn's already cut three over there and this is my first one so there's a few unique regulations in California about these horse net clams you can only harvest them during daylight hours so nothing in the dark and I think that's mainly due to poaching you're allowed 10 clams per person per day for these horse neck clams and if you dig one up you have to keep it whether if the shell is broken or if it's small it doesn't matter if you're gonna dig it up you have to keep but you should look at the size of the holes and you can tell if they're gonna be big or not if it's a small hole then my toes will just pass that one and find a bigger one so in my experience I've found that all these horses and clams just go straight down if you find a hole that you think there's gonna be a clam in there and if the hole is kind of turning and it's probably not a clam is probably something else you're there go shrimp or other worms or you know something something else and you guys know what's up after you dig up those clams got to fill your hole fill your hole to your home and I'm gonna move on see that hole is about a size of a quarter so that's a good size clan right there and it's not a perfectly circular shape sort of an oval shape you can kind of see that there and that's the clamp oh geez Oh dummy in the eye and the one next to it here that one is bigger you can tell that these are horse net clams because they have this kind of leathery sort of lip to their siphon so that is a horse net clam that's pretty big one too oh yeah there he goes so some people think when that happens that they're digging down really fast but no it's actually just a siphon going down so the actual clam itself is not moving at all all right that's a little misconception they don't dig fast they just retract their - well guys that didn't take long at all and look at all these we've got eight of them I think I got like one of them I was too busy watching all the clams squirt and Jocelyn pretty much did all the work today but she she went to work she was just real quick boom boom boom all right if you keep these clams on ice for at least an hour they sort of fall asleep if you will and you can tell because they slightly open up unlike this one where the shell is fully closed so we can do is after they've fallen asleep by the way this is completely for culinary games I just want to make that clear take note the siphon here is only two inches you can actually stretch it out because they have the potential to be much longer and when you do that you actually get a lot more meat out of it this can only be done after the clown's been on ice or it has died and a warning just don't pull too hard or else it can rip and we don't want that but you can see that it's clearly much longer than what we started with and you'll end up getting much more meat out of it and it also works to tenderize the meat as well it's going to be softer when you eat it and again this is for culinary gain I just want to make sure you you got that all right culinary game that's it now let's clean these clams slide a knife and detach the clamp from its shell and just pry open the shell pretty simple the majority of the meat is going to come from the siphon itself and so you can cut that off and inside the shell is mostly guts and attached to the guts is actually the foot of the clam and which can be cut and eaten but the guts must be avoided especially this time of year made to November when we have the annual mussel quarantine that's where the toxins collect on anybody else so it must be avoided we just got back from digging up those horse net clams now we're gonna prepare them and make these tostadas alright let's get started first thing we're going to do is we're going to blanch the siphons so we can take the layer of the skin off that's this stuff right here okay so let's start with that I got the water going already alright now I'm gonna drop the siphons in it's only going to be in there for about 15 seconds now pull it out and straight into the ice bath really easy to take off off this skin of the siphon well you got to do is blanch it and then you can just peel it right off cut the tip off and the rest is good and we're gonna butterfly this open because there's going to be some sand in there still here we go I ran water through it so it's not too bad actually doesn't how much sand at all yeah it looks nice I'll just put that in the salt water and we're gonna do that with the rest of them alright I also have some charcoal going we're gonna grow up these Tomatoes Serrano's little garlic and some red onion and we're gonna use this molcajete to make some salsa it's basically just a Mexican mortar and pestle made out of lava rock pretty intense all right let's make our salsa I'm actually really excited to eat the salsa normally when joseline makes it usually just blend it or she usually just blends it and well we have this that her mom gave us so and I think we've you only used it like maybe twice or something yeah it's a lot more yeah I think so yeah joseline usually makes the salsa she was just telling me what to put in it all right they have to salt it all right here here's a thick one that didn't uh this one got long so it got thinner and this one stays short contracted so it's much thicker and it's actually much more firm like it's kind of like if you're flexing that's what it feels like and this one's kind of just relaxed and limp so when you eat it actually there's much there's a lot of difference here let me give me test one all right this was a limp one the long one really soft and the other one to contract the one mm-hmm a little more tough a little more chewy what's still really good these type of clams the horse net clams these big ones you even though it's quarantine for most bivalves right now you can still eat these because we're not eating the guts of the clam so you have to make sure to discard the guts 100% I cannot eat that right now or else you can possibly yeah you can get sick or even die difference being that when you eat mussels and the smaller clams you are eating the whole thing so you're eating the guts and everything so so that's why the mussels right now you can't eat at all right because when you eat mussels you eat the whole thing so you're eating the guts and everything these ones we can take the guts out because they're much bigger and this is the meat itself is not gonna get you sick it's the what's in the guts it's gonna get you sick all right so keep that in mind don't eat mussels right now mussel in quarantine from May 1st to October 31st so right now we're in that timeframe but we can still eat these horse named clams clams are edible raw just like oysters are but you have to make sure that there's saltwater clams only saltwater clams are edible raw Jocelin made some pico de gallo earlier so I'm gonna use that for one of them and salsa for the other one I'm just gonna lay that pico de gallo right on the bottom here yeah I'm just gonna sprinkle the clam so I don't talk and get some other foot there's the foot they're given here's a scallop the adductor muscle this is probably one of the best parts so when we went to Mexico to Ensenada we had these amazing amazing delicious tostadas and that and they had clam tostadas who's like with salsa and I think they put Mooney in and - and I think in together with the salsa maybe yeah there's a spot in Ensenada called I think it's called la guerra into something like that and yeah it's just a cart on the street and they serve tostadas and it was so amazing and I just had I I had one I took one bite and I was immediately like okay I need to order another one like right away and that's the same spot I think like Anthony Bourdain went to and you know all kinds of people it's a very popular famous spot and man I don't even know about it really until I got there and I tried it and I was like yeah yeah this is it it's one of those things you kind of just remember you know what I mean like it kind of stands out to you and that that's how it was for me and I've been thinking about this these tostadas like for this whole week and I was like yes I want these tostadas man so we're trying to recreate it here I think they might II use like Pismo clams or something like I definitely wasn't horse neck clams there we go alright well here is my take on the Mexican Street tostadas man I'm excited for these heck yeah it's gonna be amazing I know clammy you know you've seen if you've been watching my channel I've done climbing several times already but I wanted to get some content out there because I've been trying to catch salmon and I haven't been I haven't had any luck yet so with instead of not posting this week I figured you know I'll go do a little climbing since there was a lot good low tide so I can get some kind of content for you guys at least and this I think is perfect right now because I've been craving this I've been thinking about this a lot alright ready to eat but see today it was a good day good easy climbing day for me because Justin did all the work did all the work I was just mesmerized by all the sure I was like I'm in Vegas [Laughter] I think so ooh juicy IPA black loop ooh this is good I think does it hmm oh dang that's good shout out to Mike's tackle box he actually gave me this we had a little beer exchange that's good I gotta eat the sauce though on first a little bit about mmm whoa that's good that's a good nice perfect spicy level yeah mmm they put like a sweet sauce sweet spicy sauce on top - yeah let's try it we got this little pineapple salsa so we'll try it with that you mm-hmm yeah it's so good that's hello man I love clams cleanser my favorite especially raw clams raw clams are probably top three for anything mm-hmm yeah all right three top three like shellfish wise shellfish or fish any kind of seafood clams big spot prawn that's really good octopus octopus top two top three yeah squared is good too top four I would say okay so this is the flavor everything it's definitely different than what we had in Mexico because it yeah but we also you know fried our own tortillas you know that's a little has a little different texture the flavors I don't know what they use for their salsa but I mean I just remember the whole thing just being amazing and this is so good - what a different way oh they put mayo I didn't really like that though mmm oh the pickle one's pretty good - different flavor a little more acidic the texture of the clams and goes so well with the crunch of the tortillas and in kind of the chewiness of the clans and the freshness and then the really really delicious flavor of the clams clams have like I think pound for pound the most flavor out of any out of anything almost the pico de gallo that you made is so good - Lina is one of the best people you made simple you did it real quick like it's really good I can't wait to do shrimp mm-hmm I know we haven't had any shrimp on outdoor chef life yet that's like one of those seafood that yeah and we can't get too much of it around here there are there are spot prawn actually out of half moon day but only commercial guys doing because they're way deep in the waters so if I want to do it I got to go probably up to Alaska Washington they do it but - but I don't it was kind of confusing the laws up there there's only open like for three days a month or something so it was just kind of confusing but if any of you go spot prawn II let me know let me know let me know because I would love to come we're so close to going Washington yeah yeah also we are planning Alaska mm-hmm we're looking into flights and then movin 19 happened anyways well thank you guys for watching as always appreciate you always for watching thank you thank you so much we'll see you guys next time peace all right back to digging back to digging you go back to the climbing grounds yeah I know you were just working in the background and I was just hanging out because I was just wondering like why are these just squirting like it's caught it was constant with just mesmerised [Music]
Channel: Outdoor Chef Life
Views: 180,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outdoor chef life, chef life, outdoor cooking, clams, horseneck clams, clamming, catch and cook, catch clean cook, geoduck, catch n cook, best clam dish, clam recipe, clam tostada, la guererrence, mexico, mexican street tostadas, ensanada, how to catch clams, where to catch clams, how to harvest clams, sustainable harvest, how to harvest sustainably, sustainable fishing, sustainable food
Id: qD4jPq6m37k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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