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what's up guys welcome back to another episode of outdoor chef life i'm taku and i'm on a solo mission today on the kayak again and look at the conditions i was going to take a break today and just rest but i looked at the conditions last night and it said flat and it literally is flat right now so i was like all right you know what i'm going to go out there and also subscriber told me that she caught more than 20 squid so i'm back trying to go for squid again but we'll see what happens about the main goal is squid a lot of squid and then maybe a halibut or two all right so i see some boats out in the distance over there there's about uh one two three four five six seven eight nine those boats might be collecting squid and if there's that many boats out there there's a lot of squid so i'm gonna head over there well at least try to it's a little far and i see some good marks that look like maybe maybe squid and i keep dropping down but i haven't gotten anything so i'm just gonna go just gonna go to the boats i think you can see those boats now look how many are just uh concentrated right here i think they're going after squid at least i hope so but we're about to find out look at the fish finder a bunch of little tiny dots on there i think that's squid just a regular sabiki rig for now and if it is squid then i'll switch to my squid jig the little squid slayer so calm out here i'm not getting anything here let me go up a little more closer to the boats all right now i'm literally one of the boats see these are all commercial boats in front of me right here let me try here sabiki going down [Music] i think i got one yeah baby yes i got one they're here heck yeah first one all right well that was pretty quick this time so you know what i think i'm going to switch up to my squid jig my squid tsubiki my skuitsubiki i think i have a link for this too they put like a hundred pound test on here guys so that was all the way pretty much at the bottom cranked up just a few times and just jigging close to the bottom up and down and there was yes yes get to have squid catch and cook got one yes it's nice because you have the cooler in the back and then just drop them in put them upside down and it'll come right off right into the cooler yes all right that's two there we go oh there we go that's it yes yes i'm in the spot right here for sure oh i got him right away oh right away wait this one is oh is this a squid maybe it's multiple squid oh that sounds heavy oh there's two on there that's why yes my cooler's looking good oh this is way better than last time i want to get at least 20 if not more because i could probably 50. there's no limit on squid we got squid hell yeah found them squid i don't mind harvesting a bunch because i can freeze them for later eat them i can even use them for bait perfect bait for anything um and i'm gonna eat a bunch of them so according to the monterey bay aquarium seafood watch squid is one of the most sustainable things uh this kind of squid at least market squid from california very sustainable abundant this is not really anything all on the bottom here that right there that's the squid that right there right 100 feet on the bottom that's the squid yes wait for him to squirt all right let's go back down all of these commercial boats coming out here right now look at them pretty sure they're on their way to get these squid too so far i've caught about 12 squid the goal is 30. there we go i think there's one always on the bottom one oh these squid jigs are perfect you just catch them toss them in straight back down there we go there's oh that's a good one might be two on here oh it's just one whoa that's 1105 all right maybe at 12 i'll stop fishing for squid oh there we go right away oh i got two here two small ones check out how big this one is that i just caught nice one that's a good one right there ow ow you [ __ ] he bit me freaking bit me wow but that's a big one all right i'm gonna catch more freaking bit me well i definitely got more than 30 now maybe close to 40 even right in the spot every drop but right here i just went to the bottom right now oh see right away right away i got one yeah this is awesome one of the reasons that make them sustainable is because they have such a short life span normally things that have short lifespan are very sustainable like squid and even octopus octopus only live two to four years because they have that short lifespan they would you know their life cycle is quick i can't catch anymore all right i guess we're heading in well i trolled for halibut just on the way in and got a couple nice rock fish but i'll put them back i got enough for today i got probably a little over 50 squid so i'm excited about that um so now i'm gonna head in and we'll go cook the squid catch and cook squid let's do this all right so i brought the squid back and now we're ready to cook them i'm going to prepare them three different ways one of them is going to be grilled the other one is going to be raw with a little bit of a sauce on it and the last one is going to be fried right and we're going to make a special batter for that let me show you first how i uh prepare these squid so these are some of the bigger ones right here i think these four and we're going to use that for grilling and the other ones i'm going to cut them up into rings so i can use them for fried calamari and the raw dish as well so i want to make rings yeah so i need to keep this tube perfect so the first thing you need to do they have that the feather that's uh it sticks out right there with my knife just going to go under it and just disconnect i'm going to run my finger all the way down and disconnect it and i should be able to pull out the whole entire thing there you go so that's it right there so we don't need that and we don't need uh from right about there and then this is all edible except for the eyes and the beak so we're gonna take those out as well open them up and you can see that right you see that right there and then i'm just going to use these tweezers to take that beak out that right there so the eyes you have to actually puncture them both of them and then you'll be able to actually remove it and then and then you just wash it off and the rest is edible see how it comes out like that i think if you're frying it i think it it's optional but if you're doing anything else like eating it raw or anything like that i would take this skin off and all you have to do is just run your knife down and it'll come off like that and you're just going to peel that off you have a nice clean white tube perfect for anything cut them and slice them up for fried ones i like to make them actually more thick like maybe even like that so that's how you get those uh calamari rings if i'm frying it i like to fry this whole entire thing so you could just leave it just like that but if i'm eating it raw this is a little too big so we'll cut them we'll slice them up and do the take some of these tentacles off so there are individual tentacles here so this is all good to eat like this um but yeah you're gonna do that to all of them except for the big ones that we're gonna grill all right so i have four squid that i'm gonna grill two of them i'm gonna do some salt just sea salt the other two we're gonna uh soy sauce all right so now i'm gonna just throw these guys on and the raw dish is going to be really good let me show you the sauce i'm going to make for it sauce is going to use these ingredients the main ingredient is going to be this saikyo miso that's the type of miso it's a little sweeter a little lighter in flavor than regular miso so this one is karashi it's japanese mustard this is sake sake of course you know because we want to get drunk i'm just kidding this is mirin sweet cooking wine so we're going to mix all these uh squid is grilling nicely over here i'm going to turn it in a minute all right nice big spoonful of saikyo miso see how thick that is okay karashi little squeeze of it just like that and we have the mirin let's see just a little bit and also sake just a little bit as well now we're going to mix that up and make a sauce let's flip this guy i love grill squid grill squid's gonna be so good just taste oh that's good nice little kick with a sake i have pear asian pear and also an apple fiji apple thin slices throw those in there some tentacles in there and i caught some of them smaller and the smaller ones are supposed meant for the for the raw if you want to try this dish but you don't have fresh squid you can also steam the squid just real quick just so it's almost fully cooked and then you can you can make this exact dish and it's still going to be really good so that's all the squid i'm going to put in there and we're going to mix this up check it out all right that's pretty much dish number one let me just give it a quick taste and see if it needs anything oh that's so good well let's see just a tiny bit of salt first squid is done take these guys off oh that looks nice now i'm gonna put these guys on for the soy sauce look at that tentacles should be about done i want to make a little batter for the fried calamari some flour here here's a recipe i used to make when i was in college sriracha batter calamari takes me back to the college days trust me it's super good it's really good a little bit of water a little more sriracha there you go spicer first put it in that sriracha batter then put it on the flour then toss it in like this turn out nice just like this one so these ones i put it in just with the batter no flour obviously look this one turns out much better so batter first then flour and take it out should be nice like that cool so technically squid four ways grill two different ways just with salt and with soy sauce sriracha battered fried calamari and this is the raw preparation with psycho miso asian pear and fiji apples this one is super good i mean everything is going to be delicious but i think my favorite is going to be that raw one we also have the grilled squid we'll pair it with a little bit of ponzu that's really nice with some ponzu and a couple lemon wedges for the calamari [Music] [Music] [Music] we got a little cider today a little glass for the bottom now they don't know what this is pretty good here we go uh-huh we're gonna try that that's the stuff the squid is so creamy the squid has this amazing creaminess and then the pear and the apple gives it a nice snap to it a little freshness in there and what do you think of the miso [Music] what gives it the little cake it was karashi the mustard there's the mustard check that out i think got the fried one mmm you can taste a little bit of that japanese mustard but uh not too much i'll just put a little more next time fried calamari everybody loves fried calamari lemon juice yeah let me just eat this one good huh sriracha batter you get a nice um it's not spicy or anything you can put like a you can put like a little more extra sriracha on the side even you know you could put some sriracha right there but this is uh pretty awesome still tastes good to me let's try this [Music] grilled squid this is gonna be delicious i love the tentacles when it's grilled wow grilled is so good there's something about that soy sauce and that char flavor combined together that brings out it's it's so good i love the tentacles and i love the top that the top part too those are my two favorite parts on the squid um come on just with the salt uh lemon juice oh i got in my eye oh lemon juice we could put some ponzu on too oh ponzu right here oh yeah dip it dip it that's good like that grill squid with a little ponzu don't go wrong with that either let me know in the comments which one of these dishes will be your favorite which one's your favorite it's hard let me try this one again i think this is the one i think that's the one the raw preparation for me you can't beat raw squid so this is going to be my favorite preparation they're all squared with the psycho miso and after that grilled squid is also amazing so i'm gonna go number two with the grill squid and then number three the fried calamari how about you this one with the mustard on the side because i really like the kicks well that's it guys if you liked this episode please make sure to hit that thumbs up and subscribe and we'll see you guys next time peace all right i didn't finish my beer yeah it's small one too or cider it's not beer at cider
Channel: Outdoor Chef Life
Views: 316,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outdoor chef life, catch clean cook, catch and cook, squid, market squid, catch n cook, squid recipe, best squid recipe, fried calamari, how to make fried calamari, sriracha, kayak fishing, grilled squid, shirayaki, kabayaki squid, raw squid recipe, top 3, outdoor cooking, fishing for squid, how to catch squid, best catch and cook, sustainable, sustainable fishing, sustainable fishery, sustainable catch, eco friendly
Id: yN8FSQ5a3KE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 35sec (1295 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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