Coach being Chaotic Good for 13 minutes straight

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part of me wants to ask the other part says knowing will be more disturbing than anything I could ever imagine so I'm gonna walk away no quick warning before we begin our review some of you like McCall might want to start their own study groups because tomorrow's midterm is so profoundly difficult I'm not even too sure I could pass it you come out of that goal one more time and you'll be doing suicide runs till you die it'll be the first ever suicide run that actually ends in a suicide yes coach Jarrod I'm warning you I'm an empathetic vomiter you throw up I'm gonna throw up right back on you and it will be profoundly disgusting please don't talk about throwing up it's not good I might throw up on you just to make a point Jarrod it's not good it's not good I don't know why but you're special joy what's enough anybody sees Isaac Lahey you immediately tell the principal get a teacher or you call me except for you greenberg don't call me for anything I'm not kidding don't call me no there are certain responsibilities to being a captain of the lacrosse team co-captain okay partial responsibilities where did you find these under the bleachers and you know somebody's gonna have to pay for them Danny's oh great mystery solved what'd you tell you buddy Danny take care of his equipment or I'm gonna make you take care of his equipment for him that you really want to be taking care of Danny's equipment all the time as depends I mean still talking about the crossed paths don't youdon't out yet I've nursed Gonzalez by the balls the last three moves can anybody tell me where the hell Jackson is and why he missed morning practice I thought I told you to keep an eye on him still when Steve Jackson sorry coach I haven't seen him since the last time I saw him when was that last time I saw him it's definitely time I saw on the last I didn't Danny tell Jackson no missing practice this close to the championships okay sir coach you're all still in state what the hell is wrong with your friend he's failing two classes he's a little socially awkward and if you look close enough his jaw lines kind of uneven in less than an hour aircraft from here will be joining others from around the world and you will be launching the largest aerial battle in the history of mankind what I see you come here buddy it's a small gym buddy I'm gonna find you I gotcha come here the hell are you talking about game hasn't even started now put on your helmet get out there you're for greenberg what what happened to greenberg what happened to greenberg he sucks you suck slightly less I'm playing on the field with the team yes unless you'd rather play with yourself I already did that today twice now the rest of you don't think we're gonna miss this meet because of a slight traffic jam but a minor tornado warning jarred something Meredith please they're trying to tell me something the school has a very strict no bullying policy [Music] well get around here yes a frown on a person the mankind that word should have new meaning for all of us today what the hell is he talking about wait does this error here seriously there we're fighting for right to live what you raised your hand you have a question oh no I was just uh sorry okay okay I have a disease my grandmother can move faster than that if she's dead you think you can move faster than the lifeless corpse of my dead grandmother yes coach I came here yes coach then do it again me you can't play the game tomorrow night I mean I can't play the game tomorrow night you can't wait to play the game tomorrow night no coach I can't play the game tomorrow night sit down McCall the coach we're dying out there oh I'm aware of that now [ __ ] sweetheart there's no do-overs this is practice ten bucks on style I'll take that action we're gonna make this thing nothing it's gonna stop us just don't like ski put your hand down no there's like a food exit about a half a mile up I don't know if we stop and then maybe track we're not gonna stop okay but if we sell it sorry it seriously it's a little bus stop asking me questions I hate him I'm having some personal issues is it a girl no is it a guy you know our goalie Danny's gay yeah I know kosha that's not it you don't think Danny's a good-looking guy I think he's good-looking uh but I like girls and that's not it anyway I what is it drugs are you doing meth because I had a brother that was addicted to meth you should have seen what it did to his teeth they're all cranked and rowdy there was it was disgusting my god what happened to him got veneers it's is that what this is about are you afraid of getting hurt McCall we just need you to coach the charity game Connie mom is letting you stay here I have relapses it's so once a month yeah I see every time they're just about to discharge me I relapse Domus notice that pattern I have phenomenal health insurance is this yeah it's a speech from Independence Day mm-hmm but as the day the world declared in one voice coach's favorite movie we will not go quietly into the night he doesn't know any sports speeches I don't think he cares today we celebrate our Independence Day you know how this goes if you don't make the cotton you're most likely sitting on the bench for the rest of the season you make the cut you play your parents are proud your girlfriends yeah huh everything else is cream cheese now get out there and show me what you got that's right that's right I thought Styles was his last name his last name is stilinski you named your kid Stiles stilinski no that's just what he likes to be called like to be called cupcake Stiles is a rest area about a mile up tell the coach to pull over yeah I've been trying reason with reason have you all right geniuses listen up to to the recent pinkeye epidemic thank you greenberg the following people have made first line on a probationary basis emphasis on the word probationary Rodriguez welcome to first line Taylor and uh love for the love of crap I can't even read my own right what is what is that an ass said I know not something that's that's a that's it that's a B that's a peach definitely a bee Rodriguez Taylor and Boyd's cake [Music] so what'd you guys get the hell out here are you a charity games they're meaningless I don't think the charities would agree what's it for this year cancer for against against coach deeply against wha I'm deeply not interested did he deceive us yes'm no please why not right now [Music] you're not supposed to what the hell you the how are you doing yes coach okay I'll hold on you I was just saying he's not supposed to I mean I wasn't saying that he shouldn't you guys don't think you know who I was Just Dance everybody just dance today that's it it's a party I'm having some issues dealing with aggression well here's the good news that's why you play lacrosse problem-solve is it over now it's over good to see you coach you do Jackson listen up police are asking for help on a missing child advisory just sit girl roaming around totally naked now supposed to get below 40 degrees tonight I don't know about you but the last time I was that cold and I was running around naked I lost a testicle to exposure now I don't want the same thing happened in some innocent girl so police organizing search parties tonight sign up find the missing girl he had an automatic ami classes coach it's five minutes for a bathroom break okay we've been on this thing for like three hours it's 60 miles the next rest stop being cooped up for hours it's not good you know our bladders aren't exactly good this is gone can you fix me please please let me talk every day oh you must really love your wife yes I did let's just became incredibly awkward oh wow nice catch throw it back oh my god someone asked her if she's ever played lacrosse [Music] yes shut up yes sir [Music] vibes coming by I swear to God okay hey get to the principal's office what the hell is this get out oh I can't stand to look at your faces terrible horrifying pathetic
Channel: Echos&Edits
Views: 944,474
Rating: 4.988143 out of 5
Keywords: Coach, bobby, finstock, teen wolf, coach finstock, stiles, stilinski, funny, crack, comedy, laugh, meme, scott, mccall, stiles stilinski, Dylan O'Brien, chaotic, good, chaotic good, minutes straight, sad, moments, edit, liam, dunbar, liam dubar, scott mcall, parents, pack mom, teen, wolf, dylan obrien, dylan, obrien, tyler, posey, teen wolf coach, stiles coach, profoundly
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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