Jedtavius, my beloved (aka Jedediah and Octavius scenes ft my stupid commentary)

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Hey. Hey. Hey, stop that! Yeeeeehawwww! Hog-tie him, boys! Get him, that big old Bocephus of a man. Hey, what are you doing? Cinch him up real good. You ain't so big now, are you, boy? Hey! Hey, stop that! Every night, year after year, one of you guards locks us up in these boxes. Well, I hereby say, sir, enough! Fire up the iron horse, boys. -Hey, blondie? -Name's Jedediah! All right. Jedediah. Stop the train, please. -That's a big no-can-do, cracker jack. -What's going on here, huh? -Somebody's gotta pay. -Pay for what? I don't know, just pay! Now stop whining and just take it like a man! Seriously, stop the train. -All right, stop the train! -Thank you. Now full speed ahead and ram him! Split his head like a watermelon! Oooh! Ow! For crying out loud! All right, that's enough. We got a breach! I got him, guys! I got him! -Oh my... -Prepare the catapults! Woahh! Octavius, hold on! This ain't your fight. This here giant's on our land! Hey, hey, little guy! Jed? Yeah. Sorry, look. I just...I'm not a giant, okay? I'm just like an average-sized... Don't talk down to me! I'm not a giant, guys. All right? You guys are really little. We may be small, but our hearts are large...metaphorically speaking. Don't take that the wrong way. I'm just saying you're miniatures. Silence! The Roman Empire knows no boundaries. -Don't you do it, son! -Do what? -Octavius! -Don't do what? -Unleash hell! -Don't... Fiiirrreee! Climb aboard, boy. Take the hand, son. Onboard. That's right! You better run, boy! You hear Jedediah? That mustachioed horseman ain't always gonna be there to protect you! You hear me? Aaaah! Say hello to your little friend! -Hey! -What are you doing? Put me down! I don't like to be manhandled! -Just calm down, Jed. -It doesn't feel good! -It makes me feel small and powerless. -You done? I'm gonna shoot you in your dang eye. In your dadgum eye! -Yeah, keep shooting. Nothing's gonna happen. -Now  you know my shame.   Jedediah's impotent rage. His guns don't fire. Take me away. This ain't over! You ain't seen the last of me! I don't wanna hear it, okay? Duck! -The bigger they are, the harder they  fall! -This is not worth 11.50 an hour.  Look the giant's scared! There's  a bigger giant running around! -What's up? -"What's up?" Well, take a walk with  me and I'll show you. Mr. "What's up?" Come on. So, would you kindly do me  the favor of explaining this? Ooh, okay. Uh, I'm guessing, and I'm just spitballing  here, but, uh, looks like that Roman dude got a   little cocky and climbed over into the Wild  West and that cowboy knows Roman dude wants   to take over his territory, so he rounded  up a posse and put him in the stockade.  Let's all laugh at me, the comedy night guard. No. Is  the answer. Sarcasm. Back at you, with your, your humor box. Heave! Heave! Heave! -Hey, what's going on over here? -We expand or we die! Heave! Heave! On the count of three, you blow this anthill to kingdom come! Woah, woah, woah! Hey, hey, Jed! Stop that! All right? No, no. Don't do that. You blow a hole in your mountain, all you're gonna hit is a wall. Step aside, Gigantor. We got us a railroad to build. We're blowing a hole in that thing! Okay, first of all, enough with the Gigantor, giant stuff. Okay? I'm just trying to close up shop. We're gonna blow it anyway. And a three! Yeah, poof. Wow. What are you doing? What's it look like we're doing? It's manifest destiny! -You can't fight it and neither can I. Go! More dynamite! Yeah, use it all! -All right. Okay Listen, 'Octavus'? You gotta stop that. It's Octavius, Mary. Okay, you know what? Fine. Great. Here you go. This is what happens. You cannot do this! I am a Roman general! I-I have rights! -Sorry, and you. Hey! No! Put me down! You can't stop progress! We're gonna have a little talk, okay? I told you, I don't like to be manhandled! No, I will manhandle you, Jedediah. Now listen, guys. What is your problem, huh? Why can't you just get  along? Look, we're men. We fight, okay? That's what we do. -It's kind of how we pass the time. -You're like a giant, a freak, if you will. We can't expect you to understand that. You guys got the whole room to run around in. You don't have to be near each other. -What, you mean... -You're gonna let us  out? What, and just, just roam free?   Yeah. Yeah, I might if you promise to behave.  That means no fireballs, no explosions, okay?  -You have my word, my liege. -Yeah, no, no problemo, Gigantor. Um, my name's Larry, first of all. Okay? Jed? So I call you Jed. I don't call you Tiny,  right? -What's that supposed to mean? -"Hey, Teeny?" How does that sound? I, I don't like it. It hurts my feelings Okay, well, Gigantor makes me feel like some sort of freak,so... -I don't. I just call you Larry. -Don't be a kiss ass, okay? Now, look, I'm trusting you guys. All right? Now  if you don't do what I say, you can end up like   your little buddies in the Mayan world over  there. Locked up. Take a look, do they look happy?   -No... -They look sad. -Because they can't do what they want to do. Now I'm letting you guys have a little   bit of leash here. Don't choke me with it. Okay? I  gotta run. You guys play nice. Okay? Okay, good, thanks. Hey guys. Hey, guys! -Ow! -Sorry. What's going on? What happened here. I  thought we had a deal? -We will never coexist with these buffoons! -We're past words, Laredo! Now it's time to let Smith & Wesson do the talking! -Ha, those guns don't even work! -Oh, they don't? Take  a look at this! Now we need to find those guards and get the tablet back and we need to do it before morning! Jed and Octavius, their van's parked out back. Go take care of it. Whoa, whoa, whoa, no. No, sir. I ain't working with toga boy! -Romans work alone! -Ow! -That didn't hurt, don't be a baby! -Yes it did! -Come on...Ah, that was much harder!   Guys, come on! Jed, Octavius. Take away the fact you were born 2000 years apart. You guys aren't that different! -You're both great leaders. You just want  what's best for your people, right? -Yeah... -Yeah...   Look. Without that tablet, all of this...this whole  coming to life at night thing, it all goes away.   Now I don't want to let that  happen, but I need your help.   -We can get this done, but we got to do it  together. So who's with me? -Yeah. -Who's with me? -Yeah! All right! Let's do this people. And animals. And  weird faceless puppet creatures. Come on, let's go! Let's do it! Come on, follow me, boys! Geronimo!! Right, men, we're almost there. -Save yourself! -I ain't quitting you! Yeehaw! Come on, Ocky! -At your service, Gigantor. -How can we be of  assistance, my liege? Just give me a second, guys. -Rexy. Here, boy. Teddy, I need a horse. -Do it, man. -Woo boy, let me hear you yell! -Yeah! -Just living the dream, baby! I'm loving this! -Can I make this turn up here? -Uh... -I'll take that as a yes! Hang on! I can't hold it! -They're all here. Well done, everyone's in.  -Yeah, well, not everyone.   -We lost a couple of good little men out there tonight. -With great victory, comes great sacrifice. -Yeah... Dad, look. Bully! You ain't getting rid of us that easy.   -Hey, it's getting late. You ready to go home? -Nope Let's ride. Hey! Bocephus! Little help over here! Hey. Hey, fellas. How you doing? Well, lookie here! If it ain't Mr. Big-in-the-Britches himself, come back just in time to see us off! Yeah, Jed, I heard. Look, I don't even know how this happened. Yeah. Yeah, real mystery how this happened. Maybe the answer's on that magic buzzing box there in your hand. You weren't here, Gigantor! That's how it happened. Ain't no mystery! The fact is, Larry, there's no one else here to speak on our behalf during business hours. None-none, dumb-dumb Woah, woah, woah. Hey, guys! It's okay. I'll call the board in the morning, all right? I got some pull now, I'll handle this. -We're gonna be okay here. -"We?" Do you hear that? Do you hear Daydream Johnny? There ain't been a "we" ever since you put us on the pay-no-mind list. -And that's a cold place to be, boy. -Larry, what's done is done. Even the glory of Rome had to come to an end...   Would you please not look dramatically  off into the middle distance when you say that? -It makes me feel worse. -I don't know what you're talking about.   Where are you looking? Where  are you looking? I'm over here. Just, just a bit of wall there...    -Look, guys. Maybe it won't be so bad. -[Speaking in native language] -Yes, you make a good point. But this is the Smithsonian we're talking about here!  Dexter, you don't know that...   -You're missing the point, Gigantor. They're shipping us out. -Larry, I know you're trying to make us feel better.   I can see that you're genuinely, slightly  bothered, but it's never going to be the same. -All of us here together, in this  place. -It ain't never going to be home, boy. Jedediah, please. Lawrence, these  are emotional times for all of us,   but it is our last night as a family and I don't want to see it squandered in self-pity.   So who'll join me for one final  stroll through these hallowed halls? Do you want to go for a walk? No. I'm just gonna squander in self-pity. Yeah, well, cool doesn't pay for your "Guitar God 6" or whatever. Hello? Gigantor! It's me, Jedediah! Jed? Jed, what are you? How? How'd you dial the phone? Long story! That brazen little monkey stole the tablet and now we're in a world of hurt, boy! -What's going on? -Kahmunrah! -Kahmunrah? Ahkmenrah's big brother! He's here, and trust me, not a friendly! I repeat, not a friendly! Is that Atilla? Jed? Jed? Are you okay? Hey, Jed! Jed? Listen up, Kemosabe. This rodeo clown wouldn't know a flapjack from a flyswatter. Now Gigantor's out there risking   his hide for us. The least we can do is give him  some help. Some big help. But we can't very well   do that if we're stuck in here, now can we? We need  to escape. What's a flapjack? It's like a biscuit, or a scone. Chest bump? -Ready? -Ready. -Hey! What are you two doing out here? -Go! You make a run for it! I'll hold them off! I will not leave you! It ain't no time for your Roman melodrama! Now, get! Go! Ol' Jedediah'll be fine... Hey, boss! We caught this one trying to escape from  a rust hole in the crate. One of his little friends got away. Oh, please, what damage could they possibly do? Why, they're no bigger than a little grain of couscous. Aren't you?   You know there's two words come to mind when I hear you talk. 'Delusional' and 'weirdo.' And if I had to say a third, 'goofy.' Just 'goofy.' Now, you let old Jedediah out of here or he's gonna get angry.  Well played, Jedediah! I'm sorry, I can't take you seriously! You're just adorable. Even when you're threatening me. It's hilarious. I mean, is it just me? Are these guys unbelievably cute? Now, hold it a second, now, you have a right to keep me as your captive, torture me, even. But don't call me cute! I ain't cute! Steady, my friend! Just stay alive! I will find you! Gigantor? No... Really? All night? Well, he doesn't. -Open that cage. -What are you? What are you doing?  -No touching! No touching! Don't you manhandle me!   Oh, look, look he's having a tiny little tantrum.  -Jed! -Don't you squirm, don't squirm. It will only be worse for you. -Put him down! Don't be afraid. I shan't hurt you. Oops. I lied. Uh oh! Oh, I don't think he has all night at all, Mr. Daley. -From the looks of things, I'd say he has a little over an hour. -Take me out of here! You were the guardian. You know all about this tablet. You're obviously much more clever than the rest of us. You may or may not know the combination, but I am going to give you exactly one   hour to figure it out. If you do not, I shall kill  your friends. And please, don't think about escaping, for I shall be watching you.   Look, I don't even know how to begin to decipher this thing, all right?   -Really! -What a pity, and your little cowboy  friend seemed like such a charming little fellow. Ah, well, tick-tock Mr. Daley. Your hour has  begun. Hey! You got this partner, I know you do. Shoo. You got this! Ooh, you know, I do sorta feel like a, like a floating butterfly. You are crazier than a road lizard! They say a good man rules this union. I promised  Jedediah I would bring help, and help I will bring! (Wheezing) Mis-misjudged the distance. Who's there? Jupiter protect me... Remain very still. It can sense movement... Apparently it can also hear me talking to myself. Ahhh! I am not a nut! Didn't expect your friend to  run off like that, now did you?   Oh, he's coming back, Ka-Ka-Ra. Sure as moon shines on a mongoose, he'll be here.   Oh, I would save my breath, if i were you. You don't have many left. Looking a little nervous there, ramen  noodle! Because for me, this is like a spa treatment. Sand bath's really rejuvenating  for the skin. Exfoliates. Given up yet?   Oh, not quite yet, no. In fact, let's see if we can't make time fly, eh. What is that funny sound? Tell me the combination and give me that tablet  right now, or I shall kill all of your friends.   Starting with the little shaggy-headed, little cowman here. -I ain't shaggy-headed! Gigantor, let me take this guy! -Don't worry -You okay? -Yeah, thanks. I'm sorry, Jed. You did your best, Gigantor. -Dadgum it, we almost had him, too. -No, I mean I'm sorry I wasn't around the last couple years at the museum.   Maybe none of this would have happened. -You don't get it, do you, Gigantor?    I didn't call you because we needed your help. Ah, sure, we were in a little pickle, but wouldn't have been the first time I had to   wrestle my way out of a root sack. No, partner, I  called you cause you needed us. That fancy suit   you've been parading around in these past couple  years, that there's a hanging suit. All gussied up, but dead inside. -That ain't you. -Hey, tell you another thing. -Yeah? -This night ain't over yet. This little midnight cowboy's got some fight left in him. Something tells me you do too. Ho, now. Halt! The mighty Octavius has returned! I ride on the back of nature's most fearsome  creature! I ride...the squirrel! Onward, now, my mighty steed! Do you wish to surrender honorably, or must  this end with the spilling of your blood? This, this is your big rescue? Oh no, this is! Adios, birdbrain! -Wait, wait, no, no! -Goodbye, strange bird men. -Do not return to the underworld! -Yes, yes, do go back into the underworld. thank you for coming! Good night! Fear not, Larry! I will help Jedediah! You come at them from behind! Jedediah! They need us! Ain't gonna make it! Afraid this cowboy's been to his last hoedown. Octavius, remember me as I was: wild and free. -No need for final words. -Oh, I'm not finished yet.  -Oh -I want to get through the store of our relationship.   -The evolution from enemy to friends. -No! -It'll  make you cry! -No! Because you are going to live!   -Let's go to work. -Have a sword. Sword! Incoming! Oh man, I got an hour till sunrise.  I got to get you guys back. In case you forgot, Gigantor, they don't  want us there anymore! Well, I do. I don't know about you, fellas, but this  old cowboy just got to second base. -There she goes -Straight towards... -Canada? She's heading to Canada. Oh, now she course corrected. You head on downstairs, guys. Look at that! Doggone it! They're trying to catch the light! I know, but you can't do it, boys! You can't  catch light! It's as elusive as human happiness!   -I should like to comment, summon the  apparatus! -Summon the apparatus! What are you gonna say? L O L -"Laugh out loud." Yeah, that's what I did! -Now, post these adorable kittens, with my edict of approval, to facebook! Yeah, yeah you give a big Texas hell  yeah from old Jedidiah cause I loved it too!   -Just send a smiley face... Yeah, but, but with a  wink! -A smiley face and a wink! Guys? What are you doing? -We're just watching kittens. -You're on in like five  minutes, you gotta focus here. -I told you we don't have time for this! -You gave it a Texas hell yeah! I don't know what's come over me, but I like it! Drop 'em! Yeah! Yeah! Whoa, whoa, now ease up on the reins there, hoss!  Can't you see it feels terrible, hell, we all do!   You know what, I don't know what's going on  with everybody here, but tonight was really weird. -Really weird. -We feel awful, Larry. Something took hold of us like an evil spell.   Yeah. Like, like we just weren't ourselves. -Hi Larry, -That is a deceptively large box. -Obviously, we came along too. -You know you'd  be lost without us, Gigantor! -Are you serious?   We'll just be down here if anyone needs us. -Yeah,  we're not scared, it's just more comfortable... -Jedediah! Jed! Oh no... Is that Octavius' cape? -Here. Nicky? -Yeah. -Guys! Gigantor!! -Jed! -They won't last long in those heating vents, Lawrence.    At their size they'll bake like tiny little scarabs in the Sinai. Too dark? AAaaah! This is the end, boy! This is the last roundup! Hold my hand! Why?? Nevermind... We're a long way from home, boy...Did you ask me to hold your hand? No. Uh-huh... -I can't really see much. Could jump down, hope  for the best. -We have no idea what's down there. We don't know what's up here, either... This is a Roman city.   -I can feel the familiar pull of history in its  very foundations. -Where the heck is everybody I've seen this town before, I'm sure of it. Romans? Yep-wop. Yep-wop...doesn't ring a bell. Who's that son of a gun? -I'm sorry, I'm having trouble hearing you! -No  comprendo, amigo, because you got the thing in front of you -What are they doing? -Where the blazes are  they stampeding off to? Was it something we said?   -Come on back to Yep-wop, there's plenty of room!  -They're as crazy as road lizards. -People are strange.   Yep-wop. Yep-wop. Are you sure you're  reading that right, pal? Ooooh. Pompeii Last round up, Kemosabe. Time to slap on the barbecue sauce, boy. What? No, no! No, you wouldn't! He must! We must never speak of what happened  here today. Come on! That wasn't necessary! Better let Larry know we're okay. Turn around!  Larry's probably worried about us. Oh, easy there , partner, slow it down! I don't know  who you are, but i'm pretty dang sure that tablet   don't belong to you! Wait a second, come back here! This ain't over! You'll rue the day you mocked us with your  huge sword and hypnotic blue eyes! His eyes are very blue... -Larry! -Hey, guys! How you doing? -Still in one piece, Gigantor! -This belongs to you. -Thank you! Gigantor! Get your flashlight out, these cats want to play! Woo-ee! You got 'em, boy! Well played, sir. Where the devil could Lancelot be? -What's up? -We're just as god made us! Why don't you take a picture, it'll last longer! -Don't look at it! -It really is hard not to look at. Yes, he is... It's disgusting. Yet he's still handsome... I'll take that hand now... We're back, baby! Well done, Larry! -Come here! We're back, boy! -It feels good, doesn't it Jedediah? -Boy, you said it. The others and I have been talking. Ahkmenrah's place is here with his family. He must remain here.   -And the tablet should stay here as  well, son. -This is where it belongs, Gigantor. -Yeah, but if you guys, that means you guys would  have to stay. -We belong in New York. -If you if you guys go, then you, you won't be  alive after tonight. -We're museum exhibits, Laredo.   It's what we are. Folks come to look at us, maybe  learn a little something. That's alive man.   -But I'm...But I'm supposed to take care of you guys. --And you have. It's okay Lawrence, we're ready. I'm not. Let us go, son. Thank you, for giving me back my  family. Larry, Gau-guardian of Brooklyn.   Dad, if we leave right now we can  still catch a flight. -Get home with everyone still awake before the  sun comes up. -Yeah, okay. Let's go home. -Sure is quiet around here. -Without the  tablet it's just like any other museum.   -You know what I'm gonna remember most  about you? -What? -How big you guys are. Come here. Come here. Hold me.
Channel: gaygh0stt
Views: 39,090
Rating: 4.9297261 out of 5
Keywords: natm, night at the museum, jedtavius, Jedediah and Octavius, Owen Wilson, battle of the Smithsonian, secret of the tomb
Id: mcywVuOvfuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 3sec (2283 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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