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[Music] what the hell are you doing you weren't answering your phone what are you a bad I thought you were predator two joggers found a body in the woods the dead body no a body of water yes dumbass a dead body delinquent belongs to me are you doing so do you uh listen to all my phone calls no I'm not the boring ones I mean this is really gonna be the best thing that's happened to this town since since the birth of Lydia Martin a Lydia you look like you're gonna ignore me you're the cause of this you know dragging me down to your nerd depths uh-huh I'm a nerd by association I'm scarlet nerd by you but if you play [ __ ] we're really gonna do that your best friend I can't sit out again my whole life is sitting on the sidelines this season I make first line [Music] [Applause] nice - anything [Music] get it you gotta see this thing open up on my reading websites books all this shadow rolls you had the day a lot doesn't matter okay just listen [Music] don't actually worries me the most you say Allison I'm gonna punch you in the head probably hates me now yeah hey we'll get through this come on if I have to I'll chain you up myself on full moon nights and feed you live mice I had a boat once I could do it [Music] I'm having some personal issues is it a girl no is it a guy you know our goalie Danny's gay yeah I know coach but that's not it you don't think Danny's a good looking guy I think he's good-looking but I like girls and that that's not it anyway I what did you find how did you find where did you find it and yes I've had a lot of adderall so it's taking way too long just keep going what if he goes back then we get the hell out of here what if he catches us I have a plan for that which is you're on one way I run the other whoever he catches first too bad I hate that plan okay just saying you know I'm not afraid of you okay maybe I am doesn't matter we were looking for Scott's inhaler which he dropped win the other night the other night when you're out here looking for the first half of the body yes the night that you told me you were alone and Scott was at home yes no crap so you lied to me that depends on I need to find lying while Ida finders not telling the truth how do you define it we're cleaning your body in a horizontal position get that absolutely just try not to worry too much water out there okay or get too angry I got it or stressed yeah I got it don't think about Allison being in stance or that her father is trying to kill you what that Derek's trying to kill you or the girl he killed or that you might kill someone if a hunter doesn't kill you first I'm sorry I'll stop good luck what am I crazy and I couldn't breathe I've never had a dream where I woke up like that before really I have usually ends a little differently hey I admit I've never had a dream that felt that real and B never give me that much detail about you in bed again noted you scared the hell out of me you okay what's my heart starts beating again yeah what are you looking at [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] you know maybe you got a rabbit or something and did what ate it raw no he just stopped a bacon little werewolf of it I don't know you're the one who can't remember anything mr. stilinski so the other say did seem to have an animal attacking her a cougar I heard a mountain lion a good cook is a mountain lion isn't it who cares the guy's probably some homeless Tweaker who's gonna die anyway I don't think Danny likes me very much ask Alison on a date and now we're hanging out come on not attracted to gay guys I think the first line and the team captain wants to destroy me and now I'm gonna be late for work wait Scott you didn't am i attractive to gay guy you didn't answer my question no just me someone needs to keep watch why come on boys the guy keeping watch because there's only two of us okay why is it starting to feel like you're Batman and I'm Robin I don't want to be Robin all the time nobody's Batman and Robin any of the time not even some of the time just stay here oh my god be a pack thing what do you mean like an initiation you're the kill together because ripping someone's throat out is real bonding experience yeah but you didn't do it which means you're not a killer and it also means that I can go out with Allison I was gonna say it means you won't kill me oh yeah that's you [Music] what are you doing I'll take the stairs [Music] what the hell are you doing here what am i doing God you either of you even play baseball are you doing here shot he's not looking so good dude aren't you healing but yes what kind of bullet what silver bullet no you idiot wait wait oh my god what is that oh is that contagious you know what you should probably just get out start the car now I don't think you should be barking orders with the way you look okay in fact I think if I wanted to I could probably drag your little werewolf ass out into the middle road and leave you for dead what am I supposed to do with him take it somewhere anywhere and by the way he's starting to smell like deaths you know that really doesn't look like anything some echinacea and a good night's sleep we couldn't take care of oh yeah come on Scott hurts me wrong I'll prove me wrong uh it wasn't Scott going through your bags it was me you mean [Music] all right do this why not well because of the cutting through the flesh the sign of the bone and especially the blood vein to the sight of blood no but I might at the sight of a chopped off arm what me them holy God what the hell is the heads what the hell are you doing oh you just prevented a lifetime of nightmare that was awesome yes Hoosiers is not only the best basketball movie ever it is the best sports movie ever made yeah it's got Gene Hackman and Dennis Hopper yeah Lydia I swear to god you're gonna like it no I am not watching the notebook again can somebody help me find the notebook sorry you know one copy you know I have a life too you know you don't yes I do mr. stilinski try putting the highlighter down between paragraphs it's a chemistry not a coloring book more question what do you find me attractive I mean there's the styles here to see you what the hell the styles look please tell me I'm gonna hear good news at this parent-teacher thing tonight Penn's unhe to find good news I define it as you getting straight A's with no behavioral issues I want to rethink that definition enough said Stiles that's right that's right I thought Stiles was his last name his last name is stilinski you named your kid Stiles stilinski no that's just what he likes to be called uh I don't cupcake what is his first name Wow yes for his final question on his midterm exam detailed the entire history of the male circumcision well I mean it does have historical significance right I mean I teach economics not crap no emailing PETA about how am i we not father gunned down an innocent mountain light in his school parking lot mouse stare for Jackson come on I think the books making it more obvious besides she's reading anymore plus I'm definitely a better Yoder than Derek okay yeah you teach me he'll be Ryota yeah you be my Yoda Yoda I will be I said it back yeah I know right you know what I definitely still hate you huh huh huh oh yeah [Music] haven't you ever learned there's no I in team yeah but there isn't me that was a joke she brings you back is what I'm saying no but it's not always true because literally every time I'm kissing her or that's not the same it when you're doing that you're just another hormonal teenager thinking about sex you know you're thinking about sex right now aren't you sighs fine look back in the classroom [Music] he's God became II was it okay I mean that was a hell right yeah technically well what did they sound like to you like a cat being choked to death Scott I'm gonna kill both of you what the hell was that are you trying to do track the entire state to the school sorry I didn't know would be that loud yeah it was loud and it was awesome shut up don't be such a sour wolf yeah that's right guy you shut up no not scared of this thing not scared you call the cops no well what do you mean no I mean no you want to hear it in Spanish no so Chris old you look communicates it perfectly yes I underestimated the danger yes we should have acted sooner yes I should have listened to you anything else what does that cover it always going to say you need to stop and get some gas that's a beef that's a piece it's definitely a B Rodriguez Taylor and wolinski yes yes sir let's buy us call me buyers I swear to god I'll kill you another thing brought you some water I'm gonna tell you just talking to me he knows I can hear him okay just talk to me act nor pretend Lee left it's happening you try to pretend nonsense nothing here meaning I can't think of anything my mom is complete blank your mind's blank you can't think of something to say this kind of pressure hey yo Derek I say one word I want you mean like a dad Derek hell's in my room bring your gun yeah that's right if I'm harboring your fugitive ass it's my house my rules buddy oh my god who's he again my cousin Miguel hey that one looks pretty good huh what do you think Danny huh this shirt it's it's not really as color you swing for a different team but you still play ball don't you Danny Boy you're a horrible person I know it keeps me awake at night where are you you're supposed to be here your first line what the hell is Belinsky poor thing yeah you know what that was for go go are you kidding me Stiles mr. McCall yes Wow this is just crazy what questions huh he wasn't going to kill anyone and I'm not letting him die at least think about letting him die for me [Music] well I shouldn't say I told you so because it's not strong enough how about I'm always right and you should listen to whatever I have to say and never disagree ever ever for the sake of your wooly hood every other thing never found someone to be falling like this smile smile Alison and you're going to go with somebody else to him don't frown Lydia someone could be falling in love with your smile you wanna dance yes you know what let me try that again Lydia get off your cute little ass and dance with me now which is the tactic mystic let's go what do you get up feel true what noble enterprise mathematics fields red eyes the one occupant she lives should become a werewolf she'll be incredibly powerful yeah once a month she'll go out of her freaking mind and try to tear me apart well actually considering that she's born twice let's call you don't know her name no I know what is it 20 questions all we know is that she had a very distinctive uh wouldn't call it a pendant what the hell's a pendant does do you go to school a pendant a pendant it's a it's a necklace now can I answer the phone yes thank you let me ask you a question Stiles have you ever seen a rabid dog no I could but I don't like to do this if you just let me go [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Tv Show Edits
Views: 807,586
Rating: 4.9525847 out of 5
Id: km-N5UPQuu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2019
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