Tyler Posey and Dylan O’Brien (o’brosey) being chaotic best friends

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[Applause] what's up oh was that your water that sucks who wants my autograph i hate boyd's style so much styles and styles are always hitting oh oh yeah deep brady i mean i do a good dylan impression i don't know about styles bro [Laughter] is it a good ending for liam's character were you happy with your death scene he's amazing he's amazing are you crying no i'm crying yes hey bro what's up what's up nothing much chilling jumping on set seriously if i knew i was done you wouldn't masturbate in public or anything [Applause] next question and the answer would be [Applause] yes laura hale i think has the best wardrobe she has none she's a dead naked body to get them there to help them get there [Applause] um skye what oh sorry are you in the bathroom almost like you don't even know him anymore you know i was just answering a question that they asked me about you i wasn't they wanted to know no i didn't amateur hour no i've been amateur out i hate you guys [Applause] give it to me bro ah oh this one sucks t y l e r uh h o e c h l i n terrible uh twitter is t y l e r l uh underscore h-o-e-c-h-l-i-n all right and on three you're gonna say it together the hashtag for the project is one two three hashtag teamworld uh so you'll see uh you'll see these two on top did you did you turn the episode off when that happened it was a dream it's okay it's okay no it's not it's no no no no no no let's talk about it hey homie nobody we talked about this all right all right all right all right do you have a great view of dylan's butt all the time live together season one they're like dude did you read the script i hate you so much dude jill's gonna lick your ass bro really just whipped it right out there i'm going to um everybody the next time there's an awkward moment just to ease the time [Applause] that'll save a few awkward moments and now we make out all the time we just sit next to each other in underwear that's tyler you guys got it right oh yeah i know i know i know those apps yeah we've lit them so yeah okay that's good but it's like he nicknamed himself [Music] it was one of those weird those weird moments of life first three so coming up this year me codester michelle and i'm gonna watch yes you are buddy i'm very excited about i've got a lot more to say about that scene after it airs yeah you'll have to wait yeah [Laughter] i wish i could tell i wish we could tell you guys about it lyndon what's our next [Laughter] [Music] the shooting you're seeing right now aren't you supposed to be working [Music] [Music] hey oh i think i was like six once and i heard like a meatloaf song texted dylan i was like dude we had to start a reggae again [Music] because he texted me without realizing we have to start a reggae babe so i said all right instead of band i said babe [Applause] was she a good kisser um there were nine yeah we were nine so yeah [Laughter] we have sleepovers oh my god oh god oh my god he beat me to it are you gonna do that okay tyler what was dylan oh my god [Music] to yeah you changed man i have to change wardrobe
Channel: idk
Views: 2,157,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oY_W1w59uhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 24sec (444 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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