Insane Clown Posse - Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction?

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great interview

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

I did a poo poo in a hoddog bun

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/vulnikkura 📅︎︎ May 20 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey everyone Graham from Loudwire here and today I want to offer a big whoop whoop to my Juggalo homies Shaggy too violent Jay the legendary Insane Clown Posse guys thank you so much for being here today thank you legendary yeah we used to fear being called legend there we used to fear being considered old school you know all right yeah it was always our biggest fear you know we did everything we could just to seem not old school and now that we're undeniably old school it turns out honestly to be the best part of our career best time of our career shaggy went to go see post Malone daughter to go see post Malone and next thing you know he's backstage and post Malone's giving it up to him you know I mean that that [ __ ] feels great being old school for us has been easily the most rewarding so we take your compliment of legendary we very much appreciate all right well I mean it as a compliment 100% so it says in Wikipedia that you guys met in Oak Park a suburb on the North border of Detroit and you guys grew up wrestling and backyard rings that you built yourself there's some truth you know there's there's like little tiny details and I'm like he's messed up that's pretty spot-on actually Jay my brother met in junior high school in Oak Park you know saying I was a little brother and that we did backyard wrestles so you know that's how we became real close to the backyard wrestling now how did you guys learn how to build a wrestling ring man we took we took we went down to the railroad tracks we took four you know the logs that the railroads what do they call them the things underneath sure sure the big wooden things underneath the tracks yeah and those things are huge and heavy we took four of those things on our shoulders drag it all the way across the city you're talking you're talking 11 12 year old kids now we're not tell my broken into it's all wow great because I would never do that [ __ ] today um we dragged these big huge railroad posts all the way across the city and um then we actually waited for it to rain you know we waited for it to rain and when it rained we were out there with we were standing on chairs and we had a sledgehammer and we pounded pounded those things into the dirt I'm telling you for him I guarantee you whoever lives in that house now those posts are still in that backyard then we wait garbage Viggen and we found a bunch of hoes and unschooled reiver and we burn holes it's the railroad size with screwdriver to make holes for the we didn't have drills which I can we dug out holes with this huge drivers and we put the hose the garden hose through the railroad post to use as ring ropes I got like one picture floating around somewhere every time I look at it blows my weight off my head you'll see this moment as kids of any age we actually built that with straight of our hands you know if 20 people showed up to us that was that was the [ __ ] and you got it right you got you understand something this is back when kayfabe was still in effect people still thought wrestling was real so as kids we had wrestling cards with kids wrestling but yeah we're still able to convince all the other kids in the neighborhood that these kids that were wrestling that weren't us were actually from different parts of America flying to wrestle and we did this all the way until so since I was 18 I think well I respect the hustle of such a young age you guys were hard workers all the way back then but it says in Wikipedia that when you guys formed ICP that you unanimously decided to not rap openly about Satan that's funny I don't think there was ever discussion because nobody ever wanted the rabble of Satan rabbit about the devil was never on the table oh it wasn't something that was eBay presented to us heõs and the biggest underground artists at the time in Detroit his name was young and um at the time he used to rap about the devil it was scary I mean it was scary hisham would come out on stage in a coffin you know and any other 666 on his shirt and he do scary you know Kid Rock was around too and he would be driving a tractor with like a wheat hat these artists sort of had new gimmicks so when we looked at each arm what he was doing we looked at Kid Rock what he was doing you know we were like what well what are we about you know what I mean in the Insane Clown Posse was born you know alright so there's some fiction on Wikipedia there it says that when you guys released the dog beats EP you're growing popularity in the local music scene quickly turned negative for you and your friends and you became the target of growing violence yeah because at the time ICP stood for inner-city Posse we were trying to be a gang but the thing was the gangs around there at that time you know that most of them are generations old real [ __ ] and it's like prepping your soil we were like hey we're the inner city policy we started spray-painting our [ __ ] everywhere and at first I think the other gangs just sort of probably laughed us off because we didn't really catch much flak you know we didn't know rep for like slang guns or drugs or not like that we're just I see Peter wrap critters we just sort of would want to be gang members you know but when the when when I first CD came out called dog beats when that started getting popular the real gangs in the neighborhood they didn't take two kinds of that because you know they're like man these guys are a bunch of [ __ ] so they started to become retaliation you know what I mean they started showing up at whatever we were doing or things like that you know um my mom's windows got broke out you know saying things like that started happening since then gang free though there ain't nobody after us and we ain't after nobody violent J you came up with the name Juggalos on stage in the middle of her performance when performing the juggler in 1994 not true I never said hey what's up Juggalos or anything like that the term Juggalo was organic it manifested itself I think it started from juggling myself you don't say it's too close but yeah we don't really know exactly how it transpired you don't say nobody knows exactly how it happened who the song called murder go around jugular goloka row yes if we say that murder murder ground I'm a jugular girl up a road you know like it's just saying I'm a juggler but like putting a flip on it you know yeah that that's where we where we think it came from but without without a doubt of people calling themselves Juggalos was never in our blueprints we said no you listen to our [ __ ] you're called Juggalos you don't see like Justin Bieber calls his fans believers or you got little monsters or lambs or maggots don't say we never gave people that listen to our shitty name we never did that everybody came with that the soul it says with the great Malenko Disney that owned Hollywood Records requested that the tracks the need and game under the moon and boogie-woogie whoo be removed threatening to not release the album otherwise true utterly can ridiculous because those songs there's so much on the album that is so much more violent than those songs I mean it is hard to fathom some roundtable of adults chose those three songs to leave off the album what we did was we just said the same thing just switch the actual words that [ __ ] they wouldn't understand you don't say these words slang they set back our lyrics and highlighted in yellow where all the things that they are the problem with you know and and and at first we were like you were not changing any of this and they were like okay well then the album will be shelved and that's that you know and that wasn't sounding too good if anything we made it better when we added the changes if some of them we didn't change at all some of the stuff we were like no that's too fresh we're not changing it and it didn't get they didn't even notice if something happened um the day of the release you know I don't want to sound like I know what I'm talking about but something about there was a giant boycott of Disney at the time because the southern baptists they had a gay gay Disney it was a totally innocent yeah the southern baptists world in a protest about so suddenly they had a problem with us yeah so they tried to sort of hide it like it came out in stores and then they that the net that day you know we would literally at a record store doing an autograph signing and our manager came in he said they're pulling the record off shelves right now you know even after we made all those changes it's not for everybody we understand that it some say a unique flavor you know I'm saying but that's why we don't open up on anybody's tours or anything you never have to sit through us why are you waiting to see your favorite band we're never in anybody's face unless you're literally looking for us you know so it's said that in 98 you guys got into a fight at a Waffle House in Indiana after a customer began to harass you guys true that's true I can't believe that still it was a fight that's still being talked about today craziest thing about that story is you got us and our crew right there was probably six six of us all together then you got misery and poncho two dudes from the South Bronx okay that look Street tough then you got the psycho realm alright there's the clincher there's a clue to three guys that look novato's straight out of gang bang straight gang bang thuggish you know in for this was history kid little teenager country kids really eighteen but how many was it two or three and it was three of them but the ones only one got us asked with for them to actually come up to us and say who you guys the wu-tang clan you know was mind blowing I turned around and I said are you talking to us and he said you know he mocked me is like are you talking to us homeboy you know he's smacking me in that right there was the biggest surprise let me go ahead and crack the whole question though because he asked if we got to a plane we know though it wasn't even a point it was just a severely beaten and we all got arrested and and they put us all the same cell all of us and at one point they walked that kid because he ended up getting arrested - that kid we beat up and they watched him by past ourselves and man was he lumped up right you could even really make out as a dude it says that in 2003 when you guys went to Australia the Australian customs agents confiscated all of you guys Faygo we were smart by then we we didn't bring up because we knew if you bring that much over they they think you're selling it so we would just use soda from whatever country we're in and put our fate big ol labels on called Bay Co and use the head yeah we found that out way back in the 90s going to Europe you can't bring Faygo you know for the song miracles Wikipedia describes it as a response to both modern jaded miss and your guys kids experiencing wonders of the world for the first time yeah that's the same thing you know at the time I had a son um who was who was an infant so many things would blow his mind you know what I mean I think in this world there are miracles okay and just because we live with them every day does not mean they're not miracles if you stop and look at it a lightning bug right flying around your front yard that's nothing right [ __ ] that is a bug creating light I mean it is actually producing light that's it pretty incredible considering that's the only bug I know of on the planet or animal that can do such a thing even magnets to me I mean yeah sure a scientist can come and break it down for you exactly why a lightning bug can ladies ass up I don't want to talk to no scientist yeah because they take the fun out of it and magnets are cool too when I'm showing you know my five-year-old magnets he's trippin out because there's nothing there magnets are so much more powerful and have so many more uses than anybody can even fathom I mean there's no even reason for fuel or gasoline when it comes to magnets you know the aliens will tell you about that you know say aliens are so you kind of fly without rocket propulsion we've only be done to understand magnets I believe you know that's very possible well guys thank you so much for giving me your time today I appreciate you guys so much and everyone out there make sure next year to hopefully go to the gathering of the Juggalos when it's rescheduled for next year hopefully we'll be able to have festivals again next year guys thank you so much so appreciate it thank you and we appreciate you [Music]
Channel: Loudwire
Views: 186,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: insane clown posse, icp, violent j, shaggy 2 dope, interview, loudwire, wikipedia fact or fiction, wiki, wikipedia, fact or fiction, funny, juggalos, juggalettes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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