CLUB GOLFERS think this is KILLING Golf in This Country - WHEN WILL IT END!?

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I tell you what the first shot of the day now the World handicap system was brought in to make I guess golf fairer for everybody and give everybody a chance of playing their best golf now I'll be perfectly honest and it's not just me who has this opinion now people that I've spoken to people that I teach think it's probably one of the worst systems that we've ever had here in the UK now hear me out we're going to go through an article that has been trending online but first did you see that five IR I just hit in here by the way what a tough hole this is we teed off right all the way back there and we've just ended up in here I'm taking that shot now I realized what I just said is very very controversial but I honestly do think it is probably one of the worst systems ever because simply it just shows what is your form like at a particular time it doesn't really reflect your overall golf game now as we go through this I want you to let me know what you think because my honest opinion if we're not careful it really does ruin golf I understand it from both parties listen to this argument let's first though see if we can make this for a birdie that' be a great way to start this video really great way and I want to know your experiences with this new system is it one you like is it one you hate is it one that you're not really too bothered about can we make a birdie to start the day oh no you know what though taping par windy day is not a bad start now it is safe to say a lot of these gripes are coming from single figure golfers but you've got to think my argument about the handicap system is that it's fair for everybody and that's what's unique about our game everybody's got a chance of winning whereas right now you know what now this tweet does voice some very very strong opinions it says this the handicap system in golf nowadays has ruined Club comps need over 40 points to compete the only sport where mediocrity is rewarded no one should have more than one shot a ho now I don't agree with that we want golf to be inclusive and want everybody to play the game of golf but I do sort of get a few points where he's coming from now the general consensus from this tweet is that the handicaps are too high not getting into the game of golf so not at entry level but being able to win competitions now at your golf club is that something that you've seen as a high handicap medium handicap or even a low handicap cap golfer what have you seen this has to be one of my favorite holes here at mum hall now I want to reiterate like I have no real sides on this I'm just going for a consensus that the guys that I teach the ladies that I teach and the overall sort of feeling in golf right now in the UK okay line wise today we want to be sort of on this white and green Bush that's a pretty good spot to be in okay let's see if we can get one down there tough wind today this tough wind he called the tree he said the tree take that every time what about that drive by the way now if we go into this a little bit further there are plenty of comments as you could see there's a lot of reaction on X Twitter whatever you want to call it now this is one of the points that Sam makes I played with my dad at Wentworth the other week and we were off the yellow he's off eight and before we teed off he went up to 13 more than 50% increase I'm off plus 0.6 and I went up to zero I'm never beating my dad off that I played Sol solidly but had given him a shot on 2/3 of the holes it just felt mad to me now I can get that I really feel that the handicap system right now does reward people in that mid handicap bracket you could go from being a single figure golfer very good golfer to getting 13 shots on some golf courses now I appreciate this can work the other way but there's just part of me thinking there's a better way to do that now there are some new rules being brought in this year and later in this video we will talk through the new rules because it really will affect your handicap but that was a cracking Drive let's go down this Fairway now I bet your first reaction to this is tough luck you're a good player get on with it and I'll be honest I agree with you part of me does but there is a big butt here I keep going back to this isn't the handicap system brought in in my eyes where High handicap golfers can always compete with low handicap golfers but at the minute potentially there is this scenario which is very much outweighing the fact that now as a low handicap golfer in this case some people feel they have no chance and it's almost like they're turning up on a Saturday paying their money realizing that they're never going to win and this is some of the dialogue that carries on in this Twitter well it says this Sam said also you categorically can't win handicapped competitions if you have a really low handicap I'm certainly not in the comp of no one should have a handicap because that's one of the beauties of golf but it just doesn't feel right to me now just to cave this Sam does acknowledge that many golf clubs do offer scratch prizes but he feels that should be the case in every competition once more sometimes he has to pay an extra fee to enter the gross element of the competition now maybe he is a little bit skewed at his golf club and what happens there but every time I played as a junior golfer or as a amate golfer my golf club had a scratch prize for the for the day but I would say this the main prize of the competition was always one on net and as a low- handicap golfer I mean realistically off scratch are you going to go and shoot 67 under which somebody that would be let's say off eight getting 13 shots shoots two or three under their actual handicap straight away they're scoring a lot of points a lot of points and what I mean is off their original handicap not their index of the day it's all very very complicated and there are changes yet coming this year right let's have a look how far we've got you know what I was buzzing with that drive absolutely buzzing so we have 126 to that flag tell you what this is very very and I'm in very tough conditions today like really really tough 126 into a breeze you know what I think that requires a little Punchy N9 now so far on this video are you in the camp of Sam are you sort of going Alex what the heck are you on about I want to read to it again I'm very neutral on this I just simply feel that it's not as Fair as it could be let's see if we can knock this one in close need like a little Tommy Fleetwood number here little sa off follow through in there delicate number oh I don't know if that jumped or not be the club please get down do something be right oh it did jump it's a little long that's what you get for finding the roof oh dear and I think the whole summary of what we're talking about here is that the New World handicap system is disproportionately unfair towards low handicap golfers and again I go back to this point a lot of ago well that's just sour grapes tough luck you're a low handicap golfer you can play scratch comps but golf's one of them games where everybody if you have a handicap you can go out and compete and have a great game and I believe we're at risk of losing that and that sounds dramatic but we really are at risk of losing that if that let's say again that single figure handicapper gets a lot more shots than if you're off really low handicap you go from single figures to early teens why not just go back to this is your handicap this is what you have a lot easier in my opinion and then you have a course standard scratch for the day and that reflects how tough the course is and and the conditions of the day so let's talk through some of these changes that have literally just landed but first this is a tough chip wow ball is there got to cover this to here let's see if I can make this part and up and down it tell you what I cannot play a better shot than that that's probably come out of range on there but I genuinely genuinely can't play a better shot than that I am gutted that rolled out so far it was such a good shot this is so needed tell you what that was a bit of a jump of that it literally left me no chance no chance can I make it come on that was big really big and I'll be honest we only had the World handicap system now for a very short while and we're already seeing some updates come through we can look at this from two points of view one is it flawed originally or two are golf's governing bodies realizing that changes to be made and we should I guess credit them for that so to make sure that I fully get these right I'm going to read out the first change to what it's nice we're going down wind on the next but take today's conditions right it's tough It's windy we now have something called plane conditions calculated or PCC which the plane conditions calculation within GB and I has already been modified to increase the likelihood of an adjustment for abnormal plane conditions whereas if you look at the first refinement of the World handicap system as far as I'm aware and the people that I was teaching was aware that whatever your adjusted handicap or playing handicap for the day or playing index whatever word you want to use that was what you got no matter what the conditions are well how's that fair if it's really windy and the course is based on me getting a slope of X and then getting more or less shots and the conditions are harder or easier that has to be reflected on the day and that's exactly why we've had that first change which I think is absolutely brilliant but that on the old system was the core standard scratch so look at the average of the scores are most people over or most people under their handicap if most people were over the course standed scratch how it was playing on the day would go up I don't think we just messing with something that didn't mean to be mess with in my opinion I mean I'm old school I only grew up on that other system so I only know that takes a lot of getting used to and this best 8 of 20 as I said at the start it's definitely form right this is downwind over that middle tree would be perfect here Alex please oh I've ripped it but it's tight please go please go oh I saw it bounce I ripped that but it's pretty tight down there down the left with water B fingers crossed now the next change is this and I'm going to try and read this drive the Boogie at the same time and try and find my go ball it is the enhanced guidance on conducting a handicap review now we all know in the past committees have reviewed handicaps I'm going to say quarterly maybe half seasonally just to make sure people's handicap is correct so you've not got somebody winning all the competitions totally understand that now there is a new tool that will do this automatically and this is really a fected one of my students jop he he I'm going to say he's off 12 or 13 he is now off seven because of the review he played well in a few comps he played well in a few comps where actually it was in a four ball competition so all rounds now are counting and now he's gone from 13 to 7 possibly eight that is a big chunk like really big chunk off so a tool that automatically will tell the handicap committee we need to review the student I'd love to know sort of what criteria are needed and look we are safe it's okay it's there and this is what shot we Face wait for this guy to leave and then we're in and that nicely leads me into my next point the inclusion of four ball scores now only scores of 42 points on or more where a player has featured nine times or more will also trigger an an inclusion in the handicap calculation so if you are playing with you and your mate right and you have an absolute Blinder we have 135 and you're on the card more than nine times bear in mind that in a scenario like that you're a lot more relaxed so more likely to happen less pressure less stress and you play well your handicap could come flying down and as I say one of my students had that exact situation this is a tough shot it's not lying very well at all little runner up there I think little Runner be the club please we're dancing back Edge I mean can't get any spin out of that cuz I'll be honest that is an update I really don't like golf in my eyes the fun competitions are your four balls your scrambles I'm all for them but the true reflection of what level of golfer you are is individual competition so now if four ball scores are being counted where as I said a minute ago we're far more relaxed we're more of an enjoyment aspect of the game we all label four balls as it don't we we do come on and that now affects our handicap well I just don't know I don't know I mean it's happening it's happened it's in that's one change I can't get on board with the first two first one definitely second one maybe a little bit more I can think think about that over time but third no no no now they don't stop there there is another addition and as I say I'm reading this off just so I don't get this wrong because handicap system we got to make sure everything's right now the next part of this is cause handicap using C r-p aligning with other countries around the world cause handicaps in gbni will now be calculated relative to par rather than simply being based on the slope rating which has the potential to lower or increase the score you must Target to play to your handicap depending on the differences between your golf club's course rating and Par this might change I mean it's already complicated and this is the calculation C handicap equals handicap index times slope rating d113 plus course rating minus par what happens to just course rating for the day stroke index for the day golf golf tell you what though I'm happy with that shot right there it was running like mad it probably pitched while it did I'll go at the pitch mark in a second now I think this is a really good time to talk about this handicap system because we've now had a little bit of the season and the golf Seasons here we probably played one or two comps to really get an understanding of these rules how do they affect you as an individual go on please drop that birdie go go go go a right in the Jaws by the way how complicated was that next iteration of the rules I just feel a lot of this is a little bit unnecessary okay now I know they're making them to or making these changes to make gold better make it fairer make it more competitive and be more inclusive I am 100% all for that now there is one final adjustment they're making and the final part of this is rounding now you used to get your handicap index and it was like let's say point something now you will not round it to the nearest number this is what it says from April 2024 when the handicap system software has been deployed for competitions the ca handicap will not be rounded to the nearest whole number before being converted into a playing handicap but for General play score submission the golfer will continue to use the calculated and rounded course handicap I can also understand if this system is well in my eyes just sometimes really hard to get your head around like really hard to get your head around now thank you so much for watching today's video here on how good golf what do you think of Sam's tweet what do you think of the whole consensus of the handicap system right now I'm a little bit on the fence I can see it from both parties we want to make the golf game more inclusive but it is a little bit well by the sound of it according to Sam and a lot of people on Twitter and a lot of my students a little bit disproportionately unfair to that mid to high handicap they seem to get a lot more when you go out on the golf course thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe
Channel: How Good Golf
Views: 37,161
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Keywords: CLUB GOLFERS think this is KILLING Golf in This Country - WHEN WILL IT END!?, Club golfers, think this is, killing golf, in this country, When will it end?, world handicap system, What are the new changes to the world handicap system?, WHS, golf handicap system, golf news, golf handicap system in the UK, How does the Golf handicap system work?, Is the golf handicap system fair?, How good golf, Golf vlogs, golf course vlogs uk, Golf majors, Major championships, majors golf, tip
Id: zyaKcZn4A_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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