The golf tip that ACTUALLY works

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hello ladies and gentlemen I'm back my name is Jimmy I'm with Tropicana Golf and last time I was with you I shared with you a big Revelation that I had for the last three weeks I'd been hitting a hook hook ball went dead left every single time and when I didn't hit it left I sliced it I could not figure it out but I sat right here on this Tee Box and I went through it over and over and over until I realized that what was happening was my head was moving causing my shoulders to move causing the club to come from the outside and hit the ball left I've since then posted that video a lot of you have it's resonated with a lot of you because I think that's a very common error as we hit the ball and we are looking to see where the ball is going because we're so anxious to hit a bad shot that we can't believe it when we hit a good one so I'm gonna play a couple holes now with this new theory of keeping my head down not only on the tee box and in the middle of the green I'm sorry not only on the tee box and in the Fairway but on the green which causes the ball to go a lot straighter instead of left so let's play no editing no BS this is straight up let's see what happens we're here at Via Verde Country Club this is the fifth hole it's a dog leg left par 4 369 yards so I need to hit one about 250 to really be good but I'm gonna hit a three iron and try to hit it I don't know 210. so I get to the back of the ball my club face is pointed down I turn I keep my head right here and I release that way no more releasing over here the club really should never get on this side of me so I'm here turn keep my head down and hit it straight here we go shot number one perfect right down the middle I feel like I kept my head down for an hour and a half but when you look at it on film it's probably not like that so I'm not even going to edit this I'm just going to roll with it we're going to play a couple holes or until I get tired of it and uh we're gonna see we're putting it to the test putting the theory to the test keeping your head down keeps the ball going straight keeps your shoulders Square and not opening up I know that a lot of you have reached out I would put the link to the other video but I don't know how so if you search the videos and you look at uh pretty much it's called the tip that saved my game because it kind of did I was playing terrible that day and I've been playing terrible for the last three weeks just hook after hook and I couldn't take it anymore I needed to change it I needed I needed some help and I just broke it down into a very easy science of keep your head down and everything just goes around my spine my whole body the swing the club everything goes around my spine instead of my shoulders flying open so let's see if it really works I've hit the ball well here hit it into the middle of the Fairway you can see down here it's a dog leg left there's my ball right in the middle of the Fairway there I have about a hundred and Thirty yards left I'm gonna hit a 50 degree wedge because it's downhill it is a blue flag but all I want to do is really hit the ball on the green so I'm calling it about 135 to 140 yard shot it's not so much the distance that I'm worried about it's the consistency of the strike and the consistency of the ball flight going straight instead of over there which is a nightmare so once again get to the ball turn back Club faces down body turns head stays here and release that way that's all I feel put this back here so you guys can not hear the clanking of this necklace sorry let's start over okay here we go head down okay it's dead straight front of the green I kept my head down really long I got mud all over my hands let me fill that divot if you don't mind let's turn you around here so you're not looking at don't forget to uh do this and also you know why you do this it's not necessarily to only supposedly there's nothing in here that makes grass grow this is told to me by pretty reliable source it's to put a blanket over the divot so that the sun doesn't fry The Roots I don't know how true that is it sounds good and I'll go with it but I suggest that you do it every time all right so yeah like I said I'm in the front of the green now I'm going to have a putt up the hill and once again the putting is the same motion where my head stays completely straight and down and I'm not so anxious to look up and see where the ball went and yes some of you were asking about my putter this is the Wilson Staff 8802 blade putter I love it it's my favorite favorite putter of all time for sure and one of my favorite clubs in my bag okay so we have an uphill putt here it's gonna break left so I for sure don't want to hit it left because then it's going to go crazy so I line up I'm expecting about a foot of break left I get here and it's this not that keep your head down okay it's almost pin High let's go tap in a par here see if I can do it I'll get you from a different angle here so you can see the head staying down even more there's my ball now make or miss this I'm still happy with the fact that it didn't go left of the PIN which has been my Miss for the last like I said three weeks par bogey whatever ball never went left head down stay down listen to the ball hit the cup oh my God all right well hey I missed the putt everybody misses putts it hit the hole get my head down didn't miss it left the whole point of this is getting away from the slices getting away from the hooks it's a real deal sometimes I make bogey sometimes I make par sometimes I make birdie whatever this is a Learning lesson for me I will watch these videos again when I'm playing poorly in another month and go oh yeah yeah remember keep your head down so and apparently a lot of you have the same issue because if you read the comments um on the previous video people are super excited that they didn't know that or they just forgot I think it I think you forget because I think everybody knows that you're supposed to keep your head down watch the club hit the ball but we're so anxious and so ready to see where the ball goes and we forget so this is a par five there it is out there par five longest hole in the course that's it driver so we can get a little bit of all the worlds 550 yard par 5 dog leg right there's a street right there as you can see so you for sure don't want to slice one and normally this is a good place for the slice for me to come out because I'm thinking don't slice don't slice and what happens you slice it so I'm just going to hit it straight all right attempt to it's the same thing though turn back Club face is pointing down and then from here you just turn back and your head stays right there never up always down [Music] it's perfect right down the middle so look this stuff works I'm gonna keep playing it but that's three shots that I've hit with that swing thought only Head Down Club face down everything's down down down down down down down Club face is down uh head is down and just kind of wait instead of looking up right away just wait to see you'll find it you don't need to look up right away this is a long hole and it's the number one handicap It's Tricky but if you can hit one straight and then hit another one straight you'll have an easy wedge in that's all I want to do birdies are great bars are good bogeys are whatever this is all about learning that this principle works that's what this is for so we'll play this hole and see what happens looks like I have a little traffic out here here's the hole so you can see it looks like somebody's out there in the middle of a fairway there are no clubs on that bat on that cart so maybe he's working maybe he's taking a nap I don't know but we're going to go ahead and hit there's my ball right there as you can see I have 270 yards I'm clearly not going to make it there so I'm going to hit a little three iron and put it right to where his cart is I do not want to hit the ball left see that mountain over there that mountain has eaten so many of my balls and that street has as well so my main goal is to hit this ball and keep it on the grass I don't care how far it is because I'm probably gonna have a shot into the green so I'm going to slow down my swing nice and smooth and just hold it here we go head down head down head down okay it's a little right come down easy ball okay it's playable I have a wedge in wasn't perfect ball definitely went a little bit more right than I wanted it to my finish is abbreviated because I have my head down so long but it didn't go left and it didn't slice I kind of just hit it right and it stayed right it looks to be if there's some kind of water issue here now mind you it is 100 degrees and there's something happening here there's some oh my God oh my God uh yeah okay nice definitely something going on here let's see if we can find my ball here look at this swamp holy smokes that's what's going on broken sprinkler lines do you think owning a golf course or maintaining a golf course is easy I'll tell you what I got some news for you it is a disaster there's my ball there's the hole so we got a little uh 70-yard shot I'm gonna hit a 69 degree wedge just because I trust it it's a front pin all I have to do is kind of get it in the air something smells like it's burning too wow we got all kinds of issues here okay not a great lie but just gotta hit it keep my head down okay close the face on the way back turn keep my head down let's see okay that's a great shot 69 degree wedge I got about I don't know we'll find out look at this wow I think I see an alligator in there crocodile man okay let's go look and see where the ball went I think it's pretty good I was a 69 degree focusing on keeping my head down hitting the ball there's nothing fancy I'm not doing anything wild or intricate or shallowing or any of that stuff all I'm doing is keeping my head down and not looking up there's the ball that's a birdie putt right there you can see it this is a downhill putt it's going to be slippery for sure let's see what I can do to fix the uh pitch mark it's all going to break down toward the street so I have to hit it like up here and just kind of tap it keep my head down let the ball go to the hole if I make it great if not bars are good just here there head stays down head stays down head stays yeah wow okay hey bars are good should we do one more let's do one more one more hole so right now I'm one over through three it's fine as long as you're not bogeying par fives double bogeying par threes the ball is keeping its true form of where you kind of want it to go you're not gonna hit a perfect shot every time and as long as you keep the ball in play your squares will be all right that's the number one thing don't do too much don't swing too hard don't go so crazy just keep the ball in play some good things will happen give yourself a chance here we go let's go through a tunnel here so everybody can see crash and drive slowly oh boy I've never driven through one of these with a tripod oh all right we made it all right this is a par four uphill it plays long because it's dead uphill so it's a dog leg lift as you can see up there let me uh zoom in for you a little bit see how it goes left back that way it's a big finger so it goes up that way so you want to start it and get it in the middle of the Fairway again I'm going to hit a three iron because I can't hit a driver and keep it in play if I hit a driver it'll end up at those houses up there it's only about 240 yards to the uh end of the Fairway so it's not a smart play to hit driver unless you can hook one or turn one over beautifully but it doesn't matter all I need to do is hit a three iron to the middle of the Fairway once again I know we're in the shadow but we're gonna keep going Club faces down here a lot of people are up here and that's disaster keep the club face down from here you just turn your body back and keep your head right there the head never moves none of this none of this this is a killer this is a hook or a slice that way that's why you slice turn back this way keep your head right there it's just it's just a passing I just think from here to there from here to there everything else is just a bonus all right head down let's go beautiful shot now to me I feel like I'm keeping my head down forever it's not going to look like that but trust me real is different than feel I am physically doing all I can to keep my head down through the shot doesn't look like it I know but that's what I'm feeling and if what I'm feeling works and I'm going to keep doing it everything looks different when you do it full speed but you just have to have the feel real is different than feel as they say so I hit one in the Fairway here it's uphill at three iron give myself a chance that's what I just said five minutes ago give yourself a chance I have a long shot in probably actually not too bad probably about 145 to 150. it's dead uphill as you can see up there the ball is right there so I gotta fly a bunker there's 150 right there the orange I mean the yellow stake so let's call it 142. to the pin now this is where it gets tricky I can hit a pitching wedge might be too much I should hit a 50 degree a full 50. and aim left of the bunker and just fly it up there I probably have 140 uphill is 150 let's try it I have a 50 degree I'm just going to put my hands a little bit more forward turn my body back turn my body forward and keep my head down let's see what happens okay good I hit it hard I hit it right where I want it it's left and it's on the Green I bypassed the bunker could I have attacked it yeah I could have attacked it and gone right over the bunker and made a sensational shot once out of 20 shots the shot that I played was the save shot because I just told you three times in a row keep the ball in play avoid the hazards I have a 25 foot putt for birdie could I have had a six foot putt Maybe but I could have also hit it in the bunker or over the green I knew that that shot was going to land on the green somewhere give myself a chance at birdie and if not I make a par and keep it alive that's the whole story so let's go see what happens grab my 8802 balls on the Green totally makeable putt totally makeable it's a little long for sure but it's safe it is safe and that's all that I care about safe where should I place this let's place it right here I think you can see everything yeah oh that's beautiful okay hopefully that thing stays up I need a cameraman let's fix this this is an uphill putt you know how I know that because there's a huge mountain over there I get here spread my feet look at the cup I know it's going to break that way and I know it's uphill so I gotta hit it to like where that leaf is I take one practice stroke keep my head down and then execute that's all there is to it foreign didn't break very much see if I can tap that in this is a par putt bars are good keep my head down Park no sweat easy game so listen it works I love to tell you that because I know a lot of people preach all this stuff and you don't really know if it works but I'm telling you this works keep your head down exaggerated keep your head down take a normal swing keep your head down and release this way instead of left across your body I hope this helps leave me a comment if uh it's working for you see ya
Channel: Tropicana Entertainment
Views: 22,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FccToXiCe5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 33sec (1293 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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