DOES SHAFT FLEX MATTER?!? - 12 Handicap Blind Shaft Test!! "NOT WHAT I EXPECTED AT ALL..."

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because this is the debate isn't it does getting fitted for a driver's shaft absolutely matter now I'm a big Advocate that it does but I think there are plenty of people out there that think I'm not so sure so this is like a totally blind test I tap these shafts up like two or three days ago so to be honest with you I have forgotten which is which we're going to be looking at some big key factors here ball speed cled speed spin rate and overall total distance I'm actually intrigued whether sometimes there is a bit of a placebo we've got Josh behind the camera and he's going to test these four golf shafts right here now you can see these are numbered one two three and four Josh has no idea what Flex these are these go from senior Flex into regular stiff and then extra stiff it's going to be a blind test five shots with each I wonder which one is going to come out on top going to use Josh's same spec driver okay Josh come on give me a number what number do you want to start with first uh we'll go two two okay that is number two and Josh right here is just putting the final touches onto this conx kit to um basically make these shafts right here Universal this is one of those kits Scot stale are very kindly given us which means we can put these shafts on any head and this is Josh's current head the Cobra LTD XLS yes and I think an interesting point to make here is I've never been fitted for a driver no so I in one of the videos we spoke about the shaft that I used the Ventus Fuji cor shaft stiff shaft so it'll be interesting to see if that is right for me or not here we go shaft in hand and then your head Drive there we go we are ready to rock how you feeling what do you think of this shaft on what do you think this is it feel heavy does it feel stiff does it feel light does it feel I don't think it's regular I think it's stiff or extra stiff it's not it's not regular so your gut feeling is just based on how it feels in your hands right now that this one shaft number two is is some or extra stiff just because I was I'd expected a little bit more Flex from a a regular May wrong you do realize if you're wrong you might look really stupid right now I mean I feel like some of these videos have made to make me look a bit stupid so no never would do anything like that I'm too kind I would never do something like that good ball nice ball how that feel felt good actually little bit fadey little bit fadey but one of them that you don't really mind out on the golf course now Fair we find in it very finder it's not gone that far yeah but it's windy it's cold today it is so total distance 257 G one minute what he just went he's not gone too far that total distance 257 are you all right mate are you all right are you all right sorry is that you right sorry high standards high standards okay so 257 total distance Club speed 112 yeah speed ball speed 157.7mm woo and then that just shows how cold it is today yeah it is it is chilly we will Cate that and then spin rate 4,3 see this is why it's also not gone very far it was a little bit cuty wasn't it so interesting it's only rolled out for 10 yards so yeah cuz it was quite look at the flight quite cuty fighting the wind a little bit it's going to increase spin it is but you again it's one of them where you wouldn't be unhappy with it out in the golf course okay how the shf feel feel all right quite like it heavy light what you think um it doesn't feel particularly heavy but actually thinking about it it does feel heavier than mine now now you say it it's one of them way if you said to me as a mid- handicapper how does that sha feel does it feel heavy or not and you don't think a sha feels heavy the only cles I've ever ever felt heavy was when I first played the one LMS they felt heavy you don't really think that as a as a mid- handicapper I don't think that would be my assessment of that no I I I don't think many people can honestly you know what I mean you can't really tell the difference in a couple of grams so let's see how this goes I I really think that's a really interesting point from Josh there on the fact that do we actually really know what they are if we didn't look at the labels like we said this is a totally blind test so let's quickly move into shot number two of shaft number two now I know it's early days in this test but it's interesting to see Josh's reaction to the Sha does he like it does he like the feel what is the initial thought of the ball flight now one thing I'm picking up on here especially is the amount of curve a lot of it is quite a lot left to right which I guess you would expect let's move quickly into the rest okay so that's first Shaft down shaft number two felt on the stiff as side that last ball hit there was probably the best of the lot caught a bit better a bit of a higher launch um we'll see from the data how far it actually went but like I said felt a bit similar to my shaft it was on the stiffer side so it's going to be interesting to see how this changes as we go through and we change the shaft so let's get on to the next one right mate give me another number interesting that so you're going this one here shaft number two is stiffer yeah I'm going to say that's on the stiffer side I'm going to say very like I said very very similar to mine uh oh got it um let's go shaft number four four up shaft box number four playing Deal or No Deal if you're American you might not know what Deal or No Deal is this is set on neutral single dot 10 1 12° thinking why there's a gap here this is why we use like an extra long screw so these shafts become Universal and for here this is shaft number four now at the end of this video we're going to go through all this data and see which shaft comes out on top for Josh now as a pro I actually think sometimes golfers want certain shafts to work let me say for example right if it had a senior on there and you felt that you should be in a stiff or it had a regular on there you thought you should be an extra stiff we sometimes swing a shaft in order to make that shaft work almost like the prbo effect like Josh you get me that I'm I'm making it up plus see what guys are using on tour people like the look of how it looks with those guys are using it but you got to think that's fitted for them yeah but that's what you're talking about people want to use that shaft so we'll do whatever they can to get in it where it's probably not good for your game this blind test is much better okay first verdict on this what you think light heavy flexible okay flexible definitely light lighter than the last one as well it's weird now that you've like mentioned about it being heavier you start to think about it I think you get more tuned into it yeah when you start thinking about it but yeah definitely more flexible so it's going to be interesting to see how this goes let's go so moving into shaft number two of the day this is shaft number four now at the end of this we're going to go through every single piece of data the ball speed the club head speed the distance and the spin rate see what shaft works best well you know what interestingly I'm getting a good good feeling about this one just after seeing a few shots I'm liking the height I'm liking the launch I'm liking the predictability of what I've seen on the first few shots now at any point in this test let me know what you think but shaft number four right now coming from a golf club professional I like it a lot it's nice Josh has just absolutely ripped that that was like high it looked like low spinning come on to me through the numbers here so total 286 we've got B Club speed 11.8 so around that 112 Mark Ball speed 160. n Spin rate 2714 but did hit that in the middle yes pure that was that was a nice strike right f a ball away oh you've just abs absolutely nuted that too and the winds done nothing to it shaft number four right now you're feeling pretty good about feels good that but I am a bit concerned that it feels quite flexible Okay so we've got two more shafts to test let's go we have now Josh what's shaft number sha number one definitely feels lighter okay again so this feels lighter again from the previous one number four that we just hit yeah so it seems like we're getting lighter and lighter so that suggest to me it's probably going to be a little bit more flexible again okay right I'm going get G to get you just to hit all five away here give him a bash mate moving into shaft number one the third test of the day we have one more shaft to go after this as I keep saying let me know what you think is the best so the first two away a little bit higher a little bit more left to right I'm getting very very spinny Vibes on this first few shots with this shaft oh you've ripped that that's the flight you want on here how's that one feeling go on give me some feedback quickly it feels very flexible however bad uh I don't like it really I've just looked down at the number though and it's not as bad as you might think so when you say flexible is that cuz you don't know where the head is is that what you get and it feels very very light like you can see it moving um or you just really strong mate it could be that it's a verdict not a not a fan we've got one more to hit but carry wise I just thought i' give you an idea of what those shafts were CU I can remember them right now that last sha that last shaft was this senior shaft so bit of a a lower kick point in order to give people more Spin and in terms of that ball fight that we saw there with Josh it was a lot higher it was a lot spinni you'll also realize on a senior shaft usually they're a lot lighter and shorter the shaft that we hit first was the extra stiff shaft in the green and the one that we hit second um I don't know if that was stiff or regular cuz they're both the same color but we will go through this when we go through all the data now we have one more shaft to go and this one's either stiff or regular it's really interesting to see this data so far which we will summarize at the end because it's actually really close it really is closer than I thought it was going to be final shaft what are we on here yeah we're on number three first thoughts give it a waggle I think the waggle test I think I've sused it out don't tell me yet don't tell me yet fix it out and I have a feeling this could go quite well if I H it well so you think this is what I think this is a stiff shaft I think this is going to be the closest to mine um I think the other orange one was regular okay do you want me to tell you go then go I think the Green's extra stiff and I think the the last one was the most flexible of all them which was a senior or okay well not saying anything I'm really hoping he didn't overhear my conversation with you guys just a couple of minutes ago he was far enough away to not hear that so okay I'm really interested though we've got all the data so far apart from Shaft number three blind test final shaft let's do it moving into the final shaft of the day shaft number three now so far have you made up your decision of what one you think is the best now straight away this one's not anywhere near as accurate now just to caveat this Josh was warmed up fully before starting this test so it's not like this shaft at the end he's more warmed up and there therefore the DAT would be more favorable he'd hit plenty of shots to get warmed up you've now hit them all we've got the data to go through but like go which one's your favorite so we've got shaft one to shaft 4 give me a number of what you felt was the best for you I'm Tor I'm torn I'm torn between two and three oh not very smooth this that's not gone well not very smooth this you're having a bit of a m there mate that is doing me a Kipper here we go hold if you see an extra shaft there that's Josh's shaft by the way yes that's my that's my shaft um so I'm toring between two and three now I think these are stiff and extra stiff is is what I think from the field um this number three I hit the longest ball with so you think three is stiff yeah and I think this is extra ST what number I don't number two sorry number two my bad number two the green one is um yeah I i' I've be torn between these two I think they both perform quite well um I think those other two were just a little bit too flexible the spin was getting a bit high and when Alex talks through the numbers of that the spin rate was getting higher because of that am I right in saying that is that right does that make sense well have to wait and see won't we is that what should happen yes it should yes exactly so uh I've be talking between these two I hit the longest one I think with this with this one so maybe maybe this if I I think is stiff is right for me it's all that in it long number give me number which one's the best three now this is going to be really interesting because as we jump to home now I'm going to go through all the data all the averages from Shaft one all the way to shaft 4 so let's see if what Josh feels matches up with the data let's jump home this is the bit that I've been waiting for and I know you have too so just to remind you of the order the shaft that we hit first was shaft number two we then hit shaft number four then into shaft number one and then into shaft number three now looking at this data right here there are a few stands outs now looking at the ball speed number one ball speed was achieved with shaft number four the regular Flex this then reflected in a 280 yard total distance again the longest overall now that spin right in that good Zone in my opinion 2 and a half th000 to 3,000 right in that sweet spot yes this shaft didn't give the highest clpp head speed but it was only 1 mph short so looking at the standout performance right here we've got shaft number three and shaft number four this is the stiff and the regular it's interesting Josh said when I asked him what shaft that he liked the best it was number three and I'm thinking that's the feeling that he gets from that because it will feel a little bit stiffer a little bit more what he's used to in comparison to shaft number four the regular flex shaft now I guarantee if I had given Josh a regular flex shaft without taping these numbers up we wouldn't have got to this conclusion and this is the the point of this test we do this test to see and get the exact results a blind test is always the best way now if you did enjoy this video don't forget to subscribe and turn the Bell
Channel: How Good Golf
Views: 42,233
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shaft flex, driver shaft flex, does shaft flex matter, iron shaft flex, what shaft flex, what flex, what shaft flex should i play, what flex should i play, golf shaft flex, best shaft flex, best shaft flex for me, regualr or stiff flex, reugular vs stiff flex, stiff flex driver shaft, regular or stiff flex driver shaft, what flex is best, what shaft flex is best for me, seniors driver shaft, regular driver shaft flex, stiff shaft flex, stiff or x stiff shaft, x stiff shaft
Id: 4dXe7S9wSgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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