THE NEW MOST FORGIVING DRIVER IN GOLF EVER...They've gone under the radar

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so I've done it I've got my hands on the Cobra dark Speed Max and the Cleveland launcher XL2 now both these drivers I've tested individually but this is the test we've all been waiting for and I'm going to be putting them to the test in a head-to-head battle looking at very very ball speed carry and dispersion because if you're looking at the I guess forgiving category that has to be very high on that priority list now we do know that these two Brands right here are in the more cheaper end of the driver Market I would say less so this year to be honest on the Cobra it's 49 this year which did surprise me they're definitely being like like sort of 100ish cheaper that gap's definitely narrowing but the Cleveland is significantly cheaper AT3 29 and look at it now I'm excited about this test because I actually love both of these drivers and I think this is a little bit underrated now what's really interesting is these head shapes the Cleveland on the left the Cobra on the right can you see how the both sort of I describe them like as uh like someone stood on the top of them and they're both very elongated towards the back and down at the ball you can see again both so similar in the sense of that elongated back now there are some subtle differences we got the Cobra which is obviously a matte finish show a little bit more stealth like looking down on it whereas the Cleveland is a little bit more I guess traditional isn't it you've got the the shiny Chrome you've got the sort of more shiny face but both both very very similar and the other thing that I've noticed the Cleveland has a slightly deeper face just here compared to the Cobra so go on at first glance if you're doing it based on looks is there anyone that you like the look of now I know you're probably all going to say cobra because it's a bit more of a trendier brand isn't it but don't forget right this is over near enough1 less so it still performs or if it outperforms surely that wins the battle cuz this is what Cobra used to do didn't they they used to be that cheaper I'm not saying it's cheap but that cheaper club that really does perform now that gap's narrowing with them to likes of tailor maid and Callaway is it time for a new new driver this one right here in this forgiving category to take that Crown we're going to do this in a head-to-head battle we're going to start off by hitting two away with the Cleveland to start then two away with the Cobra and then head to head all the way in I have lofted this Cleveland down to 9° right now so they're both set on 9° just to make sure this test is super super Fair now soundwise will it be similar will it be different this is what I'm really intrigued at sound numbers dispersion let's go and we are going to take this test a stage further we're going to go down the Fairway and show you exactly where all these golf balls are finished cuz we're going to hit white golf balls with the Cleveland launcher and we're going to hit colored golf balls with the Cobra driver yeah I'm excited to see where these land I'm a bit worried though cuz there is water down this left hand side I hope some of them don't end up there now the ideal line if you can see the White House there I'm move out the way it's just right there near that bunker that's the IDE ideal line okay so first ball away two away with the Cleveland to start oh I remember this sound that is such a good shot but it's like three Fairways away You're going to hear it God that was a good flight I actually tested this driver originally a little bit more on the 10 and a half setting but putting that down to that 9° right there I actually really love that flight but the numbers are interesting actually look at this I had 260 yard total but this is really quite interesting I'm going to scan through these numbers we had a 161 ball speed good high 112 Club speed good high but look at that spin through the roof maybe just the way I hit that but didn't feel like I got like that and carry was really quite short there 226 that is not the start I was thinking this Cleveland driver was going to have it needs I tell you what what it needs either it's the conditions today we are a little into the wind these numbers are not normalized yeah okay but this is everything we're taking into account everything ball speed Club head speed total uh carry and where these balls finish okay ball number two with the Cleveland one near there would be ideal Alex oh that's spun off to the right oh that had some serious movement that's near that tree maybe a little heel but that felt all right again numbers very very similar ooh that was seriously interesting that not something I was expecting first drive felt like was great went a lot shorter than I thought the second Drive ended up near that tree on the right hand side so dispersion wise that's a little wider again now like I say I first tested this driver with more Loft but just to make sure these drivers are the same Loft like I've got to just make it as Fair as possible Right both on 9° not one on 10 just just really trying to yeah make this a fair test okay now time for two with the Cobra like I said I'm going to hit the colored gold balls now away with this Cobra driver see these drivers are so similar in head shape it's that's like someone's just gone like that isn't it and like gone douch and stood on it right here we go first one away with the Cobra you know what at Cleveland maybe it's today maybe it's me but this will certainly put it in perspective different sound isn't it more inviting sound I'm going to say a lot of more of a higher launch on that but very very similar numbers I just lost yards overnight I've got there a 225 yard carry 3,625 revs per minute spin a 11.9 club speed a 59.4 ball speed and just to give you perspective a 260 yard total very very similar now I'll reiterate this these are just both stock standard shafts I'm not upgrade anything because that would really change the price point it wouldn't be in that cheaper category then also I haven't normalized these numbers I'm just trying to give myself a bit of a pat on the back saying come on you can do this okay let another one away with the Cobra oh I can't hit a driver better than that that was hit really really good they're going to be really close together you know those two down that left wing maybe in the semi roof but really nice hit really nice hit that was so scented look at this look at this I've never seen this before this is the teg straight out the middle this is neck and neck isn't it two drives away with each four in total things I'm picking up on the Cobra definitely launched a little higher the Cleveland launched a little lower but again these are both the same Lofts okay two away again with each of these drivers to get some more numbers like I we said at the start of this video we're going to hit five away with each oh that was so good I love that flight a little necky you know a little necky but that's middle of the faway again oh bit of a spoon up in the air that one still though it's going to be a lot shorter oh it's gone left that's a lost ball that's a last ball so we've now hit four drives with each I'm starting to get a really good impression and remind myself of what I like and what I dislike about both of these drivers now one thing I would say is these numbers aren't covering me in glory today but you know what that happens but looking at these numbers closely it is neck and neck so let me go through a few things that I like and dislike before we get the final drive away which will really settle the averages and I'll be honest settle this debate let's start off with the Cobra now the four drives that I've hit you can see on the screen here they launch a lot higher that I liked because I didn't feel like it was spinning too much but saying that the data did say it was now I actually like the sound of this driver much more more and the look of the matte finish on top looking at the Cleveland driver here you can see it's not got that matte look as we've said it's a bit more of that brushed finish look but I do enjoy the look of this back Edge a little more things that I don't like is the sound right the sound is quite high pitched and you can definitely hear this from one Fairway to the next people will know you have it now if it performs better I'll be honest that's not going to be the be all and end all for me but it has to per better other things that I noticed with the Cleveland was I know I lofted this down but they are the same Loft at 9° but like it was launching like just putting these golf clubs up for an example Cobra was up here Cleveland's like here maybe maybe I don't I just I'm going to try and launch this last one a little more just just to sort of see what that one goes like and then we'll go down the Fairway have a look at the dispersion and dive into all and I say all all of these numbers It's the final drive with the Mee and you can definitely feel that bit of wind inside the left my nightmare wind I'll be honest with you okay if I try and launch this one a little more let's see what happens W I got that one I really got that one I'm going to say it's one of the best maybe creeping off the side of the Fairway have a look at these numbers now it's actually not more clubhead speed 16.2 ball speed 107.9 Club speed 266 total I'm ding see what the carry is like here 232 carry and that spin's come way down there maybe it was just a little toe side of Center which if we're being perfectly honest anytime you hit something slightly to side that will knock the spin down a little okay let's hit this final wall this is the colored gold ball with the Cobra dark Speed Max driver then we'll get in the Boogie and have a look where these have all finished oh launched so high that time that's going to really impact the numbers it's straight we're fine the Fairway that's going to really impact the numbers so this is really quite interesting I've just come down the fway here to see where these go balls are finished I can see two colored ones here colored one further up some white ones here and a white one there looking at where these are finished and see if the data supports this cuz obviously I'm looking at carry not total finishing distance like if if this all matches now just to put it in perspective we off from just around here you can see that sort of bench and we were just in here so this is what I mean right we had this rubbish to contend with so there's that tree here and this is where I hit the F well one of the Cleveland drivers that went a little bit right we've got two of the Cobra drivers right here in front of me that I didn't hit very well at all here being the green and there being the red now if I zoom into this corner over here you can see a real cluster of white golf balls so looking at where these balls are finished right now we had a white ball in the semi-rough another white ball in the thicker roof down the left and three of the white gol balls on The Fairway there is two of the Cobra golf balls the colored golf balls on The Fairway one that we hit in the trees left and then two golf balls just down here like maybe you can see that one poking out the roof there and over there so that stayed in by the skin of its teeth there but you can see here one one longest gold ball two three another one up there that's just in the semi roof now we have a narrow winner in my opinion on the accuracy we had three drives in the ferry with the Cleveland and two with the Cobra but we've got to take into account we actually lost one of the Cobra drivers up here in the left inside so does that make the Cleveland the straightest the most forgiving the straight the sort of best dispersion I would definitely have to say yes is the answer to that okay with all that being said we got a three to two wi over here and one lost golf ball let's have a look what the data said so the ball speed the actual carry numbers actual physical data and and okay what the spin differences were which my eyes like they were spinning far too much for me I just don't get on sometimes with these style of drivers in these stock shafts and it's now time to have a look at this data you've got the Cleveland and the dark speed after hitting plenty of shots with each and I'll be honest there is literally nothing between them the only thing we can really pick out here on the data is that the dark speed spun a lot more than the Cleveland but again I want to reiterate this this is something that I guess would just stock shafts in a head-to-head battle also for my own sanity we didn't normalize the data and it was into the wind but looking at this these drivers are neck and neck I hope you enjoyed the video and don't forget to subscribe for the channel for more review content coming up
Channel: How Good Golf
Views: 11,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: THE NEW MOST FORGIVING DRIVER IN GOLF EVER...They've gone under the radar, most forgiving driver, forgiving driver, driver, best driver of 2024, most forgiving driver of 2024, driver review, reviews, golf reviews, forgiving drivers of 2024, most forgiving driver now, best driver, most forgiving driver 2024, best driver 2024, easiest driver to hit, ping 10k max vs qi10 max, qi10 max driver, ping g430 10k max driver, mizuno st max driver, callaway ai smoke max driver
Id: WbADBr7r1xc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2024
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