Closing tips from Grant Cardone

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why you have to ask repeatedly over and over and over again if any of you are on a video webcast that I did last Tuesday night there was almost 10,000 people there and people were like dude why are you pitching your product so hard why do you repeat it so many people were like man I learned so much from watching the pitch your pitch how you pitch and you keep going back on your pitch again you repeat it again and my friend Michael Burt I asked him I said hey was it too much and he he was very honest with me he said good guy by the way follow-up at Michael Burke he said yeah at times it seemed like too much couldn't you just do it one time in the right place he was asking what do you think about finding the right one time toward the end of the deal to do it and I said look you need to understand that people must be repeatedly asked no matter how good your product is how good your offer is how good your service is how good your product is there's a reason why people must be repeatedly asked over and over and over again and it has nothing to do with you your product or your offer so I want to hit on that and I'll take some questions okay we'll keep this try to keep this down in like 15 minutes possible people want to buy yeah they do but people want to be sold I believe they do Jeffrey Gitomer says people don't want to be sold they want about I don't know what the right thing is I know for 30 years I've been selling products I've sold them door to door I've sold over the phone I've done deals the smallest $1.00 that required effort and energy and push and biggest deal I've ever done was one hundred and twenty six million dollars in one month of things that I closed other people on doing I've done it in with wrist bands books speaking engagements tangibles intangibles I've sold people that we're trying to fix their their credit could barely afford the payment and I've pitched to people that have so much money that making a million-dollar mistake doesn't even matter and they're literally thinking that if I'm overpaying about a million dollars where does it matter I sold a house in Los Angeles what for three years three and a half years ago and I sold to people that were billionaires and they were overpaying for the product and they knew they were overpaying for the product I knew they were overpaying for the product and they're like why would we pay this much for the product they have bought the house next door I've never actually shared this story there they bought the house next door to me for what was the number 20 20 24 million dollars and then bought mine for 17 and they're like 17 your house is overpriced they were going to tear him on down I was the the house next door was brand-new they said we just paid 24 for this and your house is to tear down it needs to come down and it's in bad shape and I told them all that the roof bad there's there's no bathtub in the bathroom you-you-you got all this work to do there's water damage in the house and they're like well why would you're telling us all that why would we pay 17 I'm like well you're not paying 17 and they're like what do you mean that's what you want for the house and I said no you're paying 41 your house next door and this house the two together is 21 million your taxes in the first year are going to be $600,000 is that right two percent or 24 million yeah six hundred thousand the next 10 years you're going to base six million dollars in property taxes you're going to pay too much for taxes I paid too much for the house you're going to pay too much for the house forty-one million dollars for two Lots side by side is freaking ridiculous you're overpaying no matter what I sell it for and they were like yeah you're right and both the deal now why am I telling you that I'm telling you that because anytime you shrink away from your price issue your value gets diminished by the position you take if you're tweeting tweeting if you're doing anything on Twitter just just understand what I just told you will change your life forever price is a myth any price someone pay is too much and any price you get is too little no one gives you a price because they think it's worth that price if they offer me 16 million for my house they believe it is worth more than 16 million so lunch the Bayou of Bowie says he says ABC always be posing but the reality is most people can't ABC it can't always be closing because you don't have the closing material you need closing material and you need to understand that people get hung up on price they're obsessed and compulsive about price how much is it that's how people think they justify or make sense of value and that's how they negotiate they negotiate on price when in most cases price is not the most critical issue so I'm going to give you one more piece that you need to understand if you can get this piece wrapped around you had two things I want you to understand price is a myth because all numbers are made up including the first numbers zero is made up one was made up two was made up 10,000 was made up the second thing I want you to understand is this okay numbers are made up price is a myth a dollar value is made up it's only in the mind of the beholder like Beauty the second thing this is the most important thing and this is what I was telling coach Michael Burke the reason you must repeat your offer if you wronged millions on the phone calm the other night and I repeated the offer it was an eight thousand dollar offer that we provided for a thousand bucks it's almost four hundred segments of content okay the reason I repeated the offer all over and over Andy Moore age 16 the guy's awful I am a terrible terrible man that has provided an unbelievable unbelievable lifestyle for myself and my family young man the reason I repeated the offer is because I know that you must repeat the offer because your bar lacks certainty about themself ok understand this you must repeat the offer you must ask for the offer over over and over again not because of you not because of your price not because of your value proposition your product your reputation you know I even tell people look you cannot actually blow a deal a salesperson cannot mess a deal up by what they do but by what they don't do when the consumer lacks certainty belief in themselves and their ability to make a good decision they will not close okay when people need to think about it it means your certainties look raise the certainty raise the certainty and they'll purchase and the way to do that understand it's not about you it's not about your product they don't believe you because they don't believe in themselves anymore they don't trust themselves their ability to make a good decision so what I want you to do the next time that happens when somebody says I need to think about excellent great that's right out of Celebi soul always always always agree first and then what I want you to do is I want you to ask the customer hey let me ask you something in your lifetime have you ever made a bad decision I want you to bring that topic up have you ever made a bad decision in your life oh my god yes I have made many of them or only a couple tell me about it tell me when you made a bad decision see once they actually have that communication with you they might start moving through the number of times they had and made good decisions this will build certainty back up okay and it will start dissing dismissing the need to wait stall or put it off or they might talk to you about well you know you know no I mean I had a guy tell me I did actually truth is I always make good decisions I just don't make rash decisions great have you ever made a rash decision that was bad no I don't actually make rash decisions great how much how much investigation have you done with me I've spent two hours with you I've been here three times the only way this would be rash is if you had done it the first time I met you let's do this okay so it doesn't matter Darryl Darryl Lopes if you're asking for dinner tonight where you're paying I need to think about it let me check with my mom let me check with my girlfriend let me think about it or hey need you to make a 1 million dollar decision right now the the offered that we may be of the night that my friend Michael Byrd asked me about was a $49 it was a I'm sorry it was a 990 $5 offer for an $8,000 product and I had to repeatedly ask for the order over and over and over again to hit on numbers so what I'm encouraging to do right now is this and I'll open it up for questions I'm giving you free content and like this that could cost you anything you not to buy anything you have to do anything if you have a bad connection ninja underscore zero if you guys are having a bad connection let me know and maybe it's on my side I don't think it is but maybe it is the customer has to be asked repeatedly why because their certainties low price will not fix their certainty it will only mean you closed the deal for less money and unable to service your client the reason you must repeatedly ask for the business is because the uncertainty of the individual in themself it has nothing to you I don't count me times a day I got to go look at another product I got a little look at this I got to go look at that I got to go do more research on the Internet but most of your buyers are doing more more research on the Internet some people say that they're 57% of the way there when they call you or visit you and they're ready to go so would you take away from this I'm telling you how to close more sales okay ask ask more often repeat the offer repeat what you're asking for when they start feeling like you're pressure and then understand this you're not pressuring them if they knew the right thing to do they would've already made a decision they would have bought their uncertainty dropped you have to raise it and once you do bill by the way to raise that certainty is to bring them back to a time when they made bad decisions ask them about it talk about it tell me about it and you'll find out most of the time that when value exceeds price and certainty rises they'll be like dude what are we waiting for I've had people do this no way no way to all said like what are we waiting for because now they've said oh I don't make bad decisions look even when I made a bad decision because I had a guy tell me once yeah I've made a lot of bad decisions really tell me about and then he tells me this time this time this time in this time and then I'm like yeah you're still here didn't kill you okay would you do it different what does this have to do with that this decision today doesn't have anything to do with that one then okay I'll open up to your questions really appreciate it hope you appreciate the time if you do scan to the right if you're on periscope share on Twitter or meerkat that you're sharing the post and I'll take some of your questions now I have a book of notes grant over Anderson Cooper hands down well I tell you the difference with me and Anderson Cooper's he's never made a millionaire and I've made a bunch of them how can I apply it to fashion design same thing it doesn't matter what your product is your product has nothing to do with it okay in fashion design you would have a tremendous amount of competition people that aren't serving about their ability make a decision you will be talking to a lot of people that are second third and fourth influencers and not decision makers that are more worried about protecting their job than bringing out the next big fashion you got to bring them back to hey tell me about a time when you introduced your product or an idea to the decision maker and it was a good decision maker that's also good for gatekeepers you know so-and-so doesn't want to see you I know mister gatekeeper but you're the person that decides whether or not I get in there or not okay when is the last time you introduced someone like me to the decision maker and it paid off big-time it was a good thing for everybody oh god I made this introduction once you see you restored his or her the gatekeepers ability to give you the decision maker I love your book the 10x rule says din D Carter Inc thank you so much sales hustler grant cardone calm /sa yes thank you for doing that sales hustler yeah he's talking about a sales conference that I'm doing with LinkedIn inside sales and Microsoft called it's a sales summit sales acceleration summit it's free May 7th if you go to Grant Cardone calm /si s it's a free registration I see some people are actually using both mechanisms meerkat and periscope ok open it up to your questions appreciate the hearts on Pierce cat of periscope periscope grant is always in my ear when I'm not slam thank you how do you bounce back after a 0 10 sales appointments in a day you had 10 appointments in one day and you closed none of them Wow what I would do in that case is I would start trying to help other people ok because you definitely have the plague right now the sales play the closures plague you don't have it man every shot you're throwing up in the ball hits hair can't even hit a rim can a backboard so what I would do right now is I would start trying to help other people I'd start passing the ball off hey give me a lead give me somebody to call let me take a turn for you let me help with some of your clients because you'll take more risk with somebody else's clients at this point and you will with your own are you doing more periscopes I'm going to try to do a periscope three times a week if you follow me I'll give notification you'll get a notification that I'm doing one so you get a heads-up I see a lot of people coming in late so if you follow me
Channel: Grant Cardone
Views: 588,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sales coaching, business coaching, cardone, money, cardone training technologies, cardone university, millionaire booklet, grant, close the sale, yt:cc=on, Sales tips done, the 10x rule, sales tips, grant cardone, wealth, sales, sales training, sales techniques, 10x, selling, be obsessed or be average, closing tips, sell or be sold, Close the sale, how to succeed, social media, Sales
Id: BheLU1aDM8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2015
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