Cloning Mk262 - pt 10 - H4895 and Reloder 15

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welcome back folks this is going to be video number 10 in our mark 262 cloning series the basic premise is that we are trying to duplicate this stuff this is the black hills 77 grain otm this stuff used by the military designated as Mark 262 mod 1 so video number 10 right and the first 9 videos have been absurdly successful we've found some great powders that match the velocity of the Black Hills factory ammo which was about 27 52-27 60 feet per second we've been regularly duplicating its accuracy at about a half inch 6/10 of an inch out of my white oak armament barrel so it's just all-around seemed too easy today is the day all of that changed video number 10 is a dumpster fire the two powders I wanted to look at today are hajj doom h 4895 we tested IMR 4895 a couple videos ago he wasn't bad standard deviations were a little bit gross it didn't quite get us where we needed to be on velocity but figured this would be a good time to go ahead and test h 4895 just to get a good direct comparison with IMR 4895 i have much more experience with IMR 4895 so i was looking to learn about h 4895 the second powder for today is the legend reloader 15 it's an outstanding 223 powder go to any match where people are shooting heavy bullets in 223 and you're gonna smell some burning real odor 15 very good accuracy but it was you know kind of doubtful that we can get the velocity that we need out of this powder or at least I have my doubts so those those were the two powders today couple of extruded options and I expected that we would get some outstanding accuracy at the least even if we maybe didn't quite reach the velocities we were looking for well what happened is that I went out I shot two shots of my starting charge or my first charge of age 48 95 and solve major pressure signs had to stop I'll go ahead and show you now here's a look at the brass big old gnarly burr where the extractor is on one of them and the other had a really deep swipe you know smear there where the extractor is I did not expect this now luckily after I fired the first shot I looked over at my chronograph I'm in that habit right I want to know about where we're starting out for velocity and I try to keep tabs on velocity as I go the first shot was twenty seven hundred and fifty eight feet per second faster than I even thought we would be able to get to with this powder but the first one was the piece of brass that you know clearly had pressure wasn't quite awful so I went ahead to shot one more shot it was twenty seven hundred ninety eight feet per second and it was the one that raised up the big gnarly burr so at that point stopped now I moved on to reloader fifteen and I ended up shooting two rows of it I was getting a couple of ejector smears but it wasn't like catastrophic or anything it wasn't terrible but I was spooked at that point and you know what with the other powders we've been testing in this series that's where we've been stopping so I decided to call it quits on reload or 15 as well so twelve shots is all we got on the range so what I want to do what I want to turn this video into here is I want to try to justify my choices for loads I want to talk about other things that possibly I could have screwed up that I verified that I don't think I did I just kind of want to talk this through just like all the other you know videos in the series of the the other components were the same we're shooting Lake City brass we're shooting the 77 grain Sierra with the can lure we're shooting CCI number 41 primers this time we have been shooting Remington seven and a half sometimes but you know kind of been switching back and forth a little bit today was the CCI forty one day and let's start let's let's talk through the load data and let's start with H 4895 the first place I looked was the Hodgdon website they have load data for the 77 Green Sierra hollow-point boattail we shoot an overall length of two point two four six in this series just because that's what was in the you know that's what we found in the Black Hills there data is for two point two six zero so it's a little bit longer so with our shorter overall length we'd have to expect that that might cause a little bit of extra pressure but with with H 4895 they show a max charge of twenty two point six so that was that was the first place I looked that was the first data input I took max twenty two point six according to Hodgdon the second place was in the Sierra manual the Sierra load data they were a good bit higher they actually showed twenty three point six grains so that's a full grain hotter than the Hodgdon data and as far as I know both of these places are talking about you know these were tested to two twenty three pressure so in this series we're willing to go into five five six pressures and for the first nine videos we've been exceeding all of the published load data out there on pretty much every powder so here's what I ended up choosing as my five charge weights with H 4895 started at twenty two point eight that's hot now I'm not saying twenty two point eight was a smart choice starting above the powder manufacturers max certainly not smart but I guess I got falsely confident with that twenty three point six number from Sierra so I decided to go all the way up to twenty four so twenty two point eight to twenty four point zero was the range and I did three tenths increments as you can as you saw the first two shots of that twenty two point eight grain load were over twenty seven hundred and fifty feet per second with the worst pressure signs we've seen throughout this whole series my head is still kind of spinning from this one I did not expect this I really didn't so moving on to reload of fifteen the same load data sheet from Sierra here shows a max charged with three loader 15 of twenty four point one if we go to the Alliant website they also show a max charge of twenty four point one so I feel pretty good about twenty four point one and just reading around the forums and stuff what people shot like I said this is an incredibly popular powder twenty four point zero grains is given out as a pet load all over the place load them two length on top of 24 grains and you're good to go so since I had a pretty good idea of where the sweet spot was on reloader 15 I ended up doing two tenths of a grain increments starting at twenty three point seven and loading all the way up to twenty four point five so twenty three point nine these certainly weren't bad pressure signs I could have gone I could have shot another row or two I doubt we would have made it to twenty four point five but still two tenths of a grain under the maximum from two different published data sources and we're seeing pressure so this was just very surprising let me show you the accuracy really quick of course with two two shots of H 4895 we can't really learn a whole lot there but our two groups that we shot with reload of fifteen first one was a 716 that kind of had one it got snuck up a little bit high and run the group and then the second was a 504 so no and you know no surprise I expected outstanding accuracy from reload or 15 and that's what we got all the velocities there 26 24 and 26 51 so we were still a hundred feet per second below our target so I don't think we were going to get there so ignoring reload or 15 real over 15 wasn't that far out of what we expected but aged 48 95 was the big shock first you know the first thing I was thinking was first of all did I read my notes wrong did I weigh the wrong charge or with my scale was it out of calibration or did I not have it zeroed properly or something like that so I actually already tore one apart and measured it a little bit ago so here's a 20/20 grain check weight just to verify the scale it reads 20 point zero so scale looks good I've got my Hornady camlock bullet puller here in the press out of view but that reads 22.7 I don't know if I missed a granule or two in there but close enough 22.8 is what it was supposed to be and I'm reading 22.7 and it actually just switched to 22.8 so the charge weight was correct I didn't screw that up so the second thing I thought of was okay maybe whenever I resized this brass I screwed up my seeding dye I don't know I had the wrong shell holder in there and didn't realize it or something and I screwed up the headspace really bad so I've got my Hornady comparator here if we take a loaded round at this the one I grabbed here has got a bit of a shoulder dent yeah can you see that that's kind of jacking up the reading just a touch so I'm gonna grab a different one here so like one point four six zero is the number I'm getting and actually that that last piece with the width the shoulder dent was reading the same thing one point four six zero now fired piece of brass one point four six - so that's mm longer I thought I had set him back three thousandths but it looks like two or three perhaps one point four six to five so I didn't screw that up two or three thousandths of headspace after sizing now I had moved the scope off of the gun and then put it back on today so before I started shooting these I had fired a couple rounds of some ciders that I had laying around they were loaded with the 65 grand game King and this brass looks perfectly fine no problems at all so I don't think there was anything going on with the gun I just started to hot eight tenths of a grain below Sierra's max with H 4895 and two tenths below with reloader 15 and I'm in trouble so this crazy series notwithstanding and did to be honest we've started reasonably low with most powders we've gotten a little hotter than I anticipated to start with a couple but most of them we've been down 25 50 2,600 feet per second wondering whether we were going to get you know hot enough to get to where we needed to be for velocity which is just about perfect right we want our highest charge to be barely showing us some pressure signs so we get you know so we get an idea of just how far that powder can be pushed and I think you know I think we've just been lucky here through the first nine videos and chosen more or more or less correct the other thing on the H 4895 the reason I chose the loads that I did also was because those were the exact five loads that we shot with IMR 4895 and I thought that would make for you know an interesting one to one comparison plus it fell under Sierra's max load so I thought we could get away with it but I certainly didn't so I think I will return to H 4895 mainly because you know now that it's kind of defeated me I want to see like what's the practical max load for my gun and what sort of velocity do I get we know it's not going to get us there because what we saw was about the velocity we were looking for and it had major pressure signs so I don't you know I want to know how far do we need to back off from that to still be good so 2700 might be a more realistic practical target for H 4895 but it'll be fun to test anyway so I think that's pretty much it I might I don't know I don't know if you guys like seeing the shooting or not it's not that useful here but I'll go ahead and put it together and add it to the end of this video but I think I've run out of stuff to talk about and I've got a whole bunch of bullets I need to pull so I think that's where we'll wrap it up the next video in this series I don't know if we'll go back to H 4895 and pick another powder can play around with it or I want to test H for 14 or Winchester 760 as far as I know those are the same powders so H for 14 and maybe age 380 getting back to the extremely slow side of things with H 380 there so that might be the next video in this series I'm not sure I'll think it over I'll see what you guys have to say about this situation because it really caught me off guard so if you'd like to help support the channel come to today is Thanksgiving so you know a lot of deals going on so as you do your shopping consider come and clicking on one of my affiliate links to get you there this is going up on Thanksgiving so if you're watching it I hope your turkey wasn't dry and I'll see you guys next time hi folks we've got a target at ninety one point four meters or 100 yards our weapon system for today consists of an 18 inch white oak armament barrel with a one-in-eight twist in a Palmetto state armory upper we're using an Odin Works bolt carrier group and a Silencerco omega suppressor with a Magneto speed chronograph additional details will be down in the description if you care about such things we're going to start with H 48 95 22.8 grains it's next I've got five rounds in a 10 shot magazine at the conclusion of my introduction I will make ready and fire at will upon my target until the weapon system is clear I will then put the weapon on safe unload show clear to the camera before moving on to our next exercise load let's get started holy crap the chronograph says 2758 let me double check that piece of brass we might be in trouble before we even get started here yeah sure enough that piece of brass has gotten an ejector swipe it's not too bad though so I'll tell you what I'll go ahead and shoot one more will will kind of do this one shot at a time and look at the brass [Music] yeah we're done here that piece yeah we're done here holy crap I sure miss judge this so that one cooked in the chamber and had plenty of time to warm up it's velocity was 27 98 and the ejector mark on it is even worse it actually raised up a nice little burr Wow I sure did screw this one up what a bonehead move alright moving on to reloader 15 our first three loads are inside of Alliance load data so hopefully we'll be a little bit less stupid here so alright starting out twenty three point seven grains ok velocity on that guy was 26 34 and I checked the piece of brass just to be sure and it looks just fine so moving right along [Music] all right great-looking group 26 24 feet per second 7.8 feet per second standard deviation I like those numbers however there are two pieces of the brass that seemed to have got a little bit of a swipe I wasn't expecting that until we got up to around 24 it's not so bad I want to continue so next up 23.9 grains [Music] [Music] yeah I'm straight up getting ejector swipes here so we're just going to call it done Wow load 50 rounds and only get to shoot 12 of them I am an idiot let's pack up get back to the bench
Channel: Johnny's Reloading Bench
Views: 32,053
Rating: 4.9483037 out of 5
Id: XhiAdNLLwpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2017
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