.223 Rem - 77gr Sierra Match King with StaBALL 6.5 and Match Rifle

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alright folks welcome back it's time for our next mark 262 cloning video it's been a long time since we've done one of these about a year and a half for those of you who weren't around back then or maybe you forgot what the heck we're talking about we're trying to clone this stuff right here this is the Black Hills 77 grain otm the military uses this and it's designated mark 262 mod 1 it uses the 77 grain sierra matchking with a cane lure and the velocities are really high I try not to be a safety nag all the time but this is one where it's definitely appropriate every load I'm gonna shoot today is going to be over published max especially 223 published max this is a really hot rod 556 round and cloning its performance should be approached with extreme caution so like I said this is the 15th video did I mention that I get asked all the time whether the series is over or when the next video is going to come the series is never going to end the reason why we haven't had a video in a long time as I've kind of run out of powders that I think will hit the velocities we need to duplicate this round with my old 18-inch white oak armament SPR barrel 20 750 feet per second is what we hit I recently got a new barrel for my 223 AR it is the white oak armament predator that's a 20 inch barrel I've only got a couple hundred rounds through it and we've shot a few of the mark 262 clone loads in it and I think we're getting about an additional 50 to 75 feet per second depending on the powder so 2800 to 28:25 is kind of our target in the new barrel as far as I know that's another reason for today's video I want to put some more rounds through this new barrel I don't have confidence in it yet our tests up to this point have been kind of ok the groups aren't quite matching up with what we came to expect from the 18-inch barrel kind of overall in this mark 262 series with the old barrel the factory ammo shot about a point 7 inch group if I'm remembering correctly and as we tested loads the good ones we found when we when we hit upon a good combination we were seeing groups between 0.5 and point 7 inches so very good shooting combo in 18 inch barrel this 20 inch barrel has a different chamber though it's got forget what Oak calls it it's there here's our varmint chamber or their predator chamber I can't remember what they call it but it's got a little bit shorter throat so things are just a touch different I want to put some rounds through the gun today see how it's shooting and while we're at it I want to bring a couple new powders into this series the first is Winchester stable 6.5 I'm not sure we're going to get there as far as velocity goes we're probably going to run out of case capacity now on the honten website they've got load data for this powder for a pretty wide range of bullet weights in 223 but they've they've got the 77 grain sierra matchking they've got the 80 grain and the 90 grain Sierra's so with the 77 grain bullet they dote they do show it being a compressed load with a max charge of twenty six point eight and they're listed pressure it looks like they were able to hit max pressure with the load but the velocity numbers lag a little bit behind CFE 223 and BL see to which they're a little bit faster burning than stable six five the charge weights are - yeah around two grains of powder less then stable six five so this one this one just might be a little bit too slow burning a little bit too bulky to get enough into the case to get up to the velocities we're looking at or we're looking for now if we compare that to the 90 grain match king load data they've got stable six five catches up and passes both CFE 223 and BL c2 in velocity so if you're shooting 90s if you got a rig where you're shooting 90s or 95 then this is probably gonna be a really good velocity option for you but we're gonna see how you know how high we can get here with the 77 grain match King I'm also curious you know what sort of accuracy we're gonna get we're still in the early days here with stable 65 it just came out a couple months ago we've done a little bit of accuracy testing with it in 22-250 the results weren't awesome standard deviations weren't that great you know the velocity was a little bit all over the place with most combinations we tried but hopefully it'll be good here in this application the two the other two powders I was just talking about CFE 223 and BL C to both of those powders were able to hit our Vil ah City target in this series but both of them really just did not shoot very well and they had high standard deviations of velocity and they definitely didn't make our favorite powders list for this series which if you want to go back I mean we're up to we've tested probably almost twenty powders I've got a separate playlist just for this series of videos so if you're interested go back and check them out this has been a really fun series with some really good shooting loads and a lot of surprising results and I guess I should say like I mentioned stay ball 6 5 is kind of the main one where we're going to test today and add to the list if I've missed powders that should be included in this series you let me know because I enjoy making these videos another powder that I haven't shown in this series his shooters world match rifle I did do a separate video just on this powder and we shot this combination we shot the 77 grain sierra matchking and it was able to reach the velocities we needed for a mark 262 clone load so I'm going to shoot it here in this video but I already know what my charge weight needs to be so we're not gonna do like kind of a full velocity workup on it since the jobs already done shooters world match rifle is extremely close to accurate 25 20 which has been an impressive powder in this series it's hard to track down the history of some of these powders sometimes you never know who's speculating and who's giving you good information but my understanding is that accurate 25 20 used to be the same thing as shooters rolled match rifle which is the the same as the Lubbock's 0 I think it's d07 3-0 6 and this is made in Czech Republic but I think for some reason Western powders moved on to other suppliers of basically a clone of this powder right now this is made in the US of A so different countries of origin they're definitely not exactly the same but man they're SuperDuper close so shooters world match rifle is a good option to try if you're looking to clone mark 262 the other thing I noticed as I was getting prepped for this this whole box you know this is the same box of 50 that we started the series with there are still 5 unfired shots so we're going to fire these today and get a new baseline as far as velocity and pressure signs and you know all the stuff we do or we did way back in the first video to see how this stuff shot in our original 18-inch barrel so I've pulled out five of my favorite powders from this series so we'll call this kind of the verification loads so we're going to shoot five pieces of the factory ammo and then we're going to shoot these five loads video vari in 540 was extremely impressive whenever we tested it a our comp was pretty awesome it's very close to the pressure though if I'm remembering correctly from our AR comp tests we're kind of pushing a our comp a little harder than I wish we were and the same thing goes with the next powder 8208 xbr I include them here because they've traditionally given us the best accuracy we've seen in this series I believe and backing these guys off a couple tenths or half grain or something would give us you know virtually the same performance with better brass life and all of that stuff but we're gonna shoot him here at the listed charges the next one shooters world match rifle we're gonna shoot twenty five point two grains and if you remember back from the earlier videos accurate twenty five twenty it's kind of funny because the name is the charge weight twenty five point two grains of accurate twenty five twenty has been what we've shot and found to be our clone load and it's the same charge with shooters world match rifle the last one is from I think our last video in this series and that's power Pro varmint it shot very well it was very impressive and it's another one that is very close to twenty five twenty and match rifle and you'll see the charge weight is barely different twenty four point eight grains ride around that twenty five grain mark so those are our verification loads for stable six point five we're basically going to shoot as much as we can fit in the case it's going to get compressed pretty hard most likely so I haven't done that testing yet so what you're seeing on the screen here is what we end up going with I want to load up five charged with five different charge weights but I basically want to see how much I can jam in the case and then drop back from there in three tenths of grain increments you know not exactly the smartest thing to do here but we're not going to be able to fit much more than Hodgkin max charge of twenty six point eight grain was there max I don't think we're gonna be able to fit all that much more into the case so we'll see how it goes you're more informed than I am you can see the charge place we went with it there on the screen our primers are going to be CCI number 41 primers the bullet of course is the 77 grains here and match king with a candle or part number nine three seven seven G four brass we are going to be shooting brand-new Lake City brass with the new barrel and the new gun and all that stuff I kind of need to break in a new batch of brass and that's what we got going on here this is Lake City 2018 head stamps and it is brand new so no primer crimps or anything like that to deal with it's totally virgin brass it's that covered we're going to stick with the old goofy overall link that we've shot throughout this series 2.2 4 3 inches I usually like to round these things off or in the case today we're stable 6 5 we really need all of the case capacity we can get to get more powder in there I would generally stretch it out to two point two six zero but back in the early days when we were analyzing the mark 262 ammo that's the overall length we found so this is a clone series so we're just gonna stick with it so I think that's pretty much it this brass has already been fully prepped I ran it through a fulling sizing die idee bird the flash holes that's one thing the Lake City brass it's fantastic stuff but it generally has some gnarly burrs on the flash holes so I like to deburr those and then chamfer and deburr the case mouth and I've already installed the CCI 41 primers I'm ready for powder and bullets a lot of different powders in play here so I want to focus on not making any mix ups and plus watching me layout powder is pretty boring so I'll see you guys at the bullets eating die and will determine what max charge we want to shoot with stable six five I'll kind of walk you through what I'm going to go through there so I've been trying to decide what's eating die to use we've used several in the series including this Forester ultra micrometer seating die you can see in its package right now I've got it all torn apart we've had problems with the seating stems a little bit and we've cracked one I believe this one right here is actually cracked so weird gonna bypass the Forester now in the last year and a half since we made our last video I really started using the Hornady custom grade dies a whole lot because you can get it pretty cheap micrometer adjuster thing to go on top of them and they have a variety of seating stems you can buy for them so I was hoping one of the two twenty three or twenty two caliber stems I've got would be a decent fit for this bullet that one yeah this is the original that came with it that's not particularly good and this is a this is a stem that's for the 75 and 80 grain eld match bullets from Hornady and it's not really a very good fit either so i think we're going to bypass the Hornady and we're just going to stick with what we've used most in this series which is my standard reading 223 seating die if we pull out the seating stem from this dude yeah there it is and drop a bullet in this guy it is an excellent fit like it is a really really good fit now this matters a lot today right because we're shooting some heavily compressed loads a seating stem fit like this is going to be able to deal with those heavily compressed loads without causing rings around the bullet nearly as bad if you've got a poorly fitting seating stem where your contact area between the seating stem and the bullet is very small you know it concentrates all that force in a small area and you end up with with bullet deformation problems and that's not what we want I don't remember how to set this die up I'll tell you the safe bet we'll just run an empty case up into the die and we'll screw it down until we feel it touch there it is right there so that's the crimp you know the standard seating guy does have a crimp in it that's the crimp hitting the case mouth so let's back it out from there one full turn and we'll lock it down because we don't want to we don't want to crimp with the seating die you can nothing wrong with it we're just not doing that that's not how we've done it so far in this series I hate this knob on this Limon press I've been using it always ends up in the way of what I'm trying to show all right so I've measured out five charges with stable six five starting with the maximum charge in the Hadj stand of 26.8 and I'm going up in 3/10 of grain increments so our heaviest charge here is 28.0 so I just want to go through and seat these five and see how they feel they're all going to be compressed but I think once we move up we're going to run into problems where it's just too much seating force maybe even with a decent fitting seating stem we're gonna start getting rings around our bullet or form deformations that's what we want to avoid so let's start out with the first one here and use it to set up our die which is pretty easy here we've got a Cana lure on the bullet and we know that at our target overall length that can lure is lined up pretty decent with the case mouth so we can make a few quick adjustments before we have to pull out our calipers a little bit more a little bit more we get we're at about the bottom of the can lure that's still gonna be a little bit long all right let's switch to taking some measurements we're at two point two seven nine so we've got nearly forty forty more thousands to go oh and I just remembered with this die so my seeding stem just bottomed out let's go ahead and seed it there and see what number that gives us so we're gonna have to screw the whole die in a little bit more to get to regain a little bit of adjustment room with our die and we're so close but we're still a little bit long 2.262 so let me crack this die loose again hey there it is and we'll take it down a little bit less than a half turn so we're still our crimps should still be about a half turn away from our case mouth so let me back out the stem a little bit and we'll run this one up in there and then I can screw it down until I feel it touch there it is a little bit more so let's see what that gives us two point two five seven two point two four nine and also if we look at our cane lure alignment if you can see that our can lure a top top of our cane lure is just barely above the case mouth so we know that's just about right I'll tell you what let's yeah tell you what let's give it one more little tweak and then really try and tighten it down here all right that might give us another thousandth or two but then again maybe not yeah two point two four eight now from all of that repeated seating and adjustments and stuff you might see a little bit of a kind of a scuffed up area there around there where we got our primary seating stem contact but definitely no deformation of the bullet or any sort of actual you know damage or problems so let's move on and seat all five of these here is the second one which is 27.1 grains it doesn't feel you know too bad I expect our overall length to be growing as we go yup two point two five seven let's go ahead and do the third one at twenty seven point four two point two five four I'll pull out the bullet comparator here in just a minute and we'll get some numbers from cartridge-based ogive which will clarify the situation a little bit because these you know hollow point match bullets like this have some variation in their you know their me plat the tip of the bullet that will result in varying overall length numbers all right at least with that with that basic bullet seating setup this is 28.0 grains not seeing any bullet deformation or problems caused by the seating stems so that that's outstanding news now here's our Hornady bullet comparator yep with our 22 caliber insert in there let's get some cartridge-based ogive measurements so our lightest charge here twenty six point eight is one point eight nine five it's a long one point eight nine five we might call it one point eight nine six so moving up three tenths of a grain one point eight nine nine so it stretched out three thousandths yeah the next one is one point eight nine nine so what we might have seen with that first one remember that's the one we use to adjust our seating die and we seeded the stupid ball at 15 times sometimes you'll see that kind of end up giving you a funky a funky number yeah I think that's what happened because here's here's our next one is one point nine zero zero and the last one is one point nine zero one so we're getting very manageable you know stretch here but I really need to go down just a little bit more so here's our last charge twenty eight point zero grains is that two point two six one so I need to drop the bullets eating died another five thousand through well yeah the next one down is two point two five eight so I mean you still need to bring this bullets eating die down a little over ten thousands but this is enough this is enough to to set our load data because I'm gonna be making adjustments on this as we go and some of my test loads are not compressed loads so if we use this exact same bullets eating die setting and seeded one of our loads with I don't have it already in five forty or a our comp I don't think either one of those are compressed loads it would result in a very short overall length so as I go from powder - powder I basically have to loosen this back it out a little bit and start the whole process over again to dial in that two point two four six all right the moral of the story is I think for our load data which you already saw earlier in the video I'm going to start at the Hornet or at Hodgkins maximum charge of twenty six point eight and we're gonna work up from there in three tenths of a grain increments the exact same charge weights that we just did seeding tests with and hopefully that'll get our velocity into a reasonable range I don't know that we would really have any more room to move up like 28.0 brains it did fit we're not booking upper bullet and it seems okay but with a ball powder like this it packs in there very tightly so you go from like it's working okay - holy crap it's really not working very quickly so it goes from you know compressing to solid as a rock before you know what what's going on so maybe we could go just a touch higher maybe if today's results were we just barely miss our velocity target maybe we could cram a couple more tenths in there but I like where we're at here twenty eight grain seems to fit doesn't seem like it's gonna cause us any problems in the loading process so that's what I'm going to do I want to weigh out a bunch of charges and then kind of go through this set up of seating the bullets if anything interesting comes up I'll flip the camera back on and let you know I guess one thing we are going to crimp in this series the factory ammo we're trying to clone it does have a crimp and in this series we crimp so maybe I'll bring you back once I've got some more charge blades weighed out and we're kind of going through the final bullet seeding steps and cramping alright so this is the Lee Factory crimp die this is what we've used throughout this series you can see it's got a call it down there where it just squeezes around the mouth of the case and gives you a crimp now we've always kept the the crimp on these pretty light I did a whole video about the effects of crimp and setting up this die and that sort of stuff I'll be sure to link it at the end of the video maybe down in the description the set up is a little bit more art than science what I end up doing is raising the ram and then screwing the die down while watching the collet from the top and how much it's pinching closed and all of that sort of stuff there we go I've got it so that it's pinching down a fair amount so I'm going to bring down the lock ring and kind of lock it in place there so that the five rounds that we already seated we'll use these to set up the die so let's just run one up in there and see what it feels like yeah that didn't feel like it hit very much maybe just the slightest little bit of a mark on the case mouth we want to we want to screw it down until we definitely see that case mouth getting crimped down into that ogive or I'm sorry into that can lower a little bit there we go that's a little bit heavier yeah there we go that's done the trick just a little bit you can see just a little bit or maybe you can't because I suck at making videos let me go just a little bit farther and we'll see how that does yeah that was just a little bit too much I'm gonna back it out just a smidgen there we go now you can definitely see it around that case mount that case mouth getting collapsed down into that candle or just a touch so this was just a little bit heavier than I wanted to do I said this is a brand new set of brass that I'm just starting to use for this gun I don't want to fatigue that case mouth too much because to be honest in our earlier testing haven't really found that the crimp does a whole lot as far as effecting groups and stuff like that it doesn't hurt anything but it's not something we need to get the performance we're looking for I guess is what I'm what I'm getting at so that's it or crimped eyes installed and set up our seating guy is gonna take a lot of tweaking as I switch between powders so I'll do that off camera I did settle on a cartridge based ODI of measurement of one point eight nine zero I don't know if I mentioned that earlier yep one point eight nine zero from cartridge based ogive ends up with a total overall length of right about our number so that's what I want to go with so I think that's pretty much it folks let's go ahead and get out on the range all right folks time to get started I did put five shots through the gun just now to get her warmed up and woken up like I mentioned earlier this gun does have the 20 inch predator barrel from white oak armament now what I want to start off with is our five shots of Black Hills factory ammo our Mark 262 factory ammo like I mentioned I did warm up the gun so hopefully we'll be shooting good groups right off the bat here so five shots let's arm the chronograph alright let's see what happens okay so our average velocity was 27 82 I expect it to be maybe just a touch higher it is pretty cold today so temperatures are just over 40 degrees Fahrenheit and we found out way back in video 1 that this is a ball powder you know and they're pretty sensitive to temperature the brass looks good couple little shiny spots on the case heads just like you would expect from from some hot five five six we'll have a closer look at those later on at the bench the group wasn't bad I was hoping for a little bit better unfortunately we threw that one up high and turned it into a 1.2 9 inch group tell you what let's see what it would have been without that third shot that went high it should be able to go here and hide it yeah so the bottom four shot into a point six nine inch group which is closer to you know what we would expect so good at least you know that gives us a baseline to work with so it's time to move on to our own loads first up is going to be 24.7 grains of vit of ori in 540 I expect a good group here let's see what happens okay so that was about 25 feet per second slower than the factory ammo at 27:56 the group was a little bit better at point eight eight inches but we kind of flew two of them to the left and two of them to the right that yeah I could do without that but nothing to get too upset about our brass definitely had a couple shiny spots nothing scary kind of like our factory ammo did so moving right along next up is twenty two point six grains of a or comp okay 2770 with a point nine five inch group like I hate to complain about groups that are you know not bad there's nothing wrong with a good old nine point nine five inch group or a point eight eight inch group but they just they don't quite seem to be even trying to stack them in there you know what I mean I don't know now we've had some more marks on the case heads there with our AR comp load definitely more than the factory ammo and more than we saw with fit of or in five forty like I think I mentioned earlier in the video a our comp and 8208 xB are both of them are a little fast burning for this application you know you'd probably be better served to back off a little bit with them maybe shoot for twenty seven hundred or something [Music] okay so that was point eight four inches and the grid here on the shop marker if you're wondering is a 1 MOA grid of course you got the measurement up here so I don't know that it's all that helpful but just in case you were wondering why there's a grid today I decided to throw up that 1 MOA grid point 8 4 inches that's not bad velocity a little bit low at 27 29 standard deviation of nine point seven the brass looked pretty good it looked better than a our comp as far as pressure signs go but we were also forty feet per second slower right so not a huge surprise so we're moving on to shooters world match rifle twenty five point two grains of it alright now that's what we're looking for yeah so shot marker tells us that's a point six one inch group velocity was twenty seven fifty nine standard deviation was pretty good at eleven point six so it's all good man and guess what that was the best looking brass we've seen so far no pressure signs at all on that one so pretty happy with that performance from shooters world match rifle so the last of our verification loads is Alliant power probe varmint twenty four point eight grains of it let's hope we hit similar performance [Music] tell you what these first two velocities are crazy that last shot was 2859 I'm gonna run down the brass make sure we're not getting ourselves into trouble yep the brass looks just fine Oprah hi nice best group of the day best velocity of the day and the brass couple shiny spots but nothing nothing scary at all Oh point five nine inch group that's more like it and that's kind of what I was talking about earlier we're like that looks like it could be tighter like if we could just get rid of number four there it could have been something special right you can tell the guns wanting to group so kind of gives you hope that a little bit of lower development we're gonna be stacking them in there where the first couple groups of the day it just didn't seem that way right it was that gross shotgun pattern where they didn't even really look like they were trying to group all right another thing that really surprises me about that group like after us all those velocities I'm like add - I really want to break my cheek weld in my shooting position to get up and go chase down that brass and you know as you saw I did and while I was doing that for a couple minutes that next round was cooking in the chamber so whenever I sat back down and got my position set again I'm like man I should really check this round and move it to the end of the magazine because it's been sitting in the chamber cooking and that didn't cause any problems so yeah if you can't tell I'm very happy best group of the day and we had an interruption in the middle of it good deal all right I guess I could let the gun cool down yeah this barrel is not the least bit warm yeah I figured it might need a break but I'm not even gonna worry about it let's just move straight on to our stable 6.5 testing now hopefully this isn't too confusing but you remember those first five bullets that we seeded where we were testing to see what sort of max charge weight we're honored to run I don't want to include those in the group in the groups because that was a different you know seeding dies set up or you know adjustment so I want to use these as just some preliminary test pressure testing so we're going to shoot one shot of each of our charge weights here and just see what happens starting with 20 6.8 grams and this way if we don't see any pressure signs at all on these first five shots then you know maybe we don't have to freak out so much about it as we're working our way up and we can kind of relax and focus on shooting groups all right let's see what this first velocity is Wow extremely low 2578 and of course at those sorts of numbers no pressure to speak of here I was afraid this might be the case but man I thought we would be at least in the 2600 let's see what 27.1 grains does yeah I might have spoke too soon that's already up to 26 30 and the brass looks fine next up 27.4 okay that one was 25 16 so he seemed to have velocities just flopping all over the place on us here 27.7 is next so that's 26 89 and I do have a little bit of a shiny spot I think it's probably just from the way the action is cycling this is a very slow powder and we're way over gas right now let's finish it off here 28.0 and that's 27 15 and the brass like there are a couple little shiny spots but nothing we haven't seen before here today so a little bit erratic on the velocities there I'm afraid we're gonna be looking at some pretty big standard deviations the funny thing is though a freaking four point four five inch group so 150 feet per second a velocity spread across those five charged Wade's and it still shoots into a half-inch so let's go ahead and move on let's shoot some groups okay first up twenty six point eight grains [Music] [Music] all right so that's an excellent start point six zero inch group velocity $25.99 standard deviation fifteen point one I expected that standard deviation number to maybe be much bigger much crazier that was forty-one feet per second of extreme spread that's not too bad so I'm a little bit confused so moving right along twenty seven point one grains is next all right so that's confusing one point zero nine inch group our velocity only went up by two feet per second so you uh you guys out there looking for velocity nodes there you go twenty-six hundred feet per second so just seems a little bit weird alright moving on up twenty-seven point for my trigger feels weird something's going on here yeah I can't I can't even get it to go over to safe I mean eject what's going on there I bet we maybe blew a primer let me go pull find those pieces of brass no although all the primers are fine and the brass looks ok so maybe my triggers just being stupid ok so I did find a loose primer floating around in that trigger but it doesn't belong to anything we were shooting today I've accounted for every piece of brass and they've all got their primers so I don't know where the hell that thing came from and only the primer cup came out I think the anvil is still down in there floating around I couldn't get that trigger back to working quickly so I'm what completely remove it so I grabbed another lower this is my Magpul UBR stocked lower yeah yeah I happened you can't see it whatever all right let's get this finished up all right so I'll gladly take that ended up with a point six two inch group switch stocks switch trigger brands went from a LaRue to a CMC trigger so I'll take it no complaints and our velocity jumped up to 26:43 those first two numbers were weird alright let's see what it does here on the fourth one twenty seven point seven grains yeah that last shot kind of screwed that one up didn't it not all that much velocity increased that time either 26 60 so we only gained 17 feet per second we might have to throw these numbers up on a chart here once we get back to the bench see if we can see what's going on the standard deviation numbers are not terrible right in the middle teens I mean that's kind of common so the numbers aren't bad it just seems like we're getting these plateaus all right last up 28.0 grains okay so we finished off with a point nine six inch group brass didn't look bad there so no major pressure problems today finished off via point nine six inch group velocity up to twenty six ninety six so let's get back to the bench inside where it's warm and we'll talk all this stuff over all right let's start out with a look at some brass these five pieces are from our Black Hills factory ammo this guy right here on the end probably has the biggest mark yeah just a little bit of an ejector circle there maybe a touch of a smear but overall it looks really good a couple little snake bites there on the neck of the case from the barrel extension pretty normal stuff primers are still nice and rounded at the edges so it's good looking stuff this is just like what we saw with our 18 inch barrel with this same ammo nothing to take too seriously maybe a little nick here and there now over to our hand loads the first three powders we shot here's one of the ones with vetiver ii-in 540 there you go a nice ejector mark and bit of a smear there but no significant primer flattening same little marks on the neck not much else to see I think within 540 that was really the only one Matt here's another one with a pretty distinct ejector mark here are a couple with a our comp you know similar sorta markings same thing here on this next piece this a little bit there you know lets us know that we're getting pretty close 8208 XBR was the same deal so just you know all kind of the same stuff there within 540 a our comp and 8208 XBR but then we moved on to shooters world match rifle in row four and power pro varmint in row five there's nothing to show you you guys see anything I'm not seeing anything those two were much better our last five rows were are stable six five loads and there were one or two like here's our the max charge we shot 28.0 grains yeah a little bit of a little bit of a mark there on that guy but primers look good and nothing to freak out about like I think I mentioned on the range especially with the higher charges of stable six five the gun was way over gas like these were getting ejected almost straight forward and I do not have an adjustable gas block on this gun yet I actually bought one for it when I first bought the barrel but just never installed it because white oak armament includes a gas block with the barrel and I wanted to give it a try and it is a really smooth shooting gun even with wind suppress like you know most of the the common powders we shoot in 223 it's been really smooth but I think this is one of the first like really slow burning powders that we've tried in it and it was way over gas that really needed yea needed that gas turned down a little bit to be shooting suppressed with a powder this slow so some of that markings and stuff might have just been from that rather than pressure you know what I'm saying that can happen so I think that's enough as far as brass goes so in the end we found some pretty decent accuracy today I was a little bit worried to start off with the factory ammo shot a 1.2 nine-inch group with that one shot going high but something I thought of later like I mentioned those were the last five rounds left in this box and I remember in an video I had sorted some of the rounds in this box and we had picked out some that had I think we were sorting them by cartridge-based ogive measurement that sort of thing what I'm afraid of is those last five pieces that were left in here we're kind of the rejects of the box you get what I'm saying so four out of the five shot good they shot into a point six something with that one that went high you know it is what it is maybe that's one that early on we had sorted out because it had a funky cartridge-based ogive number I don't know but this has been awesome shooting ammo and that's probably one of the biggest five shot groups we've shot with it but it is what it is the most important thing was to get that velocity baseline right we got twenty seven hundred and eighty-two feet per second out of the factory ammo and most of our clone loads fell short like actually everything except power Pro varmint fell short of that 2782 number but that's okay this is not an exact science you know like it's weather is going to affect things the different barrel lengths with the different powder burn speeds are gonna affect things they were all pretty good 8208 XBR was a little bit low down at 27 29 but what I found looking back in one of the earlier videos the original charge weight I had come up with 480 8208 XBR and a our comp I was just getting more pressure signs than I wanted and we had backed it down in a previous video so the charge we shot today was actually three tenths of a grain lower than our true clone load then we'd come up with in an earlier video so that kind of explains those two but a our comp was still twenty seven hundred seventy feet per second the groups were good for the most part I was very disappointed to see he in 540 a our comp and 8208 XBR start start off with those groups that were around point nine inches when those three were the powders I was expecting the best groups with but shooters world match rifle and Power Pro varmint saved the day both of those shot right at 0.6 inches that's good stuff very happy with those numbers on to stable 6.5 I was happy to see it shoot a couple good groups that first in the third group were both 0.6 inches the second one was a little bit ugly and then the last two weren't all that impressive but it wasn't bad right compared to the other groups who shot with the other powders like it wasn't like stable six five was a terrible shooting powder for us we just we fell short on velocity and speaking of velocity let's have a look at a chart these are our five different charge weights we shot today the red dot is the average velocity for each of those charge weights and then the blue dots are the individual shots that velocity not moving much they're between twenty six point eight and twenty seven point one was pretty weird and then twenty seven point four and twenty seven point seven were pretty close to one another so I think it's hard to draw too much of a conclusion with only five shots and you know this isn't the first time we've ever seen this where you know a powder kind of seems to plateau in certain charge weight ranges and a lot of people look for that you know that's kind of their primary focus of their load development is finding forgiving charged weight ranges where velocity doesn't change very much but if this were a load I was really going to try and nail down I would want to repeat this test put more rounds through the gun and get more you know more data to work with before I came to a final conclusion velocity was just a little bit low kind of like we expected right we made it up to twenty six ninety six at twenty eight point zero grains we're lacking a little bit behind a lot of other powders and it just you know it is what it is the powders a little bit too bulky for this application and that's okay like I said 90 s 95 s it might be the perfect powder to give you that nice full case and get excellent velocities but here with the 77 we just don't quite have enough case capacity I'm looking forward to trying to stable six five in two to four Valkyrie I think it's going to be outstanding for that I think we're going to have a similar issue in Grendel that we had today in 223 like 6.5 Grendel I think we're gonna run out of case capacity in that cartridge before we really get any superior velocities but we're gonna try it in the Grendel eventually and at some point we'll actually get around to testing it in 625 Creedmoor know it's it's it's an interesting powder it really is and we we've got a whole lot more testing to do with it as far as temperature stability goes because that's its big selling point right it's supposed to be the world's first temperature stable ball powder and we did a video testing that and the results were kind of okay and we're going to be testing that more in the and that's kind of another reason for today's video because now I have a load we can test for temperature sensitivity you know maybe it's 26.8 grains the the first load we shot today with it in a future video I'll probably be testing this combination to see if it's stable across temperatures another thing back to like the velocities today how some of our previous loads missed the velocity target a few of these I switched primers earlier on in the series we were shooting some of the remington seven-and-a-half primers and switching to the CCI number forty ones I don't know maybe that was a factor as well not sure we weren't that far off right it's not something to freak out about here but it makes you wonder so I think that's pretty much it folks I'm glad you could join me I hope you enjoyed it I'll see you guys next time
Channel: Johnny's Reloading Bench
Views: 69,069
Rating: 4.9447322 out of 5
Id: PufJGaIMG2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 29sec (2669 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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